Security Checkpoints
Security Checkpoints | |
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A place to sit while traitors run rampant across the station. | |
Security |
Security Checkpoints are small guardposts that come with various amenities important to the boys in red. Each checkpoint has a desk with a chair to help you converse with the public in relative safety, a printer, an intercom panel tuned to the security channel, and a recharger.
There are checkpoints located at the following locations:
- Arrivals: A basic checkpoint in Arrivals that offers a slight improvement over the basic amenities, in the form of a Security Equipment locker and a mail chute.
- Escape Hallway: Another basic checkpoint just like the Arrivals one, located in the upper arm of Escape. Same amenities, but it has a Security Weapons Vendor.
- Chapel: A moderately-sized outpost in the Public Garden below the Chapel, intended for safely and securely processing arrested criminals. In addition to the standard amenities, there's a Security Records computer for updating Security Records, a SecTech with spare handcuffs and flashes, a Security Weapons Vendor for exchanging requisition tokens for gear, a chute straight to Security, and a computer for making your very own Wanted posters.
- Cargo: A moderately-sized outpost outside the Cargo Bay in the Public Market. Same amenities as Chapel checkpoint, but it also has a medical cabinet that has a random stock of basic medical supplies, generally less for fully healing injuries and more allowing you enough time to drag yourself over to Medbay for real treatment.
- Pod Bay: The most well-equipped checkpoint in the station, standing stalwart over the public pod bay. Not only does it have both a SecTech, Security Weapons Vendor, AND a Security Equipment locker, it also has an ID computer, so the Head of Personnel can work here when Customs is blown up, as well as a Security Records computer, a Security Cameras computer, and another one of those computers that can make Wanted posters.
- There is also a "Checkpoint Lockdown" switch to pull shutters over the checkpoints' doors and tables in case working next to a giant laser beam isn't working out too well.
- There is also "PTL Doors" switch. On this station, the power transmission laser cuts through a central hallway, and that switch basically controls whether the PTL or hallway is blocked. One setting closes the nearby airlocks leading into the PTL and raises the shutters over the windows in front of the PTL, letting the beam go through, but blocking hallway traffic for most people. One switch setting pulls shutters down, blocking the beam's path, but it also opens the airlocks, letting people pass through once again.
Security Checkpoints | |
Location | |
A place to sit while traitors run rampant across the station. | |
Security |
Security Checkpoints are small guard outposts in the station, each stocked with a security weapons vendor, a Security equipment locker with basic weapons and some Security Officer garb, a wall-mounted recharger, and a Security records computer. There are two, one near Cargo, and the other in Arrivals. Customs is technically a third one, but there really isn't anything for Security there.
The checkpoint in Arrivals also has an ID Computer. Security Officers won't get much mileage out of it besides the manifest printout (which they already have as a PDA app), but the Head of Security can use it to upgrade their and anyone else's ID access. Also, a very big space bee sometimes works here, which means it's instantly better than anything else on the station.
Meanwhile, the one in Cargo has a Mini-Brig. Not as cool as a big bee, but it can be useful, and it's much more secure than the main one.
Maintenance Information
Neither of these checkpoints have vents.
The APCs for both of these checkpoints are on the eastern wall.
The APC for the Arrivals Security Checkpoint gets power from a wire running under the only door in, which faces north. Same goes for the Cargo Security Checkpoint.
Security Checkpoints | |
Location | |
A place to sit while traitors run rampant across the station. | |
Security |
This Security Checkpoint is a small guard outpost in the far northern parts of the ship, above Escape and many crew quarters rooms. It is stocked with various amenities important to the boys and girls in red. It features:
- A desk with a chair to to help you converse with the public in relative safety.
- An intercom panel tuned to the security channel.
- A Security Weapons Vendor, which allows you to redeem sec tokens for gear.
- A SecTech with spare handcuffs and flashes.
- A Security equipment locker with extra armor and clothes.
- A recharger for your stun baton and other energy weapons.
- A brig chute, for conveniently transporting prisoners halfway across the ship.
- A Security Records computer for changing the records when you're far from the main department.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent.
The APC for this room is in the maintenance room above it.
The wire for said APC is in the same maintenance room.
Security Checkpoints | |
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Space TSA Checkpoint | |
Security |
This Security Checkpoint is a small guard outpost where the Space Mall Cops can play Space TSA and do some last minute customs duty before the shuttle arrives. It features:
- Some sort of guardroom, where you can
snooze while looking like you're doing your jobcomfortably sit and watch over Escape in safety. Comes with two chairs and a free "odd cigarette packet"! - A security weapons vendor, which gives you gear if you give it sec tokens.
- A Security equipment locker, which comes a couple of non-lethal and less-than-lethal weapons, head and body armor, and a few components of the standard Security Officer uniform, most notably a security headset, and a spare security jumpsuit. Useful if
if you're a traitor with an electromagnetic card looking to imitate Secsome rascal steals your clothes. - A Security Records computer for changing the records when you're far from the main department.
- A computer hooked up to the Security Camera network for being a Big Brother for all the crew.
- Various papers and stamps for pretend passports and other migration papers. Re-enact your favorite dystopian immigration inspection officer simulator!
Maintenance Information
This room has no vent.
This room shares an APC with the Escape Shuttle Hallway.
Said APC gets its power from a wire in the tiny maintenance above the Escape Shuttle Hallway. This wire runs under the main public hallway leading into the Escape Shuttle Hallway.
Security Checkpoints | |
Location | |
Officers' naptime corner | |
Security |
Security Checkpoints are small guard outposts in the station, supposedly for Security Officers to man. Each stocked with a locker of Sec gear, a recharger, and a Security records computer. There are two, one near Engineering, and one in Arrivals.
The Arrivals Checkpoint comes with an ID console, mostly so that the Head of Personnel and/or Head of Security can change people's access levels. Meanwhile, the Cargo Checkpoint comes with a miniature version of the Brig, complete with a chute for ejecting prisoners.
Security Checkpoints | |
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Officers' naptime corner | |
Security |
This Arrivals Security Checkpoint is a small guard outpost in the Shuttle Bay where Security Officers go to keep watch on whoever's coming in and out of the station hangar. Or spy on the rest of the station via the cameras. Because of the ID Computer here, HoPs sometimes use this as their Customs station.
On weekdays, at certain times of the day, there may be an space bee of unusual sassyness and grumpiness manning this outpost. Do not be afraid. Despite its unwelcoming countenance, it loves hugs and bee treats as much as any other greater domestic space bee, especially certain fine delicacies.
Security Checkpoints | |
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Big bee enclosure. | |
Security |
The Arrivals Security Checkpoint is a small guard outpost in the Shuttle Bay where Security Officers and the like are apparently supposed to keep an eye on who's going to, from, through, and near the general Shuttle Bay area. It is absolutely never actually used for that purpose, but officers like it anyways because they can recharge there without having to walk all the way back to Security.
Because of the ID Computer here, HoPs sometimes sets up shop here as well. In addition, at certain times on certain days of the week, you may find an space bee of unusual size sleeping here. Do not be alarmed; it's just doing its job and is supposed to be here. Behind its grumpy countenance is a benevolent soul, with a hearty love of hugs, food, bubble baths, and fine electronics.
Security Checkpoints | |
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Officers' naptime corner | |
Supply Depot Checkpoint is a little place in, obviously, the Supply Depot that really should be named Supply Depot Outpost . It's never really used like a regular checkpoint (though, on a small station like Chiron, the idea could work); most officers prefer to go on patrol rather than do guard duty here.
That's not to say it isn't useful though. Sometimes it's nice to be able to use a recharger without having to go all the way back to Security; same for the extra locker of Sec gear. The brig chute's great too; being able to send someone to the Brig without having to escort them the whole way there makes things so much more secure and so much easier. And it's great to have a miniature backup version of the Brig in case the regular one's been broken into/destroyed/rendered unusable for whatever reason.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent.
The APC for this room is on the right wall, behind the locker of Security equiment.
Security Checkpoints | |
Location | |
A place to sit while traitors run rampant across the station. | |
Security Checkpoints are small outposts across the station where Security Officers can recharge their weapons and restock on supplies without having to travel all the way to the main Security Department, among other things. There's one in Escape, another east of Medbay, and a third above the Bar. Each one has some form of recharger, along with slightly different amenities:
- West Hallway: Contains a cabinet of medical supplies all those nasty bar brawls, plus a cameras monitor, Security Weapons Vendor, and Security equipment locker.
- Escape Hallway: Also has a medical cabinet, because fights before and during shuttle arrival are pretty nasty too. It has a Security equipment locker and Security Weapons Vendor too, as well as a cabinet of office supplies, a Security Computer, and a special red chute linked directly to the Brig.
- Medbay: No cabinet since it's right next to Medbay, and instead of a Security equipment locker, it's a SecTech. Still has a Security Weapons Vendor, brig chute, cabinet of office supplies, and Security Computer, plus an ID Computer, apparently for the HoS or HoP. Security Officers can't get much out of it besides a list of crew members, which they already have on their PDA.
Maintenance Information
None of these checkpoints have air vents or injectors. But you'll only be visiting them for a short while anyways, so it (hopefully) won't matter.
The APC for the West Hallway's checkpoint is in its top left corner, while the one for Medbay's is on the left wall. Escape Hallway Checkpoint doesn't have its own APC, since it's under the Escape Hallway's jurisdiction.
Security Checkpoints | |
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The only way in and out of Sectotzka's iron border is through this Security Foyer Checkpoint in the bottommost parts of the country. The checkpoint sees much traffic, and, unfortunately, much crime. Security Officers, the Detective, and occasionally Lawyers go through it on a daily basis, and imprisoned criminals are typically released through a chute just outside the checkpoint. Speaking of criminals, the checkpoint attracts delinquents who bait personnel into attacking to "train" them and is often target of thieves who want to steal weapons used by the Sectotzkan Security Officers.
Though its role is huge, its accommodations are small, consisting nothing more than a simple metal desk (reinforced, of course) with paper, pencils, a clipboard, and, in the place of a handbook, a SecMate Computer, given under a trade agreement with the Non-Aligned Pact member United Command. In addition, inspectors for this checkpoint are chosen by lottery, in the name of impartiality and equality.
As the only thing standing between Sectotzka and the rest of Atlas, the checkpoint's inspector must reject or approve entrants based on the Ministry of Admissions's ever-changing standards. One day, it may allow anybody who's on the crew manifest to enter. The next day, it may suddenly require a booklet affirming their presence on the manifest and departmental allegiance and permit stamped by an Sectotzkan officer. Some days, the Ministry may require it have a reason, some days ID details, many days both.
Standards respond to regional crises too. Bombings and theft may prompt random search policies, and particularly infamous crimes can result in the inspector getting involved in the manhunt.
Along the way, the inspector may encounter a number of curious characters, including smugglers, vigilantes, members of an highly mysterious conspiracy that dates back to the construction of Atlas, and a strange fellow with a "passport" from "Clownistan", who may be more than meets the eye.
Maintenance Information
There is no vent. Even air requires an access permit to go through here.
The APC for this room is on the top left.
Security Checkpoints | |
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Kondaru has three Security Checkpoints, found by the mercantile dock, escape arm, and public pod bay. They all have standardized designs, with small tweaks for space. They each have a security records computer for prisoner processing, an ID computer for civilian processing, a weapons charger, a phone, and a Mini-Brig for detaining criminals. Obviously, the brigs are only big enough for one person. If you need to fit more people, the red chutes lead directly to Security... just make sure you have an officer there ready to receive them, or you may end up with quite a problem on your hands.
Maintenance Information
None of the checkpoints have a vent.
The APCs on each are on the left wall. No, not the left wall of the mini-brig section.