Oshan Laboratory
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Oshan Laboratory is a unique underwater-themed map in Goonstation's current lineup of stations. Unlike most maps, which tend to be designed and created by one person, Oshan was a joint venture between Goonstation coders ZeWaka, MBC, and Flourish, with help coming from all sorts of players of all sorts of ranks over several months. For example, Goonstation artist and admin Gannets created the Radio Lab area and designed many of the sprites. Kyle2143, then merely a mentor, made the fluid shields that keep most of the station's minisub bays from flooding over, while MBC created the code that allowed fluids to exist in the first place, as well as other fluid-related systems like flood/fire alarms and drains.
Speaking of MBC, they're the reason this map is no less laggy than space maps, or at least not as laggy as before. Because of them, fluids intentionally stop updating themselves during high server load, so you don't have much sea lag on top on your space lag. (This is also the reason puddles of seawater and other fluids seem to suddenly stop when it's lagging.) In addition, lights, which were a surprisingly huge source of lag on Oshan (and the space maps too), now update when the clients need them to be, rather than updating themselves every so often and buckling the space-time-lag wave continuum.
Just as the seafloor of the ocean planet Abzu is constantly changing and developing, so is Oshan Laboratory. If you find any bugs associated with the map itself, please report it with the in-game bug report button in the top right of the game screen or at the bug tracker on the Github.
Note: This map does not appear in the Map Vote poll if the server's player count is below 14, i.e. you need at least 14 players for it to appear as a option.
August 25, 2018 to Present
Oshan was the first station to:
- Have its own trailer!
- Be set entirely underwater. The seafloor is just as oxygenless as outer space, but, luckily, the water's not too cold or hot, except in the Trench, and it's shallow enough that the pressure can barely hurt you, though it can slow you down if you don't have flippers.
- Feature minisubs, vehicles that can go in all eight directions, can travel on station and seafloor tiles alike, and have tank-style controls.
- Possess active plate tectonics, resulting in mini-planetquakes and hotspots--and an whole new geothermal engine to control and harvest them!
- Feature off-station fauna, in form of fish! Not space fish, actual fish! That can actually ingest chems and all!
- Fully embrace fluid mechanics by featuring flood/fire alarms, drains, and liquid-shields.
- Include the Trench, an underwater mining z-level, linked to the station by a massive deep hole and a sea elevator.
- Introduce several newly redesigned sprites, including swanky new APC and door designs.
- Bring several Debris Field classics (including Shitty Bill and company!) on the station z-level.
- House an on-station radio station!
Southeast: Arrivals and Escape Dock
South: Command and Security Deck
Southwest: Supply & Cargo Hold
West: Civilian Galley
West Central: Sea Elevator
Northwest: Recreation Chambers
North: Medical Bay
Northeast: Research Lab
Far Northeast: Research Outpost
East: Engineering Compartment
Supplementary Video