Holiday Cheer

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Ho, ho, ho, it's December, and you know what that means. Whether you call it Spacemas Cheer, Christmas Cheer, just Cheer, or some other name, it's time to celebrate the holidays!

What is Spacemas Cheer?

Spacemas Cheer is an abstract number representing the general holiday spirit of the crew (as opposed to just yourself or the entirety of humanity). It appears solely when the server is in Spacemas mode, that is, during December.

Rather than acting as some sort of morale mechanic or something that ties into the Motives system, Spacemas Cheer primarily affects spawns for two holiday-exclusive roles. At a Spacemas Cheer of 80% or greater, Santa Claus arrives to bring heals, treats, and presents as a reward. At a Spacemas Cheer of 10% or lower, Krampus arrives to disrupt people and give them a bad time as punishment. Grinches also have a goal of ruining the holidays for everyone by keeping Spacemas Cheer low.

Spacemas Cheer Levels

Spacemas Cheer starts at 60% and has no upper or lower bound. There are many ways to both increase and decrease it.

Raising Cheer

Action Cheer
Taking something out of a stocking. +2
Wrapping a present. +1
Unwrapping a present. +2
Getting hit with a snowball. +1
Feeding a space seal pup. +1
Cleaning up Grinch graffiti. +1
Eating a candy bar. +1
Eating a candy cane. +1
Eating one of the following cookies: +1
Consuming fruitcake. +10
Consuming a slice of fruit cake. +2
Having Spacemas Spirit in one's system +1 (5% chance)

Lowering Cheer

Action Cheer
Santa Claus dying. -60
Burning down the Spacemas Tree by using Vandalize on it as a Grinch. -33
Killing a space seal pup. -20
Killing a space bee. -5
Successfully releasing a headspider as a Changeling. -7
Creating graffiti on a wall by using Vandalize as a Grinch. -1
Destroying garland by using Vandalize as a Grinch. -1
Interacting with a booby-trapped stocking (meaning Grinch has used Vandalize to sabotage the stocking). -5
Eating/being force-fed cookies, candy canes, and candy bars poisoned by the Grinch. -2
Eating/being force-fed other food poisoned by the Grinch. -3
Deaths in the Afterlife Bar and as something not human (e.g. Werewolf, Animal, but not Vampire) don't count.
Opening a present containing an armed mousetrap. -4

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