Talk:Security Officer

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Point of fact changes in the recent edit:

  • I have reverted the change that cut the HoP out of the chain of command. There are many situations where there is no HoS, the Captain is a drunken boob, dead, or both, and the HoP is the closest thing to an authority on the station. There's no reason why Security can't take orders from the HoP in this situation, up to the normal limits of not being a torturer/creepy fuck/etc.
  • I have reverted the change that said arrest announcements should be made over the Security channel, not the General channel. Sec itself doesn't care about every shoe thief on the station, but it's extremely helpful outreach to the crew to know that yes, muggings ARE being addressed when they happen and no, security ISN'T acting like a bunch of power-tripping five year olds about it.
  • I have reverted the change that said you shouldn't flash someone when reclaiming your cuffs "unless they prove to be particularly robust or tenacious." There is no reason why a short stun to reclaim security equipment is a problem, particularly considering the fact that they are about to be brigged for a crime. A suspect has absolutely nothing to lose by attempting to rush out the door and turn the brig into another chase scene, and the overwhelming majority of them attempt to do exactly that. Running around with someone in the brig like that is annoying and dangerous for the officer and serves no purpose. You either re-subdue the suspect and do exactly what you would have done earlier if you hadn't been fucking around, or the suspect gets a lucky groin/head hit on you, strips you clean, and runs out of the brig with your ID. There's no reason to take that stupid risk.
  • I have reverted the change that said you should simply laugh at people if they ask for a trial. Trial gimmicks are fun from time to time and if a bored assistant wants to go on trial to argue something or to just be a goof, you're kind of awful for shutting it down. Make sure they understand that trials take a lot longer than brig time, though, in case it's John McPubs who thinks we're baystation and brig for 2 hours for knowing what an emag is.

--Coolguye (talk) 22:09, 13 February 2013 (UTC)

Regarding the "total suppression" comment, I do not see the issue with this language. The article does a fantastic job of pointing out that you should NOT do this, but some people cannot be deterred or corrected with anything less than chain stuns. You can throw these players into the brig, they'll just be right back to beating people on the head with their own shoes the instant they're out. You can get the HoP to demote them, they'll just steal someone else's ID the second they leave Sec. You can confiscate all their stolen equipment, they'll just make or steal another set of tools and steal more. These people happen, and total suppression is a good rule of thumb for when people need to be adminhelped. It's not OK for someone to be behaving so poorly he requires full-time attention from one or more Officers. --Coolguye (talk) 15:43, 15 February 2013 (UTC)

Do we really need a huge table of contents that just basically says "hey you can kill traitors and THIS is how you kill something else!" Would anyone really mind if I just replaced it with a short thing of what you can arrest people for and what you can't? Leaving the bit about traitor handling intact, of course. Also the entire thing kind of implies that arresting ACTUAL CRIMINALS is the least of your concerns??? --Hufflaw (talk) 11:38, 16 July 2015 (CDT)