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Time-out corner


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Security Assistant

The Brig on the southern end of Security is where Security Officers and the like detain people who commit heinous violations of Space Law and do space crime, so the rest of the station doesn't have to worry about space crime in their space station on their space shift for a few minutes.

Its core feature is the general population cell, equipped with a brig chute system where prisoners can be flushed into the cell through a disposal unit, then let out automatically via a chute in the floor once they have served their sentence, if they haven't gone braindead or suicided from boredom and/or humiliation from being in space jail. In the meantime, there are several luxurious amenities, such as exercise machines, card games, and beds with actual bedsheets, to keep your prisoners from tabling themselves and smashing through windows with their shoes, as well as a french monkey, for your prisoners to take their violent urges out on (DISCLAIMER: said monkey may completely robust the aggressive prisoner).

The left part of general population has a surprisingly large bathroom area. Meanwhile, the right end of general population has three booths for conversing with visitors and/or potential jailbreak accomplices. The windows are reinforced and have an IR detector beam to discourage said tabling and smashing through windows. In addition, there is a "Brig Visitor Lockdown" switch near the entrance in general pop that pulls on security shutters over these windows, explicitly for this sort of scenario.

Solitary Confinement

The worst cases get a far smaller cell in the northern parts of Security with less amenities. Each cell features a similar chute system to its general population counterpart and comes with a wall-mounted flasher for controlling unruly prisoners. The door timers, which also control said flashers, are on a U-shaped table nearby, and each door has "Cell Lockdown" switches that pull down shutters over the windows in case the prisoner tries to break through them.


Maintenance Information

There is no vent. If not even the air can escape, how can you escape, buddy?

The APC for the General Population prison is in its top left corner, near the snack machine.

Said APC gets its power from a wire that runs under the nearby window.



Segway hangar


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Security Assistant

The Brig is where people who are caught committing space crime go, not so much as punishment for the crimer but as temporary relief for the rest of the station.

Prisoners can be flushed into the cell through a disposal unit, then automatically released through a chute in the floor once they have served their sentence, with an automated locker with their stuff waiting for them just outside their cell. The general population cell contains several luxurious amenities, including a vistor's area, that will hopefully keep your prisoners from climbing up the walls and smashing through windows with their shoes. In case of prisoner riots or escape attempts, there are switches near each door timer and the segways in the main Security office to lower the brig divider shutters.

The worst cases get a solitary cell just north of this one, with less amenities. This one has a chute and automated locker system just like general population's, but it comes with a wall-mounted flasher for controlling unruly captives.

Besides the prison cells, this also has an entrance to Security's space pod hangar, two doors into the Armory, and a router for the station "Belt Hell" system. Near the pod bay entrance is a table with office stationery, some medkits, and basic medical supplies. Near that table are several miscellaneous Sec supplies, namel a box of flashbangs, a box of counter-revolutionary implants, a box of handcuffs, a rather lonely crowd dispersal grenade, a wrench, a Security RecordTrak, and a "anti-biological crate" with three flamers and two flare guns boxes.


A tiny version of the brig, located between the cargo bay and mining department, with just a single holding cell with an automatic locker and a chute to outside the QM lobby. Meant to be used when the main brig is too far away or unusable.




Time-out corner


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Security Assistant

Space crime seeps through even the farthest corners of the final frontier, and the Brig is where these space crimers go when they're caught by the long arm of the law, not so much as punishment for the crimer but as relief for the rest of the ship.

As with station brigs, prisoners can be flushed into the cell through a special red disposal unit just outside the entrance into this place. Once their alloted sentence is up, the striped yellow trapdoor will open up, releasing anyone who goes through back into the halls of the ship. In the meantime, General Population prisoners get several luxurious amenities that'll (hopefully) keep them from smashing through plasmaglass windows with their shoes. The worst cases get a solitary cell just north of this one, with less amenities.

This is also where the Port-A-Brig and its remote are stored.

Maintenance Information

There are no vents. Prisoner scum doesn't deserve air (though, Security Department doesn't have any air vents either...)

The APC for this area is located in the maintenance tunnel above.



Time-out corner. Actually a corner in this case.


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Security Assistant

The specter of space crime haunts even the farthest corners of the final frontier, and the Brig in the lower-left portion of Security is where these space crimers go when they're caught by the long arm of the law, not so much as punishment for the crimer but as relief for the rest of the ship.

Prisoners can be safety processed in the small saferoom, which comes with storage for confiscated items, a locker of prisoner clothes, a persistent noticeboard, and one of Sec's portable flashers. Here, the attending Security Officer (or Head of Security or what have you) gets to choose one of three doors with fabulous prizes for the detainee:

  • Interrogation: A safe place to ask the detainee questions, like it's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (or your country's equivalent) but crime-related.
  • General Population Brig: Aka, General Pop, a spacious multi-person cell for generally non-violent crimers, equipped with a "brig chute" to speed up the process of sending people here. Prisoners can indulge themselves in a number of recreational activities that don't involve smashing windows with shoes, like smashing martians and killer fruit in Virtual Reality or smashing generic arcade doomsday villains in SpaceHTML on the arcade machine.
  • Solitary Brig: A small cell with less amenities, for more violent offenders or those who might be inclined to fight other prisoners.

In the last two cases, when the sentence is up, a little chute in the floor will open up and release the prisoner back into the general populace, dropping them off right in front of Sec's northern entrance.

Maintenance Information

There are no vents. Prisoner scum doesn't deserve air. They do need drains for their showers though, which is what that one in the bottom left corner is for.

The Solitary and General Population Brigs both share an APC, which is located near the entrance to the General Population Brig. Better confiscate any crowbars and hacking tools before you let some prisoners in here. The saferoom where Security Officers process people is actually considered part of the larger Security area, so it links up to the general Security APC.

The Solitary and General Population Brigs' APC gets power from a wire that goes under the door leading into/out of the General Pop cell. It ultimately runs under the main Security entrance (the one where Hooty McJudgementowl spawns) and into the public hallway.



Time-out boxes


Security Officer, Head of Security, Detective

The Brig is where Linemap's Security Officers detain Space Criminals, not necessarily to punish them for committing Space Crime, but to free the station, if only a little bit, of the tyranny and terrors of life under Space Crime. Prisoners are kept in one of four (technically five if you use the little ill-lit area near the Armory) small, austere cells, equipped with wall flashers and automatic lockers and chutes that open up when the set time is over. So long as no one tries to thermite down a wall or pry out a window, these cells should keep them reasonably well-protected and isolated.

Security's fleet of segways are also stored here. Despite embodying the very essence of bumbling mall cops, they can be surprisingly useful in chasing crooks.

Maintenance Information

There is no vent, but there is an air injector, which works in much the same way. This feeds from an connector port in the Emergency Air Hookup room near the Pool.

The APC for this room is on the eastern wall, near the segways.



Time-out boxes


Security Officer, Head of Security, Detective

Life on the final frontier is always changing. Spacemen and spacewomen come and go, and stations are built every shift and destroyed, renovated, and replaced in the same span. Two things stay the same: Space Crime and the inevitable fate of those that commit it, the Brig. It in this part of Security that the courageous guardians of Space Law imprison these Space Scum, not as punishment but relief for the station.

Witness the elegant simplicity of these three prisoner cells, each of which has a locker and chute back to the station that open up when the brig timer is finished. There is no Solitary Confinement or General Population, just Brig. Unlike today's stations, the imprisonment process is not so automated, but simple nonetheless:

  1. Open the cell's windoor.
  2. Drag/throw/teleport in via Port-a-Brig the detainee.
  3. Close the windoor.
  4. Set the timer.

Since every part of the cell is either super-explosion proof plasma glass or reinforced wall, and since windoors cannot be hacked, there's very little chance of escaping so long as the detainee is kept suitably restrained.

Maintenance Information

There are no vents. Prisoner scum doesn't deserve air. That's why they stand in transparent purple boxes.

The APC for this room is in the southeast corner, near the door into the Armory.



Time-out corners.


Security Officer, Head of Security, Detective

The Brig is the where the asylum's guards keep especially dangerous/uncooperative inmates, not much as to punish them, but to provide relief for the other inmates who are, at most, dangerous to themselves. Technically, the whole station is a Brig, since NanoTrasen transfers all the people its higher-ups find too insubordinate/dangerously incompetent/dangerously competent/simply undesirable to this outpost, but that doesn't stop these officers from genuinely trying to protect the inmates' lives. (Which unfortunately gets them yelled at and mistreated at just about every step of the way.)

Anyways, the brigging procedure is pretty simple. An detaining officer shoves the prisoners down a red brig chute (or just drags them into a cell and closes the door behind them) and sets a timer for a prisoner's sentence. When the timer runs out, a floor chute opens up, and prisoners can climb into it to be released into the Courtroom. Model prisoners and petty criminals get the General Pop room, where they can wait out their sentence by working out, playing tabletop games, visiting a virtual world, or chatting with Monsieur Stirstir himself (he's a big believer in rehabilitation as it turns out). More dangerous criminals get solitary cells with far less amenities.

Maintenance Information

There are no vents. Prisoner scum doesn't deserve air. Just the attention of Stirstir.

The APC for this room is in the western parts of this area, near the door that says "Brig"



Time-out cave.


Security Officer, Head of Security, Detective

Some Brigs have reinforced plasmaglass windows. Some Brigs put reinforced tables before their windows. Chiron's Brig has neither; instead, it's in the middle of a cave. Prisoners can still break out, sure, but they'd be walking into a cave with no air and, if Security is smart, no access back to the station. It'd a better choice to serve their sentence and wait for the automatic chute to open up and release them into the Courtroom.

This design is also unique in that, in addition to having a standard brig chute in the main Security area, it also has a pair of safety shutters, so you can escort prisoners into the brig without having to worry about ne'er-do-wells trying to make you lose the prisoner for absolutely no reason.

Maintenance Information

There is no vent. Prisoners really do deserve air...but only so much.

The APC for this room is in the intermediate room before the actual prison area.



Time-out wing.


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Security Assistant

The Brig is where Security personnel imprison captured criminals, not so much as to punish them so much as to relieve the rest of the station from the distress of their space-criming ways. Its consists of two main facilities, General Population and Solitary Cells, linked by a small compartment called the Processing Room.

General Population, or just General Pop, is the larger of the two and is designed for easy, safe incarceration and release. To send a prisoner into General Pop, an Security Officer can simply shove the prisoner into the Brig Chute in the Foyer and set the length of their sentence using the timer just outside of the General Pop entrance. When their time is up, an automatic locker will unlock, and the floor flusher will open. During this time, prisoners have plenty of room to roam around and have a wide variety of leisurely activities available, such as playing cards, working out, or eviscerating (or getting eviscerated by) Monsieur Stirstir.

Below General Population are the two solitary confinement cells, labelled Solitary Cell #1 and #2. Unlike General Population, these cells lack a brig chute pipeline, though they still sport the usual timer-locker-flusher system, and prisoners have far less amenities. However, it's also more secure. Since it's not directly connected to the central hallway, bored never-do-wells and would-be jailbreakers are less likely to try to break/remove the windows for whatever reason. In addition, past the plasmaglass windows, the cells are bordered by vending machines to the south, which require a specialized equipment to break down.

Maintenance Information

There is no vent. Prisoners don't DESERVE air. Not even underwater ones.

The Processing Room has its own APC in its bottom right corner, near the door into a room with a "brig chute" and "interrogation chute". The APC for the rest of the Brig is in the top left corner of the Processing Room.

The two APCs get power from wires that run under two doors in the Processing Room. One door leads into Beepsky House, the other into the aforementioned room with two red chutes.



Secstotzkan time-out corner


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Security Assistant

While Secstotzkan law enforcement is notoriously harsh, and rather inept, towards crime, they're peculiarly lenient towards punishment. Most criminals caught by officers are either ticketed/fined or sent to the federal prison in the southern parts of Secstotzka, the Brig. The intent is less to punish the criminal (or even rehabilitate them) and more to relieve the citizens of Atlas from their disruptive behavior.

When a prisoner is sentenced to the Genpop Brig, the detaining officer goes through their personal belongings and, instead of "confiscating" them for personal gain, stores it in a special automatic locker. Then, the officer sets an appropriate time on the door timer, usually in the range of a few minutes. When the time is up, the automatic locker opens up, allowing the prisoner to regain their posessions, and a floor chute opens, releasing the prisoner back into Atlas. In other words, despite Secstotzka's brutal suppression of rights to liberty, pursuit of happiness, and occasionally life, it still recognizes the right to property.

In the meantime, prisoners can serve their sentence in relative comfort. They can exercise, sleep, play any kind of music so long as it is restricted to harmonica music, enjoy the latest Civilechian virtual reality games by donning VR Goggles, or perhaps simply watch and chat with passerbys through the plasmaglass window. They are even entitled to a private bathroom.

Cell #1

If more secure containment is required, above the Genpop Cell is a "solitary confinement" cell simply called Cell #1. It utilizes the same innovative automatic locker and floor chute system as Genpop, but its amenities are considerably more Spartan, featuring only a simple bed and a single pair of VR Goggles.

Maintenance Information

There is no vent. As the Secstotzkan Police Chief, Director of the National Police Commission, Chief of Staff, Attorney General, Secretary of Defense, President for Life, Supreme Leader, Protector of Atlas in General and Secstotzka in Particular, Conqueror of Land, Air, Sea, and Space and Its Beasts, and Janitor claims, they do not make prisoners do anything their officers wouldn't want to do. Since officers don't receive or like vents (long story), neither do prisoners.

The APC for both Genpop and Cell #1 is in the top left corner of Genpop, near the bathroom entrance, sanely within the room.

Interestingly, this APC gets its power from a wire that runs under the plasmaglass window, which also electrifies the grille beneath the window.



Time-out zone


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective

The Brig in upper right portion of Security is where Security Officers detain dangerous prisoners for the duration of their sentence, if only to keep the ship peaceful for a few precious moments. It has a Cell Block Control area surrounded by three jail cells, Cell #1, Solitary Confinement, and General Population, which has a Visitation area.

The General Population cell sits on the right side of the brig and contains several widgets for well-behaved prisoners to pass the time with, such as an arcade machine, VR goggles, weights and a computer. A telephone for complaining to anyone who will listen calling loved ones and a private toilet are also available. To the lower left side lies Cell #1, humbly outfitted with a bed, toilet and computer. Above it, to the upper right side is Solitary Confinement, bearing traces of extra-judicial justice's past.

All these jail cells can be watched over from a safe distance in Cell Block Control, the small room in the lower middle. It contains a Security RecordTrak for easy processing of prisoners, a Security-only locker for storing confiscated items, a cabinet of medical supplies, a dispenser with extra handcuffs, and a recharger. Don't forget to savor the donuts and coffee.

The hallway of the brig contains a cabinet of orange prisoner uniforms on the wall and timers that control thea wall-mounted flashers in each cell. This hallway also leads to a Visitation area where prisoners can converse with visitors. In the event someone tries to break into the Brig through this area, the Cell Block Control has switch that pulls down security shutters over the two doors leading to/from Visitation.

Maintenance Information

There are no vents in any of these areas. Prisoners don't DESERVE air. Especially not underwater ones on boats.

The APC for the general Brig area is located between the doors to Solitary Confinement and Cell #1. Speaking of which, Solitary Confinement's APC is on its northern wall, Cell #1's is in its lower left by the bed, and General Population's is in the top left by the phone. Visitation's APC is on its left wall, inaccessible from the main hallway without dissembling a few things, while Cell Block Control's APC is in the lower left, by the recharger and phone.



Time-out corner


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Security Assistant

The primary Brig is the centerpiece of Kondaru's Security and where bad deeds go to be regretted.

The main section is visible to the outside world, separated from the public hallways only by a bit of plasmaglass. There's a couple of toys for prisoners - a deck of cards, a monkey friend, an arcade machine, and a couple other devices to keep a prisoner content. Most notable is the Prisoner Party Slide Chute, a disposal chute that spits the prisoner right back into their cell. Whee!

Down south there's a combination bathroom-shower, with a window facing into the main security hall. For the prisoners' privacy, a shutter closes off visibility unless it's explicitly being held open by Security, making it another potential avenue for escape if the Courtroom isn't being monitored.

Below the bathroom-shower in the main security hall is are three black "restitution chutes" leading into the Secure Release Foyer.

Solitary Confinement

The worst cases get a far smaller cell in the eastern area of Security. They don't get the toys the model prisoners get, but they do get a snack machine to blow their paychecks on!


Outside the cells in the same area are lockers of prisoner clothes, the Port-A-Brig and its remote, a table with a box of counter-revolutionary implants, and a confiscated items locker and confiscated items crate that both start out empty. There are also three red chutes leading to...

Checkpoint Mini-Brigs

Finally, the three security checkpoints each have a similarly small and plain brig, for when an officer can't be bothered to drag the criminal all the way across the station.

KondaruMiniBrigAuxiliary.png KondaruMiniBrigEscape.png KondaruMiniBrigMarket.png

Stationmap.png Locations on Cogmap2
General Arrivals · Emergency Storage B · Escape · Escape Pod Bay · Locker Room · Maintenance · Owlery · Main Hangar 1 & 2 · Net Cafe · Public Garden · Routing Depot · Tool Storage · Waste Disposal
Civilian & Recreation Arcade · Bar · Barbershop · Catering Pod Bay · Chapel · Clown Tent · Crew Quarters · Derelict Crew Quarters · Gym · Health Spa · Hydroponics · Janitor's Closet · Janitor's Supply Closet · Jazz Lounge · Kitchen · Pool · Public Market Booths · Ranch · Shower Room · Staff Assistants' Quarters
Security Security · Armory · Beepsky's House · Brig · Head of Security's Office · Interrogation Room · Secure Hangar · Courtroom · Detective's Office · Security Checkpoints
Command Bridge · AI Chamber · AI Upload · AI Upload Foyer · Captain's Quarters · Computer Core · Customs · EVA · Head of Personnel's Office · Teleporter Room
Medical Medbay · Genetics · Medical Director's Office · Morgue · Operating Theatre · Pathology · Robotics · Auxiliary Storage · Medical Booth · Robot Depot
Research Research Wing · Artifact Research · Chemistry · Plasma Research · Research Director's Office · Science Pod Bay · Telescience · Test Chamber
Cargo & Mining Cargo Bay · Cargo Pod Bay · Central Storage · Ore Processing / Refinery · Mining Department
Engineering Engineering · Chief Engineer's Office · Engineering Pod Bay · Emergency Storage A · Emergency Air Hookup · Mechanics Workshop · Solar Arrays · Technical Storage
Off-Station Ghost Drone Factory · Mining Outpost · Listening Post · Research Outpost · Space · Syndicate Battlecruiser · Wizard's Den · Afterlife Bar · Virtual Reality
Stationmap.png Locations on Cogmap1
General Arrivals · Bathrooms · Crew Quarters A · Crew Quarters B · Emergency Storage · Escape · Locker Room · Maintenance · Owlery · Observatory · Main Hangar · Routing Depot · Tool Storage · Waste Disposal
Civilian & Recreation Arcade · Bar · Barbershop · Catering Pod Bay · Chapel · Clown Tent · Crew Lounge · Gym · Hydroponics · Information Office · Janitor's Office · Janitor's Supply Closet · Jazz Lounge · Kitchen · Pool · Public Market · Ranch · Shower Room · Stock Market Room
Security Security · Armory · Beepsky's House · Brig · Dispatch · Head of Security's Office · Interrogation Room · Secure Hangar · Courtroom · Detective's Office · Mini-Brig
Command Bridge · AI Chamber · AI Upload · AI Upload Foyer · Captain's Quarters · Computer Core · Customs · EVA · Head of Personnel's Office · Teleporter Room
Medical Medbay · Genetics · Medical Director's Office · Morgue · Operating Theatre · Pathology · Robotics · Medical Booth
Research Research Wing · Artifact Research · Chemistry · Plasma Research · Research Director's Office · Robot Depot · Science Pod Bay · Telescience · Test Chamber
Cargo & Mining Cargo Bay · Cargo Pod Bay · Central Storage · Mining Department · Ore Processing / Refinery · Routers
Engineering Engineering · Chief Engineer's Office · Engineering Pod Bay · Emergency Air Hookup · Mechanics Workshop · Primary Tool Storage · Solar Arrays · Technical Storage
Off-Station Ghost Drone Factory · Mining Outpost · Listening Post · Space · Syndicate Battlecruiser · Wizard's Den · Afterlife Bar · Virtual Reality
Stationmap.png Locations on Oshan Laboratory
General Arrivals · Crew Quarters A · Data Center · Emergency Storage A · Emergency Storage B · Escape Hallway · Information Office · Maintenance · Net Cafe · Observatory · Pod Bay · Tool Storage · Toilets · Waste Disposal
Civilian & Recreation Arcade · Bar · Bar Office · Barbershop · Catering Hangar · Catering Storage · Chapel · Clown Hole · Crew Lounge · Fitness Center · Hydroponics · Janitor's Office · Janitor's Supply Closet · Jazz Lounge · Kitchen · Nerd Dungeon · Public Market · Radio Lab · Ranch · Sauna · Shower Room · West Crew Lounge · Zen Garden
Security Security Department · Armory · Beepsky's House · Defendant's Chair · General Population · HoS Office · Interrogation Room · Processing Room · Secure Dock · Security Foyer · Solitary Cells · Courtroom · Detective's Office · Security Checkpoints
Command AI Chamber · AI Upload · Bridge · Captain's Quarters · Customs · Head of Personnel's Office · EVA · Teleporter Room
Medical Medbay · Cloning · Cryo · Genetics · Medbay Operating Theatre · Medbay Restroom · Medical Director's Office · Medical Storage · Monkey Dome · Morgue · Pharmacy · Pathology · Robotics · Treatment Cells
Research Research Sector · Artifact Lab · Chemistry · Computer Core · Research Dock · Research Director's Office · Robot Depot · Science Teleporter · Toxins Storage · Research Outpost · Research Outpost Hangar · Research Outpost Toxins Storage · Research Outpost Test Chamber · Toxins
Cargo & Mining Central Warehouse · Mining · Mining Dock · Quartermaster's Office · Refinery · Supply Lobby
Engineering Engineering · Chief Engineer's Office · Engineering Dock · Engineering Gas Storage · Engineering Storage · Inner Engineering · Power Room · Engineering EVA · Mechanic's Lab · Technical Storage
Off-Station Ghost Drone Factory · Listening Post · Sea Elevator · Seafloor · Syndicate Battlecruiser · Wizard's Den · Afterlife Bar · Virtual Reality
Stationmap.png Locations on Manta
General Arrivals · Crew Quarters A · Crew Quarters B · Crew Quarters C · Bathrooms · Escape · Maintenance · Submarine Bay (Port) · Submarine Bay (Starboard) · Waste Disposal
Civilian & Recreation Arcade · The Rising Tide/Bar · Barman's Office · Chapel · Chapel Office · Crematorium · Crew Lounge · Fitness Room · Garbage Garbs · Hydroponics · Janitor's Office · The Rusty Crab/Kitchen · Freezer · Sauna
Security Security Department · Security Foyer Checkpoint · Sec. Officers Quarters · Armory · Brig · Cell Block Control · General Population · Cell #1 · Solitary Confinement · Visitation · Head of Security's Office · Interrogation Room · Submarine Bay (Security) · Courtroom · Detective's Office · Detective's Bedroom · Beepsky's House
Command AI Upload Chamber · AI Upload Foyer Port · AI Upload Foyer Starboard · Bridge · Communications Office · Communications Office Bedroom · Captain's Office · Captain's Quarters · Head of Personnel's Office · Head of Personnel's Personal Quarters · Port Torpedo Bay · Starboard Torpedo Bay · EVA Storage · Teleporter Room
Medical Medbay · Medbay Lobby · Cloning · Medical Research · Morgue · Medbay Treatment Area · Cryo · Medbay Operating Theatre · Medbay Restroom · Robotics · Treatment Rooms · Medbay Staff Area · Medical Storage · Medical Director's Office
Research Research Sector · Artifact Lab · Chemistry · Pathology Research · Robot Depot · Research Director's Private Quarters · Research Restroom · Science Teleporter · Test Chamber
Cargo & Mining Mining · Submarine Bay (Mining) · Cargo Bay · Cargo Bay Office
Engineering Engineering · Engineering Break Room · Engineering Quarters · Engineering Restroom · Chief Engineer's Office · Engineering Storage · Engineering Control Room · Inner Engineering · Singularity Core · Engineering Power Room · Engineering Gas Storage · Mechanic's Lab · Technical Storage
Off-Station Abandoned Ship · Clown Hole · Ghost Drone Factory · Robot Trading Outpost · Sea Diner · Tunnel Snake Mining Rig · Seafloor · Syndicate Assault Vessel · Syndicate Battlecruiser · Wizard's Den · Afterlife Bar · Virtual Reality
Stationmap.png Locations on Kondaru
General Arrivals · Aviary · Bathrooms · Crew Quarters · Emergency Storage A · Escape Arm · Escape Dock · Gym · Nerd Dungeon · Pool · Public Market · Routing Cabinet · Routing Depot · Sauna · Waste Disposal
Civilian & Recreation Arcade · Bar · Barbershop · Bar Office · Catering Storage · Chapel · Clown Hole · Hydroponics · Janitor Office · Janitor Supply Closet · Jazz Lounge · Kitchen · News Office · Public Podbay · Ranch
Security Security · Armory · Beepsky's House · Brig · Head of Security's Office · Interrogation Room · Courtroom · Detective's Office · Security Checkpoints · Secure Hangar
Command Bridge · AI Chamber · AI Upload · Captain's Quarters · Command Pod Pad · Computer Core · Customs · EVA · Head of Personnel's Office · Teleporter Room
Medical Medbay · Cloning · Cryo · Genetics · Medbay Podbay · Medical Booth · Medical Director's Office · Monkey Dome · Morgue · Operating Theatre · Pathology · Pharmacy · Robotics · Treatment Rooms
Research Artifact Lab · Chemistry · Plasma Research · Research Director's Office · Research Router · Robot Depot · Science Podbay · Telescience · Test Chamber
Cargo & Mining Cargo Bay · Cargo Pod Bay · Warehouse · Ore Processing / Refinery · Mining Department · Mining Podbay
Engineering Chief Engineer's Office · Cold Loop · Engineering · Engineering Break Room · Engineering Gas Storage · Engineering Podbay · Power Room · Engine Room · Hot Loop · Mechanics Workshop · Power Transmission Laser · Pump Control Room · Solar Arrays · Technical Storage
Off-Station Ghost Drone Factory· Listening Post· Mining Outpost· Space · Syndicate Battlecruiser · Wizard's Den · Afterlife Bar · Virtual Reality