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(Werewolves can now regen while in werewolf form)
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* Dealing with gun-wielding opponents is a challenge due to the complete lack of ranged attacks. [[Robot#GuardBuddy|Guardbuddies]] tend to hate you as well.
* Dealing with gun-wielding opponents is a challenge due to the complete lack of ranged attacks. [[Robot#GuardBuddy|Guardbuddies]] tend to hate you as well.
* Werewolves are just as vulnerable to extreme temperatures, suffocation or poisons as everybody else.
* Werewolves are just as vulnerable to extreme temperatures, suffocation or poisons as everybody else.
* Unlike [[Vampire|vampires]] or [[Changeling|changelings]], werewolves are unable to regenerate health automatically. Mauling somebody (as detailed above) will heal brute and burn damage, however. Edible organs (such as hearts and lungs) can also be consumed to restore a minor amount of health.


Revision as of 04:09, 21 September 2018

Werewolf64 2.png

Originally introduced into the station's ecosystem for whatever terrible reason, the werewolf has gone through a few variations before finally settling in as a thing that happens once in a full moon, figuratively speaking.

Werewolves are currently one of the rarest antagonist roles and limited to a random event. They're more likely to be the result of admin shenanigans, who'll provide a suiting set of objectives to keep them busy.

You're special

So, you somehow ended up as a werewolf? Great! You now have access to the transform ability, which allows you to shapeshift between man and beast whenever you like. The wolf-like form has a decent set of abilities and can be maintained indefinitely, yet is incredibly obvious. If the heat is building up faster than you can manage, it may be a good idea to transform back into a human and go into hiding for a while.


  • Permanent thermal vision.
  • Significant stamina boost.
  • Werewolves are fairly resistant, but not immune to stuns. You could for example weaponize a segway!
  • Handcuffs and shackles are not a problem, since you can rip them apart instantly.
    • Transformation from man to wolf also destroys them, and can be done when stunned (cancelling out all effects to boot). A nasty surprise for security provided they aren't aware of your true nature yet.
  • Almost every door can be pried open, breaking it permanently as if emagged. You can also instantly smash through windows and grills.
    • Wearing an ID card overrides this ability if you could open the door in question normally.
  • Grabbing will always result in an aggressive hold, so you can throw your victim around or suplex them with one click.
  • Disarming somebody will stun and knock them down for a short amount of time.
  • Both disarm and harm attacks can make the victim bleed.

The harm intent has several applications:

  • While you can throw punches powerful enough to propel your victim across the room, it's a somewhat dicey proposition. If somebody charges you with a melee weapon, better use disarm for an guaranteed knockdown.
  • Bashing the victim is a good way to wear down their health and ability to fight back, but be careful not to rough them up too badly! Mangled bodies don't provide as much nourishment.
  • Like shambling abominations, you can deal a lot of damage to cyborgs and critters by punching them. Werewolves are not human, so this is a useful power to have.

The maul victim ability is how you acquire points for the werewolf-exclusive objective:

  • Secure the prey first, as they might get back during the feast, interrupting it. You can generally expect them to stay down past the half-way point, though.
  • Depending on the species and condition of the body, the feast will heal some or all of your brute and burn damage.
  • Don't bother with monkeys unless you're desperate, injured and out of options. They cannot be farmed for the objective.
  • Trying to maul a corpse will outright gib the body. An excellent way to dispose of your victims once and for all if you're the particularly evil type of werewolf.


  • Werewolves can't wear jumpsuits, exosuits or shoes. They still move at normal running speed regardless.
  • Dealing with gun-wielding opponents is a challenge due to the complete lack of ranged attacks. Guardbuddies tend to hate you as well.
  • Werewolves are just as vulnerable to extreme temperatures, suffocation or poisons as everybody else.


Don't overestimate your powers. You may in fact be the weakest of the antagonist roles. Sure, your strength will quickly overpower and maul an opponent in melee, but you're poorly equipped against a mob or any sort of armed response. Furthermore, the wolf-like form is completely useless for stealth and will attract the attention of everybody in no time. It's best to avoid the frequented areas of the station and prey on crew members one at a time.

Supplementary Video

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