Difference between revisions of "Getting Started"

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(Adding to the quickstart guide; specifically the job info)
(damn I screwed the link up)
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So you've never played the game before and you're looking to get started.  Sweet.  New players are totally awesome and there are a ton of people playing on the servers who love to help you get going.  However, even they can't help you if you don't have understanding on how the very basics work.  So let's get started on that!
:''Too much to read in too little time? Try this [[Super_Quick_Tutorial]] that can be read in just a few minutes!''

<br>'''Step 1: Download BYOND[http://www.byond.com/]'''.
So, you've never played the game before and you're looking to get started. Sweet. New players are totally awesome and there are a ton of people playing on the servers who would love to help you get going. However, even they can't help you if you don't have an understanding of how the very basics work. Let's get started on that!
==What is Space Station 13?==
Space Station 13 (SS13) is a multiplayer sandbox role-playing game where anything that can happen will happen. It often draws comparisons to ''Dwarf Fortress'' for its vast complex systems that interact to create emergent play or ''Mafia''/''Werewolf''-type games with its few-vs-many PvP interactions, but these really cannot do the game justice. SS13 is one-of-a-kind, and there is no other game that like it. It's also free--and always will be! Not "free to play, pay to skip grind" or "free to play, pay to be competitive", but the good ol' fashioned "free as in free beer".
There are many versions of Space Station 13. There is not a single vanilla version with many mods but rather different versions that might share some communities or ancestry but generally otherwise have different mechanics, lore, histories, and staff. Among other implications, this means there is no "the" SS13 wiki, and if you read something on, say, the [https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Main_Page /tg/station wiki], there is a 95% chance it will not apply to here, and vice versa.
This page is about a version of SS13 called "Goonstation". If you've ever heard stories about [[Jugglemancy|clowns juggling entire humans]], [[My god, it's full of butt|talking robot butts made from unholy abominations]], or [[The Crashwich|a sentient sandwich with an unfathomably long name]], this is the place where they happened. While the "Goon" in "Goonstation" comes from the Something Awful forums, whose members are called "Goons", you do not have to join Something Awful to play here; in fact, very few people have, and Goonstation and Something Awful are basically independent of each other.
'''Step 1: [http://www.byond.com/ Download BYOND]'''

Build Your Own Net Dream (or BYOND for short) is the platform that Space Station 13 runs on. We aren't going to lie - it's pretty bad. It's mostly held together with equal parts duct tape and prayer, and it took numerous attempts to work around the slipshod code to make it so it could be played with minimal latency. You will likely be cursing BYOND at least once. The sooner you get used to this, the better off you'll be.
Build Your Own Net Dream (or BYOND for short) is the platform that Space Station 13 runs on. We aren't going to lie - it's pretty bad. It's mostly held together with equal parts duct tape and prayer, and it took numerous attempts to work around the slipshod code to make it so it could be played with minimal latency. You will likely be cursing BYOND at least once. The sooner you get used to this, the better off you'll be.

'''Step 2: Find the appropriate server'''
It doesn't really matter whether you pick the .zip or .exe file. Both give you basically the same BYOND client. But installing by the .exe will allow you to join servers via links in an internet browser, such the ones on this very wiki's main page or Goonhub.
'''Step 2: Log in'''
As we don't allow guest accounts to join our servers, you'll have to [https://secure.byond.com/Join register an account with BYOND] and log in to it on your fancy new BYOND client. If you miss this step, you'll probably get a "connection closed" error.
'''Step 3: Find the appropriate server'''
[[File:SS13BYOND.png|thumb|Where to find Goonstation in the BYOND game browser.]]
Since the vanilla version of Space Station 13, many servers have branched out in their own ways and developed many different ideas. Many have borrowed code from one another, but most of them are different in some way. Given that you're reading up on Goonstation, you're going to want to look for something that at least has '''Goonstation''' in the title, the current game mode for that server (e.g. "mode: secret"), and a Discord link. There are currently three official servers:
* '''Goonstation 1 Classic: Heisenbee''' [https://play.goonhub.com/main1 play.goonhub.com/main1]
* '''Goonstation 3 Roleplay: Morty''' [https://play.goonhub.com/main3 play.goonhub.com/main3]
* '''Goonstation 4 Roleplay: Sylvester''' [https://play.goonhub.com/main4 play.goonhub.com/main4]
You may also find some "Goonstation Development" servers or servers running Goonstation code by some other name. These are all unofficial servers, so your mileage may vary. Despite the "Development" in the name, these are not used by Goonstation's developer team.
All servers are based off the same source code, and the differences between these three servers primarily surround roleplaying. Goonstation Classic servers do not require roleplay, but it is appreciated--and remember, just because there aren't rules about roleplaying doesn't mean there aren't [[Rules]]. Meanwhile the Goonstation Roleplay servers do require roleplaying and have some light (but ''very'' important) [[RP Rules]] to regulate it, in addition to standard [[Rules]] set, and the motives, a basic simulation of hunger and thirst. The Morty server isn't any different from the Sylvester server, rules or mechanics-wise; there isn't one that's "motives are tougher" or "RP standard is lighter", both have same rules and mechanics. There are no player caps.
In terms of experience for newbies, all three tend to have lots of friendly faces would be happy to show you around if you clarify you're new around here, and wherever you go, you'll probably have a good time. There can be different amounts of people on the server, and player counts can affect how laggy the game is, depending on your connection and computer, and obviously, you can find different community members on each server.
If you can't connect via the BYOND Hub, try clicking the links on the [[Main Page]] or [http://www.goonhub.com Goonhub] or directly connecting to the server through the ''Open...'' button in the top left above the list of games. The addresses are above.
===Game Startup===
Successfully connecting to a server will bring you to the screen shown to the right. It's very likely that you'll catch any given server in the middle of a round. The menu options when you just join are:
'''Character Setup''' -- Has a bunch of options to choose from, which is broken down into the collapsible below:
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
!class="sortable"| Option
|'''Profile name'''
|Sets the profile name of your current save file.
|'''Character name'''
|Sets the name of your character in game.
|'''Random name?'''
|Y/N - if you want your name randomized every round. Picks from a pool of unusual names.
|'''Random appearance?'''
|Y/N - ditto, but with your appearance. Does not randomize gender.
|Purely cosmetic, as you can still wear women's clothing as a male, or have a full-grown wizard beard as a woman.
|Has very minor effects in the game, one of which affects the tone of your voice clips, which are used for stuff like screaming, gasping and farting.
|'''Blood type'''
|Has no effect, surprisingly, so you can pick whatever you like. Since this place loves bees, why not B+?
|'''Bank pin (Randomize - Y/N)'''
|Sets the pin of your [[Terminology#ID|ID card]] for use at ATMs. Check your ''Notes'' in the command tab if you forget it. Can be selected to be randomized.
|'''Security Note'''
|Whatever you put here shows up as an Important Note in your [[ThinkDOS#SecMate|Secmate]] record. It has no effect on gameplay and is entirely for roleplaying purposes, so put whatever you'd expect a Security record to have, like the one time you ran a gambling ring or attended a Harambeist party rally.
|'''Medical Note''''
|Whatever you put here shows up as an Important Note in your [[ThinkDOS#MedTrak|MedTrak]] entry. Again, it's entirely for enhancing roleplaying and is meant for things like mental disorders your character has/may have or medications they're on and what conditions they're treating.
|'''Fart Sound'''
|Choose between shrill squeak to a more trumpety sounding bowel movement.
|'''Scream Sound'''
|Unfortunately no Wilhelm scream option, but plenty of pained yelling to choose from.
|'''Chat Sound'''
|Choose what tuba clip you'll make when talking as a human.
|'''Occupation choices'''
|Allows you to choose which jobs you would prefer to have or not have. Until you get a hang of the game, you probably don't want to mess with tricky jobs. If you set a job as "Unwanted", you are usually guaranteed not to get it - you'll be a [[Staff_Assistant|staff assistant]] if nothing else is available. If the game has already begun, you don't need to bother setting your Occupation Choices, since you'll be choosing your job from the late available list.
On the far right are the [[Antagonist]] options. By default, all of them are unchecked, which means you won't spawn as those antag types when a round starts or when you join after one's start. You can leave these that way until you've a better grasp of the game.
|'''Trait choices'''
|Gives your character a bunch of buffs and debuffs or if you want your character to hefe-a eccent Bork Bork Bork! Please note that in order for your character to have more than one buff you'll have to balance it out with a debuff. Recommended that you don't mess with these settings until you get a full understanding how useful (or detrimental) this would be to your character. A list of traits and their particular mechanics can be found [[Traits|here]].
|Customize what your character looks like, from skin color, underwear to hair and general features. Click on the arrows to get different views of your character. Note that your characters details can be changed by the [[Barber]], or can be changed completely by the [[Geneticist]].
|'''HUD style'''
|Changes the appearance of your Heads Up Display. There's not much difference between each style besides colors used, so free to pick one that suits your tastes! For more info on your HUD [[Getting_Started#Interacting|see below]].
|'''Targeting cursor'''
|Changes what your targeting cursor will look like. This cursor is only used in abilities such as [[Wrestler|wrestler moves]], [[Wizard|wizard's spells]], certain [[Genetic_Mutations|mutation powers]], etc.
|'''Display OOC / LOOC chat?'''
|Displays whether [[Terminology#OOC|Out of Character speak]] is displayed. OOC is enabled pre-round and at round end, mainly for discussion about the previous or previous round. LOOC is Local OOC, and is infrequently used in RP rounds to mention things like "gotta afk" by using Alt + L. Best to keep these both on, you can always toggle OOC on/off in the ''Commands'' tab.
|'''View Changelog automatically?'''
|Automatically displays the [[Changelog]] upon booting up the game. The changelog displays new updates to the game.
|'''View score info automatically?'''
|Automatically displays a bunch of interesting information (such as the amount of corpses, richest escapee, if the station was powered, etc) at the end of the round.
|'''View tickets/fines automatically?'''
|Automatically displays the list of recorded "offenses" by [[Security_Officer|Security]] at the end of the round.
|'''Queue Combat Clicks?'''
|The game has a minimum wait time in between actions for balance reasons. If you click during the post-action delay, the action will be executed as soon as the delay ends. Basically, you will only have to click once on stuff, while with before during the action delay clicking something may not be registered.
|'''Admin music volume'''
|Occasionally admins will play music in the background, or players may be given DJ status to allow play music themselves. Either way, this option allows you to change the volume of the music playing. Note that you can adjust the music volume in-game via ''Adjust Admin Music Volume'' or mute it entirely via ''Stop the Music!'', both of which are in the ''Audio'' menu in the top left corner of the game window.
|'''Radio Music Volume'''
| This option lets you control the volume of the server-wide music/ads playing at the radio station somewhere in the [[Debris Field]]. You can also adjust the volume in-game via ''Adjust Radio Music Volume'' or mute it entirely via ''Stop the Radio!'', both of which are in the ''Audio'' menu in the top left corner of the game window.
|'''Display Tooltips?'''
|Tooltips basically give you a quick rundown of an item when you mouse over it, which can be nifty for a few items. If these get annoying, set this option to Disabled, or set it to ALT, where tooltips will only display if you hold Alt over an item.
|'''Default to WASD mode / Use AZERTY layout'''
|Change your keyboard layout. WASD/AZERTY layout has different keyboard shortcuts, which can be found [[Game_FAQ#WASD_mode|here]].
|'''Preferred map?'''
|A few minutes before the round, the server opens up a poll for the next round's [[Maps|map]]. You'll automatically vote for whatever map you set as your preferred here, unless you manually select for a different one.
|'''Save/load profile / cloud saving'''
|Saves/loads your customized character, with 5 slots available. Occasionally BYOND likes to forget that you even saved your profile, resulting in most if not all of your data going AWOL. A fix for this would be to use my cloud save function, as this is saved externally.
'''Declare Ready''' -- Hit this to play. If the round is in the pre-game countdown, you will be assigned a role based on your preferences and placed in your workplace when the game starts. If the round has already begun, you'll get a popup asking you to pick an available [[Jobs|job]], and you will begin on the [[Arrivals|arrival shuttle]].
In addition, whenever you hit Declare Ready, you'll also get a popup asking you if want to spend some Spacebux for the round. [[Spacebux]] are an out-of-game currency Goonstation awards you with for playing through rounds, and you can spend them on a number of cute little trinkets and baubles. Feel free to skip it; it's nothing to worry about.
'''Observe Round''' -- Fly around as a ghost and see everything that's going on. If you choose this, you can't switch to being a player until the next round.
===The UI===
[[File:SS13FirstLook2020.png|thumb|Take it a bit at a time.]]
The user interface is a bit tricky at first.
The left side of the screen is the '''game window'''. It is centered on your character. You can move around with the arrow keys, or toggle [[Game_FAQ#WASD_mode|WASD mode]] via Game -> Interface. The right side of the screen is the '''info box''' and '''chat window'''. At the bottom of the screen is a text parser where you can type in what you want to say or certain commands.
*To talk out loud, you '''say "whatever"''' or press the {{key|T}} key.
*To talk over the radio, you '''say ";whatever"''' or press the {{key|Y}} key. For more info, check out [[Game FAQ#How do I speak on the radio?|How do I speak on the radio?]]!
*To get help from a [[Mentorhelp|mentor]], enter '''mentorhelp''' and a popup box will appear. You can also press {{key|F3}}. Please do not confuse this with adminhelp, which is for issues related to the rules, also please do not ask if mentors will kill somebody for you.
[[File:HumanGUINew.png|thumb|upright=2|An overview of the user interface as a human.]]
In the game window, left clicking is the basic interaction. It's based on your '''hands'''. At the bottom of the screen is your character interface. You have a right and a left hand, and the highlighted hand is your current active hand. You can click your other hand slot to switch hands. {{key|PgUp}}, {{key|E}} in WASD Mode, {{key|X}} with /tg/code keys on and the {{key|MMB}} all switch your active hand too.
How your character interacts depends on what's in your hands, what you are interacting with, and what your '''intent''' is - the four small, colored hand icons. Clicking something with an empty hand will often try to pick it up (if an object), use it (if machinery), or shake/grab/punch it (if another player or creature). If you have something in your hands, you will attempt to use it on whatever you're targeting. Things in the world react differently to different objects, and if nothing else happens, the default action is to simply hit the targeted object with whatever is in your hand (so be careful about clicking other players with anything that might be mistaken for a weapon). You will get feedback on your actions in the '''chat window''' (not illustrated) on the right.
Right-clicking on a thing brings up a menu list of verbs. Common verbs are '''Examine''' (gives a description of whatever), '''Pull''', '''Pick Up''', or '''Drop'''. Verbs may change depending on the object and how close you are to it.
===Equipment & Indicators===
The row at the bottom of the screen shows your equipment and [[Inventory]]. You can click the '''toggle inventory (INV)''' button to bring up/close an extension showing equipped clothing. If you click the INV button with something in your active hand, you will automatically equip it if possible. If there is already an object in the relevant spot, it will switch places with whatever is in your active hand. If you're accessing the inventory of something you're wearing, e.g. a backpack, it'll also try to store it in there. If you don't, it'll try to put it in your pockets.
Your backpack, belt, and pockets are extra places to store things. Simply click an empty slot with your active hand to stow away whatever you've got (if it will fit). Clicking your backpack with an empty hand will bring up a small window showing everything in it, and dragging and dropping the sprites of the items inside will move them around the backpack's inventory. The contents of backpacks and other hand-held storage containers (box, briefcase, toolbox, belt, first-aid kits and certain pill bottles) can be dumped out in a pinch. Hold the container in your hand and then drag & drop it onto a table or floor tile. You can also take things out of a container without picking it up by dragging and dropping it onto your character.
At the top right-side corner of the game screen is the '''health indicator'''. You begin at 100 and your indicator will turn red as you take more damage. If you enter critical health, you will occasionally lose consciousness and be unable to interact until you recover. Other [[Health Indicators|health indicators]] may appear adjacent and typically mean that there is something wrong/dangerous about the area you are in.

Since the vanilla version of Space Station 13, many servers have branched out in their own ways and developed many different ideas. Many have borrowed code from one another, but most of them are different in some way. To join a server, you can either join by clicking on a server on the [[Main Page]], by joining from the page on BYOND's site[http://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13], or by entering the IP into the connect/favorites bar on your BYOND client for easy access. Since you're reading up on Goonserv, you're going to want to look for '''Gibbed #3/Gibbed #4''', hosted by the '''Galactic Order of Oppressive Neckbeards'''.
Also located there is the '''stamina indicator''', which governs your endurance. By default, your stamina total is 200 and regenerates at a rate of 10 per tick - click on the indicator to find out about your current status. Every offensive or defensive combat interaction with a player (like attacking or disarming them) will drain stamina. You may also use stamina to move significantly faster by holding the {{key|SHIFT}} key. Once your stamina reaches less than 0 you will be unable to talk, stand up or even interact with any items. Your odds in combat can be improved with a variety of [[Chemicals#Drugs|drugs]] and by wearing [[Security Objects#Helmet|protective clothing]].

'''Body temperature''' is another important aspect. If it's too cold, you'll move at a crawl. You'll take burn damage as well when you're standing on a space tile. This status takes a while to go away, even if you move into a room with a normal temp. [[Engineering Objects#Space HVAC|Space HVAC units]], certain [[Clothing#(Exo)Suit|exosuits]] and hot [[Foods#Drinks|beverages]] will help you heat up. If it's too hot, that's usually an indicator that you're on fire. If you can't find a fire extinguisher, use the stop-drop-and-roll technique. To do this, click the ''RESIST'' button, which will automatically make you roll until the flames have been extinguished.

== '''First Things First''' ==
'''Context-sensitive icons''' can appear in the top left-side corner of the screen. Many items have a unique HUD icon, such as portable light sources or [[General Objects#Gas Tank|gas tanks]]. Holding a [[General Objects#Fire Extinguisher|fire extinguisher]] gives you the option to spray foam all around you, for instance.

The '''toggle ability bar''' button is only relevant if you have [[Guide to Genetics|superpowers]]. It will add one or several clickable icons to the top of the screen, each representing one of your genetic abilities. Content-sensitive and superpower icons cannot be displayed at the same time.

[[File:SS13_Starting_up.png|200px|thumb|left|Welcome goon sir!]]
===Other Controls===
There are other buttons on your main interface:

Successfully connecting to a server will bring you to the screen shown above. It's very likely that you'll catch any given server in the middle of a round. The screen for pre-round stuff is mostly the same, and you can often tell when a round has just started or ended by the OOC chat being allowed briefly. In any case, the very first thing you should do is click on '''Character Setup'''. This will display a menu that is mostly self-explanatory, and allows you to set your job preferences as well as your character's name, whether to randomly generate that name per round, and their age and general appearance. Tweak these settings however you like.
*'''Intent settings''' determine what you will do when you interact with another person or creature and have an empty active hand.
**The top left/green hand is {{Help}}, which will shake someone up, attempt CPR, or pat out someone on fire. The hotkey for help intent is {{key|1}}.
**The top right/yellow hand is {{Disarm}}, which tries to knock something out of someone's hands. The hotkey for this intent is {{key|2}}.
**The bottom left/orange hand is {{Grab}}, which is aggressive and can lead to choking someone. Hotkey is {{key|3}}.
**The bottom right/red fist is {{Harm}}, which will punch or kick someone. And the hotkey for this intent is {{key|4}}.
*The small picture of a person is the '''target settings'''. It determines which part of the body you want to target when you are interacting with another player. You don't really need to worry about this if you're just starting out, but it is essential for [[Doctoring#Surgery|surgery]].
*'''Throw''' toggles throw mode. Once in throw mode, clicking on a floor tile/person/etc will then throw the item in that direction. You can toggle throw mode by {{key|SPACE}}, {{key|X}} if you're in WASD Mode, or {{key|R}} if you have /tg/code keys on.
*'''Drop''' is also fairly straight-forward. You'll drop the item in your active hand on whatever tile you're on. The WASD hotkey for this is {{key|Q}}.
*'''Run/Walk''' toggles between movement speeds. You generally want to stick with run.
*'''Pull''' will, depending on the interface style chosen, will have an orange border or be highlighted if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to release the object. The keyboard shortcut for this is the {{key|CTRL}} key.
*'''Resist''' has a few specific applications, such as slowly putting out a fire if you're on fire, breaking out of [[handcuffs]] or [[Security Objects#Shackles|shackles]], and escaping from aggressive grabs.
*'''Stand/Rest''' toggles between standing up or lying down and crawling. This is also the button to use when you're asleep in a [[General Objects#Bed|bed]] and want to wake up.
*'''Use''' {{key|C}} uses the item currently in hand. Can't be used if the item in hand needs to be used by clicking on another person.

''Selecting your job preferences'' is the most important thing here, for the moment. If you don't know how to do anything, enlisting as some form of [[Assistant]] is strongly recommended, and definitely do not sign up for [[antagonist]], Head, or AI roles if you don't know what you're doing. Assistants are essentially free from responsibilities aboard the station and are thus ideal for going around and learning the basics from people.
===Getting Around===
When you join the game before roundstart, you will spawn in either your workspace (depending on whatever job you've been assigned), or, if you're on [[Clarion]], one of the many [[Crew Quarters|crew dorm rooms]]. If you join after a round's started, then depending on the map, you will spawn on the [[Arrivals|arrival shuttle]] ([[Cogmap1]]/[[Cogmap2]]/[[Donut 2]]/[[Donut 3]]/[[Nadir]]), pop out of the [[General Objects#Industrial Cryogenic Sleep Unit|industrial cryogenic sleep unit]] ([[Clarion]]/[[Kondaru]]/[[Atlas]]), or find yourself in a pod careening straight into the [[Arrivals#Oshan|Arrivals]] area ([[Oshan Lab]]).  

In any case, once you've configured your character how you like, make sure to save those preferencces, and then back out and click '''Declare Ready'''. Pre-round, this will automatically spawn you in your proper place when play starts, and in the middle of a round, it gives you another screen to select your job. Again, if you're clueless and eager to learn, Assistant-level work is recommended strongly.
In any case, you don't have to worry about doing your job or anything like that. The AI, security officers, and the captain have some obligations to be aware of, but otherwise, you're free to wander around exploring at your leisure. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the station. Feel free to ask a local crew member or ask over the radio for help if you're lost.
<tabs plain>
<tab inline name="Cogmap2">
[[File:Cogmap2Murray.png|thumb|Use the tour console computer to start the tour!]]
If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights you may encounter, look above the "Space Station 13" sign in [[Arrivals#Cogmap2|arrivals hallway]] and embark on a tour with '''Murray''', the station's local robot tour guide. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.
<tab inline name="Cogmap1">
[[File:CogmapMurray.png|thumb|Use the tour console computer to start the tour!]]
If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights you may encounter, check out the right side of [[Arrivals#Cogmap1|arrivals]] for '''Murray''', the station's local robot tour guide. (The first one to be created, in fact.) Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.
<tab inline name="Destiny">
[[File:DestinyMary.png|thumb|Use the tour console computer to start the tour!]]
If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the ship and some of the strange yet wonderful sights you may encounter, start a tour with '''Mary''', the local tour guide robot just above the [[General Objects#Industrial Cryogenic Sleep Unit|industrial cryogenic sleep unit]]. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the ship.
<tab inline name="Clarion">
[[File:ClarionMary.png|thumb|Use the tour console computer to start the tour!]]
If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the ship and some of the fantastic sights you may encounter, join a tour with '''Mary''', the local tour guide robot just outside [[Arrivals#Clarion|Arrivals]]. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the ship.
<!-- <tab inline name="Linemap">
[[File:LinemapTourBot.png|thumb|Use the tour console computer to start the tour!]]
If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the odd residents, schedule some time for a tour with the station's local robot tour guide just outside [[Arrivals#Linemap|Arrivals]]. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.
</tab> -->
<tab inline name="Oshan">
[[File:OshanMoby.png|thumb|Use the tour console computer to start the tour!]]
If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of this vast station and all the oceanic wonders within, go to [[Arrivals#Oshan|Arrivals]] and start a tour with '''Moby''', Oshan Lab's stylishly-adorned robot tour guide. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.
<tab inline name="Kondaru">
[[File:KondaruMarco.PNG|thumb|Use the tour console computer to start the tour!]]
If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of this vaguely torus-like space platform, go to [[Arrivals#Kondaru|Arrivals]] and start a tour with '''Marco''', Kondaru's Mitigative After-Rest Crew Orientation unit. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.

When you select your job mid-round you will spawn in the [[Arrivals]] shuttle, which may add another thing to your plate if you need to get around and find your designated workspace. '''Mentorhelp''' and just plain asking over the radio is strongly advised for stuff like this.
There are also these handy info maps scattered around the station:

In any case...
[[File:Info map.png]]
[[File:Info map display.png|312px]]

Click anywhere on the map to have a GPS line guide you there.

== '''My God, It's Full Of Complexity''' ==
Your job determines your access level, which determines what doors will or won't open for you. If you get trapped somewhere, you can ask the AI for help over the radio.  
[[File:SS13_UI_what.png|200px|thumb|left|Take it a bit at a time.]]

'''Try not to panic'''. Seriously. Don't take any hasty actions because Space Station 13 is the sort of game where it is possible for one to kill oneself with ''one's own shoes''. The controls and UI are probably the real reason that you're reading this, anyway. Let's break down the '''User Interface''' first, then, and after that we'll figure out how to avoid attacking random people and ourselves.
*'''<code>say ;AI, please open this door!</code>'''
Make sure to enter this into the text parser below the game window. That semicolon is crucial. Don't worry about quotation marks, the game will automatically add them for you.

The ''left side of the game window'' is occupied by the actual game itself, showing all the environments and sprites. The ''right side of the window'' is occupied by chat and informational text. Both sides are important. Let's start by looking at the left side first.
Alternatively, you can use a similar shortcut as if you were speaking out loud:
*'''<code>{{key|Y}} AI, please open this door!</code>'''

*'''Your Character''' is always in the center of the game screen. Your sprite is mostly determined by what you're wearing and your appearance preferences.
*'''Other Players''' are represented by very similar-looking sprites in the game. The man in red standing next to my sprite is a fellow player.
*'''Your Health''' is indicated by a number of boxes that occupy the top-right of the game window. Currently my health is at 100 percent; as one takes damage from any source, it will begin to go down, and the color will change from green to less friendly colors such as orange, and until you hit ''Critical'' state and eventually die. The game will popup windows denoting the sources of damage you're taking over time, as opposed to direct injuries or attacks. '''''If you see a source-of-damage box, it's a red flag that you need to leave the area and seek protection from whatever is hurting you'''''.
The rest of the in-game UI is occupying most of the bottom of the game window.
*'''Equipment Slots''' are generally on the top row of boxes, and denote what your character has on you in some fashion, whether it's a helmet, a breath mask, a radio headset, etc. Clicking on an item occupying this slot will bring it to your ''active hand''. Having a compatible item in your active hand and clicking on an empty slot will equip it, or clicking on ''the green left-most button on the bottom row'', which will automatically attempt to equip your active hand's item and will also ''display or hide the top equipment slots''.
*'''Belt, Pockets, and Back''' slots are next to the green INV button and occupy the left half of the bottom row of buttons. These are like the equipment slots, and compatibe items can be put into these slots. Different slots can hold different items, and you will always start with your [[PDA]] in your belt slot and typically a water battle or pen in your pockets. Everybody also starts with a ''backpack'' on their back slot, which can be removed by dragging it to the active hand or opened by ''clicking on it with an empty active hand''.
*'''Your Hands''' are denoted by the middle slots of the bottom row, which have a ''hand background'' on them. You can hold items in your hands, which allows you to use them, or if you hands are empty what you will do by clicking on yourself and others is determined by your ''Intent''. These slots are incredibly important. One hand will always be surrounded by orange, denoting the ''active hand'', which is the one that will act when you click. You can switch active hands with the ''middle mouse button'' or by clicking on the hand slot. '''''Most items in the game will be wielded like weaponry when you click on something, even if your intent is set to Help! Be sure you're not about to bash somebody with the item you're holding; ignorance is no excuse!''''' Many items in the game can be interacted with only if your hand is free.
*'''Throw or Drop''' are the next two buttons. ''Throw'' is on the top; when clicked, it will enable you to toss the item in your active hand in whatever direction you click with your mouse like a projectile. When you click the ''Drop'' button, you simply and noiselessly toss whatever was in your active hand to the floor.
*'''Intent Settings''' are the next four buttons in the UI; these determine what action you will take when your active hand is empty and you click on another person (or yourself). The four Intent settings are:
**''Help'', the green hand. This will cause you to shake a person in an attempt to wake them up from stun or knockdown effects, or, if they're badly hurt, will allow you to attempt CPR. Gear worn on the head such as helmets and masks will block this until removed.
**''Disarm'', the yellow hand. This will allow you to attempt to remove something from another person's hands. An unwary attacker is often undone by a single lucky disarm levelling the playing field, and you should always be aware of Disarm's power. '''''Store items that might be used against you in other slots than your hands to keep them safe from theft or worse'''''.
**''Grab'', the orange fist. This allows you to grab somebody, and, like Disarming or punching, ''is typically seen as an aggressive action'' except for specific circumstances. Grabbing can lead to strangling by tightening your grip on a target, but if the target is capable of Resisting, it may prove ineffective. Gear on their head will also block strangling just as it does Help. Grabbing can also be used to toss a person, and it has other, more advanced functions. For the new-to-moderately-skilled-player, this is definitely the least common Intent setting.
**''Harm'', the red fist. Clicking on somebody, even yourself, with this Intent on will lead you to you punching and swinging away with every click. While it's generally better to wield some sort of weapon, even an improvised one, in an emergency you can ''target punches to vulnerable areas'' such as the ''head'' and ''groin'' This can land a surprise knockdown on your opponent, which can be deadly in a fight due to the [[robust]] combat engine.
Intent also governs how you collide with other players; attempting to move into someone else with ''Help'' on will lead to the two of you quickly switching places. Any other Intent will cause your character to ''shove them forward'' to make room for yourself. Excessive shoving is seen as a ''possibly aggressive, and definitely quite annoying, action'', so in crowded areas, having your Intent set to ''Help'' is usually better.
*'''Target Settings''' are next, and allow you to aim actions you take towards people by clicking on parts of the body until they are highlighted in red. This is used in special actions as well as simply to aim attacks for important places, ''such as the head or groin''. Aim does not matter for the purposes of disarming, helping, or grabbing, but it does affect where you will try to punch or attack with a weapon.
*'''Run/Walk''' is the top-left button of the four remaining on the in-game window. This will determine your ''movement setting''. Typically you want to be moving at a ''run'', and that is the default, but when the floor is wet ahead you want to slow to a walk or you will fall over. ''If you slow to a crawl and you aren't hurt and it's not BYOND lagging, check to see if you've accidentally toggled yourself to walk''.
*'''Pull''' is the top-right button on the bottom right side of the bar. It will be ''lit with orange'' around its border if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to release the object.
*'''Resist''' is the bottom-left button of the bunch, and it has a few specific applications. If somebody is attempting to put a grab on you or remove something from your person, click 'resist' to mess that process up. This is why, to do these things, one must often render a target incapable of resisting. '''''If you are lit on fire and actively burning, you must use Resist as well as Stand/Rest in order to first drop to the ground and then click Resist repeatedly to roll around and extinguish yourself'''''.
*'''Rest/Stand''' is the final button on the in-game UI and the final of the four we're looking at. This governs whether you are on the floor, recovering at a slow but steady rate, or on your feet. If you are knocked down for any reason, use this button to attempt to stand. On the other hand, if you need to rest from being drunk or something, use this button. You cannot move while resting.

Clear as mud, right? I know it seems that way, but the complexity of the UI will soon become like breathing to you, and you'll be able to work around it with ease.
To move, use your arrow keys. You can also toggle WASD mode at Game -> Interface to use the WASD keys to move instead. To open a door, just walk into it or click on it when you are standing next to it.

The '''right-hand side of the window''' is where the ''chat box'' goes, as well as information on the top-right. All sorts of information can be displayed and is often obvious or can be learned later. Mostly focus on the chat itself for now.
===What's Going On Here???===
The average Goonstation round goes as follows:

**''Text spoken normally'' will appear black and unitalicised, and can only be heard by people in the same general area as the speaker. Type say "message" to speak in this manner when you don't feel like broadcasting idle/treasonous chatter to the entire station.
* Players are assigned their jobs.
**''Text spoken into the radio'' will appear green and will denote with a symbol whether it came from the headset or intercom, as well the frequency of the channel. To send radio messages, type say ; "message". This will broadcast to all active radios and the AI itself and is the most used method of chatting by far. An AI can click on your name from a radio message to zoom to your location with its cameras. Note that sometimes you may be spoken over if multiple people are trying to talk on the same frequency at the same time. If you need to get a message out, just retype it or copy-and-paste it and try again. Even the AI can be spoken over, which is usually seen when it is trying to recite its laws.
* Some players are assigned to be [[Antagonist|antagonists]]. There is a variety of them, including stealthy [[traitor]]s, spell-flinging [[wizard]]s, DNA-stealing [[changeling]]s and [[Nuclear Operative|nuclear operative]]s trying to blow everyone up.  
***''Special radio channels'' can be accessed by specialist headsets such as Security, Medical, or Engineering. These appear red, dark blue, or yellow, respectively, and you can send a message on this channel with say :h "message". Note that people standing near enough to you are able to hear your headset.
* Players do... whatever. They might do their jobs. They might wander off and explore space. They might mess around and build stuff. They might run gimmicks.
**''Whispering'' is a special ultra-short range version of 'regular talk' that is black and italicized and only understandable from a short number of tiles away. Those father away may catch garbled snippets of the message. To whisper, type whisper "message".
* Antagonists do... whatever. They might work on their objectives. Or they might just cause chaos. They're free to do whatever, including harming/killing other players.
**''Machinetalk'' is a special form of communication only available to the AI, its Cyborgs, and anybody with a Machine Translation Implant. Messages can be sent this way with say :s "Message". Although it is unlikely you will encounter this at this stage, know that it is black and italiciized, and it gives no indication you are communicating at all to outsiders, unlike radio broadcasts.
* At some point, the emergency shuttle will be called to evacuate the station. It will arrive in 6 min, wait for 2 min and then spend 2 min in transit, during which you can be thrown from the craft and killed, so be careful and buckle up! Arriving at Centcom ends the round. The round may also end automatically when certain conditions (see [[Game Modes#Current Game Modes|Game Modes]]) are met.
**''Updates from CentComm'' will appear with a large title and red text and generally be very obvious. These can either be canned messages denoting specific or random events in the game, or messages straight from the [[Admin]]s. In any case, it is frequently bad news and definitely to be attended to.
**''Event Messages'' can be black, blue, or red, with the red ones typically demanding the most attention, since they can be potentially or overtly hostile actions. Not all red-text events are hostile, though; context matters. Red-texted event messages are rarely smart to ignore.
**''Deadchat'' is only available if you are dead or spectating, and denotes messages from other players in a similiar situation. Speak as you would normally speak, with say "message". Except for in very rare instances, deadchat cannot be seen by the living and is a safe place to discuss and spectate about the events of the match or talk about '''what happened''' without getting into trouble like you would for doing that in OOC.
**''OOC'' is a special chat channel that is often disabled during the rounds proper and enabled before and after each round. BYOND usernames instead of character names are used and there is no expectation of RP or anything other than just an internet chatroom at all. '''''Broadcasting in-Character information (IC) over OOC during a match is forbidden and will often end up getting OOC disabled and yourself punished for your attempt to metagame and break the rules. Don't even try this.'''''.
**''Goonsay'' is a special chat channel reserved for verified members of the Something Awful forums, that is, goons. It's the only thing you get for verifying you are a goon. Treat this like a different OOC channel for most respects.

Okay! So that's the chat information. Now you are capable of communication across a range of mediums and methods, although it will take some getting used to. Now that you know about the UI, let's move on to...
===But Why?===
Curious to know why your character is here? Want to get a jumpstart on making the lore for your RP (Roleplay) Character? Try taking a look at the [[Basic Lore]] page!

== '''How Does Walk? What's a 'HoP'?''' ==
[[File:YouCanNeverKnowWhatGoonstationHasInStore.png|thumb|upright=1.4|You can never know what's in store for you on Goonstation.]]
Even as you're getting used to the basics, shit may be going down. You may deal with environmental hazards, like gas leaks, fires, hull breaches, floods, or hazards from other players. Security may hassle you for wandering into a restricted area, and there are plenty of antagonists around causing mayhem. Until you have an idea how you should act, you should generally just try to run away, call for help, and don't worry too much. The worst thing that can happen is you die - but even so, you can still observe the round, chat with other dead players, and play once the next round starts. Plus, there are plenty of ways to get back into the game; Medical personnel might find your body and clone you if certain conditions are met, or a [[Roboticist]] might take your brain out of your body and bring you back as a [[Cyborg]] or [[Artificial Intelligence|AI]], just to give some examples. 

So at this point you are officially into the world of the game and have either appeared at your designated workspace, or more likely mid-round on the Arrivals shuttle in the northwest corner of the station. In either case, the first thing you have to do is understand how to move and interact with the world around you. '''The arrow keys, and not wasd''', govern your character's movement. The '''number pad''' can also be used for diagonal movements. Things such as what you're wearing as well as server leg can affect the rate of speed your character moves at, and in a straightaway a crewman can build up some real speed. Practice moving about whatever room you're in until you're comfortable with that. It shouldn't take too long.
If you're stuck somewhere or want to learn how to do something, you have some resources:
* Experimenting (may result in <s>fun</s> disaster).
* This wiki.
* Talking to other folks in your department.
* Asking for help over the radio. Remember to put a ; before what you're going to say to say over the radio.  
* Asking for help using '''[[mentorhelp]]''' with {{key|F3}}. Mentors are there to answer whatever gameplay questions you've got.

You can't even begin to learn a profession or trade yet, however, until you come to grips with the controls. The way your character interacts the most with the world is, well, through their hands. An ''empty active hand'' is very often required to operate machinery, open and close lockers, work computer terminals, or pick anything up. When trying to pick up an object, ''if you have anything at all in your hand already'', your character will decide to try and smash the objects together like an idiot. Clear space by dropping the already-held item or clicking on your backpack or pocket slots to stow it away. '''As mentioned above, clicking on a person with anything in your hand, until you are sure of what it does, is a really bad idea''', as well. Most times it will turn out that, even with your intent on help, you just attacked somebody, and in this game that means that ''somebody is going to respond in kind''. If you're lucky, and explain your error, they might relent.
If you're being griefed or killed unjustly you can ask for help with the "'''adminhelp'''" command or use the shortcut, {{key|F1}}. Admins won't tell you straight-up if the person who is hurting you is an antagonist or not but check to see if it's justified. Even if no admins are on, adminhelps will still reach the Goonstation admin Discord channel, and there's nearly always an admin in there. If you don't get a response/reply, don't be afraid to send in more adminhelps. The admins may not take immediate action, but they ''will'' take notice of the issue.

Whether you started as an Asisstant or not, then, once you are proficient enough to walk around and pick up items, your first task is to become at least passingly familiar with the station's layout. The map is changed every so often, but the Goonstation servers stay on a map a pretty long time, definitely enough to learn it by heart. Run around, check things out, perhaps even ask for directions in person or via radio. The station AI will probably be happy to assist if it's able. The [[Head of Personnel]], whose workspace is near [[Arrivals]] anyway, may be used to fielding basic questions as well. As any flavor of Assistant you are essentialy invisible until you start causing trouble (''don't do this until you know what kinds of trouble won't get you reported to the admins''). As a personal goal, you should in your first round be able to find the [[Arrivals Shuttle]], [[Customs]] Checkpoint, and [[Escape]] arm, which are all in the far north of the station, the [[Bar]], which is in the heart, [[Engineering]], which is denoted by yellow stripes when you get close and yellow airlocks, and [[Medical]], which is southeast of the Bar and denoted by blue stripes near the walls when you approach. These are where the average joes of the station are, for the most part, and house a majority of the jobs.
A round of SS13 can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on the mode of play and the shuttle call, but a typical round lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. If you need to go, it's more polite to suicide rather than just disconnecting, since that way people know you won't be back. If you feel super polite, you could drop your ID in a public area or hand it off to someone else so they can do your job (unless you're an [[Staff Assistant|assistant]]). Killing yourself in a way that takes others with you or calling the shuttle because you want to go are both very inadvisable things to do.

The world won't sit and wait for you to get ready, however; that's one of the overarching themes of this game. Things happen.  If you find yourself in a combat situation before you're prepared, then the best course of action would be to attempt to disengage, flee, and call for help. Giving your location would be best, but if there is a functional AI present they can trace you if you just start yelling for 'HELP' in caps. Stopping to speak may let whoever's chasing you catch up, however, so get moving. Generally, going to an area like the Bar to escape is a bad idea; try to head for the Medbay. If you aren't hitting back and somebody's trying to hurt you, the Doctors and Medical staff there will flip out and come to your aid. They hate violence in their workplace for understandable reasons.  
If you're the AI, leaving in the middle of a game can cause real problems, so please use '''adminhelp''' to say you're leaving as an AI.  

Alternately, the best way to sharpen your robust combat skills is to have at them! ''Toolboxes, fire extinguishers, and crowbars'' are plentiful and prove effective if targeted correctly, such as for the head. They can knock an opponent down if you can land a few hits and from there things get much easier. If you're being attacked by somebody with a weapon, try to disarm them if possible, and use their own weapon on them! I promise they'll realize the irony. If it's a regular member of the crew who attacked you, '''don't try to kill them''' generally; leave it for [[Security Officer]]s when they show up or more experienced crew. Obvious antagonists can usually be killed safely, although, again, you should defer to more experienced players. Some enemies are tougher to kill than others.
So what happens if you die 10 minutes in? SS13 has mechanisms to prevent a round dragging too long; [[Random Events|Random events]] steadily get worse over time. If your body survived, you can be cloned back into the game; if at least your brain survived (in your body or otherwise), you can be brought back as a cyborg, which means you'll have different objectives, but you can still play. As a newbie, it can be a good opportunity to ghost-observe someone doing one of the other jobs. You can also become a [[Ghostdrone]] and help fix the station. If all antagonists die early, the game may appoint new joiners as antagonists or respawn ghosts (listen for the [[Random Events#Intruder Alert|klaxon sound]]!) as various enemy roles. Sometimes, an admin may reactivate dead players as new antagonists as well. All in all, it can be worth leaving the game open even if you just want to wait for the next round.

(''As a final note on this , if some random person does try or succeed in killing you or steal some essential tool of your job like the Singularity Engine, or if they're just set out to grief you, '''adminhelp it'''. No, seriously. If they're a traitor or something they obviously won't get punished, but a regular person wrecking your shit like that, unprovoked, especially against a new person, '''is a shitty thing to do and the admins will help you'''.'')
===RP Mechanics===
The roleplay server is slightly different from the main server in that it uses a Motives System (pretty much The Sims meets SS13). This system incorporates hunger and dehydration, and maintaining all of these is important to both gameplay and roleplay.
*Hunger is maintained by eating food. Go to the bar or try a vending machine.
:*''If your hunger motive falls below 25%, your maximum health will be reduced by 20 points.''
*There are water coolers around to keep you hydrated, but you can also head to the bar and ask the bartender for a drink. Bear in mind that high amounts of ethanol will dehydrate you.
:*''If your thirst motive falls below 25%, your stamina regeneration will fall to 3 units from 8 units.''

Once you can navigate through the station layout, it's advisable to head to a specialized workplace, ask for permission to enter, and simply tell them that you're blindingly new to the game and ask if they would mentor you a bit. More often than not you'll get a positive reply and at least some help, although note that if you start thirty minutes into the round a black hole or space weeds may be eating the station and the professionals may be too busy to help you. For that matter, you may spawn in Arrivals and be trapped by bolted doors or decompression; don't worry, this is just the game's way of helping you come to grips with how vulnerable you are. There are many, many ways to meet your end in Space Station 13, and never feel bad for dying.
Not maintaining your motives will prompt occasional messages in your chat window (e.g. You feel faintly hungry.) and will persist until the motive is back above a certain threshold. Certain objects, reagents, and activities will affect motives.  

Heed advice given via radio, from the AI, using the helpful '''mentorhelp''' verb, or given in-person. If you can really listen, understand, and internalize advice, then you'll be up and [[robust]]ing people in no time.
On the RP server, you also can also speak through LOOC, accessible via {{Key|Alt}} + {{Key|L}}, which sends a message to all the people you can see. It's generally meant for out-of-game stuff, e.g. asking for help or notifying you have an issue when you can't find a way to phrase it in character (e.g. "My N key is broken, BTW" or "Which intent do I use?"). LOOC is also good for stuff regarding roleplaying, like asking for consent to take roleplay in possibly questionable direction ("I'm thinking of RPing accidentally killing you during this boxing match, are you fine with that? I'll still try to get you revived.") or requesting some clarification (e.g. "Are you really mad at me or are you just roleplaying your character being mad?")

Remember to [[RP_Rules|read the rules]] for the roleplay server!

== '''Job Prospects''' ==
===Before and After Rounds===
Once the round ends, which usually is when emergency shuttle reaches Central Command and the various [[Antagonist]] are revealed, the server restarts. The server then begins preparing a fresh new round, and players have a few minutes to press Declare Ready so they play as soon as said new round begins. During these few minutes, Out-of-Character (OOC) Chat is enabled, and players are free to talk about the previous round and the good/bad things that happened, ask questions about game mechanics, or just chill and talk about whatever comes to mind, so long as it follows the rules. You can join in and talk in OOC by pressing {{key|ALT}}+{{key|O}} or just pressing {{key|O}} on WASD Mode. {{key|T}} also works, although it'll work if you're in the lobby, which is where you end up when you first connect to one of the servers.

Here's a rough summary of jobs on the station and how difficult they would be for a new person to learn and master successfully.
==Job Prospects==
We not only want you to appreciate the variety and depth of our mechanics, but also enjoy the spirit of experimentation and discovery at the heart of Goonstation. Obviously, you can't experiment if you have no clue if a mechanic works in the first place, so you have to start somewhere. Good newbie jobs provide that start; they should be simple to pick up, so you aren't too overwhelmed and can ease into more complicated mechanics, and low-consequence, so you aren't too discouraged by failures and can easily try again.

*[[Assistant]] - Any flavor of Assistant is ''blindingly easy'' because you have basically no responsibilities or duties, nobody expects anything from you, and you are effectively ignored. Even the optional crew goals are always wacky or strange. The only reason somebody would pick this job instead of at least something else is to learn a more advanced job, avoid responsibilities, or if they join an hour in and there are literally no other slots available.
In addition, they should try to minimize boredom. Even in a paranoia-laced sandbox like SS13, there are always periods where there's simply nothing to do. Some people can't handle them and drop out before the round's fully over. Some try to create their own fun, sometimes constructively, sometimes [[Grief|not]]. A few even enjoy them, as they're great opportunities to experiment with things. Ideally, a good job (in general, not just for newbies) should encourage or at least capitalize on the third, but in the end, it still really depends on the person.

*[[Barman]]/[[Chef]]/[[Chaplain]] - These jobs are civilian-sector occupations and overall are ''quite easy'', since they also aren't really expected to contribute to the station overall. It's a good chance to socialize, learn basic mechanics, and have some fun with making food, getting people drunk, or shouting religious messages at the AI.
Good jobs to start out as:

*[[Janitor]] - The custodian role is an ''easy'' one for the most part. The only time people notice you really is when you start wetting floors, which causes people to slip. Make sure to put up your wet floor signs when, not if, this happens; it may make all the difference between complaints over the radio and a lynch mob at your door. Otherwise this job is similar to other civilians ones. Basically just clean up horrible bloody messes when they happen.
* [[Staff Assistant]] - You have no responsibilities or obligations whatsoever, so you pick up and learn game mechanics as you wish. You're also generally ignored.
* [[Bartender]]/[[Chef]]/[[Janitor]]/[[Chaplain]] - These jobs are all simple and few (if any) will mind if you don't have a clue what you're doing. The first two in particular make excellent introductions to the wonderful world of [[Chemistry]].
* [[Botanist]] - The rest of the station tends to forget that hydroponics exists, and the botanists are usually relaxed people who don't mind idle chat while they wait for their weed to grow. It's a good place to hang out and learn from others without having any expectations to meet, while still having plenty of things you can do.
* [[Geneticist]] - DNA sequencing is quite easy and unlikely to disrupt anyone else. There are loads and loads of mutations to discover and activate, so it's unlikely you'll get bored.
* [[Miner]] - A great opportunity to practice getting suited up and moving around in space, or rigging and piloting a pod. Maybe best not for your very first game, though, as suffocation isn't pleasant.
* [[Lawyer]]/[[Barber]]/[[Tourist]] - "Jobs of the day", of which one may be available on any given day. These resemble chaplain or assistants in that they are low-access, zero-responsibility, roleplaying roles. The same applies to [[Jobs#Gimmick Jobs|most gimmick jobs]] (musician, diplomat, salesman etc), which are available at random.

*[[Botanist]] - Of all the 'technical' roles aboard the station, the Botanist is arguably the ''easiest''. Hydroponics is one of the departments that aren't really expected to contribute useful products during an average round, so you can play around, see what the seeds do, and tend your crops. The real action on the station rarely occurs at [[Hydroponics]] so it's a relatively safe workplace.
The following jobs have standard duties, but they are not difficult if you consult their wiki pages or other players in the same job:

*[[Medical Doctor]] - Almost certainly the ''easiest'' of the Medsci professions, the MD's overall usefulness to the station is a subject of heated debate, but in a pinch you can be a literal lifesaver. Ask what the drugs do, talk to fellow doctors, roam the stations, inject hurt people with the right stuff to make them feel better. The learning curve is gentler and people will rarely blame you for losing a patient, although injecting them with the wrong stuff may get somebody on your case. Learn how to be efficient with your Med supplies because getting more can be tough.
* [[Engineer]] - A good job for experimenting with various systems, with few particular essential duties. You're expected to start the engine, but only one engineer is usually needed to do this, and otherwise the job is relatively free. This a good job for learning how to build and take apart things via [[Construction]]. You can also experiment with [[MechComp]], which looks intimidating at first but is quite powerful if you have the creativity.
* [[Chief Engineer]] - Combines engineer, quartermaster, and miner with a bit more access and some new toys, but no extra duties. Some engineers might decide to treat you as if you're in charge, but you don't have to be.
* [[Roboticist]] - Expected to provide power cells for robots and make people into cyborgs.
* [[Head of Personnel]] - You control everyone's job and access assignments. You don't need to do anything, but you'll probably be asked to do plenty!

*[[Cyborg]] - Subordinate to the [[AI]] and crew, you are expected to be a busy little worker bee. This job can be ''easy to medium'' difficulty depending on what you're asked to do and what you arleady know of the game. Learning the ropes by starting as a Cyborg and having the AI's guidance isn't a horrible idea, though, and although limited and shackled, Cyborgs can do amazing things. Remember, the AI's laws are your laws and you are effectively answerable to it as your boss.
Eventually, you might want to be:

*[[Quartermaster]] - Techincally this is an Engineering-sector job, but really it's not, and it's ''not terribly hard to learn''. Your duty is essentially to guard your cargo bay, earn money by gathering things from other station departments or purchasing it and then reselling it to CentCom for a profit, and answering supply requests from the crew. As the QM, you decide which requests go through. It can be boring if you prefer running about and hitting people, though.
*[[Captain]] - Surprisingly, you don't have to be really competent to do this. Your only real obligation is to protect the authorization disk in your pocket. Don't be an officious jerk, no one likes those, and try your best to protect your crew. Other than that, you get to explore (nearly) everywhere on the station and do basically any job activity you want.
*[[Cyborg]] - You get access to everything, but your interface is different than normal and you're expected to follow the [[AI Laws|AI laws]], meaning you can't hurt anyone even if they're attacking you!
*[[Quartermaster]] - You're expected to manage the station's budget and attempt to turn a profit. It's a good idea to have an idea how storage and manufacturing work.
*[[Medical Doctor]] or [[Medical Director]] - Expected to heal the wounded. This is more complicated than other duties and your patient can die if you screw up. Medical Director combines medical doctor, geneticist, and roboticist.
* [[Scientist]] - You get to study artifacts, investigate different mixes for heating plasma mixes, and experiment with various chemical mixtures. You can also do [[Telescience]] and explore the [[Adventure Zone]]. Risk of death is fairly high, but vital to the learning. Tends to be a fairly popular job, so you can reasonably expect to find a fellow coworker to help you out.
*[[Research Director]] - Combines scientist with head of staff access.
*[[Antagonist|Antagonist roles]] - Once you've got the hang of how the station works you'll probably want to think about checking antagonist roles. Checking the box will make the option show up red rather than black, which means you can now be chosen for that antagonist role. Checking them only puts your name in the hat - you are always unlikely to actually get them, simply because there are so few in each round compared to the number of players. Be prepared for your round to end early, as once you're known the entire station will be against you.

*[[Scientist]] - The bog-standard scientist job is really a ''medium challenge'' profession, and there's several different fields you can choose to focus on, such as Artifact Research [medium], Telescience [''quite hard''], and Chemistry. [medium to hard but fun]. When you're ready to move up and really get into how things work, this is a good specialist job to apply for. You'll often get it and get to mess around with some of the most fun mechanics and tools in the game.
Jobs you should avoid for now:

*[[Detective]] - Of all the jobs with Security access and duties, probably the ''easiest to start with'' is the Detective, as it's only about ''medium difficulty''. You are '''not''' a [[Security Officer]], and for somebody just looking to get into the Sec/Command fields, that's a good thing. You can learn and observe from the regulars as well as play around with the gimmicks and cool toys at your disposal. Practice your robust technique on perpetrators and antagonists with other Security support.
*[[AI]] - AIs have a lot of annoying restrictions and responsibilities. If you don't know what you're doing expect everyone to scream and hurl abuse at you.
*[[Security Officer]] - '''Don't pick this as a starting player, please!''' You protect the station and its inhabitants. You need to have an understanding of station systems (death/beating is not an appropriate sentence for most crimes, so you need to know how to give tickets/fines and use the brig), know the mood of the game (you must know when it's best to let someone be, when some intervention might be good, and when you must absolutely punish people, which all depend on context and player tastes), and be able to handle combat (because when you meet a genuine bad guy you'll have to fight them). Since you're constantly interacting with others you can very easily ruin other people's rounds. This job invites the most scrutiny, is often in the most danger, and really sucks for everyone if you are terrible or don't really get the "mood" of Goonstation.
*[[Detective]] - Similar to the security officer and so probably not ideal for a starting player.
*[[Boxer]] - All you can do well is punch people, and that will just get on their nerves.
*[[Clown]] - Actually, come to think of it, you should probably avoid this job forever.
*[[Head of Security]] - For the same reason as the security officer, and can't actually be picked by new players anyway. In fact, there's even a whitelist on the role, meaning you have to apply to play as one.

*[[Engineer]] - A job that isn't as daunting as it may first appear; ''medium difficulty'' at best, although much that is expected of you revolves around starting up the [[Singularity]] properly. Learning an Engineering profession is often best when you just jump in as a regular rank-and-file Engineer and ask how to do things. More often than not, like in all jobs, people will be willing to teach you. If you can set up the Singularity in a timely fashion, then you're set for the round pretty much and can practice construction/repairs/hacking at your leisure.
'''Note:''' There is no skill system on Goonstation. Any player can do any job and operate all equipment on the station at full competence; your job for the most part only determines the areas of the station you have access to and the equipment you start with. There are certain exceptions, such as complex tasks that have a variable failure chance. For example, [[Doctoring#Surgery|surgery]] is less likely to go wrong if you are a medical doctor or another medically related job, and the opposite is true if you're a clown or similar untrained personnel.

*[[Electrician]] - A specialized form of Engineering job, Electrician work is definitely in the ''medium'' range and requires a good grasp of game fundamentals. Your tasks as an Electrician are often more complicated or obscure, such as building computers, replicating important devices, and monitoring and repairing the wiring. Ask for help if you don't understand something and just have fun trying to copy the really important stuff. This is another good job to practice your hacking skills.
==One last thing==
Make sure you've read the [[Rules|Goonstation rules]]! They allow everyone to have fun and are different from other SS13 branches. Not reading the rules is a '''bad''' idea! If nothing else, pay special attention to rules 1, 2 & 4, the rules that get violated most often.

*[[Roboticist]] - You are one of the two professions capable of bringing the dead back to life, by turning them into [[Cyborg]]s, and this job is ''medium to advanced'' in some respects. Learning how to construct robot frames and perform basic brain surgery isn't all that complicated, however, and with a little practice you can find yourself proficient. Robotics offers a lot to those willing to learn it, and it might be worth a try if you think you'd be into it.
Besides that, you should be fine. Aside from an incredibly rare, exceptionally rude few (or yourself, if you're that kind of person), most people don't really care if you haven't a clue how to switch hands or put on [[Terminology#Internals|internals]], much less how to fight or set up the engine.  

Also if things go wrong with your game then please read the [[Game_FAQ|Game FAQ]]! There are numerous things that can go wrong with BYOND, SS13 and your computer, and if they do please take a look at the Game FAQ to try to solve your problem, or ask a question on mentorhelp/the crew over the radio if your issue isn't answered there.
{{Game Mechanics}}

Latest revision as of 14:33, 11 February 2025

Too much to read in too little time? Try this Super_Quick_Tutorial that can be read in just a few minutes!

So, you've never played the game before and you're looking to get started. Sweet. New players are totally awesome and there are a ton of people playing on the servers who would love to help you get going. However, even they can't help you if you don't have an understanding of how the very basics work. Let's get started on that!

What is Space Station 13?

Space Station 13 (SS13) is a multiplayer sandbox role-playing game where anything that can happen will happen. It often draws comparisons to Dwarf Fortress for its vast complex systems that interact to create emergent play or Mafia/Werewolf-type games with its few-vs-many PvP interactions, but these really cannot do the game justice. SS13 is one-of-a-kind, and there is no other game that like it. It's also free--and always will be! Not "free to play, pay to skip grind" or "free to play, pay to be competitive", but the good ol' fashioned "free as in free beer".

There are many versions of Space Station 13. There is not a single vanilla version with many mods but rather different versions that might share some communities or ancestry but generally otherwise have different mechanics, lore, histories, and staff. Among other implications, this means there is no "the" SS13 wiki, and if you read something on, say, the /tg/station wiki, there is a 95% chance it will not apply to here, and vice versa.

This page is about a version of SS13 called "Goonstation". If you've ever heard stories about clowns juggling entire humans, talking robot butts made from unholy abominations, or a sentient sandwich with an unfathomably long name, this is the place where they happened. While the "Goon" in "Goonstation" comes from the Something Awful forums, whose members are called "Goons", you do not have to join Something Awful to play here; in fact, very few people have, and Goonstation and Something Awful are basically independent of each other.


Step 1: Download BYOND

Build Your Own Net Dream (or BYOND for short) is the platform that Space Station 13 runs on. We aren't going to lie - it's pretty bad. It's mostly held together with equal parts duct tape and prayer, and it took numerous attempts to work around the slipshod code to make it so it could be played with minimal latency. You will likely be cursing BYOND at least once. The sooner you get used to this, the better off you'll be.

It doesn't really matter whether you pick the .zip or .exe file. Both give you basically the same BYOND client. But installing by the .exe will allow you to join servers via links in an internet browser, such the ones on this very wiki's main page or Goonhub.

Step 2: Log in

As we don't allow guest accounts to join our servers, you'll have to register an account with BYOND and log in to it on your fancy new BYOND client. If you miss this step, you'll probably get a "connection closed" error.

Step 3: Find the appropriate server

Where to find Goonstation in the BYOND game browser.

Since the vanilla version of Space Station 13, many servers have branched out in their own ways and developed many different ideas. Many have borrowed code from one another, but most of them are different in some way. Given that you're reading up on Goonstation, you're going to want to look for something that at least has Goonstation in the title, the current game mode for that server (e.g. "mode: secret"), and a Discord link. There are currently three official servers:

You may also find some "Goonstation Development" servers or servers running Goonstation code by some other name. These are all unofficial servers, so your mileage may vary. Despite the "Development" in the name, these are not used by Goonstation's developer team.

All servers are based off the same source code, and the differences between these three servers primarily surround roleplaying. Goonstation Classic servers do not require roleplay, but it is appreciated--and remember, just because there aren't rules about roleplaying doesn't mean there aren't Rules. Meanwhile the Goonstation Roleplay servers do require roleplaying and have some light (but very important) RP Rules to regulate it, in addition to standard Rules set, and the motives, a basic simulation of hunger and thirst. The Morty server isn't any different from the Sylvester server, rules or mechanics-wise; there isn't one that's "motives are tougher" or "RP standard is lighter", both have same rules and mechanics. There are no player caps.

In terms of experience for newbies, all three tend to have lots of friendly faces would be happy to show you around if you clarify you're new around here, and wherever you go, you'll probably have a good time. There can be different amounts of people on the server, and player counts can affect how laggy the game is, depending on your connection and computer, and obviously, you can find different community members on each server.

If you can't connect via the BYOND Hub, try clicking the links on the Main Page or Goonhub or directly connecting to the server through the Open... button in the top left above the list of games. The addresses are above.


Game Startup


Successfully connecting to a server will bring you to the screen shown to the right. It's very likely that you'll catch any given server in the middle of a round. The menu options when you just join are:

Character Setup -- Has a bunch of options to choose from, which is broken down into the collapsible below:

Option Description
Profile name Sets the profile name of your current save file.
Character name Sets the name of your character in game.
Random name? Y/N - if you want your name randomized every round. Picks from a pool of unusual names.
Random appearance? Y/N - ditto, but with your appearance. Does not randomize gender.
Gender Purely cosmetic, as you can still wear women's clothing as a male, or have a full-grown wizard beard as a woman.
Age Has very minor effects in the game, one of which affects the tone of your voice clips, which are used for stuff like screaming, gasping and farting.
Blood type Has no effect, surprisingly, so you can pick whatever you like. Since this place loves bees, why not B+?
Bank pin (Randomize - Y/N) Sets the pin of your ID card for use at ATMs. Check your Notes in the command tab if you forget it. Can be selected to be randomized.
Security Note Whatever you put here shows up as an Important Note in your Secmate record. It has no effect on gameplay and is entirely for roleplaying purposes, so put whatever you'd expect a Security record to have, like the one time you ran a gambling ring or attended a Harambeist party rally.
Medical Note' Whatever you put here shows up as an Important Note in your MedTrak entry. Again, it's entirely for enhancing roleplaying and is meant for things like mental disorders your character has/may have or medications they're on and what conditions they're treating.
Fart Sound Choose between shrill squeak to a more trumpety sounding bowel movement.
Scream Sound Unfortunately no Wilhelm scream option, but plenty of pained yelling to choose from.
Chat Sound Choose what tuba clip you'll make when talking as a human.
Occupation choices Allows you to choose which jobs you would prefer to have or not have. Until you get a hang of the game, you probably don't want to mess with tricky jobs. If you set a job as "Unwanted", you are usually guaranteed not to get it - you'll be a staff assistant if nothing else is available. If the game has already begun, you don't need to bother setting your Occupation Choices, since you'll be choosing your job from the late available list.

On the far right are the Antagonist options. By default, all of them are unchecked, which means you won't spawn as those antag types when a round starts or when you join after one's start. You can leave these that way until you've a better grasp of the game.

Trait choices Gives your character a bunch of buffs and debuffs or if you want your character to hefe-a eccent Bork Bork Bork! Please note that in order for your character to have more than one buff you'll have to balance it out with a debuff. Recommended that you don't mess with these settings until you get a full understanding how useful (or detrimental) this would be to your character. A list of traits and their particular mechanics can be found here.
Appearance Customize what your character looks like, from skin color, underwear to hair and general features. Click on the arrows to get different views of your character. Note that your characters details can be changed by the Barber, or can be changed completely by the Geneticist.
HUD style Changes the appearance of your Heads Up Display. There's not much difference between each style besides colors used, so free to pick one that suits your tastes! For more info on your HUD see below.
Targeting cursor Changes what your targeting cursor will look like. This cursor is only used in abilities such as wrestler moves, wizard's spells, certain mutation powers, etc.
Display OOC / LOOC chat? Displays whether Out of Character speak is displayed. OOC is enabled pre-round and at round end, mainly for discussion about the previous or previous round. LOOC is Local OOC, and is infrequently used in RP rounds to mention things like "gotta afk" by using Alt + L. Best to keep these both on, you can always toggle OOC on/off in the Commands tab.
View Changelog automatically? Automatically displays the Changelog upon booting up the game. The changelog displays new updates to the game.
View score info automatically? Automatically displays a bunch of interesting information (such as the amount of corpses, richest escapee, if the station was powered, etc) at the end of the round.
View tickets/fines automatically? Automatically displays the list of recorded "offenses" by Security at the end of the round.
Queue Combat Clicks? The game has a minimum wait time in between actions for balance reasons. If you click during the post-action delay, the action will be executed as soon as the delay ends. Basically, you will only have to click once on stuff, while with before during the action delay clicking something may not be registered.
Admin music volume Occasionally admins will play music in the background, or players may be given DJ status to allow play music themselves. Either way, this option allows you to change the volume of the music playing. Note that you can adjust the music volume in-game via Adjust Admin Music Volume or mute it entirely via Stop the Music!, both of which are in the Audio menu in the top left corner of the game window.
Radio Music Volume This option lets you control the volume of the server-wide music/ads playing at the radio station somewhere in the Debris Field. You can also adjust the volume in-game via Adjust Radio Music Volume or mute it entirely via Stop the Radio!, both of which are in the Audio menu in the top left corner of the game window.
Display Tooltips? Tooltips basically give you a quick rundown of an item when you mouse over it, which can be nifty for a few items. If these get annoying, set this option to Disabled, or set it to ALT, where tooltips will only display if you hold Alt over an item.
Default to WASD mode / Use AZERTY layout Change your keyboard layout. WASD/AZERTY layout has different keyboard shortcuts, which can be found here.
Preferred map? A few minutes before the round, the server opens up a poll for the next round's map. You'll automatically vote for whatever map you set as your preferred here, unless you manually select for a different one.
Save/load profile / cloud saving Saves/loads your customized character, with 5 slots available. Occasionally BYOND likes to forget that you even saved your profile, resulting in most if not all of your data going AWOL. A fix for this would be to use my cloud save function, as this is saved externally.

Declare Ready -- Hit this to play. If the round is in the pre-game countdown, you will be assigned a role based on your preferences and placed in your workplace when the game starts. If the round has already begun, you'll get a popup asking you to pick an available job, and you will begin on the arrival shuttle.

In addition, whenever you hit Declare Ready, you'll also get a popup asking you if want to spend some Spacebux for the round. Spacebux are an out-of-game currency Goonstation awards you with for playing through rounds, and you can spend them on a number of cute little trinkets and baubles. Feel free to skip it; it's nothing to worry about.

Observe Round -- Fly around as a ghost and see everything that's going on. If you choose this, you can't switch to being a player until the next round.

The UI

Take it a bit at a time.

The user interface is a bit tricky at first.

The left side of the screen is the game window. It is centered on your character. You can move around with the arrow keys, or toggle WASD mode via Game -> Interface. The right side of the screen is the info box and chat window. At the bottom of the screen is a text parser where you can type in what you want to say or certain commands.

  • To talk out loud, you say "whatever" or press the T key.
  • To talk over the radio, you say ";whatever" or press the Y key. For more info, check out How do I speak on the radio?!
  • To get help from a mentor, enter mentorhelp and a popup box will appear. You can also press F3. Please do not confuse this with adminhelp, which is for issues related to the rules, also please do not ask if mentors will kill somebody for you.


An overview of the user interface as a human.

In the game window, left clicking is the basic interaction. It's based on your hands. At the bottom of the screen is your character interface. You have a right and a left hand, and the highlighted hand is your current active hand. You can click your other hand slot to switch hands. PgUp, E in WASD Mode, X with /tg/code keys on and the MMB all switch your active hand too.

How your character interacts depends on what's in your hands, what you are interacting with, and what your intent is - the four small, colored hand icons. Clicking something with an empty hand will often try to pick it up (if an object), use it (if machinery), or shake/grab/punch it (if another player or creature). If you have something in your hands, you will attempt to use it on whatever you're targeting. Things in the world react differently to different objects, and if nothing else happens, the default action is to simply hit the targeted object with whatever is in your hand (so be careful about clicking other players with anything that might be mistaken for a weapon). You will get feedback on your actions in the chat window (not illustrated) on the right.

Right-clicking on a thing brings up a menu list of verbs. Common verbs are Examine (gives a description of whatever), Pull, Pick Up, or Drop. Verbs may change depending on the object and how close you are to it.

Equipment & Indicators

The row at the bottom of the screen shows your equipment and Inventory. You can click the toggle inventory (INV) button to bring up/close an extension showing equipped clothing. If you click the INV button with something in your active hand, you will automatically equip it if possible. If there is already an object in the relevant spot, it will switch places with whatever is in your active hand. If you're accessing the inventory of something you're wearing, e.g. a backpack, it'll also try to store it in there. If you don't, it'll try to put it in your pockets.

Your backpack, belt, and pockets are extra places to store things. Simply click an empty slot with your active hand to stow away whatever you've got (if it will fit). Clicking your backpack with an empty hand will bring up a small window showing everything in it, and dragging and dropping the sprites of the items inside will move them around the backpack's inventory. The contents of backpacks and other hand-held storage containers (box, briefcase, toolbox, belt, first-aid kits and certain pill bottles) can be dumped out in a pinch. Hold the container in your hand and then drag & drop it onto a table or floor tile. You can also take things out of a container without picking it up by dragging and dropping it onto your character.

At the top right-side corner of the game screen is the health indicator. You begin at 100 and your indicator will turn red as you take more damage. If you enter critical health, you will occasionally lose consciousness and be unable to interact until you recover. Other health indicators may appear adjacent and typically mean that there is something wrong/dangerous about the area you are in.

Also located there is the stamina indicator, which governs your endurance. By default, your stamina total is 200 and regenerates at a rate of 10 per tick - click on the indicator to find out about your current status. Every offensive or defensive combat interaction with a player (like attacking or disarming them) will drain stamina. You may also use stamina to move significantly faster by holding the SHIFT key. Once your stamina reaches less than 0 you will be unable to talk, stand up or even interact with any items. Your odds in combat can be improved with a variety of drugs and by wearing protective clothing.

Body temperature is another important aspect. If it's too cold, you'll move at a crawl. You'll take burn damage as well when you're standing on a space tile. This status takes a while to go away, even if you move into a room with a normal temp. Space HVAC units, certain exosuits and hot beverages will help you heat up. If it's too hot, that's usually an indicator that you're on fire. If you can't find a fire extinguisher, use the stop-drop-and-roll technique. To do this, click the RESIST button, which will automatically make you roll until the flames have been extinguished.

Context-sensitive icons can appear in the top left-side corner of the screen. Many items have a unique HUD icon, such as portable light sources or gas tanks. Holding a fire extinguisher gives you the option to spray foam all around you, for instance.

The toggle ability bar button is only relevant if you have superpowers. It will add one or several clickable icons to the top of the screen, each representing one of your genetic abilities. Content-sensitive and superpower icons cannot be displayed at the same time.

Other Controls

There are other buttons on your main interface:

  • Intent settings determine what you will do when you interact with another person or creature and have an empty active hand.
    • The top left/green hand is Help, which will shake someone up, attempt CPR, or pat out someone on fire. The hotkey for help intent is 1.
    • The top right/yellow hand is Disarm, which tries to knock something out of someone's hands. The hotkey for this intent is 2.
    • The bottom left/orange hand is Grab, which is aggressive and can lead to choking someone. Hotkey is 3.
    • The bottom right/red fist is Harm, which will punch or kick someone. And the hotkey for this intent is 4.
  • The small picture of a person is the target settings. It determines which part of the body you want to target when you are interacting with another player. You don't really need to worry about this if you're just starting out, but it is essential for surgery.
  • Throw toggles throw mode. Once in throw mode, clicking on a floor tile/person/etc will then throw the item in that direction. You can toggle throw mode by SPACE, X if you're in WASD Mode, or R if you have /tg/code keys on.
  • Drop is also fairly straight-forward. You'll drop the item in your active hand on whatever tile you're on. The WASD hotkey for this is Q.
  • Run/Walk toggles between movement speeds. You generally want to stick with run.
  • Pull will, depending on the interface style chosen, will have an orange border or be highlighted if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to release the object. The keyboard shortcut for this is the CTRL key.
  • Resist has a few specific applications, such as slowly putting out a fire if you're on fire, breaking out of handcuffs or shackles, and escaping from aggressive grabs.
  • Stand/Rest toggles between standing up or lying down and crawling. This is also the button to use when you're asleep in a bed and want to wake up.
  • Use C uses the item currently in hand. Can't be used if the item in hand needs to be used by clicking on another person.


Getting Around

When you join the game before roundstart, you will spawn in either your workspace (depending on whatever job you've been assigned), or, if you're on Clarion, one of the many crew dorm rooms. If you join after a round's started, then depending on the map, you will spawn on the arrival shuttle (Cogmap1/Cogmap2/Donut 2/Donut 3/Nadir), pop out of the industrial cryogenic sleep unit (Clarion/Kondaru/Atlas), or find yourself in a pod careening straight into the Arrivals area (Oshan Lab).

In any case, you don't have to worry about doing your job or anything like that. The AI, security officers, and the captain have some obligations to be aware of, but otherwise, you're free to wander around exploring at your leisure. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the station. Feel free to ask a local crew member or ask over the radio for help if you're lost.

Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights you may encounter, look above the "Space Station 13" sign in arrivals hallway and embark on a tour with Murray, the station's local robot tour guide. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.

Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights you may encounter, check out the right side of arrivals for Murray, the station's local robot tour guide. (The first one to be created, in fact.) Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.

Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the ship and some of the fantastic sights you may encounter, join a tour with Mary, the local tour guide robot just outside Arrivals. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the ship.

Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of this vast station and all the oceanic wonders within, go to Arrivals and start a tour with Moby, Oshan Lab's stylishly-adorned robot tour guide. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.

Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of this vaguely torus-like space platform, go to Arrivals and start a tour with Marco, Kondaru's Mitigative After-Rest Crew Orientation unit. Not only will you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places on the station.

There are also these handy info maps scattered around the station:

Info map.png Info map display.png

Click anywhere on the map to have a GPS line guide you there.

Your job determines your access level, which determines what doors will or won't open for you. If you get trapped somewhere, you can ask the AI for help over the radio.

  • say ;AI, please open this door!

Make sure to enter this into the text parser below the game window. That semicolon is crucial. Don't worry about quotation marks, the game will automatically add them for you.

Alternatively, you can use a similar shortcut as if you were speaking out loud:

  • Y AI, please open this door!

To move, use your arrow keys. You can also toggle WASD mode at Game -> Interface to use the WASD keys to move instead. To open a door, just walk into it or click on it when you are standing next to it.

What's Going On Here???

The average Goonstation round goes as follows:

  • Players are assigned their jobs.
  • Some players are assigned to be antagonists. There is a variety of them, including stealthy traitors, spell-flinging wizards, DNA-stealing changelings and nuclear operatives trying to blow everyone up.
  • Players do... whatever. They might do their jobs. They might wander off and explore space. They might mess around and build stuff. They might run gimmicks.
  • Antagonists do... whatever. They might work on their objectives. Or they might just cause chaos. They're free to do whatever, including harming/killing other players.
  • At some point, the emergency shuttle will be called to evacuate the station. It will arrive in 6 min, wait for 2 min and then spend 2 min in transit, during which you can be thrown from the craft and killed, so be careful and buckle up! Arriving at Centcom ends the round. The round may also end automatically when certain conditions (see Game Modes) are met.

But Why?

Curious to know why your character is here? Want to get a jumpstart on making the lore for your RP (Roleplay) Character? Try taking a look at the Basic Lore page!


You can never know what's in store for you on Goonstation.

Even as you're getting used to the basics, shit may be going down. You may deal with environmental hazards, like gas leaks, fires, hull breaches, floods, or hazards from other players. Security may hassle you for wandering into a restricted area, and there are plenty of antagonists around causing mayhem. Until you have an idea how you should act, you should generally just try to run away, call for help, and don't worry too much. The worst thing that can happen is you die - but even so, you can still observe the round, chat with other dead players, and play once the next round starts. Plus, there are plenty of ways to get back into the game; Medical personnel might find your body and clone you if certain conditions are met, or a Roboticist might take your brain out of your body and bring you back as a Cyborg or AI, just to give some examples.

If you're stuck somewhere or want to learn how to do something, you have some resources:

  • Experimenting (may result in fun disaster).
  • This wiki.
  • Talking to other folks in your department.
  • Asking for help over the radio. Remember to put a ; before what you're going to say to say over the radio.
  • Asking for help using mentorhelp with F3. Mentors are there to answer whatever gameplay questions you've got.

If you're being griefed or killed unjustly you can ask for help with the "adminhelp" command or use the shortcut, F1. Admins won't tell you straight-up if the person who is hurting you is an antagonist or not but check to see if it's justified. Even if no admins are on, adminhelps will still reach the Goonstation admin Discord channel, and there's nearly always an admin in there. If you don't get a response/reply, don't be afraid to send in more adminhelps. The admins may not take immediate action, but they will take notice of the issue.


A round of SS13 can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on the mode of play and the shuttle call, but a typical round lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. If you need to go, it's more polite to suicide rather than just disconnecting, since that way people know you won't be back. If you feel super polite, you could drop your ID in a public area or hand it off to someone else so they can do your job (unless you're an assistant). Killing yourself in a way that takes others with you or calling the shuttle because you want to go are both very inadvisable things to do.

If you're the AI, leaving in the middle of a game can cause real problems, so please use adminhelp to say you're leaving as an AI.

So what happens if you die 10 minutes in? SS13 has mechanisms to prevent a round dragging too long; Random events steadily get worse over time. If your body survived, you can be cloned back into the game; if at least your brain survived (in your body or otherwise), you can be brought back as a cyborg, which means you'll have different objectives, but you can still play. As a newbie, it can be a good opportunity to ghost-observe someone doing one of the other jobs. You can also become a Ghostdrone and help fix the station. If all antagonists die early, the game may appoint new joiners as antagonists or respawn ghosts (listen for the klaxon sound!) as various enemy roles. Sometimes, an admin may reactivate dead players as new antagonists as well. All in all, it can be worth leaving the game open even if you just want to wait for the next round.

RP Mechanics

The roleplay server is slightly different from the main server in that it uses a Motives System (pretty much The Sims meets SS13). This system incorporates hunger and dehydration, and maintaining all of these is important to both gameplay and roleplay.

  • Hunger is maintained by eating food. Go to the bar or try a vending machine.
  • If your hunger motive falls below 25%, your maximum health will be reduced by 20 points.
  • There are water coolers around to keep you hydrated, but you can also head to the bar and ask the bartender for a drink. Bear in mind that high amounts of ethanol will dehydrate you.
  • If your thirst motive falls below 25%, your stamina regeneration will fall to 3 units from 8 units.

Not maintaining your motives will prompt occasional messages in your chat window (e.g. You feel faintly hungry.) and will persist until the motive is back above a certain threshold. Certain objects, reagents, and activities will affect motives.

On the RP server, you also can also speak through LOOC, accessible via Alt + L, which sends a message to all the people you can see. It's generally meant for out-of-game stuff, e.g. asking for help or notifying you have an issue when you can't find a way to phrase it in character (e.g. "My N key is broken, BTW" or "Which intent do I use?"). LOOC is also good for stuff regarding roleplaying, like asking for consent to take roleplay in possibly questionable direction ("I'm thinking of RPing accidentally killing you during this boxing match, are you fine with that? I'll still try to get you revived.") or requesting some clarification (e.g. "Are you really mad at me or are you just roleplaying your character being mad?")

Remember to read the rules for the roleplay server!

Before and After Rounds

Once the round ends, which usually is when emergency shuttle reaches Central Command and the various Antagonist are revealed, the server restarts. The server then begins preparing a fresh new round, and players have a few minutes to press Declare Ready so they play as soon as said new round begins. During these few minutes, Out-of-Character (OOC) Chat is enabled, and players are free to talk about the previous round and the good/bad things that happened, ask questions about game mechanics, or just chill and talk about whatever comes to mind, so long as it follows the rules. You can join in and talk in OOC by pressing ALT+O or just pressing O on WASD Mode. T also works, although it'll work if you're in the lobby, which is where you end up when you first connect to one of the servers.

Job Prospects

We not only want you to appreciate the variety and depth of our mechanics, but also enjoy the spirit of experimentation and discovery at the heart of Goonstation. Obviously, you can't experiment if you have no clue if a mechanic works in the first place, so you have to start somewhere. Good newbie jobs provide that start; they should be simple to pick up, so you aren't too overwhelmed and can ease into more complicated mechanics, and low-consequence, so you aren't too discouraged by failures and can easily try again.

In addition, they should try to minimize boredom. Even in a paranoia-laced sandbox like SS13, there are always periods where there's simply nothing to do. Some people can't handle them and drop out before the round's fully over. Some try to create their own fun, sometimes constructively, sometimes not. A few even enjoy them, as they're great opportunities to experiment with things. Ideally, a good job (in general, not just for newbies) should encourage or at least capitalize on the third, but in the end, it still really depends on the person.

Good jobs to start out as:

  • Staff Assistant - You have no responsibilities or obligations whatsoever, so you pick up and learn game mechanics as you wish. You're also generally ignored.
  • Bartender/Chef/Janitor/Chaplain - These jobs are all simple and few (if any) will mind if you don't have a clue what you're doing. The first two in particular make excellent introductions to the wonderful world of Chemistry.
  • Botanist - The rest of the station tends to forget that hydroponics exists, and the botanists are usually relaxed people who don't mind idle chat while they wait for their weed to grow. It's a good place to hang out and learn from others without having any expectations to meet, while still having plenty of things you can do.
  • Geneticist - DNA sequencing is quite easy and unlikely to disrupt anyone else. There are loads and loads of mutations to discover and activate, so it's unlikely you'll get bored.
  • Miner - A great opportunity to practice getting suited up and moving around in space, or rigging and piloting a pod. Maybe best not for your very first game, though, as suffocation isn't pleasant.
  • Lawyer/Barber/Tourist - "Jobs of the day", of which one may be available on any given day. These resemble chaplain or assistants in that they are low-access, zero-responsibility, roleplaying roles. The same applies to most gimmick jobs (musician, diplomat, salesman etc), which are available at random.

The following jobs have standard duties, but they are not difficult if you consult their wiki pages or other players in the same job:

  • Engineer - A good job for experimenting with various systems, with few particular essential duties. You're expected to start the engine, but only one engineer is usually needed to do this, and otherwise the job is relatively free. This a good job for learning how to build and take apart things via Construction. You can also experiment with MechComp, which looks intimidating at first but is quite powerful if you have the creativity.
  • Chief Engineer - Combines engineer, quartermaster, and miner with a bit more access and some new toys, but no extra duties. Some engineers might decide to treat you as if you're in charge, but you don't have to be.
  • Roboticist - Expected to provide power cells for robots and make people into cyborgs.
  • Head of Personnel - You control everyone's job and access assignments. You don't need to do anything, but you'll probably be asked to do plenty!

Eventually, you might want to be:

  • Captain - Surprisingly, you don't have to be really competent to do this. Your only real obligation is to protect the authorization disk in your pocket. Don't be an officious jerk, no one likes those, and try your best to protect your crew. Other than that, you get to explore (nearly) everywhere on the station and do basically any job activity you want.
  • Cyborg - You get access to everything, but your interface is different than normal and you're expected to follow the AI laws, meaning you can't hurt anyone even if they're attacking you!
  • Quartermaster - You're expected to manage the station's budget and attempt to turn a profit. It's a good idea to have an idea how storage and manufacturing work.
  • Medical Doctor or Medical Director - Expected to heal the wounded. This is more complicated than other duties and your patient can die if you screw up. Medical Director combines medical doctor, geneticist, and roboticist.
  • Scientist - You get to study artifacts, investigate different mixes for heating plasma mixes, and experiment with various chemical mixtures. You can also do Telescience and explore the Adventure Zone. Risk of death is fairly high, but vital to the learning. Tends to be a fairly popular job, so you can reasonably expect to find a fellow coworker to help you out.
  • Research Director - Combines scientist with head of staff access.
  • Antagonist roles - Once you've got the hang of how the station works you'll probably want to think about checking antagonist roles. Checking the box will make the option show up red rather than black, which means you can now be chosen for that antagonist role. Checking them only puts your name in the hat - you are always unlikely to actually get them, simply because there are so few in each round compared to the number of players. Be prepared for your round to end early, as once you're known the entire station will be against you.

Jobs you should avoid for now:

  • AI - AIs have a lot of annoying restrictions and responsibilities. If you don't know what you're doing expect everyone to scream and hurl abuse at you.
  • Security Officer - Don't pick this as a starting player, please! You protect the station and its inhabitants. You need to have an understanding of station systems (death/beating is not an appropriate sentence for most crimes, so you need to know how to give tickets/fines and use the brig), know the mood of the game (you must know when it's best to let someone be, when some intervention might be good, and when you must absolutely punish people, which all depend on context and player tastes), and be able to handle combat (because when you meet a genuine bad guy you'll have to fight them). Since you're constantly interacting with others you can very easily ruin other people's rounds. This job invites the most scrutiny, is often in the most danger, and really sucks for everyone if you are terrible or don't really get the "mood" of Goonstation.
  • Detective - Similar to the security officer and so probably not ideal for a starting player.
  • Boxer - All you can do well is punch people, and that will just get on their nerves.
  • Clown - Actually, come to think of it, you should probably avoid this job forever.
  • Head of Security - For the same reason as the security officer, and can't actually be picked by new players anyway. In fact, there's even a whitelist on the role, meaning you have to apply to play as one.

Note: There is no skill system on Goonstation. Any player can do any job and operate all equipment on the station at full competence; your job for the most part only determines the areas of the station you have access to and the equipment you start with. There are certain exceptions, such as complex tasks that have a variable failure chance. For example, surgery is less likely to go wrong if you are a medical doctor or another medically related job, and the opposite is true if you're a clown or similar untrained personnel.

One last thing

Make sure you've read the Goonstation rules! They allow everyone to have fun and are different from other SS13 branches. Not reading the rules is a bad idea! If nothing else, pay special attention to rules 1, 2 & 4, the rules that get violated most often.

Besides that, you should be fine. Aside from an incredibly rare, exceptionally rude few (or yourself, if you're that kind of person), most people don't really care if you haven't a clue how to switch hands or put on internals, much less how to fight or set up the engine.

Also if things go wrong with your game then please read the Game FAQ! There are numerous things that can go wrong with BYOND, SS13 and your computer, and if they do please take a look at the Game FAQ to try to solve your problem, or ask a question on mentorhelp/the crew over the radio if your issue isn't answered there.

Game Mechanics
The Basics Getting Started · Super Quick Tutorial · Rules · Game FAQ · Quick guide to station systems · Mentorhelp · SpicyChickenGod Tutorials
Critters Remy.png Critters · CyborgV3-64x64.gif Cyborgs · RobuddyLoveV2.gif Robots · BiosuitNew.png Viruses
Game Abstractions IDCardBlankV2-27x13.png Access Levels · MartianRover.png Adventure Zone · Basicfishingrod.png Fishing · OmniTraitorV2-64x64.gif Game Modes · HealthImplantNewHUD.png Health Indicators · 2k13VintageSantaHatV2-32x32.png Holiday Cheer · InHand.png Inventory · WarMedal-32x32.png Medals · BasketballV2.png Random Events · Clipboard2.png Station Grade · MonsieurStirstirV2-32x32.png Traitor Objectives · GraduationCap-32x32.png XP · ScienceTeleporterComputer.png Z-level
Miscellaneous Falsemustache.png Being A Better Traitor · WizardSpellbookV2-32x32.gif Books · CommunicationsComputer.png Calling the Escape Shuttle · PaintMachine.png Fixing the Paint Machine · DrinkRobustEezV3.png Guide to Being Robust · LaserGunV2-32x32.png Guide to Murder · Men.png Kendo · NtcommanderNew64.png NT Reputation · StampV2.png Roleplay Tips and Tricks · WallSafe32x32.png Safe-Cracking · SpacebuxToken.png Spacebux · StGDeckV2.png Spacemen: The Grifening · MiniPutt.png Space Travel · NanotrasenBeret.png Traits · ZoldorfSprite.png Zoldorf