Space Phoenix

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The Space Phoenix, or Ice Phoenix, is a spacefaring phoenix native to the Frontier. It happened to just be chilling (haha, get it?) in space when Space Station 13 came along, disturbing its natural habitat and warming up the phoenix's environment with irradiated heat. The phoenix is mad, and seeks to cool the station down to hopefully scare it off without needing to leave its home.

The phoenix is a random event antag spawned through the Intruder Alert random event

The Nest

As a Space Phoenix, starting out, you spawn in an ice nest. This nest offers walls for protection against pod attacks should it come to it, as well as some direct benefits. For every dead human or critter, up to 5 of each, that you bring into the nest, you gain increased out of combat health regeneration in space, increasing your recovery rate and ability to harass the station. Additionally, should you collect 5 dead humans, you are granted a one-time revive, which happens when you die. This revival is not granted if you are gibbed, so be careful in that regard. The space trail that you leave will also be colored pink/purple while you have the revive.

Phoenix Passives

The phoenix has a couple of notable passive perks, both good and bad, to know about

  • It can travel freely in space
  • While in space and not in combat, it regenerates health and heals bleeding
  • In space, fires on it are extinguished
  • Its ice feather attacks are empowered every 10 seconds, dealing an extra 10% of a pod's health on hit and gaining 25% disruption chance
  • Its ice feather attacks will only damage pods that are in space and can't damage windows
  • It cannot interact with pods like a human can
  • It can be targeted by pod seeking missiles
  • Patting it with your hand chills you and deals a bit of burn damage


The phoenix has a couple of abilities that are designed to be used together to take down solo targets. This makes the phoenix incredibly dangerous in one-on-one situations if it comes down to it

Icon Name Cooldown Description
Return to Station 0 seconds, toggleable This is a toggleable ability that causes you to return to the station Z level when traveling off the current Z level, similarly to pods. Note that if toggled on when on the station Z level, you'll travel to the other edge of the Z level rather than a new Z level.
Show Map 0 seconds Shows you a map of the station Z level, containing markers for your nest and yourself. Useful for navigating space.
Sail 30 seconds This ability channels over some time to grant you a temporary, massive speed buff while in space. The channel time is not interrupted by being attacked or moving but is interrupted by every other action.

Use this ability to either traverse space or escape attackers. For maximum effect when escaping attackers, make sure to use Ice Barrier first.
Ice Barrier 20 seconds Grants a 10 second shield which reduces all incoming damage to a maximum value of 10
Glacier 20 seconds Creates a 5 tile wide wall of compacted snow and ice in relation to where you are. This wall can be destroyed by smacking it with objects or shooting it with projectiles. Hitting it with a welding tool instantly destroys it.
Thermal Shock 60 seconds Channels on a girder, window, or wall. If cast on a girder, it will be destroyed. If cast on a window or wall, it will be replaced with an ice tunnel that allows travel by anyone without depressurization.
Wind Chill 30 seconds Causes an instant 3x3 chill at the cast point. Those with low enough body temperature will be frozen solid in a blue, anchored ice cube.
Touch of Death 60 seconds Channeled ability that is cast on either a human or an ice cube and repeats. If the human was recently frozen solid by Wind Chill, they will be broken out of the ice cube and become unable to act or move while the ability channels. The ability causes burn damage once the target's body temperature becomes low enough.
Permafrost 60 seconds Channeled ability that creates an ice statue at the cast point. This statue permafrosts the area it's in, causing tiles to be replaced with snow tiles, snow to fall, and reduced air temperature. Once the statue is destroyed, the area returns to normal.

How to play as the Phoenix

The phoenix's main capabilities are high one-on-one lethality and poke damage. You tend to be on the weaker side when vulnerable, so you should be careful, but you can also be very dangerous, so that should be used to your advantage.

When traveling onto a station that isn't permafrosted, or entering combat, you become Vulnerable, which causes you to leave a trail of ice in space when moving. This trail of ice allows spacewalking and prevents humans from taking space damage, so you need to be careful should people be ready to chase you. Being in a non-permafrosted station area for longer than 30 seconds will cause you to take burn damage until you die.

Versus humans, when you can, you should continually poke and whittle away at targets. There's a handy temperature indicator that appears on humans that you chill. When it turns dark blue, this means that you can use Wind Chill on the target to freeze them in an anchored ice cube. You can also follow up with Touch of Death on the ice cube to cause them to be paralyzed and unable to move. This ability chain is incredibly lethal versus alone targets, but its capability is reduced a lot if there's more than one person. Your other abilities can be used as needed to help.

Versus pods, they can be very aggressive, but you also need to be aggressive. Use your Ice Barrier ability to gain an advantage against the pod's attacks, and kite the pod, using feathers to reduce its health until its destroyed. Your Glacier ability can be useful at blocking the pod's movement. If you need to retreat, you can use your Sail ability to escape.

Permafrost should be used to establish a beachhead on the station from where you can attack from

Make sure to collect dead bodies in your nest! The increased health regeneration will allow you to recover from fights quicker and increases your chance of survival.


As the phoenix, you have the following three objectives. While not required to follow, you do get a medal if you complete all of them and live!
1. Collect 5 dead humans in your nest
2. Collect 5 dead critters in your nest
3. Use Permafrost on 5 station areas

How to play against the Phoenix

The phoenix can appear to be very dangerous, but there's a few things that help a lot versus it.

If you aren't in a pod, the phoenix's main utility against you is chills and cold damage. All of its attacks and abilities chill you down, but the chill can be reduced wearing cold protective gear, with space suits being the most easily accessible. Though any cold clothing will work. Its chills are reduced at most by 75% with maximum cold protection. Its abilities are designed to be lethal if you are cold, so any way of increasing your body temperature counteracts this. This can be anything from patting yourself for warmth to using chemicals such as Teporone. The phoenix is also very dangerous in a 1 versus 1 situation, so 1 on 1s should be avoided unless you're confident you can take it on.

In a pod, you should continually be aggressive versus the phoenix, playing around its Ice Barrier ability which will make your attacks much less effective. In the event the phoenix is able to escape, you can follow its ice trail to chase it

It also creates many ice tunnels to travel the station. These can be removed by building a new wall over them, through girder construction, or RCD.

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