Spy Thief
If you're looking for the old, unrelated Spy game mode, see Spy (discontinued game mode)
Your mission, Spy Thief, if you choose to accept it, is to disrupt the business activities of NanoTrasen by stealing items and machines vital to everyday operations. Upon successful procurement, you will be awarded with special spy gear to aid further extractions. In addition, we have entrusted you with some additional, optional side missions to facilitate future operations, to be potentially completed at your discretion. As always, should you or any of your Syndicate operatives be caught or killed, the Syndicate will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Spy Thief.
Mission Briefing
The Bounty System
As a spy thief, you start off with a Syndicate uplink cleverly disguised as a PDA. (If you were made a Spy Thief after roundstart, or if the PDA your job spawned with isn't responding to the code, check your backpack for another PDA. Also, you'll still get a PDA if you have the Stowaway trait.) To unlock it, you must first activate it by entering the given code (accessible by the Notes command). Once you've unlocked it, this PDA uplink will show a list of item bounties and the Syndicate Items each one rewards and your current location.
The list of bounties refreshes every twenty five minutes or so. **HOT** bounties grant Syndicate Items of higher-than-usual value. Each bounty also lets you Print an photo showing what the target item looks like; for limbs, this prints the person, if they're within the station's camera network. There are up to nineteen bounties, generally in the form of:
- Four Station Item Bounties: Swipe some sort of item found on the station. What does the Syndicate need Stinkeye's and a cakehat for? Classified.
- To turn in: Go to the listed location for it and click on your PDA while holding the item.
- Five Personal Item Bounties: Snatch the target's ID Card, PDA, and/or trinket/heirloom--things your common mugger or ne'er-do-well might pilfer. The Last Seen area states where the item (and usually its owner) was when bounty page was last refreshed.
- To turn in: Same as for Station Item Bounties.
- Four Photograph Bounties: Take a photograph of certain crew member (or a monkey). If there's wiring, piping, or some random crap also in the picture, it's still fine.
- To turn in: Same as for Station Item Bounties.
- Four Limb Bounties: Become an arms dealer--by snatching the unfortunate target's arm or leg with your PDA. As with personal items, the Last Seen area is the limb's (and presumably its owner's) location when the bounty page was last refreshed.
- To turn in: Hit the target with your PDA or click-drag their sprite onto the PDA's, and after a few seconds, you'll automagically chop off the requested limb. This procedure also stuns the victim, so you can saunter out cool as ice. (Or taunt them with impunity.)
- Two Big Machine Bounties: Steal something that doesn't quite fit in a backpack. Ever wanted to steal that asshole Zoldorf? Or take the Pool's diving board? These are the bounties for you.
- To turn in: Either click on it with your PDA or drag-and-drop its sprite onto your PDA sprite, then wait a few seconds.
If you have the right item, but aren't in the right area, the Spy Thief PDA will try to draw a path to it (only you can see it). This may not necessarily be the fastest, safest, or stealthiest route to the required destination, but if you're completely unsure where a location is, this can be a real life-saver.
Bounty Rewards
Once you complete a bounty, Syndicate Item will be teleported to the tile you're on. As you turn in more items, the bounty rewards will greatly increase in value. Once you're on your fourth or fifth bounty, you reasonably expect to earn a 6 or 7-currency-unit item from turning in an item. In addition, bounty reward scales somewhat with both difficulty of obtaining the desired item and difficulty of getting to the drop-off location if applicable. For example, you'll get a better reward for the Head of Security's iconic beret than you would with a simple multitool, and a bounty where you need to turn something in at the Armory will give you a better reward than one where you need to be at one of the Crew Quarters areas.
You can complete an unlimited amount of bounties, but it has diminishing returns. After your sixth bounty, you'll have to complete two bounties to get one piece of Syndicate gear, so you won't be rewarded until you complete your eighth and tenth bounties. Then, after some point, you'll have to do three bounties to earn an item, then four, and so on.
The Spy Camera
For your mission, you also get a Bond-esque spy gadget: a camera with a secret built-in flash mode, so in addition to getting photos for photo bounties, it also briefly stuns people if you click on them with it at close range. You click on it while held to swap modes. The flash has 8 uses before the battery runs out. While you can't swap out the battery or put the camera in a recharger to refill it, it does recharge itself over time, taking around two minutes to go from empty to full.
In addition, only spy thieves can activate the flash mode. People who aren't spy thieves can still take pictures with it and such, but they can't check your camera for a hidden flash function to confirm if you're a spy.
Other Spies
Frequently, you're not the only spy thief around. These other spy thieves will have the same list of item bounties as you, and they can claim those bounties before you do, depriving you of useful spy gear. In addition, these rival agents may objectives that conflict with yours, such as by assassinating someone you must protect or stealing something you must steal too. Naturally, it is quite prudent to...handle them.
Alternatively, you can also work together; that is allowed. You could swap bounty rewards you don't really need and complete bounties together. If the other's in trouble, you can help bail them out. Of course, your partner(s) may have ulterior motives...
Other Objectives
In addition, you may be assigned some objectives, pulling from the Traitor Objectives list. These are all optional and are mostly suggestions on what you could do for your Spy Thief round. There is no punishment for not following them; the game won't take away Spacebux or whatever if you fail them, and the Admins won't ban you for not carrying them out. You can freely disregard them if you wish! If for example your objectives say to kill a Miner or whatever and then die a glorious death, it's okay to instead murder some completely different person or instead run a gimmick where you run a bizarre Ponzi scheme based on selling buttcoins and crushed soda cans.
Possible Bounty Items
This page is under construction. The following information may be incomplete. Update possible locations for each existing bounty target |
This is a mostly comprehensive list of all possible bounties. While it's certainly very huge, the in-game bounty list will only ask for items and machines that are actually on the station at the time. For example, you won't get a bounty for Popecrunch cereal if there isn't any on the map, and you won't get a bounty for it if some random Staff Assistant had already ate it. Note that this doesn't guarantee it won't go missing/be blown up in an explosion/get eaten after the bounty has started, if you can't find it in the stated area it might be in a container or someone's pocket.
This page is under construction. The following information may be incomplete. Add in missing item bounties: packet sniffer, clown shoes, judge robes, fire suit, golden crayon, Port-a-Sci remote, HoS medal, RD's diploma, Medical Director's license, HoP's first bill, , piano, grand piano, organ (the kind you play), jukebox, trumpet, fiddle, tambourine, cowbell, triangle, SecHUDs, Santa suit, Security diving suit, Civilian diving suit, Command diving suit, Engineering diving suit, secure briefcase, molitz B briefcase, NT backpack, Captain's backpack, Captain's satchel, Engineering headset, Medical headset, Research headset, Shipping Headset, Mail courier's headset, Clown's headset, Auditory Headset, Radio Show Host's Headphones, NT Headset, Head of Security's Headset |
Big Objects
This page is under construction. The following information may be incomplete. Add missing big item bounties: NanoPutts , ValuChimp, SecVend, Morgue tray, cloning console, (firefighting) foamtank, watertank, water cooler, compost bin, and fueltank. Expand minisubs entry. |
Tips for Bond Imitators
- Having trouble figuring out where your turn-in locations are? Our Locations page may help.
- For Router locations, please turn to the relevant QM section.
- Frequently, you won't always have access to the places where your target items are stored or the places where you're supposed to turn them in. In times like these, it's useful to know door hacking or have a little thermite mix on hand.
- You can receive ANY Syndicate Item from completing a bounty, even surplus crate-only and job-specific items. To get the best use of your items, you may want to see the Being A Better Traitor page.
- Need more Syndicate Items? Had bad luck with your bounty prizes? Steal another Spy's PDA and redeem their bounties! Surprisingly, it's not picky about who's actually turning the items in.
- Stealth is hardly top priority. Getting caught/seen but still managing to escape is often just as good as not getting caught at all. You can go far just by wearing a space helmet and generic jumpsuit and putting your ID & PDA in your backpack. In fact, you can get away with quite a lot if you simply avoid stealing limbs or personal items.
- That said, if you approach stealth as another game to play or puzzle to solve, rather than a clutch for a weakness, stealth Spy Thief can truly be an enjoyable experience. The trick is to try to be unnoticed while still getting other people involved/curious, such as by putting on disguises, creating distractions, and framing other people.
- Notice certain bounties ask for a one-of-a-kind item that hardly anyone but a Spy Thief would care about? This is because these bounties were designed to help you catch Spies early! If you witness someone nabbing such an item, like Beepsky's diary or a 2010 Vintage, there's a good chance they're another Spy Thief.
- With some shrewd trickery and cunning, you can weaponize the Spy PDA itself. Scream over the radio that you've just spotted someone (preferably another suspected Spy Thief, but any random passerby could do) spawning in a [TRAITOR ITEM] at [DROP-OFF LOCATION]. PDA message the Security Officers that someone's just broken into [LOCATION] and now [MACHINE BOUNTY] is gone; for extra authenticity, do this after you've actually completed a machine bounty. You might not get anybody arrested, but you'll still slow down and deter competing Spy Thieves.
- On the other hand, beware: a sizable number of Security Officers and Heads of Security know about these tactics and abhor Spy Thieves who try to use them as a personal hit squad. At best, they'll ignore you. At worst, you might find yourself in a cage with a French monkey.
Supplementary Video
Jobs on Space Station 13 | ||
Command & Security |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Medical | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Research | ![]() ![]() | |
Engineering | ![]() ![]() | |
Civilian |
| |
Silicon | ![]() ![]() | |
Jobs of the Day | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Antagonist Roles | With own mode | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Others | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Special Roles | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |