Captain | |
![]() Captain |
Difficulty: Medium to Hard Requirements: A total of 30 rounds played. See below for more details. Access Level: All-access, except for the Head of Security's office and the Armory Additional Roleplay Access Level: None Supervisors: Central Command Subordinates: All on-station staff and Heads of Department Responsibilities: Make sure your departments are working productively, fill-in for command roles as needed, keep the Authentication Disk safe Guides: This article, Calling the Escape Shuttle, AI Laws, Captaining 101 |

The big boss! The Captain gets a swanky green and gold suit, a golden ID card, a kick-ass hat, a gun, and exclusive rights to renaming the station. As a Head of Staff, they also technically have the responsibility of running the station and making sure things work correctly. Some captains use their access and authority to help the crew have a good time by covering for critical roles that may be missing, doing things like starting the engine, upgrading IDs, and out-drinking the bartender. Other captains are incompetent boobs, apathetic loners, or power-crazed psychos. In all of the above cases, they will frequently get shot in the face by antagonists that want to jack the cool shit they get.
Being the Captain is generally chill, but there are some caveats. You don't have much in the way of formal duties, and having access to the almost the entire station/ship makes it pretty easy to experiment with things or dip your toes into mechanics you haven't tried before. People are also generally tolerant of Captains who are incompetent or still a bit new to the game. With that said, you can potentially cause a lot of damage if you mess up or break the Rules, and antagonists will often target you for your all-access ID and other goodies. All in all, try it out if you wish, but be careful and mind the risks.
Like the Head of Security and Security Officers, the Captain can not spawn as an Antagonist. Among other things, this means they cannot awaken as a sleeper agent, spawn as part of a Gang, or become a Revolutionary--in fact they're one of the Revolutionaries' prime targets. The Captain also spawns with a mind protection health implant, which makes them harder (but not impossible) to mindhack.
Becoming Captain (or Not)
Every crew needs a Captain, and ours is no exception. The game always tries to make someone Captain, and the Captain is considered by the game to be a high priority role, chosen before considering other job preferences. This means you may be chosen as the Captain even if you had other, higher ranked jobs in your preferences. If you do not want the possibility of being made to lead our merry band of murderous misfits, then you should set it to Unwanted in your preferences.
The Captain role has a rounds played requirement. A round counts towards this requirement if you a) joined the round when it was being set up b) joined an ongoing round on the RP servers before the 60 minute mark, while there isn't a shuttle en-route, or c) joined an ongoing round on the non-RP server (i.e. Goonstation Classic 1: Heisenbee) before the 40 minute mark, while there isn't a shuttle en-route. These thirty can be a combination of a, b, and c and don't all have to all be spent on either the RP or Classic servers.
You are not necessarily expected to be hyper-competent in every department by the time you have 30 rounds played, but rather have a fairly good idea of how things are supposed to work and what is and what isn't against the Rules. Hopefully, you have a good grasp of the controls by then too, so you can RP without accidentally punching people or smacking yourself with your boots.
Captain's Stuff
In the captain's storage is a spare ID, a pinpointer (which points to the disk), a green spacesuit and a hand teleporter. In the locker is an energy gun with gold trim and a body that's partly green (sorry, no red or blue-bodied versions for red and blue captains), a spare outfit, a snazzy coat, and a megaphone.
Authentication Disk
The captain begins with the Authentication Disk (aka nuke disk) in their pocket, and they are responsible for keeping this out of the hands of filthy red-suited Syndicate operatives. It is suggested that the nuke disk be kept on your person at all times, as the operatives will most certainly want to steal it to shorten the countdown of their nuclear bomb. It works the other way around as well, giving the station a few precious minutes more to dispose of the WMD, so don't be that smart-ass captain who figures it would be a brilliant idea to throw the disk into the crusher. The disk is equally important for the survival of the crew.
- Hiding or spacing the disk is also a dumb move, because the Scout and Infiltrator loadouts have pinpointers leading right to it, and if the operatives are interested in snatching the disk, they are going to have someone with those loadouts. Of course, if you're carrying the disk, that pinpointer will point straight at you, so consider asking for an escort if red-suited operatives have been spotted.
The Disk has also has other uses. When the escape shuttle is docked, you can use it to shorten the launch time to 10 seconds, in case of urgent emergencies. It'll ask for confirmation first, in case you've decided the emergency isn't all that urgent. It can also authorize and deauthorize the armory. However, if you use the Disk to authorize the armory, it can no longer revoke authorization. (The Head of Security can still deauthorize it.) Deauthorization also has a cooldown; you must wait 5 minutes after authorization has been given. In addition, it contains the various netpasses used for certain packets.
Captain's Rights & Duties 
The captain has free run of the station, so they should feel free to use it to the fullest. Individual jobs are delegated to lesser people while you command from on high, after all. Just remember that you're in charge, you're giving the orders, and it's your responsibility to control security and make sure the station isn't exploding. Or, if it is, which is more likely, then work with your resources and show leadership to try and stop things. If the situation is truly critical and the AI is not available or not listening to you, then you'll need to call the shuttle manually.
As captain you may want to:
- Keep an eye on the Head of Personnel and make sure they're not tossing out all-access IDs.
- Resolve disputes between players, usually even the dumbest slap fight can be defused ingame.
- Beat up troublemakers! Make sure they don't beat you up and steal your neat stuff.
- Make sure security isn't being shit this round. Make sure prisoners aren't being abused and they have proper brig times. Make sure nobody's busting into the armory.
- Use your PDA to spew out tickets! It can even send messages to people if main comms aren't an option.
- Make sure the AI's laws are normal or at least won't bite the crew in the ass! Reset them if they're bad.
- Protect your prized bonsai tree.
- Repair your antique laser gun and show it off.
Make assistants fight to the death!Recruit assistants for a social experiment!- Have the assistants sign a waiver!
- Rename the station to something clever and/or amusing via your Station Namer program on your PDA.
- If there seems to be major vacancy, e.g. too many patients and too few Medical Doctors, Head of Personnel is dead after killing themselves via crayon-up-nose, use the RoleControl program to mark a job as priority to people joining after the round's started.
Captain XP
Guess what? There's more to Captain training than interpretive dance sessions. Every time you complete one of your crew objectives, you earn Captain XP. This doesn't make your hat bigger or anything, but it does offer an indirect measure of how much captaining you've done.
Action | XP Gain |
Completing the "Don't lose your hat!" objective. | 50 |
Completing the "Have alcohol in your bloodstream at the end of the round" objective. | 50 |
Captain Job Rewards
As a thank you from NanoTransen for their endless drinking efforts of protecting the station from themselves hostile enemy threats, Captains are now able to exchange their energy gun for a one-of-a-kind sheath and sabre! To claim this 'well earned' reward, go to the 'Check Job Rewards' command, which you can find in the Commands tab. You can also enter the command name in the command bar.
Name | Level Unlocked | Icon | Description |
Captain's Sabre | 0 | ![]() ![]() |
A sword! Woah. Try not to poke your eyes out. Comes in green, blue and red variants. Deals 16 damage and inflicts bleeding and has a 1% chance to delimb. Also has a forward stabbing special attack. Not all that impressive upclose. Nuclear Commanders also get their own, slightly stronger version.
You have to give up an energy gun to claim this. If you have scanned your energy gun with a device analyzer or are trying to use this on a copy of an energy gun produced via the ruckingenur kit, you can't claim this reward! You can't have both--you gotta choose! |
Crew Objectives
As a loyal crew member, you can sometimes be assigned some strictly optional objectives to keep yourself busy while you wait for something to happen. If you complete your objectives by the end of the round, you'll get bonus Spacebux and some XP. The first time you complete an objective, you might also receive a medal. As the captain, you can expect to see the following:
Don't lose your hat!
Just what the man says. Don't let some hooligan steal your awesome hat.
There is no medal associated with this objective. In theory, the game would award you the Hatris medal; however, this medal does not actually exist, and the code to give it to you is commented out, so the game doesn't actually execute it. But hey, at least you still have your hat.
Have alcohol in your bloodstream at the end of the round.
Take the wine out on the bridge and drink it as the round's winding down. Or just get drunk all round.
There is no medal associated with this objective. This is in a similar boat to the "Don't lose your hat!" objective; you're supposed to get the "Edward Smith" medal, but since the code to give you the medal is commented out, the game will never actually do it, and anyhow, that medal does not actually exist in the medals database.
Tyrant at the Helm: Antagonist Captain
Note: The Captain cannot spawn as an antagonist, so you cannot be a traitor captain, changeling captain, spy thief captain, gang leader/member captain, sleeper agent captain, etc. This section is for if you get mindhacked or an admin makes you an antag (for whatever purposes).
You have access to pretty much everywhere and everything, and yet the captain barging into random departments to mass-produce energy guns or brew up cyanide does tend to attract unwanted attention. If you feel like going on a rampage, subvert the AI on your side and just start lasering anything that moves. You can boss around security officers to do your bidding, though if they're mildly competent or there is a Head of Security around, they may quickly mutiny and try to put you down. The Head of Personnel can also pull together a revolt against you if you're being less than subtle about your treason, so consider a preemptive strike against anyone who would dare stand up to you. With no organized resistance, few crewmembers will be bold enough to try a head-on attack against you.
Overlord: Traitor Captain
Again, the captain normally cannot spawn as a Traitor, so the below really only applies if an admin makes you one.
Traitor captains have three job-specific traitor items available. One of them is the AI Laser Upgrade Module. If you love gunning people down with lasers and wish to share that joy with the AI, then this is the item for you. It lets the AIs join in on the fun by giving it the ability to fire lasers from its cameras. Just slip it into the AI law rack in the AI Upload, and voila. For extra security, you can use a screwdriver and welder to make it harder to remove.
Speaking of silicons, if you like subverting the AI and Cyborgs' laws to suit your evil needs, the Disguised AI Law Module might be up your alley. This module is, for all intents and purposes, a Freeform module with a different color, so you can put just about any kind of law you want, and since you can order multiples of these, you can basically create your own lawset that shapes the silicons into metal tyrants in your image. Also, it's green, which not only goes with your outfit, but also makes the module look like the standard law modules the AI starts with. It probably will not fool people who are looking closely, but it might just be enough to throw off the initial suspicion.
The third job-specific item you can order is the black-market megaphone. If no one is following orders, maybe it's because you just aren't shouting loud enough. The black-market megaphone will fix that quite handily. It gives you very big text when held, both when speaking face-to-face and over the radio, ensuring your words will reach your subordinates in no time. Great if you prefer assault people with loud words rather than lasers.
Traitor captains are also, rather infamously, scary efficient at murder. Stun your target with a energy gun set to stun a couple times, and they'll sure be to be easy pickings for your wrestlebelt/c-saber/whatever weapon you like. If they try to fight back, your captain's armor will lessen much of the blow.
Beyond that, you can also ditch your objectives entirely and run whatever hilarious gimmick you've always wanted, now with the ability to silence nay-sayers and party poopers with hot laser fire. Invite people to your invisible maze, promise them cash and/or access upgrades if they make it out (don't mention you also rigged it with mousetrap bombs made with tactical grenades.) Mindhack someone, buy some pickpocket guns, purchase some western wear from the clothing booth, and pretend to be a gang of wild west bandits IN SPACE! (Having all-access greatly aids your ability to steal things and escape.) Also, consider: you can buy a katana and turn your energy gun in for the captain's sabre; now you have two swords! That's better than one, right?
Supplementary Video
Jobs on Space Station 13 | ||
Command & Security |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Medical | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Research | ![]() ![]() | |
Engineering | ![]() ![]() | |
Civilian |
| |
Silicon | ![]() ![]() | |
Jobs of the Day | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Antagonist Roles | With own mode | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Others | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Special Roles | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |