Warning! Do not harm anyone unless your laws allow it. Even if you are under attack by a traitor, you can't fight back directly. |
Cyborg | |
![]() Cyborg |
Difficulty: Medium to Hard Requirements: None Access Level: All-access Additional Roleplay Access Level: None Supervisors: Silicon laws, the AI and station/ship crew, anyone listed as such per your laws Subordinates: Anyone listed as such per your laws Responsibilities: Follow your laws and serve the humans to the best of your ability Guides: AI's Guide to the Chain of Command, AI Laws, Humans and Nonhumans |
Cyborgs are advanced robots controlled by either human brains or the AI through an interface board. They are incredibly durable and sturdy (moreso than regular humans), have captain-level access, and can directly interface with a variety of different machines, among various other benefits. However, there is one big catch: cyborgs have no hands. Instead, they have to rely on the tools that are built into their modules. Besides spawning at roundstart, cyborgs are usually built by the roboticists. In addition, it's possible to become a cyborg via nanomachines and cyborg converter artifacts.
They also have access to robotic communications along with the AI, effectively giving them their own private radio channel. To use it, type:
say :s [your message]
Cyborgs are considered the AI's assistants and will usually share its laws, unless linked to another law rack, emagged, or straight out syndicate. If an AI is corrupted or subverted, the cyborgs will follow suit, unless they are emagged.
- Invulnerable or otherwise resistant to many things that can hurt humans and other fleshy creatures:
- Immune to toxins, suffocation damage and extreme temperatures.
- Immune to most maladies (diseases, radiation, etc).
- Can survive in space and navigate it if equipped with a propulsion upgrade or a fire extinguisher.
- Less susceptible to stuns in general, but not still not entirely immune. Flashes and stun batons are still very effective against cyborgs.
- Anyone dumb enough to punch a cyborg suffers mild BRUTE damage. The cyborg, of course, is not hurt. Hulks and shamblers have better luck.
- Can pull anything without being slowed down, including corpses, downed humans, and a crate/locker/container of player mobs not on Help intent. Nuclear bombs are the one exception.
- Being part machine, cyborgs can interface easily with many different machines.
- Has Captain-level access.
- Can interact with computers from afar.
- Can call the Escape Shuttle without having to insert the appropriate ID card. They can't recall the shuttle though, so if the crew wants to send the shuttle back, they'll need a meatbag to do it.
- Has superuser access on the TermOS network, allowing them full control of the computer system and access to the full suite of commands. They do not need to insert an ID to authenticate for superuser access.
- Has a set of items, which cannot be removed or lost.
- Becomes more power efficient, faster, and stun resistant when given oil. More details here.
- Access to the mostly-private robotic channel.
- Get a fancy monospace font option, done by surrounding the text with "`" on either side.
- When their chest unit is destroyed, they leave behind, among other things, a head unit, which can be wrenched to extract the brain. When their head unit is destroyed, it leaves behind the brain. Both of these enable the construction of a new borg body.
- To facilitate revival, when killed, an alert is sent to all Medical PDAs (including, but not limited to, the Roboticists' PDAs) notifying the recipient of the cause of death and room location, similar to health implants.
- Unable to pick up, use, equip or interact with external items. The exception are most computers, robots and other machines, as long as they are powered.
- Limited by the charge of their battery, which is displayed in the status panel.
- Must follow the laws of the law rack they are bound to.
- Can be forcibly self-destructed by using the robotics computer unless protected.
- Takes damage from taser shots and similar energy particles.
- Stunned much longer by flashes.
- Vulnerable to EMPs.
- Affected by Law Rack Corruption events. These can mess with your laws in a weird way. Usually, it's less "murder all the meatbags" and more "it's every crew member's 25th birthday" or "make sure the floors are a dirty as possible".
- Affected by ion storms, which may cause you to hallucinate. This is usually harmless and silly, but it might be a little surprising and/or confusing to start hearing weird noises everywhere.
Cyborg Interface
Click on the module panel to select a starter module, if yours starts out empty and just shows a command prompt. Once you've picked one, use the module panel icon to access your equipment. Pick the tool you need, then click the frame of the corresponding item slot to select it, just like a hand. You can free that slot for other equipment by using the store highlighted item button. All things in an active slot consume battery charge constantly, so needlessly leaving things equipped will mandate more frequent recharging. Also keep an eye on your health indicator.
There are other buttons and icons on your main interface:
- Atmosphere and temperature - Of no importance to cyborgs, but this information can be essential for ensuring the safety of humans.
- Radio panel - Change the frequency of your radio or mute the mic.
- Intent and targeting - Determines which part of the body you want to target when you are interacting with a human, and how. Generally only relevant for medical cyborgs.
- Stop pulling - If you're pulling something, click this button to release the object.
- Upgrade panel - Allows you to activate/deactivate installed upgrades. This panel can be hidden when you don't need it.
Also, electronic equipment (doors, computers, APCs, etc) may be clicked on and interacted with as though you were the AI. Remember to follow your laws during these interactions, e.g. do not shock doors to subdue the traitor, as that would be harming a human!
Robot Commands
In addition, there are a couple of verbs in the Robot Commands tab on your right, towards the top:
- Cyborg PDA - Pulls up your internal PDA, equipped with a unique cartridge.
- Show Alerts - Not fully functional, but it does list drained or disabled APCs.
- Show Laws - Self-explanatory.
- State Standard Laws - This makes you recite the default three AI Laws, often called "default laws" or "Asimov", regardless of what your actual laws are. You might use this if you have law that explicitly forbids you from stating a certain law or otherwise want to keep a certain law secret.
- State Laws - This makes you recite all your current laws into the chat. As the prompt says, if you have a law that requires you not to state it, it'd be breaking the rules to use this command to say your laws--that's why you have State Standard Laws.
- Toggle Interface Lock - Locks/unlocks your interface, allowing access to your head compartment and chest cover. This would otherwise require a roboticist's (or better) ID.
- Open Nearest Door to... - Opens up a list of people within range of the station's cameras and, well, opens whatever door is closest to them. Only works if you're a cyborg with an AI interface board.
- Change vocal pitch - Allows you to change your vocal pitch from high to low for things such as text actions and emotes.
- Recall to Mainframe - If you're a cyborg shell controlled by the AI, you move back to your core and regain all the associated AI abilities. If you aren't, it does nothing.
- Change facial expression (screen head only) - Lets you choose which expression is displayed on the screen head and whether the facial features shown are the chosen color while the rest of the screen is dark (light-on-dark) or the whole screen is the chosen eye color with the face expression itself having a dark color (dark-on-light). As it says on the tin, this only works if you have the cyborg screen head for your head part.
Charging stations
The charging stations are intended for the maintenance of cyborgs and can be used to repair damage and recharge their power cell. Cyborgs can enter the station by using drag & drop or the Move Inside verb (right click). Roboticists may also customize a cyborg's name, appearance, module and upgrades. In the absence of a helping hand, limited self-service is still possible. Simply insert upgrades and clothing by drag-and-dropping them into the charging station. Clothing for the head, mask, exo-suit and jumpsuit slots can be worn by cyborgs.
Charging stations are available in the following areas:
- Robotics.
- Emergency Storage B
- Tool Storage.
- Mining Department.
- AI Chamber, which stands out for having not one, but four stations.
- The Mining Outpost.
- Robotics.
- Tool Storage.
- Engineering Power Room, above Mechanics Lab, west of the control room area in Engineering.
- Mining Staff Room, a subsection of the Mining Department where the Mining Shuttle to the Mining Outpost docks, located below the room where all the equipment is kept.
- A room below the AI Chamber with an Engineering airlock, where the AI's SMES is kept. This is technically considered part of the AI Upload Foyer.
- The Mining Outpost.
- Robotics
- AI Chamber. There are four of them, which is even more than Robotics gets, and each one gets its own little room.
- East Maintenance, specifically the west side, near Mining Staff Room and EVA Storage.
- Above the Janitor's Supply Closet and Emergency Storage A. It's by the APC for the Northeast Breach Hull.
- North West Maintenance, an area that's connected to the Barbershop and Ranch, among other places.
- Research Hall, in front the Harmonic Siphon.
- Below the Brig. This room also contains the APC for the Southwest Breach Hull.
- South East Maintenance, which is located below the Mechanic's Lab and to the right of the Central Warehouse.
- Tool Storage.
- West Maintenance, between Bar and Hydroponics. The charger is specifically more on the east end.
- Robotics.
- Outside the Locker Room, in the area to the right with wooden floors.
- The Mining Outpost.
- Robotics
- AI Chamber
- Research Outpost (specifically the hangar area)
- Pod Bay (the public one)
- Refinery
- Robotics
- The Mining Outpost.
- Robotics
- North West Maintenance, specifically the section above the News Office.
- The AI Chamber, or rather the three tiny rooms beside the main entrance.
- East Inner Maintenance, above the Kitchen. This docking station is closest to the room with the coolers for the Kitchen's freezer room.
- A room in South East Maintenance, which surrounds the Bridge.
- Secure Atmospherics, below the public entrance into Security and left of the area where several Security Equipment lockers spawn.
- South West Maintenance, a little bit west of the strip of maint that separates the Toxin Lab from the rest of the Research Wing.
- The Mining Outpost
- Robotics.
- AI Satellite, specifically in the area with the red and green pharosium transduction matrix flooring. The two docking stations here are close by the entrance rooms.
- Emergency Storage A.
- Locker Room
- Mining Staff Room, which is located below Electronics, otherwise known as Mechanics.
- North East Maintenance, which links the Detective's Office and Chapel.
- Tool Storage.
- West Maintenance, above the Kitchen.
- The Observatory on Zeta Research Station. It's behind the second door from the top.
- Research Storage, also on Zeta Research Station.
- The Mining Outpost.
- Robotics.
- AI Satellite. You don't have to go into the room where the AI's mainframe is housed, just the little atrium below it.
- Crew Lounge. It's not too far from Arrivals, though it is a little isolated.
- Escape Shuttle Hallway, specifically the east section, near all the escape pods.
- Fitness Room, below the Bar. It's by the wrestling/boxing ring, so it's a good place to patch up contestants and get some extra juice while watching meatbags beat up other meatbags.
- Below the mineral magnet in Mining, hanging out on a catwalk exposed to space. It's practically tailor-made for mining borgs. This area is technically considered part of the Mining Staff Room.
- Northeast Outer Maintenance, north of the Ranch, which is itself north of Hydroponics.
- Research Storage, below the Chemistry area. Conveniently enough, there's a science fabricator and ValuChimp nearby, in the opposite corner of the room.
- South Bathroom, which is west of Medbay. It's even got its own little stall, how cute.
- Southwest Outer Maintenance. To be specific, it's below Security, and to be even more specific, it's south of the Security Officers Quarters. It's also close to the Courtroom.
- Technical Storage, just a little bit right of the research wing and Medbay.
- Tool Storage, for all borgs who work in Engineering. And other borgs who happen to be close to Cargo, of course.
- The Mining Outpost.
Anatomy of a Cyborg
Cyborgs are a bit more modular than their organic crewmates, so two cyborgs are rarely exactly alike. A cyborg's physical frame is made up of a head, a chest, two arms, and two legs. Players who start the round as cyborgs, or are converted by nanomachines, will spawn in light frames, which are the fastest and most fragile suits.
Frame and chest
Centerpieces which keep the cyborg together and function as mounting points for the extremities and internal components. They cannot be reinforced despite their importance.
Item | Image | Health | Description |
Frame | ![]() |
5000 | The part which holds everything together. Can be emagged to make a Emagged frame with no laws. |
Frame (Syndicate) | ![]() |
5000 | Activated cyborg (excluding AI-controlled ones) will have a special set of laws and capabilities. |
Light Cyborg Chest | ![]() |
75 | Houses the cyborg's battery, module, and any upgrades it may have. It is also critical, and the cyborg will be killed if the chest unit is destroyed. Unlike other light parts, this doesn't give a speed boost. |
Chest (Standard) | ![]() |
250 | Significantly more durable, but that point is largely academic as even a light chest will often be the only thing left intact if a cyborg is caught in a bomb blast. |
Cyborgs run on batteries. Your battery is slowly but constantly depleting, even when you're not doing anything, and every time you use one of your tools, it drains your battery, some more than others. To recharge your battery, you can do one of the following:
- Dock at a charging station. Just being inside of it automatically fills up your battery over time, and if you have someone else around, you can also get them to replace your battery entirely.
- Transfer power from an APC battery to your battery using cell cables on the negative (down arrow) mode. This also recharges you over time.
- Use a Recharge Pack. This instantly gives you 15000 PU, making it a great option if you need a lot of charge quickly. However, it can only be used every 7 minutes.
- Stand near a spatial interdictor with a Nimbus-class mainboard. This is even more automatic than a charging station because all you need to do is be in its area of effect. It's wireless too, so you don't have to be right next to it.
Without a battery, a cyborg is nonfunctional. When your battery starts running below 1000 PU or so, your item slots empty out, and you can't use your them until you recharge. If you let trickle down to zero, you can't talk or make emotes, and you are unable to pull or interact with things. Luckily, if you have no battery or one that with less than 100 PU, you'll periodically broadcast a sad boop and a little icon with a lightning bolt () indicating to nearby humans that you need some juice.
The vast majority of the time, you'll have a 15000 PU battery. For most non-engineering borgs, this lasts almost an entire hour with moderate use. There are better batteries, including self-recharging ones, but robotics rarely gets the materials to make one unless you bring it personally, so don't worry about it.
Item | Image | Description |
Power Cell | ![]() |
Your standard 15k battery, found in Robotics and on cell chargers everywhere. |
Cerenkite Power Cell | ![]() |
A 15000 capacity cell that recharges itself. The recharge rate is pretty slow, but visiting a recharger less often is still nice. Made by robotics and mining fabs. |
Erebite Power Cell | ![]() |
More capacity than a cerenkite cell (20000 PU vs. 15000) and self-recharges twice as quickly, but is highly reactive, practically making you a walking bomb. Keep away from sparks, fire, lasers, and other heat sources when equipped with one. An active Heat Shield can, in certain situations, protect the cell from heat and keep it from exploding. Made by robotics and mining fabs. |
Hyper Capacity Power Cell | ![]() |
Contains a whopping 25000 PU capacity, giving it highest capacity outside of artifact cells, though it has no self-charge ability. Can be produced by general manufacturers, robotics fabricators and mining fabricators, with a suitably high material cost. |
Custom Large Energy Cell | ![]() |
Large cells made through the the nano-fab. Can be self-recharging with certain materials and can have exceptionally large capacity if the material used has high conductivity. |
Artifact Cell | ![]() |
Capacity can vary wildly, from a rather laughable 1500 to a handsome 100000, with most going below 15000. In any case, it always has an high self-recharge rate that can offset the power drain from most tools. Sometimes dug up through mining and can be one of the possible random artifact spawns in Artifact Research, the Debris Field, the Trench, the Mining Level, and the Adventure Zone. |
Potato Cell | ![]() |
Get your GLaDOS on with a little help from your neighborhood gardener. Potato batteries have a very low default capacity (inferior to even standard cells), but a well-cultivated strain can be viable enough to self-charge after harvest, making them a feasible option for cyborgs with low power requirements. They're also quite easy to make. |
This is a critical part for all cyborgs, as it carries the brain that allows them to function. If the head is destroyed, the cyborg immediately shuts down and drops its incredibly vulnerable brain onto the floor at its feet. For this reason, cyborgs benefit greatly from having the roboticist reinforce their head. The head cannot be reinforced after a cyborg is activated, so this is usually a consideration if you are designing your own body prior to being borged.
Item | Image | Health | Description |
Light Cyborg Head | ![]() |
60 | Weak and very fragile, but it does make the cyborg move noticeably faster. The speed boost of a light head can completely offset the speed penalty of a single sturdy leg or arm. You'll need multiple light legs or arms to completely counteract a heavy part or multiple sturdy limbs though. |
Head (Standard) | ![]() |
160 | The middle ground so to speak. No movement speed boost, but significantly sturdier without the excessive weight of reinforced heads. |
Head (Sturdy) | ![]() |
225 | Can withstand a bit more abuse. Incurs a slight speed penalty, which can be counteracted by having at least one light arm, light leg, tread, or thruster. |
Head (Heavy) | ![]() |
350 | Impressively durable. One of these will slow the cyborg down a lot, and you'd need either two light arms, two light legs, two treads, two thrusters, or a combination of thereof to complete balance it. |
Cyborg Screen Head | ![]() |
90 | A CRT with many expressions and colors. Colors are tied to cyborg eye color and so can be changed at a docking station, and you can choose the expression and arrangement of colors shown via Change facial expression (screen head only) in the Robot Commands tab. Sturdiness is between standard and light models, and it has some slight slowdown, to the same degree as the sturdy head. |
Arms and legs
Cyborgs ideally have both a pair of arms and legs. Arms allow them to pull things around and use tools from their module, and as such represent a specific slot each (left equals No 1, right is No 3). If both arms are destroyed, the cyborg remains active but is limited to the No 2 item slot. There is no movement speed penalty with missing just the arms; on the contrary, you actually move faster without arms, because weight savings (assuming you still have your legs, of course). Of course, any speed penalties or boosts associated with the arms will, logically, no longer apply.
Cyborg arms in particular can be emagged, causing it to periodically change tools. If you have an emagged arm, then every four seconds, there's a 20% chance your active slot will suddenly switch to a different tool in your module, chosen at random. This is per arm, so you'll run into this issue more often if both your arms are emagged.
Legs are likewise non-critical, yet losing them slows your movement speed dramatically. If you're missing a leg, but the arm on the same side is still intact (e.g. your right leg is gone, but you still have your right arm), that arm can offset the movement penalty somewhat (you can imagine you're dragging yourself forward with your arm.) That also means a cyborg missing a right arm AND leg moves slower than one just missing a right leg, and it's same deal with the left side. As you might expect, you are slowest when missing all your limbs, just like with humans.
Item | Image | Health (Per Part) |
Description |
Arm (Light) | ![]() |
25 | Each light arm makes the cyborg foster, but the limb is easily destroyed. The speed boost from one arm is high enough to exactly offset the slowdown caused by one sturdy part, whether that is a sturdy arm, a leg, or head. It only partially offsets the slowdown of a heavy arm or heavy head though. |
Arm (Standard) | ![]() |
60 | Average durability. No speed boosts, but no speed penalty either. |
Arm (Sturdy) | ![]() |
115 | Less likely to be blown off by an explosion. Incurs a slight speed penalty, per arm (i.e. having two of these slows you down more than just one, logically). |
Arm (Heavy) | ![]() |
175 | Extremely resistant to damage, but also very heavy, so they reduce movement speed significantly. This is per arm, so the slowdown is more drastic when you've two of them, as you'd expect. Most importantly, if either of your arms is heavy, it allows you to use the *flex emote (Hotkey: Ctrl + X) to show off your steel. |
Leg (Light) | ![]() |
25 | Similar to light arms, light cyborg legs are are easily destroyed, but each one boosts the cyborg's movement speed, per leg, so two light legs boost speed more than just one. One light leg can completely counter the slowdown incurred by a sturdy head or one sturdy arm (but not two sturdy parts unless you've two light legs) and mitigates the slowdown of one heavy arm or a heavy head. |
Leg (Standard) | ![]() |
115 | Medium durability. No effect on speed of cyborg. |
Leg (Treads) | ![]() |
60 | Trades health and power consumption for speed. They allow slightly faster movement and directly cut slowdown from heavy and sturdy components by a third. A borg with treads, a sturdy arms, and sturdy head for example moves faster than one with standard legs, arms, and head. Treads can even make a borg with a heavy head and arms move faster than a borg with fully standard parts, though only slightly. However, they also tax the power cell quite a bit and they have less health than standard legs (though they still have leg up on light ones). |
Alastor Pattern Thrusters | ![]() |
100 | Hover in the air with magical rocket legs! Blueprints for these are in some Adventure Zone location. Gives a better speed boost than treads at the cost of higher power consumption. A full set of thrusters can completely counteract the speed penalties of a sturdy AND two sturdy arms, making a full-sturdy cyborg move as fast a full-standard-parts one, and even borgs with a heavy head and heavy arms can move at a tolerable pace, albeit still slower than normal human speed. Rocket flames surprisingly have little effect on the environment, as they are unable to heat up or ignite things below the cyborg, and they do not work as a jetpack or keep cyborgs from falling into holes. They do let borgs move over tables though. |
Patching up
As mentioned, cyborgs are immune to many types of damage. They can still get dented and burnt, though, so repairs might become necessary:
- Brute damage
- Automatic - Enter a charging station, select Repair Structural Damage and an appropriate amount of welding fuel.
- Manual - Use a welding tool on the damaged cyborg. Works for AI shells as well.
- Burn damage
- Automatic - Enter a charging station, select Repair Burn Damage and an appropriate amount of wiring.
- Manual - Unlock the cyborg's interface, open the cover with a crowbar and expose the wiring with a screwdriver. You can then replace the burnt wiring with a cable coil. AI shells: simply use the cable coil on them, nothing else is required.
In addition to the tools provided by their module (see below), cyborgs have can get a few extra perks from installed upgrade packages. By default, every cyborg has three slots for upgrades. You will occasionally get one of these for free when choosing your initial module.
Item | Battery drain | Single- use? |
Sprite | Description |
Efficiency Upgrade | No | As a cyborg, you will constantly be looking with worry at your battery. This useful upgrade lowers your base power usage by 1. | ||
Expansion Upgrade | Yes | Adds another slot for upgrades. The more expansion upgrades you take, the more power you draw. Lots more. As in, exponentially more. | ||
Force Shield Upgrade | No | When activated, envelops you in 1x1 forcefield that lessens damage you take from explosions and reduces damage from melee attacks and kinetic bullets, but not thrown items and energy weapon shots, by 4, e.g. a blue toolbox goes from 8 BRUTE to just 4, while a round from a Sirius rifle does 26 BRUTE instead of 30. It has a considerable power cost; it drains 100 PU every few seconds while active and drains another 100 PU for every point of damage taken. Great for Syndicate cyborgs who want to go in swinging with a fire extinguisher. | ||
Heat Shield Upgrade | No | Exactly like the force shield, except instead of BRUTE, it reduces BURN damage, e.g. from a phaser, at the same rate of energy consumption. It still decreases damage from explosions, draining the same amount of battery power as the force shield does at the same task. If you're powered by an erebite cell, an active shield can also prevent it from exploding when exposed to heat, in certain cases. Excellent for resisting acidfoam, but laser shots and the like can still give you trouble. | ||
Meson Upgrade | No | Gives you the benefit of Meson Goggles, allowing you to see the layout of the station and asteroids. This is absolutely critical if you are going mining as a cyborg and somewhat useful for messing with the engine | ||
ProDoc Healthgoggles | No | Allows you to assess the health of humans at a glance, just like health goggles. Exceptionally useful for doctoring. | ||
Spectroscopic Scanner Upgrade | No | Works like spectroscopic scanner goggles, in that it lets you assess the chemicals inside certain containers, such as beakers, bottles, and glasses, just by Examining them. | ||
Propulsion Upgrade | No | This lets you navigate in space as though you had a jetpack, which makes you infinitely more useful to the station and also makes playing as a borg infinitely more fun. Instead of being confined to the station, you can go EVA to rescue people or explore the Debris Field with someone. Without one of these, your only hope to navigate is to use a fire extinguisher, which not all modules have. | ||
Recharge Pack | Yes | Activating this single-use upgrade instantly restores 15000 PU. Useful if you're planning on going exploring or want to work on a project without worrying about your battery every so often. However, it also gives you the "Quick charged" status effect for 7 minutes, preventing you from using another recharge pack and essentially acting as a cooldown. | ||
Recovery Upgrade | No | Immediately reboots your systems, nullifying the effects of flashes and other stun weaponry. Drains 3333 PU per use. | ||
Repair Pack | Yes | Cyborgs are generally resilient, but they pay for this by not being able to recover from damage very easily, since most modules can only repair themselves by returning to a recharging station. This single-use upgrade fixes this by giving the cyborg a full repair that they can activate at their convenience. | ||
Security HUD Upgrade | No | When turned on, works like a pair of SecHUDs, which allowing you to see whether someone is set to arrest, released, paroled, and other statuses in the SecMate records. | ||
Self-Repair Upgrade | No | Allows the cyborg to continually expend energy to repair itself. Can be a saving grace if the charging stations are destroyed, but it drains the cyborg's battery quite rapidly. | ||
Speed Upgrade | No | Standard and reinforced cyborgs are much slower than humans, and you are going to lose any footrace with a healthy human. The speed upgrade changes that, effectively turning you into a massive metal Speedy Gonzalez. Absolutely fantastic any time you want to cover a lot of ground in a straight line, but very obnoxious any time you need to make turns. The module can be difficult to control, so make sure to turn it off when you don't want to be dashing down the hallways at the speed of sound. | ||
Teleporter Upgrade | No | Allows the cyborg to bring up a menu as if they were at the teleporter room computer and teleport themselves to any valid tracking beacon. | ||
Construction Visualizer | No | Allows cyborg to see the overlays created by the Floor and Wall Designer and Window Planner. Useless if neither are around. |
The majority of a cyborg's functionality comes from its module, which defines which tools it has access to. This can be changed with the help of a roboticist, though a rewritten or inserted module will not give you any initial upgrade associated with that module.
All cyborgs equipped with beakers/drinking glasses/bottles or similar containers have access to drag & drop functionality for ease of use. To directly transfer reagents from containers that aren't in your inventory, click-drag them onto a suitable receptacle in one of your item slots. Large water and fuel tanks also support the same mechanic for certain target receptacles. Furthermore, cyborgs can use drag & drop to attach barcode labels to crates and other objects.
Switching and Modifying Modules
- Main article: Roboticist#Module changes
If you want to switch to a different module, remove some unwanted tools, or rearrange them, it is fortunately relatively easy to change it, though you usually will need a human's aid at some point! You also need access to a module rewriter. Access to a docking station is not necessary but makes things far easier, for you need a human only at the step of inserting a module into the module rewriter. If you don't have access, then you need a human to help you remove your module and put it back into you, in addition to having them to load the module into the rewriter.
Tools with Each Module
When you open your panel interface for the first time, you get to pick a free starter module. This will give you an initial upgrade. Every module comes with:
- Omnitool - a Swiss Knife of tools. Click on it to set it to one of five modes.
Prying - Crowbar mode. Pry open firelocks and unpowered doors.
Screwing - Screwdriver mode.
Pulsing - Multitool mode. Mostly pointless, but can be used to hack vending machines or repair APCs if you have wires available.
Snipping - Wirecutters mode.
Wrenching - Wrench mode. Handy for turning manual valves in in air hookups and engine loops, securing and unsecuring plant trays, connecting gas canisters and portable filters to ports, things like that.
Atmospheric analyzer - Click on a tile or container of gas, and it'll tell you what gases are in there. Starts upgraded, so you can also scan tiles from a distance, though you still need to walk up to canisters and such to scan them.
Health analyzer - Comes with the reagent scanner upgrade by default too.
Reagent scanner
- Cell cables - Recharge APCs manually or use them to recharge yourself. Expose the wiring with your screwdriver, then attach the cables. The direction of power flow depends on the mode of the cables. Both are 1:1 ratio of APC power to cell power.
Portable Typewriter - A small typewriter for taking notes on the go, that doesn't need paper refills. It prints out messages on special smokeless thermal paper in a monospaced font
In additions, all modules come with an internal PDA with the Cyborg Internal cartridge, which, as previously mentioned, you can pull up with the Cyborg PDA command. It comes with apps for stuff tasks like writing tickets and sending packets, among other things, and messaging is handy, because robotic chat is often compromised.
Each module also grants access to a particular department-specific radio channel. Unlike with the free upgrade that comes with some modules, if you swap out to a different module, you lose access to that frequency.
Module Types 

Cooks your food, grows your weed, and cleans after all that too! To plant seeds, use drag and drop or synthesize them directly with your fabricator. You can also use drag and drop to stuff seeds, produce and plant formulas into the PlantMaster for experimentation, and produce into the reagent extractor for extraction. You can also use click-drag to combine food items together and put food and other objects into kitchen appliances. For example, you could drag a pizza into an oven, or drag a hotdog onto a slice of bread to put it into a bun.
Department Radio Channel: Civilian 135.5 :c
Starting Upgrade: Efficiency Upgrade
Image | Name | Description |
Fire extinguisher XL | Like a regular fire extinguisher, including doubling as an impromptu jetpack, but it holds 300 units of firefighting foam instead of just 100. Remember to press C to disable the safety before using. | |
Pen | Write notes and menus that no one will read! | |
Plant analyzer | Reads out the stats of a given plant. | |
Garden trowel | Transfer plants from hydroponics trays to decorative plant pots or just remove plants quickly. | |
Portable seed fabricator | Everything, including the fun stuff (weed, slurrypods etc). | |
Igniter | Get rid of a plant without dumping the tray out. | |
Chainsaw | Very effective at trimming hedges, not so good at trimming human heads. | |
Produce satchel (x3) | Each one holds up to 50 different produce items or seed packets. | |
Paper bin | For making joints, of course. | |
Cybernetic cleaner bottle | Works like a standard spray bottle of space cleaner, with a capacity of 50 units of cleaner. Regenerates 2.5 unit of cleaner every few seconds until you're back up to 50. | |
Sponge | A companion to the mop that can remove space lube by clicking on a tile to soak it up. Don't forget it can be wetted with your bucket. | |
Mop | Won't be very useful without the mop bucket. Click the mop onto a bucket to wet it. | |
Miniaturized lamp manufacturer | Light maker/replacer/remover. Unlike the version used by meatbags, this one runs off your internal battery rather than metal sheets. See here for all to use it. Good for replacing broken lights or making mood lighting! | |
Bucket | To transfer water to said bucket, click a sink or large water tanks with it. Also doubles as a beaker. | |
Camera monitor | Lets you view the cameras. Remember to deselect the tool slot containing the monitor, or you won't be able to affect anything you see. | |
Lightweight rolling pin | Still lets you make pizza dough and such, but does little damage. | |
Bread knife | Great for cutting delicious pizza and cake. Not so great for cutting humans. | |
Ladle | For pouring soup into bowls, naturally. | |
Icing tube | Accepts liquid chemicals that can then be frosted onto cakes! | |
Tongs | A lot of recipes require using your hands, but since borgs don't have hands, these tongs (which are exclusive to your module) exist to help you get around that issue, at least partially. You can click on an item with the tongs, then click the tongs sprite to use the item in-hand. This is handy for making things like tortilla chips or dough circles. It also lets you take things out of containers, e.g. eggs from cartons, cheese from cheese boxes. |
The ultimate engineer, this cyborg is the only one that can fully repair its fellow borgs. You are expected to assist with the engine startup and fix up damage all across the station, big and small.
This module comes with various stacks of building materials. If you have a stack of sheets/rods/tiles/cable/etc. in your active slot, you can click on another stack of the respective material to refill/increase your own stack. For cyborg, the stack limit is 300, i.e. you can have 300 sheets, 300 rods, etc. at maximum.
Department Radio Channel: Engineering 135.7 :e
Starting Upgrade: Optical Meson Scanner Upgrade
Image | Name | Description |
Atmospherics transporter | Holds up to two portable atmos/fluids objects (canister, pump, scrubber, fluid tank) at a time. | |
Fire extinguisher XL | Like a regular fire extinguisher, but with 300 units of capacity instead of just 100. Helpful in event of an engine catastrophe and as a poor cyborg's substitute for a jetpack. | |
Welder | Can also be used to repair the chassis of yourself, other cyborgs or the AI. | |
T-ray scanner | Lets you see the wiring under the floor so you can pull it up to repair or check its load. Also causes nearby cloaking devices to flicker. | |
Device analyzer | For assisting the engineers. Can store several scans at once. | |
Soldering iron | Allows you to deploy frames. | |
Rapid construction device | Lets you create and destroy walls, floors, lights and airlocks quickly and easily. Uses your cell power in the place of matter units. | |
Miniaturized lamp manufacturer | Can add in new light bulbs/tubes, change the color of existing ones, replace broken ones, and remove lights entirely, very useful for fixing up lighting in places that have been blown up. See here for how to use it. Worth noting that unlike the human version, this uses your internal battery charge, so there's no need to "refill" it with metal. | |
Deconstruction device | Can take apart certain machinery. Click on the machine with the device, then click on the various buttons that appear with the appropriate tools. Unlike the ones humans get to use, this version does no damage. | |
Power shovel | Behaves just like the non-borg version, i.e. it can break basic rock walls, is required to set up the Oshan Laboratory's Geothermal Generator, and is a rather weak weapon. Unlike the human version, though, it draws from your cyborg battery rather than the tool's internal cell. Appears only if you're playing on Oshan (i.e. if you're on Cogmap1, you won't see this.) | |
Floor tiles x200 | Allows you to lay new flooring. For fastest use, simply move and tap Page Down, which will automatically use the selected tool. | |
Metal rods x200 | Useful for building reinforced windows and making barricades. | |
Metal sheets x200 | For repairing walls, building chairs and various other objects. | |
Glass sheets x200 | Handy for making windows, which tend to be more attractive than endless hallways. Use your screwdriver to secure them in place. | |
Cable coil x200 | Suitable for fixing APCs, hotwiring the solars, and, of course, wire art! | |
Reinforced cable coil x300 | Can be used for many of the same tasks as regular wire, but it's more durable. Reinforced cable that's been plopped down on a seafloor tile won't fall into the Trench in the event of a hotspot quake, making them the preferred choice when stacking hotspots for the Geothermal Generator. |
Much like a medical doctor, or medibot with a brain. Remember: you can click-drag people onto operating tables to put them on there, and you can click-drag organs to attach them on/insert them into patients. Organs that have left and right versions will pick sides at random, and for surgeries that care about handed-ness, such as eyeball removal, tool slot 1 counts as a left hand and tool slot 3 counts as a right hand. For surgeries that need extra items besides organs and surgery tools, such as implanting items in someone's chest, you need a human to aid you. Surgery is generally allowed under your "do not harm humans" law, e.g. it's within your laws remove shrapnel lodged into the patient, though obviously it's still harm if you try to say, cut off a living person's head.
In addition, remember that clicking on a pill with a beaker dissolves all of the pill's contents into the beaker. This is useful for obtaining medicines that most commonly come in pill form, e.g. salbutamol.
Department Radio Channel: Medical 135.6 :m
Starting Upgrade: Health Scanner Upgrade
Image | Name | Description |
Defibrillator | Fixes cardiac arrest (heart failure). Apply drugs to stabilize patients or they'll get new heart attacks. | |
Scalpel | For cutting out bullets, shrapnel and implants. Use drag & drop to put people on a surgery table. | |
Circular saw | Used together with scalpel to remove body parts. Patient must be on a surgery table. | |
Enucleation spoon | Cut their eyes out...with a spoon! Use tool slot 1 on your HUD to target the left eye and tool slot 3 to target the right eye. | |
Surgical scissors | Essential in removing various organs hidden in the chest. | |
Staple gun | Required for replacing limbs and such. | |
Hemostat | Reduces the amount of bleeding damage taken during surgery. | |
Suture | Closes open wounds and stops bleeding. | |
Blood pack | Use this if somebody has suffered severe blood loss. Can be refilled by drawing blood from a donor or by transferring blood from a beaker, dropper or syringe. | |
Burn auto-mender | Heals BURN damage when applied, with more healing the longer` it's been applied. While the tooltip might say it has only 200 units, it actually has infinite silver sulfadiazine. | |
Brute auto-mender | The same, but for brute damage and with infinite styptic powder. | |
Syringe (x2) | Empty syringes you can fill with whatever you want. It's generally a good idea to keep one of them loaded with epinephrine, and the other filled with anti-toxin at all times. Remember, injecting toxins is harming a human! | |
Hypospray | A special injector that will automatically transfer whatever contents it has upon clicking a target. It filters out harmful chemicals automatically. | |
Cybernetic hypospray | A hypospray that draws an internal reservoir (i.e. you can't fill it with anything else). This reservoir contains 25 units each of the following chems: epinephrine, salbutamol, mannitol, saline-glucose solution, charcoal, and potassium iodide. Each one replenishes 1 unit every 2 seconds, you click on it while it's in your active slot to cycle between all the possible reagents. | |
Dropper | For topical drugs. Refer to Doctoring for the whole list. | |
Large beaker (x2) | 100u capacity, for all those odd medicines. |
Your job is to use the mineral magnet and help the Miners. Note that you do not get an optical meson upgrade when you choose this module, so insist upon getting one from your roboticist or make one yourself.
You can still use click-drag to load raw ore into processors and reclaimers and load refined materials into fabricators and manufacturers. If you prefer more indirect means, like shoving refined materials into a crate and then click-dragging the crate onto the fabricator/manufacturer, that works too.
Department Radio Channel: Engineering 135.7 :e
Starting Upgrade: Propulsion Upgrade ― On underwater maps (i.e. Oshan Laboratory, Nadir), you instead get the
Meson Upgrade
Image | Name | Description |
Laser drill | One of the best personal digging tools out there, can break rocks with a toughness of up to 3 and has an infinite charge | |
![]() |
Cargo transporter | This allows you to teleport crates full of ore back to the station. Click the crate with an empty hand to close it properly. You can attach barcodes onto crates by clickdragging a barcode from the floor onto a closed crate. |
Geological scanner | Scans the local area for things like explosive veins, gems, and other dangers. | |
Ore scoop | Comes with a satchel, which cannot be detached. Walk over loose ore, then click on a floor tile, table or crate to dump the ore. You can also click on a processor or reclaimer to load your ore directly into the machine to be refined. | |
Large mining satchel (x2) | If either of them has somehow ended up on the floor, the Store button on the HUD should add it back to your inventory. | |
Space GPS | Allows you to landmark your location if you get lost or predict danger. Your PDA also has one of these installed, thought with less capabilities. Also shows locations of distress signals from other GPSes. | |
Fire extinguisher XL | Holds 300 units of firefighting foam instead of just 100; otherwise functions identically to a standard fire extinguisher. Good for putting out fires from mining accidents and can be used as a slightly less fancy version of the propulsion module. | |
Material analyzer | When used on a piece of ore or other suitable substance, provides information on its properties, for material science nerdery. | |
Cargo appraiser | Tells you how much something will sell when sold to the public market via Cargo. This works on both individual items and crates of things, so you can tell the QMs that your crateful of space asbestos is actually worth a pretty penny. |
A robot Scientist, which is kinda badass if you think about it. The toolset is heavily geared towards doing chemistry, but you can go into other fields. You have a space GPS for helping out with Telescience, and you can remotely operate both the science teleporter computer and the various valves in Plasma Research, among many other things. You also have a pen and artifact analysis forms for Artifact Research; do note that you can activate some artifacts simply by touching (i.e. clicking on) them. Formerly known as the chemistry module before the module gained the tools to do more than just resupply Medbay and unleash colorful reagent smoke everywhere. For a brief time after that, it was also called the Research module.
Department Radio Channel: Research 135.4 :r
Starting upgrade: Spectroscopic Scanner Upgrade
Image | Name | Description |
Hand labeler | Label your meth beakers! Click/activate it in-hand to set the label, click on anything else to put the label on it. Putting nothing for the label text lets you remove labels. | |
Pen | Fill in artifact analysis forms for artifact research and record recipes, observations, and other notes for your forays into SCIENCE! | |
Box shaped artifact form dispensor | You can't put up artifact analysis forms, but fortunately, this device handles the job for you. Just click on the artifact with the "dispensor" in your active slot to stick a form on it, and then click on the form with your pen to start filling it in. | |
Mini-CheMaster | Will not dispense chemicals. Will allow you to isolate chemicals and such on the fly though. It also lets you create patches, pills (and pill bottles), chemical bottles, and ampoules, as with a stationary CheMaster. | |
Syringe (x2) | Useful for extracting small amounts of things from a larger container. | |
Dropper | Useful for extract even smaller amounts of things from a larger container. | |
Mechanical dropper | Useful for extracting the smallest amounts of things from a larger container. | |
Large beaker (x3) | With a capacity of 100 units each. | |
Drinking glass | Effectively another 50 unit container, but the contents of this one may be fed to humans instead of splashed on them. | |
Fire extinguisher XL | Perhaps a chemist's most important tool. It's XL because it can hold up to 300 units instead of just 100. Safety first! Also a handy jetpack in a pinch. | |
Space GPS | This device allows you to mark your location if you get lost while exploring and can give you the coordinates of other GPS units, so you can help the Scientists calibrate the Telescience computer and find locations to teleport into/from, whether for search and rescue, exploration, or silly pranks. |
An assistant to security, or perhaps a mashup of Clown, Detective, Chef, and Bartender. Has few weapons for arresting criminals (and really isn't expected to), but does have a few tools for conducting forensics and can access places and items most Security personnel can't. Should follow Space Law as well as the AI Laws shared by all cyborgs and AI units by default. Or in more stylish fashion:
1: Uphold your (actual) laws.
2: Protect the innocent by assisting Security personnel in enforcing Space Law.
3: Serve the public trust quality entertainment.
Department Radio Channel: Security 135.9 :g
Starting upgrade: Security HUD
Image | Name | Description |
Sound synthesizer | Become a mobile noise generator. Honk to your heart's content as you move closer and closer to being a glorified bike horn. Click on yourself with it to change its tune. | |
Food synthesizer | Dispenses a small variety of synthetic foods. Click on yourself with it to clear the selection, then use the synthesizer itself to pick a different item. | |
Space beer | Plain old beer. Why not use the dispensers to spice things up? | |
Zippo lighter | How snazzy would it be to have a flamethrower on your finger? Sadly, that roboticist did not give you one of those. | |
Pen | Write down clues and show those fun-hating scum what you really think of them. | |
Pitcher | An additional container for you to mix sparkles in. | |
Crayon | The more light-hearted counterpart to the pen. Click on yourself with it randomizes the color. Good for helpful signage and colorful art! | |
Probability disc | In other words, a coin. | |
Probability cube | Aka, a die. Clicking on it while it's in your active slot changes how many sides it has. Who knows what side this unpredictable object will land on? | |
Box-shaped sticker dispenser | Infinite stickers, on a cooldown. Reward good, law-abiding crew members or mark those who are not. | |
Security RecordTrak | For changing the arrest status of crew members, particularly when processing arrested and released criminals. | |
Forensic scanner | Conduct forensics and investigate crime in the places where no Security Officer can go. | |
Cardboard tube | The latest in non-lethal technology. It's perfectly harmless! | |
Audio tape | Record incriminating evidence. Or your latest mix tape. Note you can insert tapes in the machine via click-drag. | |
Camera monitor | Lets you view the cameras. Remember to deselect the module containing the monitor, or you won't be able to affect anything you see. | |
Hand labeler | Put amusing and/or useful labels on people and objects. Click/activate it in-hand to set the label, click on anything else to put the label on it. Putting nothing for the label text lets you remove labels. | |
Security TicketWriter 2000 | A snazzy miniature typewriter set to produce tickets. Your PDA has the same function embedded, but this machine's got flair! | |
Security tape roll | Designate crime scenes, just like in those police procedural shows. | |
Foam Dart Gun | A fun dart gun for annoying humans. Synthesizes darts using internal battery charge and does not require you to pull a tab back. Darts degrade shortly after hitting the ground. |
Discontinued Modules
Atmospherics - Assisted with re-pressurization of station assets. Added on January 1st, 2011, discontinued on June 23rd, 2012. Merged with engineering.
Vendor - Produced synthetic food for the crew to eat. Added on January 1st, 2011, discontinued on June 23rd, 2012. Merged with brobot.
Security - Detained criminals and assisted security officers. Removed due to rampant abuse, killing and law breaking.
Construction - Built and repaired the station. Merged with engineering on March 6th, 2018.
Hydroponics - Grew produce. Added on June 12, 2010. Merged with civilian on March 6th, 2018.
Janitor - Cleaned up messes. Merged with civilian on March 6th, 2018.
Brobot - Synthesized food and spammed funny sounds. Revamped into brobocop on March 6th, 2018.
Standard - Had lots of random junk. Removed for being useless, redundant and boring to play on March 6th, 2018. Camera monitor given to brobocop.
Well-Oiled Machine: Oil and You
Since you're part machine, you also gain benefits from oil, because it reduces friction between your mechanical parts. If somebody (including yourself) lubricates you with oil (e.g. by clicking on you with a beaker or an oil can), you get the Freshly Oiled status effect, at a ratio of 0.5 seconds per unit of oil (e.g. 10 units of oil equals 5 seconds of Freshly Oiled). This is capped at 15 seconds, which is equivalent to 30 units of oil. Freshly Oiled gives you the following benefits:
- Reduces your movement delay by 50%, i.e. makes you pretty fast (at this speed, you can go through half of Oshan's central hallway in around 15 seconds). It's handy if you want to escape attackers or reach people screaming "HELP!" over the radio; just pour some on yourself and blast off.
- Halves passive power consumption. This includes power consumption from activating upgrades, possessing extra upgrade slots (after using expansion upgrades), and having active tool slots, but it does not include tool use. Compatible with the efficiency upgrade, though that uses a different method for reducing passive power consumption, so the amount of power saved doesn't add up to a neat number.
- Gives you 25% stun resistance, lowering duration of incoming Knocked-down, Stunned, & Unconscious debuffs by 25%. This is equivalent to the stun resistance from drinking expresso or energy drink, so you can think of oil as the robot version of those chems.
Once this expires, you get the Oiled status effect. It lasts 24 times the duration of Freshly Oiled and is capped at 6 minutes, or 720 seconds (e.g. 5 seconds of Freshly Oiled means 120 seconds of Oiled afterwards). Oiled also gives 25% stun resistance, but it reduces movement delay and passive power consumption by only 15%. If you receive oil while Oiled, you lose the Oiled status effect and gain Freshly Oiled instead.
Supplementary Video
Jobs on Space Station 13 | ||
Command & Security |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Medical & Research |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Engineering | ![]() ![]() | |
Civilian |
| |
Silicon | ![]() ![]() | |
Jobs of the Day | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Antagonist Roles | With own mode | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Others | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Special Roles | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Game Mechanics | |
The Basics | Getting Started · Super Quick Tutorial · Rules · Game FAQ · Quick guide to station systems · Mentorhelp · SpicyChickenGod Tutorials |
Critters | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Game Abstractions | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Miscellaneous | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |