Santa Claus

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When Spacemas/Christmas Cheer is high, a Santa Claus shall visit the station, bringing gifts and blessings for all! This Christmas Spirit brings good tidings for all the good spacemen in the December months, and is perhaps the station's sole benevolent ally against all the horrors out to destroy Spacemas/Christmas.

Getting Santa Claus to Come to Town

Santa Claus, unfortunately, doesn't spawn on the station at roundstart. In order for him to spawn, Spacemas/Christmas Cheer must be above 80% or so. It starts at 60%, and there are multiple, easily repeatable ways of raising it.

Once sufficient levels of Spacemas/Christmas Cheer are reached, all ghosts will receive a special prompt, heralded by a loud klaxon, asking if they want to Respawn as Santa Claus. Within two or three minutes, the game will randomly select anyone who answered yes to the prompt and spawn them in the Wizard's Den.

Now, despite his magical powers, Santa Claus is otherwise an ordinary human. They can be stunned, beaten, burned, poisoned, asphyxiated, fed floorpills, etc., like any other Spacemas/Christmas celebrant! Only, if they die, Spacemas/Christmas Cheer takes a huge hit (-60%!). Don't let some grinch or buzzkill kill them!


All these abilities can be found in the top left. For some reason, you can't use any of these while stunned or otherwise incapacitated. So, uh, don't mess with the Security Officers or anything. Not that a jolly non-antagonist like you would do that!

Icon Name Cooldown Description
Santa Heal 60 seconds Heal yourself and everyone in view within 5 tiles of you (i.e. most of your screen) of 30 BURN and BRUTE damage!
Santa Gifts 120 seconds Spawn 3-12 Spacemas/Christmas presents all around you!
Spacemas Goodies 80 seconds Spawn 6-18 various holiday snacks all around you! These holiday snacks can include snack cakes, cookies, ice cream cones, yoghurt, granola bars, apple pie, chocolate bars, and, of course, eggnog!
Winter Hearth 80 seconds Give yourself and everyone in your view who's within 5 tiles of you (i.e. most of your screen) cold resistance for a few minutes. Handy for making it through a hull breach!
Spacemas Warp 80 seconds Teleport to somewhere else in the station, appearing on wherever there is a clear, open space to poof into.
Banish Krampus None! Gib Krampus if it is within 7 tiles (i.e. anywhere within your screen) of you. They can still come back if Spacemas/Christmas Cheer drops below 10%, but that shouldn't happen with you around, right?

You also, as you'd expect, spawn in a santa suit and hat. In addition to being quite stylish and protective, the whole hat and suit set provides enough cold resistance to be space-worthy, though they still slow you down, albeit to the same degree as standard space suits and helmets. No need to exchange that jolly, iconic suit of yours for EVA gear if you're around a hull breach; you're already wearing one! Just look out for naughty Syndicate boys sporting a very similar version.

Notice what you don't get: access. Since you can't access much of the ship/station, you'll likely need to rely on Spacemas Warp to enter places that aren't publicly available. Barring that, you can also simply just ask the AI or various crew members to let you into places. After all, who would turn down a visit from Santa?

Supplementary Video

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