Difference between revisions of "Engineering Objects"

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(Miniaturized lamp manufacturer is now part of a Cargo crate rather than a job spawn item)
(→‎RCD: Tweak this paragraph about the light bulb mode)
(178 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
Line 7: Line 7:
|- id="Mechanical Toolbox"
|- id="Mechanical Toolbox"
! Mechanical Toolbox
! Mechanical Toolbox
| <center>[[File:MechanicalToolbox.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:MechanicalToolboxV2.png]]</center>
| The standard blue toolbox and iconic symbol of SS13's robust combat system because of its longstanding choice as an improvised weapon. For best results, apply directly to forehead. Found all over the station, and contains useful tools for anyone without a nearby fabricator.<br>
| The standard blue toolbox and iconic symbol of SS13's robust combat system because of its longstanding choice as an improvised weapon. For best results, apply directly to forehead. It contains useful tools for anyone without a nearby [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|fabricator]]. be found throughout the station/ship, and every [[Quartermaster#Engineering Crate|Engineering Crate]] comes with two of these, with orange tools
-Screwdriver, wirecutters, wrench, welder, crowbar, atmospheric analyzer. (default) <Br>
*Screwdriver, wirecutters, wrench, welder, crowbar, atmospheric analyzer. (default) <Br>
-Upgraded atmospheric analyzer, soldering iron, t-ray scanner, wire coil, [[Foods and Drinks#Milk|milk]], [[Guide to Botany#Banana|banana]], [[Foods and Drinks#Peanut Butter Sandwich|peanut butter sandwich]] (the variant [[Engineer]]s spawn with)
*Screwdriver (orange), wirecutters (orange), wrench (orange), welder (orange), crowbar (orange), atmospheric analyzer. ([[Quartermaster#Engineering Crate|Engineering Crate]] version)
*Upgraded atmospheric analyzer, [[#Device Analyzer|device analyzer]], soldering iron, t-ray scanner, wire coil, [[Foods and Drinks#Milk|milk]], [[Foods and Drinks#Peanut Butter Sandwich|peanut butter sandwich]] (the variant [[Engineer]]s spawn with)

|- id="Electrical Toolbox"
|- id="Electrical Toolbox"
! Electrical Toolbox
! Electrical Toolbox
| <center>[[File:ElectricalToolbox.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:ElectricalToolboxV2.png]]</center>
| Intended for fixing destroyed power infrastructure. They are clustered around [[Tool Storage|tool storage]] and [[Electronics|electronics]].<br>
| Intended for fixing destroyed power infrastructure. The ones in [[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crates]] come with orange tools, while the ones found [[Tool Storage|tool storage]] and [[Electronics|electronics]] have default colors. Contains:  
*Screwdriver, wirecutters, crowbar, t-ray scanner, 3x wire coils (default)
- Screwdriver, wirecutters, crowbar, t-ray scanner, 3x wire coils (default)<br>
*Screwdriver (orange), wirecutters (orange), crowbar (orange), t-ray scanner, 3x wire coils ([[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crate]] version)
- T-ray scanner, device analyzer, soldering iron, wire coil, [[Foods and Drinks#Robust Coffee|robust coffee]], [[Foods and Drinks#Potato Chips|chips]], [[Foods and Drinks#Cheese Sandwich|cheese sandwich]] (the variant [[mechanic]]s spawn with)
|- id="Emergency Toolbox"
|- id="Emergency Toolbox"
! Emergency Toolbox
! Emergency Toolbox
| <center>[[File:EmergencyToolbox.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:EmergencyToolboxV2.png]]</center>
| Hidden mainly in firefighting stashes in [[Maintenance|maintenance tunnels]] and emergency supply lockers. They're still great for caving in a skull.<br>
| Hidden mainly in firefighting stashes in [[Maintenance|maintenance tunnels]] and emergency supply lockers. They're still great for caving in a skull.<br>
Contains: [[General Objects#Fire Extinguisher|fire extinguisher]], [[General Objects#Station Bounced Radio|station bounced radio]], flashlight, [[crowbar]] (red variant).
Contains: [[General Objects#Fire Extinguisher|fire extinguisher]], [[General Objects#Station Bounced Radio|station bounced radio]], [[General Objects#Flashlight|flashlight]], [[General Objects#Emergency Flare|emergency flare]], [[crowbar]] (red variant).

|- id="Toolbelt"
|- id="Toolbelt"
! Tool Belt
! Tool Belt
| <center>[[File:toolbelt.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:UtilityBeltV2.png]]</center>
| A toolbox that fits on the belt slot. A Holy Grail for anyone unwilling or unable to stuff their tools into a backpack box. [[Mechanic]] and [[Engineer]] spawn with a version with tools. Empty ones often appear in [[Engineering Storage]] and sometimes [[Tool Storage]], [[Warehouse]], and [[maintenance]] depending on the map. Additional empty belts also appear in, naturally, [[Quartermaster#Utility Belt Crate|Utility Belt Crates from Cargo]].<br>
| A toolbox that fits on the belt slot. A Holy Grail for anyone unwilling or unable to stuff their tools into a backpack box. [[Engineer]]s spawn with a version with tools. Empty ones often appear in [[Engineering Storage]] and sometimes [[Tool Storage]], [[Warehouse]], and [[maintenance]] depending on the map. Additional empty belts also appear in, naturally, [[Quartermaster#Utility Belt Crate|Utility Belt Crates from Cargo]].<br>
Holds absolutely anything in the tools category and many other tiny or small items. Contains: <Br>
Holds absolutely anything in the tools category and many other tiny or small items. Contains: <Br>
- Nothing. (default) <br>
* Nothing. (default) <br>
- Screwdriver, wirecutters, wrench, welder, crowbar, multitool, deconstruction device. (variant [[Mechanic]] and [[Engineer]] start with.
* Screwdriver, wirecutters, wrench, welder, crowbar, multitool, deconstruction device. (variant [[Engineer]]s start with)<br> [[Image:YellowScrewdriver.png]][[Image:WirecuttersYellow-32x32.png]][[Image:WrenchYellow-32x32.png]][[Image:YellowWelder.gif]][[Image:CrowbarYellow-32x32.png]][[File:MultitoolV2-32x32.png]][[File:DeconstructionDeviceV3-32x32.png]]

Line 45: Line 44:
! Screwdriver
! Screwdriver
| <center>[[File:ScrewdriverV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:ScrewdriverV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| One of the most, if not the most essential tool. Used in moving windows and grilles, building [[Construction#Computers|computers]], opening maintenance panels in electronics, fixing microwaves, modifying small devices, opening cyborg heads and more.
| One of the most essential tools, if not the most. Used in moving windows and grilles, building [[Construction#Computers|computers]], opening maintenance panels in electronics, fixing microwaves, modifying small devices, opening cyborg heads and more. There are various versions that come with different-colored handles. They aren't for different types of screws or anything; the color just gives an idea of where it came from. They otherwise function identically. The versions include:
*[[File:ScrewdriverV3-32x32.png]] Red - Spawned by the map, and more or less the default appearance. They appear in [[Tool Storage]] and [[Engineering Storage]], in [[maintenance]], in miscellaneous locations on the station/ship, and in off-station/ship areas like the [[Trench]]. They can spawn both by themselves, out in the open (perhaps with other tools lying around), and inside toolboxes.
*[[File:ScrewdriverYellow.png]] Yellow - Likely came from an [[engineer]]; they spawn with these on their toolbelts. It's also possible it was produced by the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]].
*[[File:ScrewdriverOrange.png]] Orange - Shipped in through Cargo. Orange screwdrivers are bundled in the toolboxes that come in [[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crates]] and [[Quartermaster#Engineering Crate|Engineering Crates]], so if you're seeing these, the [[quartermaster]](s) probably purchased them.
*[[File:ScrewdriverGreen.png]] Green - Manufactured by a machine. The [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]] and [[Making and Breaking#Robotics Fabricator|robotics fabricator]] make these.
*[[File:ScrewdriverGrey.png]] Grey - Came from a [[roboticist]]. The [[Medical Objects#Robotics Belt|robotics belt]] they start with comes with a grey screwdriver, among other grey tools.

|- id="Wirecutters"
|- id="Wirecutters"
! Wirecutters
! Wirecutters
| <center>[[File:WirecuttersV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:WirecuttersV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Used in wiring, [[hacking]], deconstructing computers, etc. Live wires should always be handled with [[Engineering Objects#Insulated Gloves|insulated gloves]].
| Used in wiring, [[hacking]], deconstructing computers, etc. Live wires should always be handled with [[Engineering Objects#Insulated Gloves|insulated gloves]]. There are various versions with different-colored handles. Aside from having different sprites, they all act alike. The color just indicates where you might find/obtain them.
*[[File:WirecuttersV2-32x32.png]] Red - The default appearance. Can be found in places like [[Tool Storage]] and [[Engineering Storage]] (plus [[maintenance]], depending on your luck, and various off-ship/station locales), both by themselves and inside toolboxes.
*[[File:WirecuttersOrange.png]] Orange - Appears inside [[#Mechanical Toolbox|mechanical toolboxes]] from [[Quartermaster#Engineering Crate|Engineering Crates]] and [[#Electrical Toolbox|electrical toolboxes]] from [[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crates]]. Both of these are crates you can order from the [[quartermaster]]s.
*[[File:WirecuttersYellow-32x32.png]] Yellow - Spawns in the toolbelts of any [[Engineer|Engineers]] and is craftable by the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]].
*[[File:WirecuttersGreen.png]] Green - Can be made at a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]].
*[[File:WirecuttersGrey.png]] Grey - [[Roboticist]]s spawn with these, on their [[Medical Objects#Robotics Belt|robotics belts]].

|- id="Wrench"
|- id="Wrench"
! Wrench
! Wrench
| <center>[[File:WrenchV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:WrenchV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Used in building computers, activating [[cyborg]]s, deconstructing walls and furniture etc.
| Used in building computers, activating [[cyborg]]s, deconstructing walls and furniture, etc. These come in various different colors, but they all wrench the same way. They're color-coded based on where it might have came from.
*[[File:WrenchV2-32x32.png]] Regular - More or less the default appearance, as befitting a wrench that looks unpainted. If you were to find a wrench in [[Tool Storage]] or take a [[#Mechanical Toolbox|mechanical toolbox]] from [[Engineering Storage]] and pull out a wrench, it would probably look like this.
*[[File:WrenchOrange.png]] Orange - Orange you glad the [[Quartermaster|QMs]] ordered an [[Quartermaster#Engineering Crate|Engineering Crate]]? Because that's where it appears, specifically inside the [[#Mechanical Toolbox|mechanical toolboxes]].
*[[File:WrenchYellow-32x32.png]] Yellow - Blends well with the general color scheme of [[Engineer|Engineers]], who spawn with on their toolbelts, and the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]], which can make more of these yellow wrenches.
*[[File:WrenchGreen.png]] Green - "Green" rhymes with "machine", and that's exactly where this wrench came from.  Can be made at [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturers]] and [[Making and Breaking#Robotics Fabricator|robotics fabricators]].
*[[File:WrenchGrey.png]] Grey - [[Roboticist]]s build shiny grey [[cyborg]]s, so it's no surprise that they spawn this shiny grey wrench on their [[Medical Objects#Robotics Belt|robotics belts]].
|- id="Golden Wrench"
! Golden Wrench
| <center>[[File:GoldenWrenchV2.png]]</center>
| Shiny. It's only gold-plated though, so there's no gold to extract, and it doesn't sparkle. It still works like a regular [[#Wrench|wrench]] though. You can obtain it by winning [[General Objects#Arcade Machine|arcade machine games]] and activating [[ThinkDOS#Prize Vending Module|prize vending modules]]; golden wrenches are one of the possible prizes, among others.
|- id="Monkey Wrench"
! Monkey Wrench
| <center>[[File:MonkeyWrenchV2.png]]</center>
| [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_wrench Get it?] Hopefully not made from actual [[monkey]]s. Despite the (rather unsettling) tail, the monkey wrench  still behaves like a normal [[#Wrench|wrench]]. This novelty tool can be found in a handful of monkey-themed areas, such as a underwater sea monkey hideout that sometimes spawns in the [[Trench]].

|- id="Welder"
|- id="Welder"
! Welder
! Welder
| <center>[[File:WelderV2-32x32.gif]]</center>
| <center>[[File:WelderV2-32x32.gif]] [[File:YellowWelder.gif]]</center>
| A heavy engineering tool. An active welder will ignite [[Gas#Plasma|plasma]], break light bulbs, set off nearby fire alarms and do horrible things when swung at a person. Click on it while it's in-hand to activate it. To refuel it, click on a [[General Objects#Fuel Tank|handheld]] or [[General Objects#Tank|full-size welding fuel tank]] while the welder is off and in your active hand. Operating one will cause [[Doctoring#Eye|eye damage]] without proper [[Engineering Objects#Welding Mask|protection]].  
| A heavy engineering tool. An active welder will ignite [[Gas#Plasma|plasma]], break light bulbs, set off nearby fire alarms and do horrible things when swung at a person. Click on it while it's in-hand to activate it. To refuel it, click on a [[General Objects#Fuel Tank|handheld]] or [[General Objects#Tank|full-size welding fuel tank]] while the welder is off and in your active hand. Operating one will cause [[Doctoring#Eye|eye damage]] without proper [[Engineering Objects#Welding Helmet|protection]].<br><br>There are a number of variants. While they have different-colored handles, they all function the same, and any one of them will get the job done. The main differences are where they came from.
*[[File:WelderV2-32x32.gif]] Default - Standard version, found in welding closets, on tables, in [[Tool Storage]], basically any place where the other variants don't spawn.
*[[File:WelderOrangeOn.gif]] Orange - Appears in the [[#Mechanical Toolbox|mechanical toolbox variant]] used by [[Quartermaster#Engineering Crate|Cargo's Engineering Crates]].
*[[File:WelderYellow.gif]] Yellow - Spawns in the toolbelts of any [[Engineer|Engineers]] and can be crafted by the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]].
*[[File:WelderGreenOn.gif]] Green - The kind made by [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturers]] and [[Making and Breaking#Science Fabricator|science fabricators]].
*[[File:WelderGreyOn.gif]] Grey - [[Roboticist]]s spawn with these, on their [[Medical Objects#Robotics Belt|robotics belt]]

|- id="Crowbar"
|- id="Crowbar"
! Crowbar
! Crowbar
| <center>[[File:CrowbarV2-32x32.png]] [[File:CrowbarRed-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:CrowbarV2-32x32.png]] </center>
| A general-purpose opener. Used to pry open firelocks and unpowered doors, prying up or out floor tiles, window frames, wall girders, computer modules and so on. There is a variant with a red body that appears in [[#Emergency Toolbox|emergency toolboxes]]; aside from different sprite, it behaves identically to its less-decorated kin.  
| A general-purpose opener. Used to pry open firelocks and unpowered doors, prying up or out floor tiles, window frames, wall girders, computer modules and so on. There are several variants, with colors roughly indicating their origin. Aside from the different bodies, they otherwise behave identically.
*[[File:CrowbarV2-32x32.png]] Regular - The default look. If you find a crowbar in your starting [[General Objects#Box|box]], on a rack in [[maintenance]], in a [[#Mechanical Toolbox|mechanical toolbox]], on a table in [[Tool Storage]], in a mechanical toolbox that spawned on a table in Tool Storage, etc., it will likely look like this.
*[[File:CrowbarRed-32x32.png]] Red - They spawn in [[#Emergency Toolbox|emergency toolboxes]], so of course they're red too. They deliberately do ''not'' reference ''Half-Life''.
*[[File:CrowbarOrange.png]] Orange - These appear in Cargo's [[Quartermaster#Engineering Crate|Engineering Crates]] and [[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crates]], inside the [[#Mechanical Toolbox|mechanical toolboxes]] and [[#Electrical Toolbox|electrical toolboxes]], respectively.
*[[Image:CrowbarYellow-32x32.png]] Yellow - The similarly yellow-clad [[Engineer|Engineers]] spawn with these on their toolbelts, and extras can be created at the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]]. They (the engineers and these crowbars) kinda look like bananas.
*[[File:CrowbarGreen.png]] Green - A mass-produced, eco(nomy) crowbar. [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|General manufacturers]], [[Making and Breaking#Robotics Fabricator|robotics fabricators]], [[Making and Breaking#Medical Fabricator|medical fabricators]], and [[Making and Breaking#Science Fabricator|science fabricators]] make these.
*[[File:CrowbarBlue.png]] Blue - Starting gear for [[medical doctor]]s, who sometimes use blue when the Red Cross gets itchy about emblem misuse.
*[[File:CrowbarGrey.png]] Grey - Just like engineers, [[roboticist]]s spawn with these on their belt, specifically their [[Medical Objects#Robotics Belt|robotics belts]].

|- id="Multitool"
|- id="Multitool"
! Multitool
! Multitool
| <center>[[File:MultitoolV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:MultitoolV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| An electrician's precision tool. Known mostly for being a cornerstone of [[hacking]], it's also essential for finishing [[Construction#APCs|APC repairs]].  
| An electrician's precision tool. Known mostly for being a cornerstone of [[hacking]], it's also essential for finishing [[Construction#APCs|APC repairs]], checking the wattage of wires, getting the Network ID of doors and lockers for [[Packets]], checking the amount of Watts in a Cable, and wiping data from mainframe memory cores, disks, tapes, and the like if they are not set to Read Only. There are a handful of variants, some with different-colored stripes. They all function identically.
*[[File:MultitoolV2-32x32.png]] Standard - Can be made at the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]], if you have the materials for it.
*[[File:MultitoolOrange.png]] Orange - Found in [[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crates from Cargo]].
*[[File:MultitoolGrey.png]] Grey - Exists in the game's source code but is currently unobtainable.  

|- id="T-Ray Scanner"
|- id="T-Ray Scanner"
! T-Ray Scanner
! T-Ray Scanner
| <center>[[File:TRayScannerV2-32x32.gif]]</center>
| <center>[[File:TRayScannerV2-32x32.gif]]</center>
| A combined ultrasound probe and volt meter. When operated like a flashlight, it emits terahertz range radio pulses that briefly reveal hidden wires, disposal pipes and [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloakers]]. When used on wires, doors or other electronic equipment, it reports whether it's powered or electrified. [[Engineer|Engineer's]] and [[Mechanic|mechanic's]] PDAs have these instead of the standard flashlight modules.
| A combined ultrasound probe and volt meter. When operated like a flashlight, it emits terahertz range radio pulses that briefly reveal hidden wires, disposal pipes and [[Syndicate Items#Cloaking Device|cloakers]]. When used on wires, doors or other electronic equipment, it reports whether it's powered or electrified. [[Engineer|Engineer's]] PDAs have these instead of the standard flashlight modules. Extra T-ray scanners can be made at an [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]].

|- id="Wire"
|- id="Wire"
! Wire
! Wire
| <center>[[File:Wire.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:Wire.png]]</center>
| Spare cable, found plentifully in yellow toolkits and boxes marked "Cable Storage". Used in constructing computers, repairing damaged wiring under floors and much more. Check out [[Guide to Wiring]] for details on how to put floors and wire together to make [[Powering the station|things]] happen. While red is the most common color, [[#Electrical Toolbox|electrical toolboxes]] and certain Cargo crates (all under [[Quartermaster#Basic Materials|Basic Materials]] section) have wire in many other colors, including: <font color=#414A4C>black</font>, <font color=#72A0C1>blue</font>, <font color=#832A0D>brown</font>, <font color=#00AD83>green</font>, <font color=#FF69B4>hot pink</font>, <font color=#C46210>orange</font>, <font color=#9370DB>purple</font>, <font color=#EDEAE0>white</font>, and <font color=#EED202>yellow</font>.
| Spare cable, found plentifully in yellow toolkits and boxes marked "Cable Storage". Used in constructing computers, repairing damaged wiring under floors and much more. Check out [[Guide to Wiring]] for details on how to put floors and wire together to make [[Power_Grid|things]] happen. While red is the most common color, [[#Electrical Toolbox|electrical toolboxes]] and certain Cargo crates (all under [[Quartermaster#Basic Materials|Basic Materials]] section) have wire in many other colors, including: <font color=#414A4C>black</font>, <font color=#72A0C1>blue</font>, <font color=#832A0D>brown</font>, <font color=#00AD83>green</font>, <font color=#FF69B4>hot pink</font>, <font color=#C46210>orange</font>, <font color=#9370DB>purple</font>, <font color=#EDEAE0>white</font>, and <font color=#EED202>yellow</font>.

|- id="Soldering Iron"
|- id="Soldering Iron"
! Soldering Iron
! Soldering Iron
| <center>[[file:solderingiron.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SolderingIronV2.png]]</center>
| Essential for [[Mechanic#R&D|electronic projects]] as far as gadget construction is concerned, but not much more than a superheated stabbing implement for the rest.
| Essential for deploying [[#Frame|frames]] as far as gadget construction is concerned, but not much more than a superheated stabbing implement for the rest. Spare soldering irons can be manufactured at an [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]].

|- Id="Deconstruction Device"
|- Id="Deconstruction Device"
! Deconstruction Device
! Deconstruction Device
| <center>[[File:DeconstructionDeviceV2.png]] [[File:DeconstructionDeviceV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:DeconstructionDeviceV2.png]] [[File:DeconstructionDeviceV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| Does the exact opposite and disassembles any piece of machinery, yielding its respective object frame, which can later be deployed elsewhere using a [[#Soldering Iron|soldering iron]]. The general process is that you click on the thing with the device, and then press the right buttons while holding device and the right tool.  
| Often shortened to "decon device". Does the exact opposite of what the [[#Soldering Iron|soldering iron]] does and disassembles any piece of machinery, yielding its respective object frame, which can later be deployed elsewhere using a [[#Soldering Iron|soldering iron]]. The general process is that you click on the thing with the device, and then press the right buttons with the right tool in your active hand and the device in your other hand.  

There are two versions that deconstruct the same but have different damage: the one with a nasty saw blade is also a slow but brutal weapon, but the one that vaguely resembles an [[#RCD|RCD]] does no damage at all. [[Engineer]]s and [[Mechanic]]s start with the former on their [[Engineering Objects#Toolbelt|utility belt]], the [[Chief Engineer]]'s [[Engineering Objects#Aurora Belt|aurora belt]] also has it, and so do [[Mechanic]] equipment lockers. Cyborgs with the [[Cyborg#Engineering|engineering module]] get the one with different sprite that does no damage.  
There are two versions that deconstruct the same but have different damage and availibility:
*[[File:DeconstructionDeviceV3-32x32.png]] The one with a nasty saw blade is also a slow but brutal weapon. [[Engineer]]s start with this on their [[Engineering Objects#Toolbelt|utility belt]], the [[Chief Engineer]]'s [[Engineering Objects#Aurora Belt|aurora belt]] also has it, and so do Mechanic's lockers and [[Quartermaster#Mechanics Reconstruction Kit|Mechanics Reconstruction Kits from Cargo]].
*[[File:DeconstructionDeviceV2.png]] The one that vaguely resembles an [[#RCD|RCD]] does no damage at all. Cyborgs with the [[Cyborg#Engineering|engineering module]] get this one.

|- id="Analyzer"
|- id="Atmospheric Analyzer"
! Atmospheric Analyzer
! Atmospheric Analyzer
| <center>[[file:AtmosphericAnalyzerV2-32x32.png]] [[Image:AtmosAnalyerUpgrade.png]] </center>
| <center>[[file:AtmosphericAnalyzerV2-32x32.png]] [[Image:PDAV2.png]]</center>
| Instant atmospheric analysis. Lists the temperature, pressure and the proportions of gases either in the open air or inside pipes and canisters. Abundantly available in blue toolboxes, but every PDA has this feature built-in. Adding a atmospheric analyzer upgrade from a Vendomat lets it analyze gases in open air, but not canisters or similar, from long range.
| Instant atmospheric analysis. Can detect the nearest hull breach. Lists the temperature, pressure and the proportions of gases either in the open air or inside canisters, pipes, [[Singularity Generator#Radiation Collector Array|Radiation Collector Arrays]], [[Singularity Generator#Radiation Collector Controller|Radiation Collector Control machines]], [[Nuclear Generator#Nuclear Reactor|nuclear reactors]], [[Nuclear Generator#Gas Turbine|gas turbines]], and [[Nuclear Generator#Gas Channel Rod|gas channels]]. Abundantly available in blue toolboxes, but every PDA has this feature built-in. Adding an [[#Atmospheric Analyzer Upgrade|atmospheric analyzer upgrade]] lets it analyze gases in open air, but not canisters or similar, from long range.
|- id="Atmospheric Analyzer Upgrade"
! Atmospheric Analyzer Upgrade
| <center>[[Image:AtmosAnalyerUpgrade.png]]</center>
| Allows the [[#Atmospheric Analyzer|atmospheric analyzer]] (what else?) scan gases from a distance, with some limitations. Vendomats have a few, and they sometimes appear on various tables in [[maintenance]] and other vaguely Engineering-related areas, alongside various randomly-selected items.

|- id="Device Analyzer"
|- id="Device Analyzer"
! Device Analyzer
! Device Analyzer
| <center>[[file:Deviceanalyzer.png]] [[Image:MechanicsPDA.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:DeviceAnalyzerV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Scans one or multiple electronic devices into memory, which can then be redeemed for a blueprint in the [[Mechanic#R&D|ruckingenur kit]]. The mechanic's [[PDA]] comes with a superior scanner which transmits all schematics wirelessly into the workshop.
| Scans one or multiple electronic devices into memory, which can then be redeemed for a blueprint in the [[ruckingenur kit]]. The [[engineer]]'s [[PDA]] comes with a superior scanner which transmits all schematics wirelessly into the workshop. The device analyzer can technically scan anything (including people, to whom it will show a funny message) but you won't get any blueprints unless you use it on actual machines.<br><br>If you try to put a handheld analyzer onto tables, into backpacks, etc. it'll normally just scan them; switch to {{Harm}} intent to put it onto things or bash things with it without scanning them.
|- id="RCD"
! RCD (Rapid Construction Device)
| <center>[[File:RCDBaseV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Point-and-click repair magic! The RCD conjures up and tears down various station structures using a 50-unit magazine of compressed matter, depending on the setting, which is changed by clicking on the thing while it's in your hand (Hotkey: {{Key|C}} for Goon WASD, {{Key|Z}} for /tg/style hotkeys). Each construction/deconstruction action has a 5-second delay, and it creates sparks when switching between modes or when it finishes its task, which may ignite nearby flammable materials.
*[[File:RCDWallsFloorsV2-32x32.png]] Floors/Walls: Uses 1 unit to build a floor on empty space or a lattice. Uses 2 to build a wall on a flooring or just 1 to add plating to a girder, completing the wall. Can also upgrade regular walls to reinforced walls for 2 matter units. This setting cannot replace burnt flooring or add tiles to bare plating; use [[#Floor Tiles|floor tiles]] for those!
*[[File:RCDAirlocksV2-32x32.png]] Airlocks: Builds a generic grey airlock for 5 matter units. This airlock has no access attached to it.
*[[File:RCDDeconstructV2-32x32.png]] Deconstruct: Removes walls, girders, floors, lattices, and windows, each for 8 matter units and removes airlocks for 15 units. Can also downgrade a reinforced wall into a regular wall for 8 units.
*[[File:RCDWindowsV2-32x32.png]] Windows: Creates a generic (i.e. not reinforced) glass window over a plating or grille for 2 matter units.
The whole station has exactly two units: one is locked away in [[EVA]] and the [[Chief Engineer|CE]] sleeps next to the other one. [[Cyborg#Engineering|Engineering cyborgs]] and [[Ghost Drone|Ghost Drones]] have built-in RCDs that do not need refilling and instead replicate the compressed matter straight from their power supplies, at 1 matter unit = 100 charge, so emergency repair work usually falls on them. It is also possible to buy an empty one from [[Quartermaster#RCD Replacement|Cargo's RCD replacement crate]] or make one at a [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fab]] that's been [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacked]].
|- id="Compressed Matter Cartridge"
! Compressed Matter Cartridge
| <center>[[File:CompressedMatterCartridgeV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| "Ammo" for the [[#RCD|rapid construction device]]. These standard size ones each give 10 units of matter for the RCD. Five of them are usually bundled in the "RCD crate" the station's [[#RCD|RCD]] units come in, and additional ones can be created at [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabs]] and [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general fabricators]] that have been [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacked]].
|- id="Medium Compressed Matter Cartridge"
! Medium Compressed Matter Cartridge
| <center>[[File:MediumCompressedMatterCartridgeV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| These larger cartridges grant 50 units of matter for the [[#RCD|rapid construction device]], enough to fill a completely empty one. Available at [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabs]] and [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general fabricators]] that have been [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacked]].
|- id="Large Compressed Matter Cartridge"
! Large Compressed Matter Cartridge
| <center>[[File:Large rcd cartridge.png]]</center>
| The extra big ones start with a generous 100 units of matter for the [[#RCD|rapid construction device]] Since RCDs have 50 unit capacities, this of course means some left over. Can be made at [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabs]] and [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general fabricators]] that have been [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacked]], with correspondingly high material requirements.  

|- id="Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer"
|- id="Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer"
! Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer
! Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer
| <center>[[File:MiniaturizedLampManufacturerHumanYellow-32x32.png]] [[File:MiniaturizedLampManufacturerSiliconYellow-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:MiniaturizedLampManufacturerHumanYellow-32x32.png]] [[File:MiniaturizedLampManufacturerSiliconYellow-32x32.png]]</center>
| You don't use this to install new light fixtures. Instead, you click on an existing light fixture to insert a new the light bulb/tube with the bulb color set. Works on all fixtures, whether fully-function, broken, or missing a bulb. Click on it in-hand to cycle the bulb colors, going in order of: white, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, blacklight/UV, back to white.  
| Installs, changes, and removes lights. Click on the device while it's in your active hand/slot, and it'll open up a wheel of buttons that let you choose what color lamps it makes (''Set White'', ''Set Cyan'',etc.), whether it'll make light bulbs or light tubes (''Fitting Production: Bulbs'', ''Fitting Production: Tubes''), or toggle whether it removes lights or replaces them (''Toggle Fitting Removal''). <br><br>Click on a wall, window, or floor tile it with it, and it'll attempt to place down a light fixture of the configured color and tube/bulb setting. Click on a existing light, and it'll either swap it to the color you chose if toggled to replace lamps in the ''Toggle Fitting Removal'' or delete it if set in ''Toggle Fitting Removal'' to remove fittings.  

There are two versions of this that differ by resource cost. The gun-shaped one on the left is part of the [[Quartermaster#Construction Equipment|Construction Equipment crate]] that can ordered by the [[Quartermaster|QM(s)]], and it requires 1 [[#Metal Sheets|metal sheet]] with each use. To load it, simply click on the device with the sheets; loading it takes up to 5 sheets from the stack, and it has a capacity of 20 sheets. Meanwhile, the claw-like version on the right is used by certain types of [[Cyborg]], and rather than metal, it takes charge from the cyborg's battery, with adding in missing lights and replacing functional ones costing more than replacing broken ones.
There are two versions of this that differ by resource cost.
* [[File:MiniaturizedLampManufacturerHumanYellow-32x32.png]] The gun-shaped one can be found in [[Engineer]] equipment lockers. Extra ones can be made at an [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]], and one is included in the [[Quartermaster#Construction Equipment|Construction Equipment crate]] that can ordered by the [[Quartermaster|QM(s)]]. It requires 1 [[#Metal Sheets|metal sheet]] with each use. To load it, simply click on the device with the sheets; loading it takes up to 5 sheets from the stack, and it has a capacity of 20 sheets.  
* [[File:MiniaturizedLampManufacturerSiliconYellow-32x32.png]] The claw-like version is used by certain types of [[Cyborg]], and rather than metal, it takes charge from the cyborg's battery, with adding in missing lights, removing lights, and replacing functional ones costing more than replacing broken ones.

|- id="Floor and Wall Planner"
|- id="Floor and Wall Designer"
! Floor and Wall Planner
! Floor and Wall Designer
| <center>[[File:PlanDesignator.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:PlanDesignator.png]]</center>
| Changes the textures of existing floors and walls and can also remove changed textures. To use it, put it in your hand and left click on it. It will pop up a dialog box for three modes:
| Formerly known as the Floor and Wall Designer and often just called the floor planner/floor designer. Changes the textures of existing floors and walls and can also remove changed textures. To use it, put it in your hand and left click on it. It will pop up a dialog box for three modes:
*Floors: Lets you pick from a list of several floor patterns, from standard station floors to grass and sand to even caves and strange stone (there are no pictures). After you've chose the one you want, you can left-click on a floor to change it to the selected texture. Some floors cannot be changed.
*Floors: Lets you pick from a list of several floor patterns, from standard station floors to grass and sand to even caves and strange stone (there are no pictures). After you've chose the one you want, you can left-click on a floor to change it to the selected texture. Some floors cannot be changed.
*Walls: Works similar to floor mode, except with walls. Again, some walls cannot be changed.  
*Walls: Works similar to floor mode, except with walls. Again, some walls cannot be changed.  
*Restore original: For if you want to completely remove the new sprite you put in and go back the original one before you did any modifications. It works exactly like putting down new floor/walls textures, making reversing changes nice and easy.
*Restore original: For if you want to completely remove the new sprite you put in and go back the original one before you did any modifications. It works exactly like putting down new floor/walls textures, making reversing changes nice and easy.
Part of the [[Quartermaster#Construction Equipment|Construction Equipment crate]], which can be ordered from the [[Quartermaster|Quartermaster(s)]]. [[Sea Turtle#Manta|Manta's Sea Turtle]] also starts with one.
Part of the [[Quartermaster#Construction Equipment|Construction Equipment crate]], which can be ordered from the [[Quartermaster|Quartermaster(s)]].  

|- id="Window Planner"
|- id="Window Planner"
! Window Planner
! Window Planner
| <center>[[File:MaterialShaper.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:MaterialShaper.png]]</center>
| Formerly the material shaper,  a tool that takes processed metal bars and glass cubes and uses them to produce preset glass/grille windows, providing a efferent and quick way to make them without manually setting them down yourself. The gun has two different modes that are pretty straight forward. Has two modes:  
| Currently unobtainable. Formerly the material shaper,  a tool that takes processed metal bars and glass cubes and uses them to produce preset glass/grille windows, providing a efferent and quick way to make them without manually setting them down yourself. The gun has two different modes that are pretty straight forward. Has two modes:  
*'Marking/unmarking plans for grille and glass structures.' -  When you left click on an area, it puts down a transparent red outline of where you want your glass/grille section to go. Left clicking it again in this mode erases it. You can see the outlines with a [[Clothing#Construction Visualizer|construction visualizer]], if you somehow got a hold of one.
*'Marking/unmarking plans for grille and glass structures.' -  When you left click on an area, it puts down a transparent red outline of where you want your glass/grille section to go. Left clicking it again in this mode erases it. You can see the outlines with a [[Clothing#Construction Visualizer|construction visualizer]], if you somehow got a hold of one.
*'constructing planned grille and glass structures.' - Left-clicking on outlines set down on the above mode (not the floor they're on) uses the stored glass/metal to make the structure for you at the cost of 2 metal and 4 glass.
*'constructing planned grille and glass structures.' - Left-clicking on outlines set down on the above mode (not the floor they're on) uses the stored glass/metal to make the structure for you at the cost of 2 metal and 4 glass.
Found in the [[Quartermaster#Construction Equipment|Construction Equipment crate from Cargo]].
|- id="Room Designator"
! Room Designator
| <center>[[File:RoomDesignator.png]]</center>
| Used to assign areas to rooms. If you have built a new area into [[Space]] or the [[Seafloor]] and are having troubles getting power or whatever, it might be because the game doesn't recognize it as an extension of the ship/station. This device should help fix that. Obtained from [[Quartermaster#Construction Equipment|Cargo's Construction Equipment crate]].
|- id="Fire-Fighting Grenade"
! Fire-Fighting Grenade
| <center>[[File:FirefightingGrenadeV3.png]]</center>
| Creates a roughly 5x5 spray of [[Chemicals#Carbon Tetrachloride|fire-fighting foam]], instantly putting out most fires. Typically used on rooms that are engulfed in flames, but it helps extinguish people (or other mobs) set ablaze too. Remember: click on it in-hand to prime, press {{key|SPACE}} to enter Throw mode, then click on a tile to actually throw it somewhere. Found in [[Engineering Storage]] and [[Quartermaster#Firefighting Supplies Crate|Cargo's Firefighting Supplies Crate]].
|- id="Red Oxygen Grenade"
! Red Oxygen Grenade
| <center>[[File:OxygenGrenade-32x32.png]]</center>
| Disperses approximately an oxygen canister's worth of oxygen throughout an area instantly. Remember: click on it in-hand to prime, press {{key|SPACE}} to enter Throw mode, then click on a tile to actually throw it somewhere. Found in [[Engineering Storage]] and [[Quartermaster#Station Pressurization Crate|Station Pressurization Crate]]. Each engineer also starts with one in their pack, and you can make additional oxygen grenades at a [[Making and Breaking#Gas Extractor|gas extractor]].
|- id="Power Cell"
! Power Cell
| <center>[[file:PowerCellV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Main power for [[Cyborg]]s and backup juice for APCs before the lights go out. Several types of these high-capacity batteries can be found on the station, [[Cyborg#Battery|differing in maximum capacity or other properties]]. If depleted, they may be [[General Objects#Cell Charger|recharged manually]].
|- id="Fuel Pellet"
! Fuel Pellet
| <center>[[File:RTGPellet.png]]</center>
| Used by the radioisotope thermoelectric generator to make electricity. As you'd expect, the amount of power they generate depends on their radioactivity (which, curiously, is measured in rads), though as of now, they only come in cerenkite pellets. More cannot be fabricated. Hardly found outside of [[Engineering#Clarion|Clarion's engine room]].
Point-and-click repair magic! The Rapid Construction Device (RCD) conjures up and tears down various station structures using a 50-unit magazine of compressed matter, depending on the setting, which is changed by clicking on the thing while it's in your hand (Hotkey: {{Key|C}} for Goon WASD, {{Key|Z}} for /tg/style hotkeys). Each construction/deconstruction action has a 5-second delay, and it creates sparks when switching between modes or when it finishes its task, which may ignite nearby flammable materials.
The whole station has exactly two units: one is locked away in [[EVA]] and the [[Chief Engineer|CE]] sleeps next to a fancy yellow one. [[Cyborg#Engineering|Engineering cyborgs]] have built-in RCDs that do not need refilling and instead replicate the compressed matter straight from their power supplies, at 1 matter unit = 100 charge, so emergency repair work usually falls on them. It is also possible to buy an empty one from [[Quartermaster#RCD Replacement|Cargo's RCD replacement crate]] or make one at a [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]].
[[Ghost Drone|Ghost Drones]] have a unique '''''Realistic Cardboard Device''''' that has the same modes as the normal RCD mentioned above, but builds significantly weaker constructions. The Cardboard RCD is only able to deconstruct other cardboard walls and floors and cannot remove normal station walls or floors.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" width=100%
|+ List of RCD modes:
! style="width:7%" | Img
! style="width:10%" | Name
! style="width:20%" |Normal RCD Cost [[Image:RCDBaseV2-32x32.png]]
! style="width:20%" |RCD Custom Cost [[Image:RCDYellow-32x32.png]]
! Description
|Floors and Walls
*Uses 1 unit to build a floor on empty space or a lattice
*Uses 2 units to build a wall on a flooring
*Uses just 1 unit to add plating to a girder
*Uses 2 units to reinforce a wall
*Uses 1 unit to build a floor on empty space or a lattice
*Uses 1 unit to build a wall on a flooring
*Uses 1 unit to add plating to a girder
*Uses 2 units to reinforce a wall
|Floor tiles are made instantaneously. It takes 5 seconds to build a full wall on a floor tile, and it takes 5 seconds to reinforce a wall. Hitting a completed wall again with the RCD will reinforce it. This setting cannot replace burnt flooring or add tiles to bare plating; use [[#Floor Tiles|floor tiles]] for those!
|Uses 2 units to make a [[Construction#Window|window]]
|Uses 4 units to make a [[Construction#Window|window]]
|Creates a generic (i.e. not reinforced) glass window over a plating or grille and takes 2 seconds to construct.
|Uses 5 units to make an airlock
|Uses 4 units to make an airlock
|The RCDs from [[Quartermaster|Cargo]] and in [[EVA]] build a generic grey airlock. This airlock has no access attached to it. The [[Chief Engineer]] has a snazzy yellow RCD that allows for customizing doors and setting unique access levels. Making a new airlock takes 5 seconds.
|Light Bulbs
|Uses 2 units to make a [[Construction#Light Fixtures|light bulb fixture]].
|Uses 2 units to make a [[Construction#Light Fixtures|light bulb fixture]].
|A great companion to the [[#Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer|Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer]], this setting places full light fixtures, with [[#Light Bulbs|light bulbs]]. You can then use the lamp manufacturer on it to change the bulb colors out. It takes 2 seconds to place a light fixture, and it must be placed on a wall. You can't place a light fixture on a wall that already has a fixture on it.
|Light Tubes
|Uses 2 units to make a [[Construction#Light Fixtures|light tube fixture]].
|Uses 2 units to make a [[Construction#Light Fixtures|light tube fixture]].
|Like a companion to the [[#Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer|Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer]], this setting on the RCD allows the placement of full light fixtures including [[#Light Tubes|light tubes]]. You can then use the lamp manufacturer on it to change the tube colors out.It takes 2 seconds to place a light fixture, and it must be placed on a wall. You can't place a light fixture on a wall that already has a fixture on it.
*Uses 8 units to remove walls, girders, floors, lattices, and windows
*Uses 15 units to remove airlocks
*Can downgrade a reinforced wall into a regular wall for 8 units
*Uses 6 units to remove walls, girders, floors, lattices, and windows
*Uses 10 units to remove airlocks
*Can downgrade a reinforced wall into a regular wall for 6 units
|Removes any built components. Floors, walls, windows, and airlocks all take 5 seconds to remove. Removing a wall's reinforcement also takes 5 seconds. Removing a light fixture takes 3 seconds.
====Compressed Matter Cartridges====
Every [[#RCD|RCD]] needs compressed matter units to construct and deconstruct structures. Each RCD has a limited supply of compressed matter units, and to refill them, you use compressed matter cartridges, which come in various sizes listed below. Note the RCDs on [[Ghostdrone|ghostdrones]] and [[Cyborg|cyborgs]] drain the silicon user's battery to create compressed matter, so those two don't need to worry about compressed matter cartridges.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
!scope = "col" style="width: 5%" class="unsortable" | Image
!scope = "col" style="width: 5%" class="unsortable" | <abbr title=Units of Matter Given>Units</abbr>
!scope = "col" style="width: 75%" class="unsortable" | Description
|- id="Compressed Matter Cartridge"
! Compressed Matter Cartridge
| <center>[[File:CompressedMatterCartridgeV2-32x32.png]]</center>
|style="text-align:right" | 10
| "Ammo" for the [[#RCD|rapid construction device]]. These standard size ones each give 10 units of matter for the RCD. Five of them are usually bundled in the "RCD crate" the station's [[#RCD|RCD]] units come in, and additional ones can be created at a [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]] or, if it's been [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacked]] to show hidden items, a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general fabricator]].
|- id="Medium Compressed Matter Cartridge"
! Medium Compressed Matter Cartridge
| <center>[[File:MediumCompressedMatterCartridgeV2-32x32.png]]</center>
|style="text-align:right" | 50
| These larger cartridges grant 50 units of matter for the [[#RCD|rapid construction device]], enough to fill a completely empty one. Available at [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturers]], as well as [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general fabricators]], if they've been [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacked]].
|- id="Large Compressed Matter Cartridge"
! Large Compressed Matter Cartridge
| <center>[[File:Large rcd cartridge.png]]</center>
|style="text-align:right" | 100
| The extra big ones start with a generous 100 units of matter for the [[#RCD|rapid construction device]] Since RCDs have 50 unit capacities, this of course means some left over. Can be made at [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general fabricators]] (which requires [[Hacking#Vending Machines and Fabricators|hacking]]) and  [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturers]] (no hacking required), with correspondingly high material requirements.  

===Personal Protective Equipment===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
Line 161: Line 308:
!scope = "col" style="width: 75%" class="unsortable" | Description
!scope = "col" style="width: 75%" class="unsortable" | Description

|- id="Welding Mask"
|- id="Welding Helmet"
! Welding Mask
! Welding Helmet
| <center>[[File:welding.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:welding.png]]</center>
| Looks all business. When toggled down by , will darken the wearer's vision a bit and prevent [[Doctoring#Eye|eye damage]] from light sources, be it welding or [[Security Objects#Flash|something else]]. Can be found in Engineer equipment lockers and welding supplies lockers or fabricated at [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]].
| Also called a welding mask; whatever you call it, it definitely looks all business. When toggled down via the ''Toggle Welding Mask'' ability, it will darken the wearer's vision a bit and prevent [[Doctoring#Eye|eye damage]] from light sources, be it welding or [[Security Objects#Flash|something else]]. When toggled up through the same ability, it will grant melee protection to the head. Can be found in Engineer equipment lockers and welding supplies lockers or fabricated at [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]].
|- id="Hotrod Welding Helmet"
! Hotrod Welding Helmet
| <center>[[File:HotrodWeldingHelmet.png]]</center>
| A sweet-ass reskin for the [[#Welding Helmet|welding helmet]], created by using the [[Medals#Slow Burn|Slow Burn medal reward]] on a welding helmet. Despite the somewhat different name and sprite, it still functions like any other, less-adorned welding helmet.

|- id="Hard Hat"
|- id="Hard Hat"
! Hard Hat
! Hard Hat
| <center>[[file:hardhat.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:HardhatNew.png]]</center>
| Comes with a built-in flashlight. Protects the head quite well.
| Comes with a built-in flashlight. Protects the head quite well.

|- id="Engineering Headset"
|- id="Chief Engineer's Hard Hat"
! Engineering Headset
! Chief Engineer's Hard Hat
| <center>[[File:headset.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:ChiefEngineersHardHatOff.png]] [[File:ChiefEngineersHardHatOn.png]]</center>
| Stay in touch and coordinate with your colleagues. Type say ''':e'''  to talk over the engineering channel.
| The [[Chief Engineer]]'s hard hat works exactly like the normal [[#Hard Hat|hard hat]], except it has a green band on the top, so you can know who the CE is/was after the engine explodes. It starts on the CE's noggin, of course.
|- id="Optical Meson Scanner"
! Meson Goggles
| <center>[[File:MesonGogglesV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| What distinguishes an engineer from an assistant. Tints the vision green, but, when toggled, allows the wearer to see the condition of the station infrastructure through walls, and allows better vision in the dark. Rather scarce aside from the units that start in card-locked equipment lockers.

|- id="Insulated Gloves"
|- id="Insulated Gloves"
! Insulated Gloves
! Insulated Gloves
| <center>[[Image:Glovesy.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:Glovesy.png]]</center>
| For handling live wires. Highly coveted for their ability to allow door [[hacking]]. Found in electrical supplies, Engineer's equipment, and Mechanic's equipment lockers and can be ordered by the Quartermaster in the form of [[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crates]]. They are also sometimes found out in the open in [[Engineering]] and [[Mechanics Workshop|Mechanics]], as if waiting for [[Staff Assistant|someone]] to break in and steal them.
| For handling live wires. Highly coveted for their ability to allow door [[hacking]]. Found in electrical supplies, Engineer's, and Mechanic's lockers and can be ordered by the Quartermaster in the form of [[Quartermaster#Electrical Maintenance Crate|Electrical Maintenance Crates]]. They are also sometimes found out in the open in [[Engineering]] and [[Mechanics Workshop]], as if waiting for [[Staff Assistant|someone]] to break in and steal them.

|- id="Firesuit"
|- id="Firesuit"
! Firesuit
! Firesuit
| <center>[[file:FiresuitV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:FiresuitNew.png]]</center>
| Protects the wearer from extreme heat/cold and from catching fire. The suit is not effective against hard vacuum and will slow down your running speed when you're wearing it. It's available in [[Engineering Storage]] and, on some maps, a few other parts of [[Engineering]], it spawns in firefighting closets fairly often, and more can be bought from Cargo through [[Quartermaster#Firefighting Supplies Crate|Firefighting Supplies Crates]].
| Protects the wearer from fire and extreme heat. It reduces damage from being on fire by 45%, and if you get a [[#Firefighter Helm|firefighting helm]], that'll push you to 60%. The suit does protect from the cold somewhat, but it's not effective against hard vacuum and will slow down your running speed when you're wearing it. It's available in [[Engineering Storage]] and, on some maps, a few other parts of [[Engineering]], it spawns in firefighting closets fairly often, and more can be bought from Cargo through [[Quartermaster#Firefighting Supplies Crate|Firefighting Supplies Crates]].
|- id="Heavy Firesuit"
! Heavy Firesuit
| <center>[[File:HeavyFiresuitV2.png]]</center>
| Found in the Chief Engineer's locker, the heavy firesuit sacrifices speed and cold resistance for protection from fire and other dangers. It significantly slows movement, and it's so bulky that it cannot [[Construction#Armored exosuit|accept armor]]. Compared to the [[Engineering Objects#Firesuit|regular version]], it offers less cold resistance (5% versus 20%), but it offers way more heat/fire resistance, clocking in at 65%. It also offers superior melee protection for the chest region (4 vs 3), ranged protection (44% vs 33%), and Disorient resistance (25% vs 15%), though it still pales in comparison to an [[Construction#Armored exosuit|armored firesuit]]. 

|- id="Firefighter Helm"
|- id="Firefighter Helm"
! Firefighter Helm
! Firefighter Helm
| <center>[[Image:FirefighterHelm.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:FirefighterHelm.png]]</center>
| Reduces damage to the head. Offers only slightly more resistance to heat and extreme temperatures than most helmets, but definitely complements with the [[#Firesuit|firesuit]] better than the [[#Hard Hat|hard hat]].
| This firefighter helm trades armor for protection from fire. It gives 15% fire resistance, which is better than most helmets, as they usually offer only 5% (e.g. [[#Engineering Space Suit|engineering space helmet]]) or 10% (e.g. [[#Hard Hat|hard hat]]). However, it only offers 3 melee resistance to the head region, so it doesn't reduce damage to the head as much as the [[#Hard Hat|hard hat]] or other helmets. It also gives 8% Disorient (Eye) and 8% Disorient (Ear) resistance, on par with most space helmets. Pairs well with the [[#Firesuit|firesuit]].

|- id="Fire-Fighting Grenade"
Often found in [[Engineering Storage]] and the like. [[Quartermaster#Firefighting Supplies Crate|Firefighting Supplies Crates from Cargo]] each have two of these, and each firefighting closet has a 50-50 chance of randomly spawning with one.  
! Fire-Fighting Grenade
| <center>[[File:FirefightingGrenadeV3.png]]</center>
| Creates a roughly 5x5 spray of [[Chemicals#Carbon Tetrachloride|fire-fighting foam]], instantly putting out most fires. Remember: click on it in-hand to prime, press {{key|SPACE}} to enter Throw mode, then click on a tile to actually throw it somewhere. Found in [[Engineering Storage]] and [[Quartermaster#Firefighting Supplies Crate|Cargo's Firefighting Supplies Crate]].

|- id="Engineering Space Suit"
|- id="Engineering Space Suit"
Line 209: Line 358:
! Engineering Diving Suit
! Engineering Diving Suit
| <center>[[Image:EngineeringDivingHelmet.png]] [[Image:EngineeringDivingSuit.png]] </center>  
| <center>[[Image:EngineeringDivingHelmet.png]] [[Image:EngineeringDivingSuit.png]] </center>  
| Preferred gear for braving the [[Trench]], unnecessary on the station [[Z-level]]. Will slow down your running speed indoors. The helmet has a built-in flashlight.
| Preferred gear for braving the [[Trench]], unnecessary on the station [[Z-level]]. Will slow down your running speed indoors. The helmet has a built-in flashlight. On [[Oshan Laboratory]] and [[Nadir]] (i.e. the maps where you'd see these), you can manufacture more engineering diving suit sets at a [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabricator]].
|- id="Engineering Light Space Helmet"
! Engineering Light Space Helmet
| <center>[[File:EngineeringLightSpaceHelmetV2.png]] </center>
| Compared to the [[#Engineering Space Suit|standard engineering space helmet]], the engineering light space helmet has much less armor and half as much heat protection and Disorient (Eye) and Disorient (Ear) resistance, and it cannot [[Being A Better Traitor#Hiding Your Identity|conceal your face]] for disguises, but it doesn't slow you down. Identical stats otherwise. The [[Chief Engineer]] starts with a pair in their role-exclusive equipment locker, and it's possible to make one at a [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabricator]].
|- id="Engineering Light Space Suit"
! Engineering Light Space Suit
| <center>[[File:EngineeringLightSpaceSuitV2.png]] </center>
| The engineering light space suit has identical stats to the [[#Engineering Space Suit|standard version]], but it provides less protection against projectiles and melee attacks and offers less heat resistance. However, it doesn't affect your movement speed, so it won't slow you down when you're running away from a [[Singularity Generator#Singuloose|singularity]]. The [[Chief Engineer]]'s equipment locker starts with one, and you can get your own at a [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabricator]], provided it has the materials.

|- id="Class II Radiation Gear"
|- id="Class II Radiation Gear"
! Class II Radiation Suit + Hood
! Class II Radiation Suit + Hood
| <center>[[File:RadiationHood.png]] [[File:RadiationSuit.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:RadiationHood.png]] [[File:RadiationSuitV3.png]]</center>
| The preferred choice for walking in radstorms and handling radioactive substances such as cerenkite, or, in theory, [[Nuclear Engine|fuel rods]]. Each piece reduces damage from radiation by a fair bit, so wearing the full set helps, and the suit piece clicks in the presence of radiation, with faster clicks meaning more intense radiation (same as [[Guide to Mining#Geiger Counter|handheld Geiger counter]]). It has poor insulation though; don't expect it to protect you from the vacuum of [[Space]] or a roaring hot loop fire. Only [[Clarion]], [[Destiny]], and [[Manta]] have these on-station, so order one from [[Quartermaster#Radioactive Emergency Supplies|Cargo]] or scavenge one from the [[Debris Field]] if you're on a different map or need a spare.  
| The preferred choice for working around [[Singularity_Generator|active singularity engines]], walking in radstorms, and handling radioactive substances such as cerenkite or fuel rods for the [[Nuclear Engine]]. Each piece reduces damage from radiation by a fair bit, so wearing the full set helps, and the suit piece clicks in the presence of radiation, with faster clicks meaning more intense radiation (same as [[Guide to Mining#Geiger Counter|handheld Geiger counter]]). It has poor insulation though; don't expect it to protect you from the vacuum of [[Space]] or a roaring hot loop fire. <br><br> Only [[Clarion]]<!--,[[Destiny]],--> and [[Nadir]] have these on-station, so order one from [[Quartermaster#Radiation Emergency Supplies|Cargo]] or scavenge one from the [[Debris Field]] if you're on a different map or need a spare.  

|- id="Aurora Belt"
|- id="Aurora Belt"
! Aurora Belt
! Aurora Belt
| <center>[[File:AuroraBelt.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:AuroraBeltV2.png]]</center>
| A special, enhanced version of the standard tool belt, available exclusively in the Chief Engineer's locker. It's a personal shield generator that blocks the wearer from 25% of melee attacks. When activated, it blocks 80% of melee attacks and grants complete cold and heat protection, plus a little ranged damage reduction. The effect lasts around 20 seconds and recharges in about twice that time. It can also hold an [[#RCD|RCD]] and its matter unit cartridges, on top of the stuff [[#Toolbelt|regular utility belts]] can fit.
| The [[Chief Engineer]] spawns with a special, enhanced version of the standard tool belt that's equipped with a personal shield generator. When activated, it reduces damage from melee attacks by 75% and grants complete cold and heat protection and near complete (~93%) radiation protection, plus a little ranged damage reduction. The effect lasts around 20 seconds and recharges in about twice that time. It can also hold an [[#RCD|RCD]] and its matter unit cartridges, on top of the stuff [[#Toolbelt|regular utility belts]] can fit.  
|- id="Jetpack"
! Jetpack
| <center>[[File:JetpackV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Provides air and allows you to move freely in space when worn on your back and the jetpack function is on, at cost of high oxygen drain. The flying function can be toggled on/off by pressing "Toggle jetpack(jetpack name)" button in the top left. You must set the jetpack's oxygen supply in the exact same way you would set an [[General Objects#Gas Tank|oxygen tank]], and it requires a breath or gas mask to work. Blue ones are found in [[EVA]], the [[Mining Department]], and sometimes [[Engineering]], while the red ones spawn in red closets in the [[Listening Post]] and [[Syndicate Battlecruiser]].<br>
'''Note:''' Don't be tempted to top off your jetpack with regular air. It only works with pure oxygen.
* [[File:JetpackMagTetherV2-32x32.png]] - On [[Manta]], when the ship is in motion, if the jetpack function is toggled on, the jetpack prevents you from being dragged towards the bottom of the station [[z-level]], but the [[#Magnetic Tether|magnetic tether]] must be active. While the sprite is different to reflect this, jetpacks otherwise act the same as on other stations'.
* [[File:SyndicateJetpackMagTetherV2-32x32.png]] - The red jetpack is not subject to the Manta's tether and can thus fly when the tether is down.

|- id="Magnetic Boots"
|- id="Magnetic Boots"
! Magnetic Boots
! Magnetic Boots
| <center>[[file:magboots.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:magboots.png]]</center>
| Aka, magboots. When activated via the ''(De)Activate Magboots (magnetic shoes)'' ability in the top left, they provide some Disorient (Body) resistance, give you a clonky footstep sound, and prevent you from being thrown, pushed, or pulled, even if you're dead on the ground - the boots must be removed first. You also cannot be moved around by a conveyor belt or teleported by a [[Murder#Teleport Gun|telegun]]. However, they slow you down, and you can still be grabbed. Switching placing while on {{Help}} intent still works.   
| Aka, magboots. Useful for safely repairing hull breaches, since active magnetic boots prevent from you from being pushed backward by on-coming air. A pair starts in the [[Chief Engineer|CE]]'s locker and a few more are available to engineers and miners.
Activating their ''(De)Activate Magboots (magnetic shoes)'' ability in the top left provides some Disorient (Body) resistance, gives you clonky footstep sounds, and prevents you from being thrown, pushed, pulled, teleported by a [[Murder#Teleport Gun|telegun]], or transported by a conveyor belt, even if you're dead on the ground - the boots must be removed first. [[Artifact Research#Teleportation Wand|Telewands]] still work, albeit with...side effects. However, they slow you down, and you can still be grabbed. Switching places while on {{Help}} intent and entering [[Security Objects#Floor Flusher|floor flushers]] still work. 
===Other Equipment===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
!scope = "col" style="width: 10%" class="unsortable" | Image
!scope = "col" style="width: 75%" class="unsortable" | Description
|- id="Hi-Vis Vest"
! Hi-Vis Vest
| <center>[[File:HighVisibilityVest.png]]</center>
| That's short for high-visibility vest, also sometimes called a safety vest. Not too much in the way of stats aside from some slight cold resistance, but it sure does make you look like you know what you're doing and has retro-reflective stripes that "glow", making it easier for people to see you in the dark. Found in the [[#Engineering Apparel|Engineering Apparel vendor]] and appears in many maps' [[Warehouse]] areas.
|- id="Engineering Headset"
! Engineering Headset
| <center>[[File:Enginering headset.png]]</center>
| Stay in touch and coordinate with your colleagues. Type say ''':e''' to talk over the engineering channel.

Useful for safely repairing hull breaches, since they prevent from you from slipping in space being pushed backward by on-coming air. A pair starts in the [[Chief Engineer|CE]]'s locker and a few more are available to engineers and miners.
|- id="Optical Meson Scanner"
! Meson Goggles
| <center>[[File:MesonGogglesV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| What distinguishes an engineer from an assistant. Tints the vision green, but, when toggled, allows the wearer to see the condition of the station infrastructure through walls, identify connections between [[MechComp]] components (and the machines that interface with them), and see better in the dark. Rather scarce aside from the units that start in card-locked equipment lockers.

|- id="Power Cell"
|- id="Pressure Visualization Goggles"
! Power Cell
! Pressure Visualization Goggles
| <center>[[file:PowerCellV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:PressureVisualizationGogglesOn.png]]</center>
| Main power for [[Cyborg]]s and backup juice for APCs before the lights go out. Several types of these high-capacity batteries can be found on the station, [[Cyborg#Battery|differing in maximum capacity or other properties]]. If depleted, they may be [[General Objects#Cell Charger|recharged manually]].
| Handy for repressurizing. When toggled on, allows the wearer to see the ambient atmospheric pressure around them, with the visualization updated periodically as the goggles scan the surroundings. Orange means higher than 1 atm. (~101 kPa), blue means lower than that, and the less blue there is, the lower the pressure. Can be found in Engineer's lockers and can be made the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]] and [[Making and Breaking#Science Fabricator|science fabricator]].
|- id="Jetpack"
! Jetpack
| <center>[[File:JetpackV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Provides air and allows you to move freely in space when worn on your back and the jetpack function is on, at cost of high oxygen drain. The flying function can be toggled on/off by pressing ''Toggle jetpack(jetpack name)'' button in the top left. You must set the jetpack's oxygen supply in the exact same way you would set an [[General Objects#Gas Tank|oxygen tank]], and it requires a breath or gas mask to work. '''Note:''' Don't be tempted to top off your jetpack with regular air. It only works with pure oxygen.<br><br>There are two versions, or rather one main version and its subvariant:
*[[File:JetpackV2-32x32.png]] Blue - More or less the default appearance. The [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabricator]] can make this, if you can bear with the steep material cost. While there is a red version of the jetpack, the Syndicate actually stuffs its [[Syndicate Items#Gear Preparations Closet|gear preparations closets]] with the blue version.
*[[File:SyndicateJetpackMagTetherV2-32x32.png]] Red - Appears in the [[Syndicate Items#Syndicate Apparel|Syndicate Apparel vendor]]. In the [[Game Modes#Pod Wars|Pod Wars game mode]], this is also an item the Syndicate side can manufacture. It functions just like the blue version, but it has a evil red paint-job, and its description mentions that "It's painted in a sinister yet refined shade of red."
<!--Just leaving this Manta stuff commented  * [[File:JetpackMagTetherV2-32x32.png]] - On [[Manta]], when the ship is in motion, if the jetpack function is toggled on, the jetpack prevents you from being dragged towards the bottom of the station [[z-level]], but the [[#Magnetic Tether|magnetic tether]] must be active. While the sprite is different to reflect this, jetpacks otherwise act the same as on other stations'.
* [[File:SyndicateJetpackMagTetherV2-32x32.png]] - The red jetpack is not subject to the Manta's tether and can thus fly when the tether is down. These replace the blue jetpacks that spawn in the [[Listening Post]] and [[Syndicate Battlecruiser]].-->
|- id="Micro-Lite Jetpack"
! Micro-Lite Jetpack
| <center>[[File:Microjetpack0.png]]</center>
| This micro-lite jetpack (oxygen) has lower capacity than the regular [[#Jetpack|jetpack]] (30 liters vs. 70) and less damage (6 {{BRUTE}} vs. 8), but it costs fewer resources and use more common materials. Otherwise has the same functionalities as the not-so-micro version, to point that you can think of the micro-lite jetpack as a starter jetpack. You can find in [[EVA]], the [[Mining Department]], and sometimes [[Engineering]]. You can also make these at the [[Making and Breaking#Mining Fabricator|mining fabricator]].

|- id="Fuel Pellet"
|- id="Stomper Boots"
! Fuel Pellet
! Stomper Boots
| <center>[[File:RTGPellet.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:StomperBoots.png]]</center>
| Used by the radioisotope thermoelectric generator to make electricity. As you'd expect, the amount of power they generate depends on their radioactivity (which, curiously, is measured in rads), though as of now, they only come in cerenkite pellets. More cannot be fabricated. Hardly found outside of [[Engineering#Clarion|Clarion's engine room]].  
| Boots for controlling hotspots when setting up the [[Geothermal Generator]]. Stomper boots give you ''Stomp'' ability when worn, which is described below. They also slow your movement speed drastically but grant 3 extra damage when [[Guide to Being Robust#Kick|kicking]] and give 15% Disorient resistance. Starting gear for [[Engineer]]s spawning on [[Oshan Laboratory]]. There's also one in each "Engineer's locker".<br><br>The ''Stomp'' ability either pins [[Geothermal Generator#Hotspots|hotspots]] in place or moves them in a different direction depending on where you stomp them, just like the [[Geothermal Generator#Stomper Unit|full-size version]]. This takes 1 second and has a 10 second cooldown, with no automatic mode. If you ''Stomp'' someone under you, you give them 20 {{BRUTE}} (less than the full-size unit's 55 {{BRUTE}}) and knock them down for 1 second. Using ''Stomp'' while inside a locker, crate, etc. is a bad idea, unless you like knocking yourself out. Taking them off (or otherwise losing them) mid-stomp is also bad, unless you want to give yourself 25 {{BRUTE}} and knock yourself down for 3 seconds.  

Line 257: Line 445:
! Light Tubes
! Light Tubes
| <center>[[File:LightTube.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:LightTube.png]]</center>
| In addition to windows and floor tiles, the incandescent tubes are usually the first casualties of rampant chemistry in the science wing or the cafeteria. Boxes of replacement lights are available in e.g. [[Tool Storage|tool storage]] and the [[Custodial Closet|janitor's closet]]. They can also be fabricated in a rainbow of colors, including black light.
| In addition to windows and floor tiles, the incandescent tubes are usually the first casualties of rampant chemistry in the science wing or the cafeteria. Boxes of replacement lights are available in e.g. [[Tool Storage|tool storage]] and the [[Custodial Closet|janitor's closet]]. They can also be fabricated in a rainbow of colors, including black light, and fit [[Construction#Light Fixtures|light tube fixtures]].

|- id="Light Bulbs"
|- id="Light Bulbs"
! Light Bulbs
! Light Bulbs
| <center>[[File:lbulb.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:LightBulb.png]]</center>
| Dimmer and cheaper, ordinary bulbs are used in areas less traveled such as maintenance halls and emergency tool stashes. They can be usually found in the same haunts as light tubes and are fabricated in as many varieties.
| Dimmer and cheaper, ordinary bulbs are used in areas less traveled such as maintenance halls and emergency tool stashes. They can be usually found in the same haunts as light tubes and are fabricated in as many varieties and fit [[Construction#Light Fixtures|light bulb fixtures]].

|- id="Neon Lining"
|- id="Neon Lining"
! Neon Lining
! Neon Lining
| <center>[[File:NeonLiningCoilBlue-32x32.png]] [[File:NeonLiningCoilPink-32x32.png]] [[File:NeonLiningCoilYellow-32x32.png]] </center>
| <center>[[File:NeonLiningCoilBlue-32x32.png]] [[File:NeonLiningCoilPink-32x32.png]] [[File:NeonLiningCoilYellow-32x32.png]] </center>
| Neon lighting that can be configured in many different shapes and colors and does not require power, obtained via the [[Quartermaster#Neon Lining Crate|Neon Lining Crate from Cargo]]. Click on the coil of neon lining in-hand to swap it between three colors, blue, pink, and yellow, place it down simply by clicking on the tile, and remove it with a [[#Crowbar|crowbar]]. Use [[#Screwdriver|screwdriver]] to rotate, [[#Wrench|wrench]] to change shape of neon lining, [[#Multitool|multitool]] to change placement of glow at ends, and [[#Wirecutters|wirecutters]] to turn off/on.  
| Neon lighting that [[Construction#Neon lining|can be configured in many different shapes and colors]] and does not require power, obtained via the [[Quartermaster#Neon Lining Crate|Neon Lining Crate from Cargo]]. Click on the coil of neon lining in-hand to swap it between three colors, blue, pink, and yellow, place it down simply by clicking on the tile, and remove it with a [[#Crowbar|crowbar]]. Use [[#Screwdriver|screwdriver]] to rotate, [[#Wrench|wrench]] to change shape of neon lining, [[#Multitool|multitool]] to change placement of glow at ends, and [[#Wirecutters|wirecutters]] to turn off/on.  

|- id="Metal Sheets"
|- id="Metal Sheets"
! Metal Sheets
! Metal Sheets
| <center>[[file:MetalSheetsSteel.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:SteelSheetV2.png]]</center>
| Used for many [[Construction|construction projects]]. Can come in many different materials, with steel being most common, but they all otherwise act the same. Available in [[Engineering Storage]], [[Tool Storage]], and sometimes a few other odd places, and Cargo can order them in bulk in [[Quartermaster#50 Metal Sheets|50-]] and [[Quartermaster#200 Metal Sheets|200-sheet packs]]. [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|General manufacturers]] can make them one sheet at a time. Can only be assembled in stacks of up to 50 by hand. Can also click on them while they are selected in your hand to craft them into various shapes.
| Used for many [[Construction|construction projects]]. Can come in many different materials, with steel being most common, but they all otherwise act the same. Available in [[Engineering Storage]], [[Tool Storage]], and sometimes a few other odd places, and Cargo can order them in bulk in [[Quartermaster#50 Metal Sheets|50-]] and [[Quartermaster#200 Metal Sheets|200-sheet packs]]. [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|General manufacturers]] can make them one sheet at a time. Can only be assembled in stacks of up to 50 by hand. Can also click on them while they are selected in your hand to craft them into various shapes.

|- id="Reinforced Metal Sheets"
|- id="Reinforced Metal Sheets"
! Reinforced Metal Sheets
! Reinforced Metal Sheets
| <center>[[File:RMetalSheetsSteel.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SteelReinforcedSheetV2.png]]</center>
| Stronger metal. Make them yourself by combining [[#Metal Sheets|regular metal sheets]] and [[#Rods|rods]] or have a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]] build them straight from processed ore, one at a time.
| Stronger metal. Make them yourself by combining [[#Metal Sheets|regular metal sheets]] and [[#Rods|rods]] or have a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]] build them straight from processed ore, one at a time.

|- id="Glass Sheets"
|- id="Glass Sheets"
! Glass Sheets
! Glass Sheets
| <center>[[File:GlassSheets.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:GlassV2.png]]</center>
| Used for many [[construction]] projects. Available in [[Tool Storage]], [[Engineering Storage]], and sometimes a few random [[maintenance]] areas depending on the map, and Cargo can order them in bulk in [[Quartermaster#50 Glass Sheets|50-]] and [[Quartermaster#200 Glass Sheets|200-sheet packs]]. [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|General manufacturers]] can make them five sheet at a time. Can only be assembled in stacks of up to 50 by hand.
| Used for many [[construction]] projects. Available in [[Tool Storage]], [[Engineering Storage]], and sometimes a few random [[maintenance]] areas depending on the map, and Cargo can order them in bulk in [[Quartermaster#50 Glass Sheets|50-]] and [[Quartermaster#200 Glass Sheets|200-sheet packs]]. [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|General manufacturers]] can make them five sheet at a time. Can only be assembled in stacks of up to 50 by hand.

|- id="Reinforced Glass Sheets"
|- id="Reinforced Glass Sheets"
! Reinforced Glass Sheets
! Reinforced Glass Sheets
| <center>[[File:SteelRGlassSheets.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:GlassReinforcedV2.png]]</center>
| Almost twice as strong as regular glass. Made by adding [[#Rods|rods]] to [[#Glass Sheets|standard glass sheets]] or by using a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]], which creates them one at a time.
| Almost twice as strong as regular glass. Made by adding [[#Rods|rods]] to [[#Glass Sheets|standard glass sheets]] or by using a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]], which creates them one at a time.

|- id="Crystal Glass"
|- id="Crystal Glass"
! Plasma Glass
! Plasma Glass
| <center>[[File:PlasmaGlassSheets.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:PlasmaGlassV2.png]]</center>
| Stronger than regular glass. Can only be made in a fabricator.
| Stronger than regular glass. Can only be made in a fabricator.

|- id="Reinforced Crystal Glass"
|- id="Reinforced Crystal Glass"
! Reinforced Plasma Glass
! Reinforced Plasma Glass
| <center>[[File:SteelRPlasmaGlassSheets.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:PlasmaGlassReinforcedV2.png]]</center>
| Extremely strong. Made by adding rods to plasma glass or by using a fabricator.
| Extremely strong. Made by adding rods to plasma glass or by using a fabricator.

|- id="Rods"
|- id="Rods"
! Rods
! Rods
| <center>[[File:SteelRods.gif]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SteelRodsV2.png]]</center>
| Used for many [[construction]] projects. Made by constructing them with [[#Metal Sheets|regular metal sheets]], removing reinforcement from [[#Reinforced Metal Sheets|reinforced metal sheets]], and using a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]], [[Making and Breaking#Robotics Fabricator|robotics fab]], or [[Making and Breaking#Medical Fabricator|medical fab]]. Also available in [[Tool Storage]], [[Engineering Storage]], and sometimes a few odd [[maintenance]] areas depending on the map.
| Used for many [[construction]] projects. Made by constructing them with [[#Metal Sheets|regular metal sheets]], removing reinforcement from [[#Reinforced Metal Sheets|reinforced metal sheets]], and using a [[Making and Breaking#General Manufacturer|general manufacturer]], [[Making and Breaking#Robotics Fabricator|robotics fab]], or [[Making and Breaking#Medical Fabricator|medical fab]]. Also available in [[Tool Storage]], [[Engineering Storage]], and sometimes a few odd [[maintenance]] areas depending on the map.

Line 308: Line 496:
|- id="Floor Tiles"
|- id="Floor Tiles"
! Floor Tiles
! Floor Tiles
| <center>[[file:floortile.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:SteelFloorTilesV2.png]]</center>
| Make these from [[#Metal Sheets|regular metal sheets]] or just crowbar them right out from under people's feet. Damaged floor tiles are automatically discarded upon removal.
| Make these from [[#Metal Sheets|regular metal sheets]] or just crowbar them right out from under people's feet. Damaged floor tiles are automatically discarded upon removal.

Line 316: Line 504:
| Creates a huge expanding mass of [[Chemicals#Foamed Metal|liquid metal foam]] that stops [[gas]] flow and, after a short delay, solidifies into weak metal foam walls and floors. The solid foam is fragile and is easily destroyed by blunt objects. Clicking on the foam with [[#Floor Tiles|floor tiles]] will instantly replace the foam with flooring, without breaking the foam and potentially causing an air leak. Good for sealing huge hull breaches to quickly stop atmospherics leaks and then later adding something more solid.
| Creates a huge expanding mass of [[Chemicals#Foamed Metal|liquid metal foam]] that stops [[gas]] flow and, after a short delay, solidifies into weak metal foam walls and floors. The solid foam is fragile and is easily destroyed by blunt objects. Clicking on the foam with [[#Floor Tiles|floor tiles]] will instantly replace the foam with flooring, without breaking the foam and potentially causing an air leak. Good for sealing huge hull breaches to quickly stop atmospherics leaks and then later adding something more solid.

|- id="Frame"
! Frame
| <center>[[File:ItemFrameV3.gif]]</center>
| Instant electronics, just add soldering! Clicking on a frame with a [[#Soldering Iron|soldering iron]] consumes the frame and creates the gadget or machine on the frame's label, e.g. a "[[Medical Objects#Defibrillator|defibrillator]] frame" turns into a functioning defib. Note that [[vending machines]] made via frames start off empty and need [[General Objects#Restock Cartridge|restock cartridges]], while [[Making and Breaking#Automated|manufacturers/fabricators]] made via frames don't have materials.
You can make frames, indirectly, using a [[#Ruckingenur Kit|ruckingenur kit]], and turn certain machines back into frames via a [[#Deconstruction Device|deconstruction device]]. [[Quartermaster#Items you can order|Many Cargo crates]] come with frames too, since it's an easy way to store and transport appliances and things that normally can't be moved.
|- id="Construction Cone"
! Construction Cone
| <center>[[File:ConstructionCone.png]]</center>
| Orange cones with hazard stripes, found in [[Engineering Objects#Engineering Apparel|Engineering Apparel]]. Plop a construction cone or two down to indicate that renovations/repairs/races are going on nearby; conveniently, you can directly click a tile to place it there, instead of using the drop hotkey. You can also stack them together, to a maximum of 5. Click a cone with another cone to stack them; click-dragging a cone onto another one stacks multiple at once. To unstack, pick the stack up, switch hands, and click on it with an empty hand.<br><br>You can also wear them your head and pretend you're a mystical magical mason. You can wear stacks of them too, but you have to stack them, ''then'' wear them, because you can't stack a cone onto one that's on your head. They has absolutely zero heat and cold resistance, since they by design have a hole on the top, but it provides a slightly better-than-average 2 melee resistance for the head region.

Line 323: Line 522:
!scope = "col" style="width: 10%" class="unsortable" | Image
!scope = "col" style="width: 10%" class="unsortable" | Image
!scope = "col" style="width: 75%" class="unsortable" | Description
!scope = "col" style="width: 75%" class="unsortable" | Description
|- id="Mechanic's Locker"
! Mechanic's Locker
| <center>[[File:EngineeringLocker.png]]</center>
| Found in the [[Mechanics Workshop]] (natch), Mechanic's lockers contain various pieces of equipment for tinkering with electronics. Notably, there's a [[#Deconstruction Device|deconstruction device]] and a spare set of [[#Insulated Gloves|insulated gloves]]. The "Mechanic" refers to the old [[Mechanic]] job.

|- id="Power Transmission Laser"
|- id="Power Transmission Laser"
! Power Transmission Laser
! [[Power_Grid#Power_Transmission_Laser|Power Transmission Laser]]
| <center>[[Image:PowerTransmissionLaser.png|50px]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:PowerTransmissionLaser.png|50px]]</center>
| See [[Powering the station#The power transmission laser|Powering the station]].
| Converts excess power into cash for the engineering crew by beaming it out into space.

|- id="Carousel Power Unit"
|- id="Carousel Power Unit"
! Carousel Power Unit
! [[Power Grid#Carousel Power Unit|Carousel Power Unit]]
| <center>[[File:Carousel.PNG]]</center>
| <center>[[File:Carousel.PNG]]</center>
| Accepts power like an [[#SMES|SMES]] to make the conveyor belts of [[Quartermaster#Cargo Carousel|Oshan Lab's Cargo Carousel]] go faster. See [[Powering the station#The carousel power unit|Powering the station]] for more.
| Accepts power like an [[#SMES|SMES]] to make the conveyor belts of [[Quartermaster#Cargo Carousel|Oshan Lab's Cargo Carousel]] go faster.

|- id="Shield Generator"
|- id="Shield Generator"
Line 342: Line 546:
! Shield Control Computer
! Shield Control Computer
| <center>[[Image:EngineMaster.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:EngineMaster.png]]</center>
| Basically a smaller version of the [[#Shield Generator|Shield Generator]], for turning on and turning off [[Clarion]]'s/[[Destiny]]'s ship forcefield remotely from the [[Bridge]].
| Basically a smaller version of the [[#Shield Generator|Shield Generator]], for turning on and turning off [[Clarion]]'s<!--/[[Destiny]]'s--> ship forcefield remotely from the [[Bridge]].
|- id="Magnetic Tether"
|- id="Magnetic Tether"
! Magnetic Tether
! Magnetic Tether
| <center>[[Image:MagneticTether.gif]]</center>.
| <center>[[Image:MagneticTether.gif]]</center>.
| When the ship is moving, and this thing is active, ensures [[#Jetpack|jetpacks]] on [[Manta]] can prevent their users from being passively pulled towards the bottom of the map and into the [[Trench]] and allows [[Ghostdrone|ghostdrones]] to freely move through the currents. If rendered inactive (e.g. via explosion), jetpack users and [[Ghostdrone|ghostdrones]] will be pulled towards the map bottom, though they can still propel themselves if their jetpack thrusters are on. Otherwise does nothing when [[Manta]] is not in motion.
| When the ship is moving, and this thing is active, ensures [[#Jetpack|jetpacks]] on [[Manta]] can prevent their users from being passively pulled towards the bottom of the map and into the [[Trench]] and allows [[Ghostdrone|ghostdrones]] to freely move through the currents. If rendered inactive (e.g. via explosion), jetpack users and [[Ghostdrone|ghostdrones]] will be pulled towards the map bottom, though they can still propel themselves if their jetpack thrusters are on. Otherwise does nothing when [[Manta]] is not in motion.
|- id="Furnaces"
|- id="Furnaces"
! Furnaces
! [[Power_Grid#Power_Furnaces|Furnaces]]
| <center>[[File:FurnaceV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:FurnaceV3-32x32.png]]</center>
| A combustion-based power/heat generator that accepts many different solid fuels. Click on furnace with fuel source in-hand to load it in, or, for certain fuel types, click-drag its sprite onto furnace sprite to load several in at once. Click on furnace to turn it on/off and start/stop burning fuel and making energy. See [[Powering the station#The furnaces|Powering the station]] for more details.
| A combustion-based power/heat generator that accepts many different solid fuels. Click on furnace with fuel source in-hand to load it in, or, for certain fuel types, click-drag its sprite onto furnace sprite to load several in at once. Click on furnace to turn it on/off and start/stop burning fuel and making energy.

|- id="SMES"
|- id="SMES"
! [[Power_Grid#SMES|SMES]]
| <center>[[File:SMESV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SMESV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| The station's capacitors. All APCs draw power from the SMES, assuming the connection is intact and stable. The SMES in turn draw power from sources such as the [[Powering the station|engine or solar arrays]], or the furnaces. SMES must be configured for optimal use: The input must be set equal or less than the power coming in, and the output must be set to equal or less than the input. The difference between output and input will build up as reserve power in case the power source is disabled.
| The station's capacitors. All APCs draw power from the SMES, assuming the connection is intact and stable. The SMES in turn draw power from sources such as the [[Power_Grid#Solar_Generator|engine or solar arrays]], or the furnaces. SMES must be configured for optimal use: The input must be set equal or less than the power coming in, and the output must be set to equal or less than the input. The difference between output and input will build up as reserve power in case the power source is disabled.

|- id="Engine Output Monitoring Computer"
|- id="Engine Output Monitoring Computer"
! Engine Output Monitoring Computer
! Engine Output Monitoring Computer
| <center>[[file:PowerMonitor.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:PowerMonitor.png]][[Image:EngineeringPDAV2.png]]</center>
| Located in [[Engineering|engineering's]] power control room, wired in between the engine and the SMES. Displays the output from the engine, and how much the SMESs draw.
| Located in [[Engineering|engineering's]] power control room, wired in between the engine and the SMES. Displays the output from the engine, and how much the SMESs draw. The PowerChecker app on Engineering [[PDA|PDAs]] also shows the engine output and the pressures and temperatures on the [[Hot Loop|hot]] and [[Cold Loop|cold loops]]

|- id="Solar Monitoring Computer"
|- id="Solar Monitoring Computer"
! Solar Panel Control
! Solar Panel Control
| <center>[[file:SolarMonitor.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:SolarMonitor.png]]</center>
| Shows orientation and power output from connected [[Powering the station#The solar arrays|solars]]. Can be used to manually align the panels to the sun, but that's rarely necessary.
| Shows orientation and power output from connected [[Power_Grid#Solar_Generator|solars]]. Can be used to manually align the panels to the sun, but that's rarely necessary.

|- id="Power Monitoring Computer"
|- id="Power Monitoring Computer"
Line 380: Line 584:

|- id="APC"
|- id="APC"
! [[Powering the station#APCs|APC]]
! [[Power_Grid#APC|APC]]
| <center>[[file:APCV2.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:APCV2.png]]</center>
| Short for area power controller. It controls power to certain types of electric devices in the room and houses a backup cell to power machinery if it is not receiving adequate power externally. These have many, many settings, [[Powering the station#APCs|detailed here]].     
| Short for area power controller. It controls power to certain types of electric devices in the room and houses a backup cell to power machinery if it is not receiving adequate power externally. These have many, many settings, [[Power_Grid#APC|detailed here]].     
|- id="Junction Box"
|- id="Junction Box"
! Junction Box
! Junction Box
| <center>[[Image:JunctionBox1.png]] [[Image:JunctionBox2.png]] [[Image:JunctionBox3.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:JunctionBox1.png]] [[Image:JunctionBox2.png]] [[Image:JunctionBox3.png]]</center>
| Weird little doodads scattered throughout [[Manta]] that sometimes [[Random Events#Junction Box Malfunction|malfunction]] and require [[Construction#Junction Boxes|fixing]]. If left unrepaired, they drain a few tens of kilowatts every second from the power grid.  
| Weird little doodads scattered throughout [[Manta]] that sometimes [[Random Events#Junction Box Malfunction|malfunction]] and require [[Construction#Junction Boxes|fixing]]. If left unrepaired, they drain a few tens of kilowatts every second from the power grid.  
|- id="Experimental Local Generator"
|- id="Experimental Local Generator"
! Experimental Local Generator
! [[Power_Grid#Experimental_Local_Generator|Experimental Local Generator]]
| <center>[[File:ExperimentalLocalGenerator.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:ExperimentalLocalGeneratorV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| A portable [[General Objects#Cell Charger|cell charger]] that uses [[Gas#Plasma|plasma]] as fuel. It can directly charge the local APC or an inserted power cell. The generator is available from the [[Quartermaster#Experimental Local Generator|cargo bay]].
| A portable [[General Objects#Cell Charger|cell charger]] that uses [[Gas#Plasma|plasma]] as fuel. It can directly charge the local APC or an inserted power cell. The generator is available from the [[Quartermaster#Experimental Local Generator|cargo bay]].
|- id="Portable Combustion Generator"
! [[Power Grid#Portable Combustion Generator|Portable Combustion Generator]]
| <center>[[file:Chemical_Combustion_Generator-32x32.png]]</center>
| An internal combustion engine you can hook into the power grid.  Using ambient air or [[General_Objects#Gas_Tank|gas tank]] in conjunction with a [[General_Objects#Fuel_Tank|fuel tank]] you can provide power to an area.  Different combustible fluids and air mixtures will provide different results.

|- id="Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator"
|- id="Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator"
! Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
! [[Power_Grid#Radioisotope_Thermoelectric_Generator|Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator]]
| <center>[[File:RTGOn.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:RTGOn.png]]</center>
| A stationary generator that uses the radioactive decay of inserted fuel pellets to create electricity. It charges wires in a power grid rather than power cells or APCs. Hard to find outside of [[Engineering#Clarion|Clarion]] or [[Engineering#Destiny|Destiny]].
| A stationary generator that uses the radioactive decay of inserted fuel pellets to create electricity. It charges wires in a power grid rather than power cells or APCs. Hard to find outside of [[Engineering#Clarion|Clarion]]<!--or [[Engineering#Destiny|Destiny]]-->.

|- id="General Alert Computer"
|- id="General Alert Computer"
! General Alert Computer
! General Alert Computer
| <center>[[file:GeneralAlertComputer.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:GeneralAlertComputer.png]]</center>
| Lists all alerts on the station and lets you clear them. Unfortunately, it doesn't mention specifics, and half the time it's nothing to worry about.
| Lists all alerts on the station and lets you clear them. Unfortunately, it doesn't mention specifics, and half the time it's nothing to worry about. Found in the [[Bridge]].

|- id="Gas Reserve Tank"
|- id="Gas Reserve Tank"
Line 417: Line 626:
! Air Siphon
! Air Siphon
| <center>[[file:AirSiphonV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[file:AirSiphonV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| A portable gas container that can be set to either intake the local atmosphere or expel [[Gas|its contents]]. If filled with air, it can be used to re-pressurize areas that have lost their atmosphere, such as recently fixed hull breaches. Can also take in or expel its contents into portable tanks, which can be attached then detached.
| A portable gas container that can be set to either intake the local atmosphere or expel [[Gas|its contents]]. If filled with air, it can be used to re-pressurize areas that have lost their atmosphere, such as recently fixed hull breaches. Can also take in or expel its contents into portable tanks, which can be attached then detached. You can obtain additional pumps by ordering [[Quartermaster#Gas Filtration Machinery|Gas Filtration Machinery crates]].

|- id="Air Scrubber"
|- id="Air Scrubber"
! Air Scrubber  
! Air Scrubber  
| <center>[[File:airscrubber.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:airscrubber.png]]</center>
| This portable device filters out [[Gas#Plasma|plasma]], [[Gas#N2O|N2O/sleeping gas]], and [[Gas#Carbon Dioxide|CO2]] from the surrounding atmosphere and removes [[Chemicals#Smoke Powder|chemsmoke clouds]]. These require power from the local [[#APC|APC]] and are specifically controlled by the "Environmental" setting. If need be, clicking on the machine with a [[#Wrench|wrench]] or similar anchors/unanchors it, making it unmovable/movable.
| This portable device filters out [[Gas#Plasma|plasma]], [[Gas#N2O|N2O/sleeping gas]], and [[Gas#Carbon Dioxide|CO2]] from the surrounding atmosphere and removes [[Chemicals#Smoke Powder|chemsmoke clouds]]. These require power from the local [[#APC|APC]] and are specifically controlled by the "Environmental" setting. If need be, clicking on the machine with a [[#Wrench|wrench]] or similar anchors/unanchors it, making it unmovable/movable. You can get more scrubbers by ordering [[Quartermaster#Gas Filtration Machinery|Gas Filtration Machinery crates]].
|- id="Emergency Pressurizer Device"
! Emergency Pressurizer Device
| <center>[[file:Pressurizer-32x32.png]]</center>
| An extreme version of the air scrubber. It can also either intake or expel the local atmosphere but once sufficient pressurize has been reached it can expel it at extreme velocities allowing for rapid pressurization. It also has a material processor to convert raw gas materials ([[Guide_to_Mining#Molitz|Molitz]] and [[Guide_to_Mining#Viscerite|Viscerite]]) into [[Gas|its contents]].

|- id="Space HVAC"
|- id="Space HVAC"
! Space HVAC
! Space HVAC
| <center>[[File:SpaceHeater.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:SpaceHeaterNew.gif]]</center>
| Slowly heats and/or cools the surrounding air to a designated temperature. Good for after a hull breach sucks all the warm air from a room or when [[Powering the station#Start-up procedure: Hell BURN|hellburns]] get hella outta hand. You can screwdriver open the panel to swap out the cell and/or set the temperature the HVAC it should try to reach. Can be found in various nooks and crannies in maintenance.
| Slowly heats and/or cools the surrounding air to a designated temperature. Good for after a hull breach sucks all the warm air from a room or when the [[Thermoelectric Generator]] gets out of hand. You can screwdriver open the panel to swap out the cell and/or set the temperature the HVAC it should try to reach, and its temperature limits can be [[Syndicate_Items#EMAG|tampered with]]. Can be found in various nooks and crannies in maintenance.

|- id="Energy-Shield Generator"
|- id="Energy-Shield Generator"
! Energy-Shield Generator
! Energy-Shield Generator
| <center>[[File:EnergyShield.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:EnergyShield.png]]</center>
| Creates a energy shield that prevents certain objects from passing through the shield depending on the power level, which is toggleable via the right click menu. Power Level 1 blocks [[Gas|gases]], 2 gases and liquids, and 3 people,  and other solid objects. Like its [[General Objects#Meteor Shield Generator|meteor shield cousin]], it usually runs on power cells, but it can run on the station power grid if someone unscrews its cover, takes out the cell, and wrenches it over a wire.
| Creates a energy shield that prevents certain objects from passing through the shield depending on the power level, which is toggleable via the right click menu. Power Level 1 blocks [[Gas|gases]], 2 gases and liquids, and 3 people,  and other solid objects. Like its [[General Objects#Meteor Shield Generator|meteor shield cousin]], it usually runs on power cells, but it can run on the station power grid if someone unscrews its cover and wrenches it over a wire.

|- id="Fluid Tank"
|- id="Fluid Tank"
Line 442: Line 656:
! Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart
! Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart
| <center>[[Image:DisposalPipeDispenserCart.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:DisposalPipeDispenserCart.png]]</center>
| Basically a [[Construction#Building and fixing disposal pipes|disposal pipe dispenser]] with wheels, so that you can replace/add disposal pipes without lugging a whole bunch of pipe parts all the way from Disposals. Also has the option to lay pipe while moving, similar to laying cable.
| Basically a [[Construction#Building and fixing disposal pipes|disposal pipe dispenser]] with wheels, so that you can replace/add disposal pipes without lugging a whole bunch of pipe parts all the way from Disposals. Also has the option to lay pipe while moving, similar to laying cable. It's usually found in [[Engineering]], and you can buy extra disposal pipe dispenser carts by ordering [[Quartermaster#Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart|Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart crates from Cargo.]]

|- id="ABC-U"
|- id="ABC-U"
! [[Construction#Entire Rooms|ABC-U]]
| <center>[[Image:ABC-U.png]] [[Image:ABC-UMarker.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:ABCU-Idle.gif]] [[Image:ABC-UMarker.png]]</center>
| Found in [[Quartermaster#ABCU Unit Crate|ABCU Unit Crates]] and occasionally other places. Can build entire rooms - see [[Construction#Entire Rooms|Construction]] for more information.
| Found in [[Quartermaster#ABCU Unit Crate|ABCU Unit Crates]] and occasionally other places. Can build entire rooms.

|- id="Ruckingenur"
|- id="Ruckingenur Kit"
! Ruckingenur Kit
! Ruckingenur Kit
| <center>[[Image:RuckingenurKit.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:RuckingenurKitV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Creates [[Mechanic#R&D|blueprints]] of scanned devices, which can then be used in the reverse-engineering fabricator.
| Creates blueprints of scanned devices, which can then be used in a [[Making and Breaking#Automated|fabricator/manufacturer]]; see the [[Ruckingenur Kit]] guide for details. Those with a Head of Staff ID can lock and unlock any blueprints scanned into the system, although those same people can print locked blueprints themselves.

|- id="MechComp"
|- id="MechComp Dispenser"
! MechComp Dispenser
! MechComp Dispenser
| <center>[[Image:GenericVendingMachine2.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:GenericVendingMachine2.png]]</center>
| Stocks a wide variety of [[Mechanic|electronic components]].  
| Stocks a wide variety of [[MechComp|MechComp components]].
|- id="Fissile Materials Crate"
! Fissile Materials Crate
| <center>[[File:EngineeringExplosiveCrateV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Technically, there are multiple substances that are fissile, but this Fissile Materials Crate specifically contains six pieces of raw [[Guide to Mining#Cerenkite|cerenkite]], to be used as fuel for the [[Nuclear Generator]]. Don't forget your anti-radiation equipment!
===Engineering Apparel===
Often found in [[Engineering Storage]] areas, the Engineering Apparel vending machine offers more than just clothes. In addition to dispensing sets of uniforms and various engineering fashion items that make you look all business, it also has a small selection of protective equipment, including [[#Firesuit|firesuits]], [[Clothing#Gas Mask|gas masks]], and [[#Hard Hat|hard hats]], as well as...[[Engineering Objects#Construction Cone|construction cones]]? Anyways, this requires the [[Access Levels#Engineering|Engineering access level]], e.g. you are a [[Engineer]], [[Chief Engineer]], [[Security Officer]], etc.
{{VendorTableHeader|Add Price Column?=Yes}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Generic Jumpsuit|Yellow jumpsuit]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Generic Jumpsuit|Orange jumpsuit]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Engineer's jumpsuit
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Mechanic's uniform
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Atmospheric technician's jumpsuit
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Construction Worker's Overalls|Construction worker's overalls]]
|Note=Orange version
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Construction Worker's Overalls|Construction worker's overalls]]
|Note=Yellow version
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Engineering winter coat
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Engineering Objects#Hi-Vis Vest|Hi-vis vest]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Engineering Objects#Firesuit|Firesuit]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Gas Mask|Gas mask]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Black Gloves|Black gloves]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Unsulated Gloves|Unsulated gloves]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Brown shoes
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Orange shoes
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Hat|Hat]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Hat|Hat]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Engineering Objects#Hard Hat|Hard hat]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Engineering Objects#Welding Helmet|Welding helmet]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Engineering Objects#Firefighter Helm|Firefighter helm]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Yellow costume goggles
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Image=Enginering headset.png
|Item Name=[[Engineering Objects#Engineering Headset|Engineering headset]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Engineer [[PDA]]
|Note=Same one [[Engineer]]s get
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Technical Assistant PDA
|Note=Same one [[Technical Trainee]]s get
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Atmos PDA
|Note=Just has [[PDA#AlertMaster Cartridge|AlertMaster Cartridge]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Engineering Backpack|Engineering backpack]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Clothing#Engineering Satchel|Engineering satchel]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=[[Engineering Objects#Construction Cone|Construction cone]]
|Is Hidden?=No}}
|Item Name=Engineer's jumpsuit
|Note=Alternate/April Fool's version
|Is Hidden?=Yes}}
|Item Name=Mechanic's uniform
|Note=Alternate/April Fool's version
|Is Hidden?=Yes}}

===[[Powering the station#The geothermal capture system|Geothermal Capture System Components]]===
===[[Geothermal_Generator|Geothermal Capture System Components]]===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
Line 467: Line 912:

|- id="Dowsing Rod"
|- id="Dowsing Rod"
! Dowsing Rod
! [[Geothermal_Generator#Dowsing_Rod|Dowsing Rod]]
| <center>[[Image:DrowsingRod.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:DrowsingRod.png]]</center>
| Essential for finding hotspots, appears inside crates in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]]. When it's placed on the seafloor and in the range of a hotspot, relays a wealth of information:
| Essential for finding hotspots, appears inside crates in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]]. When it's placed down, relays a wealth of information:
*The light will turn a certain color depending on the temperature of the ground beneath. Blue signifies cool temperatures, while purple, pink & red ones denote hotter ones. White means it hasn't found a hotspot.  
*The light will turn a certain color depending on the temperature of the ground beneath. Blue signifies cool temperatures, while purple, pink & red ones denote hotter ones. White means it hasn't found a hotspot.  
*The indicator near the top will briefly flash the estimated distance to center of nearest hotspot and periodically broadcast it to those nearby. If there are multiple hotspots on its tile, it will take distances to all the hotspot centers and add them. Distance estimates are affected by [[Powering the station#Doppler Shift|Doppler shift]].
*If it's within range of a hotspot, the indicator near the top will briefly flash the estimated distance to center of nearest hotspot and periodically broadcast it to those nearby. If there are multiple hotspots on its tile, it will take distances to all the hotspot centers and add them. Distance estimates are affected by [[Geothermal_Generator#Dowsing_Rod|Doppler shift]]. If it isn't within range of any hotspots, the indicator doesn't say anything.
*If it beeps, that means it's found the true center of a hotspot.  
*If it beeps, that means it's found the true center of a hotspot.  
While these are intended to be used on the seafloor outside the main station area Oshan Lab, these can be placed on any title, making it extremely useful for detecting if a hotspot is passing by the station.

|- id="Power Shovel"
|- id="Power Shovel"
! Power Shovel
! Power Shovel
| <center>[[Image:PowerShovel.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:PowerShovel.png]]</center>
| Used to dig holes on [[Oshan Lab|Abzu's]] seafloor for [[#Vent Capture Unit|vent capture unit]] construction. It can also mine, though it usually can't break anything harder than rock, ice, or the softer ores. Runs on a 100 PU battery, and digging with it costs 2 PU when active, for a total of 50 digs. Attacking costs 10 PU when active. The shovel can be recharged at a [[General Objects#Recharger|recharger]], and it accepts [[Murder#Power cells|other cells]]. Appears on a rack in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]].
| Used to dig holes on [[Oshan Lab|Abzu's]] seafloor for [[#Vent Capture Unit|vent capture unit]] construction. It can also mine, though it usually can't break anything harder than rock, ice, or the softer ores. Runs on a 100 PU battery, and digging with it costs 2 PU when active, for a total of 50 digs. Attacking costs 10 PU when active. The shovel can be recharged at a [[General Objects#Recharger|recharger]], and it accepts [[Murder#Power cells|other cells]]. Several of these appear on a rack in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]], and [[Cyborg#Engineering|Engineering cyborgs]] get a borg version that draws from their internal cyborg cell.

|- id="Reinforced Wire"
|- id="Reinforced Wire"
! Reinforced Wire
! Reinforced Wire
| <center>[[Image:ReinforcedCableCoil.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:ReinforcedCableCoil.png]]</center>
| A special electrical wire, reinforced with additional metal and surrounded by a thick coat of synthblubber. These are explosion-resistant and may take several tries to snip with wirecutters. Its coils often hold more cable. Comes as loose coils and in boxes scattered throughout [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]].  
| A special electrical wire, reinforced with additional metal and surrounded by a thick coat of synthblubber. These are explosion-resistant and may take several tries to snip with wirecutters. Its coils often hold more cable. Comes as loose coils and in boxes scattered throughout [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]]. You can make more at the [[Making and Breaking#Engineering Specialist Manufacturer|Engineering Specialist Manufacturer]].

|- id="Vent Capture Unit"
|- id="Vent Capture Unit"
! Vent Capture Unit
! [[Geothermal_Generator#Geothermal_Capture_Vent|Vent Capture Unit]]
| <center>[[Image:UnbuiltVentCaptureUnit.png]] [[Image:VentCaptureUnit.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:UnbuiltVentCaptureUnit.png]] [[Image:VentCaptureUnit.png]]</center>
| Converts a section of a hotspot's geothermal energy to electricity. The more heat, the more electricity. Adjacent units reduce electricity production of other units somewhat. To construct one, simply stand over a hole dug by a power shovel and either click on the unbuilt vent capture unit while it's in your hand, as if you were constructing a table or put the unbuilt unit over the hole and use a screwdriver, wrench, crowbar, or soldering iron. To deconstruct it, hit it wrench, crowbar, screwdriver, or soldering iron. Unbuilt kits are found in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]], and more can be scanned through [[Mechanics#The Device Analyzer|Mechanics]].
| Converts a section of a hotspot's geothermal energy to electricity. The more heat, the more electricity. Adjacent units reduce electricity production of other units somewhat. To construct one, simply stand over a hole dug by a power shovel and either click on the unbuilt vent capture unit while it's in your hand, as if you were constructing a table or put the unbuilt unit over the hole and use a screwdriver, wrench, crowbar, or soldering iron. To deconstruct it, hit it wrench, crowbar, screwdriver, or soldering iron. Unbuilt kits are found in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]], and more can be scanned through the [[ruckingenur kit]].

|- id="Stomper Unit"
|- id="Stomper Unit"
! Stomper Unit
! [[Geothermal_Generator#Stomper_Unit|Stomper Unit]]
| <center>[[Image:StomperUnit.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:StomperUnit.png]]</center>
| When placed and activated on top of or directly adjacent to the center of a hotspot, it will lock the hotspot in place. If it's activated anywhere else in the hotspot region, it will send the hotspot away from the stomper and cause to start drifting acrosst he map, potentially causing massive damage. Has an auto-stomp mode that can be toggled via right-click menu. Can, unsurprisingly, stomp up people and certain objects if they somehow end up under it. Found in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]]
| When placed and activated on top of or directly adjacent to the center of a hotspot, it will lock the hotspot in place. If it's activated anywhere else in the hotspot region, it will send the hotspot away from the stomper and cause to start drifting acrosst he map, potentially causing massive damage. Has an auto-stomp mode that can be toggled via right-click menu. Can, unsurprisingly, stomp up people and certain objects if they somehow end up under it. Found in [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]]
Line 497: Line 943:
! Controlled Demolition Pipe
! Controlled Demolition Pipe
| <center>[[File:ControlledDemolitionPipeV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:ControlledDemolitionPipeV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Essentially a weak [[Murder#Pipe bomb|pipebomb]] for making holes on the seafloor, so you can [[Powering the station#Mining Under a Hotspot|harvest the energy trapped in the rock underneath]], found in [[#Engineering Explosive Crate|engineering explosive crates]]. The explosion can't break any flooring besides seafloor, can only damage nearby windows and walls, and does little damage to people, (though it still does [[Doctoring#Bullets, shrapnel|shrapnel]]), but it's still strong enough to create a roughly 3x3 hole in the seafloor. Still a bad idea to use these on the station.
| Essentially a weak [[Murder#Pipe bomb|pipebomb]] for making holes on the seafloor, so you can [[Geothermal_Generator#Undermining|harvest the energy trapped in the rock underneath]], found in [[#Engineering Explosive Crate|engineering explosive crates]]. The explosion can't break any flooring besides seafloor, can only damage nearby windows and walls, and does little damage to people, (though it still does [[Doctoring#Bullets, shrapnel|shrapnel]]), but it's still strong enough to create a roughly 3x3 hole in the seafloor. Still a bad idea to use these on the station.

|- id="Engineering Explosive Crate"
|- id="Engineering Explosive Crate"
! Engineering Explosive Crate
! Engineering Explosive Crate
| <center>[[File:EngineeringExplosiveCrateV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| <center>[[File:EngineeringExplosiveCrateV2-32x32.png]]</center>
| Contains six [[#Controlled Demolition Pipe|controlled demolition pipes]] for blowing through the seafloor to [[Powering the station#Mining Under a Hotspot|mine the rock underneath for extra hotspot energy]]. Access-locked to [[Engineering]], i.e. if you can access [[Engineering]], you can open and close this crate. [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]] has one.
| Contains six [[#Controlled Demolition Pipe|controlled demolition pipes]] for blowing through the seafloor to [[Geothermal_Generator#Undermining#Mining Under a Hotspot|mine the rock underneath for extra hotspot energy]]. Access-locked to [[Engineering]], i.e. if you can access [[Engineering]], you can open and close this crate. [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]] has one.

|- id="Sea Ladder"
|- id="Sea Ladder"
! Sea Ladder
! Sea Ladder
| <center>[[Image:SeaLadder.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:SeaLadder.png]]</center>
| Lets you safely go up and down deep holes in the seafloor. Simply plop it over a hole to deploy the ladder, then click on it to climb up/down. To remove it, right-click the ladder and choose ''Fold up''. [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]] has some on a rack, the [[Syndicate Battlecruiser]] has one, and there are some scattered about [[maintenance]] on [[Oshan]]. Often used to reach [[Powering the station#Mining Under a Hotspot|rock under a hotspot]], but since you can still pull it while it's deployed, it might make an interesting [[Trench]] shortcut...
| Lets you safely go up and down deep holes in the seafloor. Simply plop it over a hole to deploy the ladder, then click on it to climb up/down, assuming that there is a hole in the floor/ceiling in order to access the other side. To remove it, right-click the ladder and choose ''Fold up''. [[Engineering#Oshan|Oshan's Engineering foyer]] has some on a rack, the [[Syndicate Battlecruiser]] has one, and there are some scattered about [[maintenance]] on [[Oshan]], as well as in some of the crates found scattered across the [[Trench]]. Often used to reach [[Geothermal_Generator#Undermining|rock under a hotspot]], but since you can still pull it while it's deployed, it might make an interesting [[Trench]] shortcut...

===[[Powering the station#The singularity engine|Singularity Engine Components]]===
===[[Singularity_Generator|Singularity Engine Components]]===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left"
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
!scope = "col" style="width: 15%" | Item
Line 517: Line 963:

|- id="Emitter"
|- id="Emitter"
! Emitter
! [[Singularity_Generator#Emitters|Emitter]]
| <center>[[Image:Emitter.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:Emitter.png]]</center>
| Essentially a glorified laser. Once welded down, wrenched into place, and activated, it periodically emits a huge energy beam that deals huge damage, can pass through windows, and, somehow, activates and powers field generators. Unsurprisingly good, if somewhat slow, at murdering [[Blob]]s, assuming no reflective membranes of course.
| Essentially a glorified laser. Once welded down, wrenched into place, and activated, it periodically emits a huge energy beam that deals huge damage, can pass through windows, and, somehow, activates and powers field generators. Unsurprisingly good, if somewhat slow, at murdering [[Blob]]s, assuming no reflective membranes of course.

|- id="Field Generator"
|- id="Field Generator"
! Field Generator
! [[Singularity_Generator#Field_Generators|Field Generator]]
| <center>[[Image:Field generator.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:Field generator.png]]</center>
| Magical force field generator that, once welded to the floor, bolted down with a wrench, and activated, somehow uses and stores the energy from emitter beams to create a containment field. This containment field will shock you if walk into it, even if you're wearing insulated gloves, so keep your distance!
| Magical force field generator that, once welded to the floor, bolted down with a wrench, and activated, somehow uses and stores the energy from emitter beams to create a containment field. This containment field will shock you if walk into it, even if you're wearing insulated gloves, so keep your distance!

|- id="Gravitional Singularity Generator"
|- id="Gravitional Singularity Generator"
! Gravitional Singularity Generator
! [[Singularity_Generator#Gravitational_Singularity_Generator|Gravitional Singularity Generator]]
| <center>[[Image:Gravitional Singularity Generator.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:Gravitional Singularity Generator.png]]</center>
| The holy jam jar. This is the actual component that generates a [[Singularity]], but it can't do that if it's not within a 5x5 space enclosed by an containment field.
| The holy jam jar. This is the actual component that generates a [[Singularity]], but it can't do that if it's not within a 5x5 space enclosed by an containment field.

|- id="Collection Array"
|- id="Collection Array"
! Collection Array
! [[Singularity_Generator#Radiation_Collector_Array|Collection Array]]
| <center>[[Image:Collection array.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:Collection array.png]]</center>
| Like a solar panel, but instead of converting radiation from a star into electricity, it converts Hawking radiation from a black hole. Requires a [[General Objects#Air Tank|tank]] of [[Gases#Plasma|plasma]] to function, which it consumes at a very negligible rate.
| Like a solar panel, but instead of converting radiation from a star into electricity, it converts Hawking radiation from a black hole. Requires a [[General Objects#Air Tank|tank]] of [[Gases#Plasma|plasma]] to function, which it consumes at a very negligible rate.

|- id="Array Controller"
|- id="Array Controller"
! Array Controller
! [[Singularity_Generator#Radiation_Collector_Controller|Array Controller]]
| <center>[[Image:Array controller.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:Array controller.png]]</center>
| A hub of sorts for adjacent collection arrays. This is the machine that's actually outputting all the electricity generated by the arrays; in fact, if you use an atmos analyzer on it, it'll tell you exactly how much. Most setups arbitrarily link them to only two arrays, but it can handle up to eight directly adjacent to it, which is actually indicated on the little panel.
| A hub of sorts for adjacent collection arrays. This is the machine that's actually outputting all the electricity generated by the arrays; in fact, if you use an atmos analyzer on it, it'll tell you exactly how much. Most setups arbitrarily link them to only two arrays, but it can handle up to eight directly adjacent to it, which is actually indicated on the little panel.

|- id="Engine Master"
|- id="Engine Master"
! Engine Master
! [[Singularity_Generator#Engine_Control_Terminals|Engine Master]]
| <center>[[Image:EngineMaster.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:EngineMaster.png]]</center>
| Lets you startup [[Mushroom Station|Mushroom Station's]]/[[Donut Station 2|Donut 2's]] [[Powering the station#The singularity engine|singularity engine]], if all the components are secured over a data terminal.
| Lets you startup [[Mushroom Station|Mushroom Station's]]/[[Donut Station 2|Donut 2's]]/[[Donut 3|Donut 3's]] [[Singularity Generator]], if all the components are secured over a data terminal.
|- id="Engine Control Computer"
! Engine Control Computer
| <center>[[Image:EngineControlComputer.png]]</center>
| If given [[Powering the station#The Engine Control Computer|certain commands]], automatically start ups [[Manta]]'s [[Powering the station#The singularity engine|singularity engine]], if all the components are secured over a data terminal. Found in [[Engine Control Room#Manta|that map's engine control room]].

|- id="Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher"
|- id="Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher"
! Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher
! [[Singularity_Generator#Dealing_With_It|Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher]]
| <center>[[Image:SingularityBusterRocketLauncher.png]] [[Image:SingularityBusterRocket.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:SingularityBusterRocketLauncher.png]] [[Image:SingularityBusterRocket.png]]</center>
| Safe singularity destabilization. Load with it with the specialized buster rocket, aim, and fire; note that the launcher slows you down. If it hits, the rocket will downgrade the singularity into a blackhole, which will rapidly suck up everything towards it but eventually disappear. Both the launcher and its ammo can be found in the [[Chief Engineer#Manta|Chief Engineer's private quarters on Manta]], casually sitting on a desk, and in [[Quartermaster#Anti-Singularity Pack|Anti-Singularity Packs]].  
| Safe singularity destabilization. Load with it with the specialized buster rocket, aim, and fire; note that the launcher slows you down. If it hits, the rocket will transform the singularity into a [[Random Events#White Hole|white hole]], which spews out random crap at high velocities before eventually disappearing. Both the launcher and its ammo can be found in the [[Chief Engineer#Donut 3|Chief Engineer's private quarters on Donut 3]], casually sitting on a desk, and in [[Quartermaster#Anti-Singularity Pack|Anti-Singularity Packs]].  

Revision as of 06:38, 13 December 2024


Item Image Description
Mechanical Toolbox
The standard blue toolbox and iconic symbol of SS13's robust combat system because of its longstanding choice as an improvised weapon. For best results, apply directly to forehead. It contains useful tools for anyone without a nearby fabricator. be found throughout the station/ship, and every Engineering Crate comes with two of these, with orange tools


  • Screwdriver, wirecutters, wrench, welder, crowbar, atmospheric analyzer. (default)
  • Screwdriver (orange), wirecutters (orange), wrench (orange), welder (orange), crowbar (orange), atmospheric analyzer. (Engineering Crate version)
  • Upgraded atmospheric analyzer, device analyzer, soldering iron, t-ray scanner, wire coil, milk, peanut butter sandwich (the variant Engineers spawn with)
Electrical Toolbox
Intended for fixing destroyed power infrastructure. The ones in Electrical Maintenance Crates come with orange tools, while the ones found tool storage and electronics have default colors. Contains:
  • Screwdriver, wirecutters, crowbar, t-ray scanner, 3x wire coils (default)
  • Screwdriver (orange), wirecutters (orange), crowbar (orange), t-ray scanner, 3x wire coils (Electrical Maintenance Crate version)
Emergency Toolbox
Hidden mainly in firefighting stashes in maintenance tunnels and emergency supply lockers. They're still great for caving in a skull.

Contains: fire extinguisher, station bounced radio, flashlight, emergency flare, crowbar (red variant).

Tool Belt
A toolbox that fits on the belt slot. A Holy Grail for anyone unwilling or unable to stuff their tools into a backpack box. Engineers spawn with a version with tools. Empty ones often appear in Engineering Storage and sometimes Tool Storage, Warehouse, and maintenance depending on the map. Additional empty belts also appear in, naturally, Utility Belt Crates from Cargo.

Holds absolutely anything in the tools category and many other tiny or small items. Contains:

  • Nothing. (default)
  • Screwdriver, wirecutters, wrench, welder, crowbar, multitool, deconstruction device. (variant Engineers start with)


Item Image Description
One of the most essential tools, if not the most. Used in moving windows and grilles, building computers, opening maintenance panels in electronics, fixing microwaves, modifying small devices, opening cyborg heads and more. There are various versions that come with different-colored handles. They aren't for different types of screws or anything; the color just gives an idea of where it came from. They otherwise function identically. The versions include:
Used in wiring, hacking, deconstructing computers, etc. Live wires should always be handled with insulated gloves. There are various versions with different-colored handles. Aside from having different sprites, they all act alike. The color just indicates where you might find/obtain them.
Used in building computers, activating cyborgs, deconstructing walls and furniture, etc. These come in various different colors, but they all wrench the same way. They're color-coded based on where it might have came from.
Golden Wrench
Shiny. It's only gold-plated though, so there's no gold to extract, and it doesn't sparkle. It still works like a regular wrench though. You can obtain it by winning arcade machine games and activating prize vending modules; golden wrenches are one of the possible prizes, among others.
Monkey Wrench
Get it? Hopefully not made from actual monkeys. Despite the (rather unsettling) tail, the monkey wrench still behaves like a normal wrench. This novelty tool can be found in a handful of monkey-themed areas, such as a underwater sea monkey hideout that sometimes spawns in the Trench.
WelderV2-32x32.gif WelderYellow.gif
A heavy engineering tool. An active welder will ignite plasma, break light bulbs, set off nearby fire alarms and do horrible things when swung at a person. Click on it while it's in-hand to activate it. To refuel it, click on a handheld or full-size welding fuel tank while the welder is off and in your active hand. Operating one will cause eye damage without proper protection.

There are a number of variants. While they have different-colored handles, they all function the same, and any one of them will get the job done. The main differences are where they came from.
A general-purpose opener. Used to pry open firelocks and unpowered doors, prying up or out floor tiles, window frames, wall girders, computer modules and so on. There are several variants, with colors roughly indicating their origin. Aside from the different bodies, they otherwise behave identically.
An electrician's precision tool. Known mostly for being a cornerstone of hacking, it's also essential for finishing APC repairs, checking the wattage of wires, getting the Network ID of doors and lockers for Packets, checking the amount of Watts in a Cable, and wiping data from mainframe memory cores, disks, tapes, and the like if they are not set to Read Only. There are a handful of variants, some with different-colored stripes. They all function identically.
T-Ray Scanner
A combined ultrasound probe and volt meter. When operated like a flashlight, it emits terahertz range radio pulses that briefly reveal hidden wires, disposal pipes and cloakers. When used on wires, doors or other electronic equipment, it reports whether it's powered or electrified. Engineer's PDAs have these instead of the standard flashlight modules. Extra T-ray scanners can be made at an Engineering Specialist Manufacturer.
Spare cable, found plentifully in yellow toolkits and boxes marked "Cable Storage". Used in constructing computers, repairing damaged wiring under floors and much more. Check out Guide to Wiring for details on how to put floors and wire together to make things happen. While red is the most common color, electrical toolboxes and certain Cargo crates (all under Basic Materials section) have wire in many other colors, including: black, blue, brown, green, hot pink, orange, purple, white, and yellow.
Soldering Iron
Essential for deploying frames as far as gadget construction is concerned, but not much more than a superheated stabbing implement for the rest. Spare soldering irons can be manufactured at an Engineering Specialist Manufacturer.
Deconstruction Device
DeconstructionDeviceV2.png DeconstructionDeviceV3-32x32.png
Often shortened to "decon device". Does the exact opposite of what the soldering iron does and disassembles any piece of machinery, yielding its respective object frame, which can later be deployed elsewhere using a soldering iron. The general process is that you click on the thing with the device, and then press the right buttons with the right tool in your active hand and the device in your other hand.

There are two versions that deconstruct the same but have different damage and availibility:

Atmospheric Analyzer
AtmosphericAnalyzerV2-32x32.png PDAV2.png
Instant atmospheric analysis. Can detect the nearest hull breach. Lists the temperature, pressure and the proportions of gases either in the open air or inside canisters, pipes, Radiation Collector Arrays, Radiation Collector Control machines, nuclear reactors, gas turbines, and gas channels. Abundantly available in blue toolboxes, but every PDA has this feature built-in. Adding an atmospheric analyzer upgrade lets it analyze gases in open air, but not canisters or similar, from long range.
Atmospheric Analyzer Upgrade
Allows the atmospheric analyzer (what else?) scan gases from a distance, with some limitations. Vendomats have a few, and they sometimes appear on various tables in maintenance and other vaguely Engineering-related areas, alongside various randomly-selected items.
Device Analyzer
Scans one or multiple electronic devices into memory, which can then be redeemed for a blueprint in the ruckingenur kit. The engineer's PDA comes with a superior scanner which transmits all schematics wirelessly into the workshop. The device analyzer can technically scan anything (including people, to whom it will show a funny message) but you won't get any blueprints unless you use it on actual machines.

If you try to put a handheld analyzer onto tables, into backpacks, etc. it'll normally just scan them; switch to Harm intent to put it onto things or bash things with it without scanning them.
Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer
MiniaturizedLampManufacturerHumanYellow-32x32.png MiniaturizedLampManufacturerSiliconYellow-32x32.png
Installs, changes, and removes lights. Click on the device while it's in your active hand/slot, and it'll open up a wheel of buttons that let you choose what color lamps it makes (Set White, Set Cyan,etc.), whether it'll make light bulbs or light tubes (Fitting Production: Bulbs, Fitting Production: Tubes), or toggle whether it removes lights or replaces them (Toggle Fitting Removal).

Click on a wall, window, or floor tile it with it, and it'll attempt to place down a light fixture of the configured color and tube/bulb setting. Click on a existing light, and it'll either swap it to the color you chose if toggled to replace lamps in the Toggle Fitting Removal or delete it if set in Toggle Fitting Removal to remove fittings.

There are two versions of this that differ by resource cost.

  • MiniaturizedLampManufacturerHumanYellow-32x32.png The gun-shaped one can be found in Engineer equipment lockers. Extra ones can be made at an Engineering Specialist Manufacturer, and one is included in the Construction Equipment crate that can ordered by the QM(s). It requires 1 metal sheet with each use. To load it, simply click on the device with the sheets; loading it takes up to 5 sheets from the stack, and it has a capacity of 20 sheets.
  • MiniaturizedLampManufacturerSiliconYellow-32x32.png The claw-like version is used by certain types of Cyborg, and rather than metal, it takes charge from the cyborg's battery, with adding in missing lights, removing lights, and replacing functional ones costing more than replacing broken ones.
Floor and Wall Designer
Formerly known as the Floor and Wall Designer and often just called the floor planner/floor designer. Changes the textures of existing floors and walls and can also remove changed textures. To use it, put it in your hand and left click on it. It will pop up a dialog box for three modes:
  • Floors: Lets you pick from a list of several floor patterns, from standard station floors to grass and sand to even caves and strange stone (there are no pictures). After you've chose the one you want, you can left-click on a floor to change it to the selected texture. Some floors cannot be changed.
  • Walls: Works similar to floor mode, except with walls. Again, some walls cannot be changed.
  • Restore original: For if you want to completely remove the new sprite you put in and go back the original one before you did any modifications. It works exactly like putting down new floor/walls textures, making reversing changes nice and easy.

Part of the Construction Equipment crate, which can be ordered from the Quartermaster(s).

Window Planner
Currently unobtainable. Formerly the material shaper, a tool that takes processed metal bars and glass cubes and uses them to produce preset glass/grille windows, providing a efferent and quick way to make them without manually setting them down yourself. The gun has two different modes that are pretty straight forward. Has two modes:
  • 'Marking/unmarking plans for grille and glass structures.' - When you left click on an area, it puts down a transparent red outline of where you want your glass/grille section to go. Left clicking it again in this mode erases it. You can see the outlines with a construction visualizer, if you somehow got a hold of one.
  • 'constructing planned grille and glass structures.' - Left-clicking on outlines set down on the above mode (not the floor they're on) uses the stored glass/metal to make the structure for you at the cost of 2 metal and 4 glass.
Room Designator
Used to assign areas to rooms. If you have built a new area into Space or the Seafloor and are having troubles getting power or whatever, it might be because the game doesn't recognize it as an extension of the ship/station. This device should help fix that. Obtained from Cargo's Construction Equipment crate.
Fire-Fighting Grenade
Creates a roughly 5x5 spray of fire-fighting foam, instantly putting out most fires. Typically used on rooms that are engulfed in flames, but it helps extinguish people (or other mobs) set ablaze too. Remember: click on it in-hand to prime, press SPACE to enter Throw mode, then click on a tile to actually throw it somewhere. Found in Engineering Storage and Cargo's Firefighting Supplies Crate.
Red Oxygen Grenade
Disperses approximately an oxygen canister's worth of oxygen throughout an area instantly. Remember: click on it in-hand to prime, press SPACE to enter Throw mode, then click on a tile to actually throw it somewhere. Found in Engineering Storage and Station Pressurization Crate. Each engineer also starts with one in their pack, and you can make additional oxygen grenades at a gas extractor.
Power Cell
Main power for Cyborgs and backup juice for APCs before the lights go out. Several types of these high-capacity batteries can be found on the station, differing in maximum capacity or other properties. If depleted, they may be recharged manually.
Fuel Pellet
Used by the radioisotope thermoelectric generator to make electricity. As you'd expect, the amount of power they generate depends on their radioactivity (which, curiously, is measured in rads), though as of now, they only come in cerenkite pellets. More cannot be fabricated. Hardly found outside of Clarion's engine room.



Point-and-click repair magic! The Rapid Construction Device (RCD) conjures up and tears down various station structures using a 50-unit magazine of compressed matter, depending on the setting, which is changed by clicking on the thing while it's in your hand (Hotkey: C for Goon WASD, Z for /tg/style hotkeys). Each construction/deconstruction action has a 5-second delay, and it creates sparks when switching between modes or when it finishes its task, which may ignite nearby flammable materials.

The whole station has exactly two units: one is locked away in EVA and the CE sleeps next to a fancy yellow one. Engineering cyborgs have built-in RCDs that do not need refilling and instead replicate the compressed matter straight from their power supplies, at 1 matter unit = 100 charge, so emergency repair work usually falls on them. It is also possible to buy an empty one from Cargo's RCD replacement crate or make one at a Engineering Specialist Manufacturer.

Ghost Drones have a unique Realistic Cardboard Device that has the same modes as the normal RCD mentioned above, but builds significantly weaker constructions. The Cardboard RCD is only able to deconstruct other cardboard walls and floors and cannot remove normal station walls or floors.

List of RCD modes:
Img Name Normal RCD Cost RCDBaseV2-32x32.png RCD Custom Cost RCDYellow-32x32.png Description
Floors and Walls
  • Uses 1 unit to build a floor on empty space or a lattice
  • Uses 2 units to build a wall on a flooring
  • Uses just 1 unit to add plating to a girder
  • Uses 2 units to reinforce a wall
  • Uses 1 unit to build a floor on empty space or a lattice
  • Uses 1 unit to build a wall on a flooring
  • Uses 1 unit to add plating to a girder
  • Uses 2 units to reinforce a wall
Floor tiles are made instantaneously. It takes 5 seconds to build a full wall on a floor tile, and it takes 5 seconds to reinforce a wall. Hitting a completed wall again with the RCD will reinforce it. This setting cannot replace burnt flooring or add tiles to bare plating; use floor tiles for those!
Windows Uses 2 units to make a window Uses 4 units to make a window Creates a generic (i.e. not reinforced) glass window over a plating or grille and takes 2 seconds to construct.
Airlocks Uses 5 units to make an airlock Uses 4 units to make an airlock The RCDs from Cargo and in EVA build a generic grey airlock. This airlock has no access attached to it. The Chief Engineer has a snazzy yellow RCD that allows for customizing doors and setting unique access levels. Making a new airlock takes 5 seconds.
Light Bulbs Uses 2 units to make a light bulb fixture. Uses 2 units to make a light bulb fixture. A great companion to the Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer, this setting places full light fixtures, with light bulbs. You can then use the lamp manufacturer on it to change the bulb colors out. It takes 2 seconds to place a light fixture, and it must be placed on a wall. You can't place a light fixture on a wall that already has a fixture on it.
Light Tubes Uses 2 units to make a light tube fixture. Uses 2 units to make a light tube fixture. Like a companion to the Miniaturized Lamp Manufacturer, this setting on the RCD allows the placement of full light fixtures including light tubes. You can then use the lamp manufacturer on it to change the tube colors out.It takes 2 seconds to place a light fixture, and it must be placed on a wall. You can't place a light fixture on a wall that already has a fixture on it.
  • Uses 8 units to remove walls, girders, floors, lattices, and windows
  • Uses 15 units to remove airlocks
  • Can downgrade a reinforced wall into a regular wall for 8 units
  • Uses 6 units to remove walls, girders, floors, lattices, and windows
  • Uses 10 units to remove airlocks
  • Can downgrade a reinforced wall into a regular wall for 6 units
Removes any built components. Floors, walls, windows, and airlocks all take 5 seconds to remove. Removing a wall's reinforcement also takes 5 seconds. Removing a light fixture takes 3 seconds.

Compressed Matter Cartridges

Every RCD needs compressed matter units to construct and deconstruct structures. Each RCD has a limited supply of compressed matter units, and to refill them, you use compressed matter cartridges, which come in various sizes listed below. Note the RCDs on ghostdrones and cyborgs drain the silicon user's battery to create compressed matter, so those two don't need to worry about compressed matter cartridges.

Item Image Units Description
Compressed Matter Cartridge
10 "Ammo" for the rapid construction device. These standard size ones each give 10 units of matter for the RCD. Five of them are usually bundled in the "RCD crate" the station's RCD units come in, and additional ones can be created at a Engineering Specialist Manufacturer or, if it's been hacked to show hidden items, a general fabricator.
Medium Compressed Matter Cartridge
50 These larger cartridges grant 50 units of matter for the rapid construction device, enough to fill a completely empty one. Available at Engineering Specialist Manufacturers, as well as general fabricators, if they've been hacked.
Large Compressed Matter Cartridge
Large rcd cartridge.png
100 The extra big ones start with a generous 100 units of matter for the rapid construction device Since RCDs have 50 unit capacities, this of course means some left over. Can be made at general fabricators (which requires hacking) and Engineering Specialist Manufacturers (no hacking required), with correspondingly high material requirements.


Personal Protective Equipment

Item Image Description
Welding Helmet
Also called a welding mask; whatever you call it, it definitely looks all business. When toggled down via the Toggle Welding Mask ability, it will darken the wearer's vision a bit and prevent eye damage from light sources, be it welding or something else. When toggled up through the same ability, it will grant melee protection to the head. Can be found in Engineer equipment lockers and welding supplies lockers or fabricated at general manufacturer.
Hotrod Welding Helmet
A sweet-ass reskin for the welding helmet, created by using the Slow Burn medal reward on a welding helmet. Despite the somewhat different name and sprite, it still functions like any other, less-adorned welding helmet.
Hard Hat
Comes with a built-in flashlight. Protects the head quite well.
Chief Engineer's Hard Hat
ChiefEngineersHardHatOff.png ChiefEngineersHardHatOn.png
The Chief Engineer's hard hat works exactly like the normal hard hat, except it has a green band on the top, so you can know who the CE is/was after the engine explodes. It starts on the CE's noggin, of course.
Insulated Gloves
For handling live wires. Highly coveted for their ability to allow door hacking. Found in electrical supplies, Engineer's, and Mechanic's lockers and can be ordered by the Quartermaster in the form of Electrical Maintenance Crates. They are also sometimes found out in the open in Engineering and Mechanics Workshop, as if waiting for someone to break in and steal them.
Protects the wearer from fire and extreme heat. It reduces damage from being on fire by 45%, and if you get a firefighting helm, that'll push you to 60%. The suit does protect from the cold somewhat, but it's not effective against hard vacuum and will slow down your running speed when you're wearing it. It's available in Engineering Storage and, on some maps, a few other parts of Engineering, it spawns in firefighting closets fairly often, and more can be bought from Cargo through Firefighting Supplies Crates.
Heavy Firesuit
Found in the Chief Engineer's locker, the heavy firesuit sacrifices speed and cold resistance for protection from fire and other dangers. It significantly slows movement, and it's so bulky that it cannot accept armor. Compared to the regular version, it offers less cold resistance (5% versus 20%), but it offers way more heat/fire resistance, clocking in at 65%. It also offers superior melee protection for the chest region (4 vs 3), ranged protection (44% vs 33%), and Disorient resistance (25% vs 15%), though it still pales in comparison to an armored firesuit.
Firefighter Helm
This firefighter helm trades armor for protection from fire. It gives 15% fire resistance, which is better than most helmets, as they usually offer only 5% (e.g. engineering space helmet) or 10% (e.g. hard hat). However, it only offers 3 melee resistance to the head region, so it doesn't reduce damage to the head as much as the hard hat or other helmets. It also gives 8% Disorient (Eye) and 8% Disorient (Ear) resistance, on par with most space helmets. Pairs well with the firesuit.

Often found in Engineering Storage and the like. Firefighting Supplies Crates from Cargo each have two of these, and each firefighting closet has a 50-50 chance of randomly spawning with one.

Engineering Space Suit
SnekEngineeringHelmet.png Miningspacesuit.png
Preferred gear for braving the vacuum of space. Will slow down your running speed indoors. The helmet has a built-in flashlight.
Engineering Diving Suit
EngineeringDivingHelmet.png EngineeringDivingSuit.png
Preferred gear for braving the Trench, unnecessary on the station Z-level. Will slow down your running speed indoors. The helmet has a built-in flashlight. On Oshan Laboratory and Nadir (i.e. the maps where you'd see these), you can manufacture more engineering diving suit sets at a mining fabricator.
Engineering Light Space Helmet
Compared to the standard engineering space helmet, the engineering light space helmet has much less armor and half as much heat protection and Disorient (Eye) and Disorient (Ear) resistance, and it cannot conceal your face for disguises, but it doesn't slow you down. Identical stats otherwise. The Chief Engineer starts with a pair in their role-exclusive equipment locker, and it's possible to make one at a mining fabricator.
Engineering Light Space Suit
The engineering light space suit has identical stats to the standard version, but it provides less protection against projectiles and melee attacks and offers less heat resistance. However, it doesn't affect your movement speed, so it won't slow you down when you're running away from a singularity. The Chief Engineer's equipment locker starts with one, and you can get your own at a mining fabricator, provided it has the materials.
Class II Radiation Suit + Hood
RadiationHood.png RadiationSuitV3.png
The preferred choice for working around active singularity engines, walking in radstorms, and handling radioactive substances such as cerenkite or fuel rods for the Nuclear Engine. Each piece reduces damage from radiation by a fair bit, so wearing the full set helps, and the suit piece clicks in the presence of radiation, with faster clicks meaning more intense radiation (same as handheld Geiger counter). It has poor insulation though; don't expect it to protect you from the vacuum of Space or a roaring hot loop fire.

Only Clarion and Nadir have these on-station, so order one from Cargo or scavenge one from the Debris Field if you're on a different map or need a spare.
Aurora Belt
The Chief Engineer spawns with a special, enhanced version of the standard tool belt that's equipped with a personal shield generator. When activated, it reduces damage from melee attacks by 75% and grants complete cold and heat protection and near complete (~93%) radiation protection, plus a little ranged damage reduction. The effect lasts around 20 seconds and recharges in about twice that time. It can also hold an RCD and its matter unit cartridges, on top of the stuff regular utility belts can fit.
Magnetic Boots
Aka, magboots. Useful for safely repairing hull breaches, since active magnetic boots prevent from you from being pushed backward by on-coming air. A pair starts in the CE's locker and a few more are available to engineers and miners.

Activating their (De)Activate Magboots (magnetic shoes) ability in the top left provides some Disorient (Body) resistance, gives you clonky footstep sounds, and prevents you from being thrown, pushed, pulled, teleported by a telegun, or transported by a conveyor belt, even if you're dead on the ground - the boots must be removed first. Telewands still work, albeit with...side effects. However, they slow you down, and you can still be grabbed. Switching places while on Help intent and entering floor flushers still work.

Other Equipment

Item Image Description
Hi-Vis Vest
That's short for high-visibility vest, also sometimes called a safety vest. Not too much in the way of stats aside from some slight cold resistance, but it sure does make you look like you know what you're doing and has retro-reflective stripes that "glow", making it easier for people to see you in the dark. Found in the Engineering Apparel vendor and appears in many maps' Warehouse areas.
Engineering Headset
Enginering headset.png
Stay in touch and coordinate with your colleagues. Type say :e to talk over the engineering channel.
Meson Goggles
What distinguishes an engineer from an assistant. Tints the vision green, but, when toggled, allows the wearer to see the condition of the station infrastructure through walls, identify connections between MechComp components (and the machines that interface with them), and see better in the dark. Rather scarce aside from the units that start in card-locked equipment lockers.
Pressure Visualization Goggles
Handy for repressurizing. When toggled on, allows the wearer to see the ambient atmospheric pressure around them, with the visualization updated periodically as the goggles scan the surroundings. Orange means higher than 1 atm. (~101 kPa), blue means lower than that, and the less blue there is, the lower the pressure. Can be found in Engineer's lockers and can be made the Engineering Specialist Manufacturer and science fabricator.
Provides air and allows you to move freely in space when worn on your back and the jetpack function is on, at cost of high oxygen drain. The flying function can be toggled on/off by pressing Toggle jetpack(jetpack name) button in the top left. You must set the jetpack's oxygen supply in the exact same way you would set an oxygen tank, and it requires a breath or gas mask to work. Note: Don't be tempted to top off your jetpack with regular air. It only works with pure oxygen.

There are two versions, or rather one main version and its subvariant:
  • JetpackV2-32x32.png Blue - More or less the default appearance. The mining fabricator can make this, if you can bear with the steep material cost. While there is a red version of the jetpack, the Syndicate actually stuffs its gear preparations closets with the blue version.
  • SyndicateJetpackMagTetherV2-32x32.png Red - Appears in the Syndicate Apparel vendor. In the Pod Wars game mode, this is also an item the Syndicate side can manufacture. It functions just like the blue version, but it has a evil red paint-job, and its description mentions that "It's painted in a sinister yet refined shade of red."
Micro-Lite Jetpack
This micro-lite jetpack (oxygen) has lower capacity than the regular jetpack (30 liters vs. 70) and less damage (6 BRUTE vs. 8), but it costs fewer resources and use more common materials. Otherwise has the same functionalities as the not-so-micro version, to point that you can think of the micro-lite jetpack as a starter jetpack. You can find in EVA, the Mining Department, and sometimes Engineering. You can also make these at the mining fabricator.
Stomper Boots
Boots for controlling hotspots when setting up the Geothermal Generator. Stomper boots give you Stomp ability when worn, which is described below. They also slow your movement speed drastically but grant 3 extra damage when kicking and give 15% Disorient resistance. Starting gear for Engineers spawning on Oshan Laboratory. There's also one in each "Engineer's locker".

The Stomp ability either pins hotspots in place or moves them in a different direction depending on where you stomp them, just like the full-size version. This takes 1 second and has a 10 second cooldown, with no automatic mode. If you Stomp someone under you, you give them 20 BRUTE (less than the full-size unit's 55 BRUTE) and knock them down for 1 second. Using Stomp while inside a locker, crate, etc. is a bad idea, unless you like knocking yourself out. Taking them off (or otherwise losing them) mid-stomp is also bad, unless you want to give yourself 25 BRUTE and knock yourself down for 3 seconds.

Building Materials

Item Image Description
Light Tubes
In addition to windows and floor tiles, the incandescent tubes are usually the first casualties of rampant chemistry in the science wing or the cafeteria. Boxes of replacement lights are available in e.g. tool storage and the janitor's closet. They can also be fabricated in a rainbow of colors, including black light, and fit light tube fixtures.
Light Bulbs
Dimmer and cheaper, ordinary bulbs are used in areas less traveled such as maintenance halls and emergency tool stashes. They can be usually found in the same haunts as light tubes and are fabricated in as many varieties and fit light bulb fixtures.
Neon Lining
NeonLiningCoilBlue-32x32.png NeonLiningCoilPink-32x32.png NeonLiningCoilYellow-32x32.png
Neon lighting that can be configured in many different shapes and colors and does not require power, obtained via the Neon Lining Crate from Cargo. Click on the coil of neon lining in-hand to swap it between three colors, blue, pink, and yellow, place it down simply by clicking on the tile, and remove it with a crowbar. Use screwdriver to rotate, wrench to change shape of neon lining, multitool to change placement of glow at ends, and wirecutters to turn off/on.
Metal Sheets
Used for many construction projects. Can come in many different materials, with steel being most common, but they all otherwise act the same. Available in Engineering Storage, Tool Storage, and sometimes a few other odd places, and Cargo can order them in bulk in 50- and 200-sheet packs. General manufacturers can make them one sheet at a time. Can only be assembled in stacks of up to 50 by hand. Can also click on them while they are selected in your hand to craft them into various shapes.
Reinforced Metal Sheets
Stronger metal. Make them yourself by combining regular metal sheets and rods or have a general manufacturer build them straight from processed ore, one at a time.
Glass Sheets
Used for many construction projects. Available in Tool Storage, Engineering Storage, and sometimes a few random maintenance areas depending on the map, and Cargo can order them in bulk in 50- and 200-sheet packs. General manufacturers can make them five sheet at a time. Can only be assembled in stacks of up to 50 by hand.
Reinforced Glass Sheets
Almost twice as strong as regular glass. Made by adding rods to standard glass sheets or by using a general manufacturer, which creates them one at a time.
Plasma Glass
Stronger than regular glass. Can only be made in a fabricator.
Reinforced Plasma Glass
Extremely strong. Made by adding rods to plasma glass or by using a fabricator.
Used for many construction projects. Made by constructing them with regular metal sheets, removing reinforcement from reinforced metal sheets, and using a general manufacturer, robotics fab, or medical fab. Also available in Tool Storage, Engineering Storage, and sometimes a few odd maintenance areas depending on the map.

In addition to construction, rods are also serviceable weapons in a pinch and can be used as "lances" when "jousting" with Segways. They are also used for many thing-on-a-stick recipes.

Floor Tiles
Make these from regular metal sheets or just crowbar them right out from under people's feet. Damaged floor tiles are automatically discarded upon removal.
Metal Foam Grenade
Creates a huge expanding mass of liquid metal foam that stops gas flow and, after a short delay, solidifies into weak metal foam walls and floors. The solid foam is fragile and is easily destroyed by blunt objects. Clicking on the foam with floor tiles will instantly replace the foam with flooring, without breaking the foam and potentially causing an air leak. Good for sealing huge hull breaches to quickly stop atmospherics leaks and then later adding something more solid.
Instant electronics, just add soldering! Clicking on a frame with a soldering iron consumes the frame and creates the gadget or machine on the frame's label, e.g. a "defibrillator frame" turns into a functioning defib. Note that vending machines made via frames start off empty and need restock cartridges, while manufacturers/fabricators made via frames don't have materials.

You can make frames, indirectly, using a ruckingenur kit, and turn certain machines back into frames via a deconstruction device. Many Cargo crates come with frames too, since it's an easy way to store and transport appliances and things that normally can't be moved.

Construction Cone
Orange cones with hazard stripes, found in Engineering Apparel. Plop a construction cone or two down to indicate that renovations/repairs/races are going on nearby; conveniently, you can directly click a tile to place it there, instead of using the drop hotkey. You can also stack them together, to a maximum of 5. Click a cone with another cone to stack them; click-dragging a cone onto another one stacks multiple at once. To unstack, pick the stack up, switch hands, and click on it with an empty hand.

You can also wear them your head and pretend you're a mystical magical mason. You can wear stacks of them too, but you have to stack them, then wear them, because you can't stack a cone onto one that's on your head. They has absolutely zero heat and cold resistance, since they by design have a hole on the top, but it provides a slightly better-than-average 2 melee resistance for the head region.


Item Image Description
Mechanic's Locker
Found in the Mechanics Workshop (natch), Mechanic's lockers contain various pieces of equipment for tinkering with electronics. Notably, there's a deconstruction device and a spare set of insulated gloves. The "Mechanic" refers to the old Mechanic job.
Power Transmission Laser
Converts excess power into cash for the engineering crew by beaming it out into space.
Shield Generator
Like a Meteor Shield Generator, but for the whole entire ship. Despite all the fancy blinkenlights and displays, all you have to do is click on this thing to turn the ship-wide meteor shield on, blocking not only all the meteors but also all the Space Pods going in. It's somewhat hard to notice, but if there's a meteor shower coming/going on, the little ship screen in the middle will display where exactly the meteors are coming from.
Shield Control Computer
Basically a smaller version of the Shield Generator, for turning on and turning off Clarion's ship forcefield remotely from the Bridge.
A combustion-based power/heat generator that accepts many different solid fuels. Click on furnace with fuel source in-hand to load it in, or, for certain fuel types, click-drag its sprite onto furnace sprite to load several in at once. Click on furnace to turn it on/off and start/stop burning fuel and making energy.
The station's capacitors. All APCs draw power from the SMES, assuming the connection is intact and stable. The SMES in turn draw power from sources such as the engine or solar arrays, or the furnaces. SMES must be configured for optimal use: The input must be set equal or less than the power coming in, and the output must be set to equal or less than the input. The difference between output and input will build up as reserve power in case the power source is disabled.
Engine Output Monitoring Computer
Located in engineering's power control room, wired in between the engine and the SMES. Displays the output from the engine, and how much the SMESs draw. The PowerChecker app on Engineering PDAs also shows the engine output and the pressures and temperatures on the hot and cold loops
Solar Panel Control
Shows orientation and power output from connected solars. Can be used to manually align the panels to the sun, but that's rarely necessary.
Power Monitoring Computer
Located in engineering's power control room. When connected to the power grid, it will display a list of all APCs on the station and their current charge. If the SMES are set correctly, then the total power output should exceed the power load. If no APCs show up on the screen, it means a wire has been cut somewhere.
Reactor Statistics Computer
Displays several tables of information about the thermo-electric engine, the combustion chamber, and the gas loops, all explained here.
Short for area power controller. It controls power to certain types of electric devices in the room and houses a backup cell to power machinery if it is not receiving adequate power externally. These have many, many settings, detailed here.
Experimental Local Generator
A portable cell charger that uses plasma as fuel. It can directly charge the local APC or an inserted power cell. The generator is available from the cargo bay.
Portable Combustion Generator
Chemical Combustion Generator-32x32.png
An internal combustion engine you can hook into the power grid. Using ambient air or gas tank in conjunction with a fuel tank you can provide power to an area. Different combustible fluids and air mixtures will provide different results.
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
A stationary generator that uses the radioactive decay of inserted fuel pellets to create electricity. It charges wires in a power grid rather than power cells or APCs. Hard to find outside of Clarion.
General Alert Computer
Lists all alerts on the station and lets you clear them. Unfortunately, it doesn't mention specifics, and half the time it's nothing to worry about. Found in the Bridge.
Gas Reserve Tank
Fixed pressure vessel used to store a large amount of gas, roughly double the volume of portable canisters. Every air hookup contains one of these.
Tank Dispenser
Dispenses gas tanks. Found in engineering, toxin research and other places.
Air Siphon
A portable gas container that can be set to either intake the local atmosphere or expel its contents. If filled with air, it can be used to re-pressurize areas that have lost their atmosphere, such as recently fixed hull breaches. Can also take in or expel its contents into portable tanks, which can be attached then detached. You can obtain additional pumps by ordering Gas Filtration Machinery crates.
Air Scrubber
This portable device filters out plasma, N2O/sleeping gas, and CO2 from the surrounding atmosphere and removes chemsmoke clouds. These require power from the local APC and are specifically controlled by the "Environmental" setting. If need be, clicking on the machine with a wrench or similar anchors/unanchors it, making it unmovable/movable. You can get more scrubbers by ordering Gas Filtration Machinery crates.
Emergency Pressurizer Device
An extreme version of the air scrubber. It can also either intake or expel the local atmosphere but once sufficient pressurize has been reached it can expel it at extreme velocities allowing for rapid pressurization. It also has a material processor to convert raw gas materials (Molitz and Viscerite) into its contents.
Space HVAC
Slowly heats and/or cools the surrounding air to a designated temperature. Good for after a hull breach sucks all the warm air from a room or when the Thermoelectric Generator gets out of hand. You can screwdriver open the panel to swap out the cell and/or set the temperature the HVAC it should try to reach, and its temperature limits can be tampered with. Can be found in various nooks and crannies in maintenance.
Energy-Shield Generator
Creates a energy shield that prevents certain objects from passing through the shield depending on the power level, which is toggleable via the right click menu. Power Level 1 blocks gases, 2 gases and liquids, and 3 people, and other solid objects. Like its meteor shield cousin, it usually runs on power cells, but it can run on the station power grid if someone unscrews its cover and wrenches it over a wire.
Fluid Tank
Heavy-duty fluid-draining (or -flooding) tank that can hold up to 20000 units of liquid. If you click on the tank, you can turn it on and off and toggle whether it's taking in fluids or pumping them out into its surroundings. Usually found in a few odd nooks and crannies in maintenance and can be created at general manufacturers.
Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart
Basically a disposal pipe dispenser with wheels, so that you can replace/add disposal pipes without lugging a whole bunch of pipe parts all the way from Disposals. Also has the option to lay pipe while moving, similar to laying cable. It's usually found in Engineering, and you can buy extra disposal pipe dispenser carts by ordering Disposal Pipe Dispenser Cart crates from Cargo.
ABCU-Idle.gif ABC-UMarker.png
Found in ABCU Unit Crates and occasionally other places. Can build entire rooms.
Ruckingenur Kit
Creates blueprints of scanned devices, which can then be used in a fabricator/manufacturer; see the Ruckingenur Kit guide for details. Those with a Head of Staff ID can lock and unlock any blueprints scanned into the system, although those same people can print locked blueprints themselves.
MechComp Dispenser
Stocks a wide variety of MechComp components.
Fissile Materials Crate
Technically, there are multiple substances that are fissile, but this Fissile Materials Crate specifically contains six pieces of raw cerenkite, to be used as fuel for the Nuclear Generator. Don't forget your anti-radiation equipment!

Engineering Apparel


Often found in Engineering Storage areas, the Engineering Apparel vending machine offers more than just clothes. In addition to dispensing sets of uniforms and various engineering fashion items that make you look all business, it also has a small selection of protective equipment, including firesuits, gas masks, and hard hats, as well as...construction cones? Anyways, this requires the Engineering access level, e.g. you are a Engineer, Chief Engineer, Security Officer, etc.

List of Contents:
Icon Quantity Item Price Hidden
5 Yellow jumpsuit 0 No
5 Orange jumpsuit 0 No
2 Engineer's jumpsuit 0 No
5 Mechanic's uniform 0 No
2 Atmospheric technician's jumpsuit 0 No
2 Construction worker's overalls (Orange version) 0 No
2 Construction worker's overalls (Yellow version) 0 No
4 Engineering winter coat 0 No
4 Hi-vis vest 0 No
2 Firesuit 0 No
6 Gas mask 0 No
2 Black gloves 0 No
2 Unsulated gloves 0 No
4 Brown shoes 0 No
4 Orange shoes 0 No
5 Hat (yellow) 0 No
5 Hat (orange) 0 No
2 Hard hat 0 No
2 Welding helmet 0 No
2 Firefighter helm 0 No
1 Yellow costume goggles 0 No
Enginering headset.png
2 Engineering headset 200 No
2 Engineer PDA (Same one Engineers get) 200 No
2 Technical Assistant PDA (Same one Technical Trainees get) 150 No
2 Atmos PDA (Just has AlertMaster Cartridge) 150 No
2 Engineering backpack 0 No
2 Engineering satchel 0 No
16 Construction cone 0 No
2 Engineer's jumpsuit (Alternate/April Fool's version) 0 Yes
2 Mechanic's uniform (Alternate/April Fool's version) 0 Yes

Geothermal Capture System Components

Item Image Description
Dowsing Rod
Essential for finding hotspots, appears inside crates in Oshan's Engineering foyer. When it's placed down, relays a wealth of information:
  • The light will turn a certain color depending on the temperature of the ground beneath. Blue signifies cool temperatures, while purple, pink & red ones denote hotter ones. White means it hasn't found a hotspot.
  • If it's within range of a hotspot, the indicator near the top will briefly flash the estimated distance to center of nearest hotspot and periodically broadcast it to those nearby. If there are multiple hotspots on its tile, it will take distances to all the hotspot centers and add them. Distance estimates are affected by Doppler shift. If it isn't within range of any hotspots, the indicator doesn't say anything.
  • If it beeps, that means it's found the true center of a hotspot.

While these are intended to be used on the seafloor outside the main station area Oshan Lab, these can be placed on any title, making it extremely useful for detecting if a hotspot is passing by the station.

Power Shovel
Used to dig holes on Abzu's seafloor for vent capture unit construction. It can also mine, though it usually can't break anything harder than rock, ice, or the softer ores. Runs on a 100 PU battery, and digging with it costs 2 PU when active, for a total of 50 digs. Attacking costs 10 PU when active. The shovel can be recharged at a recharger, and it accepts other cells. Several of these appear on a rack in Oshan's Engineering foyer, and Engineering cyborgs get a borg version that draws from their internal cyborg cell.
Reinforced Wire
A special electrical wire, reinforced with additional metal and surrounded by a thick coat of synthblubber. These are explosion-resistant and may take several tries to snip with wirecutters. Its coils often hold more cable. Comes as loose coils and in boxes scattered throughout Oshan's Engineering foyer. You can make more at the Engineering Specialist Manufacturer.
Vent Capture Unit
UnbuiltVentCaptureUnit.png VentCaptureUnit.png
Converts a section of a hotspot's geothermal energy to electricity. The more heat, the more electricity. Adjacent units reduce electricity production of other units somewhat. To construct one, simply stand over a hole dug by a power shovel and either click on the unbuilt vent capture unit while it's in your hand, as if you were constructing a table or put the unbuilt unit over the hole and use a screwdriver, wrench, crowbar, or soldering iron. To deconstruct it, hit it wrench, crowbar, screwdriver, or soldering iron. Unbuilt kits are found in Oshan's Engineering foyer, and more can be scanned through the ruckingenur kit.
Stomper Unit
When placed and activated on top of or directly adjacent to the center of a hotspot, it will lock the hotspot in place. If it's activated anywhere else in the hotspot region, it will send the hotspot away from the stomper and cause to start drifting acrosst he map, potentially causing massive damage. Has an auto-stomp mode that can be toggled via right-click menu. Can, unsurprisingly, stomp up people and certain objects if they somehow end up under it. Found in Oshan's Engineering foyer
Controlled Demolition Pipe
Essentially a weak pipebomb for making holes on the seafloor, so you can harvest the energy trapped in the rock underneath, found in engineering explosive crates. The explosion can't break any flooring besides seafloor, can only damage nearby windows and walls, and does little damage to people, (though it still does shrapnel), but it's still strong enough to create a roughly 3x3 hole in the seafloor. Still a bad idea to use these on the station.
Engineering Explosive Crate
Contains six controlled demolition pipes for blowing through the seafloor to mine the rock underneath for extra hotspot energy. Access-locked to Engineering, i.e. if you can access Engineering, you can open and close this crate. Oshan's Engineering foyer has one.
Sea Ladder
Lets you safely go up and down deep holes in the seafloor. Simply plop it over a hole to deploy the ladder, then click on it to climb up/down, assuming that there is a hole in the floor/ceiling in order to access the other side. To remove it, right-click the ladder and choose Fold up. Oshan's Engineering foyer has some on a rack, the Syndicate Battlecruiser has one, and there are some scattered about maintenance on Oshan, as well as in some of the crates found scattered across the Trench. Often used to reach rock under a hotspot, but since you can still pull it while it's deployed, it might make an interesting Trench shortcut...

Singularity Engine Components

Item Image Description
Essentially a glorified laser. Once welded down, wrenched into place, and activated, it periodically emits a huge energy beam that deals huge damage, can pass through windows, and, somehow, activates and powers field generators. Unsurprisingly good, if somewhat slow, at murdering Blobs, assuming no reflective membranes of course.
Field Generator
Field generator.png
Magical force field generator that, once welded to the floor, bolted down with a wrench, and activated, somehow uses and stores the energy from emitter beams to create a containment field. This containment field will shock you if walk into it, even if you're wearing insulated gloves, so keep your distance!
Gravitional Singularity Generator
Gravitional Singularity Generator.png
The holy jam jar. This is the actual component that generates a Singularity, but it can't do that if it's not within a 5x5 space enclosed by an containment field.
Collection Array
Collection array.png
Like a solar panel, but instead of converting radiation from a star into electricity, it converts Hawking radiation from a black hole. Requires a tank of plasma to function, which it consumes at a very negligible rate.
Array Controller
Array controller.png
A hub of sorts for adjacent collection arrays. This is the machine that's actually outputting all the electricity generated by the arrays; in fact, if you use an atmos analyzer on it, it'll tell you exactly how much. Most setups arbitrarily link them to only two arrays, but it can handle up to eight directly adjacent to it, which is actually indicated on the little panel.
Engine Master
Lets you startup Mushroom Station's/Donut 2's/Donut 3's Singularity Generator, if all the components are secured over a data terminal.
Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher
SingularityBusterRocketLauncher.png SingularityBusterRocket.png
Safe singularity destabilization. Load with it with the specialized buster rocket, aim, and fire; note that the launcher slows you down. If it hits, the rocket will transform the singularity into a white hole, which spews out random crap at high velocities before eventually disappearing. Both the launcher and its ammo can be found in the Chief Engineer's private quarters on Donut 3, casually sitting on a desk, and in Anti-Singularity Packs.

Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs