Difference between revisions of "Medical Objects"

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(Note that you inject chems into patch by syringe)
(Add pictures of the types of scrubs, note where to get floral scurbs)
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! Medical Scrubs
! Medical Scrubs
| <center>[[Image:MedicalScrubs.png]]</center>
| <center>[[Image:MedicalScrubs.png]]</center>
| In theory, this basic surgical attire is intended to be worn by medical personnel in the [[Doctoring#Surgery|operating room]], and can be obtained from the [[Making and Breaking#Medical Fabricator|medical fabricator]].
| In theory, this basic surgical attire is intended to be worn by medical personnel in the [[Doctoring#Surgery|operating room]]. Comes in several colors, the vast majority of which are made through the [[Making and Breaking#Medical Fabricator|medical fabricator]].
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsBlue.png]] Blue
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsFloral.png]] Floral - Unlike the other scrubs, this cannot be made at the fabricator. Instead, you must convert a pair of scrubs into this design through a certain [[Game FAQ#What are medals? How do I earn them?|medal reward]]. [[Operating Theater#Manta|Manta's surgery room]] starts with some floral scrubs.
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsMaroon.png]] Maroon
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsOrange.png]] Orange
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsPink.png]] Pink
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsPurple.png]] Purple
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsTeal.png]] Teal
*[[Image:MedicalScrubsWhite.png]] White

|- id="Gown"
|- id="Gown"

Revision as of 01:05, 21 November 2019

You'll generally find these objects in medbay, used by the medical staff. Some of them aren't, however!


In complete inverse of the example shown by toolboxes, medical kits are entirely harmless as blunt instruments. Don't even bother.

Item Image Contents Description
2x styptic powder patches (40u), 2x silver sulfadiazine patches (40u), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x analgesic pill, 1x health analyzer Basic all-purpose cure pack. Something for the burns, something for the cuts, shock relief and some aspirin. Medical Doctors spawn with a medkit that contains a health analyzer with the accompanying reagent scanner upgrade and organ scan upgrade already installed, an auto-mender with silver sulfadiazine in place of one of the burn patches, and an auto-mender with styptic powder instead of its respective patch.
Fire Medkit
1x burn auto-mender, 1x burn mini-patch (15u), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine) , 1x analgesic pill, 1x health analyzer Often found in Engineering and sometimes in firefighting closets, these medkits include lots of silver sulfadiazine for treating burn damage from fires and high heat.
Brute Medkit
1x brute auto-mender, 1x healing mini-patch (15u), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine) , 1x bandages, 1x health analyzer Like the fire medkit, but with styptic powder & bandages for brute damage.
Toxin Medkit
3x Charcoal Syringes, 3x Charcoal Pills, Health Analyzer Contains nothing but active charcoal to cure TOX damage from poisons, exposure to plasma and other biohazards.
Oxygen Medkit
4x Salbutamol Pills, Health Analyzer Found mainly in O2 emergency cabinets. These pills dilate the air ways to heal OXY damage of people knocked out by a depressurization event, victims of strangulation or certain poisons. They are also useful to counter the suffocation that ramps up when somebody is in critical condition.
Neurological Medkit
4x Mannitol Pills, Health Analyzer The mannitol pills are meant to relieve brain damage in clones, but will help against any kind of brain damage.
Old Medkit
2x Bruise Pack, 2x Ointment, 1x Lexorin Injector, 1x Synaptizine Injector, Health Analyzer Contains a bunch of obsolete medical supplies. Not readily available, but it's out there.

Drug Application

The type of medicine you wish to administer is an important factor here. For instance, certain tools are more suitable for topical drugs (e.g. styptic powder or synthflesh). Please refer to Chemistry to learn more about the difference between TOUCH and INGEST reactions.

Item Image Description
GenericPatchNew.png MedicalPatchNew.png
MiniMedicalPatchEmpty.png MiniMedicalPatch.png
Found in most medkits and the medical vending machines. Medical patches stick onto patients, administer their contents over time, typically over half a minute and longer, and fall off when they run out. The more chems in a patch, the longer it lasts and the more chems administered per second. They also have a tamper-proof seal, which allows them to be applied to patients without delay. Mini patches hold less reagents, but are otherwise identical. Patches (regardless of type) can also reduce bleeding. Since this isn't guaranteed to work, bandages and sutures are still the preferred remedy.

Empty patches, available in medbay or from the medical manufacturer, can be injected by syringe with any mix of medicine or dangerous toxins, though are primarily intended for topical drugs and transfer only half the contents to the patient's bloodstream. Custom as well as modified medical patches don't have a tamper-proof seal, so there's a delay in applying them (can be removed with an emag).
AutoMenderBrute.png / AutoMenderBurn.png
Administers chems over time via TOUCH, faster than a medical patch. The auto-mender has a whopping 200 unit capacity and automatically adjusts dosage based on health of patient, ensuring no medicine is wasted. However, it's restricted to styptic powder, silver sulfadiazine, and synthflesh, and both the person applying the mender and person receiving its chems have to stay still, though they can still use their hands and interact with things. Both the NanoMed Plus and Port-a-NanoMed have "burn auto-menders" and "brute auto-menders" fully loaded with silver sulfadiazine and styptic powder, respectively, and the medical fab can make empty ones.
Injects chemicals instantly. Holds up to 30 units and can be adjusted to dispense varying amounts of its contents. More can be made with a medical fabricator if required, but hyposprays will always reject harmful chemicals unless emagged.
Emergency Auto-Injector
Disposable hypospray found in medkits and the Port-A-NanoMed. Typically contains 10 units of epinephrine or another medical chem.
The syringe can be set to inject or draw and moves 5 units of chemicals at a time. Drawing from a person will take a blood sample. Neither are instant, unless the recipient is yourself. Total capacity is 15 units.
Holds up to 5 units of chemicals, and drops all of it at once onto its target. Dropping takes about half as much time as injecting with a syringe.
Mechanical Dropper
A precision laboratory tool available in chemistry. Allows you to transfer reagents (up to 10 units) in increments of 0.1 units.
Holds up to 50 units of chemicals, though larger beakers (100 units) also exist. Standard equipment for chemistry, but medbay has some as well. Click on another beaker or similar while the beaker is in your hand to transfer up to 10 units of chems into it. Click-drag its sprite into another beaker or similar to transfer as many reagents as possible into the receiving beaker. You generally can't examine the exact contents without spectroscopic goggles, a reagent scanner or by using certain machinery.
Medicine Bottle
Essentially a smaller version of the beaker. It typically has a reduced capacity of around 30 units, but that can vary. They usually come pre-loaded with medicine and are stored in the medbay lockers and vending machine.
Reagent Bottle
Essentially a fancy beaker, complete with 50 unit capacity. Chemistry has a few with useful base compounds in a chemical storage locker, Morgue often has a bottle with formaldehyde, and more bottles (with different reagents, obviously) can be made with a CheMaster.
Pills are meant to be taken orally, but can also be dissolved in a beaker for smaller doses. This can be useful, as they hold large amounts of chemicals - 50 units in most cases and up to 100 if a scientist has gotten their hands on a large beaker. Doses this high are not usually necessary - It's often not desirable or practical to administer a whole pill of calomel, for example.
Tiny, disposable vials containing up to 5u of a chemical. When they are used, the glass breaks, and the chemical inside is inhaled, depositing the chemical into the bloodstream without applying its INGEST effect. The NanoMed and Port-A-NanoMed contain a few of these containing smelling salts.
Bruise Pack
Outdated, but forgotten stashes still float around in deep space. Heals brute damage and can slow the rate of blood loss. You must target the damaged part of the player's body.
As above, but for burns.
Reduces the amount of bleeding, hence repeated application might be necessary to bandage a wound completely. You can also craft these if you don't have access to medical supplies. Either way, bandages alone aren't sufficient for mending surgical incisions. Bandages can be removed with wirecutters or scissors if the patient doesn't like the cosmetic overlay on their mob.
Blood pack / IV drip
IVStand.png BloodBag.png
Transfusions may be necessary in case of severe blood loss. Drips hold 250 units by default and come in two flavours: synthetic blood and saline (boosts the natural blood regeneration rate). Set the pack to inject and use it on a patient to start transferring the contents. They are available in medbay's blood supply refrigerator, and you can also refill empty packs by drawing blood from a donor. Beakers and syringes are another option, since blood packs are ordinary reagent containers as well.

Packs (regardless of type) can be suspended from an IV stand, which in turn can be fastened to chairs, beds and operating tables via drag & drop. Click-drag the IV stand onto a patient to attach the needle.
NT Syringe Gun
Shoots a syringe that contains 15 units of chems from the gun's internal reservoir and instantly injects all 15 units into the victim patient. Reservoir has a 90u capacity, i.e. up to 6 shots, which you can drain by right-clicking it and choosing drain contents, and it only accepts the chems usable in hyposprays. Chems must obviously be refilled, but syringes are created automagicially, so you don't need to restock them; besides, you can't insert actual syringes or things similar to it anyways. Found in the Medical Director's equipment locker.

Pathology Equipment

Item Image Description
Blood Slide
Draw blood from a person, then inject it into the slide. The first step in researching diseases. Blood slides are disposable and can't be cleaned.
Petri Dish
Used to cultivate pathogens. Maximum capacity is 40 units of nutrients.
Holds small (5 units) pathogen samples.


The majority of these items can be found in various places across medbay itself or the medicine closets. Essential tools (such as scalpels, saws and staplers for surgery) are also available from the medical or robotics fabricator.

Item Image Description
Health Analyzer
HealthAnalyzerFullyUpgraded.png MedPDA.png
Scan humans or monkeys to get a report of their health, damage taken, any viruses and other ailments. Regular analyzers can be upgraded with a health analyzer upgrade, allowing it to function as a reagent scanner that can be toggled on/off and only works on mobs. The medical PDA provides the same functionality with two separate programs, though its reagent scanner is more flexible and doesn't have the same restrictions. It can also be upgraded with a organ scan upgrade, allow it to assess organ damage qualitatively.
Health Analyzer Upgrade
Grants ProDoc goggles a more detailed health readout at close range and allows health analyzers, cryo cells, and floor scanners to scan for reagents in mobs. A few spawn in the NanoMed Plus and in a "health analyzer upgrade" box somewhere in Medbay.
Health Analyzer Organ Scan Upgrade
Allows health analyzers to give vague damage descriptions. Available from the NanoMed Plus.
ProDoc Health Goggles
These goggles allow you to assess the health of everyone in sight, as well as whether or not they have a health implant, using color-coded symbols. When equipped with a health analyzer upgrade, you can also examine anybody within a 4 tile radius to obtain a detailed health scan (feature can be toggled on/off). Useful to identify and prioritize severely injured patients at a glance.
Medical Belt
Basically a medkit that you wear around your waist, this belt can hold all kinds of medical drugs and a variety of medical tools, such as syringes and hyposprays. In addition, many tiny and small items (tools, ammo etc) are compatible.
Medical Headset
Stay in touch and coordinate with your colleagues. Type say :m to access the medical channel.
Diagnose eye damage. Simply turn it on (click on it) and hold it up to a person's head (make sure you're targeting the head) to use it.
The defibrillator is one option to treat cardiac arrest. These can be found in the Operating Theatre/Surgery Room as well as in the medical supply carts. More can be acquired with the help of Mechanics.
Part of the surgery procedure. Depending on the body part you are aiming at, it will remove implants, bullets, limbs, butts or brains. Can be poisoned by dipping the blade in a beaker or medicine bottle.
Circular Saw
CircSaw.png CircularSaw2.png
Another essential tool for surgery. Can be poisoned too.
Enucleation Spoon
Required for eye surgery. Can be poisoned too.
Surgical Scissors
Surgical Scissors.png
Another essential tool for surgery.
Staple Gun
Used to reattach limbs. For more information, please refer to Doctoring.
Passively reduces the amount of bleeding damage taken during chest and head surgery when hold in your inactive/off hand. Can also be used to clamp the patient's bleeders manually if they have open incisions and are laying on an operating table.
Suture (or stitches) holds body tissue together more efficiently and is capable of closing surgical incisions. Outside of surgery, sutures generally only require one use to stop bleeding caused by other types of damage. Available from robotics and medical fabricators.
Port-A-NanoMed Remote
RemoteNew.png MedPDA.png
Use it once to summon the Port-A-NanoMed. Grab the supplies you need, then use it again to send it back to medbay. The NanoMed Remote app that comes with most medical PDAs provides a similar functionality, albeit with separate buttons for summoning and sending the NanoMed.
Port-A-Medbay Remote
RemoteNew.png MedPDA.png
Use it once to summon the Port-A-Medbay. Grab the patient and click on the Port-A-Medbay to shove them in, then use it again to send them back to medbay. As with the Port-a-NanoMed, the Med-U Cart's P-Medbay Remote app offers a similar functionality.
Anesthetic Supplies
Found in the anesthetic locker in medbay, these tanks contain N2O. They are intended to be strapped to patients before an operation to ease the pain and reduce the probability of complications. In practice, however, they are rarely used because surgery is a relatively speedy affair and there are other ways (e.g. sedatives) to achieve the same effect.
DNA Injector
Geneticists will occasionally use these as part of their research to inject people with superpowers or (more likely) horrible disabilities.
DNA Activator
Another tool for Geneticists, similar to the DNA Injector, but only works if the target already has the power in question latent in their DNA.
Comes in a variety of different flavors. While they often come in a glass case, you do not need to remove it to insert the implant into an implanter or implant gun.
Instantly adds the implant to your target. To insert an implant into it, click on it with the implant of choice in your active hand.
Implant gun
A gun that, unsurprisingly, shoots Implants, so you don't have to get all up into people's personal spaces to give them out. Try to tell them this first before their basic run-from-a-gunman instinct kicks in and you miss, causing the implant to drop onto the floor instead of their body. As with the implanter, injection is instant, and inserting another implant works exactly the same way.

Cloning Modules

Various upgrades from NPC merchants and QM traders that improve the cloner in some way or grant it some sort of new ability. Each cloner can support multiple different upgrades, though it can only accommodate one of each module. To add a module to the cloner, simply insert it into the console, while the clonepod is inactive. To remove a Gene Power, NecroScan II, or Rehabilitation module, use a screwdriver on the console.

Item Image Description
NecroScan II Cloner Upgrade Module
Allows the scanner to scan and potentially clone decomposing/decomposed bodies, including those that have completely skeletonized, depending on the origin. But not Changeling husks. Don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise.
Biomatter Recycling Unit
Halves the amount of biomatter used for each clone. That means normal, otherwise unmodified lower biomatter level by only 8 or 9 with a normal full cycle, while speedy cloners consume "only" about 24.
Halves the time it takes for a clone to be produced, but triples the amount of biomatter consumed. The latter effect multiplicatively "stacks" with the biomatter recycling unit's biomatter reduction.
Gene Power Module
Gives each clone the mutation of the DNA Injector inserted into the module. Grief rules still apply, so don't think this will let you give everyone Gyrus X as a non-antag.
Prototype Rehabilitation Module #17
Has a 75% chance of removing the Antagonist status of the person being cloned, which can be toggled on or off through the console. Dyes the cloning pod fluid a vivid electric blue. Unlike other modules, this one can only be found in deep space, and for good reason: it's against the Space Geneva Convention, which is odd, considering the articles cover the laws of war.
Mind Remapper Module
Reconfigures brains of those cloned to obey the person who...hey, wait a minute.


Item Image Description
Prescription Glasses
Simple pair of glasses to correct nearsightedness. Rarely requested by patients, but may come in handy after a radiation storm or cloning accident.
If someone has been permanently or temporarily blinded or has had their eyes removed, the VISOR is an option to restore their eyesight in a somewhat grainy fashion. Obviously inspired by the namesake on Star Trek TNG.
Auditory Headset
A sophisticated hearing aid that also functions like a regular headset. It can be a good idea to manufacture a copy in advance, since deafness is a surprisingly common condition.
Helps people without legs (and sometimes with) move around at mostly normal movement speed. Simply click-drag your sprite onto the chair to climb in, similar a regular chair. Click on it again to climb out. Be careful when climbing and descending stairs, unless you enjoy flipping over and getting thrown out of your seat. Good thing you can just click on the chair to raise it back up.
Surgical Mask
Only provides a minor degree of resistance against airborne diseases, so you may want to combine this with other protective clothing. Does not linkto internals.
Medical Scrubs
In theory, this basic surgical attire is intended to be worn by medical personnel in the operating room. Comes in several colors, the vast majority of which are made through the medical fabricator.
  • MedicalScrubsBlue.png Blue
  • MedicalScrubsFloral.png Floral - Unlike the other scrubs, this cannot be made at the fabricator. Instead, you must convert a pair of scrubs into this design through a certain medal reward. Manta's surgery room starts with some floral scrubs.
  • MedicalScrubsMaroon.png Maroon
  • MedicalScrubsOrange.png Orange
  • MedicalScrubsPink.png Pink
  • MedicalScrubsPurple.png Purple
  • MedicalScrubsTeal.png Teal
  • MedicalScrubsWhite.png White
Patients undergoing surgeries and the doctors that perform them are apparently supposed to wear these. In reality, these usually sit in gowns boxes in cabinets until some weirdo decides to wear them like a regular dress. Medical fabricators can make more of these in case said weirdo loses all of them.
Paramedic Suit
An insulated suit which offers moderate thermal and biological protection. It may be helpful to reach patients trapped in bombed-out parts of the station.
Biosuit.png Biohood.png
Provides even better protection against diseases and viral hazards.
Straight Jacket
Handcuffs on steroids. Aside from the usual restrictions, e.g. the inability to use the hands or open doors, there are two key differences. Not only will the wearer be slowed down to walking speed, they also cannot escape (remove) the straight jacket on their own. For these reasons, it should generally be reserved for emergencies, if the alternative to confinement would be physical harm. Or devious purposes of course. Jackets are available in Medbay, usually in a Treatment Room or near some beds for patients, and, on Clarion, the Armory.
When applied to someone, they cannot properly speak, as anything said by them will come out as muffled grunts. Useful for people who won't shut up. Stored in medbay and the armory.
Does exactly what you'd expect. Found in medbay and the armory.
Body Bag
BodyBag.png BodyBagDeployed.png
Intended for the storage and transportation of corpses. Use the bag to deploy it, drag & drop empty bags onto yourself to fold them back up.
Doctor's Bag
A fashionable carrying case for professional doctors, naturally found in the Medical Director's locker. Contains a scalpel, circular saw, suture, syringe, and blood pack.
Data Disk
A floppy with someone's cloning scan information. To make one, you simply insert a standard data disk (like the ones in Tech Storage and elsewhere), and then, when you access someone's Cloning Record, you press Save it put a copy of the record of on the disk. You can then insert the record back into the console and load the record at any time. Security Officers and the HoS start with one of these.


Item Image Description
In-floor Health Scanner
Consists of a floor scanner linked to a status screen. Examine the screen to view the medical status of the person standing on said scanner. The readout is identical to a regular health analyzer and can similarly be outfitted with a health analyzer upgrade to provide a readout of the chemicals current inside a patient.
These are essentially safe storage units for living people - anyone inside will be shielded from most outside dangers and provided with a stable oxygen supply. The console (if any) will show you a summary of the occupant's health and optionally allow the injection of certain rejuvenators to speed up paralysis recovery. Depending on the type of injury, the sleeper synthesizes saline (baseline stabilizer), ephedrine (crit), salbutamol (suffocation) or charcoal (toxins) either automatically if the occupant is in hibernation, or manually when prompted by the user. The primary purpose of sleepers is to keep the patient alive while damage-specific medicine is being prepared by a medical doctor. Addictions, which are otherwise untreatable with medicine, can also be cured when the patient is hibernating, however.
Cryo Chamber
The cryo chamber heals critically injured patients fairly reliably, provided the temperature of the gas circulating in the system is well below 150 K and the unit is loaded with a beaker of cryoxadone, two of which medbay starts with. Can be outfitted with a health analyzer upgrade to view the reagents in an occupant or a defibrillator to, well, defibrillate the occupant. Remember to remove the patient's exosuit (space suit, lab coats, armour, etc.) and headgear (hat, mask) beforehand, as they will likely interfere with the cooling process! For more info, refer to Using the Cryo Chambers.
Cools incoming gas from a connected O2 canister. The temperature can be adjusted and doctors want to set it as low as possible.
Medical Dispenser
The dispenser works like a normal vending machine and is accessible by anyone with medbay clearance. Offers a wide selection of basic medicine and other supplies.
A special vending machine with a built-in teleporter. Compared to the stationary model, the Port-A-NanoMed is geared towards emergency, on-the-spot medicine. Can be controlled with a medical PDA or separate remote found on the table next to it. If necessary, the Port-a-NanoMed's home turf can be changed by click-dragging the machine onto an adjacent floor tile.
A special sleeper with a built-in teleporter. Used to safely transfer critically-wounded patients to medbay for further treatment. Can be controlled with a medical PDA.
This public vending machine dispenses basic medical supplies for cash. A few of these can be found across the station.
Vials, growth media and other supplies needed for pathology research are available here.
Cloning Scanner
CloningConsole.png File:Genescan-off.gif
The cloning scanner cannot scan husks, people who have logged out or bodies that have decayed. An upgrade module to remove that third restriction can be acquired somewhere in space. For more information, please refer to Medical Doctor.
Cloning Pod
This small, computer-controlled pod is used to grow living clones of dead people. A steady supply of biomass is required for this process. Click on it to check the current cloning cycle and biomass fill level.
Enzymatic Reclaimer
This is where the biomass comes from. Accepts corpses (human/monkey), slabs of meat or viscerite, but not living humans unless emagged. Monkeys can always be reclaimed, though.
Morgue Unit
Used to store corpses for autopsies. Extend the tray, wrestle a stiff on it and slide it back in. The body won't rot so long as it's inside.
Operating Table
A table used to perform surgery on dead or living subjects. There are several in medbay and one in the medical booth - see Roboticist or Doctoring for more information.
Surgery Computer
Located in robotics. Provides medical information on whoever is laying on the adjacent operating table.
Module Rewriter
Also in robotics. Used to flash new data onto cyborg modules, but requires a human operator.
Medical Computer
This ThinkDOS-based workstation runs MedTrak and provides access to all medical records as well as the virus database
Genetic Scanner
DNAConsole.png File:Genescan-on.gif
Found in genetics. Used to conduct genetics research on test subjects - see Guide to Genetics for further information.
Gene Booth
Sells mutations/genes, if the Geneticists have the required upgrade. Click on the booth to choose a mutation, then simply walk into the booth and wait. The required amount is automatically subtracted from your account and added to genetics's Research budget; a portion also goes to one of the Geneticists' account, if they've swiped their card on the GeneTek. You can gain genes not in your genetic potential, and if you lack sufficient funds or don't have an account or ID, the booth will boot you out.
Centrifuge and Autoclave
Centrifuge.png Autoclave3.png
Isolates pathogen samples from an blood slide. The autoclave can be used to clean Petri dishes, which are required for the centrifuge as a receptacle.
Advanced Pathology Machinery
Microscope.png Synth-O-Matic.png
PathogenManipulator.png PathologyResearchTerminal.png
See Pathology Research.

Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs