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A shapeshifting monster that sucks the fluids out of people in order to take on their appearance. They are always tasked with absorbing a certain number of humans (usually ten, unless the station's population is too low for ten to be feasible) and then escaping on the shuttle.



The changeling role is randomly assigned to 1 or more players at the beginning of a round. The changeling usually looks just like a regular crewman. If it manages to get a human in a stranglehold, it can stab them with a proboscis and suck out all of their fluids, incorporating their DNA into itself and leaving nothing but a dried out husk. The changeling is capable of instantly taking on the appearance of any of the people it has absorbed, and has a number of powers it can use. Some of these powers use up DNA points. The changeling gets 10 points for every human it eats.

If you catch a changeling in the middle of a meal, it's obvious what it is. At all other times it is indistinguishable from normal humans, unless you can get a sample of its blood. Changeling blood reacts very strangely in response to direct heat, so take your sample and use a welder on it a few times. It will be obvious if it reacts.

In general, changelings can take a lot more punishment than humans. They are immune to diseases and cannot develop heart conditions, so it's usually difficult to kill them. In addition, they do not need to breathe and are immune to noxious gases and the freezing effects of space.

For additional help and strategy, look at the Guide to Changeling.

Remember, you start with a job and all the access it comes with. Being A Better Traitor may have some useful tips for you.


Changelings can break out of handcuffs instantly, a nice tool for escaping from security or annoying robots.


Allows the changeling to select the appearance of any of its victims and change to it immediately.

Lesser Form

The changeling turns into a monkey, with all associated abilities and restrictions. Handcuffs will also be removed in the process. In this form, only some of the changeling's powers are still available.

Acid Spit

Launches a bright green acid wad at a person. If it makes contact, they're instantly knocked unconscious for a short time.

Neurotoxin Sting

Injects an adjacent human with a large amount of dangerous chemicals which, after a short delay, will knock them unconscious for a long time and give them severe brain damage. Completely stealthy, giving no indication that the target has been stung. They receive an indication just before they go down, but it's usually too late by this point. Still, use with caution, as they may be able to shout for help if they catch on quickly. If coupled with acid spit, however, you are nearly guaranteed a silent kill.

Hallucinogenic Sting

Same as the neurotoxin sting, but it injects them with powerful hallucinogens instead. They'll start seeing things and stumbling around, but they remain conscious and active so this is not nearly as useful. Still, if you're waiting for your spit and neurotoxin to recharge, it's better than nothing.

DNA Sting

Cost: 4 DNA points

Consists of two separate commands: Select DNA sting target and DNA Sting. The former is a list of every identity you've absorbed so far, plus the one you started with. Once a target ID has been set, using the sting will inject the victim with DNA along with stable mutagen, gradually altering their name and appearance to that of the selected identity. It isn't used up in the process, though the ability is very situational. It can be feasible for misdirection in combination with mimic voice. If you get outed, you could for example transform and then sting someone else with your outed identity, and let the crew murder them instead of you.

Absorb DNA

Starts the DNA absorbing process.

Regenerative Stasis

The changeling appears to die, but in reality it is slowly repairing damage to itself, and will get up unharmed and active if left alone. Also removes all embedded bullets and purges all reagents in the bloodstream.

Speed Regenerate

Cost: 10 DNA points

Similar to the stasis, but heals you on the move and has a chance to restore lost limbs. Unfortunately, using this form of regeneration is incredibly obvious and will expose your alien nature to anyone nearby (and the AI, in case it's watching you).

Mimic Voice

Allows the changeling to speak with the voice of anyone, even those it hasn't absorbed. You can even use it to sound like someone who doesn't actually exist. It is very handy (albeit not often used) as you can very easily throw the crew off your trail with a fake announcement.

Horror Form

Cost: Doesn't cost DNA, but requires that you have at least 15 points stored up.

The changeling turns into a shambling abomination.


Cost: 10 DNA points (passive)

Passively activates on death if the changeling's body isn't destroyed and it has a small amount of DNA. Releases a small spider that will implant itself in the nearest human. Unless the victim gets immediate surgery or is killed, the spider will take control of their body and the changeling will live again. Don't rely on this saving you if you die, however.

Shambling Abomination

When a changeling who has already absorbed several humans is threatened or exposed, they can resort to entering horror form. They become an enormous monster with a host of deadly powers, some of which require DNA, and retain their usual abilities such as toxic spit. It is still capable of using human weapons and equipment. The downsides are their inability to wear clothes other than hats and backpacks, the complete abandonment of stealth that it requires, the decrease in movement speed, and that maintaining horror form burns up your DNA stockpile. The AI and cyborgs are free to murder you as a blatant non-human. But who cares? You're a monstrous killing machine!

Regeneration and Stun Resistance

In horror form, changelings constantly heal their wounds - as long as they aren't on fire, that is. The abominations are also completely immune to stuns. As with speed regenerate, limbs may regrow spontaneously.

Increased Strength

Abominations regenerate stamina extremely quickly. They are also incredibly strong and its punches will do a large amount of damage to people, cyborgs and critters, and can smack them across the room. A single punch is usually enough to stun an unarmored opponent long enough to devour them. Using the Disarm intent can also literally 'dis-arm' threats. Furthermore, the Harm intent allows shamblers to pry open doors and firedoors, and smash through windows as well as grills.

Abominations are also impressively resistant to brute damage, receiving only 20% of the damage.



Cost: 1 DNA point

The abomination lets out a horrible screech, slowing down all nearby humans and occasionally causing them to drop items.


The abomination quickly eats whoever they have grabbed aggressively (which they do by default), absorbing their DNA. Conveniently, this ability bypasses the need to remove the victim's headgear as well. Be warned that devouring somebody will destroy all of their items that they had on them.


Cost: 15 DNA points

The abomination takes on a human form once more, sacrificing some DNA points in the process. This weakens it and leaves it temporarily stunned. Abominations automatically revert if they run out of DNA points.

Fighting a Changeling

When fighting a changeling, keep your distance and attack in numbers. With acid it can almost certainly disable one person, and with neurotoxin it can disable another if it gets in close. Attack in groups of 3 or more and try to stun it. It can still use its powers even if stunned, but not if unconscious, so tasers and batons are of limited use. The best way for security to handle a changeling is to lock it into a Port-a-Brig, from which it can't sting its victims. Because of the headspider threat, dead changelings should immediately be destroyed. Recommended methods to dispose of them include the e.g. crusher, crematorium, enzymatic reclaimer or gibber.

A changeling is most vulnerable when they're caught in the middle of feeding. They will be sitting still, and probably just expanded both of their most useful attacks on whomever they're digesting, meaning you can get in some hits before they're able to start spitting and stinging again. If they run off, think carefully before immediately changing them. Their victim (if still alive) is going to be unconscious for a long time and unable to help you, so if the changeling turns the tables on you, you've merely given him another meal.

Abominations are far tougher to deal with. Setting them on fire will help immensely as it stops them from regenerating their health, but is not always an option.

Supplementary Video


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