Difference between revisions of "Destiny"

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(Slap on a Historical template real quic)
(53 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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[[File:Destiny-2-14-16.png|500px|thumb|middle[http://goonhub.com/maps/destiny Current Map]]]
'''Destiny''' is the current map being run on the Goonstation RP server. It was created by Haine. [http://forum.ss13.co/showthread.php?tid=5636 Visit the forum thread for more info.]
<imagemap>File:Destiny.png|<div style="display:none">[[!]]</div>This map is clickable. · [[Maps#Destiny|Bigger version]] · [[:File:Destiny-5-7-2017.png|Labelled map]] · [http://goonhub.com/maps/destiny Zoomable map]|upright=1.8|thumb

'''Note:''' If you are on one of the regular(Non-RP) Goonstation servers, they run the [[Cogmap2]] map.
rect 612 353 720 516 [[Crew Quarters#Destiny|Crew Quarters]]
rect 743 889 927 997 [[Solar Arrays#Destiny|Solar Arrays]]
rect 404 891 584 999 [[Solar Arrays#Destiny|Solar Arrays]]
rect 2 1363 52 1429 [[Technical Storage#Destiny|Technical Storage]]
rect 837 1644 917 1691 [[Ghost Drone Factory#Destiny|Ghost Drone Factory]]
rect 570 1548 625 1603 [[Engineering#Destiny|Engineering]]
rect 530 1520 584 1595 [[Engineering#Destiny|Engineering]]
rect 532 1587 801 1731 [[Engineering#Destiny|Engineering]]
rect 742 1402 802 1458 [[Chief Engineer|Chief Engineer's Office]]
rect 700 1362 803 1401 [[Atmospherics#Destiny|Atmospherics]]
rect 742 1458 802 1529 [[Ore Processing|Ore Processing / Refinery]]
rect 742 1526 803 1550 [[Mining Department#Destiny|Mining]]
rect 722 1547 802 1587 [[Mining Department#Destiny|Mining]]
rect 914 1596 991 1671 [[Pod Bay#Destiny|Aft Pod Bay]]
poly 835 1528 888 1528 888 1563 1030 1563 1030 1626 878 1644 879 1605 835 1604 [[Cargo Bay#Destiny|Cargo Bay]]
rect 835 1491 944 1557 [[Mechanics Workshop#Destiny|Mechanics Workshop]]
rect 1104 1496 1157 1554 [[Test Chamber#Destiny|Test Chamber]]
rect 834 1343 905 1463 [[Telescience]]
rect 967 1354 1021 1464 [[Robot Depot#Destiny|Robot Depot]]
rect 905 1403 966 1466 [[Research Wing#Destiny|Research Director's Office]]
rect 1019 1362 1206 1459 [[Plasma Research]]
rect 1029 1487 1106 1579 [[Chemistry]]
rect 941 1487 1032 1562 [[Artifact Research]]
rect 834 1458 1131 1505 [[Research Wing#Destiny|Research Wing]]
poly 380 1400 285 1400 285 1418 222 1418 222 1368 382 1333 [[Robotics#Destiny|Robotics]]
rect 355 1420 418 1481 [[Operating Theatre#Destiny|Operating Theatre]]
rect 263 1499 312 1578 [[Morgue#Destiny|Morgue]]
rect 192 1500 263 1560 [[Genetics#Destiny|Research]]
poly 147 1375 147 1424 194 1424 194 1482 129 1482 67 1420 67 1382 [[Pathology#Destiny|Medical]]
rect 146 1373 221 1423 [[Medbay#Destiny|Medical Director's Office]]
rect 682 540 724 578 [[Medbay#Destiny|Medical Booth]]
poly 191 1482 495 1482 495 1331 471 1300 426 1300 426 1323 376 1323 196 1412 [[Medbay#Destiny|Medbay]]
rect 836 1604 876 1645 [[Teleporter Room#Destiny|Teleporter Room]]
rect 530 1364 629 1399 [[EVA#Destiny|EVA]]
rect 624 251 678 284 [[Head of Personnel's Office#Destiny|Head of Personnel's Office]]
rect 623 280 679 335 [[Customs#Destiny|Customs]]
rect 904 1328 971 1403 [[Computer Core#Destiny|Computer Core]]
rect 622 144 678 254 [[Captain's Quarters#Destiny|Captain's Quarters]]
rect 692 1038 712 1135 [[AI Chamber#Destiny|AI Chamber]]
rect 671 1036 712 1062 [[AI Chamber#Destiny|AI Chamber]]
poly 650 1035 622 1178 690 1178 690 1057 [[Bridge#Destiny|Bridge]]
rect 607 538 648 580 [[Security Checkpoints#Destiny|Security Checkpoint]]
rect 444 1232 510 1326 [[Detective's Office#Destiny|Detective's Office]]
rect 528 1450 590 1525 [[Courtroom#Destiny|Courtroom]]
rect 339 1596 415 1674 [[Pod Bay#Destiny|Security Pod Bay]]
rect 452 1615 503 1668 [[Security (place)#Destiny|Head of Security's Office]]
rect 312 1552 383 1596 [[Brig#Destiny|Brig]]
rect 416 1655 464 1687 [[Beepsky's House#Destiny|Beepsky's House]]
rect 450 1564 496 1619 [[Armory#Destiny|Armory]]
rect 311 1498 496 1654 [[Security (place)#Destiny|Security]]
rect 589 1480 742 1547 [[Pool#Destiny|Pool]]
rect 665 1547 702 1588 [[Laundry Room#Destiny|Laundry Room]]
rect 693 1165 819 1229 [[Kitchen#Destiny|Kitchen]]
rect 694 1230 820 1328 [[Hydroponics#Destiny|Hydroponics]]
rect 591 1394 740 1481 [[Gym#Destiny|Gym]]
rect 825 1260 896 1324 [[Custodial Closet#Destiny|Custodial Closet]]
rect 711 1039 788 1163 [[Chapel#Destiny|Chapel]]
rect 624 1547 666 1587 [[Changing Room#Destiny|Changing Room]]
rect 585 978 650 1015 [[Barbershop#Destiny|Barbershop]]
rect 526 1202 641 1331 [[Bar#Destiny|Bar]]
rect 682 977 743 1014 [[Arcade#Destiny|Arcade]]
rect 1193 1382 1254 1503 [[Waste Disposal#Destiny|Waste Disposal]]
rect 527 1402 591 1448 [[Tool Storage#Destiny|Tool Storage]]
poly 621 1034 600 1208 555 1208 535 1170 535 1113 579 1034 [[Toilets#Destiny|Toilets]]
rect 589 576 648 693 [[Pod Bay#Destiny|Main Hangar]]
rect 681 574 887 698 [[Escape Arm#Destiny|Escape]]
rect 602 832 728 976 [[Crew Quarters#Destiny|Crew Quarters]]
rect 594 740 734 819 [[Crew Lounge#Destiny|Crew Lounge]]
rect 1277 1361 1326 1427 [[Clown#Zen and the Art of Honking|Clown Tent]]
rect 624 2 706 124 [[Aviary]]
'''Destiny''' is one of the current maps used by both the Goonstation Classic and Goonstation Roleplay servers. It was originally designed by a reddit user named by bradleylauchlin, but its Goonstation version was created/ported over by the admin Haine. Originally, it was just meant for the RP server (back when there was only one Goon RP server), but it was introduced as a Map Vote choice for the main Goonstation server (then called LLJK2, which again was the only Goonstation non-RP server) in November 2017. You can visit [http://forum.ss13.co/showthread.php?tid=5636 this forum thread] to learn more about its history,

'''Note 2:''' Be advised that Destiny and Cogmap2 run off the same codebase, so almost everything is interchangeable.
Visit this [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/issues Github bug tracker] or use the in-game bug-reporter in the top right of the game screen to report any bugs with the map.

'''Note 3:''' Be advised that some locations you visit may link to sections that link back to the Cogmap2 location hub.
'''Note:''' This map only appears in the Map Vote if the server's player count is below 80, i.e. you can't vote for it if it's above 80.

'''Note 4:''' The current image of the map is outdated. The bar has been expanded, removing the crew quarters to the left of it and adding the barman's office. Also, right above Escape and Pod bay there are Medical and Security checkpoints, respectively.
'''Note 2:''' On the RP servers, Goonstation Roleplay 3: Morty and Goonstation Roleplay 4: Sylvester, this map is a little different: the pods in the [[Pod Bay#Destiny|public pod bay]] start off locked. You might lucky enough to spawn with a code for one of the pods. Otherwise, Destiny on the Goonstation Classic and Destiny on Goonstation Roleplay servers are the same map, running the same codebase, so almost everything is interchangeable.

'''Note 5:''' The current image is further outdated. The mining magnet has been moved to the rear and its former position has been replaced by an athletics department, with a pool, boxing ring, sauna, laundry room, changing room, workout room, and lounge.
'''December 2nd, 2015 - October 19, 2022'''
'''December 2nd, 2015 - Now'''

Destiny is the first map to:
Destiny is the first map to:

*Use a cryosleep unit that players can go into to sleep.
*Use a [[General Objects#Industrial Cryogenic Sleep Unit|industrial cryogenic sleep unit]], back then known as the "industrial cryogenics unit". Latejoiners spawn from it, and players can enter it to take a break from the round or become an observer.
*Introduce a new style of doors and walls, created by Goonstation's own Gannets.
*Feature the [[Engineering Objects#Shield Generator|Shield Generator]], a ship-wide meteor shield.

== Destiny Bow ==
== Destiny Bow ==
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinyAviary.png | [[Destiny/Aviary|Aviary]]
File:DestinyAviary.png | [[Aviary#Destiny|Aviary]]
File:DestinyCaptainsOffice.png | [[Destiny/Captains Quarters|Captain's Quarters]]
File:DestinyCaptainsOffice.png | [[Captain's Quarters#Destiny|Captain's Quarters]]
File:DestinyHOPsOffice.png | [[Destiny/HOPs Office|HOP's Office / Customs]]
File:DestinyHOPsOffice.png | [[Customs#Destiny|HOP's Office / Customs]]
File:DestinyForeQuarters.png | [[Destiny/Fore Crew Quarters|Fore Crew Quarters]]
File:DestinyForeQuarters.png | [[Crew Quarters#Destiny|Fore Crew Quarters]]
File:DestinyHeadQuarters.png | [[Destiny/Head of Staff Quarters|Heads' Quarters]]
File:DestinyHeadQuarters.png | [[Crew Quarters#Destiny|Heads' Quarters]]
File:DestinyPodBay.png | [[Destiny/Pod Bay|Pod Bay]]
File:DestinyMiniMedbay.png | [[Medbay#Destiny|Medical Booth]]
File:DestinyEscape.png | [[Destiny/Escape|Escape]]
File:DestinySecurityCheckpoint.png | [[Security Checkpoints#Destiny|Security Checkpoint]]
File:DestinyPodBay.png | [[Pod Bay#Destiny|Pod Bay]]
File:DestinyEscape.png | [[Escape#Destiny|Escape]]
File:DestinyPortCrewLounge.png | [[Crew Lounge#Destiny|East/Port Crew Lounge]]
File:DestinyStarboardCrewLounge.png | [[Crew Lounge#Destiny|West/Starboard Crew Lounge]]
File:DestinyPortSolars.png| [[Solar Arrays#Destiny|Port/West Solar Arrays]]
File:DestinyPortQuarters.png | [[Crew Quarters#Destiny|Port Crew Quarters]]
File:DestinyStarboardQuarters.png | [[Crew Quarters#Destiny|Starboard Crew Quarters]]
File:DestinyStarboardSolars.png| [[Solar Arrays#Destiny|Starboard/East Solar Arrays]]

== Destiny Midsection ==
== Destiny Midsection ==
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinyBarbershop.png | [[Destiny/Barbershop|Barbershop]]
File:DestinyBarbershop.png | [[Barbershop#Destiny|Barbershop]]
File:DestinyArcade.png | [[Destiny/Arcade|Arcade]]
File:DestinyArcade.png | [[Arcade#Destiny|Arcade]]
File:DestinyToilets.png | [[Destiny/Toilets|Toilets]]
File:DestinyToilets.png | [[Toilets#Destiny|Toilets]]
File:DestinyBridge.png | [[Destiny/Bridge|Bridge]]
File:DestinyBridge.png | [[Bridge#Destiny|Bridge]]
File:DestinyAIChamber.png | [[Destiny/AI Chamber|AI Chamber]]
File:DestinyAIChamber.png | [[AI Chamber#Destiny|AI Chamber]]
File:DestinyChapel.png | [[Destiny/Chapel|Chapel]]
File:DestinyChapel.png | [[Chapel#Destiny|Chapel]]
File:DestinyJanitorOffice.png | [[Destiny/Janitors Office|Janitor's Office]]
File:DestinyJanitorOffice.png | [[Custodial Closet#Destiny|Janitor's Office]]
File:DestinyKitchen.png | [[Destiny/Kitchen|Kitchen]]
File:DestinyKitchen.png | [[Kitchen#Destiny|Kitchen]]
File:DestinyCrewLounge.png | [[Destiny/Crew Lounge|Crew Lounge / Quarters]]
File:DestinyBar.png | [[Bar#Destiny|Bar]]
File:DestinyBar.png | [[Destiny/Bar|Bar]]
File:DestinyHydroponics.png | [[Hydroponics#Destiny|Hydroponics]]
File:DestinyHydroponics.png | [[Destiny/Hydroponics|Hydroponics]]
File:DestinyDetectiveOffice.png | [[Detective's Office#Destiny|Detective's Office]]
File:DestinyDetectiveOffice.png | [[Destiny/Detectives Office|Detective's Office]]

== Destiny Port Aft ==
== Destiny Port Aft ==
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinyMedbay.png | [[Destiny/Medbay|Medbay]]
File:DestinyMedbayV2.png | [[Medbay#Destiny|Medbay]]
File:DestinyPathology.png | [[Destiny/Medbay#Pathology|Pathology]]
File:DestinyPathologyAndGenetics.png | [[Pathology#Destiny|Pathology]] / [[Genetics#Destiny|Genetics]]
File:DestinyMDsOffice.png | [[Medical Director|Medical Director's Office]]
File:DestinyMDsOffice.png | [[Medical Director|Medical Director's Office]]
File:DestinyRobotics.png | [[Destiny/Medbay#Robotics|Robotics]]
File:DestinyRobotics.png | [[Robotics#Destiny|Robotics]]
File:DestinyCyrochamber.png | [[Medical Doctor#Using the Cryo Chambers|Medical Cryo Chambers]]
File:DestinyCyrochamber.png | [[Medical Doctor#Using the Cryo Chambers|Medical Cryo Chambers]]
File:DestinyOperatingTheatre.png | [[Destiny/Medbay#Operating Theatre|Operating Theatre]]
File:DestinyOperatingTheatre.png | [[Operating Theatre#Destiny|Operating Theatre]]
File:DestinyTreatmentRooms.png | [[Destiny/Medbay#Treatment Rooms|Treatment Rooms]]
File:DestinyTreatmentRooms.png | [[Medbay#Destiny|Treatment Rooms]]
File:DestinyPharmacy.png | [[Destiny/Medbay#Pharmacy|Pharmacy]]
File:DestinyPharmacy.png | [[Medbay#Destiny|Pharmacy]]
File:DestinyCloningRoom.png | [[Medical Doctor#The Cloner|Cloning Lab]]
File:DestinyCloningRoom.png | [[Medical Doctor#The Cloner|Cloning Lab]]
File:DestinyMorgue.png | [[Destiny/Medbay#Morgue|Morgue]]
File:DestinyMorgue.png | [[Morgue#Destiny|Morgue]]
File:DestinyGenetics.png | [[Destiny/Medbay#Genetics|Genetics]]
File:DestinyTechStorage.png | [[Tech Storage#Destiny|Tech Storage]]
File:DestinyTechStorage.png | [[Destiny/Tech Storage|Tech Storage]]
</gallery> <gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
</gallery> <gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinySecurity.png | [[Destiny/Security|Security Section]]
File:DestinySecurity.png | [[Security (place)#Destiny|Security Section]]
File:DestinyBrig.png | [[Destiny/Security#Brig|Brig]]
File:DestinyBrig.png | [[Brig#Destiny|Brig]]
File:DestinySecurityPodbay.png | [[Destiny/Security#Security Dock|Security Dock]]
File:DestinySecurityPodbay.png | [[Pod Bay#Destiny|Security Dock]]
File:DestinyHOSOffice.png | [[Destiny/Security#Head of Security's Office|Head of Security's Office]]
File:DestinyHOSOffice.png | [[Security (place)#Destiny|Head of Security's Office]]
File:DestinyArmory.png | [[Destiny/Security#Armory|Armory]]
File:DestinyArmory-3-20-2019.png | [[Armory#Destiny|Armory]]

== Destiny Amidships Aft ==
== Destiny Amidships Aft ==
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinyEVA.png | [[Destiny/EVA|EVA]]
File:DestinyEVA.png | [[EVA#Destiny|EVA]]
File:DestinyAtmos.png | [[Destiny/Atmospherics|Atmospherics]]
File:DestinyAtmos.png | [[Atmospherics#Destiny|Atmospherics]]
File:DestinyCourtroom.png | [[Destiny/Courtroom|Courtroom]]
File:DestinyGym.png | [[Gym#Destiny|Gym]]
File:DestinyArcSmelter.png | [[Cogmap2/Ore_Processing|Arc Smelter]]
File:DestinyPool.png | [[Pool#Destiny|Pool]]
File:DestinyMining.png | [[Destiny/Mining|Mining]]
File:DestinyChangingRoom.png | [[Changing Room#Destiny|Changing Room]]
File:DestinyLaundryRoom.png | [[Laundry Room#Destiny|Laundry Room]]
File:DestinyToolStorage.png | [[Tool Storage#Destiny|Tool Storage]]
File:DestinyCourtroom.png | [[Courtroom#Destiny|Courtroom]]
File:DestinyArcSmelter.png | [[Ore_Processing|Arc Smelter]]
File:DestinyMining.png | [[Mining Department#Destiny|Mining]]
File:DestinyMineralMagnet.png | [[Mining Department#Destiny|Mineral Magnet]]
</gallery> <gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
</gallery> <gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinyEngineering.png | [[Destiny/Engineering|Engineering]]
File:DestinyEngineering.png | [[Engineering#Destiny|Engineering]]
File:DestinyEngineGasStorage.png | [[Destiny/Engineering#Gas Storage|Engineering Gas Storage]]
File:DestinyEngineGasStorage.png | [[Engineering#Destiny|Engineering Gas Storage]]
File:DestinyEngineControlRoom.png | [[Destiny/Engineering#Control Room|Engineering Control Room]]
File:DestinyEngineControlRoom.png | [[Engineering#Destiny|Engineering Control Room]]
File:DestinyCEsOffice.png | [[Chief Engineer|Chief Engineer's Office]]
File:DestinyCEsOffice.png | [[Chief Engineer|Chief Engineer's Office]]

Line 87: Line 168:
== Destiny Starboard Aft ==
== Destiny Starboard Aft ==
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinySciencia.png | [[Destiny/Research Wing|Research Wing]]
File:DestinySciencia.png | [[Research Wing#Destiny|Research Wing]]
File:DestinyTelescience.png | [[Telescience|Telescience Lab]]
File:DestinyTelescience.png | [[Telescience|Telescience Lab]]
File:DestinyRDsOffice.png | [[Destiny/Research Director|Research Director's Office]]
File:DestinyRDsOffice.png | [[Research Director|Research Director's Office]]
File:DestinyComputerCore.png | [[Destiny/Computer Core|Computer Core]]
File:DestinyComputerCore.png | [[Computer Core#Destiny|Computer Core]]
File:DestinyRobodepot.png | [[Destiny/Robots|Robot Depot]]
File:DestinyRobodepot.png | [[Robot Depot#Destiny|Robot Depot]]
File:DestinyToxins.png | [[Destiny/Toxin Lab|Toxin Lab]]
File:DestinyToxins.png | [[Toxins|Toxin Lab]]
File:DestinyToxinStorage.png | [[Destiny/Toxin Lab#Toxin Storage|Toxin Storage]]
File:DestinyToxinStorage.png | [[Toxins|Toxin Storage]]
File:DestinyArtlab.png | [[Destiny/Artifact Lab|Artifact Lab]]
File:DestinyArtlab.png | [[Artifact Lab]]
File:DestinyChemistry.png | [[Destiny/Chemistry|Chemistry]]
File:DestinyChemistry.png | [[Chemistry|Chemistry]]
File:DestinyTestChamber.png | [[Destiny/Test Chamber|Test Chamber]]
File:DestinyTestChamber.png | [[Test Chamber#Destiny|Test Chamber]]
</gallery> <gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
</gallery> <gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:DestinyQM.png | [[Destiny/Quartermasters Office|Quartermasters Office]]
File:DestinyQM.png | [[Cargo Bay#Destiny|Quartermaster's Office]]
File:DestinyAftPodBay.png | [[Destiny/Pod Bay#Aft Pod Bay|Aft Pod Bay]]
File:DestinyAftPodBay.png | [[Pod Bay#Destiny|Aft Pod Bay]]
File:DestinyMechanics.png | [[Destiny/Mechanics|Mechanic's Lab]]
File:DestinyMechanics.png | [[Mechanics Workshop#Destiny|Mechanic's Lab]]
File:DestinyTeleporter.png | [[Destiny/Teleporter Room|Teleporter Room]]
File:DestinyTeleporter.png | [[Teleporter Room#Destiny|Teleporter Room]]
File:DestinyDisposals.png | [[Destiny/Waste Disposal|Waste Disposal]]
File:DestinyGhostDroneFactory.png | [[Ghost Drone Factory#Destiny|Ghost Drone Factory]]
File:DestinyClownTent.png | [[Destiny/Clown|Clown Tent]]
File:DestinyDisposals.png | [[Waste Disposal#Destiny|Waste Disposal]]
File:DestinyClownTent.png | [[Clown|Clown Tent]]

<gallery widths=96px heights=96px perrow=7>
File:ListeningPost3.png | [[Listening Post#Destiny|Listening Post]]
File:MiningOutpost5.png | [[Mining Outpost]]
File:WizardDenV3.png | [[Wizard's Den]]
File:SyndicateBattlecruiserV2.png | [[Syndicate Battlecruiser]]

Latest revision as of 10:03, 22 January 2023

FoodPancakes.png This page is about discontinued content.
The following information is not current. It is kept for historical purposes.
Crew QuartersSolar ArraysSolar ArraysTechnical StorageGhost Drone FactoryEngineeringEngineeringEngineeringChief Engineer's OfficeAtmosphericsOre Processing / RefineryMiningMiningAft Pod BayCargo BayMechanics WorkshopTest ChamberTelescienceRobot DepotResearch Director's OfficePlasma ResearchChemistryArtifact ResearchResearch WingRoboticsOperating TheatreMorgueResearchMedicalMedical Director's OfficeMedical BoothMedbayTeleporter RoomEVAHead of Personnel's OfficeCustomsComputer CoreCaptain's QuartersAI ChamberAI ChamberBridgeSecurity CheckpointDetective's OfficeCourtroomSecurity Pod BayHead of Security's OfficeBrigBeepsky's HouseArmorySecurityPoolLaundry RoomKitchenHydroponicsGymCustodial ClosetChapelChanging RoomBarbershopBarArcadeWaste DisposalTool StorageToiletsMain HangarEscapeCrew QuartersCrew LoungeClown TentAviary
This map is clickable. · Bigger version · Labelled map · Zoomable map

Destiny is one of the current maps used by both the Goonstation Classic and Goonstation Roleplay servers. It was originally designed by a reddit user named by bradleylauchlin, but its Goonstation version was created/ported over by the admin Haine. Originally, it was just meant for the RP server (back when there was only one Goon RP server), but it was introduced as a Map Vote choice for the main Goonstation server (then called LLJK2, which again was the only Goonstation non-RP server) in November 2017. You can visit this forum thread to learn more about its history,

Visit this Github bug tracker or use the in-game bug-reporter in the top right of the game screen to report any bugs with the map.

Note: This map only appears in the Map Vote if the server's player count is below 80, i.e. you can't vote for it if it's above 80.

Note 2: On the RP servers, Goonstation Roleplay 3: Morty and Goonstation Roleplay 4: Sylvester, this map is a little different: the pods in the public pod bay start off locked. You might lucky enough to spawn with a code for one of the pods. Otherwise, Destiny on the Goonstation Classic and Destiny on Goonstation Roleplay servers are the same map, running the same codebase, so almost everything is interchangeable.

December 2nd, 2015 - October 19, 2022

Destiny is the first map to:

  • Use a industrial cryogenic sleep unit, back then known as the "industrial cryogenics unit". Latejoiners spawn from it, and players can enter it to take a break from the round or become an observer.
  • Introduce a new style of doors and walls, created by Goonstation's own Gannets.
  • Feature the Shield Generator, a ship-wide meteor shield.

Destiny Bow

Destiny Midsection

Destiny Port Aft

Destiny Amidships Aft

Destiny Starboard Aft


Former Features Discontinued Game Modes · Discontinued Syndicate Items · Construction Server · Old Constructions · Old Electronics · Old Material Science · Old Nuclear Engine · Ass Jam · Ass Jam Changelog · Guide to Pathology · Pathogen Symptoms · Pathology Research (old) · Pathology for Dummies (outdated) · Pathology Mutations · Beesmark's Goon Guide to Robust Security · Powering the station · Torpedoes
Discontinued Jobs Atmospheric Technician · Chemist · Communications Officer · Construction Worker · Elite Security · Head Surgeon · Intruder · Martian · Mechanic · Part-Time Vice Officer · Replicant · Spy · The Welder
Retired Maps Donut Station · Devstation · Mushroom Station · Chiron Outpost · Samedi · Linemap · Manta · Horizon · Destiny
Past Locales Prison Station · Syndicate Shuttle
Old Lore Chemical Information‎ · A Crash Course in Legal SOP · Creature Conspectus Original Edition · Dummies guide to material science (Old) · Frontier Justice: A Treatise on Space Law · Generator Startup Procedure (Old)‎ · Job Information · Mining Pocket Guide No. 1‎ · Mining Pocket Guide No. 2‎ · Old Storyline · So you've contracted a pathogen! · Standard Operating Procedure · Stations and Syndicates 8th Edition Rulebook · Torpedoes And You Aka How To Not Blow Yourself Up
Outdated Culture Pubbie Tears · Dumb Pubbies · Banned Camp · Android Data