Engineering | |
Location | |
A cage for the uncontrollable beast that is the engine. | |
Engineering is the powerhouse of the cell station, generating electricity so that the station can keep its lights and machines on and not collapse into a corpse littered derelict. It's located in the western parts of the station and contains a number of rooms for thermoelectric generator.
Room | Picture | Description |
Engineer Quarters | ![]() |
This is a relaxation room for the Engineers. Most of them spawn here at roundstart. The main room contains three Engineer equipment lockers which contain many common engineering objects. There's also a bathroom with a medical cabinet in case they get some bruises working in such a dangerous environment. |
Hot Loop | ![]() |
This is where the gas in the Hot Loop portion of the thermo-electric generator is heated. The area on the left contains two ports for inserting gas into said Hot Loop, while the left has four furnaces and two more gas ports for the combustion chamber. It is commonly engulfed in towering inferno with screaming engineers running out of the room. |
Combustion Chamber | ![]() |
The Combustion Chamber takes gas from two specially marked ports in the Hot Loop and burns them to heat up gas in the Hot Loop, assuming the proper valves have been configured. |
Engine Room | ![]() |
This room contains Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG) unit itself, which takes the hot gas in the Hot Loop and the cold gas in the Cold Loop and generates electricity based on their temperature difference. It also has the Power Transmission Laser (PTL), four auxiliary ports you can connect canisters, to and a special firesuit that is especially flame-resistant. Like the hot loop, this area is commonly found aflame or exposed to hard vacuum, sometimes intentionally, sometimes...not. |
Engine Control Room | ![]() |
This is where all the fancy computers are kept in a nice air-conditioned environment. There is: A pump control computer, a general alert computer, an engine monitoring computer, two SMESs, a databank, and a DWAINE terminal. |
Chief Engineer's Quarters | ![]() |
The office and bedroom of the Chief Engineer. Contains their locker of special gear, the Engineering department's announcement computer, and, most importantly, a comms console. |
Cold Loop Room | ![]() |
This room is the Cold Loop, where is gas cooled. It has four freezers, two ports to pipe in gas through, and a section of piping connected to a large array of pipe manifolds exposed to space. This room also contains the ABC-Us for copying entire room designs. |
Engineering Dock | ![]() |
A small pod bay for the Engineers, with Indiputts designed for large-scale application of construction foam. |
Engine Router | ![]() |
Engineering can send and receive crates and other large objects here, often in the form of crates from the Quartermasters. There are also crates of extra char for the furnaces. |
See also:
Engineering Gas Storage
Emergency Storage A
Engineering | |
Location | |
A cage for the uncontrollable beast that is the engine. | |
Engineering is the backbone of the station, containing the machines and supplies that keep the station from collapsing into a corpse littered derelict. It contains the thermo-electric generator and a variety of computers regulating power outflow to the station. It is adjacent to the mechanic's office and the CE's office.
There's a pod bay and a conveyor belt in the north end for shipping out explorers and crates, respectively. The conveyor belt in the east end leads to the cargo bay, just in case they have something fun for you.
Engineering | |
Location | |
A cage for the uncontrollable beast that is the engine. | |
Engineering is the backbone of the station, containing the machines and supplies that keep the station from collapsing into a corpse littered derelict. It contains the thermo-electric generator and a variety of computers regulating power outflow to the station. The CE's office is eastward of here.
Engineering Gas Storage
This is where the engineering staff keeps all the gas stored. There are six plasma canisters, two N2 canisters, four O2 canisters, and two CO2 canisters. There are also two empty unmarked canisters for crazy custom gas mixes.
Engine Control Room
The Control Room is where all the fancy computers are kept in a nice air-conditioned environment, protected by the safety-minded Klaus the GuardBuddy. There is: A pump control computer, an engine monitoring computer, and a DWAINE terminal, as well as an array of lockers containing several common Engineering Objects and various materials and equipment for sealing hull breaches and fighting fires.
This is also the room where the fancy-schmancy shield generator is kept in case of meteor showers, and it controlled by the shield generator computer in the upper right.
Engine Room
This highly disorienting labyrinth of pipes, valves, and meters is where the Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG) and its neighbors hot loop and cold loop live. Thankfully, most of the valves are conveniently labeled so that you don't accidentally route all the plasma to the combustion chamber and clog the entire cold loop while attempting to use cryo cooling.
The hot loop section contains of 4 furnaces and the combustion chamber, connected by conveniently red-colored pipes. The cold loop section contains 4 freezers (for cooling gas, not ice cream) and outer-space cooling line system that uses the vacuum of space to cool down gases.
Engineering | |
Location | |
A cage for the uncontrollable beast that is the engine. | |
Engineering is the backbone of the station, containing the machines and supplies that keep the station from collapsing into a corpse littered derelict. It contains the thermo-electric generator and a variety of computers regulating power outflow to the station. The CE's office is eastward of here.
Engineering Gas Storage
This is where the engineering staff keeps all the gas stored. There are six plasma canisters, two N2 canisters, four O2 canisters, and two CO2 canisters. There are also two empty unmarked canisters for crazy custom gas mixes.
Engine Control Room
The Control Room is where all the fancy computers are kept in a nice air-conditioned environment, protected by the safety-minded Klaus the GuardBuddy. There is: A pump control computer, an engine monitoring computer, and a DWAINE terminal, as well as an array of lockers containing several common Engineering Objects and various materials and equipment for sealing hull breaches and fighting fires.
This is also the room where the fancy-schmancy shield generator is kept in case of meteor showers, and it controlled by the shield generator computer in the upper right.
Engine Room
This highly disorienting labyrinth of pipes, valves, and meters is where the Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG) and its neighbors hot loop and cold loop live. Thankfully, most of the valves are conveniently labeled so that you don't accidentally route all the plasma to the combustion chamber and clog the entire cold loop while attempting to use cryo cooling.
The hot loop section contains of 4 furnaces and the combustion chamber, connected by conveniently red-colored pipes. The cold loop section contains 4 freezers (for cooling gas, not ice cream) and outer-space cooling line system that uses the vacuum of space to cool down gases.
There's also a radioisotope thermoelectric generator here, with a crate of RTG pellets nearby. It's a emergency generator of sorts, like the experimental local generator.
PTL Room
On the NSS Clarion, the power transmission laser is so beloved that it gets its own little room, just a tiny space walk below the engine room. Here, an engineer can come here and sit back as the little thing charges up and fires off a laser beam off into the far beyond, watching the credits roll into their account.
Engineering | |
Location | |
Unleashing a hole-y evil. | |
Engineering is where Engineers deliberately create a black hole and harvest the tiny virtual quantum particles escaping it to keep the lights on. Normally, they manage to keep it contained, but every so often, some greenhorn forgets to turn on the emitters before the field generators and accidentally releases the singularity, which then proceeds to leisurely amble about, eating everything that crosses its path and making the AI scamper in its chamber muttering about Law 3.
This sector is located in the very northern/aft parts of the station and can be easily identified by the distinctive yellow tiles. It is split into six sub-compartments:
- Inner Engineering: Contains all the equipment and tools for the singularity engine and the little containment room for it. Every other room in Engineering branches off of it.
- Engineering Pod Bay: A rather cramped hangar with a single Industrial MiniPutt and racks of engineering space suits and jetpacks. Tends to be even more cramped when the singularity is loose.
- Furnace Room: An alcove directly west of Inner Engineering, filled with furnaces and crates of char for them. They're primarily used to generate power when the singularity engine is...nonfunctional.
- Power Room: A little den with all the SMES units for the engine, plus engine output and power monitoring computers. People tend to forget about setting the SMES units here veeery often.
- Engineering Tool Storage: A great big room just below Inner Engineering with various tools useful for people who work next to a black hole on a regular basis, like meson goggles, magboots and toolbelts. The tank dispenser here dispenses plasma tanks for the array collectors.
- Chief Engineer's Office: A nice little private office/bed-chamber for the Chief Engineer, who is apparently alright with sleeping next to a singularity. Contains their locker of mildly useful engineering stuff and a crate with an RCD and accompanying matter cartridges.
Maintenance Information
There isn't a vent anywhere in this area. Better kept that containment area closed if you like your oxygen free and not in a can.
The APC for Inner Engineering is near the Engine Master. The APC for the Engineering Pod Bay is on its southern wall, behind the rack. Furnace Room doesn't have an APC. Power Room's APC is on its southern wall, near the locker, while Engineering Tool Storage's APC is right next to the door into it, inside the room. The APC for the Chief Engineer's Office is also on its northern wall, opposite the little desk/table.
Engineering | |
Location | |
Unleashing a hole-y evil. | |
Engineering is the one place on Mushroom Station where Engineers deliberately create a black hole and harvest the tiny virtual quantum particles escaping it to keep the lights on. Normally, they manage to keep it contained, but every so often, some greenhorn forgets to turn on the emitters before the field generators and accidentally releases the singularity, which then proceeds to leisurely amble amount and eat everything that crosses its path.
This sector is easily identified by the distinctive yellow tiles in the corridors into it is split into four big areas:
- Inner Engineering: The room that contains all the equipment and tools for the singularity engine and the little containment room for it.
- Furnace Room: An alcove branching off of Inner Engineering, filled with furnaces to be used in case the singularity engine isn't quite doing so well.
- SMES Room: A little den for all the SMES units for the engine. People tend to forget about setting the SMES units here veeery often.
- Engineering Tool Storage: A great big room just below Inner Engineering with various tools useful for people who work next to a black hole on a regular basis. Notable among them are engineering space suits and jetpacks, as well as Engineer's equipment lockers with mesons.
- Chief Engineer's Office: A tiny little chamber for the Chief Engineer. Contains their locker of mildy useful engineering stuff and a crate with an RCD and accompanying matter cartridges.
The Mining Department is just outside the Engineering tool storage room, which is strange, because Miners usually don't have Engineering access. None of them are very happy about it.
Maintenance Information
There isn't a vent anywhere in this area. Better kept that containment area closed if you like your oxygen free and not in a can.
The APC for most of the rooms here is in the maintenance tunnel above.
Engineering | |
Location | |
Mad physics. | |
Engineering is where the Engineers of the station attempt to contain and create a gravitational body with an escape velocity higher than the speed of light and use the virtual quantum particles emitted by the singularity to keep the station's lights on. Despite all the weird physics going on in here, Engineering itself is a pretty simple affair. It consists of four (really three) main areas:
- "Engineering": Actually just a locker/storage room that for storing, among other things, mesons, tanks of oxygen and plasma, and a backup generator.
- Engineering Storage: Another storage room off to the side of the locker, this time for firefighting equipment and raw construction materials.
- A looong, unnamed corridor that provides some well-deserved space between Inner Engineering and the rest of the station.
- Inner Engineering: The engine control room. In addition to housing the engine's array of radiation collectors, it also stores three sets of engineering space suits and jetpacks, so that the Engineers can weld and activate all the singularity engine components without having to hold their breath for a really long time or worrying about Space burns.
Engineering | |
Location | |
Hell pit. | |
Engineering is where Chiron's Engineers attempt to use all sorts of wacky atmospherics tricks to create a blazing-blue hell-inferno that's so hot it could theoretically break all the known binding forces between atomic subparticles and create quark-gluon plasma (good thing SS13 atoms are ridiculously strong). It's strategically located in the eastern parts of Chiron's central cave system, a bit south of Crew Quarters and right next door to the Refinery, and despite all the complicated thermodynamic and gas physics that often go on in there, the room itself is a pretty simple affair.
- Inner Engineering: A bonsai engine of sorts, an entire thermo-electric generator, combustion chamber and all, crammed into a room roughly the size of the Bar.
- Gas Storage: All the plasma and oxygen used in the TEG is stored here, along side char for the furnaces. In the event Engineering manages to run out of either gas, there's a gas extractor for making extra canisters of gases.
- PTL Platform: In addition to housing the TEG's cold loop pipes, it also serves as a handy platform for the station's power transmission laser.
- SMES Room: An absolutely tiny room for storing the engine's absolutely massive power output. The SMES units here are unfortunately inaccessible from the main Engineering room; instead, you have to take a little spacewalk a little bit south and east of Refinery.
Maintenance Information
There isn't a vent anywhere in this area. Good thing there's lots of O2 canisters here. (Just hope they don't blow from all the heat pressure.)
Only the SMES Room has an APC, and it's right outside the door into it.
Engineering | |
Location | |
Yellow hell. | |
Can you feel the heat? No, you can't, because there's hardly any fire or smoke coming out of the Engineering department on the east side of the station. Most of the actual power generation happens off-station, so this place mostly just has storage rooms like:
- Engineering Hallway: A modestly, grey-tiled hallway with the main entrance opposite Emergency Storage A. Not much here, but there a MiniMed, coffee machine, and a nice pile of cornbread and bagels for a healthy snack/breakfast. Up north and "upstairs" is a yellow and grey checkerboard tile area, with a wooden table that has a few medical patches. It leads to...
- Chief Engineer's Office: The home of the local Chief Engineer. Contains an RCD crate and locker with cool stuff like a MkII Aurora Belt.
- Engineering Foyer: Ties other rooms together like a really good rug. It's also Krimpus's crib and storehouse of good goods, including a tank dispenser, a pipe dispenser cart, salbutamol pills, several coils of reinforced wire hapzardly strewn about the floor, and everything you need to set up the Geothermal Capture System. It also features two subareas:
- Power Room: Houses the capture system's three SMES units, bordered by yellow and black safety stripes so Traitors know exactly what's important-looking enough to bomb.
- Engineering Dock: A garage of sorts for the departmental minisub.
- Engineering Gas Storage: Stores canisters of, what do you know, gas. It also houses two tremendously useful fluid tanks and the station's local giant laser beam.
- Inner Engineering: On other stations, this would contain the actual engine, like a TEG unit or a singulo. On this one, it just contains random crap. One part has a vague "fire-fighting" thing going on; there's an extinguisher, foam tank, foam grenade,burn patches, and friendly GuardBuddy reminding you of safety compliance. But the other part has stuff like extra mechanical and electrical toolboxes, welding supplies, electrical supplies, engine output and power monitoring computers, and GPS units.
- Engineering Storage: Houses diving gear and Engineer equipment lockers.
- Engineering Restroom: A tiny little restroom below the yellow-grey checkered lounge, with a single toilet and an misplaced, very lonely sponge.
Maintenance Information
There isn't a vent anywhere in Engineering, though there are drains in the big airlock into the ocean and in the Power Room.
The Hallway and Foyer share an APC, confusingly named "Engineering", located near the entrance into Engineering Gas Storage. Speaking of which, the APC for Engineering Gas Storage is a little bit right of the top left corner, in-between the canisters of plasma and air. The APC for Inner Engineering is in its top right corner, while the one for the CE's Office is in its bottom left. Similarly, the APC for the Power Room is in its bottom right corner.
Engineering | |
Location | |
Heart of fire, body of cold. | |
Can you the fire burning? Feel the flames surround? See your fear as the heat strikes you down? Likely not, because this Engineering area was designed to minimize the effects of hellburning the engine. For one, it's strategically located in the lower east end of the ship, below QM's, a good distance away from high-traffic areas like the Bar. Second, the Hot Loop and the Combustion Chamber, the main source of heat, and thus the blistering hot gas and fires, during hellburns, are separated a layer of Space, keeping the heat where it should belong.
This "vacuum-isolation" also separates the Combustion Chamber from these other rooms in Engineering, and by extension, the rest of the station, and the valuable contents within:
- Engine Control Room: Naturally right by the entrance to the general Engineering area, it hosts some ABC-U units, some spare Engineer's equipment lockers, a bountiful supply of insulated gloves, and some computers for monitoring power, engine output, engine properties, and pump speeds, among other things. It also has a closed pipe manifold loop connected to a plasma reserve tank and cryo cooler that can potentially cool down the room if the hellburn still gets a little too hot.
- Engine Room: Right of the Control Room, this is where the thermo-electric generator unit itself is kept. Includes a recharger, some burn meds, a few miscellaneous tools, and a canister of CO2. For suppressing fires, not silently poisoning the station, of course.
- Hot Loop & Combustion Chamber: Located right of the Engine Room, they produce heat for the engine, and, as previously mentioned, are separated by the vacuum of Space.
- CE's Quarters: The office and bedroom of the Chief Engineer, who runs the place. Located below the Engine Control Room and houses a crate with an RCD and the CE's table of table parts.
- East Electrical Substation: Located right of the CE's Quarters, it's actually more than just a substation; it houses atmospherics, fire-fighting, and spacewalking equipment too.
- Cold Loop: Houses lots of gas canisters and some equipment for cooling down gases for the thermo-electric generator, plus a gas extractor and, of all things, Atmospheric Technician lockers. Nothing more interesting in them besides firesuits, hardhats, and mesons, sadly.
There are also a few other useful objects worth protecting scattered throughout the halls between them. Of particular interest: the general manufacturer near the CE's Quarters, the pipe dispenser cart right above the Engine Control Room, and the racks of engineering space suits above the Hot Loop.
Maintenance Information
The East Electrical Substation can refill the air in the Engine Room and Hot Loop, and, by extension, the rest of the area.
Engineering | |
Location | |
Per ignem, potentia! | |
Through fire, there is power, and fire (and cold) is how Atlas's regional plant creates power. Specifically, the Engineering plant, located on the far left/"south" end of Atlas, heats up one loop of gas through char and/or plasma combustion, cools another loop of gas through refrigeration and/or vacumn exposure, and feeds both loops into a thermo-electric generator, which uses the temperature difference to create electricity. The whole facility takes up an entire province and is divided into four (arguably five) rooms:
- Engine Control Room: Here in this room with yellow floor tiles bordered by yellow-and-grey checkers, Engineers can keep track of amount of power generated by the engine and demanded by the regional SMES Units through the Engine Output Monitoring Computer and change how much gas is being sent into the cooling system, heating system, and combustion chamber from the connector ports via the Pump control computer. This room also holds the regional meteor shield generator and does double duty as a storage room, housing Engineer equipment lockers, crates of char furnace fuel, fire medicine medkits, and many tools and materials.
- Hot Loop: A reinforced floor room with an SMES Unit and another Engine Monitor. No actual heating equipment here, but there are canisters of plasma, oxygen, CO2, and nitrogen. There are also two connector ports for supplying gas into the hot loop; to supply gas into the hot loop so it can be heated, wrench one of said canisters over it.
- Cold Loop: Another reinforced floor room with another SMES Unit and yet another Engine Monitor. This time, there's two connector ports where canisters of gas to be cooled can be inserted.
- Engine Room: Where all the heating, cooling, and power-generating actually happens. Not only is the thermoelectric generator unit itself located here, but the furnaces, gas coolers, and other connector ports for inserting gas are in here as well.
- Combustion Chamber: A special room where gases can be mixed and burned to heat up gas in the hot loop. On the purple plasmaglass, there is an igniter switch to (obviously) ignite the gas, a Combustion Chamber Vent button open up a door on the left of the chamber to expel CO2 and other gases, and a Heat Shield button to pull down a shutter over the glass to protect any observers from extreme heat.
- Funnily enough, this also holds piping for the cooling system; the blue pipes run gas beside the chamber (so it doesn't heat up, obviously) and to a manifold exposed to Space, just beyond the chamber, to cool it down.
- Combustion Chamber: A special room where gases can be mixed and burned to heat up gas in the hot loop. On the purple plasmaglass, there is an igniter switch to (obviously) ignite the gas, a Combustion Chamber Vent button open up a door on the left of the chamber to expel CO2 and other gases, and a Heat Shield button to pull down a shutter over the glass to protect any observers from extreme heat.
There's also an Engineering Gas Storage area in the maintenance tunnel surrounding this area, but it doesn't actually have much to do with Engineering. Or gas or that matter.
Maintenance Information
There are two air injectors in the Combustion Chamber, but they're used for filling the chamber with gas for burning, not human breathing.
The APC for the Engine Control Room, confusingly called "Engineering" is in that room's top left corner, above the topmost table and by the entrance into the Hot Loop room.
Speaking of the Hot Loop room, its APC is the room's right wall.
The APC for the Cold Loop room is also on its right wall.
The APC for the Engine Room, confusingly named "South West Maintenance", is in the top left, left of all the furnaces.