The toilets, tubs, and lockers of Cog2 have fused together to form...the Locker Room.
Toilets | |
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Misdeed magnet | |
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The Bathroom is a white-tiled room in the general crew quarters area that is often covered in black, blue, and other colors due to various misdeeds performed here, including:
- Dumping Discount Dan's noodles and ProPuffs cigarettes into the bathtub for hobo chemistry.
- Soaking the nearby loofah into the contents of said bathtub to create a floorpill sponge of monstrous size and effect.
- Clogging the toilets with paper, action figures, jumpsuits, hats, and the bottle of Cap'n Bubs(TM) Extra-Manly Bubble Bath nearby.
- Giving grabbed victims swirlies in said clogged toilets.
- Welding the drains shut and leaving the showerheads on.
- Using the a hat!
Maintenance Information
There are no vents, but, sensibly, there are drains.
The APC for this room in the maintenance area right of here.
Toilets | |
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The Toilets are, as their name suggests, the NSS Destiny's restroom, located in the middle of the ship and right across the hall from the Bridge. It features, as it should, an array of classic porcelain toilets with lockable stall doors, as well as a Cyborg Docking Station for the needs of more robotic lifeforms.
The Shower Room
Watch your step! Right below the toilets is a shower room, equipped with an array of hygiene-boosting shower heads and bathtubs. The personal lockers nearby are there to so you lock away your belongings while you bathe.
Maintenance Information
The APCs for the Shower Room and Toilets are located in the Maintenance hallway west of it.
The toilets and showers have packed up. They're roommates with the lockers in the Locker Room now.
Toilets | |
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The loo. The potty. The crapper. The porcelain throne. The Great White Round One. Whatever you call it, this Toilets room above Crew Quarters A is still one of the station's many bathrooms, alongside the ones in the Brig, Engineering, Medbay, Research, and the Shower Room.
In the game's fictional world, Oshan Lab's crew members would probably use this to maintain proper hygiene, but the game's mechanics don't actually simulate this unless you have the Stinky trait or an admin has enabled sims motives. Still, there's plenty of things to do besides welding the drains and leaving the showers on. Cook up meth and bath salts in a bathtub! Give a monkey a swirlie! Stash secret booze and kush caches in the toilets! Even though you can't crap in here anymore, you can still do a crapload of things.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent. Hold your nose when you're in here.
The APC for this area is in the room on the left, near the wardrobe.
Toilets | |
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The Loo-lands | |
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Between the Crew Lounge and the Bridge territory of United Command is a hidden kingdom called the Bathroom, inhabited by three sinks and a cleanbot and ruled by two porcelain thrones with many names. Citizens all over the region of Atlas flock to here as a vacation spot, where they often cleanse themselves with the sinks and sit upon one of the thrones and ponder this room's history.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent. The thrones forbid vents, air injectors, and other members of the Atmospherics Tools clan after its nobles attempted to assassinate the throne.
The APC for this area is on the right wall.
Toilets | |
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Hygiene hijinks. | |
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The NSS Manta has at least two rooms dedicated to keeping oneself clean, confusingly both called Bathrooms. Both of them are in the port/left side of the ship, past the Chapel and Fitness Room, but one focuses more on clothes and toilets, while the other has a bath and showers.
These aren't the only bathrooms on the ship; every department has one. Research/Science gets the Research Restroom, Medical has the Medbay Restroom, Engineering's is in the Engineering Quarters, Security's is in he Sec. Officers Quarters (and their prisoners have bathrooms in General Pop & Cell #1), and the Captain gets their own private bathroom in their quarters. For adventurous types who prefer doing duties off-station, there are also two bathrooms in the Sea Diner (though one is actually a merchant outpost) and two in the Syndicate Assault Vessel, which require an agent card--or some creativity--to access.
Toilet Room
The first room is directly accessible from the main hallway and can be easily identified by its porcelain white tiling. There's two sinks and three toilet stalls here; unfortunately, the stall door workers went on strike during the construction of this room, so instead of solid plastic slabs that you can lock for privacy, you instead get flimsy wooden doors that can only be locked with keys. If someone comes in here while you're doing drugs in the stalls, you better pray they don't open yours.
This room also has a few washing machines and a uniform manufacturer. In the wardrobes you'll find bathrobes and shoes and generic jumpsuits in a variety of uncommon colors you won't find anywhere else on the ship, like light green, red-orange, and maroon.
Shower & Bathtub Room
The second room is above the first, and it has four showerheads, all arranged around one column above white-blue tiling. That means you have absolutely no privacy while showering here! It's a good thing you can shower with your clothes on and wind up perfectly fine in SS13, or things would get very awkward if one person came in while another was showering. At least, you have some swimsuits for a lil' modesty if you decide to forgo clothes, as well as flippers for easier movement through water puddles (and everything larger than that).
This second room also has a side room with a bathtub, along with a rack of towels, a bathrobe, and some bath scrub and bathbombs for the full bathing experience. There's also a tube of lipstick someone probably lost in here. Maybe you could use it draw some art describing how much you enjoyed your bath for the next person. Or apply it to your face, that works.
Maintenance Information
Neither rooms have vents. You don't need air to have proper hygiene.
The APC for the first Bathroom area mentioned is its left wall, behind the uniform manufacturer. The APC for the second Bathroom area is on the north wall near the top left, near the entrance to the Sauna.
Toilets | |
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The Loo-lands | |
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Kondaru boasts two bathrooms, or three if you count the gym's shower room. The most individual one, depicted in the infobox image, is located in the southwest of the station, just above the Public Market. It has a plunger just in case, as well as a shower room in the back.
The other two are in the northeastern section; one is between the Gym and the Pool, and is mostly showers with one toilet. The other is north of Crew Quarters East, and is a bit more robust in the toilet and bath department.
Gym Bathroom/Shower Room
Crew Quarters Bathroom
Maintenance Information
There are no vents. What a stinker!
The APC for the one near the market is on the wall between the stalls and the shower, toiletside. The APC for the Gym one is on a central wall, while the APC for the crew quarters one is in the crew quarters room below.