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==What is a Spatial interdictor?==
==What is a Spatial interdictor?==

Revision as of 06:01, 7 January 2023

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What is a Spatial interdictor?

The spatial interdictor is a device that can provide a robust protection against most of the events that happens to hit the station, that is black hole anomaly, radiation storm, solar flares, radiation pulses, spatial tears, and unstable wormhole, It is highly (although seldom used) useful to place in places like medbay so that the doctors can continue operating on a patient even when a radiation storm hits, or if you're selfish, in your office so you don't have to hide in a maintenance tunnels like other people, leaving you with time to make fuck huge bombs work more efficiently

A spatial interdictor made using steel


To construct a Spatial interdictor, you would need one of these:

spatial interdictor crate

This is an Interdictor Assembly Kit, it can generally be found around engineering. There is only one crate, and the resources within cannot be fabricated/found anywhere else, so take care and don't lose anything. But if a pesky fuck steals a mainboard, get the boys and beat him up kindly ask it back. The crate contains:

  • 3 Spatial Interdictor Mainboards
  • 1 Spatial Interdictor Assembly and Use, 3rd Edition
  • 1 Lambda Phase Control-Rod Blueprint
  • 1 Sigma Phase Control-Rod Blueprint
  • 1 Interdictor Frame Kit Blueprint

You would need to make an decision (or not if mining is doing its job for once) between the Sigma male Phase Control-Rod and the lambda Phase Control-Rod. The former is bigger, L A R G E R than the ladder, it projects a 15x15 forcefield at the cost of requiring rare resource to fabricate, the ladder only projects a 7x7 forcefield but only requires 4 of the more common materials found within the station. Once you've made your choice, start fabricating/scavenging the ingredients needed to make the Spatial Interdictor, note however fabricating some of the ingredient requires a Reverse-Engineering Fabricator, which is located within the mechanics workshop, and you don't have access (if you're an engineer). so just dislodge a window and break in kindly ask the mechanics to OPEN UP GODAMMIT THIS IS THE 9th TIME IM ASKING. After you break in legally creating another way of entry to the mechanics workshop, feed the blueprints to the Reverse-Engineering Fabricator and start fabricating/scavenging the following:

  • 1 Interdictor Frame kit
  • a Wrench
  • 1 Interdictor Mainboard
  • 1 Interdictor Control-Rod (any will do)
  • 1 Power cell
  • 4 wires (any ingredients)
  • a Soldering Iron
  • 4 Plates (any metal)

Got it all? Very Good! Now you can start making the spatial interdictor which starts by you using the Interdictor Frame kit, it should come out as a pile of junk, wrench that bad boi and it shall no longer a pile of junk, put your Interdictor Mainboard in there, followed by the control rod, and then the power cell. Now put those wire you got in there, then use the soldering iron on it, then finish it off by plating the steel plates on the machine Congratulation You have your Spatial Interdictor! Now go use it in your office you selfish fuck

spatial interdictor working its magic


The Spatial Interdictor can only work if it is on top of a electric cable (it doesn't need to be powered), it is recommended to use high capacity power cells as the power cell cannot be retrieved for recharging after you finish constructing the Spatial Interdictor. you better note this down

Supplementary Video

This machine is so seldom used I literally cannot find a SINGLE video about this

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