Making and Breaking

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So, you got comfortable with the game and now want to renovate the Bar and see what sort of cool stuff you can make with all this glass, metal, and cloth lying around. If this is the case, you've come to the right place. There are various ways to create and destroy, listed below.


A fabricator (often shortened to just "fab") or manufacturer is a machine that can automatically create items from a variety of processed materials. The Cargo Bay features many different ones right next to each other. These can usually have raw materials left, since the standard miner procedure is to teleport everything they don't need for their own laser drills and industrial space armor into the QM's lap.

"Manufacturer" and "fabricator" both describe the same type of machine, so the two terms are essentially interchangeable. If you're curious, the game's code uses "manufacturer".

  • Interface:
    • To make something with a fabricator/manufacturer, simply click on the fabricator/manufacturer to bring up its interface and click on the icon/name for the item you want to make. You may have to scroll down a bit to see the item.
    • The item currently being created and amount of time left until it's finished is displayed on the right, in the Queue. There you can also pause or cancel it.
    • You can select multiple icons/items for the machine to print. It'll do subsequently rather all at the same time though, e.g. asking for an extinguisher, then sheets gives you extinguisher once it's done, then sheets when it's done, rather than both at the same time.
    • The Repeat Option: If you want to a fabricator/manufacturer to repeatly make something until it runs out of material, click on the No link on the right under Repeat to do just that. It should change to Yes, and you can click on it again to turn it off.
    • Search: All fabricators/manufacturers have a basic search function in the top right, below the "Loaded Materials" table.
    • Categories: Each item also has a different category, like "Component" or "Tool" that gives a broad idea of what it's used for, and there are various tabs for different categories along the top of the UI for easier sorting.
    • Speed: You can also control how much time it takes for each item to be created, with the Speed buttons on the right, with higher settings consuming more power
  • Materials:
    • Each fabricator/manufacturer usually comes with its own supply of mauxite, pharosium, molitz, and occasionally cotton, but they can accept refined ores that have dug up by mining, organic materials grown by botany, custom alloys made from Ore Processing, raw materials recycled through the reclaimer, and many, many other sources.
    • If a fabricator/manufacturer does not have enough material for an item or lacks the required type of material, the name of the item and the unmet material requirement will be in red font when you hover your mouse over it.
    • Loading Materials: To load materials into the fabricator/manufacturer, simply click on it with the materials in-hand. As previously mentioned, make sure they're processed first.
    • Removing Materials: To remove materials, go to the list of materials on the right, click on the upward facing arrow button, and enter the number of material pieces (e.g. bars, blocks, etc.) to be withdrawn. While some items require tenths of a piece, you can only input whole numbers, so you can't eject a half a bar of gold or whatever.
    • Buying Materials: If the miners have filled some ore into their RockBox and marked it for sale, you can buy it at these machines. Simply swipe your card on the fabricator/manufacturer, enter your PIN, and at the manufacturer/fabricator interface, choose the ore you what to buy and the amount you want. It comes as raw ore, so you need a reclaimer.
  • Hidden Items: Some items are "hidden", meaning you can only make them when the manufacturer/fabricator is hacked.
  • Downloading Items: You can also insert blueprints from a ruckingenur kit into any manufacturer/fabricator to make it able to produce things it usually can't produce. Items inserted this way are categorized as "Downloaded" items.

Portable Reclaimers

Portable reclaimers refine raw ore and minerals into bars, blocks, and blobs, which can then be inserted into a fabricator/manufacturer and made into items. They can be ordered from the QM and are often found in Robotics, Cargo Bay, Mining Department, and a few other areas that use fabricators/manufacturers.

Portable reclaimers can also convert sheets, rods, floor tiles, and other refined goods back into raw materials. This makes the reclaimer handy for tasks such as:

  • Turning metal sheets into steel bars and glass sheets into glass blocks, which can substitute for mauxite and molitz, respectively.
  • Extracting copper, a conductor that can fills the same role as pharosium, and synthrubber from cable coils.
  • Turning steel scrap and glass shards from wreckage back into steel bars and glass blocks.
  • Making glass sheets (or sheets of similar crystalline material) into glass blocks to be used in the glass recycler for more glassware.

To load materials for processing, you can either put the materials on the floor and drag and drop their sprite onto the portable reclaimer's or simply click on the machine with the materials in your active hand. Also, you can use drag and drop on the reclaimer to set its output to a fabricator, floor tile or crate.

Be aware that turning on a reclaimer when it doesn't have enough material to make a bar/block will cause it to incinerate whatever was put in, so only insert enough material to make its processed version.

General Manufacturer

Also known as the autolathe. Several of them are available on the station, for example in tool storage, the warehouse and research sector, among other places. In theory, it creates many cheap and useful general-purpose items such as tools and basic construction materials for when you need to plug a hull breach in a hurry. In reality, someone will mail vuvuzelas to every corner of the station before the five minute mark.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Image Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Screwdriver (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Wirecutters (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Wrench (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Crowbar (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Fire Extinguisher
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Crystal No 2.7 seconds
Welding Tool (green)
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Welder Mask
Clothing 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 3.3 seconds
Metal Sheet (x1)
Resource 0.1 Metal No 0.7 seconds
Metal Sheet (x5)
Resource 0.5 Metal No 3.3 seconds
Reinforced Metal (x1)
Resource 0.2 Metal No 4 seconds
Reinforced Metal (x5)
Resource 1 Metal No 20 seconds
Metal Rods (x2)
Resource 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1 second
Glass Panel (x1)
Resource 0.1 Crystal No 0.7 seconds
Glass Panel (x5)
Resource 0.5 Crystal No 3.3 seconds
Reinforced Glass Panel (x1)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 4 seconds
Reinforced Glass Panel (x5)
Resource 0.5 Crystal, 0.5 Sturdy Metal No 20 seconds
Portable Gas Canister
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal No 3.3 seconds
Gas tank (empty)
Clothing 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1.7 seconds
mini plasma tank (empty)
Resource 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1.7 seconds
mini oxygen tank (empty)
Resource 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1.7 seconds
Vending Module
Component 0.2 Conductive Material No 1.7 seconds
Electrical Cable Coil (28 lengths)
Resource 0.1 Insulative Material, 0.1 Conductive Material No 1 second
Power Cell (15k capacity)
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Conductive Material, 0.4 Any Material No 10 seconds
Erebite Power Cell (15k capacity)
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Erebite No 15 seconds
Cerenkite Power Cell (15k capacity)
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Cerenkite No 15 seconds
Hyper Capacity Power Cell
Component 0.5 Very High Density Matter, 1 High Energy Conductor, 1 Significant Power Source No 40 seconds
Light Bulb Box (7x standard, white light light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal No 1.3 seconds
Red Light Bulb Box (7x red light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Yellow Light Bulb Box (7x yellow light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Green Light Bulb Box (7x green light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Cyan Light Bulb Box (7x cyan light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Blue Light Bulb Box (7x blue light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Purple Light Bulb Box (7x purple light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Blacklight Bulb Box (7x UV light bulbs)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Light Tube Box (7x standard, white light light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal No 1.3 seconds
Red Light Tube Box (7x red light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Yellow Light Tube Box (7x yellow light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Green Light Tube Box (7x green light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Cyan Light Tube Box (7x cyan light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Blue Light Tube Box (7x blue light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Purple Light Tube Box (7x purple light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Blacklight Tube Box (7x UV light tubes)
Resource 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Folding Table
Furniture 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Any Material No 6.7 seconds
Grey Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Black Shoes
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Flippers (only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
Clothing 0.5 Rubber Material No 2.7 seconds
Breath Mask
Clothing 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 second
Fluid Canister
Machinery 1.5 Sturdy Metal No 3.3 seconds
Meteor Shield Generator
Machinery 1 Metal, 1 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material No 10 seconds
Energy Shield Generator
Machinery 2 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 0.5 Crystal No 20 seconds
Door Shield Generator
Machinery 2 Sturdy Metal, 1.5 Conductive Material No 20 seconds
Chemical Patch (makes two, both with no chems)
Resource 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Miscellaneous 1.5 Sturdy Metal No 2.3 seconds
Miscellaneous 1 Sturdy Metal No 2 seconds
Compressed Matter Cartridge
Resource 3 High Density Matter Yes 3.3 seconds
Medium Compressed Matter Cartridge
Resource 3 Very High Density Matter Yes 6.7 seconds
Large Compressed Matter Cartridge
Resource 2 Uqill Yes 10 seconds
Glass Bottle (empty)
Miscellaneous 0.1 Crystal Yes 1.3 seconds
Miscellaneous 0.1 Any Material Yes 1.7 seconds
Miscellaneous 0.1 Metal Yes 1.7 seconds
Bicycle Horn
Miscellaneous 0.1 Any Material Yes 1.7 seconds
.22 Bullets
Resource 3 Sturdy Metal, 2.4 Conductive Material Yes 10 seconds
40mm Smoke Grenade
Resource 3 Sturdy Metal, 2.5 Conductive Material Yes 11.7 seconds
Staple Gun
Tool 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material Yes 3.3 seconds
Miscellaneous 1 Fabric, 2.5 Sturdy Metal Yes 1.7 seconds
Miscellaneous 2.5 Wood, 1 Fabric Yes 1.7 seconds
Miscellaneous 1 Extremely Tough Metal Yes 1 second

Robotics Fabricator

Used to create surgery tools and certain implants, prostheses, parts and upgrades for cyborgs and robots. At least one can be found in Robotics, conveniently enough.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Image Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Cyborg Frame
Component 1.8 Sturdy Metal No 15 seconds
Standard Cyborg Parts (Standard Head, Chest, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, and Right Leg)
Component 4.8 Sturdy Metal No 40 seconds
Light Cyborg Parts (Light Head, Chest,Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, and Right Leg)
Component 2.4 Sturdy Metal No 20.7 seconds
Cyborg Head
Component 1.2 Sturdy Metal No 10 seconds
Cyborg Chest
Component 1.2 Sturdy Metal No 10 seconds
Cyborg Arm (Right)
Component 0.6 Sturdy Metal No 5 seconds
Cyborg Arm (Left)
Component 0.6 Sturdy Metal No 5 seconds
Cyborg Leg (Right)
Component 0.6 Sturdy Metal No 5 seconds
Cyborg Leg (Left)
Component 0.6 Sturdy Metal No 5 seconds
Light Cyborg Head
Component 0.6 Metal No 5 seconds
Light Cyborg Chest
Component 0.6 Sturdy Metal No 5 seconds
Light Cyborg Arm (Right)
Component 0.3 Metal No 2.7 seconds
Light Cyborg Arm (Left)
Component 0.3 Metal No 2.7 seconds
Light Cyborg Leg (Right)
Component 0.3 Metal No 2.7 seconds
Light Cyborg Leg (Left)
Component 0.3 Metal No 2.7 seconds
Cyborg Treads
Component 1.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.6 Conductive Material No 5 seconds
Cyborg Screen Head
Component 0.6 Sturdy Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.6 Crystal No 8 seconds
Blank Cyborg Module
Component 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.3 Any Material No 13.3 seconds
Organ 0.3 Metal, 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.2 Any Material No 8.3 seconds
Organ 0.2 Crystal, 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Insulative Material No 6.7 seconds
Mesonic Imager Cybereye
Organ 0.3 Crystal, 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Insulative Material No 8.3 seconds
Spectroscopic Imager Cybereye
Organ 0.3 Crystal, 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Insulative Material No 8.3 seconds
ProDoc Healthview Cybereye
Organ 0.3 Crystal, 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Insulative Material No 8.3 seconds
Camera Cybereye
Organ 0.3 Crystal, 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Insulative Material No 8.3 seconds
AI Shell Frame
Component 1.2 Sturdy Metal No 8.3 seconds
AI Interface Board
Component 0.3 Sturdy Metal, 0.5 Conductive Material, 0.2 Crystal No 11.7 seconds
Spontaneous Intelligence Creation Core
Component 0.6 Metal, 0.5 Conductive Material, 0.3 Any Material No 11.7 seconds
AI Shell Power Cell
Component 0.2 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 6 seconds
Electrical Cable Coil (28 lengths)
Resource 1 Insulative Material, 1 Conductive Material No 1 second
Power Cell
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Conductive Material, 0.4 Any Material No 10 seconds
Erebite Power Cell
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Erebite No 15 seconds
Cerenkite Power Cell
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Cerenkite No 15 seconds
Hyper Capacity Power Cell
Component 0.5 Very High Density Matter, 1 High Energy Conductor, 1 Significant Power Source No 40 seconds
Crowbar (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Wrench (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Screwdriver (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Circular Saw
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Surgical Scissors
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Staple Gun
Tool 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Enucleation Spoon
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1 second
Security Drone
Machinery 3 Metal, 2 High Energy Conductor, 2 Power Source No 40 seconds
Medical Drone
Machinery 2 Metal, 1.5 Conductive Material, 0.5 Power Source No 30 seconds
Firefighting Drone
Machinery 1.5 Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 0.5 Any Material No 20 seconds
Construction Drone
Machinery 1.5 Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 0.5 Any Material No 20 seconds
Sanitation Drone
Machinery 1.5 Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 0.5 Any Material No 20 seconds
Mining Drone
Machinery 1.5 Metal, 0.5 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 0.5 Any Material No 3.3 seconds
VISOR Prosthesis
Clothing 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 13.3 seconds
Auditory Headset
Clothing 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 13.3 seconds
Propulsion Upgrade
Component 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.5 Sturdy Metal No 20 seconds
ProDoc Healthgoggle Upgrade
Component 0.4 Crystal, 0.6 Conductive Material No 30 seconds
Security HUD Upgrade
Component 0.4 Crystal, 0.6 Conductive Material No 30 seconds
Spectroscopic Scanner Upgrade
Component 0.4 Crystal, 0.6 Conductive Material No 30 seconds
Recharge Pack
Component 0.5 Conductive Material No 20 seconds
Repair Pack
Component 0.5 Conductive Material No 20 seconds
Speed Upgrade
Component 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.5 Crystal No 20 seconds
Optical Meson Upgrade
Component 0.2 Crystal, 0.4 Conductive Material No 30 seconds
Recovery Upgrade
Component 0.2 High Energy Conductor, 0.5 Crystal, 0.5 Conductive Material No 30 seconds
Force Shield Upgrade
Component 0.2 High Energy Conductor, 1 Sturdy Metal, 0.2 Significant Power Source No 30 seconds
Heat Shield Upgrade
Component 0.2 High Energy Conductor, 1 Crystal No 30 seconds
Magnetic Traction Upgrade
Component 0.5 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 20 seconds
Teleport Upgrade
Component 1 Conductive Material, 0.1 High Density Matter, 1 Significant Power Source No 40 seconds
Construction Visualizer
Component 0.4 Crystal, 0.6 Conductive Material No 30 seconds
Efficiency Upgrade
Component 0.3 High Density Matter, 1 High Energy Conductor No 40 seconds
Self-Repair Upgrade
Component 0.3 High Density Matter, 1 Extremely Tough Metal No 40 seconds
Station Bounced Radio
Resource 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.2 Crystal No 6.7 seconds
Health Monitor Implant
Resource 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 13.3 seconds
Rotbusttec Implant
Resource 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.2 Crystal No 10 seconds
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Left Cyberlung
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Right Cyberlung
Organ 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Any Material No 5 seconds
Metal Rods (x2)
Resource 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1 second
Metal Sheet (1x)
Resource 0.1 Metal No 0.7 seconds
Glass Panel (1x)
Resource 0.1 Crystal No 0.7 seconds
Standard Asimov Law Module Set (Prints all 3 law modules)
Component 3 Sturdy Metal No 20 seconds
AI Linker
Tool 0.2 Metal, 0.1 Crystal, 0.2 Conductive Material No 5 seconds
Tool 0.2 Crystal, 0.2 Conductive Material Yes 5 seconds
Thermal Imager Cybereye
Organ 0.3 Crystal, 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Insulative Material Yes 8.3 seconds
Laser Cybereye
Organ 0.3 Crystal, 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Insulative Material, 0.1 Erebite Yes 13.3 seconds
Organ 0.2 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.2 Any Material Yes 5 seconds
Expansion Upgrade
Component 0.3 Extraordinarily Dense Crystalline Matter, 0.1 Extreme Power Source Yes 40 seconds
Cardboard AI
Miscellaneous 0.1 Cardboard Yes 1.7 seconds
Nanotrasen Law Module Set (Prints all 3 law modules)
Component 3 Sturdy Metal Yes 20 seconds
RoboCop Law Module Set (Prints all 3 law modules)
Component 4 Sturdy Metal Yes 20 seconds

Medical Fabricator

Found in medbay. Can be used to make surgery tools and other basic medical equipment.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Image Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Circular Saw
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Surgical Scissors
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Staple Gun
Tool 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Enucleation Spoon
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 second
ProDoc Healthgoggles
Clothing 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 6.7 seconds
Prescription Glasses
Clothing 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 6.7 seconds
VISOR Prosthesis
Clothing 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 13.3 seconds
Auditory Headset
Clothing 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 13.3 seconds
Tool 0.2 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.2 Crystal No 13.3 seconds
Chemical Patch (empty) (makes two)
Resource 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 second
Auto Mender (empty)
Resource 0.5 Sturdy Metal, 0.4 Crystal, 0.5 Gold No 10 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Crystal No 0.7 seconds
Tool 0.2 Metal, 0.1 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Latex Gloves
Clothing 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Sterile Mask
Clothing 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Surgical Face Shield
Clothing 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
White Scrubs
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Teal Scrubs
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Maroon Scrubs
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Navy Scrubs
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Violet Scrubs
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Orange Scrubs
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Hot Pink Scrubs
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Medical Eyepatch
Clothing 0.5 Fabric No 5 seconds
Clothing 0.4 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Clothing 0.4 Fabric, 0.2 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Stress Ball
Tool 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Body Bag
Tool 0.3 Fabric No 5 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1 second
Health Monitor Implant
Resource 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 13.3 seconds
Rotbusttec Implant
Resource 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.2 Crystal No 10 seconds
Floppy Disk
Component 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 1.7 seconds
Medical Alert Button
Resource 0.2 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material No 1 second
Crowbar (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Fire Extinguisher
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Crystal No 2.7 seconds
Empty First Aid Kit
Medicine 0.1 Metal No 1.3 seconds
Metal Rods (x2)
Resource 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1 second
Metal Sheet (1x)
Resource 0.1 Metal No 0.7 seconds
Glass Panel (1x)
Resource 0.1 Crystal No 0.7 seconds

Mining Fabricator

Standard mining machinery. In theory, it turns the ore spoils of miners into more effective equipment and blasting charges. In practice, these are used exclusively to create mishandled mining explosives and blastproof robot armor for Syndicate operatives and other sympathizers.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Image Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1.7 seconds
Powered Pick
Tool 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.5 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Low Yield Mining Explosives (x5)
Resource 0.3 Metal, 0.3 Crystal, 0.7 Conductive Material No 13.3 seconds
Mining Explosives (x5)
Resource 0.7 Metal, 0.7 Crystal, 1.5 Conductive Material No 20 seconds
Power Hammer
Tool 0.1 High Density Matter, 0.8 Conductive Material No 23.3 seconds
Laser Drill
Tool 1.5 Sturdy Metal, 0.7 Extremely Tough Metal, 1 High Energy Conductor No 30 seconds
Concussive Gauntlets
Tool 1.5 Extremely Tough Metal, 1.5 High Energy Conductor, 0.2 Power Source No 40 seconds
Mining Drone
Machinery 1.5 Metal, 0.5 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 0.5 Any Material No 3.3 seconds
Grey Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Black Shoes
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Breath Mask
Clothing 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Engineering Space Suit Set
Clothing 0.3 Fabric, 0.3 Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 5 seconds
Light Engineering Space Suit Set (engineering light space suit and helmet)
Clothing 1 Fabric, 0.5 Extremely Tough Metal, 0.2 Crystal, 0.5 Organic or Rubber Material No 5 seconds
Engineering Diving Suit Set (only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
Clothing 0.3 Fabric, 0.3 Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 5 seconds
Flippers (only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
Clothing 0.5 Rubber Material No 2.7 seconds
Industrial Space Armor Set
Clothing 1.5 Extremely Tough Metal, 1 High Energy Conductor, 0.5 Very High Density Crystalline Matter No 30 seconds
Mechanised Boots
Clothing 1.5 Extremely Tough Metal, 1 High Energy Conductor, 1 Significant Power Source No 13.3 seconds
Power Cell
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Conductive Material, 0.4 Any Material No 10 seconds
Erebite Power Cell
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Erebite No 15 seconds
Cerenkite Power Cell
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Cerenkite No 15 seconds
Hyper Capacity Power Cell
Component 0.5 Very High Density Matter, 1 High Energy Conductor, 1 Significant Power Source No 40 seconds
Ore Scoop
Tool 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Ore Satchel
Tool 0.5 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Large Ore Satchel
Tool 2.5 Fabric, 0.3 Extremely Tough Metal No 5 seconds
Clothing 1 Extremely Tough Metal, 2 High Energy Conductor No 20 seconds
Micro Jetpack
Clothing 0.5 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material No 10 seconds
Geological Scanner
Tool 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Crystal No 2.7 seconds
Geiger Counter
Tool 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Crystal No 2.7 seconds
Optical Meson Scanner
Clothing 0.3 Crystal, 0.2 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Crystal No 1.7 second
Mineral Accumulator
Machinery 2.5 Sturdy Metal, 1.5 High Energy Conductor, 0.2 High Density Matter No 40 seconds
Metal Rods (x2)
Resource 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1 second
Metal Sheet
Resource 0.1 Metal No 0.7 seconds
Jetpack MkII (Appears only on Oshan)
Clothing 1.5 Sturdy Metal, 1 High Energy Conductor, 0.5 Power Source No 13.3 seconds
Mining Magnet Replacement Parts
Component 0.5 High Density Matter, 3 Extremely Tough Metal, 3 High Energy Conductor No 40 seconds

Uniform Manufacturer

Found in customs, the Locker Room on some maps, and on the Syndicate Battlecruiser, of all places. Mainly intended to help mugged crewmen regain their dignity, it creates a limited selection of clothing. You can rip apart bedsheets and towels from the nearby linen bin to get more cotton for the manufacturer.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Image Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Black Shoes
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1 second
Brown Shoes
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
White Shoes
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1 second
Flippers (only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
Clothing 0.5 Rubber Material No 2.7 seconds
Civilian Headset
Clothing 0.2 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 1 second
Staff Assistant Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Grey Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
White Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Pink Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Red Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Orange Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Yellow Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Green Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Blue Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Purple Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Black Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Brown Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
LGBT Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Asexual Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Aromantic Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Bisexual Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Intersex Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Lesbian Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Gay Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Non-binary Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Pansexual Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Polyamorous Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Trans Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Fancy Black Suit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Fancy Black Dress
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Black Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
White Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Pink Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Red Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Orange Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Yellow Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Green Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Blue Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Purple Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Top Hat
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1 second
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Red Backpack
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Green Backpack
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Blue Backpack
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Red Satchel
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Green Satchel
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Blue Satchel
Clothing 0.8 Fabric No 3 seconds
Handkerchief (white)
Resource 0.4 Fabric No 1.3 seconds
Breath Mask
Clothing 0.1 Fabric Yes 1 second
Chemical Patch (makes two, both have no chems)
Resource 0.1 Fabric Yes 1 second
Miscellaneous 0.8 Fabric Yes 2.7 seconds
Tricolor Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric Yes 1.7 seconds
Large Top Hat
Clothing 0.5 Fabric Yes 1.7 seconds

Personnel Equipment Manufacturer

Found in the Head of Personnel's Office and sometimes Customs as well, depending on the map. It's like the Uniform Manufacturer, but instead of just making clothes, it can also manufacture spare ID cards and access implants. As with the uniform manufacturer, you can rip apart the nearby linens to get more cotton for it.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Icon Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
ID card (no access)
Resource 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Electronic Access Implant (8 Access Charges)
Resource 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 6.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1 second
Gold ID card (no access)
Resource 0.5 Reflective Material, 0.4 High Energy Conductor, 0.3 Crystal Yes 10 seconds
Electronic Access Implant (Unlimited Charge)
Resource 0.9 Conductive Material, 1.5 Crystal Yes 20 seconds

Personnel Manufacturer

Essentially a Personnel Equipment Manufacturer and Uniform Manufacturer combined together, though unlike the latter, it can't make satchels, backpacks, or formalwear.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Image Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
ID card (no access)
Resource 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 1 second
Electronic Access Implant (8 Access Charges)
Resource 0.3 Conductive Material, 0.3 Crystal No 6 seconds
Handkerchief (white)
Resource 0.4 Fabric No 1.3 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1 second
Black Shoes
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1 second
Brown Shoes
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
White Shoes
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1 second
Flippers (only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
Clothing 0.5 Rubber Material No 2.7 seconds
Civilian Headset
Clothing 0.2 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 1 second
Staff Assistant Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Grey Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
White Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Pink Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Red Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Orange Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Yellow Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Green Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Blue Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Purple Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Black Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Brown Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
LGBT Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Asexual Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Aromantic Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Bisexual Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Intersex Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Lesbian Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Gay Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Non-binary Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Pansexual Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Polyamorous Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Trans Pride Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric No 1 second
Black Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
White Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Pink Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Red Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Orange Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Yellow Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Green Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Blue Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Purple Hat
Clothing 0.2 Fabric No 0 seconds
Top Hat
Clothing 0.3 Fabric No 1 second
Gold ID card (no access)
Resource 0.5 Reflective Material, 0.4 High Energy Conductor, 0.3 Crystal Yes 6 seconds
Electronic Access Implant (Unlimited Charge)
Resource 0.9 Conductive Material, 1.5 Crystal Yes 20 seconds
Breath Mask
Clothing 0.1 Fabric Yes 1 second
Chemical Patch (makes two, both have no chems)
Resource 0.1 Fabric Yes 1 second
Tricolor Jumpsuit
Clothing 1 Fabric Yes 1.7 seconds
Large Top Hat
Clothing 0.5 Fabric Yes 1.7 seconds

Ship Component Fabricator

Located in the central pod hangar. In exchange for devouring tons of minerals, they dispense almost everything you could want or need for the labor-intensive pod construction and upgrade work.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Image Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Preassembled MiniPutt Frame Kit
Component 2.3 Sturdy Metal, 1.2 Conductive Material, 0.9 Crystal No 8.3 seconds
Preassembled Pod Frame Kit
Component 4.5 Sturdy Metal, 2.5 Conductive Material, 1.9 Crystal No 16.7 seconds
Preassembled Minisub Frame Kit (replaces Preassembled Pod Frame Kit and Preassembled MiniPutt Frame Kit on Nadir and Oshan)
Component 2.3 Sturdy Metal, 1.2 Conductive Material, 0.9 Crystal No 8.3 seconds
Light Pod Armor
Component 3 Sturdy Metal, 2 Conductive Material No 6.7 seconds
Heavy Pod Armor
Component 3 Sturdy Metal, 2 Extremely Tough Metal No 10 seconds
Industrial Pod Armor
Component 2.5 Extremely Tough Metal, 1 High Energy Conductor, 0.5 High Density Matter No 16.7 seconds
Cargo Hold
Resource 2 Sturdy Metal No 4 seconds
Storage Hold
Resource 2 Sturdy Metal No 4 seconds
Alloyed Solutions Ore Scoop/Hold
Resource 2 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material No 4 seconds
Conclave A-1984 Sensor System
Resource 0.1 Power Source, 0.5 Crystal, 0.2 High Energy Conductor No 1.7 seconds
NT Magnet Link Array
Resource 1 Sturdy Metal, 2 Conductive Material No 4 seconds
Mining Phaser System
Tool 1 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 2 Crystal No 6.7 seconds
Plasma Cutter System
Tool 1 Power Source, 1 Extremely Tough Metal, 2 Extraordinarily Dense Crystalline Matter No 6.7 seconds
Rock Drilling Rig
Tool 1 Power Source, 1 Extremely Tough Metal, 1 Extraordinarily Dense Crystalline Matter No 6.7 seconds
Mk 1.5 Light Phaser
Tool 1.5 Sturdy Metal, 1.5 Conductive Material, 1.5 Crystal No 6.7 seconds
Mk 1.5e Burst Phaser
Tool 1.5 Sturdy Metal, 4.5 Conductive Material, 4.5 Crystal No 8.3 seconds
Scout Engine
Resource 0.5 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material No 1.7 seconds
Warp-1 Engine
Resource 0.3 Sturdy Metal, 0.5 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Helios Mark-II Engine
Resource 2 Sturdy Metal, 1 Extremely Tough Metal, 1.5 High Energy Conductor No 30 seconds
Hermes 3.0 Engine
Resource 2 Extremely Tough Metal, 2 High Energy Conductor, 0.5 Power Source No 40 seconds
Pod Locking Mechanism
Tool 0.5 Crystal, 1 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Lateral Thrusters (not available on Oshan or Nadir)
Tool 2 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 2 Energy Source No 4 seconds
Afterburner (not available on Oshan or Nadir)
Tool 1 Metal, 2 Conductive Material, 2 Energy Source No 4 seconds
Light Shielding System
Tool 0.5 Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 3 Significant Power Source No 5 seconds
High Impact Shielding System
Tool 0.5 Metal, 2 Extraordinarily Dense Crystalline Matter, 1 High Energy Conductor, 3 Extreme Power Source No 8.3 seconds
Automatic Repair System
Tool 2 Sturdy Metal, 3 Conductive Material, 1 Energy Source No 3.3 seconds
Weapons Loader
Tool 2 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material No 5.7 seconds
Warp Beacon Frame
Component 1 Crystal, 1 Conductive Material, 1 Sturdy Metal No 10 seconds
Ship Navigational GPS
Resource 0.5 Metal, 0.5 Conductive Material No 4 seconds

Gas Extractor

Found in Engineering, often in the Cold Loop, and the Cargo Bay on some maps. Converts certain ores and metal into canisters and tanks of gases. Super useful for refilling the thermo-electric engine gas loops , creating plasma canisters for anti-Blob attacks, and creating oxygen canisters for repressurising repaired hull breaches.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Icon Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Portable Gas Canister (empty)
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal No 3.3 seconds
High-Volume Air Canister
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal, 1 Molitz, 3 Viscerite No 33.3 seconds
O2 Canister
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal, 1 Molitz No 33.3 seconds
CO2 Canister
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal, 1 Char No 33.3 seconds
N2 Canister
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal, 1 Viscerite No 33.3 seconds
Plasma Canister
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal, 1 Plasmastone No 33.3 seconds
Red Oxygen Grenade
Tool 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 1 Molitz, 0.1 Char No 3.3 seconds

Crate Manufacturer

Creates empty crates of various designs, for all your shipping needs.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Icon Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Crate (standard grey crate)
Miscellaneous 0.1 Metal No 3.3 seconds
Random Packing Crate (cardboard crates of various designs)
Miscellaneous 0.1 Wood No 3.3 seconds
Wooden Crate
Miscellaneous 0.1 Wood No 3.3 seconds
Medical Crate
Miscellaneous 0.1 Metal No 3.3 seconds
Biohazard Crate (orange)
Miscellaneous 0.1 Metal No 3.3 seconds
Freezer Crate
Miscellaneous 0.1 Metal No 3.3 seconds
Class Crate (same crate used for operative class crates)
Miscellaneous 0.1 Metal Yes 3.3 seconds

Science Fabricator

Found in the Research Wing. It makes various tools and instruments used for conducting experiments and performing SCIENCE!, such as reagent scanners, bins of artifact analysis forms, and audio tapes.

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Icon Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Tool 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.1 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Space GPS
Resource 0.1 Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 1.7 seconds
Crowbar (green)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Fire Extinguisher
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Crystal No 2.7 seconds
Welding Tool
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Chemical Patch (makes two, both with no chems)
Resource 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Portable Gas Canister
Machinery 0.3 Sturdy Metal No 3.3 seconds
Gas tank (empty)
Clothing 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1.7 seconds
Artifact Analysis Forms
Resource 0.2 Metal, 0.5 Fabric No 3.3 seconds
Fluid Canister
Machinery 1.5 Sturdy Metal No 3.3 seconds
Chemical Barrel (blue, open, empty)
Machinery 0.6 Sturdy Metal, 0.9 Cobryl No 10 seconds
Chemical Barrel (yellow, open, empty)
Machinery 0.6 Sturdy Metal, 0.9 Cobryl No 10 seconds
Chemical Barrel (red, open, empty)
Machinery 0.6 Sturdy Metal, 0.9 Cobryl No 10 seconds
Chemical Condenser
Tool 0.5 Molitz No 1.7 seconds
Fractional Condenser
Tool 0.6 Molitz No 1.7 seconds
Dropper Funnel
Tool 0.3 Molitz No 1.7 seconds
Portable Dispenser
Tool 0.3 Molitz, 0.2 Metal, 0.2 Miraclium No 1.7 seconds
Beaker Lid Box (7x beaker lids)
Tool 0.5 Rubber Material No 1.7 seconds
Bunsen Burner
Tool 0.5 Pharosium No 1.7 seconds
Spectroscopic Scanner Goggles
Clothing 0.1 Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 6.7 seconds
Pressure Visualization Goggles
Clothing 0.3 Crystal, 0.2 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Reagent Scanner
Tool 0.2 Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material, 0.1 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Insulative Material, 0.2 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Mechanical Dropper
Tool 0.3 Metal, 0.3 Conductive Material No 1.7 seconds
Clothing 0.4 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Clothing 0.4 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Clothing 0.4 Fabric, 0.2 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Audio Tape
Tool 0.2 Metal No 1.3 seconds
Audio Log (comes pre-loaded with an empty tape)
Tool 0.3 Metal, 0.5 Conductive Material No 1.7 seconds
Metal Rods (x2)
Resource 0.1 Sturdy Metal No 1 second
Metal Sheet
Resource 0.1 Metal No 0.7 seconds
Glass Panel (1x)
Resource 0.1 Crystal No 0.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal Yes 1.7 seconds
Circular Saw
Tool 0.1 Metal Yes 1.7 seconds
Surgical Scissors
Tool 0.1 Metal Yes 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal Yes 1.7 seconds
Tool 0.1 Metal Yes 1.7 seconds
Staple Gun
Tool 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material Yes 3.3 seconds
Enucleation Spoon
Tool 0.1 Metal Yes 1.7 seconds

Engineering Specialist Manufacturer

The Engineering Specialist Manufacturer in Engineering creates various tools and clothing items used by Engineers and the like, including some more specialized equipment. It can also produce mirrors and splitters for manipulating the beam produced by the power transmission laser, as well as rods, mainboards, and other parts for the spatial interdictor. Speaking of, the Spatial Interdictor Assembly and Use book always spawns on top of this machine (or at least on the same tile as it).

Items Creatable at Round-Start
Name Icon Type Materials Required Hidden
Time at
Speed 3
Screwdriver (yellow)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Wirecutters (yellow)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Wrench (yellow)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Crowbar (yellow)
Tool 0.1 Metal No 1.7 seconds
Fire Extinguisher
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Crystal No 2.7 seconds
Welding Tool (yellow)
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Soldering Iron
Tool 0.1 Sturdy Metal, 0.2 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Multi Tool
Tool 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 High Energy Conductor No 2.7 seconds
T-Ray Scanner
Tool 0.1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material No 2.7 seconds
Rapid Construction Device
Tool 2 Extremely Tough Metal, 1 Extraordinarily Dense Crystalline Matter, 1 High Energy Conductor, 1 Significant Power Source No 30 seconds
Compressed Matter Cartridge
Resource 3 High Density Matter No 3.3 seconds
Medium Compressed Matter Cartridge
Resource 3 Very High Density Matter No 6.7 seconds
Large Compressed Matter Cartridge
Resource 2 Uqill No 10 seconds
Pressure Visualization Goggles
Clothing 0.3 Crystal, 0.2 Conductive Material No 3.3 seconds
Material Vacuum
Tool 1 Metal, 0.5 Conductive Material, 0.5 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Lamp Manufacturer (human version)
Tool 0.5 Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 2 Crystal No 1.7 seconds
Breath Mask
Clothing 0.1 Fabric No 1.7 seconds
Engineering Space Suit Set
Clothing 0.3 Fabric, 0.3 Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 5 seconds
Light Engineering Space Suit Set (engineering light space suit and helmet)
Clothing 1 Fabric, 0.5 Extremely Tough Metal, 0.2 Crystal, 0.5 Organic or Rubber Material No 5 seconds
Heavy Firesuit
Clothing 2 Fabric, 1 Fibrilith No 1.6 seconds
Tool 1 Crystal, 0.1 Conductive Material, 0.4 Metal No 2.7 seconds
Power Cell (15k capacity)
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Conductive Material, 0.4 Any Material No 10 seconds
Erebite Power Cell (15k capacity)
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Erebite No 15 seconds
Cerenkite Power Cell (15k capacity)
Component 0.4 Metal, 0.4 Any Material, 0.2 Cerenkite No 15 seconds
Hyper Capacity Power Cell
Component 0.5 Very High Density Matter, 1 High Energy Conductor, 1 Significant Power Source No 40 seconds
Engineering Diving Suit Set (only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
Clothing 0.3 Fabric, 0.3 Metal, 0.2 Crystal No 5 seconds
Flippers (only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
Clothing 0.5 Rubber Material No 2.7 seconds
Reinforced Cable Coil (120 lengths, only appears on underwater maps, i.e. Oshan Laboratory and Nadir)
None 1 Highly Insulative Material, 1 Pharosium No 3.3 seconds
Laser Mirror (produces a frame for a laser mirror, not the laser mirror itself)
None 1 Metal, 1 Crystal, 3 Reflective Material No 15 seconds
Beam Splitter (produces a frame for a beam splitter, not the beam splitter itself)
None 2 Metal, 2 Extraordinarily Dense Crystalline Matter, 3 Reflective Material No 30 seconds
Interdictor Frame Kit
Machinery 1 Sturdy Metal No 3.3 seconds
Standard Interdictor Mainboard
Machinery 0.4 Conductive Material No 1.7 seconds
Nimbus Interdictor Mainboard
Machinery 0.4 Conductive Material, 0.2 Insulative Material, 0.2 Crystal No 3.3 seconds
Zephyr Interdictor Mainboard
Machinery 0.4 Conductive Material, 0.5 Viscerite No 3.3 seconds
Devera Interdictor Mainboard
Machinery 0.4 Conductive Material, 0.2 Crystal, 0.5 Syreline No 3.3 seconds
Lambda Phase-Control Rod
Machinery 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 0.5 Crystal, 0.2 Insulative Material No 4 seconds
Sigma Phase-Control Rod
Machinery 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 1 High Energy Conductor, 0.5 Insulative Material, 0.2 Power Source No 5 seconds
Epsilon Phase-Control Rod
Machinery 0.2 Sturdy Metal, 1 Electrum, 0.5 High Density Matter, 0.2 Power Source No 6.7 seconds
Phi Phase-Control Rod
Machinery 0.5 Sturdy Metal, 1 Crystal, 0.5 Conductive Material No 5 seconds

Reverse-Engineering Fabricator

Found in the mechanic's workshop, you can't fabricate anything from it round start. Instead, you must scan objects around the station with a Device Analyzer, enter the data into a Ruckingenur Kit, print a blueprint out, enter it into the machine, and then fabricate it. Those with a Head of Staff ID can delete recipes.



You can manually construct quite a few objects found on the station using metal, tools and other items, and most of these objects can also be disassembled in more obscure ways. Refer to this if you want to build an AI upload in the cafeteria or disassemble all COMMaster terminals.


Want to fill the station with tiny beeping vermin helpful robots? Look no further!


Certain objects cannot be disassembled without bombs - that doesn't mean you cannot break them though! In this page, you can find out how to make every soda machine launch Grife-O at clueless assistants.


Certain chemicals can be used for making and breaking things. CLF3 for instance can melt floor tiles, whereas thermite burns through walls. Metal foam is convenient for repairing hull breaches.

Objects and Items
by Department
General · Janitor · Engineering · Mining · Medical · Science · Security
Machinery Pods · Vehicles · Computers · Fabricators & Manufacturers · PDAs · Implants
Clothing Clothing
Catering Plants & Hydro Equipment · Foods & Drinks
Weapons Syndicate Items · Guns · Grenades · Bombs
Department Guides
Engineering Making and Breaking · Construction · Gas · Power Grid · Thermoelectric Generator · Singularity Generator · Geothermal Generator · Catalytic Generator · Nuclear Generator · Mining · Materials and Crafting · Wiring · Hacking · MechComp · Mechanic components and you · Control Unit · Ruckingenur Kit · Reactor Statistics Computer · Cargo Crates
Medsci Doctoring · Genetics · Robotics · Telescience · Plasma Research · Artifact Research · Chemistry · Chemicals · ChemiCompiler · Decomposition
Security Security Officer · Contraband · Forensics · Space Law
Service Foods and Drinks · Botany · Writing · Piano Song Dump · Instruments
The AI Artificial Intelligence · AI Laws · Chain of Command · Guide to AI · Humans and Nonhumans · Killing the AI
Computers Computers · TermOS · ThinkDOS · Packets