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You're a Quartermaster! Lets make Money!

Number One Hustla'

Your 'official' job capacity is to take orders from the crew for such things as medicines, bots, and weapons. In all actuality, most of the crew will never order anything, and if they do, it will almost certainly be weapons, and they will yell at you over the radio instead of ordering the item(s) at the request console.

All this free time allows you to order many other things! Let's see what those are!

Making Money

At the start of the game, the Quartermaster budget stands at a measly 10,000 space credits. You're not going to get very far with that! Your crew objective is to have 50,000 in liquid assets, and you will probably want more than that to fulfill any wishes the crew manages to come up with.

See that orange console near the airlock? Time to get acquainted with it. You're going to be spending a large amount of time glued to it.

Managed to get over to the console without serious injury? Well done! Click on the console and then click on 'view market'. This screen shows you the value of various commodities on the station, such as metal, robot parts, glass etc. In an ideal world, you would identify the things that are in high demand, and by hook or by crook obtain large quantities of it to sell on the open market. Like everything else, though, life on SS13 is often not ideal, so while you're learning, focus on the following 4 commodities:

  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Molitz
  • Mauxite

Scan the market and figure out which one of these is selling for the highest price. If it is metal or mauxite, order as many metal sheets as you can afford. If it is glass or molitz, order glass sheets. To order a crate, click on order items, find the crate you want, and click the link. A comment box will appear. You do not need to fill anything out here, but if you do it will be tagged when it comes in. This can be helpful for keeping crew orders straight. Click OK past the comment box and the computer will confirm your order.

You can make the ordering process faster by rapidly clicking the crate you want and ignoring the comment boxes until the system complains that you are out of money. You may then click OK on all of the comment boxes to order en-masse. Be aware this will make the computer less responsive/very annoying for a while, but it is still much faster than ordering crates one by one.

After everything is ordered, click Call Supply Shuttle. The shuttle will take 3 minutes to reach the station, and during this period you basically have downtime. Feel free to do whatever, or to just zone out for a few minutes.

When the shuttle reaches the station, first unload any crew orders to make sure you don't accidentally send them back. Use your Cargo Transporter to send it to the appropriate destination; if the crew member is planning on picking it up at your office, just send it to the Cargo Bay Teleport Pad. Otherwise they will usually specify where they want it sent.

After the crew's needs are sorted out, it's time to see to yours.

  • If the highest priced commodity was metal or glass, don't touch your orders. Simply send the shuttle back to get your profits.
  • If the highest priced commodity was mauxite or molitz, you will need to use the General Manufacturer to break the material down into ore. Open all your crates and pick up as much of the material as possible. Stuff it in your backpack, use both hands, make two trips if need be. Put all the material in the manufacturer by clicking on it with the sheets in your hand. Drag a crate with you and stop it next to the manufacturer. Click the manufacturer with an empty hand, and click the link showing your ore. Choose to eject all of it. Drag the crate over the massive pile of ore on the ground, close the crate, then put the crate back on the shuttle before sending it.

When you are ready, go back to your computer and click Return Supply Shuttle. This automatically sells everything on the shuttle for market prices.

As a footnote, you can also buy Electrical Crates and refine cable into pharosium, but this process is so painstaking and slow that you can probably handle two shipments in the time it takes you to process one load of pharosium, so it is generally not worth it.

Other sources of money

NPC traders will occasionally offer you trades. Most of these are useless, but occasionally you will get offers that will pay for material at much more than market price. These can occasionally make you 100,000 credits less than 10 minutes into the round.

When you're more comfortable in your station, consider bugging people for stuff you know they don't need. Miners, for example, have no use for most gems or the minerals Syreline and Cobryl. They tend to command nice prices on the market, however, so if Mining cooperates you can get some nice help there. Botanists will also sometimes grow way too much weed and you can shore up your bank account by becoming an intergalactic dank dealer.

Also, the AI, Captain, and Head of Personnel have access to the station's bankrolls and can shore up your account if things go wrong for whatever reason. Of course the other half the time these idiots are the REASON things go wrong, as the Captain siphons off your hard-earned money to fund his alcoholism and the AI zeros out your bank account to make some traitor fabulously wealthy.

Other ways to waste money

NPC traders will also occasionally offer to sell you things. Occasionally these are simple commodities at below market price, but much more often they are unique things that are hard to get in other ways. Always accept these trades if you can afford to without crippling your budget. Occasionally the dealer will screw you, and you'll pay thousands of credits for something useless like flashlights, but it's the cost of doing business.

Funding gimmicks or insanity is also an acceptable way to use your fat stacks of cash, particularly if doing so in spite. If the Head of Security orders you to buy a million guns to outfit his personal army, consider ordering a shuttle full of liquor instead and telling the Head of Security that his team will still be loaded.

You're gonna need to sign for that

As a quartermaster, you have a fair amount of control over what enters the station. Sure, some guy can request 20 crates of laser guns, but you can ignore this entirely, as with any other order.

You can ask for signing in triplicate, but this won't stop the guy ordering stuff from jumping over the table and punching the living day lights out of you!

Syndicate Shenanigans:

As a traitor quartermaster, you have the ability to order quite a few items that will aid you in you objective, such as laser guns and weapon crates. If you use an emag on the QM console, you can order a special crate!

Items you can order

  • Empty Crate:

Cost: 10 Credits:
Contents: Nothing (crate only)

  • Paint Cans

Cost: 1000 Credits
Contents: A selection of random paints.

  • 200 Metal Sheets

Cost: 2000 Credits
Contents: x200 Metal Sheets

  • 100 Metal Sheets

Cost: 1000 Credits
Contents: x100 Metal Sheets

  • 50 Metal Sheets

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x50 Metal Sheets

  • 200 Glass Sheets

Cost: 2000 Credits
Contents: x200 Glass Sheets

  • 100 Glass Sheets

Cost: 1000 Credits
Contents: x100 Glass Sheets

  • 50 Glass Sheets

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x50 Glass Sheets

  • Internals Crate

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x3 Gas Mask, x3 Air Tank

  • Cooking Supplies Crate

Cost: 250 Credits
Contents: x40 Assorted Cooking Ingredients

  • Electrical Supplies Crate - 4 pack

Cost: 1000 Credits
Contents: x4 Cabling Box (x28 lengths of Cable)

  • Electrical Supplies Crate - 2 pack

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x2 Cabling Box (x14 lengths of Cable)

  • Engineering Crate

Cost: 1000 Credits
Contents: x2 Mechanical Toolbox, x2 Welding Mask, x2 Insulated Gloves

  • Experimental Local Generator

Cost: 10000 Credits
Contents: x1 Experimental Local Generator

  • Medical Crate

Cost: 1000 Credits
Contents: x1 Regular, Fire and Toxin First Aid Kits, x1 Anti-toxin, Inaprovaline and Sleep Toxin bottles, x1 Syringe Kit

  • Janitorial Supplies

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x3 Buckets, x1 Mop, x3 Wet Floor Signs, x3 Cleaning Grenades, x1 Mop Bucket

  • Hydroponics Equipment

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x2 Watering Cans, x4 Compost Bags, x3 Weedkiller bottles, x2 Plant Analyzers, x2 Plant Pots

  • Mining Equipment - (Cardlocked [Mining])

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x1 Powered Pickaxe, x1 Power Hammer, x1 Optical Meson Scanner, x1 Geological Scanner, x2 Mining Satchel, x3 Mining Explosives

  • Lab Monkey Crate - 2 pack

Cost: 250 Credits
Contents: x2 Monkey

  • Lab Monkey Crate - 4 pack

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x4 Monkey

  • Plasma Assembly Crate (Cardlocked [Research])

Cost: 500 Credits
Contents: x3 Plasma Tank, x3 Igniter, x3 Proximity Sensor, x3 Timer

  • Weapons Crate - 4 pack (Cardlocked [Security])

Cost: 10000 Credits
Contents: x4 Laser Gun

  • Weapons Crate - 2 Pack (Cardlocked [Security])

Cost: 5000 Credits
Contents: x2 Laser Gun

  • Experimental Weapons Crate (Cardlocked [Heads of Staff])

Cost: 2500 Credits
Contents: x3 Plasma Tank, x3 Incendiary Grenade, x1 Stun Gloves

  • Emergency Equipment

Cost: 1500 Credits
Contents: x4 Floor Bot, x5 Air Tank, x5 Gas Mask

  • Alcohol Crate

Cost: 300 Credits
Contents: x8 Assorted Liquor

  • Robotics Crate

Cost: 2000 Credits
Contents: x1 Security, Floor Repair, Cleaning, Medical, Firefighting and Mining Bots

  • Novelty Clothing Crate

Cost: 15000 Credits
Contents: x7 Assorted Novelty Clothing

Jobs on Space Station 13
Command &
Captain · Head of Security · Head of Personnel · Chief Engineer · Research Director · Medical Director · Security Officer · Detective · Security Assistant · Nanotrasen Security Consultant
Medical &
Geneticist · Roboticist · Scientist · Medical Doctor
Engineering Quartermaster · Miner · Engineer
Civilian Chef · Bartender · Botanist · Rancher · Janitor · Chaplain · Mail Courier · Staff Assistant · Radio Host · Clown · Gimmick jobs
Jobs of the Day Dungeoneer · Barber · Waiter · Lawyer · Tourist · Musician · Boxer
Antagonist Roles With own mode Arcfiend · Blob · Changeling · Gang Member · Flockmind · Nuclear Operative · Spy Thief · Traitor · Revolutionary · Vampire · Wizard
Others Grinch · Hunter · Krampus · Werewolf · Wraith · Wrestler · Zombie · Gimmick antagonist roles
Special Roles Artificial Intelligence · Battler · Cluwne · Critter · Cyborg · Ghost · Ghostdrone · Monkey · Santa Claus