Discontinued Syndicate Items
This page is about discontinued content. The following information is not current. It is kept for historical purposes. |
Over the years, a number of traitor items have been fundamentally overhauled, discontinued or are otherwise not available to the public anymore. This list is mostly for archival purposes, but there is a chance for some of them to show up in surplus crates.
Before April 2019, the currency for Syndicate Items was named telecrystals (TC), hence everything here is in that and not [random interesting currency name]. It was changed to prevent confusion with the telecrystals dug up in mining.
Item | Image | Job Specific | Surplus item? |
Description |
Revolver Ammo Box | ![]() ![]() |
All | (✓) | Revolver ammunition used to be expensive! Initially, seven additional shots were priced at an outrageous 2 TC each, later on traitors could order a box of regular or AP ammo for 4 TC. In addition to 6 TC for the revolver itself, of course. Nowadays, the whole package (introduced in April 2013) fortunately includes a generous amount of speedloaders. |
Rifle Box | ![]() ![]() |
All | ✗ | An AK-744 with a couple of spare magazines. The box was available briefly in mid-2013, but was quickly removed for balancing and technical reasons. |
Low-Yield Bomb | ![]() |
All | ✗ | A predecessor of the pipe bomb. Basically a weak transfer valve bomb, so it was possible to swap the default timer for a different detonator. These lasted from early 2009 to May 2011 and, until the arrival of the RPG, were still standard equipment of Syndicate operatives. |
Satanist Robes | ![]() ![]() |
Chaplain | (✓) | Convert to Satanism! In return for 10 TC, the chaplain received a very evil-looking robe and a dagger for sacrificing people. Even better, wearing said robe allowed them to cast two powerful wizard spells at will: knock (basically an EMAG/all-access ID hybrid that can't be lost) and blind to evade any foolish pursuers. Was available for much of 2011 on Donut Station 2 before being superseded by His Grace. These days, an improved variant of the dagger can be found in surplus crates. The robes are also still around - a cool gimmick outfit. |
Artistic Toolbox/ His Grace |
![]() ![]() |
Chaplain | ✗ | His Grace was a very complicated, rampage-oriented item. It started off fairly weak, but once leveled up by feeding a couple of victims to the toolbox, the wielder arguably had the most devastating melee weapon in the game at their disposal. In addition to complete stun immunity and constant healing, it was even capable of smashing through normally indestructible objects like the MULE. If the user took too long to feed His Grace, they ended up as the next snack. Of course, the timer was very short for a fully leveled-up box. The item's primary issue and eventual downfall was the Memetic Kill Disorder (MKD), some sort of cult disease. A lot of players (HoS-approved ones included) were quick to gun after the still-vulnerable chaplain, examine His Grace on purpose to become a slave and start rampaging on their own. The other problem was that a top-tier toolbox was practically unstoppable, leading to the depopulation of entire stations and spawn-camping in arrivals. His Grace was added in early 2012 and quietly dropped in March 2014, perhaps in response to repeated negative feedback ingame and on the forum. |
Heavy Horseshoe | ![]() ![]() |
Boxer | ✗ | Cheaters don't play fair, and the same can be said about traitors. Punching somebody with rigged boxing gloves resulted in increased brute damage plus a guaranteed one-hit K.O. And compared to a stun baton or comparable weapon, disarms were and remain useless against gloves. This let the boxer dispatch sole targets or small groups with ease. Easter eggs sometimes contain a nerfed version of the horseshoe(you can also get one as an heirloom), but the real thing has been (for the most part) unavailable since early 2011. |
Advanced Laser Gun | ![]() ![]() |
RD | ✓ | Now called laser rifle. A self-recharging, less powerful version of the laser gun. Used to be exclusive to the RD from April 2013 to February 2014, and is a surplus item these days. Its replacement is the teleporter gun. |
FogMachine-3000 | ![]() |
Chemist, Botanist | ✗ | This generator was capable of emitting vast amounts of smoke of whatever chemical was in the tank. More of a gimmick item, but it could be used to good effect to fill entire hallways with deadly pre-revamp napalm or neurotoxins. Sadly, it more often than not slowed the server to a crawl in the process, hence the nickname LagMachine-3000. Made unavailable sometime in mid-2013. |
Singularity Bomb | ![]() |
CE, Engineer | ✗ | A SciFi weapon of mass destruction that spawned a singularity, just without any containment field. Considering that a mishap in engineering usually doomed the station, a strategically placed bomb had great potential to cause catastrophic damage...to the extend that it was almost impossible to call the emergency shuttle. Interestingly enough, the bomb survived for a bit longer than the engine design itself, but was eventually retired shortly after the arrival of Cogmap1 in early 2013. One of its redeeming qualities was the excellent sprite, with ominous flashing red lights and everything. |
Hacked Mining Charge | ![]() |
Miner | ✗ | Initially, the venerable does-it-all EMAG used to unlock charges. Somebody didn't like it, hence an update in September 2011 forced miners to order explosives (low- or high-yield) directly from their employer. The dedicated hacking device, new to the game in late 2012, rendered them obsolete. |
RIG Suit | ![]() |
Electrician | ✗ | Yes, the electrician's special item was once completely unrelated to what they are actually doing. The suit wasn't radiation- and blast-proof back then either, making this an even stranger choice. Replaced by the device analyzer in April 2012. The RIG suit is now known as the industrial space armour, and slightly-more resistant red version used to exist. |
Port-a-Poo | ![]() |
Janitor | ✗ | In the Brown Days, the janitor had access to this truly horrifying execution chamber. Unlike the Port-A-Brig it shared the sprite with, this device was self-locking and forced the unfortunate occupant to relieve themselves over and over again. The sweet release of death was generally inevitable and welcome. A handful of skilled players depopulated entire stations with nothing but a spray bottle and Port-a-Poo, providing an ample supply of shit (and sometimes poo tacos) in the process. It appeared on the janitor's PDA from about 2011 to mid-2012, when poo was finally exorcised from the code. The trash compactor, introduced in September of that year, is the spiritual successor and only slightly less shocking. The more modern Port-a-puke is almost exactly this, save that it uses puke instead of poo. |
'OxygenIsToxicToHumans' AI Module | ![]() |
All | ✗ (N/A) | This module gave the AI a law that declared oxygen harmful to humans and mandated them to purge it from the station, empowering them to ignore laws 1-3 if necessary. Not only did it frequently backfire on the uploader, but it also paled in comparison to the much more versatile freeform module. With no reason to justify its existence, this waste of telecrystals was quietly made unavailable in late 2009. |
Syndicate Command Armor" | ![]() |
All | ✗ | This armored space suit was identical to industrial space armour, but with extra bullet resistance. It used to spawn on the Syndicate Shuttle, and you could get it from surplus crates and a Listening Post merchant at a steep price. Aside from looking rather ugly, this item had no real problems; it didn't have any game-breaking bugs, wasn't particularly powerful or difficult to counter, wasn't especially useless, and wasn't widely hated or used in widely hated behavior. When heavy operative combat armor rolled around, coders decided to replace the syndicate command armor with the superior heavy combat armor too. It was simply obsolete. |
Syndicate Pipe Bomb | ![]() |
All | ✗ | A pipebomb with a modest 4-TC cost and extra explosive power for creating a sizable hole. When one Traitor used a pipebomb, the resulting devastation sometimes prompted other traitors to order pipebombs too, creating an explosive domino effect that often led to a space station with more space than station. While this item and its effect were not nearly as hated as other entries, it was still replaced in April 2019 by a toned-down variant with...nonstandard effects. |
Loot Crate | ![]() |
All | ✗ | A 8-TC crate guaranteed to have 10x bars each of pharosium, mauxite, and molitz, as well as 24-42 various other items, such as Easter eggs, big wads (10k+) of space cash, bitcoins/buttcoins/coins, sheets of cotton, uqill nuggets, raw cerenkite ore, raw erebite ore, unproccessed miracle matter and bars of basically every ore besides ice, rock, char, and viscerite. In theory, you could use the materials for matsci shenanigans, take the money and buy fancy gear, or use the materials in fabricators to scan and manufacture lots of weapons and other dangerous stuff for you and/or others. In practice, because matsci and said fancy gear are underused, few people bought the crate, and the ones that did often bought it thinking it was some variant on the surplus crate. The exact loot provided was tweaked at least twice after the release following complaints, and it was quietly removed from the buylist years later.
And for your information, this was made several months before loot crate mechanics became so infamous. |