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Current Maps
Cogmap2 · Cogmap1 · Nadir · Clarion · Oshan Laboratory · Atlas · Kondaru · Donut 2 · Donut 3

This page is under construction.
The following information may be incomplete.
This page is currently being updated to reflect an update that significantly remapped the bow, amidships, and aft portions. Notably, Engineering has been significantly expanded, Security is now below the Bridge/Command area, and the northern end has been gutted out for more general use and civilian areas.
Electrical SubstationsElectrical SubstationsSolar ArraysSolar ArraysTechnical StorageMechanics LabChief Engineer's OfficeEngineeringOre Processing / RefineryMiningCargo Pod BayCargo BayTest ChamberTelescienceScience Pod BayRobot DepotResearch Director's OfficePlasma ResearchChemistryArtifact ResearchResearch WingRoboticsPathologyOperating TheatreMorgueMedical Director's OfficeGenetics ResearchMedbayTeleporter RoomEVACustomsComputer CoreCaptain's QuartersAI ChamberBridgeSecurity CheckpointDetective's OfficeSecurity Pod BayInterrogation RoomHead of Security's OfficeBrigBeepsky's HouseArmorySecurity DepartmentKitchenHydroponicsFuneral ParlorFitness CenterJanitor's OfficeClown TentChapel/Community CenterBarbershopBarArcadeWaste DisposalTool StorageMain HangarOwleryLocker RoomEscapeCrew QuartersArrivals
This map is clickable. · Bigger version · Zoomable map

Clarion is one of the current maps used by the four official Goonstation servers. It was designed by Dionsu and mapped by a69andahalf.

Clarion is mostly finished, but any feedback and bug reports are still very welcomed. Use the in-game bug-reporter button in the top right of the game screen or visit the bug tracker on the Github to report Clarion bugs.

Note: This map only appears in the Map Vote if the server's player count is below 60, i.e. you can't vote for it if the population's above 60.

Note 2: On the RP servers, Goonstation Roleplay 3: Morty and Goonstation Roleplay 4: Sylvester, this map is a little different: the pods in the public pod bay start off locked. You might be lucky enough to spawn with a code for one of the pods. Otherwise, they are the same map across all the official servers, running the same codebase, so almost everything is interchangeable.

October 2, 2016 - Now

Clarion Bow

Clarion Midsection

Clarion Port

Clarion Amidships

Clarion Starboard

Clarion Aft
