Difference between revisions of "Security Objects"

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(→‎Security Apparel: Fill in the jumpsuits (including the hidden one))
(→‎Armory Crates: Special Equipment crate now has a random gun)
(128 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
Line 9: Line 9:
! Helmet
! Helmet
| <center>[[File:helmet.png]] / [[File:HelmetGannets.png]] <br> [[File:HelmetAlt3.png]] / [[File:HelmetAlt4.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:helmet.png]] / [[File:HelmetGannets.png]] <br> [[File:HelmetAlt3.png]] / [[File:HelmetAlt4.png]]</center>
| Provides moderate protection to the head, though you can still be rendered unconscious from repeated trauma. Click on it to toggle what style it uses. Also has a handy helmet light! Every [[Security Officer]] spawns with one, there's an extra helmet in each [[Security Objects#Security Equipment Locker|Security equipment locker]], and the [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Security Equipment|"Weapons Crate - Security Equipment" crate from Cargo]] also contains a helmet.  
| Provides moderate protection to the head, though you can still be rendered unconscious from repeated trauma. Click on it to toggle what style it uses. Also has a handy helmet light! Every [[Security Officer]] spawns with one, there's an extra helmet in each [[Security Objects#Security Equipment Locker|Security equipment locker]], and the [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment|"Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment" crate from Cargo]] also contains a helmet.  

|- id="Body Armor"
|- id="Body Armor"
! Body Armor
! Body Armor
| <center>[[File:armor.png]] / [[File:BodyArmorGannets.png]] / [[File:BodyArmor2Gannets.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:armor.png]] / [[File:BodyArmorGannets.png]] / [[File:BodyArmor2Gannets.png]]</center>
| Moderate protection for the torso and limbs. Halves damage done by [[Murder#Energy Weapons|energy projectiles]] and [[Murder#Kinetic Weapons|kinetic bullets]] and reduces damage done by melee attacks by 6, essentially protecting you from [[Engineering Objects#Mechanical Toolbox|toolboxes]] and other things that cause similar amounts of damage. Also prevents bleeding from [[Murder#Pipe bomb|pipe bomb shrapnel]]. Click on it to switch between all the different (purely aesthetic) armor styles. The [[Head of Security]] and [[Security Officer|Security Officers]] all spawn with body armor, and there are extra vests in [[Security Objects#Security Equipment Locker|Security equipment lockers]] and [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Security Equipment|Sec resupply crates from Cargo]].
| Moderate protection for the torso and limbs. Halves damage done by [[Murder#Energy Weapons|energy projectiles]] and [[Murder#Kinetic Weapons|kinetic bullets]] and reduces damage done by melee attacks by 6, essentially protecting you from [[Engineering Objects#Mechanical Toolbox|toolboxes]] and other things that cause similar amounts of damage. Also prevents bleeding from [[Murder#Pipe bomb|pipe bomb shrapnel]]. Click on it to switch between all the different (purely aesthetic) armor styles. The [[Head of Security]] and [[Security Officer|Security Officers]] all spawn with body armor, and there are extra vests in [[Security Objects#Security Equipment Locker|Security equipment lockers]] and [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment|Sec assistant crates from Cargo]].

|- id="Military Boots"
|- id="Military Boots"
Line 34: Line 34:
! Shoulder Holster
! Shoulder Holster
| <center>[[Image:ShoulderHolster.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:ShoulderHolster.png]]</center>
| A belt item that can hold small objects and [[#Weapons|security weapons]], similar to the security belt, but somewhat more hidden, especially when worn under a [[Clothing#Coat|suitable jacket]]. The [[Detective]] gets one of these for holding their [[#Detective Special Revolver|sidearm]] and forensics tools.  
| A belt item that can hold small objects and [[#Weapons|security weapons]], similar to the security belt, but somewhat more hidden, especially when worn under a [[Clothing#Coat|suitable jacket]]. The [[Detective]] gets one of these for holding their [[#Piper .38 Revolver|sidearm]] and forensics tools.  

|- id="DetGadget Hat"
|- id="DetGadget Hat"
Line 43: Line 43:
|- id="Blast Helmet"
|- id="Blast Helmet"
! Blast Helmet
! Blast Helmet
| <center>[[File:EODTransparent.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:BlastHelmetV2.png]]</center>
| Also called EOD helmet, the blast helmet is a stronger version of the regular helmet available only in the [[Armory]] and is ostensibly meant to be paired with a [[#Bomb Disposal Suit|bomb disposal suit]]. It slows down movement speed a little bit, but it also diminishes the effect of explosions, lessens how much [[#Flash|flashes]] and the like affect you, and reduces damage from melee attacks to the head by 9.
| Also called EOD helmet, the blast helmet is a stronger version of the regular helmet available only in the [[Armory]] and is ostensibly meant to be paired with a [[#Bomb Disposal Suit|bomb disposal suit]]. It slows down movement speed a little bit, but it also diminishes the effect of explosions, lessens how much [[#Flash|flashes]] and the like affect you, and reduces damage from melee attacks to the head by 9.

|- id="Bomb Disposal Suit"
|- id="Bomb Disposal Suit"
! Bomb Disposal Suit
! Bomb Disposal Suit
| <center>[[File:BombDisposalSuit.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:BombDisposalSuitV3.png]]</center>
| Also sometimes called EOD suits, blast suits, and bomb suits, this heavy, bulky suit protects from explosions, among other things, and is only available from the [[Armory]], typically on some sort of rack.<br><br> It doesn't make you immune to explosions, but it does significantly diminish their impact, so while you might still take some damage, you'll often survive when you otherwise would be chunky salsa. All that plating also reduces damage from melee attacks to the chest by 9 (for perspective, it means [[General Objects#Fire Extinguisher|extinguishers]] do minimal damage) and decreases damage from bullets and energy projectiles (but not thrown items) by 66%. It's also offers a small amount of Disorient (Body) resistance, lessening how much tasers and the like affect you. The one downside: it slows you a fair bit, though not as much as a [[Clothing#Space Suit|standard space suit]] would.  
| Also sometimes called EOD suits, blast suits, and bomb suits, this heavy, bulky suit protects from explosions, among other things, and is only available from the [[Armory]], typically on some sort of rack.<br><br> It doesn't make you immune to explosions, but it does significantly diminish their impact, so while you might still take some damage, you'll often survive when you otherwise would be chunky salsa. All that plating also reduces damage from melee attacks to the chest by 9 (for perspective, it means [[General Objects#Fire Extinguisher|extinguishers]] do minimal damage) and decreases damage from bullets and energy projectiles (but not thrown items) by 66%. It's also offers a small amount of Disorient (Body) resistance, lessening how much tasers and the like affect you. The one downside: it slows you a fair bit, though not as much as a [[Clothing#Space Suit|standard space suit]] would.  
|- id="Riot Helmet"
|- id="Riot Helmet"
Line 68: Line 68:
! Siren Helmet
! Siren Helmet
| <center>[[Image:SirenHelmet.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:SirenHelmet.png]]</center>
| A little less protective than the [[#Helmet|regular helmet]], but allows you to play a police siren, complete with sound and red and blue flashing lights. Sometimes found in Security wardrobes.  
| A little less protective than the [[#Helmet|regular helmet]], but allows you to play a police siren, complete with sound and red and blue flashing lights. You can find a few of these in the [[#Security Apparel|Security Apparel machine]], and it can also appear in the [[Quartermaster#Haberdasher's Crate|Haberdasher's Crate from Cargo]].

|- id="Head of Security's Jacket"
|- id="Head of Security's Jacket"
Line 83: Line 83:
! NT Combat Helmet
! NT Combat Helmet
| <center>[[Image:NTSOHelmet.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:NTSOHelmet.png]]</center>
| A combat helmet designed to protect [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|Nanotrasen Security Consultants]] and [[Jobs#Admin Intervention|Nanotransen Special Operatives]] from the depths of space. It spawns in the NTSC's backpack and happens to have a rather pretty blue face shield!  
| A combat helmet designed to protect [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|Nanotrasen Security Consultants]] and [[Jobs#Admin Intervention|Nanotransen Special Operatives]] from the depths of space. It spawns on the NTSC's [[Security Objects#Secbelt|secbelt]] and happens to have a rather pretty blue face shield!  

|- id="NT Pressure Suit"
|- id="NT Pressure Suit"
! NT Pressure Suit
! NT Pressure Suit
| <center>[[Image:NTSOSuit.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:NTSOSuit.png]]</center>
| A combat exosuit that provides protection from both combat-related trauma and the dangers of space. It spawns in the [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|NTSC's]] backpack. Very tactical, look at all of those magazine pouches! The suit is also standard gear for [[Jobs#Admin Intervention|Nanotransen Special Operatives]].
| A combat exosuit that provides protection from both combat-related trauma and the dangers of space. The [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|NTSC]] starts off with this equipped. Very tactical, look at all of those magazine pouches! The suit is also standard gear for [[Jobs#Admin Intervention|Nanotrasen Special Operatives]].

|- id="NT Gas Mask"
|- id="NT Gas Mask"
! NT Gas Mask
! NT Gas Mask
| <center>[[Image:NTSOMask.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:NTSOMask.png]]</center>
| A CBRN mask with a dual-filter design. Functionally identical to other masks except that the lens offers a little more eye protection. It spawns on the [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|NTSC's]] security belt alongside their weaponry.
| A CBRN mask with a dual-filter design. Functionally identical to other masks except that the lens offers a little more eye protection. The [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|NTSC]] spawns wearing this mask.

|- id="Security HUD"
|- id="Security HUD"
Line 103: Line 103:
*[[Image:IncarceratedIcon.png]] - Incarcerated
*[[Image:IncarceratedIcon.png]] - Incarcerated
*[[Image:ReleasedIcon.png]] - Released  
*[[Image:ReleasedIcon.png]] - Released  
*[[Image:SuspectIcon.png]] - Suspect
*[[Image:DetainIcon.png]] - Detain
*[[Image:ArrestIcon.png]] - Set to Arrest
*[[Image:ArrestIcon.png]] - Set to Arrest
*[[Image:LoyaltyImplantedIcon.png]] - Has a [[Implants#Counter-Revolutionary|counter-revolutionary implant]]
*[[Image:LoyaltyImplantedIcon.png]] - Has a [[Implants#Counter-Revolutionary|counter-revolutionary implant]]
Line 113: Line 115:
| Reduces darkness in a three tile radius and allows you to see people with active [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloaking devices]], [[Guide to Genetics#Cloak of Darkness|cloak of darkness]], and [[Guide to Genetics#Chameleon|chameleon cloak]]. However, it it also makes you susceptible to [[Syndicate Items#EMP Grenades|EMP grenades]], and flashes and similar bright lights stun for longer, cause [[Doctor#Eye|eye damage]] if they didn't before, and induce much more [[Doctor#Eye|eye damage]] if they did. The [[Detective|detective]] and [[Head of Security|HoS]] have a pair in their respective lockers, and the [[Armory]] often has some.
| Reduces darkness in a three tile radius and allows you to see people with active [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloaking devices]], [[Guide to Genetics#Cloak of Darkness|cloak of darkness]], and [[Guide to Genetics#Chameleon|chameleon cloak]]. However, it it also makes you susceptible to [[Syndicate Items#EMP Grenades|EMP grenades]], and flashes and similar bright lights stun for longer, cause [[Doctor#Eye|eye damage]] if they didn't before, and induce much more [[Doctor#Eye|eye damage]] if they did. The [[Detective|detective]] and [[Head of Security|HoS]] have a pair in their respective lockers, and the [[Armory]] often has some.

|- id="Detective's VR Goggles"
|- id="VR Goggles - 'Det_Net'"
! Detective's VR Goggles
! VR Goggles - 'Det_Net'
| <center>[[Image:Vrgoggles.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:VRGogglesDetNet.gif]]</center>
| Connects to a personal office simulation with [[#Security Cameras|security cameras]] monitor and [[#Security Records|security records]] computer that does not require an ID, allowing the user to watch the cameras and search and manipulate sec records without actually being at the respective computers. [[Detective]] spawns with a pair of these.
| When worn, VR goggles - 'det_net' connect to a personal office simulation with a [[#Security Cameras|security cameras]] monitor and [[#Security Records|security records]] computer that does not require an ID, allowing the user to watch the cameras and search and manipulate sec records without actually being at the respective computers. [[Detective]] spawns with a pair of these.

|- id="Security Headset"
|- id="Security Headset"
! Security Headset
! Security Headset
| <center>[[File:Security headset.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:Security headset.png]]</center>
| Essential for communication with other officers on a secure frequency. Type '''say :g''' to use the security channel. Keep in mind that when you speak, anyone in hearing distance can still catch what you say. The headset is vital to coordinate your efforts and should not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands, lest the [[Antagonist|antagonists]] remain one step ahead of you at all times. Extras appear in the [[#Security Apparel|Security Apparel machine]], for a price.
| Essential for communication with other officers on a secure frequency. Type '''say :g''' to use the security channel. Keep in mind that when you speak, anyone in hearing distance can still catch what you say. The headset is vital to coordinate your efforts and should not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands, lest the [[Antagonist|antagonists]] remain one step ahead of you at all times. Extras appear in [[#Security Equipment Locker|Security equipment lockers]], as well as in the [[#Security Apparel|Security Apparel machine]], albeit for a price.

|- id="Security Badge"
|- id="Security Badge"
! Security Badge
! Security Badge
| <center>[[File:SecurityBadge.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecurityBadge.png]]</center>
| Turn in your gun and badge. Can be worn in the exosuit slot for style (it grants no armor or other stat bonuses) and a bonus functionality on the [[#Clock 180|Clock 180]] and clicked on while it's in your hand to flash it to everyone nearby, proving you're a real cop. [[Security Officer]]s, the [[Detective]], the [[Head of Security]], [[Security Assistant]]s, the [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant]], [[Lawyer]]s, and the [[Inspector]] all start with one.  
| Turn in your gun and badge. Can be worn in the exosuit slot for style (it grants no armor or other stat bonuses) and a bonus functionality on the [[#Clock 180|Clock 180]] and clicked on while it's in your hand to flash it to everyone nearby, proving you're the real deal. [[Security Officer]]s, the [[Detective]], the [[Head of Security]], [[Security Assistant]]s, the [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant]], [[Lawyer]]s, and the [[Inspector]] all start with one.  

Line 218: Line 220:
The [[Armory]] has three of them on a special pulse rifle rack that's locked to those with access to the [[Security (place)|Security department]]; the lock can be disabled with [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacking]].
The [[Armory]] has three of them on a special pulse rifle rack that's locked to those with access to the [[Security (place)|Security department]]; the lock can be disabled with [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacking]].

|- id="Riot Shotgun"
|- id="Guillemot Riot Shotgun"
! Riot Shotgun
! Guillemot Riot Shotgun
| <center>[[Image:RiotShotgunV3-48x32.png]] [[Image:ShotgunRackV2.png]] </center>
| <center>[[Image:RiotShotgunV3-48x32.png]]</center>
| Your average pump-action shotgun loaded with rubber slugs for less-lethal (i.e. it primarily stuns, but can cause some damage) takedowns. It's loaded with 8 slugs by default (i.e. similar capacity to tasers) and has heavy knockback, though the stamina drain is smaller than a taser, ammunition is (naturally) limited, and it takes up both your hands, so you only wield one of them (you can reload it just by clicking on a [[Murder#12gaRiot|box of shells/slugs]]). These shotguns are pump-action, and require you to rack the pump before they're ready for action. Click on it or press {{key|C}} to chamber a shell with authority!<br><br>They are available from a rack in [[Armory]] that's locked to those with access to the [[Security (place)|Security department]]; the lock can be disabled with [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacking]].
| Your average pump-action shotgun, often abbreviated to just "riot shotgun" (which is also its old name). It takes up both your hands, so you can only wield one of them at a time (you can reload it just by clicking on a box of shells/slugs). The tube has room for 8 shots. The pump isn't just for show; you must rack the pump before it's ready for action. Click on it or press {{key|C}} to chamber a shell with authority! Spawns in the [[Security Objects#Shotgun Crate|shotgun crate]] in the [[Armory]].
By default, it's loaded with 8 rubber slugs (i.e. similar capacity to tasers) for less-lethal (i.e. it primarily stuns, but can cause some damage) takedowns. Rubbers slugs cause heavy knockback, though the stamina drain is smaller than a taser, and ammunition is (naturally) limited. It'll also take other shells, such as the [[Murder#Weak Buckshot|12ga "weak buckshot"]] and [[Murder#Flarebox|12ga flares]] that spawn in the [[Security Objects#AmmoTech|AmmoTech]]. However, it has too much dignity to accept [[Construction#Pipeshot|pipeshot]].

|- id="N.A.R.C.S. Deployer"
|- id="N.A.R.C.S. Deployer"
! N.A.R.C.S. Deployer
! N.A.R.C.S. Deployer
| <center>[[File:NARCSDeployerV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:NARCSDeployerV2-32x32.png]]</center>
|This "Nanotrasen Automatic Riot Control System" is found in the [[Armory]]'s [[#Special Equipment Locker|Special Equipment Locker]] and is often called "riot turret" or "good boy". When deployed, this turret shoots less-than-lethal [[Murder#12gaRubberSlug|rubber slugs]] at the closest person in its 60 degree, 5-tile viewing range, if that person does not have a red-striped, green-striped, or golden ID card (i.e. not Security or Command). Doesn't fire at those at less than 0 health, never runs out of ammo, and can be repaired with a [[welder]]. It also barks.  
|This "Nanotrasen Automatic Riot Control System" is found in the [[Armory]]'s [[#Special Equipment Crate|Special Equipment crate]] and is often called "riot turret" or "good boy". When deployed, this turret shoots less-than-lethal [[Murder#12gaRubberSlug|rubber slugs]] at the closest person in its 60 degree, 5-tile viewing range, if that person's [[Clothing#ID Card|ID card]] doesn't have [[Access Levels#Head's Quarters/Bridge|Head's Quarters/Bridge]] or [[Access Levels#Security|Security access]]. Doesn't fire at those at less than 0 health, never runs out of ammo, and can be repaired with a [[welder]]. It also barks.  

To deploy, click on the deployer while it's in your hand, use a lit [[welder]] to secure it to the floor, then a [[screwdriver]] to turn it on. Regardless of whether the turret is on or off, you can adjust the firing angle by clicking on it with a wrench. To pack it up again, use the [[screwdriver]], [[welder]], then [[wrench]].
To deploy, click on the deployer while it's in your hand, use a lit [[welder]] to secure it to the floor, then a [[screwdriver]] to turn it on. Regardless of whether the turret is on or off, you can adjust the firing angle by clicking on it with a wrench. To pack it up again, use the [[screwdriver]], [[welder]], then [[wrench]].
Line 238: Line 242:
! Tranquilizer Rifle
! Tranquilizer Rifle
| <center>[[Image:TranquilizerRifleV3-48x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:TranquilizerRifleV3-48x32.png]]</center>
| This is security's answer to drug-fueled rampages. A lot of [[Chemicals#Drugs|illicit substances]] and other stimulants grant the user some degree of stun resistance, rendering most of the non-lethal arsenal useless. The darts contain a dose of [[Chemicals#Haloperidol|haloperidol]], which will rapidly flush said drugs out of their bloodstream and, for [[Syndicate Items#Stimulants|stimulants]] users specifically, directly reduces the duration of the stimulant high.<Br><Br>It is not the default load, but there are also [[Chemicals#Mutadone|mutadone]] darts for dealing with unruly geneticists or anybody else abusing [[Guide to Genetics#Mutations List|genetics powers]], e.g. a [[Guide to Genetics#Gamma Ray Exposure|hulk]] smashing down walls or a crimer whose [[Guide to Genetics#SMES Human|SMES Human]] makes stun batons useless. <Br><Br> Like the riot shotgun, this is also two-handed, so you reload it by clicking on a magazine of darts or dragging and dropping the magazine onto your gun. The [[Armory]] has a few of these, along side both tranquilizer and mutadone darts in the [[#Tranquilizer Crate|Tranquilizer Crate]], and the [[Medical Director|medical director]] gets one in their personal equipment locker, which also has a little bit of both dart types. Extra darts can also be found in the [[#AmmoTech|AmmoTech]].
| This rifle fires .308 darts with that inject certain [[chemicals]] upon impact. Security gets two types:
* Tranquilizer - A dose of [[Chemicals#Haloperidol|haloperidol]]. This is Security's answer to drug-fueled rampages. A lot of [[Chemicals#Drugs|illicit substances]] grant the user some degree of stun resistance, rendering most of the non-lethal arsenal useless. Haloperidol will rapidly flush said drugs out of their bloodstream and, for [[Syndicate Items#Stimulants|stimulants]] users specifically, directly reduces the duration of the stimulant high. This is the default load.
* Mutadone - Injects, well, [[Chemicals#Mutadone|mutadone]], which removes most genetic mutations. This is used for dealing with unruly geneticists or anybody else abusing [[Guide to Genetics#Mutations List|genetics powers]], e.g. a [[Guide to Genetics#Gamma Ray Exposure|hulk]] smashing down walls or a crimer whose [[Guide to Genetics#SMES Human|SMES Human]] makes stun batons useless.  
Like the Guillemot riot shotgun, this is also two-handed, so you reload it by clicking on a magazine of darts or dragging and dropping the magazine onto your gun. The [[Armory]] has a few of these, along side both tranquilizer and mutadone darts in the [[#Tranquilizer Crate|Tranquilizer Crate]], and the [[Medical Director|medical director]] gets one in their personal equipment locker, which also has a little bit of both dart types. Extra darts can also be found in the [[#AmmoTech|AmmoTech]].

|- id="Barrier"
|- id="Barrier"
Line 248: Line 256:
! Flashbang
! Flashbang
| <center>[[File:FlashbangV3.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:FlashbangV3.png]]</center>
| The flashbang is a [[Murder#Grenades|grenade]] that emits a loud bang and bright flash to everyone in its vicinity when it goes off. Point-blank, people will be stunned and deafened for a decent amount of time, but the effects are less pronounced further away and mostly consist of confused movement. Sunglasses don't offer full protection, so you should be careful to not end up in the blast radius yourself. Excessive use can '''permanently''' deafen or blind someone, making these a very loathed item - be sensible with them. Flashbangs are also useful for dealing with rogue cyborgs at range, since they are not immune to its effects. <br><br>The [[Security Objects#Security Weapons Vendor|security weapons vendor]] offers a box of these, listed under the Utility category. Flashbangs can also be found in the [[Armory]], specifically in the [[#AmmoTech|AmmoTech]], inside one of the boxes in the [[#Special Grenades Crate|Special Grenades Crate]], and sitting on tables and racks. There's also one in each [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment|Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment shipment.]]
| The flashbang is a [[Murder#Grenades|grenade]] that emits a loud bang and bright flash to everyone in its vicinity when it goes off. Point-blank, people will be stunned and deafened for a decent amount of time, but the effects are less pronounced further away and mostly consist of confused movement. Sunglasses don't offer full protection, so you should be careful to not end up in the blast radius yourself. Excessive use can '''permanently''' deafen or blind someone, making these a very loathed item - be sensible with them. Flashbangs are also useful for dealing with rogue cyborgs at range, since they are not immune to its effects. <br><br>The [[Security Objects#Security Weapons Vendor|security weapons vendor]] offers a box of these, listed under the Utility category. [[Security Objects#Security Equipment Locker|Security equipment lockers]] usually spawn with a flashbang. Several also appear in the [[Armory]], specifically in the [[#AmmoTech|AmmoTech]], inside one of the boxes in the [[#Special Grenades Crate|Special Grenades Crate]], and sitting on tables and racks. There's also one in each [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment|Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment shipment.]]

Line 262: Line 270:
! Stinger grenade
! Stinger grenade
| <center>[[Image:StingerGrenadeNew.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:StingerGrenadeNew.png]]</center>
| Crowd disperal grenade's nastier cousin. When primed, these grenades will send out a burst of debilitating rubber balls that can take out limbs, cause horrific brute damage, and lodge into people's chests as shrapnel, inflicting further brute damage.
| Crowd disperal grenade's nastier cousin. When primed, these grenades will send out a burst of debilitating rubber balls that can take out limbs, cause horrific brute damage, and lodge into people's chests as shrapnel, inflicting further brute damage. These can be found in the [[Armory]], usually inside the [[Security Objects#Special Grenades Crate|special grenades crate]].

|- id="RP-4 Phaser Gun"
|- id="RP-4 Phaser Gun"
! RP-4 Phaser Gun
! RP-4 Phaser Gun
| <center>[[Image:PhaserFlipped32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:PhaserFlipped32x32.png]] [[File:PhaserRack.png]]</center>
| Sometimes called simply "phaser gun" or just "phaser", the RP-4 phaser gun fires lethal bolts that do 20 {{BURN}}. These are not like ''Star Trek'' phasers; they have only one setting. Preferably, officers should never need to use these, but they may be necessary in the event of a robot uprising, hostile [[Critter|critters]] or the presence of [[Changeling#Shambling Abomination|shambling abominations]], [[Vampire|vampires]] or [[Wizard|wizards]]. Can be ordered from the [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Phasers|cargo bay]], and a security-level ID is required to unlock the crate.
| Sometimes called simply "phaser gun" or just "phaser", the RP-4 phaser gun fires lethal bolts that do 20 {{BURN}}. These are not like ''Star Trek'' phasers; they have only one setting. The ones on Sec's phaser rack contain 250 PU cells, which is good for 10 shots since each shot costs 25 PU; the ones from other sources have just 200 PU cells. Preferably, officers should never need to use these, but they may be necessary in the event of a robot uprising, hostile [[Critter|critters]] or the presence of [[Changeling#Shambling Abomination|shambling abominations]], [[Vampire|vampires]] or [[Wizard|wizards]]. <br><br>They are available from a rack in [[Armory]]; the rack also can also recharge the phasers. By default, it's locked to those with the [[Access Levels#Security|Security access level]]; the lock can be disabled with [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacking]]. They can also be ordered from the [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Phasers|cargo bay]], and a security-level ID is required to unlock the crate. In addition, the phasers from that crate have only 200 PU cells.

|- id="RP-3 Micro Phaser"
|- id="RP-3 Micro Phaser"
Line 278: Line 286:
| <center>[[Image:MacroPhaser32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:MacroPhaser32x32.png]]</center>
| Unlike most lethal weaponry, the macro phaser is only particularly useful against targets that ''can'' be stunned (or at least disoriented/slowed), since it takes about a second to charge up, and as an additional downside, it has to be held with two hands. That said, when it does connect, it does a massive 50 {{BURN}}, and triggers a mini-explosion effect on whatever it hits that does about 22 {{BRUTE}}, can gib corpses, and has a chance to break down walls. Similarly to the other types of phasers, the macro phaser is ordered from [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Macro Phaser|cargo]], but unlike the others, its crate needs ''armory'' access to be opened.
| Unlike most lethal weaponry, the macro phaser is only particularly useful against targets that ''can'' be stunned (or at least disoriented/slowed), since it takes about a second to charge up, and as an additional downside, it has to be held with two hands. That said, when it does connect, it does a massive 50 {{BURN}}, and triggers a mini-explosion effect on whatever it hits that does about 22 {{BRUTE}}, can gib corpses, and has a chance to break down walls. Similarly to the other types of phasers, the macro phaser is ordered from [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Macro Phaser|cargo]], but unlike the others, its crate needs ''armory'' access to be opened.
|- id="Pod-Targeting Missile Launcher"
! Pod-Targeting Missile Launcher
| <center>[[File:PodTargetingMissileLauncherCollapsed.png]] [[File:PodTargetingMissileLauncherEmpty64x32.png]] [[File:PodTargetingMissileLauncher64x32.png]]</center>
| Shoots a pod-seeking missile that locks on to a [[Space Pod]] or Syndicate drone of your choosing, highlighted with a red rounded square. If it lands, it directly damages them for 25% of the target's maximum health, on top of explosion damage and direct impact damage. It only explodes on contact with a pod or drone; it does not explode if it hits a wall or human target (it still does impact damage.) Also, its homing has limits. It won't hit if you lock on and then fire in a completely different direction; you still need to aim it.<br><br>If [[emag]]ged, it instead homes on people, as well as other mobs. The missiles still only do impact damage; they will not explode if they hit a living target.<br><br>When locked and loaded, the pod-targeting missile launcher is two-handed and cannot fit inside a [[Clothing#Backpack|backpack]]. You can click on it while it's in your active hand (Hotkey: {{Key|C}} for Goon WASD, {{Key|Z}} for /tg/style WASD) to collapse it, unloading it, allowing it to be held in one hand, and making it small enough to fit into [[Clothing#Backpack|backpacks]] and similar containers for easier transport. However, it cannot accept or fire missiles in this state.<br><br>This pod-targeting missile launcher appears in the [[Security Objects#Pod Weapons Crate|pod weapons crate]], inside a "pod-targeting missile launcher box" alongside four pod-targeting missiles.

Line 320: Line 333:
! Stun Cane
! Stun Cane
| <center> [[Image:StuncanegifNEW.gif]]</center>  
| <center> [[Image:StuncanegifNEW.gif]]</center>  
| This is basically a compact version of the [[#Stun Baton|stun baton]] that the [[Jobs#Gimmick Jobs|VIP]] spawns with for personal protection. Besides the smaller battery of 100 PU (so only four charges) and icon, there's no functional difference between it and the regular [[#Stun Baton|stun baton]]
| This is basically a compact version of the [[#Stun Baton|stun baton]], with some extra limitations. It has a [[Murder#CellR100|disruptor cell]], so it slowly regenerates 2.5 PU every few seconds, but it has a smaller battery of 100 PU (so only four charges). In addition, you cannot insert this into [[#Recharger|rechargers]] or swap out the cell. Stun canes can be replicated via the [[Ruckingenur Kit]], but the copies spawn with [[Murder#CellR40|even smaller (but still self-recharging) 60 PU cells]]. The [[VIP]] spawns with this for personal protection.

|- id="Extendable Stun Baton"
|- id="Extendable Stun Baton"
Line 331: Line 344:
| <center>[[File:EnergyGunV2.png]] </center>
| <center>[[File:EnergyGunV2.png]] </center>
| Combines the versatility of a taser and laser gun. Use the fire selector to toggle between both firing modes. There are two variants, one for the [[Captain]], one for the [[Head of Security]]. They have different sprites, but they otherwise behave identically to the unadorned version.
| Combines the versatility of a taser and laser gun. Use the fire selector to toggle between both firing modes. There are two variants, one for the [[Captain]], one for the [[Head of Security]]. They have different sprites, but they otherwise behave identically to the unadorned version.
* [[File:EnergyGunCaptainStunFull.png]] Captain - A green "receiver" with slightly gaudy gold trim. While there are red and blue captain gear reskins, this only comes in green. Spawns in the Captain's locker.  
* [[File:EnergyGunCaptainStunFull.png]] Captain - A green "receiver" with slightly gaudy gold trim. While there are red and blue reskins for other types of captain gear, this only comes in green. Spawns in the Captain's locker.  
* [[File:EnergyGunHoSStunFull.png]] Head of Security - A tasteful red band near the "muzzle". Spawns in the [[#Head of Security's Locker|Head of Security's Locker]].
* [[File:EnergyGunHoSStunFull.png]] Head of Security - A tasteful red band near the "muzzle". Spawns in the [[#Head of Security's Locker|Head of Security's Locker]].

|- id="Lawbringer"
|- id="Piper .38 Revolver"
! Lawbringer
! Piper .38 Revolver
| <center>[[Image:LawbringerV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:DetectiveGunV2.png]]</center>
| A versatile energy weapon with many modes, obtained by using the ''Check Job Rewards'' command as [[Head of Security|HoS]] to convert an [[#Energy Gun|energy gun]] into this. Has a 300 PU capacity, but it cannot go into [[#Recharger|rechargers]], and you cannot swap out its cell, though it does charge 5 PU every few seconds. <br><br>The gun can only be toggled by the owner of the fingerprints of the first person who activates it, though anybody can fire it. (Naturally, [[Doctoring#Limb|stealing the]] [[Doctoring#Limb reattachment|owner's arm]] will let you switch modes, and an [[EMAG]] removes the fingerprint lock entirely.)  Saying "I AM THE LAW" while holding a Lawbringer you don't own is a bad idea, unless you like the gun destroying itself with a boom.<br><br> You select the mode by saying the name of the mode aloud (including via the *miranda emote), causing a robotic voice to recite something similar but not quite to the mode name.
| The [[Detective]]'s sidearm, variously also known as .38 revolver, Det gun, Detective Special revolver (its old name), CPA Detective Special (the name before that), and Detective's Revolver, among other things. In an emergency, it's often one of the few ranged lethal weapons on hand and causes bleeding damage to anyone who is hit by the bullets. When loaded with stunner rounds, the .38 turns into a seven-shot taser and is entirely safe to use in that capacity (no damage or bleeding).
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" width=100%
|- id="Peacemaker"
! Peacemaker
| <center>[[File:ColtSingleActionRevolverV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| An alternative sidearm for the detective, acquired by using the "Claim Job Rewards" command. It functions a lot like the typical .38 revolver, except that you need to use it inhand before every shot to cock it. Mostly useful to slow down people who might manage to steal your gun - while they just have your slow-to-fire gun, you'll ideally have backup weapons or security officers.
|- id="Signifer II"
! Signifer II
| <center>[[Image:SigniferII-32x32.gif]]</center>
| The [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|Nanotrasen Security Consultant's]] new high-tech energy weapon, convertible between a non-lethal pistol and a lethal carbine with the flick of a switch.
* On the non-lethal setting, the weapon is one-handed and semi-automatic, capable of rapidly sending stunning projectiles downrange. These taser-like darts disorient and do stamina damage on hit, making it easier to land follow-up shots.
*On the lethal setting, the stock and foregrip deploy and turn the weapon into a two-handed submachine gun that fires in two-shot bursts. The first projectile does burn damage, the second brute. If they both manage to impact the same target, an electric flash occurs. Being "signified" deals bonus brute damage to the target, and may deal stamina damage to adjacent targets.
The Signifer II has a self-charging battery and may be inserted into rechargers to speed up the process.
|- id="Puffin 40mm Riot Launcher"
! Puffin 40mm Riot Launcher
| <center>[[Image:RiotLauncherV2.png]]</center>
| "Riot launcher" for short, this is a single-shot grenade launcher for riot control, found in the [[Security (place)#Security Office|security office]] and, sometimes, [[Security Objects#Security Equipment Locker|Security equipment lockers]]. Typically loaded with smoke shells, but it will accept other 40mm grenades. It also accepts [[Murder#Grenades|hand grenades of any type]] (flashbangs are especially fun), though loading it in takes one second rather than being instant like with other ammo. It'll also take 40mm Paint Marker Rounds and [[Murder#40mm Stun Baton Rounds|stun baton rounds]] from the [[Security Objects#Security Weapons Vendor|Security Weapons Vendor]]; the latter is part of the "Just a Baton" loadout, while the former is offered on its own.
==== Lawbringer ====
A versatile energy weapon with many modes, obtained by using the ''Check Job Rewards'' command as [[Head of Security|HoS]] to convert an [[#Energy Gun|energy gun]] into this. Has a 300 PU capacity, but it cannot go into [[#Recharger|rechargers]], and you cannot swap out its cell, though it does charge 5 PU every few seconds.  
The gun can only be toggled by the owner of the DNA of the first person who activates it, though anybody can fire it. (Naturally, stealing their identity, e.g. via [[Chemicals#Stable_Mutagen|stable mutagen]], [[Syndicate Items#DNA Scrambler|DNA scrambler]], [[Changeling#Absorb DNA|Changeling's ''Absorb DNA'' ability]], will let you switch modes.)  Saying "I AM THE LAW" while holding a Lawbringer you don't own is a bad idea, unless you like the gun destroying itself with a boom.
You select the mode by saying the name of the mode aloud (including via the *miranda emote), causing a robotic voice to recite something similar but not quite to the mode name.
Hitting it with an [[EMAG]] basically makes it more like a Chaosbringer. As you might expect, emagging removes the DNA lock entirely, allowing anybody to use it. In addition, it bars the [[Head of Security]] from safely saying "I AM THE LAW"; now, if they say that, they get blown up instead of looking badass, just like everybody else. However, it also bricks the mode selection. Firing it now randomizes the mode every time. If you say a mode's associated trigger phrase, it'll change its appearance, but it'll still pick a random mode when you actually shoot it.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" width=100%
|+ List of Lawbringer modes:
|+ List of Lawbringer modes:
! Img
! Img
Line 351: Line 395:
|"Execute" or "Exterminate"
|"Execute", "Exterminate", or "Cluwneshot"
|A [[Murder#38FMJ|.38 FMJ round]], same as the ones the Detective uses.
|A 33 {{BURN}} blaster bolt (i.e. less than the [[Security Objects#Energy Gun|energy gun]] laser) that is slightly radioactive and faster than the other projectiles this gun can fire. Like many lethal projectiles, it also causes quite a bit of [[Doctoring#Organ Damage & Ailments|organ damage]].
Line 363: Line 407:
|"Smokeshot" or "Fog"
|"Smokeshot" or "Fog"
|A smoke grenade, same as the [[Murder#40Smoke|kind]] used by the [[Security Objects#Riot Launcher|riot launcher]].
|A smoke grenade, same as the [[Murder#40Smoke|kind]] used by the [[Security Objects#Puffin 40mm Riot Launcher|Puffin 40mm riot launcher]].
Line 371: Line 415:
|"Bigshot" or "High-Explosive" or "HE"
|"Assault" or "Bigshot" or "High Power"  
|An explosive round that tears apart walls and people alike upon exploding, like an [[Murder#12gaFrag|AEX shell]] with much less impact damage, but much higher explosion damage.
|A powerful assault laser that causes a small explosion and can tear down walls, machines, and (with some effort) doors but never floors. It inflicts less damage against living beings, but it's still pretty significant, with comparable effects to the [[Security Objects#RP-5 Macro Phaser|macro phaser]], and it also disorients them for 2 seconds. Firing this fills your screen with a brief flash of light.
Line 385: Line 429:
|Throws them back a fair distance. Causes Stamina drain and Disorient status effect that lower with distance like the [[#Taser|taser]]. Vibe check.
|Throws them back a fair distance. Causes Stamina drain and Disorient status effect that lower with distance like the [[#Taser|taser]]. Vibe check.
|- id="Detective Special Revolver"
! Detective Special Revolver
| <center>[[File:DetectiveGunV2.png]]</center>
| The [[Detective]]'s sidearm, variously also known as .38 revolver, Det gun, CPA Detective Special (its old name), and Detective's Revolver, among other things. In an emergency, it's often one of the few ranged lethal weapons on hand and causes bleeding damage to anyone who is hit by the bullets. When loaded with stunner rounds, the .38 turns into a seven-shot taser and is entirely safe to use in that capacity (no damage or bleeding).
|- id="Peacemaker"
! Peacemaker
| <center>[[File:ColtSingleActionRevolverV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| An alternative sidearm for the detective, acquired by using the "Claim Job Rewards" command. It functions a lot like the typical .38 revolver, except that you need to use it inhand before every shot to cock it. Mostly useful to slow down people who might manage to steal your gun - while they just have your slow-to-fire gun, you'll ideally have backup weapons or security officers.
|- id="Signifer II"
! Signifer II
| <center>[[Image:SigniferII-32x32.gif]]</center>
| The [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|Nanotrasen Security Consultant's]] new high-tech energy weapon, convertible between a non-lethal pistol and a lethal carbine with the flick of a switch.
* On the non-lethal setting, the weapon is one-handed and semi-automatic, capable of rapidly sending stunning projectiles downrange. These taser-like darts disorient and do stamina damage on hit, making it easier to land follow-up shots.
*On the lethal setting, the stock and foregrip deploy and turn the weapon into a two-handed submachine gun that fires in two-shot bursts. The first projectile does burn damage, the second brute. If they both manage to impact the same target, an electric flash occurs. Being "signified" deals bonus brute damage to the target, and may deal stamina damage to adjacent targets.
The Signifer II has a self-charging battery and may be inserted into rechargers to speed up the process.
|- id="Riot Launcher"
! Riot Launcher
| <center>[[Image:RiotLauncherV2.png]]</center>
| A single-shot grenade launcher for riot control. Typically loaded with smoke shells, but it will accept other 40mm grenades. It also accepts [[Murder#Grenades|hand grenades of any type]] (flashbangs are especially fun), though loading it in takes one second rather than being instant like with other ammo. The 40mm Paint Marker Rounds for the [[Security Objects#Security Weapons Vendor|Security Weapons Vendor]] are meant for this weapon. Found in the [[Security (place)#Security Office|security office]].

Line 421: Line 440:
! Requisition Token
! Requisition Token
| <center>[[File:SecurityRequisitionToken-32x32.png]] [[File:SecurityAssistantRequisitionTokenV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecurityRequisitionToken-32x32.png]] [[File:SecurityAssistantRequisitionTokenV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Redeem this security requisition token at a [[Security Objects#Security Weapons Vendor|security weapons vendor]] for weapons and gear! Redeems one loadout, two utility credits, and one ammo credit. Every [[Security Officer]] and the [[Head of Security]] all start with one, and two extra can be found in the [[Security Objects#Special Equipment Locker|Special Equipment locker]] in each [[Armory]]. <br><br>[[Security Assistant]]s spawn with a silver assistant variant (image on the right) that is also named "requisition token" but has less buying power. Redeems one [[Security Objects#Assistant|assistant belt]] and one utility credit. Two extra can be found in [[Security Objects#Special Equipment Locker|Special Equipment locker]]s in each [[Armory]], and one in each [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Security Equipment|"Weapons Crate - Security Equipment" crate]] from the [[Quartermaster|Quartermasters]]
| Redeem this security requisition token at a [[Security Objects#Security Weapons Vendor|security weapons vendor]] for weapons and gear! Redeems one loadout, two utility credits, and one ammo credit. Every [[Security Officer]] and the [[Head of Security]] all start with one, and two extra can be found in the [[Security Objects#Special Equipment Crate|Special Equipment crate]] in each [[Armory]]. <br><br>[[Security Assistant]]s spawn with a silver assistant variant (image on the right) that is also named "requisition token" but has less buying power. Redeems one [[Security Objects#Assistant|assistant belt]] and one utility credit. The [[Security Objects#Special Equipment Crate|Special Equipment crates]] in the [[Armory]] each have two extra assistant tokens, and there's also one in every [[Quartermaster#Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment|"Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment" crate]], which can be ordered from the [[Quartermaster|Quartermasters]].
|- id="Security Pouch"
|- id="Security Pouch"
! Security Pouch
! Security Pouch
| <center>[[File:SecurityPouch.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecurityPouch.png]]</center>
| Handy storage space with six slots that can fit in your pocket! Unlike a box, you can access its inventory while moving, and it fits small- and tiny-size items, making it good for storing cuffs, grenades, spare batteries, and similar. The [[Head of Security]] and every [[Security Officer]] starts with one that starts with three [[#Handcuffs|handcuffs]], a [[#Flash|flash]], a [[#Whistle|whistle]], and, of course, a [[Foods and Drinks#Donut|donut]].  
| Handy storage space with six slots that can fit in your pocket! Unlike a box, you can access its inventory while moving, and it fits small- and tiny-size items, making it good for storing cuffs, grenades, spare batteries, and similar. Starting contents differ by job:
*[[Head of Security]], [[Security Officer]]:  1x [[#Flash|flash]], 1x [[Foods and Drinks#Donut|frosted donut]] (of course!), 2x [[#Handcuffs|handcuffs]], 1x [[#Security Whistle|security whistle]], 1x [[#Panic Button|Panic Button]].
*[[Security Assistant]]: x [[#Flash|flash]], 1x [[Foods and Drinks#Donut|frosted donut]], 2x [[#Handcuffs|handcuffs]], 1x [[#Security Whistle|security whistle]], 1x [[#Panic Button|Panic Button]].

|- id="Forensic Scanner"
|- id="Forensic Scanner"
Line 460: Line 481:
! Silver Handcuffs
! Silver Handcuffs
| <center>[[File:SilverHandcuffsNew.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SilverHandcuffsNew.png]]</center>
| Special handcuffs tailor-made for capturing [[Werewolf|werewolves]], created by [[Construction#Silver Handcuffs|dipping regular cuffs in silver]]. Unlike with normal cuffs, werewolves who are in werewolf form can't break out of them instantly; instead, they have to wait and stand still for some time. They can only be removed once before breaking and take less time (around 30 seconds rather than 40 to 50) than regular handcuffs to break out of.
| Special handcuffs tailor-made for capturing [[Werewolf|werewolves]], created by [[Construction#Silver Handcuffs|dipping regular cuffs in silver]]. Unlike with normal cuffs, werewolves who are in werewolf form can't break out of them instantly. Instead, they have to wait and stand still for some time. However, silvering them weakens the chain. They can only be removed once before breaking and take less time (around 30 seconds rather than 40 to 50) than regular handcuffs to break out of.

|- id="Ziptie Cuffs"
|- id="Ziptie Cuffs"
Line 485: Line 506:
! Security TicketWriter 2000
! Security TicketWriter 2000
| <center>[[File:SecurityTicketWriter.png]] [[Image:SecurityPDAV3.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecurityTicketWriter.png]] [[Image:SecurityPDAV3.png]]</center>
| Produces an [[Security Officer#Tickets to the Prom|Official Caution]] directed to whoever or whatever you specify. Allows for customization of the ticket reason to fit the specifics of the crime. [[Security Assistant|Security Assistants]] get one in their loadout. The [[Security Officer|Security Officer's]] default [[PDA#R.O.B.U.S.T.|PDA cartridge]] allows you to access the [[PDA#Forensic Analysis Cart|Ticket Master]] program and generate Official Cautions and fines that directly are removed from an offender's bank account after the fine is approved by the [[Captain]] or [[Head of Security]]. The Captain, [[Cyborg|Cyborgs]], [[Head of Personnel]], and [[Chief Engineer]] also have access to ticket-writing capabilities on their [[PDA#Cartridges|PDAs]].
| Produces a [[Security Officer#Tickets to the Prom|ticket]] (formally called a "Official Caution") directed to whoever or whatever you specify, provided you have [[Access Levels#Ticketing|Ticketing access]]. Ticket reasons are custom-made rather than chosen from a list of options, so you can tweak the ticket to fit the specifics of the crime. [[Security Assistant|Security Assistants]] get one when they exchange their [[#Requisition Token|requisition token]] for a Assistant loadout in the [[#Security Weapons Vendor|Security Weapons Vendor]]. [[Inspector]]s start with this.<br><br>Many [[PDA]]s get a Ticket Master program that's essentially an upgraded version of this. Not only can it issue tickets, without any access requirements, but it can also issue fines, which remove money from an offender's bank account. If issued by a [[Detective]] or [[Security Assistant]], the fine must be approved by the [[Captain]], [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant]], [[Head of Security]], or [[Head of Personnel]]. [[Security Officer]]s only need approval if the fine exceeds 500 credits, and the four roles that can approve fines don't need authorization on fines they themselves made. The [[Head of Security|HoS]], the [[Detective]], the [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|NTSC]], [[Security Officer]]s, [[Security Assistant]]s all start with Ticket Master on their [[PDA#Cartridges|PDA cartridges]], as do the Captain, [[Cyborg|Cyborgs]], [[Head of Personnel]], and [[Chief Engineer]].

|- id="Portable Camera Viewer"
|- id="Portable Camera Viewer"
Line 500: Line 521:
! Whistle
! Whistle
| <center>[[File:WhistleV2.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:WhistleV2.png]]</center>
| Attention-getter. Click on it while it's in your hand or use the activate-in-hand shortcut (usually either {{Key|Page Down}}, {{Key|C}}, or {{Key|Z}}) to blow it. This produces, naturally, a sharp whistle sound and outputs a bold red message in that chat, so people are somewhat more likely to pay attention to you when you give a warning, such when you tell someone to cease swirlie-ing the clown <strike>so you can do it yourself.</strike> Every [[Security Officer]], [[Head of Security]], and [[Security Assistant]] starts with one in their [[#Security Pouch|pouch]], [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|NTSCs]] get theirs on their belt, and [[Instruments|it's possible to make your own]].
| Attention-getter. Click on it while it's in your hand or use the activate-in-hand shortcut (usually either {{Key|Page Down}}, {{Key|C}}, or {{Key|Z}}) to blow it. This produces, naturally, a sharp whistle sound and outputs a bold red message in that chat, so people are somewhat more likely to pay attention to you when you give a warning, such when you tell someone to cease swirlie-ing the clown <strike>so you can do it yourself.</strike> You can mass-produce these at a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]], if it's been [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacked]].

|- id="Security Whistle"
! Security Whistle
| <center>[[File:SecurityWhistle.png]]</center>
| Sic a [[Robots#Securitron|securitron]] you can see on a suspect. If a securitron is in view, you can blow this whistle (click on it while it's in your active hand, hotkey {{Key|C}} for Goon WASD, {{Key|Z}} for /tg/-style) to stop it; if there are multiple ones nearby, only the one closest to you will halt, and [[emag]]ged bots won't heed your call. If then point at someone (press {{Key|B}} and click on them) within 3 seconds, it will try to arrest them. Still works like a regular [[Security Objects#Whistle|whistle]], i.e. bold message and loud sound when blown. Standard issue in all [[Security Objects#Security Pouch|security pouches]], including the [[Security Assistant]] and [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant|NTSCs]] versions.
|- id="Fog Grenade"
|- id="Fog Grenade"
! Fog Grenade
! Fog Grenade
Line 510: Line 536:
! Airlock Breaching Hammer
! Airlock Breaching Hammer
| <center>[[Image:AirlockBreachingHammer.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:AirlockBreachingHammer.png]]</center>
| This two-handed hammer found in the [[Armory]] can bust down doors. To use it, click on the door while holding it and just keep smacking; for most doors, it'll take somewhere around 5 hits. You might use this if you need to enter some place, but the doors are bolted and depowered or otherwise hard to open; some examples might be the [[AI Upload]], so you can reset a rogue [[Artificial Intelligence|AI]], or a booby-trapped room, so you can free its victims. Naturally, it's also good for busting up people too, though it has a slower attack rate than other melee weapons.
| This two-handed 30 {{BRUTE}} hammer found in the [[Armory]] does 4x damage against doors, smashing them into tiny pieces. It's not instant; most doors take somewhere around 5 hits. You might use this if you need to enter some place, but the doors are bolted and depowered or otherwise hard to open; some examples might be the [[AI Upload]], so you can reset a rogue [[Artificial Intelligence|AI]], or a booby-trapped room, so you can free its victims.<br><br>Naturally, it's good at busting windows too, because the 4x damage bonus also applies against windows. Most windows have less than 120 HP, so they often go down in just one or two hits. Obviously, you can smash people with it too, though it has a slower attack rate than other melee weapons.  

|- id="NanoTrasen Experimental EDF-7 Breaching Charge"
|- id="NanoTrasen Experimental EDF-7 Breaching Charge"
Line 530: Line 556:
! Security Tape
! Security Tape
| <center>[[File:SecurityTapex32x32.png]] [[File:Security Tape DeployedX32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecurityTapex32x32.png]] [[File:Security Tape DeployedX32x32.png]]</center>
| A roll of brightly colored security tape. Using it on the floor lets you create a small tape fence to help you designate areas of importance. The fence can be vaulted by clicking it with an empty hand on help intent, or by simply walking up to it. It is extremely fragile, and will be instantly broken by anyone walking sprinting through it or by any object. However it can be cut down cleanly with wirecutters and re-used elsewhere! Otherwise, expect the exasperated sighs of the janitors as you leave a trail of broken down tape behind you.
| A roll of brightly colored security tape for designating areas of importance. Using it on the floor creates a small tape fence; you can use wirecutters or similar to recover some of it and re-use it elsewhere. You can vault over the tape fence by clicking it with an empty hand on {{Help}} intent or by simply walking up to it. However, it is extremely fragile; walking into it, sprinting through it, or hitting by any object will break it. Expect exasperated sighs from the janitors as you leave a trail of broken down tape behind you.

|- id="NT Handkerchief"
|- id="NT Handkerchief"
! NT Handkerchief
! NT Handkerchief
| <center>[[File:NTHandkerchief32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:NTHandkerchief32x32.png]]</center>
| A small handkerchief issued to elite [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant]]s. Functions like most handkerchiefs, such as having emotes being preformed into it giving a special action (i.e *sneeze). Also functions like a [[Murder#Strangulation|chemical rag]], for when you need someone knocked out cold.
| A small handkerchief issued to elite [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant]]s. Like most handkerchiefs, it gives unique chat messages for certain emotes (e.g. *sneeze). Also functions like a [[Murder#Strangulation|chemical rag]], for when you need someone knocked out cold.
|- id="Panic Button"
! Panic Button
| <center>[[File:PanicButton.png]]</center>
| Call for help/backup. Click on this panic button while it's in your active hand (Hotkey: {{Key|C}} for Goon WASD, {{Key|Z}} for /tg/-style WASD) to broadcast an alert to all Security PDAs, in the format of "***CRISIS ALERT*** Location: [Area name]". (Notice name is not mentioned, so a ne'er-do-well might use this to cry wolf.) Pressing the button has a 15 second cooldown, and unlike the PDA, it does not put floating text above you.
Every member of Security save the [[Detective]] starts with one, inside their [[Security Objects#Security Pouch|security pouch]]. [[Security (place)|Security's headquarters]] starts with eight of these, one out in the open, seven in a box blandly labelled "box of panic buttons".

Line 557: Line 590:
! Armory Authorization
! Armory Authorization
| <center>[[File:ArmoryAuthorization.gif]]</center>
| <center>[[File:ArmoryAuthorization.gif]]</center>
| This computer controls access of the [[Armory]] and contents within. When sufficient authorization is given, the doors, lockers, crates, and/or [[#AmmoTech|AmmoTech]] become accessible to those with [[Security (place)|Security]] access and sends a server-wide announcement saying such.  
| This computer controls access of the [[Armory]] and contents within. When sufficient authorization is given, the doors, lockers, crates, and/or [[#AmmoTech|AmmoTech]] become accessible to those with [[Security (place)|Security]] access, and the computer sends a server-wide announcement saying such. As with the ship/station alert, it also sends the ship/station into [[General Objects#Alert Button|emergency mode]]<!--Not ideal linking practices but don't have something better on alerts-->, making this essentially a higher level alert button.

You grant authorization simply by clicking on the computer while wearing an ID with correct access ([[Implants#Access|access implants]] don't count); revoking works same way. To get sufficient access to open the [[Armory]], you need either a [[Head of Security]] or three people with Security Equipment access, i.e. [[Security Officer]], [[Captain]], but ''not'' [[Detective]], [[Security Assistant]], or [[Lawyer]]. The computer counts fingerprint and ID, so one cannot simply make three Security IDs and use it with the computer. A [[Head of Security]] can also close the armory, and the computer logs fingerprints of whoever opened it.
You grant authorization simply by clicking on the computer while wearing an ID with correct access ([[Implants#Access|access implants]] don't count); the computer counts fingerprint and ID, so one cannot simply make some Security IDs and use it with the computer. The computer logs fingerprints of whoever opened it. To get sufficient access to open the [[Armory]], you need one of the following:
*Three people with Security Equipment access on their ID, i.e. [[Security Officer]], [[Captain]], but ''not'' [[Detective]], [[Security Assistant]], or [[Lawyer]].  
*One person with Armory access, i.e. the [[Head of Security]].
*The [[Captain#Authentication Disk|Authentication Disk]]. In this case, you simply click on the computer with the disk in your active hand. Be forewarned: this is an emergency override, and the disk cannot undo the override.
It is possible to revoke access and de-authorize the Armory, canceling the alert and restoring its original access requirements. However, you cannot de-authorize it until five minutes have passed since authorization. To de-authorize the Armory, you need one of the following:
*Three people with Security Equipment access on their ID.
*One person with Armory access, i.e. the [[Head of Security]].
*The [[Captain#Authentication Disk|Authentication Disk]]. However, it cannot revoke authorization if it was previously used to grant authorization. (The other method still works.)

|- id="Security Computer"
|- id="Security Computer"
Line 599: Line 639:

|- id="Portable Flasher"
|- id="Portable Flasher"
! Flasher
! Portable Flasher
| <center>[[Image:MountedFlasher.png]] [[File:PortableFlasherV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:PortableFlasherV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| There are two versions of large flashers: wall-mounted and portable. The former is mounted inside the solitary cell and can be toggled manually through the brig timer interface, and is used to keep unruly prisoners from bashing through the reinforced windows. Portable flashers are intended for crowd control and have to be anchored to the floor with a [[Engineering Objects#Wrench|wrench]]. Once in place, they can be triggered manually by the [[AI]] or automatically detect nearby movements and stun everybody within a small radius. Note that the portable flasher will not indicate if the person walking through it has security access. In this case, the flash will dull for 1.5 seconds, allowing an individual to sneak past if fast enough.
| Portable flashers are intended for crowd control and have to be anchored to the floor with a [[Engineering Objects#Wrench|wrench]]. Once in place, moving near the machine triggers the flasher, causing it to stun everybody within a small radius and disrupt [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloaking devices]] and [[Syndicate Items#Holographic Disguiser|holographic disguisers]]. This has a 15 second cooldown, and the flasher can be triggered manually by the [[AI]]. The flasher used to destroy [[General Objects#Shrub|shrubs]] and other obstructions, preventing people from camouflaging it, but now you can hide it however you wish.<br><br>The portable flasher will not activate if the person walking through it has [[Access Levels#Security|security access]]. In this case, the flash will dull for 1.5 seconds, allowing an individual to sneak past if fast enough. [[Ghostdrone]]s and [[Critter#Ghost Critters|ghost critters]] will not trigger the flasher, but most other living critters, e.g. [[Syndicate Items#Syndicate Reinforcement Beacon|nukie gunbots]], [[Random Events#Hostile Critter|fire elementals]], will. Wearing enough Disorient (Eye) resistance (e.g. [[Clothing#Sunglasses|shades]], [[Engineering Objects#Welding Helmet|welding helmet]]) renders the flash harmless, and walking past a flasher instead of running prevents it from triggering. Turning off the local [[Engineering Objects#APC|APC's]] equipment setting also disables the flasher.

Both devices will disable active [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloaking devices]] and [[Syndicate Items#Holographic Disguiser|holographic disguisers]]. Flashers can be avoided by wearing adequate [[Clothing#Sunglasses|eye]] [[Engineering Objects#Welding Helmet|protection]], by turning off the local [[Engineering Objects#APC|APC's]] equipment setting, by walking past them instead of running (portable only), or by rendering them inoperable with [[wirecutters]] (wall-mounted only).
|- id="Mounted Flasher"
! Mounted Flasher
| <center>[[Image:MountedFlasher.png]]</center>
| Also called wall flashers, Mounted Flashers are used to keep unruly prisoners in Solitary from bashing through the reinforced windows. To flash a prisoner, use the brig timer interface. Like the [[#Flash|handheld flash]], the flash disrupts [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloaking devices]] and [[Syndicate Items#Holographic Disguiser|holographic disguisers]], and wearing adequate eye protection (e.g. [[Clothing#Sunglasses|shades]], [[Engineering Objects#Welding Helmet|welding helmet]]) makes you immune to the flash. You can also disable it by turning off the local [[Engineering Objects#APC|APC's]] equipment setting or by rendering them inoperable with [[wirecutters]].

|- id="Confiscated Items Crate"
|- id="Confiscated Items Crate"
Line 613: Line 656:
! Automatic Locker
! Automatic Locker
| <center>[[Image:Locker.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:Locker.png]]</center>
| Card-locked [[General Objects#Closet|closet]] linked to a particular brig timer. If you store low-risk items such as toolbelts in there, the prisoner can grab their belongings once they're free to go, jump into the floor flusher and be on their way without unnecessary hassle. Click-dragging the locker onto a brig timer can be used to select it as the new controller when necessary.
| Card-locked [[General Objects#Closet|closet]] linked to a particular brig timer, ideal for storing low-risk items such as toolbelts. Once the timer runs out, the locker automatically unlocks and opens, allowing the prisoner to grab their belongings, jump into the floor flusher and be on their way without unnecessary hassle. Click-dragging the locker onto a brig timer can be used to select it as the new controller when necessary.

|- id="Floor Flusher"
|- id="Floor Flusher"
Line 647: Line 690:
|Item Name=Security uniform  
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Security Uniform|Security uniform]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Is Hidden?=No}}
Line 691: Line 734:
|Item Name=Hawaiian shirt  
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Hawaiian Shirt|Hawaiian shirt]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Is Hidden?=No}}
Line 698: Line 741:
|Item Name=Hawaiian shirt
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Hawaiian Shirt|Hawaiian shirt]]
|Note=Max Payne version  
|Note=Max Payne version  
Line 706: Line 749:
|Item Name=Police uniform  
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Police Uniform|Police uniform]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Is Hidden?=No}}
Line 723: Line 766:
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Is Hidden?=No}}
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/gloves/fingerless, 5)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/gloves/black, 5)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/shoes/swat, 4)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/head/serpico, 2)
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Fingerless Gloves|Fingerless gloves]]
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/head/red, 5)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/head/flatcap, 2)
|Is Hidden?=No}}
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/head/policecap, 2)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/bobby, 2)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/siren, 2)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/device/radio/headset/security, 2, cost=PAY_TRADESMAN/1.5)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/device/pda2/security, 2, cost=PAY_TRADESMAN/1.5)
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Black Gloves|Black gloves]]
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/device/pda2/forensic, 2, cost=PAY_TRADESMAN/1.5)
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/storage/backpack/security, 1)
|Is Hidden?=No}}
product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product(/obj/item/storage/backpack/satchel/security, 1)
|Item Name=[[Security Objects#Military Boots|Military boots]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Serpico Hat|Hat]]
|Note=Serpico/bucket hat
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Hat|Hat]]
|Note=red knit cap
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Flat Cap|Flat cap]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Constable's Helmet|Constable's helmet]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Security Objects#Siren Helmet|Siren helmet]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Image=Security headset.png
|Item Name=[[Security Objects#Security Headset|Security headset]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Security [[PDA]]
|Note=[[Security Officer]]/[[Security Assistant]] PDA
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Forensic [[PDA]]
|Note=[[Detective]] PDA
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Security [[General_Objects#Towel|Towel]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Security Backpack|Security backpack]]
|Note=Contains a [[General Objects#Box|box]] with a [[#Breath Mask|breath mask]] and a pocket oxygen tank.  
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Security Satchel|Security satchel]]
|Note=Contains a [[General Objects#Box|box]] with a [[#Breath Mask|breath mask]] and a pocket oxygen tank
|Is Hidden?=No}}

|Item Name=Security uniform  
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Security Uniform|Security uniform]]
|Note=Alternate/April Fool's version
|Note=Alternate/April Fool's version
Line 790: Line 921:
| Just a Baton
| Just a Baton
| [[File:40mmSmokeShellsV3-32x32.png|center]][[Image:StunbatongifNEW.gif|center]]
| Loadout
| Loadout
| 1
| 1
| For those who prefer a more hands-on approach. Contains 1x [[#Secbelt|secbelt]] with 1x [[#Stun Baton|stun baton]] and 1x [[#Barrier|barrier]].
| For those who prefer a more hands-on approach and/or want to shoot stun batons out of a [[#Puffin 40mm Riot Launcher|Puffin 40mm riot launcher]]. Contains 1x [[#Secbelt|secbelt]] with 1x [[#Stun Baton|stun baton]], 1x [[Murder#40mm Stun Baton Rounds|40mm Stun Baton Rounds]] (2 rounds), 1x [[#Barrier|barrier]].
| Morphine Autoinjectors
| Morphine Autoinjectors
Line 829: Line 960:
| Utility
| Utility
| 1
| 1
| A box of five Paint Marker rounds for a [[Security_Objects#Riot_Launcher|riot launcher]]. Anyone hit with one of these is "Dripping with Paint" for 30 seconds. During this time, they are covered in highly visible orange paint, and they leave a trail of orange footsteps too. This makes them easier to track and persists through disguises and invisibility cloaks, so it can be useful if there are reports of a [[Changeling]] or a [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloaker user]]. The person can clear it away by pouring [[Chemicals#Space Cleaner|space cleaner]] on themselves or going under a [[General Objects#Showerhead|showerhead]].
| A box of five Paint Marker rounds for a [[Security_Objects#Puffin 40mm Riot_Launcher|Puffin 40mm riot launcher]]. Anyone hit with one of these is "Dripping with Paint" for 30 seconds. During this time, they are covered in highly visible orange paint, and they leave a trail of orange footsteps too. This makes them easier to track and persists through disguises and invisibility cloaks, so it can be useful if there are reports of a [[Changeling]] or a [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloaker user]]. The person can clear it away by pouring [[Chemicals#Space Cleaner|space cleaner]] on themselves or going under a [[General Objects#Showerhead|showerhead]].
| RecordTrak Scanner
| RecordTrak Scanner
Line 836: Line 967:
| 1
| 1
| It's a [[#Security RecordTrak|Security RecordTrak scanner]], a device used to update prisoners' security records, same as the kind found throughout the [[Security (place)|Security department]]. You might take this if all the ones Sec starts with are gone or you just don't want to take the ones already lying around.
| It's a [[#Security RecordTrak|Security RecordTrak scanner]], a device used to update prisoners' security records, same as the kind found throughout the [[Security (place)|Security department]]. You might take this if all the ones Sec starts with are gone or you just don't want to take the ones already lying around.
| Security HUD CyberEye
| [[File:SecEyeV2.png]]
| Utility
| 1
| This [[Roboticist#EyeSecHUD|Security HUD cybereye]] allows you to see SecMate record icons, just like the [[Security Objects#Security HUD|Security HUD sunglasses]]. As the in-game description says, this doesn't come with any tools for installing it, so you'll need to ask a [[Medical Doctor]] or another qualified professional. Also, unlike the [[Security Objects#Security HUD|SecHUDs]], it does not provide Disorient (Eye) resistance, so you might want to keep using [[Security Objects#Security HUD|SecHUDs]] or find another source of eye protection, like [[Clothing#Sunglasses|sunglasses]] (which have the added bonus of being EMP-proof).
| Assistant
| Assistant
Line 865: Line 1,004:
! Security Equipment Locker
! Security Equipment Locker
| <center>[[File:SecurityEquipmentLocker-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecurityEquipmentLocker-32x32.png]]</center>
| Contains some armor, SecHUDs, and a few weapons. Found mostly in a locker room/equipment area in [[Security (place)|Security]] and accessible by only those with "Security equipment" access, which primarily just means the [[Head of Security]], [[Captain]], [[Security Officer]]s, and the [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant]].  
| Contains some armor, SecHUDs, and some weapons. Found mostly in a locker room/equipment area in [[Security (place)|Security]] and accessible by only those with "Security equipment" access, which primarily just means the [[Head of Security]], [[Captain]], [[Security Officer]]s, and the [[Nanotrasen Security Consultant]].  
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width=60%
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width=60%
|+ List of Contents:
|+ List of Contents:
Line 879: Line 1,018:
|Security uniform
|[[Clothing#Military Boots|Military boots]]
Line 889: Line 1,034:
|[[Security Objects#Security HUD|SecHUD sunglasses]]
|[[Security Objects#Security HUD|SecHUD sunglasses]]
|- id="Special Equipment Locker"
! Special Equipment Locker
| <center>[[File:SecurityEquipmentLocker-32x32.png]]</center>
| Found exclusively in the [[Armory]]. By default, can only be opened by the [[Head of Security]], but can be lowered to all Security personnel once enough authorization has been granted for the [[#Armory Authorization|armory authorization computer]].
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width=40%
|+ List of Contents:
! scope="col" | Item
|[[Security Objects#Security Headset|Security headset]]
! scope="col" class="unsortable"  | Quantity
|[[#Requisition Token|Security requisition token]]
|[[Security Objects#Flashbang|Flashbang]] (15% chance to be replaced by a [[Security#Puffin 40mm Riot Launcher|riot launcher]])
| 4 (2 Assistant, 2 Security)
|[[#N.A.R.C.S. Deployer|NARCS deployers]]

Line 994: Line 1,128:
|Item Name=[[#Fog Grenade|Fog grenades]]
|Item Name=[[#Fog Grenade|Fog grenade]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Is Hidden?=No}}
Line 1,042: Line 1,176:
|Item Name=[[Frontier Justice: A Treatise on Space Law|Space Law]]  
|Item Name=[[Nanotrasen Space Law|Space Law]]  
|Note=On the RP servers
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Is Hidden?=No}}

Line 1,057: Line 1,190:
|Item Name=[[Murder#38FMJ|.38 speedloader]]
|Item Name=[[Murder#38FMJ|.38 speedloader]]
|Is Hidden?=Yes}}
|Item Name=[[Foods and Drinks#Donut|Donut]]
|Note=No toppings or frosting
|Is Hidden?=Yes}}
|Is Hidden?=Yes}}

Line 1,062: Line 1,202:


Found exclusively in the [[Armory]]. Locked to the [[Head of Security]] by default. Dispenses ammo for [[#Riot Shotgun|shotguns]], [[#Tranquilizer Rifle|tranquilizer rifles]], [[#Riot Launcher|riot launchers]], and other kinetic weapons used by Security.  
Found exclusively in the [[Armory]]. Locked to the [[Head of Security]] by default. Dispenses ammo for [[#Guillemot Riot Shotgun|Guillemot riot shotguns]], [[#Tranquilizer Rifle|tranquilizer rifles]], [[#Puffin 40mm Riot Launcher|Puffin 40mm riot launchers]], and other kinetic weapons used by Security. When [[Hacking#Vending Machines And Fabricators|hacked to provided an expanded inventory]], it offers [[Murder#Weak Buckshot|"weak buckshot"]]. Unlike with almost all other vendors, using the [[Vending Machines#Security Ammo Restock Cartridge|respective restock cartridge]] does ''not'' refill the buckshot.  

Line 1,087: Line 1,227:

|Item Name=[[Murder#9mm Frangible Magazine|9mm frangible magazine]]
|Item Name=[[Murder#9mm Frangible Magazine|9mm frangible magazine]]
Line 1,145: Line 1,285:
! Tranquilizer Crate
! Tranquilizer Crate
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| This crate has tranquilizer rifles for neutralizing people abusing anti-stun drugs and/or genetic powers.<br>Contains: 2x [[#Tranquilizer Rifle|tranquilizer rifles]], 2x [[Murder#308Haloperidol|.308 tranquilizer darts]] magazines (4x shots in each), 2x [[Murder#308Mutadone|.308 mutadone darts]] magazines (4x shots in each)
| This crate has tranquilizer rifles for neutralizing people abusing anti-stun drugs and/or genetic powers.<br>Contains: 2x [[#Tranquilizer Rifle|tranquilizer rifles]], 2x [[Murder#308Haloperidol|.308 tranquilizer darts]] magazines (4x shots in each), 1x [[Murder#308Mutadone|.308 mutadone dart]] magazine (4x shots)

|- id="Pod Weapons Crate"
|- id="Pod Weapons Crate"
! Pod Weapons Crate
! Pod Weapons Crate
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| The weapons in this crate are meant to be used by [[Space Pod|space pods]] for neutralizing other pods, less-than-lethally, lethally, and explosively. <br>Contains: 2x [[Space Pod#Light Disruptor|Mk.3 Disruptors]], 2x [[Space Pod#Linked Laser Array|Mk.2 Scout Lasers]], 2x [[Murder#40PodSeeker|40mm HE pod-seeking shells]] (2x shots in each)
| The weapons in this crate are meant to be used by [[Space Pod|space pods]] for neutralizing other pods, less-than-lethally, lethally, and explosively. <br>Contains: 2x [[Space Pod#Light Disruptor|Mk.3 Disruptors]], 2x [[Space Pod#Linked Laser Array|Mk.2 Scout Lasers]], 1x pod-targeting missile launcher box (1x [[Security Objects#Pod-Targeting Missile Launcher|pod-targeting missile launcher]], 4x pod-seeking missiles)

|- id="Phaser Crate"
|- id="Shotgun Crate"
! Phaser Crate
! Shotgun Crate
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| Exactly what it says on the tin. It's got phasers, Jim, but not phasers as ''Star Trek'' knows it. These phasers are entirely lethal and somewhat weak. <br>Contains: 4x [[#RP-4 Phaser Gun|RP-4 phaser guns]]
| ''At this particular moment in time, I don't believe I have a healthier or more deeply-felt respect for any object in the universe than this here shotgun.'' Stuffed entirely with [[Security Objects#Guillemot Riot Shotgun|Guillemot riot shotguns]] and a fair amount of less-than-lethal rubber slugs for them. <Br>Contains: 4x [[Security Objects#Guillemot Riot Shotgun|Guillemot riot shotguns]], 4x [[Murder#12gaRubberSlug|12ga rubber slugs]] boxes (8 slugs in each)

|- id="Special Grenades Crate"
|- id="Special Grenades Crate"
! Special Grenades Crate
! Special Grenades Crate
| <center>[[File:SecureGearCrateV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecureGearCrateV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| There are a total of 21 grenades in this crate, some non-lethal, some not. Most of them are meant to be used against people, but the incendiary grenades can also prove useful for [[Blob|blobs]]. <br>Contains: 2x security-issue grenade boxes (2x [[Security Objects#Crowd Dispersal Grenade|crowd dispersal grenades]], 2x [[Murder#Smoke grenade|smoke grenades]], 1x [[Security Objects#Stinger Grenade|stinger]] grenade, 1x [[Security Objects#Flashbang|flashbang]], 1x [[Murder#Shock grenade|shock grenade]]), 1x experimental grenade box (3x [[Murder#Incendiary grenade|incendiary grenades]], 1x [[Murder#High-range incendiary grenade|high-range incendiary grenade]], 3x [[Murder#Cryo grenade|cryo grenades]]), 1x Non-lethal landmine box (5x [[#NT Stun Land Mine|NT stun land mines]])
| There are a total of 21 grenades in this crate, some non-lethal, some not. Most of them are meant to be used against people, but the incendiary grenades can also prove useful for [[Blob|blobs]]. <br>Contains:  
*2x security-issue grenade boxes (2x [[Security Objects#Crowd Dispersal Grenade|crowd dispersal grenades]], 2x [[Murder#Smoke grenade|smoke grenades]], 1x [[Security Objects#Stinger Grenade|stinger]] grenade, 1x [[Security Objects#Flashbang|flashbang]], 1x [[Murder#Shock grenade|shock grenade]])
*1x experimental grenade box (3x [[Murder#Incendiary grenade|incendiary grenades]], 1x [[Murder#High-range incendiary grenade|high-range incendiary grenade]], 3x [[Murder#Cryo grenade|cryo grenades]])
*1x Non-lethal landmine box (5x [[#NT Stun Land Mine|NT stun land mines]])
*1x stinger grenade box (7x [[Security Objects#Stinger Grenade|stinger grenades]])
|- id="Special Equipment Crate"
! Special Equipment Crate
| <center>[[File:SecureGearCrateV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| What's in the somewhat vaguely named "Special Equipment crate"? Mostly [[#N.A.R.C.S. Deployer|riot turret deployers]] and [[#Requisition Token|spare requisition tokens]], also with a random firearm chosen from [[Security_Objects#Energy_Gun|Energy Gun]], Egun Jr., [[Security_Objects#RP-5_Macro_Phaser|Macro Phaser]], or a Stasis Rifle. <br>Contains: 4x [[#Requisition Token|Security requisition tokens]] (2 Assistant, 2 Security), 2x [[#N.A.R.C.S. Deployer|NARCS deployers]], 1x [[Security_Objects#Energy_Gun|Energy Gun]] OR EGun Jr. OR [[Security_Objects#RP-5_Macro_Phaser|Macro Phaser]] OR Stasis Rifle.

|- id="Anti-Biological Crate"
|- id="Anti-Biological Crate"
! Anti-Biological Crate
! Anti-Biological Crate
| <center>[[File:PlasmaCrateV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:PlasmaCrateV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| On many maps, this is often found outside of the [[Armory]]. "Anti-biological", or just "anti-bio", is a fancy way of saying this crate has weapons that create fire. You might break open this crate if you have a [[Blob]] on deck, which is by default quite vulnerable to fire (though it can mitigate it in a few ways) or a [[Changeling]], whose massive health regeneration in [[Changeling#Shambling Abomination|shambler form]] is nullified by fire. Goes without saying this is lethal stuff.<Br>Contains: 2x [[Murder#Flamethrower|flamethrower]], 2x flare gun boxes (in each, 1x [[Murder#FlarePistol|flare gun]], 1x [[Murder#FlareBox|12ga flares]] box with 8 extra flares)
| "Anti-biological", or just "anti-bio", is a fancy way of saying this crate has weapons that create fire. You might break open this crate if you have a [[Blob]] on deck, which is by default quite vulnerable to fire (though it can mitigate it in a few ways) or a [[Changeling]], whose massive health regeneration in [[Changeling#Shambling Abomination|shambler form]] is nullified by fire. Goes without saying this is lethal stuff.<Br>Contains: 2x [[Murder#Flamethrower|flamethrower]], 2x flare gun boxes (in each, 1x [[Murder#Pelican Flare Gun|flare gun]], 1x [[Murder#FlareBox|12ga flares]] box with 8 extra flares)

|- id="Shotgun Crate"
|- id="Phaser Crate"
! Shotgun Crate
! Phaser Crate
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SecureCrateGreenV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| Stuffed entirely with great communicators, the [[Security Objects#Riot Shotgun|riot shotguns]]. It exists in the code but is currently unused, since their role has been largely superceded by the [[#Riot Shotgun|shotgun racks]]. <Br>Contains: 4x [[Security Objects#Riot Shotgun|riot shotguns]], 4x [[Murder#12gaRiot|12ga rubber slugs]] boxes (8 slugs in each)
| Exactly what it says on the tin. It's got phasers, Jim, but not phasers as ''Star Trek'' knows it. These phasers are entirely lethal and somewhat weak. It exists in the code, but it is not currently used, since it has been superceded by the [[#RP-4 Phaser Gun|phaser rack]]. <br>Contains: 4x [[#RP-4 Phaser Gun|RP-4 phaser guns]]


Latest revision as of 15:28, 12 March 2025


Item Image Description
Helmet.png / HelmetGannets.png
HelmetAlt3.png / HelmetAlt4.png
Provides moderate protection to the head, though you can still be rendered unconscious from repeated trauma. Click on it to toggle what style it uses. Also has a handy helmet light! Every Security Officer spawns with one, there's an extra helmet in each Security equipment locker, and the "Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment" crate from Cargo also contains a helmet.
Body Armor
Armor.png / BodyArmorGannets.png / BodyArmor2Gannets.png
Moderate protection for the torso and limbs. Halves damage done by energy projectiles and kinetic bullets and reduces damage done by melee attacks by 6, essentially protecting you from toolboxes and other things that cause similar amounts of damage. Also prevents bleeding from pipe bomb shrapnel. Click on it to switch between all the different (purely aesthetic) armor styles. The Head of Security and Security Officers all spawn with body armor, and there are extra vests in Security equipment lockers and Sec assistant crates from Cargo.
Military Boots
Offers slightly more heat and cold resistance than usual, though not by much, and reduces melee damage to the limbs and chest by 1. More notably, they also make kicking and diving at people do 2 more damage. The Head of Security and every Security Officer start with a pair of these.
Heavy Military Boots
Like military boots, but they make a more distinct stomping sound that lets criminal scum know that there's a whup-ass elemental in the vicinity. Obviously not very stealthy. The Head of Security starts with a pair in their locker.
Security Belt
A special toolbelt that can hold small objects, rifles, Security RecordTrak devices, and stun batons. Every loadout from the sec weapons vendor comes with one.
Shoulder Holster
A belt item that can hold small objects and security weapons, similar to the security belt, but somewhat more hidden, especially when worn under a suitable jacket. The Detective gets one of these for holding their sidearm and forensics tools.
DetGadget Hat
A special hat that can store certain items and bring them out by voice command. See more on Detective.
Blast Helmet
Also called EOD helmet, the blast helmet is a stronger version of the regular helmet available only in the Armory and is ostensibly meant to be paired with a bomb disposal suit. It slows down movement speed a little bit, but it also diminishes the effect of explosions, lessens how much flashes and the like affect you, and reduces damage from melee attacks to the head by 9.
Bomb Disposal Suit
Also sometimes called EOD suits, blast suits, and bomb suits, this heavy, bulky suit protects from explosions, among other things, and is only available from the Armory, typically on some sort of rack.

It doesn't make you immune to explosions, but it does significantly diminish their impact, so while you might still take some damage, you'll often survive when you otherwise would be chunky salsa. All that plating also reduces damage from melee attacks to the chest by 9 (for perspective, it means extinguishers do minimal damage) and decreases damage from bullets and energy projectiles (but not thrown items) by 66%. It's also offers a small amount of Disorient (Body) resistance, lessening how much tasers and the like affect you. The one downside: it slows you a fair bit, though not as much as a standard space suit would.
Riot Helmet
Offers excellent melee protection for the head, but slows you down quite a bit, almost to the level wearing a space suit would. The Armory usually has a few of these, ostensibly meant to be worn with heavy armor.
Heavy Armor
Full-body armor for riot police, with better-than-average melee protection for the chest area. Protects you from angry men with blunt objects and pipe bomb shrapnel. Helps you last slightly longer against projectiles. Slows you down.
Elite Security Helmet
Elite security helmet.png
Both twice as sturdy and twice as intimidating as the standard issue helmets. Found in Experimental Security Equipment crates ordered from cargo.
Siren Helmet
A little less protective than the regular helmet, but allows you to play a police siren, complete with sound and red and blue flashing lights. You can find a few of these in the Security Apparel machine, and it can also appear in the Haberdasher's Crate from Cargo.
Head of Security's Jacket
Spawns in the Head of Security's equipment locker. A warm, lightly-armored jacket to wear while fighting crime. Its 35% cold protection rivals winter jackets because your obviously bringing the heat if you wear this, and it reduces damage done by melee attacks to the chest by 3 and decreases damage from bullets and energy projectiles (but not thrown items) by around 40%. This is less protection than an armored vest, but you have to sacrifice for style.
Head of Security's Cape
Spawns in the Head of Security's equipment locker. Functionally the same as the HoS jacket when it comes to melee and ranged damage reduction, but it trades 35% cold protection for 35% heat resistance. Because the cape looks cooler than the jacket.
NT Combat Helmet
A combat helmet designed to protect Nanotrasen Security Consultants and Nanotransen Special Operatives from the depths of space. It spawns on the NTSC's secbelt and happens to have a rather pretty blue face shield!
NT Pressure Suit
A combat exosuit that provides protection from both combat-related trauma and the dangers of space. The NTSC starts off with this equipped. Very tactical, look at all of those magazine pouches! The suit is also standard gear for Nanotrasen Special Operatives.
NT Gas Mask
A CBRN mask with a dual-filter design. Functionally identical to other masks except that the lens offers a little more eye protection. The NTSC spawns wearing this mask.
Security HUD
Also called Security HUDs or just SecHUDs, these upgraded sunglasses show various icons for SecMate statuses and other things, allowing you to view criminal records in realtime. Meaning of the symbols:

The has-a-counter-revolutionary-implant and exposed-Head-Rev statuses persist even through the best disguises, but all the others besides Contraband (which doesn't care about identity) can be fooled, since they rely on visible name. If the person's wearing someone else's ID card, but isn't concealing their face (so they show up on mouseover as "SomeName (as OtherName)"), the glasses are smart enough to check the name associated with the face, not ID. But if they have the face concealed (so they show up as "OtherName"), the SecHUDs fall back on ID and so check the record for the name on the ID.

Optical Thermal Scanner
Reduces darkness in a three tile radius and allows you to see people with active cloaking devices, cloak of darkness, and chameleon cloak. However, it it also makes you susceptible to EMP grenades, and flashes and similar bright lights stun for longer, cause eye damage if they didn't before, and induce much more eye damage if they did. The detective and HoS have a pair in their respective lockers, and the Armory often has some.
VR Goggles - 'Det_Net'
When worn, VR goggles - 'det_net' connect to a personal office simulation with a security cameras monitor and security records computer that does not require an ID, allowing the user to watch the cameras and search and manipulate sec records without actually being at the respective computers. Detective spawns with a pair of these.
Security Headset
Security headset.png
Essential for communication with other officers on a secure frequency. Type say :g to use the security channel. Keep in mind that when you speak, anyone in hearing distance can still catch what you say. The headset is vital to coordinate your efforts and should not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands, lest the antagonists remain one step ahead of you at all times. Extras appear in Security equipment lockers, as well as in the Security Apparel machine, albeit for a price.
Security Badge
Turn in your gun and badge. Can be worn in the exosuit slot for style (it grants no armor or other stat bonuses) and a bonus functionality on the Clock 180 and clicked on while it's in your hand to flash it to everyone nearby, proving you're the real deal. Security Officers, the Detective, the Head of Security, Security Assistants, the Nanotrasen Security Consultant, Lawyers, and the Inspector all start with one.



Non-lethal weapons try to neutralize someone without killing them. In real life, "non-lethal" is a muddy term, since many supposedly harmless ways to incapacitate people do in fact pose some risk of permanent harm. In SS13 though, there are some weapons that cannot cause lasting damage, barring certain circumstances, and can be safely said to be non-lethal. Caution is advised when using these around metallic friends, as tasers will rapidly decimate sillicons faster than kinetic weapons, and bright lights will stun them for ages, unless they aren't as friendly as they seem. Note that using non-lethal weapons without a good reason (e.g. they're attacking someone, they committed a serious crime and you need to bring them to jail) is still Grief; even if you're not dinging their health, you're still hampering their ability to enjoy the game.

Item Image Description
This weapon fires a bolt of incapacitating energy. A target who is struck by two projectiles in a row will usually be stunned, or at least slowed. Successive shots cause longer stuns. Tasers can fire 8 shots before they must be recharged in a recharger or security weapon recharger rack. The Standard loadout from the security weapons vendor has one.
Taser Shotgun
Combines the stunning energy bolts of a taser with the unwieldy size and slower fire rate of a shotgun. Requires two hands, and features 200 PU cell and a toggle between a 10 PU mode that's a little weaker than the standard taser's single fire and a 25 PU spread shot that fires three simultaneous bolts at a wide angle that are, individually, weaker than the 10 PU shot. It's the center piece of the Control loadout from the security weapons vendor, and like other guns from the vendor, it's one of the few that can go on the security weapon recharger rack.
Taser SMG
Similar to the taser shotgun in that it focuses on volume rather than power. It has a 200 PU cell, and it's one of the few weapons that can go on the security weapon recharger rack (in addition to the recharger). It features two modes, which can be toggled by pressing the use key or clicking the SMG itself.
  • Full auto (uses 8 PUs per shot) replaces your cursor with a targeting mode reticule, allowing you to fire a stream of projectiles in the direction of the target for as long as you can hold down the left mouse button. This mode is most effective on targets who are low on stamina.
  • Two-shot burst (uses 40 PUs per shot) fires two quick bolts in the direction clicked. It controls more like the taser in this mode, but the bursts are closer in power to the spread shot of the taser shotgun.
Sancai Wave Gun
Situational non-lethal firepower, found in the security weapons vendor's Offense loadout option. As standard for guns from the Security Weapons Vendor, it has a 200 PU battery capacity and can be recharged at either a recharger or the security weapon recharger rack. The Sancai wave gun comes with three modes:
List of Sancai Wave Gun modes:
Img Name PU Description
WaveGunV2.png Inversion Wave 25 Starts off with half the power of a taser bolt but becomes stronger with each tile it travels and has a long range. Matches the power of a taser bolt at seven tiles.
WaveGunV2TransverseWave.png Transverse Wave 40 Pierces through people, walls, doors, windows, everything! It can even hit people resting on the ground. But it has max range of only 4 tiles. It also starts off half as strong as taser bolt, but becomes twice as powerful as a taser bolt at (and only at) maximum range.
WaveGunV2ElectromagneticDisruptionWave.png Reflection Wave 25 Can bounce off up to two walls, windows, machines, basically anything that's not a human, monkey, cyborg, or similar. Each bounce boosts its power. Cannot bounce at right/90 degree angles (i.e. firing perpendicular to a wall does not cause bouncing).
The flash has two applications:
  • Clicking on a human, cyborg, or other mob with the flash will obscure their screen with a white flash and drain their stamina, disorientating them and possibly stunning them if it drains all their remaining stamina.
  • The other use is area flash, activated by clicking on the weapon when it's in your active hand. This will briefly obscure the screen of everyone besides you in a 5x5 square with a white overlay and disorientate them as well. Area flashes also have a chance of disrupting active cloaking devices and holographic disguisers in a 3x3 radius.

Wearing adequate eye protection or being blind, whether clothing-related or biological in origin, blocks the effects of both applications.

Every time the flash is used, the bulb has a chance of burning out, rendering it permanently useless. Once burnt out, you must get a replacement, since the bulb cannot be recharged or repaired. The first 5 uses won't degrade the bulb, but each use after that adds an extra 10% chance for it to burn out, e.g. after 7 uses, the chance is 20%. Examining the flash gives you a rough estimate of number of uses; if the bulb is in "good condition", it has been used enough that it could burnout.

They can be found in security equipment lockers, dispensed from the SecTech vending machines and manufactured by robotics fabs that have been hacked.

Crowd Dispersal Grenade
These grenades release an smoke-powder cloud of capsaicin, which briefly stuns people and temporarily affects their motor coordination. The effects of capsaicin are avoided by wearing a gas mask or having internals active. These can be found in the Armory and also ordered from the Cargo's Experimental Security Equipment crates.
NT Stun Land Mine
NTStunLandMine-32x32.png NTStunLandMineArmed-32x32.gif
To deploy a NT stun land mine, click on it while you're holding it and click on Not timing to arm it (don't worry about setting a timer) and then drop it (Hotkey: Q) where-ever you want the mine to go. When stepped on, it releases a 3x3 flash that severely disorients victims and causes them to stutter their speech for 10 seconds. It's pretty much a one-tap stun if they don't have some good stamina buffs. You can also put them inside backpacks, lockers, and other containers, so that the next person who opens them gets stunned. They're located in the Armory, in their own box in the Special Grenades Crate.


Less-than-lethal (or just less-lethal) weapons are still designed to take someone down without murdering them. However, they still cause some amount of damage, so while these aren't designed to kill people, they can still cause death or significant injury if you're not careful. Because of that, they ought to be used with caution, so as to not hurt innocents.

Item Image Description
Pulse Rifle
PulseRifleV2.png PulseRifleRackV2.png
This two-handed energy rifle starts with a 300 PU battery and has two modes, which you change by clicking on the thing while it's in your hand (Hotkey: C for Goon WASD, Z for /tg/-style WASD):
  • Kinetic Pulse: Can knock a target across an entire screen length--and more--causing damage upon impact that scales with distance travelled. It also causes Stamina drain and inflicts the Disorient status effect, with amount and duration decreasing with distance at the exact same rate the taser does. Each shot costs 35 PU, which translates into 8 shots. Good for keeping away c-saber wielders and other people you want out as far from your face as possible.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse: Hits the target with an area-of-effect EMP, damaging Cyborgs and Space Pods, hurting cyberorgans, and many other effects. Does nothing against a nuclear bomb, since it is immune to EMPs. It drains a flat 30 Stamina, but causes a flat 6 seconds of Disorient. Each shot costs 100 PU, so that's a max of 3 shots.

The Armory has three of them on a special pulse rifle rack that's locked to those with access to the Security department; the lock can be disabled with hacking.

Guillemot Riot Shotgun
Your average pump-action shotgun, often abbreviated to just "riot shotgun" (which is also its old name). It takes up both your hands, so you can only wield one of them at a time (you can reload it just by clicking on a box of shells/slugs). The tube has room for 8 shots. The pump isn't just for show; you must rack the pump before it's ready for action. Click on it or press C to chamber a shell with authority! Spawns in the shotgun crate in the Armory.

By default, it's loaded with 8 rubber slugs (i.e. similar capacity to tasers) for less-lethal (i.e. it primarily stuns, but can cause some damage) takedowns. Rubbers slugs cause heavy knockback, though the stamina drain is smaller than a taser, and ammunition is (naturally) limited. It'll also take other shells, such as the 12ga "weak buckshot" and 12ga flares that spawn in the AmmoTech. However, it has too much dignity to accept pipeshot.

N.A.R.C.S. Deployer
This "Nanotrasen Automatic Riot Control System" is found in the Armory's Special Equipment crate and is often called "riot turret" or "good boy". When deployed, this turret shoots less-than-lethal rubber slugs at the closest person in its 60 degree, 5-tile viewing range, if that person's ID card doesn't have Head's Quarters/Bridge or Security access. Doesn't fire at those at less than 0 health, never runs out of ammo, and can be repaired with a welder. It also barks.

To deploy, click on the deployer while it's in your hand, use a lit welder to secure it to the floor, then a screwdriver to turn it on. Regardless of whether the turret is on or off, you can adjust the firing angle by clicking on it with a wrench. To pack it up again, use the screwdriver, welder, then wrench.

Clock 180
Clock188TanV3-32x32.png Clock188BlackV3-32x32.png
A single-fire pistol chambered in 9mm. The gun also sports a unique effect in that it'll return to your hand upon throwing it. If you're wearing a Security badge, the gun will also fire upon hitting someone with the throw. Found in Cargo's Experimental Security Equipment crate.
Tranquilizer Rifle
This rifle fires .308 darts with that inject certain chemicals upon impact. Security gets two types:
  • Tranquilizer - A dose of haloperidol. This is Security's answer to drug-fueled rampages. A lot of illicit substances grant the user some degree of stun resistance, rendering most of the non-lethal arsenal useless. Haloperidol will rapidly flush said drugs out of their bloodstream and, for stimulants users specifically, directly reduces the duration of the stimulant high. This is the default load.
  • Mutadone - Injects, well, mutadone, which removes most genetic mutations. This is used for dealing with unruly geneticists or anybody else abusing genetics powers, e.g. a hulk smashing down walls or a crimer whose SMES Human makes stun batons useless.

Like the Guillemot riot shotgun, this is also two-handed, so you reload it by clicking on a magazine of darts or dragging and dropping the magazine onto your gun. The Armory has a few of these, along side both tranquilizer and mutadone darts in the Tranquilizer Crate, and the medical director gets one in their personal equipment locker, which also has a little bit of both dart types. Extra darts can also be found in the AmmoTech.

A one-handed energy shield. Click on it while holding it to activate it. When active, the shield slows you down somewhat, but lowers damage from melee attacks by 9, decreases damage from both kinetic and energy weapons by 60%, and lessens the effect of all forms of Disorient (e.g. tasers, flashbangs, hootingium) by at least at half. While mostly defensive, attacking someone with the shield active does a slight amount of damage and pushes them back a tile, with a chance to knock them down on the floor.

If you click on a tile far away from you while on Harm or Disarm intent, you also create another energy barrier in front of you that can reflect bullets, energy shots, rockets, and fireballs. Any kind of melee attack can break the energy shield, even if just does minimal stamina damage, and you can't move with the energy barrier up. Fun against Nuke Ops.

There's one in every Sec equipment lockers and every Security Weapons Vendor load-out. Nanotrasen Security Consultant starts with one on their belt.
The flashbang is a grenade that emits a loud bang and bright flash to everyone in its vicinity when it goes off. Point-blank, people will be stunned and deafened for a decent amount of time, but the effects are less pronounced further away and mostly consist of confused movement. Sunglasses don't offer full protection, so you should be careful to not end up in the blast radius yourself. Excessive use can permanently deafen or blind someone, making these a very loathed item - be sensible with them. Flashbangs are also useful for dealing with rogue cyborgs at range, since they are not immune to its effects.

The security weapons vendor offers a box of these, listed under the Utility category. Security equipment lockers usually spawn with a flashbang. Several also appear in the Armory, specifically in the AmmoTech, inside one of the boxes in the Special Grenades Crate, and sitting on tables and racks. There's also one in each Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment shipment.


Make no mistake, these weapons are meant to kill. They might not be exactly the best at killing, but killing is still their intended purpose. You bring these out when things get dangerous, e.g. a blob or nuclear operatives. Just as you would with a gun in real life, don't use these against someone unless you fully intend to kill them.

Item Image Description
Stinger grenade
Crowd disperal grenade's nastier cousin. When primed, these grenades will send out a burst of debilitating rubber balls that can take out limbs, cause horrific brute damage, and lodge into people's chests as shrapnel, inflicting further brute damage. These can be found in the Armory, usually inside the special grenades crate.
RP-4 Phaser Gun
PhaserFlipped32x32.png PhaserRack.png
Sometimes called simply "phaser gun" or just "phaser", the RP-4 phaser gun fires lethal bolts that do 20 BURN. These are not like Star Trek phasers; they have only one setting. The ones on Sec's phaser rack contain 250 PU cells, which is good for 10 shots since each shot costs 25 PU; the ones from other sources have just 200 PU cells. Preferably, officers should never need to use these, but they may be necessary in the event of a robot uprising, hostile critters or the presence of shambling abominations, vampires or wizards.

They are available from a rack in Armory; the rack also can also recharge the phasers. By default, it's locked to those with the Security access level; the lock can be disabled with hacking. They can also be ordered from the cargo bay, and a security-level ID is required to unlock the crate. In addition, the phasers from that crate have only 200 PU cells.
RP-3 Micro phaser
The phaser's little brother. Half the damage, half the cell charge, but about half the energy usage, and you get twice as many per crate. If you can get a better power cell for it these can be quite efficient, or if you're pressed for cash and want to make sure all your officers have some lethal capability. Just like the phaser, they can be ordered from the cargo bay, and a security-level ID is required to unlock the crate.
RP-5 Macro phaser
Unlike most lethal weaponry, the macro phaser is only particularly useful against targets that can be stunned (or at least disoriented/slowed), since it takes about a second to charge up, and as an additional downside, it has to be held with two hands. That said, when it does connect, it does a massive 50 BURN, and triggers a mini-explosion effect on whatever it hits that does about 22 BRUTE, can gib corpses, and has a chance to break down walls. Similarly to the other types of phasers, the macro phaser is ordered from cargo, but unlike the others, its crate needs armory access to be opened.
Pod-Targeting Missile Launcher
PodTargetingMissileLauncherCollapsed.png PodTargetingMissileLauncherEmpty64x32.png PodTargetingMissileLauncher64x32.png
Shoots a pod-seeking missile that locks on to a Space Pod or Syndicate drone of your choosing, highlighted with a red rounded square. If it lands, it directly damages them for 25% of the target's maximum health, on top of explosion damage and direct impact damage. It only explodes on contact with a pod or drone; it does not explode if it hits a wall or human target (it still does impact damage.) Also, its homing has limits. It won't hit if you lock on and then fire in a completely different direction; you still need to aim it.

If emagged, it instead homes on people, as well as other mobs. The missiles still only do impact damage; they will not explode if they hit a living target.

When locked and loaded, the pod-targeting missile launcher is two-handed and cannot fit inside a backpack. You can click on it while it's in your active hand (Hotkey: C for Goon WASD, Z for /tg/style WASD) to collapse it, unloading it, allowing it to be held in one hand, and making it small enough to fit into backpacks and similar containers for easier transport. However, it cannot accept or fire missiles in this state.

This pod-targeting missile launcher appears in the pod weapons crate, inside a "pod-targeting missile launcher box" alongside four pod-targeting missiles.


These weapons can function as non-lethal, less-than-lethal, and/or lethal weapons.

Item Image Description
Stun Baton
A melee weapon which delivers an incapacitating shock to humans and cyborgs alike, knocking them to the ground or at least disorientating them. The stun baton does different things when on and off and cares about which intent you use. It is on by default, and you can click on it in-hand to turn it on-off.
State Intent(s) Effect
On StunbatongifNEW.gif Help, Grab Click on someone adjacent to you with it to drain a big chunk of their stamina; two hits or more hits is usually enough to knock someone unconscious from full stamina, barring any stamina boosts. The knockout lasts for 15 seconds and stacks with additional hits.
StunbatongifNEW.gif Disarm In addition to being able to do the above melee attack, you can also click on a tile at least two tiles away on Disarm intent to throw a spark that causes disorientation, resulting in slowed, erratic movement.
StunBatonOnHarmIntentV3.png Harm Attempting to use it with the Harm intent will instead stun YOU, leaving you at the mercy of whoever you were pursuing. In-universe justification: you're holding it by the shocking end, but it's on, so you get shocked too. Sprite flips around to reflect this.
Off StunBatonOffV3.png Help,Disarm,Grab Is completely inert.
StunBatonOffHarmIntentV3.png Harm Aka, harmbaton. Click on someone adjacent to beat them, draining stamina and dealing BRUTE. In-universe, your character is grabbing the baton by the business end and hitting them with the handle, and the sprite changes to show this.

Batons can also substitute for a defib when treating cardiac arrest and can also "batonfry". Each baton starts with a 200 PU cell, and each use besides batonfrying drains 25 PU, which is equivalent to 8 charges. Examine the baton to see the number of charges left. There's a baton in every loadout from the security weapons vendor.

Stun Cane
This is basically a compact version of the stun baton, with some extra limitations. It has a disruptor cell, so it slowly regenerates 2.5 PU every few seconds, but it has a smaller battery of 100 PU (so only four charges). In addition, you cannot insert this into rechargers or swap out the cell. Stun canes can be replicated via the Ruckingenur Kit, but the copies spawn with even smaller (but still self-recharging) 60 PU cells. The VIP spawns with this for personal protection.
Extendable Stun Baton
Same as the standard stun baton, but with a self-charging battery that has only 150 PU (i.e. 6 uses at full charge) and cannot be swapped out, though it can still go into rechargers. It can be thrown to disorientate and/or stun people when on and has a special attack (click somewhere more than two tiles away while on Harm or Disarm intent) where you swing the baton. Activating it in-hand changes its mode in order of collapsed, able to fit in pocket->extended, on->extended, off->collapsed again. Every Nanotrasen Security Consultant starts with one.
Energy Gun
Combines the versatility of a taser and laser gun. Use the fire selector to toggle between both firing modes. There are two variants, one for the Captain, one for the Head of Security. They have different sprites, but they otherwise behave identically to the unadorned version.
  • EnergyGunCaptainStunFull.png Captain - A green "receiver" with slightly gaudy gold trim. While there are red and blue reskins for other types of captain gear, this only comes in green. Spawns in the Captain's locker.
  • EnergyGunHoSStunFull.png Head of Security - A tasteful red band near the "muzzle". Spawns in the Head of Security's Locker.
Piper .38 Revolver
The Detective's sidearm, variously also known as .38 revolver, Det gun, Detective Special revolver (its old name), CPA Detective Special (the name before that), and Detective's Revolver, among other things. In an emergency, it's often one of the few ranged lethal weapons on hand and causes bleeding damage to anyone who is hit by the bullets. When loaded with stunner rounds, the .38 turns into a seven-shot taser and is entirely safe to use in that capacity (no damage or bleeding).
An alternative sidearm for the detective, acquired by using the "Claim Job Rewards" command. It functions a lot like the typical .38 revolver, except that you need to use it inhand before every shot to cock it. Mostly useful to slow down people who might manage to steal your gun - while they just have your slow-to-fire gun, you'll ideally have backup weapons or security officers.
Signifer II
The Nanotrasen Security Consultant's new high-tech energy weapon, convertible between a non-lethal pistol and a lethal carbine with the flick of a switch.
  • On the non-lethal setting, the weapon is one-handed and semi-automatic, capable of rapidly sending stunning projectiles downrange. These taser-like darts disorient and do stamina damage on hit, making it easier to land follow-up shots.
  • On the lethal setting, the stock and foregrip deploy and turn the weapon into a two-handed submachine gun that fires in two-shot bursts. The first projectile does burn damage, the second brute. If they both manage to impact the same target, an electric flash occurs. Being "signified" deals bonus brute damage to the target, and may deal stamina damage to adjacent targets.

The Signifer II has a self-charging battery and may be inserted into rechargers to speed up the process.

Puffin 40mm Riot Launcher
"Riot launcher" for short, this is a single-shot grenade launcher for riot control, found in the security office and, sometimes, Security equipment lockers. Typically loaded with smoke shells, but it will accept other 40mm grenades. It also accepts hand grenades of any type (flashbangs are especially fun), though loading it in takes one second rather than being instant like with other ammo. It'll also take 40mm Paint Marker Rounds and stun baton rounds from the Security Weapons Vendor; the latter is part of the "Just a Baton" loadout, while the former is offered on its own.



A versatile energy weapon with many modes, obtained by using the Check Job Rewards command as HoS to convert an energy gun into this. Has a 300 PU capacity, but it cannot go into rechargers, and you cannot swap out its cell, though it does charge 5 PU every few seconds.

The gun can only be toggled by the owner of the DNA of the first person who activates it, though anybody can fire it. (Naturally, stealing their identity, e.g. via stable mutagen, DNA scrambler, Changeling's Absorb DNA ability, will let you switch modes.) Saying "I AM THE LAW" while holding a Lawbringer you don't own is a bad idea, unless you like the gun destroying itself with a boom.

You select the mode by saying the name of the mode aloud (including via the *miranda emote), causing a robotic voice to recite something similar but not quite to the mode name.

Hitting it with an EMAG basically makes it more like a Chaosbringer. As you might expect, emagging removes the DNA lock entirely, allowing anybody to use it. In addition, it bars the Head of Security from safely saying "I AM THE LAW"; now, if they say that, they get blown up instead of looking badass, just like everybody else. However, it also bricks the mode selection. Firing it now randomizes the mode every time. If you say a mode's associated trigger phrase, it'll change its appearance, but it'll still pick a random mode when you actually shoot it.

List of Lawbringer modes:
Img Name PU Description
LawbringerV2Detain.png "Detain" 50 An energy bolt that makes a 3x3 burst upon hitting a person/object or traveling about six tiles. Those caught in the burst suffer Disorient, which slows people's movement speed and confuses their movement, and since it also inflicts Slowed, they are slowed down even further. If you get caught in the burst yourself, you will not be affected, though others around you will.
LawbringerV2Execute.png "Execute", "Exterminate", or "Cluwneshot" 30 A 33 BURN blaster bolt (i.e. less than the energy gun laser) that is slightly radioactive and faster than the other projectiles this gun can fire. Like many lethal projectiles, it also causes quite a bit of organ damage.
LawbringerV2Hotshot.png "Hotshot" or "Incendiary" 60 A flare that causes fire wherever it hits and wherever it travels, like a flamethrower.
LawbringerV2Smokeshot.png "Smokeshot" or "Fog" 50 A smoke grenade, same as the kind used by the Puffin 40mm riot launcher.
LawbringerV2Knockout.png "Knockout" or "Sleepshot" 60 A dart with 10 units of haloperidol.
LawbringerV2Bigshot.png "Assault" or "Bigshot" or "High Power" 170 A powerful assault laser that causes a small explosion and can tear down walls, machines, and (with some effort) doors but never floors. It inflicts less damage against living beings, but it's still pretty significant, with comparable effects to the macro phaser, and it also disorients them for 2 seconds. Firing this fills your screen with a brief flash of light.
LawbringerV2Clownshot.png "Clownshot" or "Clown" 15 A silly minimal-damage projectile that throws Clowns so hard, it knocks their shoes off, honk! Also works on people wearing at least two pieces of clown gear, i.e. clown mask, clown suit, clown dress, and, of course, clown shoes.
LawbringerV2Pulse.png "Pulse" or "Push" or "Throw" 35 Throws them back a fair distance. Causes Stamina drain and Disorient status effect that lower with distance like the taser. Vibe check.


Item Image Description
Requisition Token
SecurityRequisitionToken-32x32.png SecurityAssistantRequisitionTokenV2-32x32.png
Redeem this security requisition token at a security weapons vendor for weapons and gear! Redeems one loadout, two utility credits, and one ammo credit. Every Security Officer and the Head of Security all start with one, and two extra can be found in the Special Equipment crate in each Armory.

Security Assistants spawn with a silver assistant variant (image on the right) that is also named "requisition token" but has less buying power. Redeems one assistant belt and one utility credit. The Special Equipment crates in the Armory each have two extra assistant tokens, and there's also one in every "Weapons Crate - Security Assistant Equipment" crate, which can be ordered from the Quartermasters.
Security Pouch
Handy storage space with six slots that can fit in your pocket! Unlike a box, you can access its inventory while moving, and it fits small- and tiny-size items, making it good for storing cuffs, grenades, spare batteries, and similar. Starting contents differ by job:
Forensic Scanner
ForensicScannerV2.png SecurityPDAV3.png
The primary means of gathering forensic evidence. Can scan an item, person, door, wall, etc. for blood DNA, fingerprints, ballistic evidence, and more. Can also show the contraband level of items. The dedicated forensic scanner gadget is available through the Security Weapons Vendor under the Utility category and is found throughout Security and the Detective's Office, and every Security PDA has a forensics scanner in place of the usual atmospheric scanner. If you're the detective, you get a speicalized forensic scanner that can grab prints at a distance in your locker. Be mindful, it can pick up gunshot residue, but this can be faked if someone is splashed with black powder. See Detective for more advice.
Points in the general direction of the dead/living body a scanned pool of fresh blood belongs to for a temporary amount of time. Scanning very fresh blood lets it point the way for 8 minutes, semi-dried blood 4 minutes, and dried blood none at all! It also works like other pinpointers in that color of arrow also indicates how close one is.
Spy Sticker Kit
A box with 6 special stickers that pick up speech from up to 7 tiles away from the sticker and transmit it to the detective's own private frequency on 135.1. Starts in the Detective's "Forensics equipment locker" and must first be clicked on in-hand to turn on/off the microphone and/or speaker.
Evidence Box
A fancy version of the regular box for official business.
Luminol Smoke Grenade
Or, simply, luminol grenade. When primed by clicking on it in your hand, creates an up to 12-tile wide, diamond-shaped smokepowder-cloud of luminol, revealing any blood stains that were previously wiped away. The Detective starts with a box of three in these in their locker in their Detective's Office.
Used for detaining suspects. A person in handcuffs can't use their hands or open doors, and is unable to move when being pulled around. Be advised that bumping into somebody else will likely break this hold. To uncuff somebody, access their inventory with drag & drop and click the Handcuffed line. Prisoners are capable of removing the handcuffs themselves by using the resist button, which requires them to stand still for about 45 seconds. Extra cuffs can be vended from the SecTech, and there are usually extra boxes of cuffs laying about Security.
Silver Handcuffs
Special handcuffs tailor-made for capturing werewolves, created by dipping regular cuffs in silver. Unlike with normal cuffs, werewolves who are in werewolf form can't break out of them instantly. Instead, they have to wait and stand still for some time. However, silvering them weakens the chain. They can only be removed once before breaking and take less time (around 30 seconds rather than 40 to 50) than regular handcuffs to break out of.
Ziptie Cuffs
Also called plastic cuffs, 'cause, well, they're made out of plastic. That means they break after removal, and they take only around 15 seconds to break out of, making them more suited for temporary prisoner transport than permanent detainment. Cannot be used for making silver cuffs, but can be used for shackles. SecTechs start out with a bunch of these. GuardBuddies and Securitrons use these to cuff people in lieu of regular cuffs.
Made by combining handcuffs with orange shoes. Anyone wearing these will be unable to run, only walk at a slow hobbling pace. The wearer can free themselves by using the resist button and standing still for 45 seconds.
Port-a-Brig Remote
PortABrigRemoteV2-32x32.gif SecurityPDAV3.png
Using this summons the Port-a-Brig if you are standing in an open, unobstructed space. To transport somebody, grab the (preferably handcuffed and stunned) prisoner, stuff them in the Port-a-Brig and swipe your ID to lock it, then use the remote to return the apparatus to security. You can also use a security PDA to control and remotely un-/lock any Port-a-Brig. Note that people can try to unlock the port-a-brig by flipping.
Security RecordTrak
Sets the Security Status of whoever you're using on to whatever status you set the Security RecordTrak to. Cannot, for obvious reasons, set people to Arrest. Click on it to change the status being set. Useful for setting prisoners to Released or Incarcerated without having to manually change their record through the Security Records computer. Can fit on secbelts. Previously known as the Securotron-5000. Found scattered throughout Sec and is one of the options offered by the Security Weapons Vendor.
Security TicketWriter 2000
SecurityTicketWriter.png SecurityPDAV3.png
Produces a ticket (formally called a "Official Caution") directed to whoever or whatever you specify, provided you have Ticketing access. Ticket reasons are custom-made rather than chosen from a list of options, so you can tweak the ticket to fit the specifics of the crime. Security Assistants get one when they exchange their requisition token for a Assistant loadout in the Security Weapons Vendor. Inspectors start with this.

Many PDAs get a Ticket Master program that's essentially an upgraded version of this. Not only can it issue tickets, without any access requirements, but it can also issue fines, which remove money from an offender's bank account. If issued by a Detective or Security Assistant, the fine must be approved by the Captain, Nanotrasen Security Consultant, Head of Security, or Head of Personnel. Security Officers only need approval if the fine exceeds 500 credits, and the four roles that can approve fines don't need authorization on fines they themselves made. The HoS, the Detective, the NTSC, Security Officers, Security Assistants all start with Ticket Master on their PDA cartridges, as do the Captain, Cyborgs, Head of Personnel, and Chief Engineer.
Portable Camera Viewer
A portable version of the camera terminal. Found in the HoS' and detective's office, among other places.
Gavel Hammer and Block
GavelHammerV2-32x32.png BlockV2-32x32.png
Click on the block while holding the hammer to make the iconic thumping sound and shout ORDER IN THE COURT! ORDER IN THE COURT! Found in the Courtroom, natch.
Attention-getter. Click on it while it's in your hand or use the activate-in-hand shortcut (usually either Page Down, C, or Z) to blow it. This produces, naturally, a sharp whistle sound and outputs a bold red message in that chat, so people are somewhat more likely to pay attention to you when you give a warning, such when you tell someone to cease swirlie-ing the clown so you can do it yourself. You can mass-produce these at a general manufacturer, if it's been hacked.
Security Whistle
Sic a securitron you can see on a suspect. If a securitron is in view, you can blow this whistle (click on it while it's in your active hand, hotkey C for Goon WASD, Z for /tg/-style) to stop it; if there are multiple ones nearby, only the one closest to you will halt, and emagged bots won't heed your call. If then point at someone (press B and click on them) within 3 seconds, it will try to arrest them. Still works like a regular whistle, i.e. bold message and loud sound when blown. Standard issue in all security pouches, including the Security Assistant and NTSCs versions.
Fog Grenade
Click on it while it's in your hand to prime it and create an up to 12-tile wide, diamond-shaped fog cloud. The fog blocks off line of sight, and unlike smoke from smoke shells and such, it doesn't make people drop items. X-Ray Vision lets you see everything inside and beyond the clouds. You can also look beyond the fog with mesons, but you'll only still see the walls and floors and can't actually see the size of the cloud. Can be used to break up fights or make an escape. Every SecTech gets five of these.
Airlock Breaching Hammer
This two-handed 30 BRUTE hammer found in the Armory does 4x damage against doors, smashing them into tiny pieces. It's not instant; most doors take somewhere around 5 hits. You might use this if you need to enter some place, but the doors are bolted and depowered or otherwise hard to open; some examples might be the AI Upload, so you can reset a rogue AI, or a booby-trapped room, so you can free its victims.

Naturally, it's good at busting windows too, because the 4x damage bonus also applies against windows. Most windows have less than 120 HP, so they often go down in just one or two hits. Obviously, you can smash people with it too, though it has a slower attack rate than other melee weapons.
NanoTrasen Experimental EDF-7 Breaching Charge
Goes on walls, floor tiles, and similar. Clears out almost all walls, windows, grilles, and other solid objects in a 5x5 radius and usually destroys the floor tile where it's placed as well, then triggers a modest explosion that takes out a fair bit of health. Can help remove some walls blocking a Blob nucleus or breach through a barricade Nuclear Operatives have created. Appears in the Armory, near other breaching supplies.
The Head of Security's coffee mug
Hos mug.png
The Head of Security's very important coffee mug! Can be found inside the HoS' office. Has a unique description text depending on whether or not you're the Head of Security that's examining it.
Donut Box
DonutBoxV2.png DonutBox5V2.png
A box containing six donuts that are either plain or frosted pink. All jokes aside, each individual donut provides a stamina food buff that adds 18 to your maximum stamina. This can be super useful for confrontations and fights to keep you on your feet and moving fast.
Security Tape
SecurityTapex32x32.png Security Tape DeployedX32x32.png
A roll of brightly colored security tape for designating areas of importance. Using it on the floor creates a small tape fence; you can use wirecutters or similar to recover some of it and re-use it elsewhere. You can vault over the tape fence by clicking it with an empty hand on Help intent or by simply walking up to it. However, it is extremely fragile; walking into it, sprinting through it, or hitting by any object will break it. Expect exasperated sighs from the janitors as you leave a trail of broken down tape behind you.
NT Handkerchief
A small handkerchief issued to elite Nanotrasen Security Consultants. Like most handkerchiefs, it gives unique chat messages for certain emotes (e.g. *sneeze). Also functions like a chemical rag, for when you need someone knocked out cold.
Panic Button
Call for help/backup. Click on this panic button while it's in your active hand (Hotkey: C for Goon WASD, Z for /tg/-style WASD) to broadcast an alert to all Security PDAs, in the format of "***CRISIS ALERT*** Location: [Area name]". (Notice name is not mentioned, so a ne'er-do-well might use this to cry wolf.) Pressing the button has a 15 second cooldown, and unlike the PDA, it does not put floating text above you.

Every member of Security save the Detective starts with one, inside their security pouch. Security's headquarters starts with eight of these, one out in the open, seven in a box blandly labelled "box of panic buttons".


Item Image Description
A stationary device in the main Security wing and every Security Checkpoint for recharging tasers, stun batons, and most other energy weapons. The Mining Department and Cargo Bay also have these, mostly for recharging mining gear and cargo transporters. Green means it's recharging; yellow, flashing, and dinging means it's finished charging.
Security Weapon Recharger Rack
Basically a bigger version of the recharger, found in the equipment room with all the Security equipment lockers. It can charge up to three energy weapons at the same time, but it only accepts the following ones: tasers, taser SMGs, taser shotguns, and Sancai wave guns. (That means other weapons like stun batons and energy guns are not accepted.) Formerly known as the taser recharger rack, back when it only accepted tasers.

While anybody can add those weapons, only Security Officers and anybody else who can open Security equipment lockers can take them out (though the guns themselves have no access restrictions); the rack can be made freely accessible by all through hacking.
Armory Authorization
This computer controls access of the Armory and contents within. When sufficient authorization is given, the doors, lockers, crates, and/or AmmoTech become accessible to those with Security access, and the computer sends a server-wide announcement saying such. As with the ship/station alert, it also sends the ship/station into emergency mode, making this essentially a higher level alert button.

You grant authorization simply by clicking on the computer while wearing an ID with correct access (access implants don't count); the computer counts fingerprint and ID, so one cannot simply make some Security IDs and use it with the computer. The computer logs fingerprints of whoever opened it. To get sufficient access to open the Armory, you need one of the following:

It is possible to revoke access and de-authorize the Armory, canceling the alert and restoring its original access requirements. However, you cannot de-authorize it until five minutes have passed since authorization. To de-authorize the Armory, you need one of the following:

  • Three people with Security Equipment access on their ID.
  • One person with Armory access, i.e. the Head of Security.
  • The Authentication Disk. However, it cannot revoke authorization if it was previously used to grant authorization. (The other method still works.)
Security Computer
A ThinkDOS computer with SecMate installed. This program can be used to manipulate the criminal record and wanted status of every crew member. Active securitrons will attempt to detain anybody who has been set to arrest. If you found forensic evidence (fingerprint ID or DNA), you can also search the database to find a match.
Security Records
Does exactly the same, just through a more user-friendly interface. Somewhat rarely comes in the same texture as the Security Computer, such as in Donut 3's Security Wing.
Security Camera Viewer
CCTVMonitor.png TVnew.png
Keep an eye on other parts of the station from the relative safety of the security office. Cameras which have been deactivated will be highlighted as such on the list. You can set a viewport of a camera by searching for the camera you want and then clicking "Create Viewport" near the top left; this makes a little pop-up window of the area the camera covers appear, and you can watch the area so long as you don't move away from the camera viewer. Viewporting can be good for monitoring areas where you think a criminal might return to. This viewport will close if you move too far away from the camera viewer.
Wanted Poster Station
WantedPosterStation.png WantedPoster.png
A computer for making wanted posters. Simply enter a name, search the Security database or swipe a camera photo for a mugshot, set a reward, add some additional notes, and voila, you have a poster! Afterwards, you can either send it to all printers on the station or print some out to plaster around yourself.

Note that the database's picture will portray the depicted's appearance at roundstart. If they change clothes, put on a disguise, or use a DNA scrambler, the picture won't update. Silicons, wizards, and other things not in the database will not have a picture.

Security Scanner
Scans the hands, pocket, backpack, and belt slots of anyone who passes through these for Contraband, assigning them a numerical threat level going from 1 to 10 based on the type and amount of contraband detected. If it assigns a threat level to be 4 or higher, it sends an PDA alert to everyone in Security, noting who they are, what their threat level is, and where the scanner that sent the alert is.
Useful for transporting prisoners to the brig, as you don't have to pull them across the station. Swiping a security ID will lock or unlock it (or use the PDA program). To put someone in, click on them while on Grab intent, and then click on the port-a-brig; there is a brief 3 second delay to this. The person can be let out by using the context menu or move eject verb. Prisoners can still resist their handcuffs while inside, so be wary of immediate attempts to attack you or otherwise escape. In an emergency, the prisoner can also be released by prying the lock open with a crowbar.

If you've ordered a second Port-a-Brig from Cargo through the Security Containment Crate, remember to assign a suitable home turf by click-dragging the device onto an adjacent floor tile.
Brig Chute
A special disposal unit for safely inserting people into the Brig (and occasionally other places). Officers can simply grab the detainee, click on the chute to shove them inside, click on it again to open up its interface, and then click on Disposal handle: Engage to activate the chute and send the detainee into the Brig.
Portable Flasher
Portable flashers are intended for crowd control and have to be anchored to the floor with a wrench. Once in place, moving near the machine triggers the flasher, causing it to stun everybody within a small radius and disrupt cloaking devices and holographic disguisers. This has a 15 second cooldown, and the flasher can be triggered manually by the AI. The flasher used to destroy shrubs and other obstructions, preventing people from camouflaging it, but now you can hide it however you wish.

The portable flasher will not activate if the person walking through it has security access. In this case, the flash will dull for 1.5 seconds, allowing an individual to sneak past if fast enough. Ghostdrones and ghost critters will not trigger the flasher, but most other living critters, e.g. nukie gunbots, fire elementals, will. Wearing enough Disorient (Eye) resistance (e.g. shades, welding helmet) renders the flash harmless, and walking past a flasher instead of running prevents it from triggering. Turning off the local APC's equipment setting also disables the flasher.
Mounted Flasher
Also called wall flashers, Mounted Flashers are used to keep unruly prisoners in Solitary from bashing through the reinforced windows. To flash a prisoner, use the brig timer interface. Like the handheld flash, the flash disrupts cloaking devices and holographic disguisers, and wearing adequate eye protection (e.g. shades, welding helmet) makes you immune to the flash. You can also disable it by turning off the local APC's equipment setting or by rendering them inoperable with wirecutters.
Confiscated Items Crate
Crate for securing storing dangerous items taken from suspects, e.g. weapons (stolen goods should be returned.) Accessible only by those with Brig access and usually found in the vicinity of the Brig too. On some maps, these also come spawned with a couple of curios, like a vuvuzela.
Automatic Locker
Card-locked closet linked to a particular brig timer, ideal for storing low-risk items such as toolbelts. Once the timer runs out, the locker automatically unlocks and opens, allowing the prisoner to grab their belongings, jump into the floor flusher and be on their way without unnecessary hassle. Click-dragging the locker onto a brig timer can be used to select it as the new controller when necessary.
Floor Flusher
A giant chute that opens when a specific brig timer runs out of time. Once a prisoner climbs in, the chute then closes and releases them back into the station, removing their handcuffs if necessary.
Security Wagon
Like the standard utility tractor, but in blue, located in Cog2's Security.

Security Apparel


The Security Apparel vendor offers several different jumpsuits, hats, helmets, and other clothing options for Security Officers and other Security personnel. Most of the stuff inside is free, but you'll need to pay up for the Security headsets and PDAs. By default, it's only accessible to those with the Security access level (i.e. if you can use the SecTech, you can use this), and it's usually found in Security's equipment area, alongside Security equipment lockers.

List of Contents:
Icon Quantity Item Price Hidden
5 Red jumpsuit 0 No
2 Security uniform 0 No
2 Security assistant uniform 0 No
2 Lawyer's suit (red) 0 No
2 Lawyer's suit (black) 0 No
2 Red basketball jersey 0 No
2 Dirty vest 0 No
2 Hawaiian shirt 0 No
2 Hawaiian shirt (Max Payne version) 0 No
2 Police uniform 0 No
2 Poncho and shirt 0 No
4 Security winter coat 0 No
5 Fingerless gloves 0 No
5 Black gloves 0 No
4 Military boots 0 No
2 Hat (Serpico/bucket hat) 0 No
5 Hat (red knit cap) 0 No
2 Flat cap 0 No
2 Constable's helmet 0 No
2 Siren helmet 0 No
Security headset.png
2 Security headset 200 No
2 Security PDA (Security Officer/Security Assistant PDA) 200 No
2 Forensic PDA (Detective PDA) 200 No
4 Security Towel 150 No
1 Security backpack (Contains a box with a breath mask and a pocket oxygen tank.) 0 No
1 Security satchel (Contains a box with a breath mask and a pocket oxygen tank) 0 No
2 Security uniform (Alternate/April Fool's version) 0 Yes

Security Weapons Vendor


Offers vital equipment for tokens. Click on it with a sec requisition token to insert the token in, then click on the vendor to bring up its interface. Each token will provide one loadout credit, one ammo credit, and two utility credits. The assistant token Security Assistants spawn with only offers Assistant credit. Whatever selection you make will pop out of the vendor - loadouts will come in the form of a belt containing the class chosen, the utility options will simply pop the item out. Choosing one is hard, but actually getting one is that simple. You'll see these options below.

Each loadout also gives a pinpointer for the weapons included in the belt, so they can be located if lost. Keep this safe!

Materiel Image Category Cost Description
Loadout 1 Simple yet versatile and good for every situation. Contains 1x secbelt with 1x stun baton, 1x taser and 1x barrier.
Loadout 1 Powerful with good aim and mindful use of range. Contains 1x secbelt with 1x stun baton, 1x Sancai wave gun, and 1x barrier.
Loadout 1 Handle larger groups using weak but plentiful stun pellets. Contains 1x secbelt with 1x stun baton, 1x taser shotgun, and 1x barrier.
Loadout 1 A more precise approach to handling multiple targets. Contains 1x secbelt with 1x taser SMG, 1x stun baton, and 1x barrier.
Just a Baton
Loadout 1 For those who prefer a more hands-on approach and/or want to shoot stun batons out of a Puffin 40mm riot launcher. Contains 1x secbelt with 1x stun baton, 1x 40mm Stun Baton Rounds (2 rounds), 1x barrier.
Morphine Autoinjectors
Utility 1 A small box of 6x emergency auto-injectors with morphine, which can help keep you running through tough situations.
Robust(ed) Donuts
LunchBoxesV2.gif RobustDonut.png RobustedDonut.png
Utility 1 A "robust donuts lunchbox" with 1x robust donuts, which contain some drugs that help you partially resist stuns, and 1x robusted donuts, which contain a cocktail of general-use healing chemicals.
Flashbang Grenades
Utility 1 A small box of 4x flashbangs, grenades that emit a blinding flash and a deafening noise. They can be fairly effective, but use them carefully!
Forensics Scanner
Utility 1 Portable device with a combination of fingerprint scanning, blood ID's, ballistic evidence, and on-site record searching.
Night Vision SecHUD Goggles
Utility 1 A pair of night vision goggles that make you vulnerable to flashes, but allows for much better vision in the dark and show SecMate status.
40mm Paint Marker Rounds
Utility 1 A box of five Paint Marker rounds for a Puffin 40mm riot launcher. Anyone hit with one of these is "Dripping with Paint" for 30 seconds. During this time, they are covered in highly visible orange paint, and they leave a trail of orange footsteps too. This makes them easier to track and persists through disguises and invisibility cloaks, so it can be useful if there are reports of a Changeling or a cloaker user. The person can clear it away by pouring space cleaner on themselves or going under a showerhead.
RecordTrak Scanner
Utility 1 It's a Security RecordTrak scanner, a device used to update prisoners' security records, same as the kind found throughout the Security department. You might take this if all the ones Sec starts with are gone or you just don't want to take the ones already lying around.
Security HUD CyberEye SecEyeV2.png Utility 1 This Security HUD cybereye allows you to see SecMate record icons, just like the Security HUD sunglasses. As the in-game description says, this doesn't come with any tools for installing it, so you'll need to ask a Medical Doctor or another qualified professional. Also, unlike the SecHUDs, it does not provide Disorient (Eye) resistance, so you might want to keep using SecHUDs or find another source of eye protection, like sunglasses (which have the added bonus of being EMP-proof).
SecurityBarrier.png SecurityTicketWriter.png
Assistant 1 A secbelt containing 1x barrier, 1x forensic scanner, and 1x security ticket writer for aspiring security assistants. Cannot be obtained through regular sec requisition token.
Spare Power Cell
Ammo 1 Your standard 200 PU power cell, same as the kind used in stun batons, tasers, and the like. You can swap it with the one in your baton or gun when you need quick recharge, such as when you're chasing someone and can't afford to retreat to a recharger.
Disruptor Power Cell
Ammo 1 The cell formerly used by the old disruptor weapon, useful as a side grade or emergency swap-out. Capacity is only 100 PU, less than the 200 PU cells used by stun batons and many other energy weapons used by Sec, but it has a decent self-recharge speed.

Equipment Lockers

Item Image Description
Security Equipment Locker
Contains some armor, SecHUDs, and some weapons. Found mostly in a locker room/equipment area in Security and accessible by only those with "Security equipment" access, which primarily just means the Head of Security, Captain, Security Officers, and the Nanotrasen Security Consultant.
List of Contents:
Item Quantity
Armor vest 1
Helmet 1
Barrier 1
Security uniform 1
Military boots 1
Flash 1
Handcuffs 2
SecHUD sunglasses 1
Security headset 1
Flashbang (15% chance to be replaced by a riot launcher) 1

Head of Security's Locker
The Head of Security's locker of equipment is found, naturally, in the office of the Head of Security. Barring EMAG-wielders or packet-hackers, only the Head of Security can open this locker.
List of Contents:
Item Quantity
Spare ID box
(7x blank ID cards)
Handcuffs 1
Flash 1
"Head of Security's clothing" box
(1x default HoS uniform, 4x alt uniforms, and 1x command winter jacket)
Head of Security's jacket 1
Head of Security's cape 1
Brown shoes 1
Body Armor 1
Helmet 1
Security HUD 1
Energy gun (HoS paintjob) 1
Security Headset 1
Optical thermal scanner 1
HoS stamp 1
HoS headset 1
Heavy military boots 1
Barrier 1



Sometimes referred to as the "SecVend" or "security vendor" by older players. Dispenses basic gear to anybody with Security access, which basically includes anybody who can enter the Security department, e.g. the Detective, Security Assistants.

List of Contents:
Icon Quantity Item Hidden
16 Ziptie cuffs No
8 Handcuffs No
5 Fog grenade No
4 Flash No
4 Helmet No
2 Security PDA No
3 Security tape roll No
2 .38 Stun speedloader No
3 Glass case - 'Counter-Rev' No
1 Implanter No
3 Space Law No
1-6 Flash/cell assembly Yes
1-2 .38 speedloader Yes
2-4 Donut (No toppings or frosting) Yes



Found exclusively in the Armory. Locked to the Head of Security by default. Dispenses ammo for Guillemot riot shotguns, tranquilizer rifles, Puffin 40mm riot launchers, and other kinetic weapons used by Security. When hacked to provided an expanded inventory, it offers "weak buckshot". Unlike with almost all other vendors, using the respective restock cartridge does not refill the buckshot.

List of Contents:
Icon Quantity Item Hidden
6 12ga rubber slugs No
2 .38 speedloader No
3 .38 Stun speedloader No
3 9mm frangible magazine No
3 12ga flares No
3 40mm smoke shells No
8 40mm plastic baton rounds No
3 .308 tranquilizer darts No
3 .308 mutadone darts No
7 Flashbang No
1 12ga buckshot ammo box (weaker version) Yes

Armory Crates

All the following crates spawn in the Armory. By default, only the Head of Security can open armory crates, but uniquely, the armory authorization computer can lower the requirement down to anyone with just Security access, if said crate is in the Armory when sufficient authorization is fulfilled.

Armory Crate Image Description
Tranquilizer Crate
This crate has tranquilizer rifles for neutralizing people abusing anti-stun drugs and/or genetic powers.
Contains: 2x tranquilizer rifles, 2x .308 tranquilizer darts magazines (4x shots in each), 1x .308 mutadone dart magazine (4x shots)
Pod Weapons Crate
The weapons in this crate are meant to be used by space pods for neutralizing other pods, less-than-lethally, lethally, and explosively.
Contains: 2x Mk.3 Disruptors, 2x Mk.2 Scout Lasers, 1x pod-targeting missile launcher box (1x pod-targeting missile launcher, 4x pod-seeking missiles)
Shotgun Crate
At this particular moment in time, I don't believe I have a healthier or more deeply-felt respect for any object in the universe than this here shotgun. Stuffed entirely with Guillemot riot shotguns and a fair amount of less-than-lethal rubber slugs for them.
Contains: 4x Guillemot riot shotguns, 4x 12ga rubber slugs boxes (8 slugs in each)
Special Grenades Crate
There are a total of 21 grenades in this crate, some non-lethal, some not. Most of them are meant to be used against people, but the incendiary grenades can also prove useful for blobs.
Special Equipment Crate
What's in the somewhat vaguely named "Special Equipment crate"? Mostly riot turret deployers and spare requisition tokens, also with a random firearm chosen from Energy Gun, Egun Jr., Macro Phaser, or a Stasis Rifle.
Contains: 4x Security requisition tokens (2 Assistant, 2 Security), 2x NARCS deployers, 1x Energy Gun OR EGun Jr. OR Macro Phaser OR Stasis Rifle.
Anti-Biological Crate
"Anti-biological", or just "anti-bio", is a fancy way of saying this crate has weapons that create fire. You might break open this crate if you have a Blob on deck, which is by default quite vulnerable to fire (though it can mitigate it in a few ways) or a Changeling, whose massive health regeneration in shambler form is nullified by fire. Goes without saying this is lethal stuff.
Contains: 2x flamethrower, 2x flare gun boxes (in each, 1x flare gun, 1x 12ga flares box with 8 extra flares)
Phaser Crate
Exactly what it says on the tin. It's got phasers, Jim, but not phasers as Star Trek knows it. These phasers are entirely lethal and somewhat weak. It exists in the code, but it is not currently used, since it has been superceded by the phaser rack.
Contains: 4x RP-4 phaser guns
Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs