Test Chamber
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing horrible concoctions on monkeys | |
Scientists, Research Director, Security |
The Chemistry lab and Toxins lab have a on-station Test Chamber in the top left parts of the Research Sector, sometimes actually used to test chemicals/mixtures, and usually used to safely make pretty explosions. It is heavily reinforced, so much so that usually only insane expert chemists can make a sizeable hole in it.
The Chamber includes:
- Mail and disposal chutes
- A surgical table and health analyzer
- A wall mounted recorder
- A ChemiCompiler
- Toxins and burn treatment kits inside the chamber
- A IV drip bag and stand
- A mobile camera connected to the station's televisions.
- Fancy, super-strong plasmaglass windows
that get destroyed by staff assistants trying to fabricate plasmaglass spears every few rounds
The Research Outpost has a much bigger and well-equipped version within.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent. It would confound test results. Violently.
The APC for this room is in the top left, near the entrance into the Research Sector corridors.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing horrible concoctions on monkeys | |
Scientists, Research Director, Security |
The Chemistry lab and Toxins lab have a on-station test chamber, sometimes actually used to test chemicals/mixtures, and usually used to safely make pretty explosions. It is heavily reinforced, so much so that usually only insane expert chemists can make a sizeable hole in it.
The Chamber includes:
- Mail and disposal chutes
- A surgical table and health analyzer
- A wall mounted recorder
- A table with office supplies
- An air injector hooked up to a canister hookup pad
There are also toxins and burn treatment kits and sunglasses on the table outside, as well as biosuits and firesuits.
Maintenance Information
There is a vent/air injector here, near the chairs, but it's for testing gas mixes, not refilling the air in here.
The APC for this room is in the bottom right corner, near the entrance into Chemistry.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing horrible concoctions on monkeys | |
Scientists, Security, all Heads |
The Chemistry lab and Toxins lab have a on-station test chamber, sometimes actually used to test chemicals/mixtures, and usually used to safely make pretty explosions. It is heavily reinforced, so much so that usually only insane expert chemists can make a sizeable hole in it.
The Chamber includes:
- Mail and disposal chutes
- A surgical table and health analyzer
- A wall mounted recorder
- A table with office supplies
- An air injector hooked up to a canister hookup pad
There are also two blast doors, in case of a dangerously powerful reaction that'll probably destroy both the chamber and the people watching.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing horrible concoctions on monkeys | |
Scientists |
The Chemistry lab and Toxins lab have a on-station test chamber, sometimes actually used to test chemicals/mixtures, and usually used to safely make pretty explosions. It is heavily reinforced with two layers of r-walls, so much so that usually only insane expert chemists can make a sizeable hole in it.
The Chamber includes:
- A mail chute
- A surgical table and health analyzer
- Toxins and burn treatment kits inside the chamber
- A IV drip bag and stand
- A mobile camera connected to the station's televisions.
- Shades. Because cool spacemen don't look at explosions. Especially not flash powder explosions.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing horrible concoctions on monkeys | |
The Test Chamber is where the Scientists in Chemistry go to scientifically assess just how exactly station-clearing/face-melting/hyper-toxic/amusing their latest chemical concoctions are. The ones in Plasma Research can join in the fun too, but they probably can't test anything bigger than a single tank bomb without destroying something besides the chamber. (Debris Field is better.) This testing site features:
- A sink
- A surgical table and health analyzer
- A IV drip bag and stand
- A box of syringes
- A wall mounted recorder
- A chemi-compiler
Maintenance Information
There is no vent.
The APC for this room is just outside the door into maintenance.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing horrible concoctions on monkeys | |
The Test Chamber is where the Scientists in Chemistry and Plasma Research go to scientifically test assess how face-melting/station-clearing their latest chemical concoction/plasma mix is. It's located a good ways north of the Toxins Lab and is equipped with several essential scientific instruments:
- A chemi-compiler
- A bin of paper and various writing instruments to write scientific reports with--and a clipboard to hold it all!
- A surgical table and health analyzer.
- A box of syringes for scientifically administering chemical mixtures.
- A wall mounted audio recorder.
- A disposal chute into the main chamber.
- An air connector port, for pumping gas into the main chamber.
- Fire and toxin medkits. Science can hurt sometimes.
- Sunglasses. You can be blinded by science. Gotta put these on so you won't.
Maintenance Information
The only vent in this area is for pumping test gas mixes into the chamber.
The APC for this area is in the antechamber after the long hallway, where the medkits would normally be kept.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing horrible concoctions on monkeys | |
Four out of five doctors agree; chemical weapons should not be tested on-station. (The one who disagreed turned out to be a secret Syndicate agent.) Hence, this Test Chamber is located in an off-site laboratory, the Research Outpost, rather than in the main Research Wing. Here, enterprising chemical weaponeers have a variety of tools and instruments for assessing how station/organ/face-melting their hellfire and supertoxin concoctions are:
- A ValuChimp with test subject monkeys. Lots of test subject monkeys.
- A surgical table.
- Some utensils, hopefully not for improvised surgery.
- Some syringes and an IV drip bag & stand for administering chemical mixtures.
- Fire and toxin medkits, less for the test subjects, more for any testers who were
dumbunfortunate enough to be blasted by their own experiments. - Reagent scanners and atmospheric analyzers.
- A bin of paper and various writing instruments to write scientific reports with--and a clipboard to hold it all!
- An tape recorder for more audio-based thinkers.
Maintenance Information
There is no vents. Experiments here don't need air.
The APC for this area is in the top left corner.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Disappearing at the end of the round. | |
Here's a place that's supposed to be full of holes and filled with burning dead monkeys: the Test Chamber, a special place on the right end of the Test Asteroid specifically designed and designated for testing the effects of chemical concoctions. While any area can technically be a Test Chamber if you try hard enough and have no morals (but that's probably a given for you), this one has a couple of utilities that make it a more ideal place for your latest chemixes than most:
- A ValuChimp loaded with lots and lots of potential test subject monkeys, in the room right below the reinforced floor section where you actually test things.
- In the same room, a bin of paper, so you can record your findings. No point in SCIENCE! if you can't share it with others, you know. Remember to bring your favorite writing instrument. Or...
- A medical computer and DWAINE terminal, both with text editors that you can use to record your findings. It's only fitting your cutting-edge scientific reports are written with equally cutting-edge software.
- A water cooler. A cool drink of water can quench your thirst for knowledge of SCIENCE!...and trigger a foam reaction.
- A surgical table in the actual chamber. Surgery tools are in Research Storage, on the other side of the thankfully small Testing Asteroid. Go get them!
- A mop and bucket combo. You can use them to clean up for the next experimenter...or make them into potent weapons.
On top of all this, the testing area is surrounded by two layers of airlocks and reinforced walls and has reinforced flooring. Gotta make it durable enough for multiple uses, no? You can also pump gases into the test area or siphon them out with the equipment in the Research Sector Construction Area.
Maintenance Information
While it's normally used for gases other than air, you can use the aforementioned equipment in the Research Sector Construction Area to refill the air in this area.
The APC for the lower room with the ValuChimp, computers, and cooler is its bottom left, behind the ValuChimp. The APC for the upper area with the actual testing area is located in that room's top right, near the reinforced table.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Breaking the Space Geneva Space Protocol. | |
The Test Chamber is a heavily-reinforced compartment that scientists can conduct experiments in, located in the center of Research, right of Chemistry and the RD's office.
While its placement on-ship makes testing explosives here questionable, it's perfectly fine for testing poisons and such. In fact, there's a box of syringes and a IV drip and stand to allow just that. There's also a operating table for more thorough examination of experiment "participants", though the lack of actual surgical tools means you'll have to improvise. If you need test subjects, remember that there's a ValuChimp in Pathology Research.
In the interest of hygiene, there are sterile/surgical mask and latex glove dispensers in the middle room. In case you become injured, you can heal yourself with supplies from the medical cabinet in the same area. Should you catch on fire, there's a fire-fighting mini-closet near said medical cabinet and a shower in the room preceding it, which should hopefully put you out.
If you need to broadcast or record your findings, don't forget about the immobile video camera or the audio log in the room with the operating table.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent. Those fans don't do anything. In fact, they're part of an eldritch race of beings from between the planes of reality that feast upon positive emotions such as happiness, love, and community. Fortunately, since those things don't exist on the NSS Manta, they just stand there and whirl.
The APC for this area is on the bottom wall of the middle room.
Test Chamber | |
Location | |
Testing wonderful concoctions on monkeys | |
The Chemistry lab and Toxins lab have a sort-of-off-station Test Chamber in the space left of the rest of the Research Sector (reached through its pod bay), sometimes actually used to test chemicals/mixtures, and usually used to safely make pretty explosions. While it's not as heavily reinforced as its counterparts on other stations, the physical distance from the hull provides an alternative layer of safety.
The Chamber includes:
- A surgical table.
- A wall mounted recorder.
- A ChemiCompiler.
- Toxins and burn treatment kits inside the chamber.
- IV drip bags and a stand.
- A mobile camera connected to the station's televisions.
- Fancy, super-strong plasmaglass windows.
- A monkey dispenser.
- Some handcuffs for restraining unruly test subjects.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent. Everything must be AIR TIGHT.
The APC for this room is on the right, in the lobby area.