Quartermaster | |
![]() Quartermaster |
Difficulty: Medium Requirements: None Access Level: Cargo Bay, Maintenance Additional Roleplay Access Level: None Supervisors: Chief Engineer, Captain Subordinates: None Responsibilities: Order and distribute supply crates if they are needed, buy goods from and/or sell goods to the shipping market to turn a profit Guides: This is the guide. |
You're a Quartermaster! Let's make money!
Your 'official' job capacity is to take orders from the crew for such things as medicines, bots, and weapons. In practice, you often get a few orders early on from people looking for materials and then are mostly free to do what you want.
An active quartermaster will typically account for well over 90% of the crew's final score at the end of the round. They are also one of the few offices on the station that actually turn a profit on a regular basis, so if the station ends up in the black, it's often creditable to the QMs. While relatively meaningless in the long run, it's still kind of satisfying to see that while the rest of the crew was preoccupied with such important things as passing out in a pool of vomit, wearing their own ass as a hat, or trying and failing to strangle a chimpanzee, you've made the entire station worth it.
Buy! Sell!
See that orange console, the image of which you see above? Time to get acquainted with it. You're going to be spending a large amount of time glued to it. Go ahead, click on it! You'll get some options:
- Order Items - Shows a list of commodities. Clicking the link will bring up a comment box, the crate will be tagged with whatever you enter here. Handy for keeping track of requests.
- View Requests - See the request console outside the QM's office? Those requests go here. Clicking "Approve" works just like ordering things from the regular order screen. "Remove" will deny the request, and "Clear list" will wipe all requests. Labelling the crate with the name of the person who ordered it can help you keep track of them.
- View Order History - Pretty self explanatory and not terribly helpful since you get a PDA notification every time you or another QM buys something.
- View Shipping Market - This shows you the current prices of various commodities. Things marked as "HOT!" are worth significantly more right now then they usually are on the market. Ideally, you'll be tracking down what's in high demand and sell it off for loads of dough.
- Contact Traders - Multiple traders will be available after each market shift. Contact them here.
- After ordering things from a trader, go back one step to tell them to actually send the crate.
- To sell to a trader, tag the crate with a barcode from the QM Barcode computer.
- Requisitions - Off-station buyers will put out open-market requisition contracts, which you can fulfill with specific items for a listed payout. The rewards can be cash, items, or a combination of both. These rotate with each market shift, but you can pin most contracts to keep them available through rotations (a few requisitions are time-sensitive and can't be pinned).
- Rockbox Controls - Lets you control fees on ores sold from the Miners' RockBox through the fabricators and manufacturers. You can control percentage and minimum fee taken per ore, which go to the shipping budget. You can also pay 10 000 credits for a premium service; this waives the 5 credit transaction fee RockBox itself takes (which doesn't go to the station budget), so you can take it for yourself.
Your orders will come flying through space, landing on the lower east conveyor belt in the supply dock. Turn on the conveyor belts to roll them into the QM office proper. The blast doors should automatically open for crates to come in, but they close after a while. If a crate hits the blast door while it is closed, further crates may pile up on the belt and cause a jam. Get a spacesuit and jetpack or a space pod to clear the jam and let crates keep coming in.
To sell items, just load them (in a crate) on the upper east conveyor belt and turn it on. It will be catapulted into space and sold for sweet cash. Somehow. Don't forget to tag the crate if you're responding to a trade offer, or its contents will just be sold on the public market instead.
Shipping and Receiving
If you get an order from a crew member who isn't at your office ready to take the crate then you'll have to mail it to them. You have a couple of ways to send things around the ship/station, each with their upsides and downsides. On all maps, you have a cargo transporter, and depending on the map, you can also use a MULEBot, Belt Hell, and/or the Cargo Carousel. And of course, you can always just pull stuff to its destination yourself. Play around with them, and select the best one based on the situation.
Cargo Transporter
Compatible with closets/lockers, crates alien artifacts, and a few other random things. There aren't too many cargo pads around, but teleportation works almost instantly. Generally, It's used by miners to send things back to the station and by scientists to send artifacts to you to sell.
Available Destinations
- Artlab
- Robotics
- Mineral Magnet
- Electronics/Mechanics
- Cargo Bay
- Main Pod Bay (The one near Engineering.)
- Hydroponics (In the backroom.)
- Mining Outpost (Adjacent to the fabricators.)
- Artlab
- Robotics
- Mineral Magnet (In the little room with the mineral magnet computer)
- Electronics/Mechanics
- Cargo Bay
- Pod Bay (The one near the market.)
- Hydroponics (In the backroom.)
- Mining Outpost (Adjacent to the fabricators.)
- Artlab
- Robotics
- Mineral Magnet
- Mechanics
- Cargo Bay
- Main Hangar
- Security Pod Bay
- Hydroponics (In the backroom.)
- Mining Outpost (Adjacent to the fabricators.)
- Artifact Lab
- Cargo
- Mechanics
- Mineral Magnet (specifically in the little "shed" on the west end of the magnet. The pad is initially hidden under the mineral accumulator.)
- Robotics Workshop
- Mining Outpost (Adjacent to the fabricators.)
- Artifact Lab
- Engineering (specifically the lounge area across the hall from the reactor area)
- Hydroponics (the back room area, left of the room with grass)
- Mining Gear Room (refers to the area with miner equipment lockers, below the room with the elevator down)
- Robotics
- QM
- Security Pod Bay
The MULEbot is one of the few ways to quickly transport large amounts of goods across the station. Not every map has one, and while it is possible to order one if your workplace lacks one, there is no guarantee that the map's system of navigational beacons (which are also used by other robots) was designed for MULE use. Most maps in rotation at this point have MULE beacons, and if cargo starts with a MULE, it has beacons for it.
The MULE can carry any kind of cargo. Simply click-drag the sprite of the object of interest onto the MULEbot's sprite. To actually send it somewhere, take out your PDA and find the "MULE Bot Control" app. Choose the correct MULE (if there are multiple), select a destination (you may need to Rescan to get a valid list), and send it away!
Hovering your mouse cursor over the MULEbot brings up an interface to turn the machine on and off, and it is possible to click on the device with a screwdriver, opening the panel up for some hacking. Through hacking, it is possible to tune the motor to make the MULEbot go faster, and a devious QM can remove the MULE's traffic safety routines for nefarious purposes.
The MULEbot has historically been somewhat finicky, and its pathfinding artificial intelligence leans towards artificial stupidity at times. Judicious Rescan-ing of locations and turning the thing on and off may help get it working again.
Available Destinations
This page is under construction. The following information may be incomplete. Locations need to be updated/added for Clarion and Oshan, in accordance with the merging of PR #8218 and PR #7797 respectively. |
There are a number of named locations for the MULE to go:
- Arrivals (Outside the Security Checkpoint)
- Cafeteria (Near the cigarette machine)
- Bridge (Actually Customs)
- Catering (In kitchen maintenance, accessible by both the chef and bartender.)
- Chapel (In the main hallway outside the chapel.)
- Crew Quarters A
- Engineering (Outside the control room.)
- Escape Hallway
- Hydroponics (In the foyer.)
- Medbay (The pharmacy room with the floor health scanners)
- Pod Bay (In the lower main hangar)
- QM #1 (Default home beacon for the starting MULE.)
- QM #2 (Right next to QM#1)
- Research (Near Chemistry)
- Security (Next to Beepsky's House, near the Solitary Cells)
- Tool Storage
In addition to the named locations are numerous mysteriously unlabeled areas.
- buddytime-Bar
- 1-Fore Primary Hallway, close to the Teleporter Room
- 2-Arrivals, outside Crew Quarters A
- 3-Arrivals, where the Space Station 13 sign is
- 4-Outside Chapel
- 6-Outside Arcade and Barbershop
- 7-Upper Aft Primary Hallway, above the main hangar and Engineering
- 8-Lower Aft Primary Hallway, near Emergency Storage A
- 9-Outside Telescience
- 10-Outside Chemistry
- 11-Science Pod Bay
- 12-Inside Medbay
- 13-Medbay Lobby
- 14-Outside the Robot Depot and The Cloner
- 15-Right Public Market, outside the bathroom
- 16-Left Public Market
- 17-Escape Arm
- 18-Lower Escape Arm, where the Belt Hell station is
- 19-Upper Escape Arm, near the Security Checkpoint
- 20-Lower Fore Primary Hallway, near the Brig Visitor Entrance
There are a number of named locations for the MULE to go
- Catering (In kitchen maintenance, accessible by both the chef and bartender.)
- Chapel (In the main hallway outside the chapel.)
- Courtroom (In the bridge foyer.)
- Crew Quarters
- Engineering (In the control room.)
- Escape Hallway
- Hydroponics (In the foyer.)
- Market
- Medbay (Actually right next to robotics.)
- Pod Bay (In the main hangar.)
- QM #1 (Default home beacon for the starting MULE.)
- QM #2
- Research (Near the RD's office.)
- Security (In security proper.)
- Tool Storage
There are a number of named locations for the MULE to go
- Engineering (Right below the Thermoelectric Generator itself)
- QM (Center of the room with the conveyor belts, rather than the warehouse of crates)
- Morgue
- Medbay (Between the medicine storage room and Operating Theatre)
- Security (In the lobby area, above the Interrogation Room)
- Medbay Lobby (Above Cryo)
- Depot (Actually above its northern entrance)
- Research (Top center, southeast of the RD's office)
- Bridge (Actually above its northern entrance)
- Customs (In front of the desk)
- Bathroom
- Crew Lounge (area above the Arcade)
- Sec Pod Bay
- Pod Bay (aka Main Hangar or Civilian Pod Bay)
- Escape (specifically above the Checkpoint)
- Command Quarters (specifically next to the Medical Director's unit)
- Arrivals
- Quarters West (actually west of the Aviary)
- Quarters Eastboard (actually east of the Aviary)
- Aviary (specifically in the middle, below the table)
Oshan Laboratory deliberately forgoes MULEBots. Part of the reasoning is to avoid flooding, but a bigger part of it is because the MULEBot's god-awful pathfinding problems would only be exacerbated on a map as large as Oshan. There are still beacons and such for the GuardBuddies and Securitrons, but they're not meant to be used by MULEBots.
There are a number of named locations for the MULE to go:
- Bridge (actually outside its entrance, in front of Customs)
- Catering (inside the Kitchen—in front of the deep fryer no less!)
- Chapel (the southwest corner specifically)
- Escape Hallway (close to the seats)
- Hydroponics (more like outside it, south of the entrance/exit)
- Mining (more specifically, the Mining Staff Room, where they keep the pods and gear lockers)
- Main Pod Bay (specifically in front of the Ship Component Fabricator, in the room with a blue and white checkerboard border)
- Medbay (behind the main entrance, close to the in-floor health scanner.)
- QM #1 (the default is not in front of the fabricators and manufacturers or in front of the outbound and inbound belts, but in the southwest, near the east-west conveyor belt)
- QM #2 (it's the one right below/south of #1)
- Research (really the Science Lobby, meaning the central room with the coffee machine)
- Security (fairly deep in, in the Security Equipment Storage room, where they put the Security Equipment lockers and the Security Weapons Vendor...and the entrance to the Armory)
Nadir does not start with a MULE, but if you were to order one, it would be able to go to the following named destinations:
- Arrivals Hallway (not the shuttle itself, but hallway connected to it. The MULE beacon is in the southeastern part of the hall, close to Emergency Storage and the Bar/Cafeteria.)
- Engineering (specifically the part that looks like a break room, with a coffee maker, table, and chairs. It has a Engineering Specialist Manufacturer and is across the hall from the reactor area.)
- Escape Hallway (in the southwestern corner, closest to Emergency Storage B. Engineering and the Radio Lab are also close by)
- Hydroponics (the eastmost room, where the fishing machinery spawn)
- Market (in front of the Public Market)
- Medbay (in the left wing of the lobby area, near the entrance to Robotics and the Pharmacy window)
- Mining (really the Sea Elevator Room with the Maintenance Immersion Suit Vault)
- Ranch (this has no floor marking. The MULE stops in the middle area, right in front of the mail chute)
- QM #1 (specifically the Cargo Auxiliary Endpoint, the southmost tip of Cargo)
- Tool Storage (right in the center, in fact)
Belt Hell
Belt Hell is an affectionate name for the system of conveyor belts which can distribute items around the station. This isn't limited to the quartermaster, and can in fact be used as a personal transport system by daring crew members.
It is employed by using the barcode computer that's sitting around at all conveyor belt stations. This will let you pick from several destinations, and print a barcode sticker. Put that sticker on whatever you wish to send (manually or by using drag & drop), and push it onto the conveyor belt to send it on a bumpy ride.
Available Destinations
- Arrivals: North of the arrivals shuttle.
- Catering: North of the kitchen.
- Disposals: Stuff sent here will be ground to scrap. You were warned.
- Engine: Inside engineering proper.
- Escape: South of the escape shuttle.
- Export: This will sell items in a crate at the current market rate.
- Med-Sci: South of Research.
- Security: At the room left of the interrogation room.
- QM: Properly inside the QM's haunts.
- Airbridge(Right next to the main airbridge, near Medbay.)
- Cafeteria (Across the hall from the bar, close to the Pool.)
- Catering (Between kitchen maintenance and hydroponics.)
- Disposals (Stuff sent here will be ground to scrap. You were warned.)
- Engine (Inside engineering proper.)
- EVA (In a maintenance corridor near EVA.)
- Medical-Science (Between medbay's pharmacy and chemistry.)
- QM (Properly inside the QM's haunts.)
- Security (At the northern end of the brig.)
- Catering (Southwestern part of the catering storage.)
- Disposal (Launched into the disposals chute in disposals.)
- Engineering (Engineering's pod bay.)
- Export (Sent out to space for export.)
- Medbay (Medical's pod bay.)
- Mining (Northeast part of the mining department.)
- Research (The research router south of artifact research.)
- Pod Bay (Northwestern part of the public pod bay.)
- Security (The security router, west of security's pod bay.)
- QM (The southern part of cargo bay.)
Cargo Carousel
The cargo carousel is a huge conveyor belt system that runs around the inner rim of Oshan Laboratory, with some parts within the station's maintenance tunnels and others on the open seafloor, with plastic flaps carefully blocking floodwater where the belt enters and exits the sea. Unlike Belt Hell, which violently launches shipments via multiple stations of conveyor belt mass drivers, the carousel rather breezily carries them to their destinations on one continuous loop, like a lazy river or those luggage carousels you see at airports. Enterprising engineers may redirect power to the carousel power unit to speed up the system, but since the carousel only has two destinations (and neither are that helpful), it almost never gets used.
Sending large goods via the cargo carousel is much like sending them with Belt Hell on other stations. You use a barcode computer at one of the carousel locations to print out a sticker with the destination of interest, stick it onto whatever you want to ship, and then push it onto the conveyor belt for a lazy ride under the ocean.
Available Destinations
- North: Roughly northwestern part of the station, near the Chapel and Tool Storage.
- South: Southeastern part of the station, located between Customs and the Info Office.
Transception Array
This page is under construction. The following information may be incomplete. New content being added for Nadir |
Making Money
When you're more comfortable in your station, consider asking people to give you things that are profitable on the market for you to sell. If they aren't willing to work for free, have them slap a barcode with their ID tag on the crates of goods to be sold to split the profits 50/50 between the shipping budget and their own bank account. Miners, for example, rarely have a use for certain rare minerals like syreline, cobryl, and gold. These ores tend to fetch high prices on the market, so ask them to set up the RockBox to sell so that you can buy ores from them to resell on the open market. Botanists will also sometimes grow way too much weed, and you can shore up your bank account by becoming an intergalactic dank dealer.
If there aren't any botanists, don't fret. You can start your own grow-op! Just order yourself a few Hydroponics Starter crates and procure some seeds. The Jazz Lounge usually has a few cannabis seeds hidden under some scrubs, and there's a seed dispenser in an abandoned satellite a good distance south of the Space Diner. If there's an AI online, you can also simply ask it to let you into Hydroponics for seeds.
Occasionally, something that you can purchase with your Quartermaster Console will also be profitable on the market. In this case, you can buy crates of goods and immediately sell them for more than you bought them for. When this happens, your profits are only limited by how fast you can move crates. The Engineers may be able to set up a mechanism for you to sell the inbound crates much faster than you could manually.
Other sources of money
Every other market shift, Cargo receives a mail crate loaded up with mail. Deliver each piece of mail to its intended recipient, and you'll get a little payout. The first piece of mail is worth 100 credits, and every piece of mail afterwards is worth 10 additional credits (e.g. 2nd gives 110 credits, 3rd 120, etc. This is capped at 1000 credits.) The amount of mail received is equivalent to about 37.5% of the number of people alive; it's 50% with a Mail Courier on-board. It's not much, but the work is pretty easy, and every piece of mail comes with a nice little gift for the recipient, catered to their job. Each piece of mail is DNA-locked, but if you're feeling mean, you can slice one open with a knife (and only a knife) to yields its contents—but you wouldn't stoop so low as to commit mail fraud, right?
NPC traders will occasionally offer you trades. Most of these are useless, but occasionally you can get offers that will pay for material at much more than market price. These can occasionally make you 100,000 credits less than 10 minutes into the round.
While you can reach some traders with the console, NPC traders don't purely exist online. Take your space pod and go exploring for others!
Also, the AI, Captain, and Head of Personnel have access to the station's bankrolls and can shore up the Shipping budget if things go wrong for whatever reason. Assuming, of course, a treacherous HoP hasn't spent the entire budget trying to become a death-commando with an entire armory in one bag and amazingly gaudy armor or some Traitor isn't demanding the whole budget as ransom money.
Particularly ingenious engineers may be kind enough to divert unused power to the Power Transmission Laser, creating a gigantic laser beam to some strange place in space willing to pay to have a massive laser beam pointed at them. If this happens, rejoice, but not right away. Instead of sending it to a certain budget or account, the PTL stores the money earned, waiting for someone with APC access to claim a piece. The Engineers, Chief Engineer, Head of Security, and Captain start with APC access, so you could ask them for a share.
In addition, philanthropic crew members (including yourself) can donate to the shipping budget when they access a Supply Request Console and pick Request Supply Points, at a rate of one supply point per credit donated. Not too useful considering how it's rarely used, but, hey, it's the thought that counts.
Other ways to waste money
NPC traders will also occasionally offer to sell you things. These trades are usually overpriced garbage, but certain ones can be useful. Check in on the randomly-generated traders each market shift, as they may be selling something rare and valuable.
Funding gimmicks or insanity is also an acceptable way to use your fat stacks of cash, particularly if doing so in spite. If the Head of Security orders you to buy a million guns to outfit his personal army, consider ordering a shuttle full of liquor instead and telling the Head of Security that his team will still be loaded.
The Price is Right
In the Contact Traders tab on the QM console, you can buy and sell from various space traders that come by the station. There are five consistent traders that have profile pictures and similar sales each shift, and a variety of procedurally generated traders that have a generic profile picture and random name and trades. The consistent traders often will not be perfectly clear about what they are selling. To further complicate matters, some trades may represent multiple possible outcomes, and what you will get cannot be determined until you purchase their item.
Traders can be haggled with in order to get better prices for buying or selling. Each trader has a preset amount of deviation from the current price that they're willing to tolerate before rejecting your offer, and a range of possible patience values that represent how many haggle attempts they will tolerate before getting frustrated and refusing to trade with you. Traders will haggle you back, so the actual value of the offer after haggling will be somewhere in the middle of the original price and your offer, favoring them. All traders have a "final offer" line that they will say when they are out of patience, but they may try to fake you out by using this line when they are still willing to haggle more. Each trader has a chance of arriving and leaving every time the market changes, and a maximum number of item types that they can buy and sell. All traders will buy and sell at least one item every market shift.
Generic Trader
These are random space merchants that can have a variety of stuff. They are always honest and often have helpful or profitable trades. Each one has a randomly-generated name, like "100% Rosensteel" or "Merchant Mendoza", so the name(s) you'll see will differ between rounds.
Generic traders have a price change tolerance of 20% and a patience between 4 and 20. They have a 45% chance of arriving each market shift and a 66% chance of leaving each market shift. They buy a maximum of 5 items at once and sell a maximum of 4 items at once. Their final offer line is "This is my final offer. Can't do better than this."
Item | Initial Offer |
Ore | 50 - 300 |
Food | 37.5 - 75 |
Medical Herbs | 50 - 300 |
Ship/Pod Components | 50 - 300 |
Jumpsuits | 150 - 300 |
Furniture Parts | 50 - 300 |
Writing Utensils | 50 - 300 |
Offer Name | Initial Offer | Item | Alternate Items | Number in Stock |
Sheet Metal | 5 - 10 | Steel Sheet | N/A | 1000 |
RCD Charges | 150 - 600 | Compressed Matter Cartridge | N/A | 25 |
Cloth Fabric | 15 - 30 | Cotton Fabric | N/A | 300 |
Telecrystals | 600 - 2400 | Telecrystal | N/A | 20 |
Glowsticks | 15 - 30 | Emergency Glowstick | N/A | 100 |
Emergency Gas Masks | 150 - 600 | Gas Mask | N/A | 25 |
Monkeys | 150 - 600 | Monkey | N/A | 4 |
Wolf Pack Ringtone Cartridge | 25000 - 50000 | WOLF PACK ULTIMATE PRO ringtone cartridge | N/A | 1 |
Gragg is a rockworm who is is willing to buy tasty ores to eat and sell ores that he doesn't like to eat.
Gragg has a price change tolerance of 15% and a patience between 4 and 8. He has a 33% chance of arriving each market shift and a 10% chance of leaving each market shift. He buys a maximum of 3 items at once and sells a maximum of 3 items at once. His final offer line is "FINE. BUT ENOUGH TALK. TRADE NOW OR FORGET IT."
Item | Initial Offer |
Rock | 15 - 30 |
Mauxite | 75 - 150 |
Bohrum | 300 - 600 |
Cobryl | 300 - 600 |
Syreline | 600 - 1200 |
Starstone | 25000 - 50000 |
Offer Name | Initial Offer | Item | Alternate Items | Number in Stock |
Char | 150 - 300 | Char | N/A | 100 |
Strange Red Rock | 1200 - 2400 | Erebite | N/A | 5 |
Toxic Blue Rock | 600 - 1200 | Cerenkite | N/A | 5 |
Volatile Purple Rock | 1200 - 2400 | Plasmastone | N/A | 5 |
Rock Worm Poop | 1200 - 2400 | Uqill | (10% chance) Gemstone |
5 |
Unknown Item | 1200 - 5000 | Artifact | (5% chance) Miracle Matter |
1 |
Vurdulak The Shrouded
Vurdulak is a mysterious merchant in a black cloak that buys various suspicious things and sells alien artifacts.
Vurdulak has a price change tolerance of 10% and a patience between 2 and 12. He has a 10% chance of arriving each market shift and a 10% chance of leaving each market shift. He buys a maximum of 3 items at once and sells a maximum of 1 item at once. His final offer line is "We will afford you no further leniency. Make the transaction now."
Item | Initial Offer |
Meat | 30 - 150 |
Brains | 600 - 1200 |
Deathweed | 150 - 600 |
Toxic Venne | 150 - 600 |
Amanita Mushroom | 150 - 600 |
Roburger | 150 - 600 |
Obsidian Crown* | 5000 - 25000 |
Black Armor* | 10000 - 50000 |
Strange Relic* | 5000 - 25000 |
* These offers are considered on a separate list from the others, and they do not count towards the maximum number of buy offers.
Offer Name | Initial Offer | Item | Alternate Items | Number in Stock |
Alien Artifact | 1200 - 3000 | Artifact | N/A | 4 |
Josh is an archetypical "dudebro" character, complete with hip Californian slang and a truly stunning number of variations on the word "bro."
He has a price change tolerance of 15% and a patience between 8 and 18. He has a 35% chance of arriving each market shift and an 8% chance of leaving each market shift. He buys a maximum of 3 items at once and sells a maximum of 5 items at once. His final offer line is "That sounds fine enough. You sure you don't want to buy any more broriffic goods?"
Item | Initial Offer |
Syringe | 15 - 50 |
Radio | 15 - 50 |
VR Goggles | 150 - 300 |
Security Belts | 600 - 1200 |
HoS' Boots* | 2400 - 5000 |
Injector Belt* | 2400 - 5000 |
Vape-O-Matic* | 2400 - 5000 |
* These offers are considered on a separate list from the others, and they do not count towards the maximum number of buy offers.
Offer Name | Initial Offer | Item | Alternate Items | Number in Stock |
Sick Gaming Device | 150 - 300 | Robustris Pro (Handheld) | N/A | ∞ |
Slickin' Skateboards | 150 - 300 | Skateboard | N/A | ∞ |
Jet Boots | 150 - 300 | Rocket Shoes | N/A | ∞ |
Rippin' Tacos | 15 - 30 | Taco | N/A | 2 |
Stylish Black Gloves | 150 - 300 | Fingerless Gloves | N/A | ∞ |
Brotein Shake | 150 - 300 | Brotein Shake | N/A | 2 |
Gnarly Hoodie | 150 - 300 | Hoodie | N/A | ∞ |
Radical Electrical Device | 150 - 300 | Flyswatter | N/A | ∞ |
Totally Cool Foam Flingin' Tool | 150 - 300 | Super! Revolver Friend | N/A | ∞ |
Portable Paint Popper | 1200 - 2400 | Paintball Gun | N/A | ∞ |
Wicked Spray Can | 150 - 300 | 'ProPaint' spray paint can | N/A | ∞ |
Buford Tenin, or just Buford, is a frog man and a perpetual stoner. His name is a reference to bufotenin, a compound found in the skin of certain psychoactive toads, as well as various plants and mushrooms.
He has a price change tolerance of 30% and a patience between 10 and 15. He has a 100% chance of arriving each market shift and a 66% chance of leaving each market shift. He buys a maximum of 4 items at once and sells a maximum of 6 items at once. His final offer line is "Aight man, but you're really pushing it. Let's make the trade now, yeah?"
Occasionally, Buford will be extremely high (moreso than he usually is), which will make him extremely susceptible to scamming. While stoned off his ass, he has a has a price change tolerance of 95% and patience between 50 and 200. His final offer line while extremely high is "Uh.. shit.. sure! I think? ..fuck. I'm getting a headache."
Item | Initial Offer |
Curative Venne | 75 - 300 |
Rainbow Weed | 75 - 600 |
White Weed | 75 - 600 |
Omega Weed | 300 - 600 |
Psilocybin | 300 - 600 |
Pizza | 4 - 20 |
Offer Name | Initial Offer | Item | Alternate Items | Number in Stock |
Strange Seeds | 150 - 600 | Strange Seeds | N/A | 5 |
Cannabis Seeds | 7.5 - 15 | Cannabis Seeds | N/A | ∞ |
Saltpetre Plant Formula | 75 - 150 | Saltpetre Plant Formula | N/A | 20 |
Mutagenic Plant Formula | 75 - 150 | Mutagenic Plant Formula | N/A | 20 |
Potash Plant Formula | 75 - 150 | Potash Plant Formula | N/A | 20 |
Ammonia Plant Formula | 75 - 150 | Ammonia Plant Formula | N/A | 20 |
Mutadone Plant Formula | 75 - 150 | Mutadone Plant Formula | N/A | 20 |
Weedkiller | 37.5 - 150 | Weedkiller | N/A | 20 |
Methane canister | 2400 - 5000 | Canister [Methane] | N/A | 1 |
Pianzi Hundan
Pianzi is a lizard man who is known for being a scammer and all-around total asshole. He is the only trader who will accept your offer instead of correcting you if you haggle in his favor, though that's really on you for not paying attention. Most of the items that he's willing to sell have multiple possible outcomes, meaning that you can't really know what he'll send you until you've already spent your money.
Pianzi has a price change tolerance of 33% and a patience between 12 and 20. He has a 25% chance of arriving each market shift and a 25% chance of leaving each market shift. He buys a maximum of two items at once and sells a maximum of five items at once. His final offer line is "Well, my good friend. This is my final offer, I'd have to be insane to cut you a better bargain than this!"
Item | Initial Offer |
Herbs | 15 - 240 |
Plasma Glass Sheets | 300 - 600 |
Telecrystal | 600 - 2400 |
Handheld Artifacts | 600 - 5000 |
Cigarettes | 15 - 240 |
Offer Name | Initial Offer | Item | Alternate Items | Number in Stock |
Sheets of Construction Supplies | 15 - 30 | Steel Sheets | (80% chance) Paper |
∞ |
Live Insects | 150 - 300 | Space Bee | (50% chance) Roach |
10 |
Camera Viewing Devices | 300 - 600 | Camera Viewer | (50% chance) Flashlight |
3 |
Scanning Devices | 150 - 300 | E-Meter | (40% chance) Geological Scanner OR Plant Analyzer OR Health Analyzer |
10 |
Mining Gloves | 600 - 1500 | Concussive Gauntlets | (70% chance) Unsulated Gloves OR Black Gloves |
2 |
Medicine | 600 - 1200 | Styptic Powder Beaker | (25% chance) Epinephrine Beaker OR Dusty First Aid Kit |
5 |
Vintage Drink | 15 - 240 | Wine Bottle | (50% chance) 2010 Vintage |
8 |
Addiction Aid Patches | 15 - 240 | Nicotine Patch | (33% chance) LSD Patch |
50 |
Unusual Plant Seeds | 15 - 240 | Strange Seed | (75% chance) Grass Seed |
∞ |
You Want It? It's Yours, My Friend
Not everyone you can trade with is interested in item-by-item trades. Some off-station clients will want a particular set of items, and they'll put out a contract for the whole thing at once. Requisition contracts will typically be somewhat involved to fulfill, but pay out significantly better per unit than selling on the regular market.
Most requisition contracts can be found in the Requisitions tab on the QM console - this is the requisitions "clearinghouse", your most reliable way to view and complete contracts. Contracts from here are "safe" to fulfill; the cargo appraiser can evaluate whether a crate labeled for a given requisition contract will actually fulfill it (and elaborate on why it doesn't, if it doesn't), and if you send an incorrectly-filled crate anyway, it'll be returned to you.
Market contracts have a base payout and typically an additional payout modifier based on the particular items they've requested (all priced into the payout number you see). Additionally, some contracts have a special item reward, which will typically be listed alongside the payout and shipped to you on successful contract fulfillment.
Occasionally, you can also receive a physical requisition contract - these are third-party requisitions (also known as "special" requisitions). They don't appear in the computer and have no protections afforded from the clearinghouse, so you'll need to make sure you have the contents right the first time, and include the sheet when you send out the crate.
Aid Requisitions
One of the three market requisition categories, calling for urgent aid. Here's the details:
- Only one contract of this type can appear on the market at a time, and it can't be pinned.
- Contracts of this type will remain on the market for a limited number of market cycles; they can be removed before this by fulfilling the contract.
- Will typically be relatively simple to fulfill with goods you can acquire or assemble from QM.
Here's the possible contracts in this category. Empty denotes that a given item will always be required if no items above it in the list were picked. Multiple entries can generate concurrently unless otherwise denoted.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Space Suit Set | 100% | 2-4 | 3,600 |
Steel Sheets | 70% | 10-70 | 150 |
Basic Tool | 70% * 5^ | 1-4 | 300^ |
^ Rolls individually for each basic tool. Welding tools pay double.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Brute patch | 60% | 1-4 | 1,800 |
Burn patch | 70% | 1-4 | 1,800 |
Hypospray | Empty | 2-5 | 1,200 |
Surgical Tool | 50% * 6^ | 1-4 | 600^ |
Latex Gloves | 70%^^ | 3-8 | 600 |
Health Analyzer | 30%^^ | 2-5 | 1,200 |
^Rolls individually for each surgical tool. Staple guns pay double. ^^Paired - if one of these does not roll, the other will.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Computer mainboard | 70% | 1-3 | 2,400 |
ID scanner module | 24%^ | 1 | 2,400 |
Wired network card | 36%^ | 1 | 2,400 |
AI interface board | Empty | 1 | 5,000 |
Screwdriver | 60% | 1 | 300 |
Wirecutters | 60% | 1 | 300 |
Crowbar | 50% | 1 | 300 |
15000u+ Power Cell | 50% | 1 | 1200 |
Circular Saw | 40% | 1 | 600 |
Multitool | 20% | 1 | 1,200 |
Cable coil | 70% | 8-25 lengths | 75 |
^These share a block of 60% chance; if the block is rolled, one or the other will appear.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear^ | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Food | 50% | 24-48 | 300 |
Water | 16% | 180-360u | 10 |
Char | 16% | 24-36 | Market + 75 |
Welding fuel | 16% | 800-1200u | 15 |
Coffee | 16% | 240-360u | 60 |
^Possible selections are food only (2/6), food and water (1/6), char (1/6), welding fuel (1/6) or coffee (1/6).
Civilian Requisitions
The second of the three market requisition categories. Often fairly easy for a Quartermaster to fulfill in-house, but can sometimes require things like fancy food or higher-end minerals.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Specific Food^ | 60% * 4^ | 4-10^ | 1200^ |
Specific Beverage^^ | 40% * 5^^ | 30-100u | 120 |
^Can be sandwiches, burgers, soups or salads, each with 60% chance of appearing. Salads pay 25% less. If none are selected by the random process, defaults to 18 sandwiches.
^^Can be appletini, fruit punch, space-cuba libre, margarita or champagne. Each is an individual 40% chance to roll.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Light Bulbs/Tubes | 70% | 7-28 | 60 |
Rack Parts | 60% | 2-8 | 300 |
Liquid Carpet | Empty or 30% | 30-70u | 300 |
Table | 70%^ | 2-8 | 300 |
Folding Chair | 70%^ | 4-12 | 300 |
Wrench | 70%^ | 1-3 | 300 |
Floor Tiles | 30%^ | 20-80 | 60 |
Crowbar | 30%^ | 1-3 | 300 |
^The 70% and 30% entries are each a matched set, and one or the other is always picked.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
(Crewcount Payout^) | 100% | 3-8^ | 30-40 |
Colored Jumpsuit | 70%^^ | 3-8^ | 450 |
Any Jumpsuit | 30%^^ | 3-8^ | 300 |
Shoes | 100% | 3-8^ | 300 |
Radio Headset | 30% | 3-8^ | 1200 |
Food | 50% | 3-8^ | 300 |
Water | 35%^^^ | 30-240u^ | 10 |
^A single number of 3-8 crew members you're outfitting is determined first, and all quantities are scaled around that. ^^Either/or. ^^^70% chance to roll if food has also rolled.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Pizza | 70% | 2-3 pizzas | 1,800 |
Chaps | 2%^ | 3-6 | 4,800 |
Grapes | 10%^ | 3-6 | 300 |
Bananas | 10%^ | 4-8 | 300 |
Cannabis | 10%^ | 4-8 | 420 |
Glitter | 10%^ | 20-40u | 150 |
Paper Hats | 18% or Empty^ | 6-12 | 150 |
Cake | 70%^^ | 1-2 | 1,200 |
Cookies | 30%^^ | 6-24 | 600 |
Gift of your choice^^^ | 50% | 1 | 1,200 |
^Only one option is picked from this group. ^^Ditto. ^^^Use gift wrap on an item of your choosing. Make it a nice one!
Requested Item | Chance to Appear^ | Quantity^ | Payout/Each |
Rocks | 16% * 2 | 16-28 | Market + 150 |
Grass Seed | 16% * 2 | 20-30 | 300 |
Silicate | 16% * 2 | 30-100u | 60 |
Wooden Sheets | 16% * 2 | 50-120 | 75 |
Solvent | 16% * 2 | 50-120 | 75 |
Cobryl | 11% * 2 | 1-6 | Market + 300 |
Syreline | 11% * 2 | 3-5 | Market + 1200 |
^An item is picked from this list two times, with equal weighting between most options; Cobryl and Syreline are "detailing metal", and share a weighting slot with a 70/30 chance split. It may land on the same item twice, and will double the Quantity value if it does.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Any Robot Arm | 60%^ | 2-5 | 300 |
Standard Robot Part Set | 40%^ | 1-2^^ | 3,600 |
Cyborg Module | 55% | 2-4 | 600 |
Multitool | 16%^^^ | 1 | 1200 |
15000u+ Power Cell | 45% | 1-2^^ | 1200 |
Crowbar | 18%^^^ | 1 | 300 |
Proximity Sensor | 40% | 1-3 | 300 |
Cable coil | 40% | 8-25 lengths | 75 |
AI interface board | 20% | 1 | 5,000 |
^Either/or weighting. ^^70% chance for 1, 30% chance for 2. Value shared between these entries. ^^^Must roll the entry immediately above for this one to appear (factored into shown odds).
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity |
Pod Engine Component (1) | 80%^ | 1 |
Pod Mining Accessory (2) | 50% | 1 |
Pod Gas Tank (3) | 80% | 1 |
Pod Armor (4) | 70% or <2 items present | 1 |
Pod Tool (5) | 60% or <4 items present | 1 |
Pod Secondary (6) | 50% | 1 |
- Pod engine component can be a Helios Mark-II engine (5 in 6, $1,500) or Hermes Mark-III engine (1 in 6, $3,000).
- Pod mining accessory can be a magnet link array (60%, $1,200), ore scoop (30%, $1,500) or Conclave sensor system (10%, $3,600).
- Pod gas (atmospheric) tank can be any handheld tank (60%, $600), an air mix tank (30%, $1,500), or a plasma tank (10%, $2,400).
- Pod armor can be anything (60%, $1,200), heavy pod armor (30%, $3,000), or industrial pod armor (10%, $3,600).
- Pod tool can be the Mk1.5 light phaser (55%, $600), plasma cutter system (40%, $1,500), or Mk.2 scout laser (5%, $50,000+)
- Pod secondary system ($600) can be the cargo hold (40%), pod locking mechanism (30%) or ship's GPS (30%).
Scientific Requisitions
The last of the three market requisition categories. These will usually be difficult for the Quartermaster to fulfill without acquiring new equipment or cooperating with other departments, but tend to pay out better than Civilian while being pinnable unlike Aid, and will more frequently have special rewards. They appear less frequently than Civilian requisitions on average.
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Internal organ^ | 100% | 2-4 | 2,400 |
^Must be regular biological organ, not cybernetic or synth plant. Can select appendix, heart, liver or spleen'
Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Liquid viscera^ | 100% | 160-300u | 20 |
^May be blood, synthflesh, beff, pepperoni or meat slurry. One possible means of acquisition is enzymatic reclamation of monkeys.
Variant^ | Requested Item | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Combustibles | Phlogiston | 70% | 1 vessel (50u) | 10,000 |
Combustibles | Pyrosium | Empty or 70% | 1 vessel (50u) | 5,000 |
Combustibles | Sorium | 70% | 1 vessel (50u) | 6,000 |
Solvents | Fluorosulfuric acid | 70% | 1 vessel (50u) | 10,000 |
Solvents | Nitric acid | Empty or 70% | 1 vessel (50u) | 5,000 |
Solvents | Aqua tenebrae | 70%^^ | 1 vessel (50u) | 3,000 |
Solvents | Acetic acid | 70% | 1 vessel (50u) | 6,000 |
Culinary | Matcha powder | 30% | 1 vessel (30-50u) | 200/u |
Culinary | Citrus juice^^^ | 80% | 1 vessel (30-50u) | 60/u |
Culinary | Mint extract | 40% | 1 vessel (30-50u) | 120/u |
Culinary | Capsaicin | Empty or 30% | 1 vessel (30-50u) | 200/u |
Culinary | Cinnamon | 40% | 1 vessel (30-50u) | 200/u |
Culinary | Corn syrup | 50% | 1 vessel (30-50u) | 200/u |
Culinary | Chocolate | <2 items or 70% | 1 vessel (30-50u) | 60/u |
^A variant is picked on requisition creation, and entries will generate only from that variant set. ^^Nadir exclusive. ^^^Orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit and cocktail citrus all permitted.
Requested Item^ | Chance to Appear | Quantity | Payout/Each |
Fruit seed | 60% | 1-3 | 1,800 |
Crop seed | Empty or 50% | 1-3 | 1,800 |
Vegetable seed | <2 entries or 30% | 1-3 | 1,800 |
Item Payout: Tumbleweed (70%) or strange seed (30%)
Bonus Item Payout (3 seed types): Hydroponics restock cartridge
^A type of seed from these categories is selected, and requires randomly-chosen plant gene parameters.
You're Gonna Need to Sign For That
As a quartermaster, you will sometimes get people asking you to order things for them. Some people will be very polite about this, coming down to the cargo bay in person, using the appropriate computer, and leaving clear instructions on delivery. Others will be very rude, simply barking an order over the radio and not responding when you ask them for details.
Generally speaking, you should be generous with people who are kind to you, and ignore people who are rude. This is not just for your ego - rude people will often forget to pick up orders, and you will then have a clutter crate that you don't want and don't need lying around. If the need is urgent or coincides with an emergency on the station, though, you should obviously make exceptions. The Chief Engineer is not going to come down and ask nicely for you to order tools, Floorbots, and metal when a bomb just went off in the escape hallway. In fact, they're your boss and have cargo access, so they'll probably just walk in and buy what they need for themselves.
When someone comes down to the cargo bay and asks you for something verbally, ask them to use the requests computer outside your office. They will order exactly what they want, and you can later just approve the order on your terminal. This limits mistakes and overbuying.
Beyond that, there are a few things you can buy that will never be unappreciated.
- Emergency equipment crates have lots of emergency internals - gas masks and air tanks instantly become worth their weight in gold when the station starts depressurizing. They also carry floorbots, which will handle the hardest and most dangerous step to repairing a hole in the station - putting the floor back down so people can work.
- Medical supply crates are also much appreciated, and will be opportunistically picked clean if you leave a few outside your office. This is not a bad thing. These crates are cheap and it's a good thing for people to keep medicine on them.
- Radiation emergency crates have radiation suits and anti-rad medicine, which is an enormous help in a radiation storm. Consider putting on a suit yourself and then delivering boxes of them to the masses hiding away in the maintenance tunnels.
- Utility belt crates are very cheap and have two belts and some tools to put in them. You will probably want one for yourself, and other people probably will too.
Beyond that, try doing something nice for a department that hasn't asked for it.
- Hydroponics loves getting a few hydroponic crates, since it is the one of the only ways for them to get more pots to grow with, and they will never complain about bee or nutrient crates either.
- Robotics will appreciate getting crates full of metal and glass sheets and cable coils. They can be reclaimed into raw materials for cyborg parts and other electronics, which Roboticists use en-masse.
- The chef loves getting food crates, since the kitchen can run out of ingredients fairly quickly.
- Medbay can always use more medicine, especially the rarer types like Pentetic Acid and Omnizine.
- Gragg the rockworm trader will sell various ores, which can be useful. Engineers might appreciate extra plasmastone and the miners may want uqill if it's early in the shift or their luck has been bad.
- Vurdulak The Shrouded is a mysterious merchant that sells alien artifacts. If the miners have had bad artifact luck or are absent, the scientists may appreciate some extra artifacts.
Crew Objectives
As a loyal crew member, you can sometimes be assigned some strictly optional objectives to keep yourself busy while you wait for something to happen. If you complete your objectives by the end of the round, you'll get some bonus Spacebux and might even earn some Medals too. As a quartermaster, you can expect to see the following:
Have 50,000 credits in the shipping budget at the end of the round
Pretty trivial to accomplish if you just do your job. You will, however, have to hope that you don't get any meddling from the AI, a greedy head, or a traitor with a financial goal.
Completing this objective for the first time gives you the Tax Haven medal. Aside from the pleasure of seeing a number go up, this medal unfortunately has no reward associated with it.
War is a Business: Antagonist Quartermaster
A quartermaster who is an antagonist is as good or as bad as their plan. Quartermasters can essentially produce things out of thin air, and most of the things they can produce have frightening potential. However, having all of these options can ironically be an antag QM's downfall: as they flounder around trying to get everything, they often end up tipping their hand and doing nothing at all. When starting your round as an antagonist, use the first few minutes to consider exactly what you want to do that round and then buy the necessary crates. For example, if you want to go on a psychopathic rampage, order lots and lots of phasers and be sure to murder your co-workers the instant you're able.
Your cargo bay is pretty isolated, which makes for a good base of operations, but also makes you very suspicious. Security is used to getting calls that the QM is doing something shady, and they don't need much of an excuse to demand a search. Always have a backup plan to keep yourself as inconspicuous as possible. The outbound cargo belt (and, if applicable, pod bay) provides a quick place to get rid of murder victims. Any chutes are easy places to hide emergency supplies. If the AI announces you're killing someone in the cargo bay, get rid of the evidence and insist the AI is lying. As little as people trust you, they're far more used to the AI being corrupted.
Traitor Quartermaster
As a traitor QM, an emag is basically required. For one, if you emag the QM console, it unlocks a Special Ops Supplies crate that contains various other traitor items, including an agent card and EMP grenades (without the pouch), saving you some Syndicate funny money (if you can cough up the cash, of course). In addition, it allows you to break the cardlocks on all of the crates you can order & causes many of the items you can purchase (like robots) to go haywire, facilitating all sorts of dastardly deeds. For example, if you want to gut the station/ship, buy a bunch of Emergency Equipment crates, emag them so they start ripping up floors, and send 'em on their merry way.
Exactly how you spend the rest of your Syndicate currency is purely up to you. If you need people distracted while you do a few things, consider the voice changer and agent card combo. A stealth storage in the corner of your office makes for a great place to hide your incriminating toys until you're ready to go. If drone revolutions sound like your style, order some Robotics Crates and buy a box or two of EMP grenades from your uplink to send the bots insane en masse.
If you're concerned about getting spotted buying gear, you also may consider just holding off on spawning your gear at all until the second you need it.
Items you can order
Item | Cost | Contents |
Empty Crate | 15 Credits | Nothing (Crate only) |
Special Ops Supplies | 10000 Credits | Can only be unlocked by emagging the console. Contains x1 Holographic Disguiser, x1 Signal Jammer, x1 Agent Card, x1 EMP Grenade Kit (box with x5 EMP grenades), x1 Tactical Grenades Kit (box with x2 incendiary grenades, x1 smoke grenade, x1 frag grenade, x1 flashbang, x1 shock grenade, and x1 graviton grenade) |
Neon Lining Crate | 900 Credits | 1x coil of neon lining (20 lengths), 1x paper - How to properly install official Nanotrasen neon lining |
Artistic Supplies Crate | 900 Credits | 1x artistic toolbox, 4x paint cans of random color |
Emergency Equipment | 600 Credits | x4 Floor Bot, x2 Air Tank, x2 Emergency Oxygen Tank, x4 Gas Mask, 4x Emergency Hood, 4x Emergency Suit |
Novelty Clothing Crate | 1500 Credits | 15x-20x Assorted Novelty Clothing |
Spooky Crate | 600 Credits | Appears exclusively when the server is in Spooktober mode, which usually lasts through all of October. Contains x6 goodybags |
Holiday Supplies | 600 Credits | Appears only when Spacemas/Christmas mode is on, which usually runs for the entirety of December. Contains 2x Presents, 2x Egg Nog cartons, 3x 2k13 vintage santa hats, 1x scissors, 2x wrapping paper rolls |
Party Supplies | 600 Credits | 1x chocolate sponge cake, 6x Space Beers, 6x red duo cups, 2x balloon boxes (7x balloons in each), 1x box of assorted stickers (10x stickers), 1x scissors, 2x wrapping paper, 2x birthday hats (pink & blue), 5x party hats |
Wedding Supplies | 4800 Credits | 1x Cristal Champagne, 2x fancy vest, 2x lace veil, 2x ring, 2x tuxedo jacket, 2x wedding dress |
Assorted Glowsticks Crate - 4 Pack | 600 Credits | x4 "assorted glowsticks" boxes (7x glowsticks in various colors, x28 total) |
Office Supply Crate | 300 Credits | 4x Paper Bins, 2x Clipboards, 1x Sticky Note Stack, 1x "pen box" (7x pen), 1x "crayon box" (7x random color crayons), 1x "basic crayon box" (7x crayons in aqua and ROY G. BV colors), 1x "marker box" (7x random color markers), 1x "basic marker box" (7x markers in aqua and ROY G. BV colors), 1x Stapler (red), 1x Scissors, 2x stamps |
Identity kit | 1200 Credits | 1x Spare ID Kit (7x blank ID cards), 1x Spare PDA Box (7x unclaimed PDAs) |
Cold Weather Gear | 600 Credits | 2x Robust coffee, 2x chicken soup, 5x winter coat, Frames: 2x space HVAC unit |
Thinktronic Build Your Own Buddy Kit | 1200 Credits | 1x Guardbuddy frame, 1x Guardbuddy mainboard, 1x sturdy cyborg arm, 1x power cell (empty, no charge), 1x random Guardbuddy module |
Meteor Shield System | 600 Credits | 4x Meteor Shield Generators |
Home Networking Kit | 1200 Credits | 3x cable coil, 50x glass sheet, 50x steel sheet, 1x motherboard, 5x-8x random peripherals, 2x-4x random circuit boards for normal and simple computers |
Candle Crate | 300 Credits | 1x matchbook, 6x small candle, 3x candle |
Home Distilling Kit | 900 Credits | 1x still, 6x bottles, 2x glass pitchers |
Furnishings Crate | 2400 Credits | 8x-10x random furniture items, arriving as parts to be assembled |
Red Event Table Crate | 4800 Credits | 5x red event table parts (makes red event tables, draped in red) |
Neon Furnishings Crate | 4800 Credits | 4x neon bar stool parts (makes neon stools, which are more like pastel colors), 4x neon table parts (makes neon tables, also more pastel) |
Scrap Furnishings Crate | 600 Credits | 4x scrap chair parts (makes scrap chairs, which look they're made from discarded wood), 4x scrap table parts (makes scrap tables, which look like they're made from used wood and road signs) |
Sleek Furnishings Crate | 4800 Credits | 4x sleek table parts, 2x sleek bar stool parts, 2x comfy sleek chair parts |
Regal Furnishings Crate | 10000 Credits | 4x regal chair parts (makes regal chairs, which have fancy white cushions), 2x regal lamp parts (makes regal lamps, which are candelabra almost tall as a person), 4x regal table parts (makes regal tables, with fancy golden trim and a marble surface) |
Golden Throne | 25000 Credits | 1x golden throne parts (makes a golden throne) |
Haberdasher's Crate | 2400 Credits | 5x-10x random novelty hats, chosen from the following:
Possible Hats
Bargain Bows and Bands Box | 2400 Credits | 1x antlers, 2x bee antennae, 1x cat ears (random color), 1x giraffe ears, 1x leopard ears, 1x snow leopard ears, 1x tiger ears |
Masquerade Crate | 2400 Credits | 5x-10x random novelty masks, chosen from the following:
Possible Masks
Shoe Crate | 2400 Credits | 5x-10x random novelty shoes, chosen from the following:
Possible Shoes
Ballroom Supplies | 2400 Credits | 4x social dancing shoes, 5x-10x formalwear items, chosen from the following:
Possible Items
Kendo Crate | 2400 Credits | 2x men, 2x dou and tare, 2x kote, 2x shinai bag (2x shinai in each), 2x hakama |
Obon Festival Crate | 4800 Credits | 5x plain yukata (specifically the gray, black, cream, navy, and teal versions), 5x floral yukata (specifically the blue, orange, yellow, red, and black versions), 10x sandals, 2x Box of Fireworks (not a box, acts like one in the Gym), 5x firework |
Sponge Capsule Crate | 2400 Credits | 1x BioToys Sponge Capsules |
Candy Crate | 300 Credits | 1x Cupid Dan's Candy Hearts box, 1x bag of Swedish Fisk, 1x bag of peach rings, 1x goodybag, 1x bag of gummy worms |
Lighting Crate | 300 Credits | 2x flashlights, 6x emergency glowsticks, 3x emergency flares |
Necessities Vending Machine Restocking Pack | 1500 Credits | 1x coffee restock cartridge, 1x snack restock cartridge, 1x cigarette restock cartridge, 1x cola restock cartridge, 1x alcohol restock cartridge, 1x capsule restock cartridge, 1x standard restock cartridge, 1x kitchen restock cartridge |
Catering and Hydroponics Vending Machine Restocking Pack | 600 Credits | 1x hydroponics restock cartridge, 1x kitchen restock cartridge |
Medical Vending Machine Restock Pack | 1200 Credits | 1x medical restock cartridge, 1x public medical restock cartridge |
Security Vending Machine Restocking Pack | 2400 Credits | 1x security restock cartridge, 1x security ammo restock cartridge |
Electronics Vending Machine Restocking Pack | 2400 Credits | 1x mechanics restock cartridge, 1x pda restock cartridge, 1x computer3 restock cartridge, 1x floppy restock cartridge |
Clothing Vending Machine Restock Pack | 1500 Credits | 1x catering clothing restock cartridge, 1x engineering clothing restock cartridge, 1x medical clothing restock cartridge, 1x research clothing restock cartridge, 1x security clothing restock cartridge |
Pod Production Kit | 3000 Credits | Frames: 1x Ship Component Fabricator, 1x portable reclaimer |
Bureaucracy Supply Crate | 600 Credits | 2x paper bins, 2x pencils, 2x pens, 1x fancy pen, 2x rubber stamps, 2x folders |
Old Newspaper Set | 300 Credits | 8x newspaper (rolled up, random headlines and articles) |
Basic Materials
Item | Cost | Contents |
200 Metal Sheets | 900 Credits | x200 Metal Sheets |
50 Metal Sheets | 300 Credits | x50 Metal Sheets |
200 Glass Sheets | 900 Credits | x200 Glass Sheets |
50 Glass Sheets | 300 Credits | x50 Glass Sheets |
10 Wooden Sheets | 300 Credits | x10 Wooden Sheets |
50 Wooden Sheets | 900 Credits | x50 Wooden Sheets |
Electrical Supplies Crate (red) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (red)" boxes (14 red cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (yellow) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (yellow)" boxes (14 yellow cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (orange) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (orange)" boxes (14 orange cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (blue) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (blue)" boxes (14 blue cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (green) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (green)" boxes (14 green cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (purple) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (purple)" boxes (14 purple cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (black) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (black)" boxes (14 black cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (hotpink) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (hotpink)" boxes (14 hotpink cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (brown) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (brown)" boxes (14 brown cable coils total) |
Electrical Supplies Crate (white) - 2 pack | 2400 Credits | x2 "electrical cables storage (white)" boxes (14 white cable coils total) |
Portable Welding Fuel Tank | 600 Credits | 1x Handheld fuel tank |
Welding Fuel Tank | 1500 Credits | 1x Welding Fuel tank |
Firefighting Foam Tank | 600 Credits | 1x Foamtank (1000 units of firefighting foam) |
High Capacity Watertank | 600 Credits | 1x High Capacity Watertank |
Rapid-construction-device Replacement | 25000 Credits | 1x Rapid Construction Device (empty, starts with no matter units) |
Reclaimed Reclaimer | 600 Credits | 1x Portable Reclaimer |
Radiation Emergency Supplies | 600 Credits | 4x Radiation Suit Hoods, 4x Radiation Suits, 2x pill bottles (potassium iodide), 4x emergency auto-injector (potassium iodide), 2x geiger counter |
EVA Equipment Crate | 1500 Credits | 1x EVA Space Helmet, 1x EVA Space Suit, 1x emergency gas mask, 1x Jetpack, 1x Magboots |
Utility Belt Crate | 1200 Credits | 2x Tool Belts, 2x Mechanical toolboxes |
Civilian Department
Item | Cost | Contents |
Catering: Dry Goods Crate | 1500 Credits | x25 assorted cooking ingredients, specifically: x6 flour, x4 rice sprigs, x3 spaghetti, x4 sugar, x3 oatmeal, x2 pancake batter, and x3 tortillas. |
Catering: Meat, Eggs and Dairy Crate | 1500 Credits | x25 assorted protein and dairy products, specifically: x4 hotdogs (no bun), x3 pieces of synthmeat, x3 pieces of monkey meat, x1 salmon fillet, x1 white fish fillet, x2 bacon strip boxes, x3 egg cartons (x12 in each, x36 eggs total), x4 cheese wedges, x4 milk bottles |
Catering: Fresh Produce Crate | 600 Credits | x20 assorted fruits and vegetables, specifically: x2 apples, x2 bananas, x1 lime, x1 lemon, x1 orange, x3 tomatoes, x2 carrots, x2 corn cobs, x1 garlic, x2 lettuce leaves, x2 potato, x1 onion |
Catering: Condiment Crate | 600 Credits | x25 assorted condiments, specifically: x3 chocolate chips, x2 cream, 1x custard, x3 hot sauce, x4 ketchup, x4 mayonnaise, x3 maple syrup, x3 peanut butter, x2 honey |
Glass Recycler | 600 Credits | Crate is labeled "Recycling Initiative Crate". Contains 1x soldering iron Frame: glass recycler (version that can make both chemistry- and kitchen-related glassware, similar to kitchen glass recycler but options rearranged) |
Janitorial Supplies | 600 Credits | x3 buckets, x3 mop, x3 wet floor signs, x3 cleaning grenades, x1 mop bucket, x1 cleaning gloves |
WA-V3 Janitorial Sprayer | 4500 Credits | x1 WA-V3 Cleaning Device, x1 WA-V3 back tank |
Hydroponics: Starter Crate | 600 Credits | x2 Watering Cans, x4 Compost Bags, x2 Weedkiller bottles, x2 Plant Analyzers, Frames: x4 Plant Trays |
Hydroponics: Nutrient Crate | 600 Credits | x1 Healthy Plant Nutrients, x1 High-Strength Plant Nutrients, x1 High-Yield Plant Nutrients, x1 Mutagenic Plant Nutrients, x1 Quick-Growth Plant Nutrients |
Honey Production Kit | 600 Credits | x5 Space bee eggs |
Wool Production Kit | 3000 Credits | x1 sheep egg |
Angling Starter Kit | 600 Credits | x1 Aquatic Research Pool (portable version), x1 Aquatic Research Upload Terminal (portable), x1 basic fishing rod, x1 Fishing Supplies Vendor (portable), 1x wrench |
Alcohol Resupply Crate | 600 Credits | 15x assorted bottles of alcohol, specifically: 1x space beer, 1x "beer in a box" (6x fancy beer), 1x mead, 1x wine, 1x cider, 1x rum, 1x vodka, 1x tequila, 1x Bo Jack Daniel's, 1x Curacao Liqueur |
Cocktail Party Supplies | 600 Credits | 1x salt shaker, 1x cocktail shaker, 1x "fruit wedge kit" (1x knife, 1x lime, 1x lemon, 1x orange), 2x "cocktail umbrella box" (7x cocktail umbrellas in each, 14x total), 2x "cocktail doodad box" (2x celery sticks, 2x cocktail olives, 2x maraschino cherries in each) |
Emergency Glowsticks Crate - 4 Pack | 300 Credits | x4 "emergency glowsticks" boxes (x7 emergency glowsticks in each box, x28 total) |
Compost Bin | 600 Credits | 1x Compost Tank (empty) |
Avian Import Kit | 2400 Credits | 5x Birds |
Animal Import Kit | 2400 Credits | 4x-6x random animals, randomly chosen from the following:
Possible Animals
Pet Carrier | 1200 Credits | 1x pet carrier |
Golden Gannets Delivery | 150 Credits | 2x Chinese takeout cartons, 2x fortune cookies, 2x chopsticks |
Soft Soft Pizzeria Delivery | 150 Credits | 2x plain pizzas, 2x fries, 2x colas |
Mimicry Equipment | 150 Credits | 1x baguette, 1x cigarette packet, 1x zippo lighter, 1x "mime costume" (box with 1x black shoes, 1x latex gloves, 1x mime beret, 1x mime mask, 1x mime suit [not the one with dungarees], 1x suspenders) |
Comedy Equipment | 150 Credits | 1x Clown Costume (mask, suit, shoes, mini funny pack), 1x cream pie, 1x Banana Peel, 1x Balloon Box, 1x Bike Horn |
Janitorial Supplies Refill | 600 Credits | 4x cleaning grenades, 2x space cleaner spray bottles, 2x bottles of space cleaner, 1x "box of trash bags" (7x trash bags), 1x "box of biohazard bags" (7x biohazard bag) |
Barbershop Kit | 1500 Credits | 1x barber chair parts, 1x barber's uniform, 2x hair dye bottles, 1x latex gloves, 1x razor blade, 1x scissors, 1x soldering iron Frames: Hair Dye Mixer 3000 |
Bathroom Kit | 3000 Credits | Frames: 4x Toilet, 1x Sink, 1x Shower Head , 1x Bathtub |
Kitchen Kit | 3000 Credits | 1x Fridge, Frames: 1x Oven, 1x Mixer, 1x Sink, 1x Deep Fryer, 1x Food Processor, 1x ValuChimp, 1x FoodTech, 1x Meat Spike, 1x Gibber |
Bar Kit | 3000 Credits | 2x Glassware box, Frames: 1x Alcohol Dispenser, 1x Soda Fountain, 1x Ice Cream Machine, 1x Kitchenware Recycler, 1x Microwave |
Arcade Machine | 1500 Credits | Frames: 1x Arcade Machine |
Spare wigs crate | 2400 Credits | 7x wigs (random colors and styles) |
Printing Press Refill Supplies | 2400 Credits | 2x paper bins, 1x ink cartridge |
Printing Press Colour Module | 3600 Credits | x1 printing press upgrade module (Ink Color Upgrade) |
Printing Press Custom Cover Module | 2400 Credits | x1 printing press upgrade module (Custom Cover Upgrade) |
Printing Press | 6000 Credits | x1 Printing Press frame (must deploy with a soldering iron), 1x printing press setup warning |
Player Piano Kit | 900 Credits | Frame: Player Piano |
Piano Kit | 900 Credits | Frame: Piano |
Grand Piano Kit | 900 Credits | Frame: Grand Piano |
Percussion Band Kit | 600 Credits | 1x Tambourine, 1x Cowbell, 1x Triangle |
Banjo Kit | 600 Credits | 1x banjo |
Electric Guitar Kit | 600 Credits | 1x electric guitar |
Acoustic Guitar Kit | 600 Credits | 1x acoustic guitar |
Bass Guitar Kit | 600 Credits | 1x bass guitar |
Dusty Old Coats | 1500 Credits | 1x Black Shotgun Coat, 1x Dirty Shotgun Coat, 1x Shotgun Coat, 1x Tan Shotgun Coat |
Engineering Department
Item | Cost | Contents |
Engineering Crate | 1200 Credits | x2 Mechanical Toolbox (version with orange tools), x2 welding helmet, x2 Engineering winter coats |
Electrical Maintenance Crate | 1200 Credits | x2 Electrical toolboxes (version with orange tools), x2 multitools (orange), x2 pairs of insulated gloves |
Power Cell Crate | 1200 Credits | 3x power cell (7500 PU, fully charged) |
Firefighting Supplies Crate | 600 Credits | x3 fire extinguishers, x3 fire-fighting grenades, x2 firesuits, x2 firefighter helms |
Emergency Pressurization Kit | 1500 Credits | Emergency Pressurizer Device |
Station Pressurization Crate | 600 Credits | 4x Red Oxygen Grenades, x4 Metal Foam Grenades |
Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart | 1500 Credits | 1x Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart |
Gas Filtration Machinery | 1500 Credits | x1 Portable air pump, x1 Portable air scrubber |
Experimental Local Generator | 1500 Credits | x1 Experimental Local Generator |
Portable Combustion Generator | 3000 Credits | Portable Combustion Generator and fuel tank |
Mining Equipment | 600 Credits | x1 Powered Pickaxe, x1 Power Hammer, x1 Meson Goggles, x1 Geological Scanner, x2 Mining Satchel, x3 Mining Explosives |
Replacement MULE Crate | 1500 Credits | Contains x1 MULE. Remember to set its home beacon to QM #2 or it won't return automatically after a delivery. |
Singularity Generator Crate (Cardlocked Chief Engineer) | 5000 Credits | 1x Gravitational Singularity Generator |
Field Generator Crate | 5000 Credits | Frames: 4x Field Generators |
Emitter Crate | 5000 Credits | 1x Emitter |
Radiation Collector Crate | 5000 Credits | 1x soldering iron, Frames: 4x Radiation Collectors, 1x Radiation collection controller |
Extra Large Air Mix Canister | 600 Credits | 1x High-Volume Canister: Air |
Spare Oxygen Canister | 600 Credits | 1x Canister: Oxygen |
ABCU Unit Crate | 1500 Credits | 1x ABC-U, 1x blueprint marker |
Anti-Singularity Pack | 3000 Credits | 1x Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher, 5x Singularity Buster rockets, 1x paper-How to properly operate Singularity Buster rocket launcher |
Construction Equipment | 1500 Credits | 1x miniaturized lamp manufacturer (human version), 1x Floor and Wall Designer, 1x Room Designator, 1x construction worker's overalls (orange) |
AI Law Rack ManuDrive Crate | 2400 Credits | 1x Command ManuDrive: Artificial Intelligence Law Rack Blueprint (single use, goes into a manufacturer/fabricator). Something not mentioned on the order screen: the crate is also locked to Head's Quarters/Bridge access. |
Mechanics Reconstruction Kit | 3000 Credits | 1x device analyzer, 1x soldering iron, 1x deconstruction device, Frames: 1x Ruckingenur, 1x Manufacturer, 1x reclaimer |
Small Magnet Kit | 3000 Credits | 1x Magnetizer, 1x Low Performance Magnet Kit, 1x Magnet Chassis Frame Not available on Oshan Laboratory or Nadir. |
Magnet Kit | 4500 Credits | 1x Magnetizer, 1x High Performance Magnet Kit, 1x Magnet Chassis Frame Not available on Oshan Laboratory or Nadir. |
Rockbox™ Storage Container (Cardlocked Chief Engineer) | 5000 Credits | Frames: 1x RockBox |
Disassembled Status Displays | 6000 Credits | Crate it comes in is labeled "Status Display Kit". Frames: 4x status display (ones for shuttle times and other alerts) |
Manufacturer Kit | 3000 Credits | Frames: 1x General Manufacturer, 1x Mining Manufacturer, 1x Gas Extractor, 1x Clothing Manufacturer, 1x Reclaimer |
Basic Power Kit | 3000 Credits | Frames: 1x SMES cell, 2x Furnace |
Emergency Power Equipment | 3000 Credits | Frames: 2x Circular Power Treadmill |
Communications Dish | 1200 Credits | 1x Command ManuDrive: Communications Dish (single use, goes into a manufacturer/fabricator), 1x data disk-'COMMaster'. Opening the crate requires Engineering access. |
EFIF-1 Construction System | 9000 Credits | 1x EFIF-1 Construction System (loaded with 200 steel), 1x EFIF-1 Operational Disclaimer |
Medical Department
Item | Cost | Contents |
Medical: First Aid Crate | 1800 Credits | x10 assorted medkits, specifically: 2x general first aid kits, 2x brute medkits, 2x fire medkits, 2x toxin medkits, 1x oxygen deprivation medkit, 1x neurological medkit |
Medical: Medical Reservoir Crate | 1800 Credits | 2x Hyposprays (empty), 2x auto-menders (empty), 1x Syringe Kit (box of 7 syringes), 2x morphine bottles (30 units of morphine), 4x "reserve tanks" each containing common medicine, split up as: x1 anti-tox (charcoal) (has 100 u), 1x epinephrine (100u), 1x silver sulfadiazine (400 u), 1x styptic powder (400u) |
Robotics Crate | 1500 Credits | x1 Floorbot, x1 Cleanbot, x1 Medibot, x1 Firebot |
Prosthetic Augmentation Kit | 1200 Credits | 6x - 8x Random Augmentations |
Restricted Medicine Shipment | 3000 Credits | 6x bottles each containing 30 units of advanced medicine, split up as: 1x diethyl ether, 1x haloperidol, 1x omnizine, 1x pentetic acid, 2x perflurodecalin |
Cyborg Component Crate | 3000 Credits | 1x sturdy cyborg head, 1x standard cyborg chest, 1x sturdy cyborg left arm, 1x sturdy cyborg right arm, 1x standard cyborg left leg, 1x standard cyborg right leg, 1x robot frame, 1x cable coil |
Morgue Supplies | 1200 Credits | 1x bible, 1x syringe, 1x "embalming fluid bottle" (50 units of formaldehyde), 10x body bag, 1x coffin (it's the container all this ships in) |
Blood Bank | 1200 Credits | 2x blood packs, 2x saline drip |
Medbay kit | 6000 Credits | 1x Defibrillator, 2x Hypospray, 1x Medical Belt, Frames: 1x NanoMed, 1x Medical Records computer |
Operating Room kit | 6000 Credits | 1x Staple Gun, 1x Defibrillator, 2x Scalpel, 2x Circular Saw, 1x Hemostat, 2x Suture, 1x Enucleation Spoon, Frames: 1x Medical Fabricator, 1x Operating Table |
Robotics kit | 6000 Credits | 1x Staple Gun, 1x Scalpel, 1x Circular Saw, Frames: 1x Robotics Fabricator, 1x Operating Table, 1x Module Rewriter, 1x Recharge station |
Genetics kit | 6000 Credits | Circuitboards: 1x DNA Modifier, 1x DNA Scanner |
Cloning kit | 12000 Credits | Circuitboards: 1x Cloning Console, Frames: 1x Cloning Scanner, 1x Cloning Pod, 1x Enzymatic Reclaimer |
Research Department
Item | Cost | Contents |
Chemistry Resupply Crate (Cardlocked [Research]) | 1200 Credits | x1 Beaker Box (7x 50 unit beakers), x1 Mechanical Dropper, x1 Spectroscopic Goggles, x1 Reagent Scanner, x6 reagent bottles each containing 50 units of common chemical precusors, split up as: 1x acetone, 1x ammonia, 1x diethylamine, 1x oil, 1x phenol, and 1x sulfuric acid |
Artifact Research Kit | 6000 Credits | Frames: 5x Data Terminal, 1x Pitcher, 1x Impact pad, 1x Heater pad, 1x Electric box, 1x X-Ray machine |
Pressure Crystal Resupply | 2500 Credits | 5x Pressure crystal |
Security Department
Item | Cost | Contents |
Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) | 2400 Credits | x1 helmet, x1 armor vest, x1 spare handcuff box (7x handcuffs), x1 assistant requisition token |
Security Containment Crate - Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) | 2400 Credits | x1 Port-a-Brig and remote |
Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) | 4800 Credits | 1x Clock 180, 1x Elite Security Helmet, 1x "experimental grenade box" (1x high-range incendiary, 3x incendiary, 3x cryo), 1x "security-issue grenade box" (2x crowd dispersal grenades, 2x smoke grenades, 1x stinger grenade, 1x flashbang, 1x shock grenade, 1x Stasis Rifle) |
Weapons Crate - Phasers (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) | 2400 Credits | x2 RP-4 phaser guns |
Weapons Crate - Micro Phasers (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) | 2400 Credits | x4 RP-3 Micro phaser |
Weapons Crate - Macro Phaser (Cardlocked [Armory Equipment]) | 4800 Credits | x1 RP-5 Macro phaser |
Counter-Revolutionary Kit | 4800 Credits | 4x Counter-revolutionary implants, 2x Implanter |
Supplementary Video
Department Guides | |
Engineering | Making and Breaking · Construction · Gas · Power Grid · Thermoelectric Generator · Singularity Generator · Geothermal Generator · Catalytic Generator · Nuclear Generator · Mining · Materials and Crafting · Wiring · Hacking · MechComp · Mechanic components and you · Control Unit · Ruckingenur Kit · Reactor Statistics Computer · Cargo Crates |
Medsci | Doctoring · Genetics · Robotics · Telescience · Plasma Research · Artifact Research · Chemistry · Chemicals · ChemiCompiler · Decomposition |
Security | Security Officer · Contraband · Forensics · Space Law |
Service | Foods and Drinks · Botany · Writing · Piano Song Dump · Instruments |
The AI | Artificial Intelligence · AI Laws · Chain of Command · Guide to AI · Humans and Nonhumans · Killing the AI |
Computers | Computers · TermOS · ThinkDOS · Packets |
Jobs on Space Station 13 | ||
Command & Security |
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Medical & Research |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Engineering | ![]() ![]() | |
Civilian |
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Silicon | ![]() ![]() | |
Jobs of the Day | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Antagonist Roles | With own mode | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Others | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Special Roles | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |