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Difficulty: Easy
Requirements: None
Access Level: Maintenance
Additional Roleplay Access Level: None
Supervisors: Captain, Head of Personnel
Subordinates: None
Responsibilities: Style the crew's hair, including beards and mustaches
Guides: This is the guide.

Easily recognizable by the distinct boater hat and red-and-white pinstripe uniform, the Barber is job where you cut people's hair, dye it into outrageous colors, and shave beards. Aside from that, nothing else of importance is expected from you.

It's available exclusively as a Job of the Day available to people who join after roundstart on Tuesdays (UTC-0/GMT). Of course, anyone, at any time, regardless of their actual job or the existence (or nonexistence) of an actual barber, can act as one simply by using the equipment in the Barbershop.

Barber magic 101

You can unanchor the barber chair by clicking on it while holding a screwdriver; clicking on it with a screwdriver again will anchor it back, naturally. You can still cut hair on a chair that's been unanchored. Good for relocating to another place when the regular Barbershop's unsafe or doing a traveling stylist gimmick.

If the Barbershop has been bombed or otherwise put out of commission, you can still obtain replacement barbering supplies by requesting a Barbershop Kit from the Quartermaster(s). It contains everything you need to refurbish your salon or start up a new one, such as scissors, a razor, spare bottles, a bundle of parts for a barber's chair, and even a dye-making machine (deploy it using the accompanying soldering iron.)

Haircut or Shave

Barbery can be done anywhere by anyone! Simply click on someone with a razor or pair of scissors in hand.

However, if something is preventing you from altering their 'do, you'll likely just end up stabbing them. This is because you're probably holding the tool like a weapon! To switch to a less murderous grip, simply click on the tool in hand until a message pops up telling you that you're holding it like a tool.

Though, you won't try to hurt your hair-victim if they're in the Barbershop or buckled into a barber chair. Unless your intent is set to Harm, then you'll stab them no matter what.

While just about anyone with a pair of scissors can cut hair anywhere, actually doing a good job is another story. Hair care success depends on several factors.

Things that help your chances:

  • You're actually a barber
  • You're wearing the barber's outfit
  • Your victim is in the Barbershop
    • Even better if you're actually in there with them
  • Your victim is in a barber chair
  • Your victim is dead
  • You're actually a robot

Things that hurt your chances:

  • You're trying to cut your own hair
  • You're a clumsy idiot
  • Your victim is jittery
  • You are jittery but your victim isn't

If the conditions are good enough, then you're just about guaranteed victory! Otherwise, well, at least everyone's beautiful on the inside, right?

Hair Coloring

Coloring someone's hair is easy! Simply insert the dye bottle into the hair dye dispenser, fill the bottle with a color, then click on someone with hair! Course, you'll need to make sure they aren't wearing anything on their head, face, or eyes.

To pick which region of hair to color, click on the dye bottle while it's in your hand. It'll swap it between each of the three head regions, all three, or the eyes.

If you're not a barber, you can only use the dye bottle once before needing to refill it. However, if you're a barber, and not trying to dye your target's entire head of hair, you can use it three times before running out.

A Brief History of Boater Hats

Technically, they've only had a boater hat since April 30th, 2021, but you get the picture.

The Barber job and the Barbershop were added very early in Goonstation's history, way back on July 2, 2010, by IShallRiseAgain. The role lasted for almost half year, before getting removed on January 18th, 2011, allegedly due to an incident involving "32 pounds of pork and a NanoTrasen Rabbi". Some time later, it was added back into rotation as a Job of the Day for Tuesdays.

Supplementary Video


Jobs on Space Station 13
Command &
Captain · Head of Security · Head of Personnel · Chief Engineer · Research Director · Medical Director

Security Officer · Detective · Security Assistant

Nanotrasen Security Consultant

Medical Medical Doctor · Medical Trainee · Roboticist · Geneticist
Research Scientist · Research Trainee
Engineering Engineer · Technical Trainee

Quartermaster · Miner


Staff Assistant · Janitor · Chaplain · Mail Courier · Radio Host · Mime

Chef · Bartender · Botanist · Rancher


Gimmick jobs

Silicon Artificial Intelligence · Cyborg
Jobs of the Day Dungeoneer · Barber · Waiter · Lawyer · Tourist · Musician · Boxer
Antagonist Roles With own mode Arcfiend · Blob · Changeling · Gang Member · Flockmind ( Flocktrace) · Nuclear Operative · Spy Thief · Traitor · Revolutionary · Vampire ( Thrall) · Wizard
Others Sleeper Agent · Werewolf · Wraith ( Poltergeist) · Wrestler · Space Phoenix · Hunter · Grinch · Krampus · Gimmick antagonist roles
Special Roles Ghostdrone · Monkey · Critter · Ghost · Cluwne · Santa Claus