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page about the playable race created when kudzu absorbs bodies
titles are very WIP
also I have no idea whether to link to the Random Events or Syndicate Items section on kudzu 
let the reader beware: this is based off on info right from the first round it was released, and some info may change in the future


I have a feeling these times will be adjusted in the future
What happens if you become a kudzuperson while blind/deaf?
I wonder what happens if you set a cocoon or bulb on fire. 

When there's a corpse on a kudzu tile, the kudzu will wrap it in a vine cocoon after about half minute. Not too long after, the cocoon will bloom into a bulb that then opens up shortly after, releasing a new half-naked kudzuperson. Most of their old clothes will be shed onto the floor, though the kudzu person will still have the items they were wearing in the head, glove, eye, mask, ear, and back slots when they died. The cocoon and bulb can be broken with blunt force, freeing the corpse.

Kudzu is not very picky about corpses. Even rotted or skeletonized bodies will be claimed, giving it a niche as a potential last-ditch revival method or a means of bringing back people who have been absorbed by Wraiths.


What happens when they interact with the Cap's bonzai?

Kudzupeople are much like regular people; they can interact with items and objects as normal, are still affected by chems, all that jazz. However, they're different in quite a few ways. Some of the differences are positive:

  • Can breath in Space, Seafloor, and other oxygen-less environments.
  • Can see through walls.
  • Can heal all damage types, including brain damage by standing over kudzu.
  • Can move through dense kudzu.

Some of them not so much:

  • Low stamina: only 100 max stamina and 5 stamina regen.
  • Low health
  • Slightly slower (about 10% less than base) movement speed.
  • Cannot directly touch people; instead, you'll just wave your limbs menacingly at them.
  • Cannot be cloned.
  • Take TOX damage and are significantly slowed down when not over kudzu tiles; one minute of not being over kudzu can send you into critical condition.

And some are more neutral:

  • Show up as "Unknown" upon Examine and mouse-over.
  • Say "rasps" instead of "says" in the chat.


As an kudzuperson, you have a few defensive and utility abilities that have a Nutrients cost. You gain a few Nutrients every few seconds whenever you stand over a kudzu tile, and you rapidly lose them when you aren't.

Icon Name Nutrient Cost Cooldown
KudzupersonIconGuideGrowth.png Guide Growth 2 nutrients 1 seconds Creates a square of benign kudzu on any tile within 2 tiles of you. Benign kudzu can be put on Space and Seafloor tiles. Regular kudzu cannot spread past benign kudzu, and benign kudzu does grow in thicker forms and does not in of itself spread. Using it on regular kudzu converts it into benign kudzu, and using it on benign kudzu removes it.
KudzupersonIconHealingTouch.png Healing Touch 40 nutrients 30 seconds Heals someone else, including non-kudzupeople.
How much health?
What kind of damage? Does this include brain and organ damage?  
KudzupersonIconStealth.png Stealth 1 nutrient 10 seconds Makes you nearly transparent for about half a minute, after which you'll be briefly knocked out. People can still mouse over you and Examine you. Think of this less as a tool for setting up an ambush and more of something to activate while running into a dark corner to escape an attacker.
KudzupersonIconSpeakKudzu.png Speak Kudzu None 10 seconds Speak to all other kudzupeople via KUDZUSPEAK. No one nearby can overhear it.
debating if there should be "while stunned" and "while handcuffed" columns

Supplementary Video

thinking of including a clip from the hilarious Batman & Robin (1997) film that has Poison Ivy in it

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