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[[File:Genetics.png|230px|right|thumb|The Geneticist's lab, a bit damaged in late-round. This is the place where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.]]
|jobTitle            = Geneticist
|department          = MEDICAL DEPARTMENT
|departmentBgColour  = #7C7CCA 
|departmentTextColour = black
|jobBgColour          = #A5A5DA
|jobTextColour        = black
|img                  = Genetics_wiki_big.gif
|difficulty          = Easy to Medium
|requirements        = None
|access              = [[Medbay]], [[Genetics]], [[Morgue]], [[Pathology]], [[Maintenance]]
|rpAccess            = None
|supervisors          = [[Medical Director]], [[Captain]]
|subordinates        = None
|responsibilities    = Research the crew's genes, activate and/or distribute beneficial ones, [[Medical Doctor#The Cloner|clone dead people]] so they live again
|guides              = [[Guide to Genetics]], [[Medical Doctor#The Cloner|Cloning]]
<tabs plain>
<tab inline name="Cogmap2">
[[File:Cogmap2MedicalResearch.png|400px|right|thumb|This is [[Genetics#Cogmap2|the place]] where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.]]

The Geneticist makes his home in the Medical Wing, north of Medbay, but East of Robotics. As a Geneticist, your primary job is to keep essential staff from dying permanently through the use of wacky clone science, while also researching genetic defects and mutations in your spare time. When all the [[Medical Doctor]]s are dead or incompetent and the [[Roboticist]]s are too busy putting butts on everyone's heads, it's often the Geneticists that come through with a previous killed crewmate who is able to out the traitor and start a lynch mob.  
<tab inline name="Cogmap1">
The Genetics lab is frequently an early target of [[Operative]]s.
[[File:CogmapGenetics.png|400px|right|thumb|This is [[Genetics#Cogmap1|the place]] where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.]]

== The Lab ==
<tab inline name="Nadir">
Med-Sci has a DNA analyzer and cloner, a DNA manipulator, and a small storage area.  The storage area has a couple of tools, 4 monkeys, and 2 morgue slabs to get failed experiments off the floor.
[[File:NadirGenetics.png|400px|right|thumb|This is [[Genetics#Nadir|the place]] where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.]]

=== The Cloner ===
<tab inline name="Clarion">
This is 90% of the usefulness Genetics offers in any given round.  To clone someone, you require a scan of their DNA.  This can be collected while they are living, or shortly after they have died. Rotted corpses, skeletons, and husks left by [[Changeling]] meals do not have any DNA within them.  If you get a body like this, send it to Robotics.  In some cases they can help, in other cases they can't.
[[File:ClarionGenetics.png|400px|right|thumb|This is [[Genetics#Clarion|the place]] where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.]]

To get a DNA scan, grab the subject and then click on the DNA scanner to load them in. Click on the Cloning Console with an empty hand, then ''Scan'' them.  If there is DNA to salvage and the player is still logged in, you will get the scan information.  If there is no DNA (rotted body, husk), the computer will tell you so.  If the player is not logged in anymore, the computer will give a cryptic error about the mind interface failing.
<tab inline name="Oshan">
[[File:OshanGenetics.png|400px|right|thumb|This is [[Genetics#Oshan|the place]] where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.]]

Now, click ''View Records'' and find the person you want to clone.  Click on their record, and click ''clone'' to start the process.  If the player is not logged in, the computer will tell you it is unable to start the cloning cycle.
<tab inline name="Atlas">
[[File:AtlasMedicalResearch.png|right|thumb|This is [[Genetics#Atlas|the place]] where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.]]

If someone comes in to get scanned of their own accord, they can climb in and jump out of the DNA Scanner themselves. This allows a helpful [[AI]] to control this process if you have a mind to let it to. If someone has the initiative to come in and get scanned on their own, it is polite to attempt to clone them every 10-15 minutes. The one time it works you can be assured they were dead in Maintenance somewhere.
The '''Geneticist''' makes their home in the [[medbay]]. Your primary job is to research genetic defects and mutations and hand out fancy superpowers to people, like a biological counterpart to the Roboticist's [[Roboticist#Augmentation|mechanical augmentations]]. When all the [[Medical Doctor|medical doctors]] are dead or incompetent and the [[roboticist]]s are too busy putting butts on everyone's heads, you may also want to operate the nearby [[Medical Doctor#The Cloner|cloning device]] to revive fallen crew mates through the use of wacky clone science. You can communicate to your department using your special [[Clothing#Medical Headset|medical headset]] by typing:
*'''<code>say :m I'm going to add Anaerobic Respiration to the GeneBooth now.</code>'''
==The Lab==
[[Genetics]] has a couple of GeneTek Consoles, which the geneticists use to attempt to unlock the genetic code for super-powers. The process is absurdly elaborate, technical, and time-consuming, and there is too much to talk about for just one article section. To get a better understanding on how it all works, see the [[Guide to Genetics]], especially the Potential section.

Once the cloning process starts,  it takes about 2 minutes for it to complete.  When a clone stumbles out, they are naked, and usually have some combination of toxin damage and brain damage.  Anti-Toxins and Alkysine, respectively, will fix these problems.  Give them a speech on how you are god, get them some new equipment, either from their old body or the locker in your lab, and kick them out.
If at any point they make a mistake and regret giving themselves or someone else a mutation, or if someone walks into Medbay asking for someone to remove their Swedish accent, there's also bottles of [[Chemicals#Mutadone|Mutadone]] pills to reverse it.

=== The Manipulator ===
The monkey pen nearby is also home to a number of [[monkey]]s and a locker with [[Science Objects#ElectroPack|electropacks]], [[Science Objects#Remote Signaler|remotes]] for said electropacks, and [[Medical Objects#Blindfold|blindfolds]]. Using [[Guide to Genetics#Body_Type_Mutations|wacky corporate superscience]], you could uplift them into humanhood and use them for [[Murder|'''HILARIOUS ANTICS''']]. Or just find more mutations.
There is also a DNA manipulator in the south part of the lab, which is where Geneticists conduct the involved work of unlocking the genetic code, hoping for super-powers.  For a more complete discussion of this, see the section below. For now, just note that you can change someone's DNA string with radiation, and that doing so will cause small amounts of toxin damage per bombardment.  A stealthy and stylish way to kill someone is to load them into the manipulator, lock it, and bombard them with radiation until they are dead.

== The mystery of genes ==
==Quickstart Workflow==
I'll finish this discussion of SE/UI, disabilities, and superpowers later

== Crew Objectives ==
===Starting Up===
As a loyal crew member, you can sometimes be assigned some strictly optional objectives to keep yourself busy while you wait for something to happen.  As a geneticist, you can expect to see the following:<br>

'''End the round with at least 5 people scanned'''<br>
* Click on the [[Guide_to_Genetics#GeneTek_Console|GeneTek Console]]
You need to get people into the DNA scanner. Most rounds, you won't get 5 people in the scanner period, let alone 5 people who won't be cloned, so if you really want to do this you might need to try accosting people in medbay so you can scan them.
* Click on the '''Storage''' tab.
* Scroll down to "DNA Samples"
* Find your name and click on the ''View Record'' button next to it.
* Click on an ''Unknown Mutation'' (box with a question mark)
* Find out what it is by clicking ''Research''
* Once the research finishes, see if there's a [[Guide_to_Genetics#Mutations|Mutation]] you'd like to activate
* Create a [[Guide_to_Genetics#DNA Activators|DNA Activator]] for each Mutation you like
* Inject yourself with the DNA Activator to activate the Mutation by clicking on yourself
* The DNA Activator will change to a ''filled DNA Activator''
* Click on the GeneTek console with the ''filled DNA Activator'' to receive [[Guide to Genetics#Research Materials|Research Materials]] and [[Guide to Genetics#Chromosomes|Chromosomes]]

'''Save a buffer containing at least one superpower to disk and ensure it reaches CentCom'''<br>
After you've isolated a block with a superpower and set the block high enough to activate it, save the buffer to a data disk.  As long as that disk leaves on the escape shuttle, this will be completed.

== Treachery ==
It's no fun if only you get all the cool powers. Go back to '''Storage''' and view the records of another crew member. Your fellow Geneticist is perfect, since they're usually close by and willing to step inside the GeneTek scanner and get their Mutations activated. If you're the sole Geneticist on-board, just pick anybody you'd like (the [[Clown]], the [[Captain]], or the [[Medical Director]]).
A Geneticist's biggest asset when acting as a traitor is the fact that they have near total control over who gets revived, and how. If an assassination target gets pulled up to your doorstep, tell the person that you'll get to the corpse in a second, then conveniently forget about them until they've rotted.  The Manipulator is also a fantastic way to kill people that walk into your lab if you are able to score a flash off the Roboticist.  If someone barges in, flash them, take off their headset, then shove them into the Manipulator and let them eat a ton of radiation. Eccentricity and wandering is also expected from a Geneticist.  Hunting for superpowers is extremely boring, so many Geneticists wander off to do something else. Nobody will question why you're dragging a dead body if you're heading back to your lab.

The Geneticist's biggest challenge is access. Geneticists are one of the few people on the station who don't start with Maintenance access, which is a huge problem. Fortunately, it's not unusual to request it from the HoP, so if you dash out to Customs the second a round starts to ask for access, you can usually get it.
You can only change the Mutations of a crew member inside the GeneTek scanner, so you'll have to call them to the Genetics lab. You could say something like, ''"Hey, Pubby McJones, could you over to Genetics to get your electricity immunity Mutation activated?"'', or some other variation thereof that will clearly communicate to the crew member what exactly you're going to do to them.
To insert an organism into the GeneTek scanner, you can either:
* Click them with {{Grab}} intent and click on the GeneTek scanner.
* Drag and drop their sprite onto the GeneTek scanner sprite.
To eject an organism from the GeneTek scanner, either:
* Right click on the GeneTek scanner and choose ''Eject Occupant''.
* Drag and drop the GeneTek scanner sprite onto the floor.
Alternatively, your could create a few DNA Activators and [[Guide to Genetics#DNA Injectors|DNA Injectors]] and inject crew members in the hallways.
===Genetics Etiquette===
Don't inject people out of nowhere! It is rude, [[Grief#Obvious Grief|especially]] if you give them one of the more debilitating or annoying Mutations. Ask for permission first!
===The Next Steps===
All the while, steadily work your way through the [[Guide to Genetics#Research|Research]] upgrades for your equipment. One of the first Research is [[Guide to Genetics#Gene Booth|Gene Booth]]. With this upgrade, you can, for thirty Research Materials, sell Mutations through the public [[Medical Objects#Gene Booth|Gene Booth]] machine. The Gene Booth distributes Mutations to crew members without them having to visit your lab. That means instead of Research Materials and Chromosomes, you will recieve credits for your Research Budget.
Once you research [[Guide to Genetics#DNA Injectors|''DNA Injectors'']] and [[Guide to Genetics#Mutation Storage|'''Mutation Storage''']], the real fun of genetics begins. At this point you can store desirable Mutations, combine them with with other Mutations, and then use DNA Injectors to activate these Mutations, even in crew members who don't have it in their '''Potential'''.
== Cloner Duty ==
{{main|Medical Doctor#The Cloner}}
Once in a while, check up on the [[Medical Doctor#The Cloner|Cloner]]. If you see any bodies, scan them in the Cloner scanner and try to clone the crew member. Everyone in Medical is expected to check up on the Cloner, but the Geneticists have the Cloner in their sights.
The Cloner has an ''Advanced Genetic Analysis'' option. When enabled, the Cloner will copy over any active Mutations the crew member had when they were scanned, including their [[Guide_to_Genetics#Body_Type_Mutations|Body Type Mutations]]. While the Cloner is cloning, it reduces all the cooldowns on the GeneTek consoles and increases how many [[Guide to Genetics#Research Materials|Research Materials]] are passively gained every second. However, the ''Advanced Genetic Analysis'' option will increase how long it takes to clone a crew member.
* At round start, research as many of your own genes as you can while trying to activate your undesirable genes, harvesting the filled activators for more materials for more research (without killing yourself). Then, take a Mutadone pill (or two). Then, activate your desirable genes and harvest their filled activators. This will kick-start your research and boost your materials, all while leaving you with a few good mutations and no bad ones.
* If crew members are unwilling to come to the lab or don't have useful Mutations, use [[Monkey#Handling_Monkeys|Monkeys]].
* Crew members, often [[Engineer|Engineers]] and [[Miner|Miners]] (depending on the map), appreciate Stabilized [[Guide to Genetics#Anaerobic Metabolism|Anaerobic Metabolism]] and Stabilized [[Guide to Genetics#Thermal Resistance|Thermal Resistance]] because they help greatly reduce the dangers of space and breaches.
** To a lesser extent, Stabilized [[Guide to Genetics#SMES Human|SMES Human]] can be useful for Engineers trying to run a particularly powerful [[Thermoelectric_Generator|TEG]] (again, this depends on the map).
* 300 credits is the break-even point for selling mutations at the [[Guide to Genetics#Gene Booth|Gene Booth]], and only if ALL applications of the mutation sell, so price your mutations at or above this.
** Some Geneticists prefer to sell communally useful mutations like [[Guide to Genetics#Healing Touch|Healing Touch]] for less than 300.
==Crew Objectives==
As a loyal crew member, you can sometimes be assigned an optional objective. If you complete it by the end of the round, you'll get [[Spacebux#Crew Objective Bonus|some bonus Spacebux]] and might even earn a [[Medal]] too. As a Geneticist, you can expect to see the following:
'''Have at least 5 people's DNA scanned in the cloning console at the end of the round.'''<br>
You need to get crew members into the [[Medical_Objects#Cloning Scanner|Cloning Scanner]]. Kindly remind the crew to come and get scanned. Offer them Mutations for their time or remind them that the whole process takes roughly 10 seconds at most.
Completing this objective for the first time gives you the [[Medals#Life, uh... finds a way|Life, uh... finds a way medal]]. It's a reference to a famous line from the 1993 ''Jurassic Park'' film, and that's about all there is to it since it doesn't unlock a special reward or anything.
'''Have at least 5 options available in the gene booth at the end of the round'''<br>
This basically means you need to have 5 different mutations available in the [[Guide to Genetics#Genetics Booth|gene booth]]. "Options" is key here; simply having 5 copies of a single Mutation isn't enough. They don't have to be particularly powerful or useful, though that's definitely a plus; they simply have to be available for purchase.
You need a test subject (e.g. your fellow Geneticist, a [[monkey]], a willing [[Staff Assistant]] or [[Medical Trainee]]) for this, and a fair amount of Research Materials. First, make sure you've purchased the [[Guide to Genetics#Gene Booth|Gene Booth research upgrade]]; this costs 50 Research Materials. Next, put your test subject in the scanner and look at their [[Guide to Genetics#Potential|Potential Mutations]]. If they have an Unknown Mutation, research it; this costs 20 Research Materials. Once that's done, vend a [[Guide to Genetics#DNA Activators|DNA Activator]] for it, eject them, inject them, and re-insert them into the scanner. After this, go to their Mutations menu, pick the Mutation you activated, and select ''Sell at Gene Booth''; this costs 30 Research Materials. Repeat this process for 4 other Mutations.
Assuming you start from scratch, this will cost, at most, 300 Research Materials: 50 for the [[Guide to Genetics#Gene Booth|Gene Booth research upgrade]], 100 (5 * 20) Research Materials to research the 5 unknown mutations, 150 (5 * 30) to put the 5 mutations in the gene booth. It will likely cost you less than that. Redeeming [[Guide to Genetics#DNA Activators|DNA Activators]] on players grants extra Research Materials and reduces research costs, and if you arrive while there's another Geneticist onboard, they'll probably have bought the [[Guide to Genetics#Gene Booth|Gene Booth upgrade]] already and completed some of the mutation research for you, saving Research Materials. They might have even added some Mutations to the gene booth already.
There is no medal associated with this objective. But selling good genes in the [[Guide to Genetics#Genetics Booth|gene booth]] is its own reward. Seriously; the money from selling genes goes towards the Research budget, meaning extra funds for gene research.
==Syndicate Geneticist==
Though genetics doesn't have exclusive control over the cloner anymore, the enzymatic reclaimer can still be a fantastic way to kill people that walk into your lab (or any volunteers you've recruited) if you have an [[EMAG]] and are able to score a flash off the roboticist (or [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hack]] his manufacturer yourself). Emag the reclaimer first, then if someone barges in, flash them, take off their headset and shove them into the reclaimer for an almost instant kill - or alternatively, lock them into the DNA manipulator and slowly irradiate them to death. Eccentricity and wandering is also expected from a geneticist. Hunting for superpowers is extremely boring, so many geneticists wander off to do something else. Nobody will question why you're dragging a dead body if you're heading back to medbay. Most people won't even mind if you stash a dead body in the [[morgue]] or grind it up for biomass as they'll assume you've already run it through the cloner first.
The [[Syndicate Items#Speed Injector|Speed Injector]] can also make for some very fun gimmicks. Want to make everyone a monkey? Sure! Want to give people Empowered High-Pressure Intestines to make them gib themselves? Absolutely! The possibilities are only as limited as the number of mutations. And don't forget, just because you're a traitor doesn't mean you can't [[Guide to Genetics|do your job]] to get yourself some significant advantages...
Traitor Geneticist isn't all about clandestinely fiddling with everyone's genes, though. Combine the [[Critters#Robust NPCs|robustness]] of regular monkeys with an vicious desire to kill all life and an improved throwing skill, put them in a barrel just for pun, and you have the [[Syndicate Items#Barrel of Monkeys|barrel of monkeys]]. Highly disruptive and virtually untraceable (Protip: Use a [[Guide to Mining#Cargo Transporter|cargo transporter]] so people won't see you haul around the barrel), especially if you take [[Being A Better Traitor#Barrel of Monkeys|some extra steps]].
But why stop at evil monkeys or genetic debilitation? With the [[Syndicate Items#Mindhack Cloning Module|mindhack cloning module]] (aka, the mind "remapper"), you can unleash your inner mad scientist and build the clone army you've always wanted. When attached to a cloning pod, it makes all the clones that come out of it bound to serve your every command--forever! (No implants here, so people can't [[Doctoring#Implant|cut it out]] to remove mindhack status.) Now, since the module is incredibly obvious, you really can't attach it to the one in Medbay, lest some remotely aware schmuck remove it. Instead, you're supposed to [[Construction#Cloning_Lab|build]] [[Being A Better Traitor#Mindhack Cloning Module|your own cloning lab]] in someplace secret, like in some forgotten closet in [[maintenance]] or the [[Ghost Drone Factory]]. Building one is pretty involved, but the results are very worth it.
==Supplementary Video==

[[Category: Jobs]]

Latest revision as of 06:00, 7 September 2024

Genetics wiki big.gif
Difficulty: Easy to Medium
Requirements: None
Access Level: Medbay, Genetics, Morgue, Pathology, Maintenance
Additional Roleplay Access Level: None
Supervisors: Medical Director, Captain
Subordinates: None
Responsibilities: Research the crew's genes, activate and/or distribute beneficial ones, clone dead people so they live again
Guides: Guide to Genetics, Cloning
This is the place where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.
This is the place where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.
This is the place where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.
This is the place where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.
This is the place where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.
This is the place where dreams come true and abominations in the eyes of God are born in the same day.

The Geneticist makes their home in the medbay. Your primary job is to research genetic defects and mutations and hand out fancy superpowers to people, like a biological counterpart to the Roboticist's mechanical augmentations. When all the medical doctors are dead or incompetent and the roboticists are too busy putting butts on everyone's heads, you may also want to operate the nearby cloning device to revive fallen crew mates through the use of wacky clone science. You can communicate to your department using your special medical headset by typing:

  • say :m I'm going to add Anaerobic Respiration to the GeneBooth now.

The Lab

Genetics has a couple of GeneTek Consoles, which the geneticists use to attempt to unlock the genetic code for super-powers. The process is absurdly elaborate, technical, and time-consuming, and there is too much to talk about for just one article section. To get a better understanding on how it all works, see the Guide to Genetics, especially the Potential section.

If at any point they make a mistake and regret giving themselves or someone else a mutation, or if someone walks into Medbay asking for someone to remove their Swedish accent, there's also bottles of Mutadone pills to reverse it.

The monkey pen nearby is also home to a number of monkeys and a locker with electropacks, remotes for said electropacks, and blindfolds. Using wacky corporate superscience, you could uplift them into humanhood and use them for HILARIOUS ANTICS. Or just find more mutations.

Quickstart Workflow

Starting Up

  • Click on the GeneTek Console
  • Click on the Storage tab.
  • Scroll down to "DNA Samples"
  • Find your name and click on the View Record button next to it.
  • Click on an Unknown Mutation (box with a question mark)
  • Find out what it is by clicking Research
  • Once the research finishes, see if there's a Mutation you'd like to activate
  • Create a DNA Activator for each Mutation you like
  • Inject yourself with the DNA Activator to activate the Mutation by clicking on yourself
  • The DNA Activator will change to a filled DNA Activator
  • Click on the GeneTek console with the filled DNA Activator to receive Research Materials and Chromosomes


It's no fun if only you get all the cool powers. Go back to Storage and view the records of another crew member. Your fellow Geneticist is perfect, since they're usually close by and willing to step inside the GeneTek scanner and get their Mutations activated. If you're the sole Geneticist on-board, just pick anybody you'd like (the Clown, the Captain, or the Medical Director).

You can only change the Mutations of a crew member inside the GeneTek scanner, so you'll have to call them to the Genetics lab. You could say something like, "Hey, Pubby McJones, could you over to Genetics to get your electricity immunity Mutation activated?", or some other variation thereof that will clearly communicate to the crew member what exactly you're going to do to them.

To insert an organism into the GeneTek scanner, you can either:

  • Click them with Grab intent and click on the GeneTek scanner.
  • Drag and drop their sprite onto the GeneTek scanner sprite.

To eject an organism from the GeneTek scanner, either:

  • Right click on the GeneTek scanner and choose Eject Occupant.
  • Drag and drop the GeneTek scanner sprite onto the floor.

Alternatively, your could create a few DNA Activators and DNA Injectors and inject crew members in the hallways.

Genetics Etiquette

Don't inject people out of nowhere! It is rude, especially if you give them one of the more debilitating or annoying Mutations. Ask for permission first!

The Next Steps

All the while, steadily work your way through the Research upgrades for your equipment. One of the first Research is Gene Booth. With this upgrade, you can, for thirty Research Materials, sell Mutations through the public Gene Booth machine. The Gene Booth distributes Mutations to crew members without them having to visit your lab. That means instead of Research Materials and Chromosomes, you will recieve credits for your Research Budget.

Once you research DNA Injectors and Mutation Storage, the real fun of genetics begins. At this point you can store desirable Mutations, combine them with with other Mutations, and then use DNA Injectors to activate these Mutations, even in crew members who don't have it in their Potential.

Cloner Duty

Once in a while, check up on the Cloner. If you see any bodies, scan them in the Cloner scanner and try to clone the crew member. Everyone in Medical is expected to check up on the Cloner, but the Geneticists have the Cloner in their sights.

The Cloner has an Advanced Genetic Analysis option. When enabled, the Cloner will copy over any active Mutations the crew member had when they were scanned, including their Body Type Mutations. While the Cloner is cloning, it reduces all the cooldowns on the GeneTek consoles and increases how many Research Materials are passively gained every second. However, the Advanced Genetic Analysis option will increase how long it takes to clone a crew member.


  • At round start, research as many of your own genes as you can while trying to activate your undesirable genes, harvesting the filled activators for more materials for more research (without killing yourself). Then, take a Mutadone pill (or two). Then, activate your desirable genes and harvest their filled activators. This will kick-start your research and boost your materials, all while leaving you with a few good mutations and no bad ones.
  • If crew members are unwilling to come to the lab or don't have useful Mutations, use Monkeys.
  • Crew members, often Engineers and Miners (depending on the map), appreciate Stabilized Anaerobic Metabolism and Stabilized Thermal Resistance because they help greatly reduce the dangers of space and breaches.
    • To a lesser extent, Stabilized SMES Human can be useful for Engineers trying to run a particularly powerful TEG (again, this depends on the map).
  • 300 credits is the break-even point for selling mutations at the Gene Booth, and only if ALL applications of the mutation sell, so price your mutations at or above this.
    • Some Geneticists prefer to sell communally useful mutations like Healing Touch for less than 300.

Crew Objectives

As a loyal crew member, you can sometimes be assigned an optional objective. If you complete it by the end of the round, you'll get some bonus Spacebux and might even earn a Medal too. As a Geneticist, you can expect to see the following:

Have at least 5 people's DNA scanned in the cloning console at the end of the round.
You need to get crew members into the Cloning Scanner. Kindly remind the crew to come and get scanned. Offer them Mutations for their time or remind them that the whole process takes roughly 10 seconds at most.

Completing this objective for the first time gives you the Life, uh... finds a way medal. It's a reference to a famous line from the 1993 Jurassic Park film, and that's about all there is to it since it doesn't unlock a special reward or anything.

Have at least 5 options available in the gene booth at the end of the round
This basically means you need to have 5 different mutations available in the gene booth. "Options" is key here; simply having 5 copies of a single Mutation isn't enough. They don't have to be particularly powerful or useful, though that's definitely a plus; they simply have to be available for purchase.

You need a test subject (e.g. your fellow Geneticist, a monkey, a willing Staff Assistant or Medical Trainee) for this, and a fair amount of Research Materials. First, make sure you've purchased the Gene Booth research upgrade; this costs 50 Research Materials. Next, put your test subject in the scanner and look at their Potential Mutations. If they have an Unknown Mutation, research it; this costs 20 Research Materials. Once that's done, vend a DNA Activator for it, eject them, inject them, and re-insert them into the scanner. After this, go to their Mutations menu, pick the Mutation you activated, and select Sell at Gene Booth; this costs 30 Research Materials. Repeat this process for 4 other Mutations.

Assuming you start from scratch, this will cost, at most, 300 Research Materials: 50 for the Gene Booth research upgrade, 100 (5 * 20) Research Materials to research the 5 unknown mutations, 150 (5 * 30) to put the 5 mutations in the gene booth. It will likely cost you less than that. Redeeming DNA Activators on players grants extra Research Materials and reduces research costs, and if you arrive while there's another Geneticist onboard, they'll probably have bought the Gene Booth upgrade already and completed some of the mutation research for you, saving Research Materials. They might have even added some Mutations to the gene booth already.

There is no medal associated with this objective. But selling good genes in the gene booth is its own reward. Seriously; the money from selling genes goes towards the Research budget, meaning extra funds for gene research.

Syndicate Geneticist

Though genetics doesn't have exclusive control over the cloner anymore, the enzymatic reclaimer can still be a fantastic way to kill people that walk into your lab (or any volunteers you've recruited) if you have an EMAG and are able to score a flash off the roboticist (or hack his manufacturer yourself). Emag the reclaimer first, then if someone barges in, flash them, take off their headset and shove them into the reclaimer for an almost instant kill - or alternatively, lock them into the DNA manipulator and slowly irradiate them to death. Eccentricity and wandering is also expected from a geneticist. Hunting for superpowers is extremely boring, so many geneticists wander off to do something else. Nobody will question why you're dragging a dead body if you're heading back to medbay. Most people won't even mind if you stash a dead body in the morgue or grind it up for biomass as they'll assume you've already run it through the cloner first.

The Speed Injector can also make for some very fun gimmicks. Want to make everyone a monkey? Sure! Want to give people Empowered High-Pressure Intestines to make them gib themselves? Absolutely! The possibilities are only as limited as the number of mutations. And don't forget, just because you're a traitor doesn't mean you can't do your job to get yourself some significant advantages...

Traitor Geneticist isn't all about clandestinely fiddling with everyone's genes, though. Combine the robustness of regular monkeys with an vicious desire to kill all life and an improved throwing skill, put them in a barrel just for pun, and you have the barrel of monkeys. Highly disruptive and virtually untraceable (Protip: Use a cargo transporter so people won't see you haul around the barrel), especially if you take some extra steps.

But why stop at evil monkeys or genetic debilitation? With the mindhack cloning module (aka, the mind "remapper"), you can unleash your inner mad scientist and build the clone army you've always wanted. When attached to a cloning pod, it makes all the clones that come out of it bound to serve your every command--forever! (No implants here, so people can't cut it out to remove mindhack status.) Now, since the module is incredibly obvious, you really can't attach it to the one in Medbay, lest some remotely aware schmuck remove it. Instead, you're supposed to build your own cloning lab in someplace secret, like in some forgotten closet in maintenance or the Ghost Drone Factory. Building one is pretty involved, but the results are very worth it.

Supplementary Video

Jobs on Space Station 13
Command &
CaptainNew64.gif Captain · HeadOfSecurityV2-64x64.gif Head of Security · HeadOfPersonnelV2-64x66.png Head of Personnel · ChiefEngineer64.png Chief Engineer · ResearchDirectorV2-64x70.png Research Director · MedicalDirectorNew64.png Medical Director

TankTopSecurityOfficer.gif Security Officer · DetectiveNew64.png Detective · SecurityAssistantNew64.png Security Assistant

NanotrasenSecurityOperativeWithSuit68.gif Nanotrasen Security Consultant

Medical &
MedicalDoctorNew64.gif Medical Doctor · MedicalAssistantNew.png Medical Trainee · RoboticistNew64.png Roboticist · Genetics wiki big.gif Geneticist

ScientistV3-64x64.png Scientist · ResearchAssistantNew.png Research Trainee

Engineering EngineerCoatNew64.png Engineer · TechassistantNew.png Technical Trainee

QuartermasterNew64.png Quartermaster · MinerV3-64x64.png Miner


AssistantNew64.png Staff Assistant · JanitorNew64.png Janitor · ChaplainNew64.png Chaplain · MailmanV2-64x64.png Mail Courier · RadioHostV2-64x64.png Radio Host · MimeNew64.png Mime

Chef64new.png Chef · BartenderNew64.png Bartender · BotanistNew64.png Botanist · Rancher2.png Rancher

ClownNew64.png Clown

SousChefV2-64x64.png Gimmick jobs

Silicon AIV3-64.gif Artificial Intelligence · CyborgV3-64x64.gif Cyborg
Jobs of the Day Dungeoneer64x64.png Dungeoneer · BarberV2-64x64.png Barber · WaiterV2-64x64.png Waiter · LawyerV2-64x66.png Lawyer · TouristNew64.png Tourist · MusicianV2-64x64.png Musician · BoxerV2-64x64.png Boxer
Antagonist Roles With own mode Arcfiend64x64.PNG Arcfiend · BlobOvermind64.png Blob · AbominationAnimated64x96.gif Changeling · GangLeaderV2-64x68.png Gang Member · Featherdrone-flockmind.gif Flockmind (Featherdrone-flocktrace.gif Flocktrace) · SyndicateAssaultTrooperV3-64x64.png Nuclear Operative · SpyThiefV2-64x64.png Spy Thief · TraitorNew64.png Traitor · HeadRevolutionaryV2-64x64.png Revolutionary · VampireV2-64x64.png Vampire (VampThrallV3-64x64.png Thrall) · WizardNew64.gif Wizard
Others HardmodeTraitorNew64.png Sleeper Agent · WerewolfV2-64x68.png Werewolf · WraithV2-64x64.png Wraith (Poltergeist64.png Poltergeist) · WrestlerV2-64x64.png Wrestler · PredatorV2-64x64.png Hunter · GrinchMitch.png Grinch · KrampusSquish.gif Krampus · OmniTraitorV2-64x64.gif Gimmick antagonist roles
Special Roles Drone64x64.png Ghostdrone · MonkeyResprite64.png Monkey · SpaceMouse64.png Critter · GhostV3-64x64.png Ghost · CluwneNew64.png Cluwne · SantaClausV2-64x64.png Santa Claus