Science Objects

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Item Image Description
Basic Laboratory Tools
See Chemistry.
Reagent Scanner
See Chemistry.
Spectroscopic Scanner Goggles
See Chemistry.
Dropper Funnel
See Chemistry
Portable Chemical Dispenser
See Chemistry
Hand Teleporter
Using the hand teleporter will open a temporary portal. It can either lead to a random location within a 10 tile radius, or a tracking beacon or tracking implant locked on to by a teleport computer. Hand teleporters have a 100u power cell built in, and opening a portal will cost 25u. When out of charge the hand teleporter will need to be recharged at a recharger. The RD and Captain have one of these at their disposal.
Tank Transfer Valve
Used to link two tanks of gas together. The valve can also accept attachments such as remote signalers, timers, and wire.
Remote Signaler
Sends out a radio signal of a given code on a set frequency, and when attached to something, will activate when it receives that signal. For an overview of the various assemblies, see Construction.
Proximity Sensor
When armed, it will activate whenever it detects motion adjacent to it.
Activates once the timer hits 0.
If used as an attachment, igniters heat the beaker or other assembly when activated. Can also be used to light cigarettes, or manually heat reagent containers.
Timer/Igniter Assembly
One of the various assemblies you can build and attach to beakers as well as bombs.
VR Goggles - 'Bombtest'
These goggles transport you to a special "bomb simulator" virtual reality area. You can use this simulation to determine how powerful your TTV bombs are from the comfort of your lab.
Pressure Crystal
Plop these around a bomb, and it'll change color based on how strong the explosion was and how far it was from its epicenter. As you'd might expected, darker and redder colors mean higher power. Put it in a pressure sensor for a more quantitative measure of explosion strength. Found in Vendomats.
Pressure Sensor
A tool for measuring and, more importantly, comparing strength of bomb explosions, found in Vendomats. Simply insert a pressure crystal into it, activate it, and it'll tell you the energy of the explosion in kilojoules, based on the damage to the crystal. Found in Vendomats.
Goes on the back slot of a monkey or other victim; it cannot be removed by the wearer. Set a remote signaler and the pack to the same frequency and code, then turn it on. When a signal is received, the pack delivers a debilitating jolt of electricity to whomever is wearing it. You can also make an electric chair out of it with some gear from mechanics and security.
Space GPS
Using it will bring up a menu of a few functions and a list of other active GPS devices. Any GPS in distress mode will be highlighted in red. You can use it to get your local coordinates or send out a distress signal. You can also input a set of coordinates to you want to go to, and the GPS will point in general direction you need to go to get there. In addition, you can use it to track beacons, people with tracking implants, and even other GPS devices. Extra space GPS devices can be made at a science fabricator.
Tracking Beacon
Allows someone using the teleporter to safely lock onto it as a destination. A few spawn at the start of a round in key locations and cannot be picked up unless unanchored with a screwdriver. For some reason, arcade machines occasionally dispense these as prizes, except they're renamed "electronic blink toy game".
Makes you look like you're taking notes or something productive instead of melting people's faces off. You can also use it to store a pen.
See Medical Objects
See Medical Objects.
Artifact Analysis Form
Fill these out with a pen or other writing instrument, slap them on alien artifacts, and sell them to get more artifacts and money for Cargo. See here for details. You can get these from artifact analysis form trays, naturally.
Artifact Analysis Form Tray
Click on this to get an artifact analysis form for documenting artifact research. This contains an infinite amount of forms, so it never runs out. This appear in the Artifact Lab and can be created at science fabricators.


Item Image Description
Lab Counter
See Chemistry.
Chem Dispenser
See Chemistry.
Reagent Extractor
See Chemistry.
Reagant Heater/Cooler
See Chemistry.
CheMaster 3000
See Chemistry.
See Chemistry.
See Chemistry.
Chemical Request Console
See Chemistry.
Chemical Request Display
See Chemistry.
Chemical Barrel
See Chemistry
Intended to safely send telescientists and loot back to the station, though the device is experimental and may malfunction occasionally with unpleasant results. Can be controlled with the RD's PDA or the separate remote it comes with. If necessary, the Port-a-Sci's home turf can be changed by click-dragging the machine onto an adjacent floor tile.
Science Teleporter
See Telescience.
Quantum Telescope
See Quantum Telescope.
Long-Range Teleporter
The companion piece to the Quantum Telescope.
Dispensary Supply Chute
See Chemistry

Research Apparel

Contains clothing used by Scientists and other steely-eyed practitioners of SCIENCE!. Besides spare Scientist uniforms (brown shoes, scientist jumpsuit, labcoat, etc. plus Scientist PDAs and headsets for some cash) and a couple of alternative outfits/clothing items, it also contains some personal protective equipment, including extra gas masks and biohood and biosuit sets.

By default, only those with Research Sector access can use this machine. That includes all personnel in the science department (the Research Director, Scientists, and Research Trainees), as you'd expect, and all those with all-access (e.g. Captain, Cyborgs), but it also includes Security Officer, the Head of Security, and the Head of Personnel; those latter two can access this without needing to upgrade their ID.

List of Contents:
Icon Quantity Item Price Hidden
5 White jumpsuit 0 No
6 Scientist's jumpsuit 0 No
4 Research winter coat 0 No
2 Labcoat 0 No
2 Scientist's labcoat 0 No
4 Bio suit 0 No
10 Sterile mask 0 No
4 Gas mask 0 No
5 Latex gloves 0 No
4 Brown shoes 0 No
4 White shoes 0 No
4 Bio hood 0 No
5 Hat (White knit cap) 0 No
5 Hat (Purple knit cap) 0 No
2 Baseball cap (Purple) 0 No
2 Purple costume goggles 0 No
2 Research Headset 300 No
5 PDA (Scientist version) 300 No
3 Research backpack 0 No
3 Research satchel 0 No
2 Scientist's jumpsuit (Alternate version) 0 Yes
2 Scientist's labcoat (Alternate version) 0 Yes
1 Orange labcoat 0 Yes
2 Science puffer jacket (Only available in December, January, and February, UTC) 0 No


A special Vendomat (in fact, it just goes by "Vendomat" in-game) found in Plasma Research that has more items and a slightly wider range of products. However, it does not provide flashlights when hacked. Like the standard version, it does not have any access locks and is restocked with the "standard restock cartridge".

List of Contents:
Icon Quantity Item Hidden
10 Proximity sensor No
10 Igniter No
10 Remote signaler No
1 Wirecutters No
10 Timer No
2 Atmospherics analyzer (No upgrades) No
3 Atmospherics analyzer upgrade No
8 Pressure crystal No
2 Pressure sensor No
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