The Goon Geothermal Capture System Field Training Manual

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The Goon Geothermal Capture System Field Training Manual

Prepared by Sov Exant

Thank you for your purchase of the Goon Geothermal Capture system (GCS). Included with your purchase you will find the various pieces of equipment required for the successful harvesting of geothermal energy along with this field training manual.

This field training manual covers how to properly utilize your purchased equipment for the efficient harvesting of Safe™ and renewable geothermal energy.

Equipment Checklist

The following is a list of essential equipment required for the safe harvesting of geothermal energy in accordance with Nanotrasen safety standards and guidelines:

  • Dowsing Rods (at least 3 suggested for ease of field surveying)
  • Unbuilt Vent Capture Units
  • Stomper Unit
  • Shovel
  • Synthblubber-insulated pharosium-cables
  • Appropriate protective diving gear complete with flippers
  • Adequate oxygen supply for extended field work


Hot spots exist in the form of unseen points that each output a constant flow of heat. Survey results have determined that hotspots are warmest at their center most point, with heat levels quickly dropping in a radius around the center.

In their naturally occurring state hotspots have been observed to be in constant motion in any one of the cardinal or intercardinal directions. Upon contact with the seemingly impenetrable trench walls however they will be reflected off resulting in a change in direction.

Detecting Hotspots

Utilizing the provided standard issue dowsing rods hotspots can be quickly located. Repeatedly place the rods into different areas of the ocean floor and observe their readings. By default the rods exist in an unlit state. Once brought into the range of a hotspot the rods will become somewhere between a light orange color to a deep red indicating the heat of the current location. The rods will also beep out numbers indicating the approximate distance to the center of a hotspot. By utilizing both the color of the rods, and the guidance of the distance readouts the center of a hotspot can be located for manipulation and harvest.

It should be noted that in the event of overlapping hotspots the proper interpretation of results will require some intuition. Rods will read out increased heat readings from overlapping sections, and distance readouts will be summed together resulting in unusually high results.

Manipulating Hotspots

Utilizing the Stomper Unit hotspots can be pushed, redirected, and even frozen in place for more effective harvesting by engineering personnel.

The stomper will only affect a hotspot if utilized within a limited radius around the hotspot’s center. Striking the outer edges of the hotspot will push said hotspot away from stomper, and set it to further drift in that direction over time. Striking the center area of a hotspot will freeze the hotspot in place preventing further drift unless otherwise acted upon by striking the outer border once more.

WARNING: Ensure the area below the Stomper Unit is clear of hands, feet, etc. prior to activation to avoid severe injury or death.

Harvesting Hotspots

Utilizing a digging apparatus such as a shovel dig a hole in the ocean floor on the direct center of a hotspot. Construct a vent capture unit on top of this hole to begin harvesting the geothermal energy from below. Utilizing your Synthblubber-insulated pharosium-cables run a wire back to the station and connect it to the external power hookups. Using a multitool you can easily verify that you have correctly connected your vent capture unit to the engineering power grid.

Field teams have found that additional vent capture units may also be connected adjacent to the center to harvest additional geothermal energy. The output of each will be lowered somewhat, however the total amount of power gathered is still an overall net gain versus a single vent capture unit.

Advanced Topics

Doppler Shift

Field teams have reported inconsistencies between the dowsing distance readout and heat indicator. This is due to the doppler effect linked to the movement of the hotspots causing a shift in the numeric distance readings reported by the rods. A stationary hotspot however is not affected by doppler shift, and as such its readings will accurately reflect the distance to the center of the spot unless acted upon by an additional outside hotspot.

Stacking Hotspots

Engineering personnel may find it advantageous to attempt freezing multiple hotspots directly on top of one another. This allows for the concentration of a significant amount of geothermal energy for harvest at a single point. The more spots that engineering personnel are able to stack together the greater the output harvestable by a single vent unit.

Increasing Energy Output

WARNING: The following techniques require venturing deep into the area below the surface. There is significant danger for those unprepared. Protection against the extreme heat is required, and a submersible tank is strongly recommended. Personnel are also advised to avoid any strange facilities that they may encounter for safety reasons.

Field research has determined that releasing the energy stored in asteroids directly below a hotspot can significantly boost it’s temperature and thus the amount of energy for harvest. This is easily accomplished by mining out the asteroid rock directly below the hotspot. The rock will spark as energy is released so personnel should be careful around volatile ore deposits.

Utilizing the aid of a Space GPS the location of a hotspot or even stack of hotspots on the surface can radioed to a trench mining team. The mining personnel below can then be instructed to mine out the area directly below the surface at the same coordinates in the trench to release the energy. Advanced teams may make use of the Stomper Unit to move a hotspot enabling them to take advantage of the huge tracts of asteroid rock below. This can lead into untold amounts of energy for harvest.

While this process can also be completed alone; it is far more effective when done as a team.

For further information, ask for mentor help or consult Nanotrasen's on-line data-base at:

Thank you for your service to Nanotrasen.

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