Nanotrasen Space Law

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Nanotrasen Space Law

As a Security Officer, the zeroth Space Law that you should probably always obey is to use your common sense. If it's a crime back on earth then it's probably a crime here too.


Confiscated items go in the reinforced contraband lockers, NOT in your pockets. Any officer caught using items of Syndicate manufacture may be subject to demotion.


As a Nanotrasen security officer you should be proud of your uniform. Regulations state that all officers must be identifiable while on duty.
While they are not required to be worn, and might be considered "dorky" or "incredibly uncool," gear like your armored vest or helmet (which comes with a built-in flashlight) can save your life in a pinch.

Chain of Command

Firstly, the Captain has ultimate authority on their station unless you have very good reason to believe they have been compromised.
Security officers answer directly to the Head of Security however, and Centcom might send an NT Security Consultant if the station is particularly in need of shaping up, they should be considered second in command under the HoS.
Department Heads retain authority inside their department and can order you to leave unconditionally. The Head of Security, Head of Personnel, or Captain can override this.


As a Security Officer, you are expected to use restraint and good judgment when detaining, searching, and arresting people. Suspects still have rights, and treating people like scum will usually just increase tensions with the crew and invite more crime. Only arrest people when you have reason to believe they've committed a crime, and don't do strip searches in public. Never use lethal force when nonlethal force will do!
Keep in touch with your fellow security members over the radio and support one another when making arrests. Never get discouraged when the criminals complain.


The variety of creative and awful ways crewmembers will find to break the law is infinite, so the variety of punishments and sentences should be too.
Standard penalties range from tickets, fines and brig sentences to exile and even execution for the most severe crimes.
Brig sentences should not exceed a maximum of 5 minutes jail time and all executions of captured prisoners must be signed off by a head of staff, preferably the Captain.
Trials may be held at the discretion of the Captain, but are not required under normal circumstances.

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