Multiple rival gangs are battling for control of the station, tagging and claiming territories, stockpiling drugs, guns, and cash, busting up opposing gang members, and parading around in silly outfits trying to be menacing.
- Gang members may freely kill anyone dressed in another gang's clothing (or part of their clothing). Keep in mind that "It is no longer compulsory to wear a gang uniform."
- Can harm and kill civilians unprovoked, though it's usually better to recruit them if possible. Any civilians interfering in gang business should be severely beaten.
- They may stun or harm security, but if they do security is allowed to
fight backsystematically kill every member of the offending gang. Violence against security is a very bad idea! - May use bombs if there is a very good reason to do so and a general consensus is reached in the gang that it's a good idea.
- Lockers can be destroyed with brute weapons or bombs to break them open and steal their loot. Lockers can be fixed with welders.
- Gang recruitment is now done via flyers rather than the locker itself. The gang leader can get flyers from the locker.
- Security should treat gang members like normal antagonists.
- If a particular gang is responsible for stunning or murdering an officer, security may freely arrest or kill members of that gang.
- Security's main role in gang mode is to keep the peace, not 'win' against the gangs!
- All civilians are free to join a gang if they want to get involved.
- Are allowed to clean away gang tags, with the understanding that doing so risks retaliation from the gang members
- Can attack and kill gang members at will. ("Gang members are now considered antagonists and can kill or be killed by the crew.")
- Can use bombs in dire situations. For example, if a gang has defeated security and is roaming the station heavily armed, murdering people, it may be OK to bomb them as long as collateral damage is kept to a minimum.
The Gang Leader
How do I know if I'm a gang leader?
It's pretty damn obvious. On round start, you are clearly informed that you're a gang leader by both a big chat message and a pop-up informing you of the basics of the game mode. Also, you have a blue G over your head. You get to choose a gang uniform and gang name from a randomly-generated set, while gang tag is picked at random. You gain access to the Set Gang Base command which can, well, set your base.
Set Gang Base
You may have to type set-gang-base to get wonderful Byond to work, but when used correctly a locker will be spawned.
A good location is important and should reflect on how you want to run your gang, while simultaneously keeping the gang locker safe and secure. The more public your locker, the easier it'll be for you to get flyers to recruit people, for new recruits to get gang gear, and for all gang members to stuff it with drugs, guns, and cash. However, rival gang members can bust open a public gang locker with bombs and brute force, so your chosen location must strike a balance between accessibility and security.
Huge gangs require an easily accessible and public locker. If you want to control a job specific area of the station, you might set it up in a place like the Research Wing and convince the workers there to join. If you want to do selective recruiting from the civilians, you hide it and bring applicants there.
Note that the room your locker is in will permanently belong to your gang.
Your Job as a Gang Leader
You are told, very clearly upon round start, that you must capture territory for your gang and eliminate other gang leaders. The winning gang is the one with the most turf, drugs, cash, and/or guns owned. A surviving leader also provides bonus points.
Joining a Gang
You are unable to join a gang if you are a Security Officer, Detective, Vice Officer, or Head of Staff. These roles should be aiming to get the station under control and imprison, or if necessary, execute the gang leaders. In addition, there can only be a maximum of five members per gang, not including the gang leader.
You join a gang by using a flyer (). No doubt you've seen some around. All the smart gangs leave them all over the dang place, especially in high-traffic areas like the Bar and Medbay. If you somehow haven't seen one, it probably means Security is ripping them up and shoving them down Disposals. Check there. You can also simply ask gang members to give you a poster. In fact, gang members can hit you with a poster to formally request you join their gang, giving a prompt similar to the *give command.
Choose wisely; once you join a gang, you can't leave it without Admin intervention (much like in those Scorsese films, depending on perspective). If you try to use a gang's recruitment poster while a member of a different gang, it won't work!
Once you've joined the gang, your headset automatically gains access to the gang radio channel, which uses the prefix :g, like so.
say :g Got loads of meth and guns ready. Let's bust some bustas!
Now, go over to your gang's gang locker; you can check its location with the Notes command. Don't be afraid to ask for directions over the gang channel. Once there, click on the gang locker to claim your spray can and gang uniform set. The former is essential for claiming turfs for the gang.
The latter is technically optional, and even somewhat detrimental since it clearly marks you as a gang member, but it comes with a few bonuses to offset it. For one, it greatly reduces the time required to claim a turf. Secondly, wearing the full set also grants +5 stamina regeneration, +60 max stamina, and +30 max health. In practical terms, this means you can tank a few more taser shots than normal, and it'll take three stun baton hits to down you rather than two, greatly boosting your endurance in combat. Lastly, why wouldn't you wear it? Just look at the man in the page image. How could you not want to emulate a man of such high fashion?
As a gang member, your main goal is to earn points for your gang by claiming turfing and stockpiling your gang locker with drugs, guns, and cash. You can find out your total score so far simply by Examining your gang locker. You can use these points to buy special items that'll help you take on rival gang members and other foes.
Taggin' up turf
Use your spray can on any wall or floor in just about any area to take control, but be aware that rival gangs may spray over your tagging job to claim the area for themselves. The whole process will also take about 15 seconds, but it's reduced by 5 seconds for each piece of the gang uniform you wear.
Each turf owned generates about ten points per minute.
You should, obviously, tag as many areas as you can, especially the high-priority areas that get announced on the gang radio channel every ten minutes by [vague but ominous organization name]. If your gang controls these turfs 5 minutes after the announcement, you'll get buttloads of gang points. The bonus is permanent, to boot; no need to worry about other gangs stealing your metaphysical loot.
Money and guns and drugs oh my!
The other main way of earning points is by stashing money, drugs and/or guns in your gang locker. You can load items individually by clicking on the locker with the item in your hand and stuff multiple items at a time by click-dragging the sprite of one of them onto the locker sprite, as if stuffing a crate or satchel. But, beware of saboteurs, who may bust open your locker with blunt weapons or blow it up with bombs to loot the spoils inside! If this occurs, repair it by using a lit welder on it, as previously mentioned.
Score Table
Name | Score | How to obtain | Notes |
Bath Salts | 1/unit | Chemistry | Can be made with some Discount Dan's and a sufficiently large container. |
Cannabis | 2/leaf | Hydroponics | Can be extracted for THC, but only worth the weed if you get at least 16 units. |
Cash | 5/$500 | ATMs, Bank terminal, Other crew | You spawn with some in your pocket, put in the locker for a quick point boost. Can only be deposited in $500 increments. |
Cat Drugs | 1/unit | Hydroponics | Needs help from chemistry or a still. |
Crank | 1.5/unit | Chemistry | Creates an explosion on mixing. |
Guns | 40/Piece | Easiest way is through Construction | You may want to use some of these yourself. |
Jenkem | 0.5/unit (1/2) | Chemistry | Can be made by just about anyone assuming they can get compost. |
Krokodil | 1/unit | Chemistry | Also occasionally found in particularly shady areas. |
LSD | 0.5/unit (1/2) | Chemistry | Needs space fungus that can be scraped from maintenance walls or grown in hydroponics. |
Methamphetamine | 1.5/unit | Chemistry | Much safer to make than crank and also quite robust. |
Psilocybin | 0.5/unit (1/2) | Hydroponics | Needed for making cat drugs without a still, though if you have it you probably also have a still. |
Space Drugs | 0.25/unit (1/4) | Chemistry | Easy to mass produce, though storing it might be hard. |
THC | 0.125/unit (1/8) | Use a reagent extractor or still with cannabis | Only worth extracting if you get at least 16 units of THC, as otherwise you're losing points. |
You may want to read up on Murder and check out Guide to Being Robust to better know what to do when dealing with rival gangs.
Gang Items
This page is under construction. The following information may be incomplete. Requires significantly more info on gang-exclusive items and advice on how to use them. |
By clicking on your gang locker, you spend your Gang Points on variety of weapons and other items for fighting rival gangers and other opponents with. Gang Points are shared across all gang members, so purchase wisely.
You've probably also noticed that each item has a category like "Space Gang" or "Ninja" and a sub-category like "Misc" or "Weapon". These currently mean nothing, for all gangs can buy all of the gang items listed, but they are part of a plan to implement themed gangs with unique items in the future.
Item | Image | Cost | Description |
Rat Stick | ![]() |
900 | A basic melee weapon that does as much brute damage and almost as much stamina drain as an fire extinguisher, while also causing a fair bit of bleeding. |
Throwing Knife | ![]() |
3000 | A cheap throwing knife specifically. When thrown, does almost fire extinguisher levels of brute damage, drains a fair bit of stamina, and causes a bit of bleeding on whoever's unfortunate enough to get hit. |
Shuriken | 1200 | A pouch of four shuriken, or throwing stars. When a shuriken is thrown, it does up to 11 BRUTE, inflicts Weakened for 2 seconds, and causes some bleeding. It also embeds in the victim, causing it to sometimes inflict a little BRUTE and briefly stun them; embedded shuriken are removed through the same procedure as shrapnel and bullets. | |
Sneaking Suit | ![]() |
3000 | A stylish exosuit inspired by Metal Gear. Does not make you invisible, but it does provide the same amount of melee damage reduction and ranged protection as one of Sec's armor vests. |
Phaser | ![]() |
1300 | Your run of the mill phaser, an energy pistol that does rather weak damage. |
Laser Gun | ![]() |
20000 | An energy weapon that, well, shoots lasers that do a fair bit of damage and can ignite certain objects (but not people). |
Colt Single Action Army | ![]() |
7000 | A 7-shot revolver that can send unarmored targets into crit with three or four shots. Between shots, it must be activated/clicked on in-hand to recock the hammer so it can fire again. |
Colt .45 Speedloader | ![]() |
700 | 7 extra rounds for the Colt SAA. Obviously, you can reload the SAA with it, but you can also shove it into a zip gun. |
Faux C-Saber | ![]() |
8000 | A d-saber, an energy weapon that creates an energy blade when activated in-hand. The blade does 18 raw BURN, which translates into 5-6 hits to send people below 0 health. However, with each hit, there is a 30% chance for the saber to short out and turn off. This isn't too bad, for unlike the c-version, it still does decent damage (8 BRUTE) when inactive. Wielding a d-saber also allows you to "parry" hits from other d-sabers and c-sabers, reducing the attack to just a fair chunk stamina damage; this goes both ways! |
C-Saber | ![]() |
30000 | An energy blade that's same as the ones the Syndicate use. |
Discount Katana | ![]() |
7000 | Specifically a reverse katana. Actually does more BRUTE damage than the Syndicate version (18 vs 15), but it can't cause bleeding, and it only has a very rare (1%) chance to delimb when targeting a specific body part. Its special attack makes you charge a few tiles...reverse of the direction you clicked in; good for getting into melee range...or nope-ing out after you've bitten more than you can chew. Also, if you're wielding a reverse katana in your hand and get attacked by someone with a regular katana or another reverse katana, you'll "parry" their attacks, deflecting them at the cost of a fair chunk of stamina. This goes both ways. |
Katana | ![]() |
25000 | The real steel. Same as the kind Syndicate agents get to order. |
Stolen Cop Car | ![]() |
20000 | A security patrol car for on- and off-station travel, complete with a control scheme you might not be used to. Equipped with a pod taser system that never runs out of charge. Could work as a getaway car--if you've a good driver. |
JankTank Implant | ![]() |
300, increases over time. | Offers combat bonuses and boosts your spraying speed. Lasts fairly long and has withdrawal effects. |
Stimulants | ![]() |
15000 | A needle full of stimulants that heal injuries and significantly boost stamina, granting you a significant edge in fights. |
Supplementary Video
Jobs on Space Station 13 | ||
Command & Security |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Medical & Research |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Engineering | ![]() ![]() | |
Civilian |
| |
Silicon | ![]() ![]() | |
Jobs of the Day | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Antagonist Roles | With own mode | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Others | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Special Roles | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |