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Do you suddenly find yourself vanting to zuck ze crew's blaad? Maybe you're a Vampire. Bleh!

In addition to regular objectives, vampires also have to acquire a certain amount of blood. This depends on the quantity the vampire has acquired in total, ignoring how much it has spend on spells throughout the entire round.

Vampire Abilities

Vampires tie in with the blood mechanics. Doctoring may contain useful information for you.

First and foremost, vampires thrive on drinking blood - their main way of doing this is through a bite attack. To bite somebody, you must use the bite victim ability to drink their blood. Any sort of hat or mask will prevent you from doing so.

Once you start draining, you will earn 10 units of blood per tick if the victim is alive (20 when draining a fellow vampire), or 5 units of blood if they are dead. You will continue to suck blood until you use your hands, move away from the target, or the body is drained. A healthy victim can provide up to ~260 units of blood. Corpses that are too badly damaged will yield very little blood, so while feasting on the dead will slowly power you up, there's only so much you can get.

There are other ways to gain blood - drinking blood found on the floor (or elsewhere) is possible with the aid of a drinking glass, but it isn't very potent compared to biting. You don't have to worry about the sanitation of such an act however, as vampires are nigh-immune to diseases. It should also be noted that biting a chaplain is an extremely bad idea. The blood of a holy man will not only burn you quite badly, but will actually weaken you!

Vampires gain a number of different abilities and spells as they accumulate more blood. Once unlocked, the vampire keeps the power for the rest of the round, even if their blood level dips under the point they unlocked it at. None of these abilities can be used while unconscious, nor can they be cast while standing in the chapel.

Unlock Icon Name Cooldown Blood Cost While stunned? While cuffed? Description
0 VampireIconBite.png Bite victim N/A N/A Slowly drain a victim's blood in increments, each indicated by a progress bar with a rather garish blood drop icon hovering above it and accompanied by appropriate sound clips that sound like you're actually sucking their blood through a straw like a milkshake. Cannot be used if the victim is wearing headgear, but unlike other servers, you don't have to be on Harm intent or be aiming at the head area.
What's the rate of blood gained? [idk the number but i think its 1.5x the previous rate. its the fastest way to drain and it can kill someone when you finish feeding on them like changeling absorb does]
0 VampireIconBloodSteal.png Blood Steal 30 seconds N/A ✗? ✓? Continually drain blood from a target anywhere within your sight. You have to stand still, but it works even if there's a wall or other obstacle between you and your bloodbag. It's fairly stealthy too, though your victim might notice the small jets of blood occasionally flying out of them and put two and two together.
0 VampireIconBloodTracking.png Blood tracking N/A N/A N/A N/A Toggles blood gain/loss messages on or off.
0 VampireIconCancelStuns.png Cancel stuns 1 second 0 Replenishes stamina and removes all Unconscious, Weakened, Knocked-Out, Disorient, Slowed, Stuttering, and Misstep debuffs, but deals 1 BRUTE damage for each second of debuff. People can tell you used this and did not simply recover naturally, because it plays a rather disturbing sound of bones crunching and produces a bold red message describing how unnatural it looks.
0 VampireIconGlare.png Glare 60 seconds 0 Instantly drains a good chunk of the target's stamina and knocks them down to the floor for about thirty seconds. Works from two tiles away and is blocked by eye protection (sunglasses etc). People nearby can tell you're not using a flash, because they'll see a bold red message about your eyes producing a blinding light and hear a clink similar to something hitting a drinking glass. It's also a bad idea to use it on the Chaplain.
0 VampireIconHypnotize.png Hypnotise 5 minutes 0 Target is knocked down to the floor, stunned and blinded for thirty seconds. This spell requires five seconds to take effect and isn't very stealthy, as an icon of a creepy eyelid appears over you as you use the ability, and there'll be a bold red message about you "glaring" at someone.
30 VampireIconSummonBats.png Bat Form 0 0 ✗? ✗? When you press and hold Shift, you become a lil' brown bat that's remarkably fast and hard to hit. As a bat, you suck the blood of any humans you fly over and can harmlessly squeeze through doors, even if they're welded, bolted, and/or powered down. Being in Bat Form consumes stamina, more so when moving than floating in place, and if you run out of stamina or get hit, you morph back into human form. You still retain your equipment in any case.
How much blood at a time?
Does it work on dead humans? [probably]
30 VampireIconEnthrall.png Enthrall 30 seconds 200 blood ✗? ✗? When used on a dead human, turns them into a loyal mindslaved ghoul, with the appellation "zombie [name]". Rule 1 and other recommendations apply, of course. When used someone who is already a ghoul, gives them blood to restore their strength.
Zombies/ghouls/thralls/zombie-ghoul-thralls could definitely be its own section, depending on how in depth it is.
Are ghouls like Zombies? What traits do they share (or not share)? [they have a passive max stamina bonus of 100 and make zgroans when they scream and move slower than normal humans]
Can you remove ghoul status? [probably via cloning and stuff]
What does it mean by "thralls weaken as their blood drains"?   [max health ranges from fullpower ~400 to minpower ~20 i think, speed slows a bit too] [if you use this ability on the chaplain it revives them without thralling them]
30 VampireIconSpeakToGhouls.png Speak to Ghouls 0.1 seconds 10 Blood ✓? ✓? Telepathically speak to all your zombies/ghouls/thralls. No one can overhear, of course.
What chat does the meesage show up as (i.e., is it like (HIVEMIND)[NAME](MASTER): message?) What about the roles?
300 N/A Vampiric vision N/A N/A N/A N/A You can spot people behind walls and through darkness and can see past cloaking devices.
300 VampireIconHideCoffin.png Hide Coffin 1 minute 0 blood ✓? ✓? Designates the tile you're standing on as the location you'll teleport to when you use the Coffin Escape ability.
300 VampireIconMistForm.png Coffin Escape 1 minute 400 Blood ✓? ✓? Become intangible and teleport to the tile you designated with Hide Coffin, where you can regenerate in your highly visible and now vulnerable vampire coffin VampireCoffin.png.
Can you open the coffin if you're not a vamp? [you cannot open or close it but you can drag it]
Can you destroy the coffin? [yes, by beating it with objects. it has 80hp]
What happens if you hit it with a bible or splash it with holy water? [nothing i guess maybe change later]
Does the Chaplain have any special interactions with it? [nope]
How fast do you regenerate? [changeling speed regen 2x. if the vampire happens to be dead inside a coffin they will be revived.]
What happens if you use the ability without using Hide Coffin? Do you escape to somewhere random or do you just get a plain error message? [coffin will appear where you currently stand]
600 VampireIconCallFrostBats.png Call Frost Bats 1 minute 0 blood ✓? ✓? Summons 4 frost bats that constantly orbit you. These bats block most bullets and energy projectiles and chill and knock back anybody who tries to hit you in melee, drastically slowing them down and giving you some room to escape. You can also *flip (Hotkey: R) to launch them in whatever direction they were previously moving, causing the same effect, with the added bonus of going through walls. If you go into Bat Form, use Coffin Escape, and enter a pod/locker/other "container" type item, the bats simply go away, without being launched.
600 VampireIconChiropteranScreech.png Chiropteran screech 2 minutes 60 blood Crowd control spell which confuses the movement of all nearby humans. It also shatters nearby windows and light fixtures. Blocked by ear protection (earmuffs etc).
900 VampireIconSummonBats.png Bat Form MkII 0 0 ✗? ✗? Now, if you stand still in a dark tile, you're completely invisible. AIs, Cyborgs, people with thermals, and other people who can still see you.
Really, what qualifies as dark enough to become invisible?
1400 VampireIconChiropteranScreech.png Chiropteran screech Mk2 2 minutes 60 blood Same as previous version, but now it also disables almost all radio communication (minus machine talk) in a six tile radius for 30 seconds.
1400 VampireIconDiseasedTouch.png Diseased touch 3 minutes 50 blood Infects someone with grave fever. Transmission mimics the Help intent shake.
1800 N/A Full power N/A N/A N/A N/A Being in the Chapel no longer hurts you, though it still blocks your abilities.

Vampire Weaknesses

What would a vampire be without really shitty and bizarre weaknesses? Read Twilight if you want the answer. Or better yet, don't.

Vampires are unholy beings and as such are weak to holy things. The mere act of being in the chapel will slowly burn them, gradually causing more and more damage until they die. The chapel's aura also prevents the vampire from using their abilities on holy ground. If you're being harassed by one, you could try to seek refuge there. The vampire will likely stop chasing you unless it has attained full power, in which case finding a safe spot is probably the least of your worries.

Another holy thing is the good chaplain. The chaplain is immune to most of the vampire's methods of disabling prey, but has no special defense against swarms of bats and can't see an invisible vampire. Vampires who try to suck the chaplain's blood take quite a lot of burn damage and are weakened. A suicidal or unwitting vampire who tries to enthrall the chaplain is in for a very bad time as well. Splashing holy water onto a vampire will cause it to act like acid, horribly burning them. It does nothing to non-vampires, so this is a good way of finding out bloodsuckers among the crew. One bottle of holy water is available in the chapel, and more can be mixed or extracted from garlic. In addition, while it's rather hard to force, vampires who try to pick up a bible have their hands burst into flames and keel over in stunned agony for a very long time.

The last weakness of SS13 vampires is sunlight or, more accurately, starlight. Vampires cannot safely venture out into space, even when properly equipped. The light of the stars will burn them incredibly quickly, much faster than standing in the chapel will. This essentially means vampires are confined to the station and anywhere a shuttle can take them. They could probably survive very quick leaps across space, but not on a regular basis.

In the unlikely scenario that security has managed to capture a vampire alive, using a blindfold and muzzle as restraints will remove their ability to use some of their nastiest powers.

Vampire Strategy

  • If you haven't unlocked radio interference yet, try to KO your victims to remove their headsets. A stun will incapacitate them, but they can still speak and will start screaming for help once they realize what you are. Also choose your targets carefully - glare (your bread-and-butter stun spell) is completely ineffective against sunglasses and welding masks, which are often worn by security officers and other members of the crew.
  • You don't need to aggressively grab your victims to drain their blood, and it may be better not to, lest the AI mistake you for a changeling feeding on someone. It's better to be thought a dirty traitor than an alien. Someone who spots you feeding in person (rather than on camera) will immediately recognize what's up though.
  • Darkness is your ally. If you start with a job without maintenance access, rush to the Head of Personnel before he disappears and beg for an upgrade. With a blunt object you can smash lights in hallways, making your cloak of darkness more effective. Replacing light tubes is a huge pain, so few will ever bother. Watch out for people carrying flashlights and other portable light sources.
  • Keep your cloak of darkness off unless you need it, since it may tip off the AI and anyone with thermals as to what you are. The detective and Head of Security have access to a pair of those each, and so can see through your cloak. The detective's .38 revolver (when loaded with lethal rounds) also does straight-up brute damage instead of a stun you can resist. Consider avoiding him until you have the improved rejuvenate ability that lets you negate the damage somewhat.
  • You don't have to kill (fully drain) your victims. If they live and get healed up, that's more blood for you to drain!
  • Enthrall is a major investment, yet enthralling the captain or HoS can provide you with prisoners and access to guns without raising much suspicion, in other words repaying the blood cost many times over. Remember that enslaving somebody doesn't work instantly, so the target should be incapacitated and out of sight before you start the conversion.
  • The AI and cyborgs regard you as non-human and will try to ruin your day if given the opportunity, access to its upload is therefore desirable. Synthetics aren't immune to being enthralled either, so you could go down this route if you're brave enough.
  • You start with a job and all the access it comes with. Being A Better Traitor may have some useful tips for you.

Supplementary Video

Jobs on Space Station 13
Command &
CaptainNew64.gif Captain · HeadOfSecurityV2-64x64.gif Head of Security · HeadOfPersonnelV2-64x66.png Head of Personnel · ChiefEngineer64.png Chief Engineer · ResearchDirectorV2-64x70.png Research Director · MedicalDirectorNew64.png Medical Director

TankTopSecurityOfficer.gif Security Officer · DetectiveNew64.png Detective · SecurityAssistantNew64.png Security Assistant

NanotrasenSecurityOperativeWithSuit68.gif Nanotrasen Security Consultant

Medical &
MedicalDoctorNew64.gif Medical Doctor · MedicalAssistantNew.png Medical Trainee · RoboticistNew64.png Roboticist · Genetics wiki big.gif Geneticist

ScientistV3-64x64.png Scientist · ResearchAssistantNew.png Research Trainee

Engineering EngineerCoatNew64.png Engineer · TechassistantNew.png Technical Trainee

QuartermasterNew64.png Quartermaster · MinerV3-64x64.png Miner


AssistantNew64.png Staff Assistant · JanitorNew64.png Janitor · ChaplainNew64.png Chaplain · MailmanV2-64x64.png Mail Courier · RadioHostV2-64x64.png Radio Host · MimeNew64.png Mime

Chef64new.png Chef · BartenderNew64.png Bartender · BotanistNew64.png Botanist · Rancher2.png Rancher

ClownNew64.png Clown

SousChefV2-64x64.png Gimmick jobs

Silicon AIV3-64.gif Artificial Intelligence · CyborgV3-64x64.gif Cyborg
Jobs of the Day Dungeoneer64x64.png Dungeoneer · BarberV2-64x64.png Barber · WaiterV2-64x64.png Waiter · LawyerV2-64x66.png Lawyer · TouristNew64.png Tourist · MusicianV2-64x64.png Musician · BoxerV2-64x64.png Boxer
Antagonist Roles With own mode Arcfiend64x64.PNG Arcfiend · BlobOvermind64.png Blob · AbominationAnimated64x96.gif Changeling · GangLeaderV2-64x68.png Gang Member · Featherdrone-flockmind.gif Flockmind (Featherdrone-flocktrace.gif Flocktrace) · SyndicateAssaultTrooperV3-64x64.png Nuclear Operative · SpyThiefV2-64x64.png Spy Thief · TraitorNew64.png Traitor · HeadRevolutionaryV2-64x64.png Revolutionary · VampireV2-64x64.png Vampire (VampThrallV3-64x64.png Thrall) · WizardNew64.gif Wizard
Others HardmodeTraitorNew64.png Sleeper Agent · WerewolfV2-64x68.png Werewolf · WraithV2-64x64.png Wraith (Poltergeist64.png Poltergeist) · WrestlerV2-64x64.png Wrestler · PredatorV2-64x64.png Hunter · GrinchMitch.png Grinch · KrampusSquish.gif Krampus · OmniTraitorV2-64x64.gif Gimmick antagonist roles
Special Roles Drone64x64.png Ghostdrone · MonkeyResprite64.png Monkey · SpaceMouse64.png Critter · GhostV3-64x64.png Ghost · CluwneNew64.png Cluwne · SantaClausV2-64x64.png Santa Claus