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== Implements of Robust Justice == | == Implements of Robust Justice == | ||
See [[Security_Objects]] | See [[Security Objects|Security_Objects]] | ||
== Trouble in Paradise == | == Trouble in Paradise == |
Revision as of 07:28, 7 October 2012
A Security Officer is an agent employed by Nanotransen to act as law enforcement aboard its stations. While many restrictions, laws, and customs surrounding due process may be relaxed in space, Security is still expected to maintain the base minimum of Space Law, act within the boundaries of their authority, answer to the station's chain of command, and generally avoid being poo. To that end, they are equipped with bright-red suits to make it easier for the crew to spot them and defer to their authority, as well as a variety of Security Gear and Weapons to subdue troublemakers or antagonists. Notably, a person who starts the round as a Security Officer cannot be a traitor.
Security is issued with a red-striped Security Headset capable of normal communications activity as well as a special channel, and the Security channel is definitely the most commonly used of the headsets. It can be used, like all special comms channels, with :h before the message to be sent. Note that somebody within a few tiles of a person using a headset can hear the channel through it. Command officers can coordinate Security activity and conduct oversight, and in general, having a special channel that doesn't broadcast to every person on the station can be quite helpful.
The Basics
This profession has a rather sour and ignoble history in most respects, and without a doubt, this particular job is by far the most scrutinized in the game. Even the Heads don't get nearly so much pressure. By deciding to go into Security you must understand what is expected of you and what is forbidden. Be ready to defend yourself and your actions calmly and rationally at all times.
An effective Officer should...
- Be skilled enough with SS13's robust combat engine to be able to consistently hit a moving, resisting human target with ranged weaponry as well as the trusty stun baton.
- Be experienced enough to know that keeping your weapons out is both rude and incredibly dangerous, since you can be disarmed and robbed in the space of a second.
- Be diligent enough to respond to calls from across the station and work with the Heads and AI to get access to dangerous areas if necessary.
- Be measured, reasonable, and tolerant, especially with confirmed criminals. A warning is often enough for small crimes. Throw somebody in the brig for serious offenses like attempted murder, repeated armed assaults and theft of pivotal equipment such as energy guns and registered ID cards. Never kill anybody but obvious antagonists unless they have at least committed an act of murder.
- Be knowledgeable enough about the different jobs to understand the difference between common work and social behavior and suspicious activity worth checking out.
- Be cautious enough to prepare for the unexpected, and ready for danger to strike. Sometimes even the crew is out to get you.
- Be respectful of normal crew and not hold an attitude of smug or aggressive superiority over them. This is unproductive and can be dangerous if the crew retaliates.
- Be intelligent enough to determine whether a crew member was a victim or a criminal, especially if he didn't witness the crime taking place as this is most often the case.
An effective Officer can improve Security as a whole by...
- Staying in the loop and maintaining radio contact with fellow officers and superiors. Keep informed and keep others informed as well. You're a team.
- Assist fellow Officers with dangerous situations. Even two people is so much better than a lone Sec officer going into a situation.
- Properly locking up and stowing Security gear and equipment and trying to maintain secured areas and not allow unauthorized entry.
- Checking up on prisoners and suspects and listening to their complaints legitimately. Avoid harsh treatment unless necessary.
- Check fellow Security if they're going over the line, carrying a grudge, abusing prisoners, or otherwise getting into terrible Security habits. Change is often most effective from within and a single good Security officer can sometimes be enough to turn his fellows around.
Due to how tough this job is and how reviled it is in some quarters, sometimes you will find your department badly understaffed, and may even end up as the only Security officer on the shift when the round starts. Try not to let this intimidate you too badly; maintain normal patrols, use the radio to stay in contact, call in the Heads to help you if necessary, and try not to let on that Security is weaker than usual to the general population to help keep things under control.
If somebody is griefing you, then for the most part, adminhelp it. Low-level grief is basically a matter for Security to handle instead of the Admins, so yes, chase around that shithead and stun him a time or two for breaking into the Cargo Bay or Security, but if somebody is making it their mission in life to fuck you over, assault you repeatedly, and stop you from doing your job for no legitimate reason, then you need to get help from the admins, plain and simple. If other Security won't stop being shitty, adminhelp that too, and promptly. Don't try to cover for them or help them be shit; just simply be a good Security officer and keep things from boiling over if possible.
Implements of Robust Justice
See Security_Objects
Trouble in Paradise
How do you know that trouble is happening, has happened, or is going to happen soon? You're playing on the Goonstation server, that's how. Here's a rundown on the levels of troublemakers, shitheads, and monsters you're likely to run into and the generally appropriate response. Note that the only time lethal force is authorized is against obvious antagonists; even confirmed traitors, if they're not a danger, should simply be confined whenever possible. Killing them is very unlikely to get you into trouble, however. Attacking anybody who you think might maybe be a traitor, on the other hand, especially with no evidence, is subpar Security work. You aren't expected to hold a trail for suspects in space, but you are expected to be able to defend and justify any actions you take.
- Class 1: The Hooligan
Most often comes from the ranks of the Assistant classes, those dirty plebians. Can be any crewman, however.
Characterized by offenses that are non-critical. For instance, being reported for harassment or attempting to break into non-critical but secured areas such as Medbay. Stealing non-weaponry items. Messing with the power or wiring. Basically, acts that are annoying but not particularly threatening.
Recommended Action: Take steps to negate their annoyance factor; throw them out of the area, give them a talking-to, perhaps even a stunning. Generally this type is harmless and in a crisis may be ignored by the Security team, although this won't endear you to their victims.
- Class 2: The Shithead
Can be any crewman with a chip on their shoulder, really. Still more likely to come from low-level professions, either from necessity or spite at not getting a better job.
Characterized by offenses that are more worth your effort to respond to and negate, such as assault, theft of important devices or job objects, attempting to gain hacking tools and hack into important areas. Maybe be out to harass the Command and Security staffs. Might have an annoying or shitty gimmick they're playing to the hilt.
Recommended Action: Stern warnings, and if those don't work, stunnings as well as removing them from the area. Light brig times if they persist in offending or seem unlikely to change. Confiscate any important items they may have procured like job items, toolbelts, or insulated gloves. Consider taking away access if they've abused theirs. Consider setting to Arrest status if they're robust or persist in their ways, but always remember to remove their arrest status after locking them up.
- Class 3: The Real Trouble
Possibly a subtle traitor, possibly just somebody doing something shitty. This type of offender is dedicated to making your life rough in general. Names in this category may become familiar over the Security channel.
Characterized by offenses that constitute a serious danger, either to the station as a whole, or to individuals, whether important or not. Assaults, thefts, brutal beatings, and even attempts at murder are conceivable. Will often be hell-bent on stealing Security gear and using it against the crew. Often likes to steal critical items. They often stop short of technical griefing but are still bad to have on your server. Note that at this level it becomes hard to tell disguised traitors from assholes and the admins may not back you up lest they reveal information you're not supposed to have.
Recommended Action: Often previous action will have been taken and found ineffective on this type; set them to Arrest and go after them, stunning hard, arresting quickly, taking their gear and confiscating any forbidden items, and briging up to five minutes at a time. By the time they hit this stage, they have exhausted most of the benefit of the doubt, and you may act quickly against them if suspicion comes up. Any hint of traitor activity should upgrade a person to this level, if not the next.
- Class 4: Dirty Traitor
This is a person who is heavily suspected of being a traitor, changeling, or vampire, or who was apprehended with actual evidence of such. They can be almost anybody but serving Officers, including the command team.
Characterized by repeated suspicious and nonstandard activities, being unable to explain suspicious actions, commiting gross or obvious crimes, being caught attempting to offend in a big way, or just outright confirmed by the AI and Security to be in possession of traitor gear. This is not for the suspects, this is for people who you'd be willing to bet some credits work for the hated Syndicate.
Recommended Action: These individuals constitute a real and present danger to the entire station. Detain, consider solitary confinement, set them to Arrest, and if they are free on the station, call out their name and order the AI to track them and all crew to engage on sight. Do not outright kill them if you can help it, but at this level, somebody is either a traitor or such a piece of shit that you are unlikely to get much more than a warning for violent actions against them. Offer leniency if they will admit to it and/or unlock their PDA, even if it's empty. If they're a changeling consider seriously a lethal solution. Vampires might be offered a truce.
- Class 5: HOLY SHIT
The obvious and blazingly aggressive antagonist roles, particularly the Wizard, the changeling's Horror Form, and the red-suited Nuclear Operatives. Any NPC hostiles. A traitor going on a rampage with specialist gear or who has just gone full-rambo. This is not for suspicions; this category is for somebody letting blood in the hallways and screaming for your death.
Characterized by being incredibly easy to spot. There is no doubt whether somebody belongs in this category; if they've got robes and are slinging spells, or if they've been seen spitting neurotoxin, or if they're flinging bombs and destroying entire departments. Their names should be household phrases on the main and Security radio channels by now. The AI will typically be broadcasting their every move when they are detected aboard the station.
Recommended Action: It's war. Engage to kill. Stun if possible, although only as a means to disable them until lethal force can be applied. Do not hold back, do not hesitate. Do not try to arrest, detain, or reason with them. Go in quickly, attack in groups, seize weaponry if you can, strip wizards, burn changelings, space vampires or traitors. Note that changelings in Horror Form can shake off stun weapons; consider improvised melee combat instead or relying on support from other crew. It's time to stop messing about in the shadows and have a stand-up fight, and failure here means the entire station may be lost. In some cases, particularly Vampire or Changeling, the AI and Borgs can be called in to directly attack even on the Standard Laws since they are not human. Swarm them as much as possible and bring them down.
As you can see, the lethal solution (or solitary confinement, even) is definitely your last resort, and only if it's clear there are no other options. Otherwise at least attempt to resolve the situation without anybody getting killed. Sometimes, though, things will get out of hand, and your first priority is to protect the Heads and the rest of the crew.
General Security Advice/Info
- Check in regularly with the AI and consider any calls to its Upload or Satellite proper to be very high priority. A subverted AI is a horrible threat even on Goonstation servers, given that Security isn't outfitted with anything but one toolbox and stun weapons appear less effective against rogue Cyborgs than against organic antagonists.
- Speak with the Head of Personnel early on about elevated access, at least to the Medical and Engineering areas, so that calls there can be responded to more promptly. Also try to make sure the HoP is at least making people work for all-access cards most times.
- If you have reason to believe there's a cloaking traitor or vampire amok, speak with Electricians about working up some more pairs of Thermals to issue to other crew and the rest of the Security shift.
- If you're searching somebody's belongings and/or arresting them, make sure to stun repeatedly. When the stun wears off enough for them to take action you may have little or no warning before they spring on you again. Be sure. Even stunning a lot has no permanent health effects, as far as we can tell.
- When the Escape shuttle is on the way, consider closing in on the Escape and Arrivals areas and defending them. Traitors love to get in some late-game shots or bombs, or just try to escape on the shuttle, perhaps alone. Wreck their plans as much as you can.
- Somebody who has stolen their way into access to the Security radio channel will often taunt you or otherwise decide to announce themselves; feel grateful to them for this service, and then remember that the Security channel is no longer secure for certain messages.
- Avoid buckling somebody to a chair unless you're actively questioning them or otherwise need to keep them in the Security office, and only do this for a short time. Try to hand out reasonable sentences even if you suspect the person's up to no good.
- Don't freak out if some asshole steals your gear; stay calm, call it in, and set them to Arrest. Chances are you'll be able to get some of it back when they're brought in.
- Make good use of the AI itself when it's on your side! Order it to track and broadcast known shitheads/murderers, at least, and often just this can be quite useful. A standard-law setup will also allow an AI to bolt doors, especially if you can establish the person to be bolted in is a danger to life.
What NOT to do
As you all may know, most players who play Security Officers are often power-hungry idiots who have led a life of being bossed around. Finally in a position of power to boss others, many tend to get overboard and hand out punishments way beyond the offense. So if someone pushed you down and farted on your face, just walk away and nurse your hurt pride. Beat the shit out of him and you will soon enjoy a long server ban.
A security officer should not:
- Brig for small offenses - Face farting is not worth a 5 minute brig sentence.
- Brig someone for stealing petty objects - Sunglasses are not exclusively a security object nor do they carry the sentence of stealing more sensitive things like Stun Batons
- Kill or use lasers guns - Honestly if you use a laser on someone just to subdue, you need a break.
- Perma-Brig - Unless he is a confirmed traitor, never do this. EVER. The Solitary Confinement is HoS use only.
- Confiscating job specific items - If the Janitor's special boots are taken away from him, it better be a good reason. Otherwise give it back. Catching an Electrician hacking is not an excuse to steal his gloves.
- Hunting down past antagonists - of a bygone round of a 2d spaceman fart game is a giant NO. You might need a break if you do this.
- Stripping Prisoners - If you need to search a prisoner, bring them to the office, then take off any contraband, their backpack, and empty their pockets. Stripping a prisoner at the site of arrest generally means all their shit will be stolen by the time they leave the brig.
- Removing Headsets - A prisoner always needs a last resort to call for help, sometimes from overbearing security, but even from well-meaning security that gets distracted and leaves the prisoner in a place they can't escape.
- Indefinite / Unattended Bucklecuffing - A bucklecuffed prisoner cannot escape of their own free will. If you wander off in the middle of a search & interrogation and then get murdered, your prisoner will be stuck with no way out.
Jobs on Space Station 13 | ||
Command & Security |
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Medical & Research |
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Engineering | ![]() ![]() | |
Civilian |
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Silicon | ![]() ![]() | |
Jobs of the Day | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Antagonist Roles | With own mode | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Others | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Special Roles | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |