Difference between revisions of "Gang"

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m (Might as well use that can image.)
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* If an officer assaults or kills a member of a gang which hasn't attacked security, it will be punished as if they'd done the same to a civilian!
* If an officer assaults or kills a member of a gang which hasn't attacked security, it will be punished as if they'd done the same to a civilian!
* Security's main role in gang mode is to keep the peace, not 'win' against the gangs!
* Security's main role in gang mode is to keep the peace, not 'win' against the gangs!
* If a security officer arrests a gang member for a minor crime like petty theft, feel free to throw the suspect at a rival gang. You clean up the streets and the other gang gets more pull, everyone wins!


Revision as of 18:46, 12 April 2015

Spray Can for Gangs.png

In Gang Mode, several rival gangs seek to lay claim to the areas of the station by tagging them with their spray paint and generally looking menacing in their outfits. It is still very much in development, so don't be a crybaby if something happens during a gang round that doesn't make much sense.



  • Gang members may freely kill anyone dressed in another gang's clothing (or part of their clothing).
  • Shouldn't kill civilians unless provoked - recruit them instead! Any civilians interfering in gang business should be severely beaten.
  • They may assault or kill security, but if they do security is allowed to fight back. Violence against security is a very bad idea!
  • May use bombs if there is a very good reason to do so and a general consensus is reached in the gang that it's a good idea.
  • It's not acceptable to block off a gang's locker by building walls or other obstacles around it.


  • Security should initially treat gang members like normal players, arresting them for crimes but otherwise leaving them alone.
  • If a particular gang is responsible for assaulting or murdering an officer, security may freely arrest or kill members of that gang.
  • If an officer assaults or kills a member of a gang which hasn't attacked security, it will be punished as if they'd done the same to a civilian!
  • Security's main role in gang mode is to keep the peace, not 'win' against the gangs!
  • If a security officer arrests a gang member for a minor crime like petty theft, feel free to throw the suspect at a rival gang. You clean up the streets and the other gang gets more pull, everyone wins!


  • Should try to stay out of gang disputes - all civilians are free to join a gang if they want to get involved.
  • Can only attack gang members if provoked - their gang has attacked civilians in the past, they are stealing from the civilian in question, etc.
  • If they kill gang members unprovoked it will be treated as griefing the same as any random murder.
  • Can use bombs in dire situations. For example, if a gang has defeated security and is roaming the station heavily armed, murdering people, it may be OK to bomb them as long as collateral damage is kept to a minimum.

The Gang Leader

How do I know if I'm a gang leader?

It's pretty damn obvious. On round start, you are clearly informed that "You are the leader of the WORLD'S GREATEST BUDDIES gang!" Gang names are randomly generated and uniforms and tags are picked at random from a list. You gain access to the Set Gang Base command which can, well, set your base.

Set Gang Base

You may have to type set-gang-base to get wonderful Byond to work, but when used correctly a locker will be spawned. Anyone can walk up and use a locker to join your gang, automatically equipping the proper gear, headset, and spray can.

A good location is important and should reflect on how you want to run your gang. Huge gangs require an easily accessible and public locker. If you want to control a job specific area of the station, you might set it up in a place like the Research Wing and convince the workers there to join. If you want to do selective recruiting from the civilians, you hide it and bring applicants there.

Note that the room your locker is in will permanently belong to your gang.

Your Job as a Gang Leader

You are told, very clearly upon round start, that you must capture territory for your gang and eliminate other gang leaders. The winning gang is the one with the most territory owned and, crucially, a surviving leader. How you do that is up to you - but know that they are gunning for you too!

Joining a Gang

You are unable to join a gang if you are a Security Officer, Head of Personnel, Captain or Head of Security. These roles should be aiming to get the station under control and imprison the gang leaders. Please do not murder them. You join a gang by going to the gang's base and right-clicking on the locker then selecting Join Gang. This will make you a member of that gang, allowing you to spray their tag to claim an area. You may do this as often as you like with as many other gangs as you like, but this will erase your previous allegiance.

Supplementary Video


Jobs on Space Station 13
Command &
CaptainNew64.gif Captain · HeadOfSecurityV2-64x64.gif Head of Security · HeadOfPersonnelV2-64x66.png Head of Personnel · ChiefEngineer64.png Chief Engineer · ResearchDirectorV2-64x70.png Research Director · MedicalDirectorNew64.png Medical Director

TankTopSecurityOfficer.gif Security Officer · DetectiveNew64.png Detective · SecurityAssistantNew64.png Security Assistant

NanotrasenSecurityOperativeWithSuit68.gif Nanotrasen Security Consultant

Medical &
MedicalDoctorNew64.gif Medical Doctor · MedicalAssistantNew.png Medical Trainee · RoboticistNew64.png Roboticist · Genetics wiki big.gif Geneticist

ScientistV3-64x64.png Scientist · ResearchAssistantNew.png Research Trainee

Engineering EngineerCoatNew64.png Engineer · TechassistantNew.png Technical Trainee

QuartermasterNew64.png Quartermaster · MinerV3-64x64.png Miner


AssistantNew64.png Staff Assistant · JanitorNew64.png Janitor · ChaplainNew64.png Chaplain · MailmanV2-64x64.png Mail Courier · RadioHostV2-64x64.png Radio Host · MimeNew64.png Mime

Chef64new.png Chef · BartenderNew64.png Bartender · BotanistNew64.png Botanist · Rancher2.png Rancher

ClownNew64.png Clown

SousChefV2-64x64.png Gimmick jobs

Silicon AIV3-64.gif Artificial Intelligence · CyborgV3-64x64.gif Cyborg
Jobs of the Day Dungeoneer64x64.png Dungeoneer · BarberV2-64x64.png Barber · WaiterV2-64x64.png Waiter · LawyerV2-64x66.png Lawyer · TouristNew64.png Tourist · MusicianV2-64x64.png Musician · BoxerV2-64x64.png Boxer
Antagonist Roles With own mode Arcfiend64x64.PNG Arcfiend · BlobOvermind64.png Blob · AbominationAnimated64x96.gif Changeling · GangLeaderV2-64x68.png Gang Member · Featherdrone-flockmind.gif Flockmind (Featherdrone-flocktrace.gif Flocktrace) · SyndicateAssaultTrooperV3-64x64.png Nuclear Operative · SpyThiefV2-64x64.png Spy Thief · TraitorNew64.png Traitor · HeadRevolutionaryV2-64x64.png Revolutionary · VampireV2-64x64.png Vampire (VampThrallV3-64x64.png Thrall) · WizardNew64.gif Wizard
Others HardmodeTraitorNew64.png Sleeper Agent · WerewolfV2-64x68.png Werewolf · WraithV2-64x64.png Wraith (Poltergeist64.png Poltergeist) · WrestlerV2-64x64.png Wrestler · PredatorV2-64x64.png Hunter · GrinchMitch.png Grinch · KrampusSquish.gif Krampus · OmniTraitorV2-64x64.gif Gimmick antagonist roles
Special Roles Drone64x64.png Ghostdrone · MonkeyResprite64.png Monkey · SpaceMouse64.png Critter · GhostV3-64x64.png Ghost · CluwneNew64.png Cluwne · SantaClausV2-64x64.png Santa Claus