Syndicate Items
Ever wondered how the traitors and Syndicate operatives get all those fancy items magically delivered to them? The uplink is the answer and might be disguised as either a PDA or slightly suspicious radio. In case of the former, you will need to enter the access code into the ringtone selection of the built-in messenger program. The list of available gear will then open automatically and you may chose the item(s) of your choice - however, each agent only receives a grand total of 10 telecrystals (true for traitors, spies and operatives alike) to use, so spend them wisely! If in doubt, press the 'Info' button to get a brief description before ordering the item in question.
- If you exit the uplink (on a PDA) without locking it, the menu can be accessed at any time through the notes program.
- If you forget your access code, use the 'Notes' command to bring it up.
- The radio uplink can also be set to self-destruct, resulting in a moderate explosion.
There are also a number of goodies which are no longer available to the public. If you're curious, head over to Discontinued Syndicate Items.
So many toys, so little time
Want some insight on how experienced players use the goodies? Try Being A Better Traitor!
Item | Image | Telecrystal Cost | Usage | Description | Job Specific | Notes |
Trick Cigarettes | ![]() |
1 | Eight cigarettes that explode. | Essentially a mini grenade. While the explosion might not be the largest, one or two small hull breaches will decompress a room or hallway fairly rapidly. You can also force or trick someone into smoking one of these for stylish assassinations. | All | Trick cigarettes are quite useful for disabling critical equipment (APCs, cloning pods etc) at low cost. |
Fake Moustache | ![]() |
1 | A moustache that hides your identity. | No one will ever know who you are, NO ONE. | All | |
Detomatrix Cartridge | ![]() |
2 | Load it in your PDA. Blow other PDAs. | A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, it will allow you to use the missile program to attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a moderately lethal explosion. Your target PDA will need the messenger function turned on in order to attempt this, and you need to scan for other PDAs, then import the list. In addition, there is a chance the cartridge will not work or will feedback and blow up your own PDA. Despite this it is a decent way of sowing panic aboard the station, or softening up a target for an assassination attempt. Comes with 4 charges. It also has a bomb program that when ran causes the PDA to self destruct. Don't use the bomb on your own PDA as the countdown is very short. | All | Functionality is also built into the military PDA that starts on the Syndicate shuttle. |
Chameleon Suit | ![]() |
1 | Can disguise itself to any other jumpsuit. | This is a fashion model's dream. A decent selection of jumpsuit patterns is available through the 'change' function, accessible by right-clicking on it. | All | An EMP blast will make this temporarily turn into a psychedelic suit, which is good for parties, but completely awful for stealth. |
Syndicate Donk Pockets | ![]() ![]() |
1 | A heal-all medkit for your pockets. | Administers enough healing reagents and stimulants to qualify as a cheap, short-duration stimpack. Unlike regular pockets, heating them is not required. | Chef | A box starts on the Syndicate shuttle. |
Stealth Container | ![]() |
1 | Hides shit. | Starts out appearing like an internals box and can assume the form of pretty much any hand-held item. Unlike a regular box or backpack, using this container does not result in conspicuous text messages, it will however give away its identity upon close examination. The camouflage can be reset at any time if required. | All | The stealth storage can hold normal-sized items (e.g. guns), whereas the ordinary box is limited to small and tiny objects. It also fits in jumpsuit pockets - use drag & drop to access the container's contents. |
Strange Seed | ![]() ![]() |
1 | Grows into a man eater plant. | Man eaters are a pretty fun way to terrorize the station. Each seed takes a long time to mature and the plant is very vulnerable while still in its tray. Optionally, growth can be accelerated by feeding them synthmeat and later monkeys or humans. If deployed in groups of two or more, they can be quite devastating. Just make sure to move them into an area the AI can't bolt down easily! | Botanist | As one would expect, welding tools and other burn damage-inflicting weapons are effective against them. |
Revolver Box | ![]() ![]() |
4 | A loaded revolver with spare ammunition. | Loud, obvious and powerful, this .357 Magnum revolver is a quite popular choice among the Syndicate and valued for its decent stopping power. Unarmored opponents will also bleed constantly until the bullets have been removed via surgery. The box contains four regular speedloaders, and two loaded with armor-piercing rounds. | All | Depending on lag, your targets may find it easy to dodge the bullets. Also starts in the backpacks of Syndicate operatives, along with a spare speedloader of ammo. |
Freedom Implant | ![]() |
2 | Frees you from handcuffs a couple of times. | Injecting yourself with this will get you out of handcuffs a limited number of times, usually one or two, on occasion three. This can be quite useful for the traitor, but it's nigh useless for Syndicate operatives because most people just kill them on sight. | All | You must use a certain emote assigned to you in order to instantly escape handcuffs. |
Agent Card | 1 | Makes you untraceable by the AI. Can copy access from other ID cards. | Using it for the first time will prompt you to set a name, job assignment and the color of the stripe, but this can only be done once. It starts with maintenance access and can be upgraded at an ID computer or by simply swiping other cards on it. When equipped, the AI cannot use its tracking functions to follow you on camera. The agent card also grants access to a few special, Syndicate-only locations. | All | Operatives spawn with one by default. Remember to wear it on your ID slot or it won't work. | |
Electromagnetic Card (Cryptographic Sequencer) | ![]() |
5 | Opens, hacks, and unlocks everything imaginable. | This sophisticated piece of equipment allows you to quite literally open anything: doors, lockers, crates and other things. However, the affected machinery will be broken permanently and while this can have the desired effect, it also leaves a trail for people to follow (mostly doors). Emagging something is also fairly noticeable, so you should make sure nobody's watching. Besides gaining access through mundane locks, there are a number of additional purposes that EMAGs serve, e. g. removing any laws a cyborg may have, hacking automated bots with malicious results and shorting out restrictions of certain computers. It also drops the emergency shuttle countdown to 10 seconds, neat! | All. | Experiment! Who knows what else it could work on. You may even find out how to make the golden EMAG. |
Chemistry Grenade Kit | ![]() ![]() |
2 | A box that contains grenade components. | The ultimate weapon of a skilled and patient chemist, and relatively cheap. Each kit contains enough components for three custom grenades. Simply combine a fuse and metal casing to create an unsecured grenade, then add two beakers filled with chemicals of your choice. Finally, use a screwdriver to secure the grenade. These grenades instantly mix the contents of both beakers upon detonation, allowing for obscenely deadly reactions without you having to be in the middle of them. You can't retrieve your beakers after securing the grenade, so make sure your chemical mix works beforehand! | Scientist, Research Director | Think carefully about how to build your grenades. Foam mixes and certain pyrotechnics are best, whereas smoke mixes and other heat-reactant chems can be just as easily done with beaker assemblies. Your imagination is your greatest asset here. |
Prototype Cloaking Device | ![]() ![]() |
3 | A large and relatively immobile cloaking generator. | This device generates a curtain of invisibility with an adjustable pattern and range of up to five tiles in every direction. Hides items and players, but not quite perfectly - combine it with a blackout for optimal results. Unlike the hand-held cloaking device however, optical sensors (AI, cyborgs) or thermals are ineffective against the cloak field. | All | To manipulate the generator's settings, hold the remote in your hand and use the context menu (right click). You won't be able to that without it, so don't lose the remote! |
Sleepy Pen | ![]() |
4 | Puts your target to sleep. | This is a very devious little item. Disguised like a pen, extremely inconspicuous and gives no indication when it has been used. The target will be out for awhile, though many players will recognize that they have been penned when their vision goes all blurry and they begin yawning...30 seconds are plenty of time to scream for help, that's why it works best in conjunction with a signal jammer. The pen starts with two uses, resp. 50 units per injection. | All | It can be refilled with any substance you like - the perfect tool for a creative chemist! |
Voice Changer | ![]() |
2 | A gas mask that transforms your voice to match your ID. | The voice changer looks and works like a regular gas mask, but there is more to it! Whichever ID you are wearing, your voice will match the name on the card both locally and over the radio/intercom. Perfect to impersonate a recently-deceased murder victim. | All | And yes, this includes non-sense titles. Combine the changer with an agent card or custom ID, be creative! |
Cloaking Device | ![]() |
5 | Makes you invisible. | When this item is activated, it makes you invisible to all but four things: The AI, cyborgs, people wearing thermal goggles, and people with the X-ray mutation. If you've eliminated all those things, congrats! This will give you a significant edge, yet don't make the mistake to think you're invincible. Trying to interact with anything that isn't on the same tile as you are will immediately disrupt the cloak. This includes all active actions like firing guns, using computers or bashing somebody's head in with a toolbox. Bumping into doors to open them (a passive action) is fine however. You should also keep in mind that people can notice your presence even if they can't see you. It's best not to fiddle about with your backpack, shove someone around or open doors when people are nearby, as observant players will likely realize what's going on. Overall, the cloaking device is more about getting into places undetected or closing in for a kill than unstoppable rampages. | All | Unavailable to operatives and spies. An active T-Ray scanner will disrupt the cloaking field briefly, but only has a very short range. |
Syndicate Pipe Bomb | ![]() |
3 | A devastating pipe bomb. | Dents the hull of the station quite well. The timer is set to five seconds, so make sure to throw the bomb before it explodes in your face. | All | There are many different kinds of explosives you can readily make and use depending on your assigned job and job-specific traitor items. Consider these alternatives and the time you have to make them before spending the telecrystals. |
EMP Grenades | ![]() ![]() |
2 | A box of grenades which disable electronic devices. | This box contains a number of EMP grenades, which are useful to disrupt or damage most electronic devices. Depending on the target, the effect may either be temporary (security cameras, APCs) or permanent (bots, guardbuddies). Also fairly devastating against the two lighter cyborg models. | All | |
Tactical Grenades | ![]() ![]() |
1 | A box of various grenades. | This box contains an assortment of different grenades. Expect to find smoke, incendiary and a couple of other types. | All | |
Chameleon Projector | ![]() |
3 | Lets you disguise as any inanimate object. | This projector allows you to assume the appearance of many items, hand-held or large. While it does offer protection from thermals, you are forced to move at walk speed and if someone tries to interact with you, the disguise fails in a very obvious way. | All | More useful than you think, if you get creative! |
Jug of Moonshine | ![]() |
2 | Gets people fucked up. Heals the barman. | White lightning, hooch, mountain dew, whatever you call it, moonshine is guaranteed to get people horribly drunk very quickly. Unless they happen to be the barman of course, who was raised on brew twice as strong. | Barman | Quite effective in combination with the sleepy pen. |
Stimulants | ![]() |
4 | Immunity from stun, heals a little over time. | Ah, that's the stuff. Stimpacks, a tool of many great virtual heroes, make you immune to stuns and knockdowns for about 5 minutes after injection. Also includes several healing chemicals to keep you going. | Geneticist, Scientist, Medical Doctor, RD, MD | |
Miniature Crossbow | ![]() |
3 | Ranged weapon for assassinations. | Favoured by Syndicate assassins, this small crossbow can be fired with few indications (excluding point-blank shots) and fits in pockets. Anybody unfortunate enough to be hit by one of the bolts will be severely irradiated, causing a steady increase of toxin damage, impaired movement and horrid mutations. Without prompt medical attention, this will eventually be lethal. Your target may quickly realize what is up though and scream for help, so be prepared to silence them permanently. | All | The crossbow recharges automatically, but it cannot be fired until it is fully charged! |
Power Sink | ![]() |
4 | Draws power from all station APCs. | A somewhat situational tool which requires a basic understanding of the power grid and its shortcomings. The sink's capacity is actually more limited than you would expect and competent engineers may find it easy to counter it once they are aware of its existence, which in case of the AI (a million power alarms going off simultaneously) will be immediately. Placing the sink out on the solar arrays is another common mistake - without some rewiring, it won't have any effect whatsoever! You should therefore disconnect every solar substation and otherwise sabotage the remaining SMES units before spawning the sink, as it's too large to fit into a backpack. Find a nice, secluded area with exposed cables and check if they are live with a T-ray scanner, then attach the device to said cable with a screwdriver and turn it on. An active sink reveals its position by emitting bright light. Station-wide power failures will permit you to access many areas with only a crowbar, just be aware that overloading one might have...explosive results. | All | The AI mainframe has an internal backup battery, so it will still be active for quite a while even if it doesn't have any power coming in from the rest of the station. |
Butcher's Knife | ![]() |
5 | It's a knife for stabbing people. Lots of blood. | A nasty melee weapon that does a lot of brute damage per hit and can also be thrown for an instant stun. Even if your victim manages to limp away, chances are bleeding out will slow them down to a crawl. What's more, the knife turns dead people into slabs of meat, hence destroying their body (and everything along with it) forever. A tasty way to dispose of the evidence too! | Chef | Meat (and many cooked dishes from that meat) still bears the name of whoever you cut up. |
Amplified Vuvuzela | ![]() |
3 | Vuvuzela with a fiendishly long stun duration. | The poor man's wavegun. Stuns, deafens and most importantly annoys the hell out of your targets. | Assistant | |
Signal Jammer | ![]() |
3 | Disables radios within range. | When active, it disables all radios within a 6 tile range. This includes ingoing and outgoing communications, so you won't be able to hear if the AI is alerting people to whatever nefarious deeds you are up to. Note that machine talk is not affected. | All | Due to the general shittiness of headsets, many people may not realize a jammer is nearby until it's too late. |
Derringer | ![]() |
2 | A tiny gun with 2 bullets. | A last-resort self-defense weapon. Surprisingly powerful point-blank, but a poor offensive choice due to the significant damage falloff. These are so small you can hide them in pretty much any piece of clothing and yes, this includes worn butts! Use the *wink emote to draw the derringer to your active hand. Any item you were already holding will be dropped automatically. | All | Spare ammunition can't be ordered or otherwise acquired. |
Cyalume Saber | ![]() |
7 | A powerful melee weapon. | It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket. When it's on, it glows brightly in your hands and is very obvious. Deals a lot of brute damage and can be pretty devastating, though it leaves a lot of blood and is not very useful for stealth. Comes in a variety of pretty colours. | All | Also known as an energy sword, or e-sword for short. |
Red Chainsaw | ![]() |
7 | A gas-powered chainsaw. | A stronger version of the green electric chainsaws found in hydroponics. It easily cuts through human flesh and is roughly equal in damage to an energy sword, but is too large to fit in a backpack (much less pockets). On the bright side, the in-hand sprite is less obvious and you can also use it to butcher corpses, i. e. get rid of your victims once and for all. | Botanist | And yes, you can replace your arm with it, just like a normal chainsaw. Note that this might require mindslaving a surgeon and thus costing you the rest of your telecrystals, so plan accordingly. |
Syndicate Robot | ![]() |
2 | A robot suit with hacked laws. | The suit, once turned into a finished cyborg, will have its laws referring to members of the Syndicate and a fourth one to maintain secrecy, as to not expose its masters by mindless rampages. Anything uploaded to the AI will be discarded. Naturally, you'd want to chose a capable brain donor. In case the player immediately commits suicide or does not listen to your orders, adminhelp them. | Roboticist | Syndicate cyborgs can see other traitors, and not just their master! They will also not appear on the robotics computer. |
Syndicate Device Scanner | ![]() |
3 | Scans (almost) ANYTHING. | For the most part, this scanner looks and functions exactly like the regular one. However, it can also scan things you normally couldn't, such as the crusher and most other Syndicate items. | Mechanic | |
Mind-Slave Implant | ![]() |
3 | Makes the implantee your slave. | Use this handy one-use implant to force someone to fulfill your every request! It lasts up to 20-25 minutes, and requires the cooperation of the implantee, as you don't actually take control of them. Mindslaves should be aware of the special guidelines. | All | If they don't cooperate, simply adminhelp it. Unavailable to Syndicate operatives. |
Syndicate Sauce | ![]() |
1 | A sauce with unknown components. | Whoever eats food laced with this will feel no effects for a few minutes...then suddenly drop dead. | Chef | It's a condiment, i.e. can be applied to any food item. |
Bowling Kit | ![]() ![]() |
5 | A somewhat silly stun weapon. | Who's the kingpin now, baby? Kit includes a bowling shirt and three bowling balls. If the ball hits someone, they are quickly knocked down for a decent amount of time, and it will hurt quite a bit. You have to wear the shirt to make it work! | All | |
Syndicate Cleaner Grenades | ![]() ![]() |
2 | Makes a nasty chemical mess. | These may look like the janitor's regular cleaning grenades, but include space lube and fluorosulfuric acid as well. The former slips up and does brute damage to anybody trying to move on the foam, while the latter causes horrible burns and melts items. | Janitor | |
Trash Compactor | ![]() |
5 | Horribly gibs your victims. | Don't be fooled, there is nothing ordinary about this cart. Anyone unfortunate enough to be put inside will be squished into a small cube of meat. The meatcube will have a few moments to squirm about and scream hopelessly before its inevitable, very bloody demise. It's very messy, so be sure to do your job and clean up! | Janitor | |
Target ID Tracker | 2 | Finds your targets. | This device allows you to track the ID card of any of your assassination targets, but only the ID. If they have changed or destroyed it, the pin pointer will not be useful. Small enough to fit in your pockets. | All | Only available if you have an assassination objective. | |
Floor Closet | ![]() |
1 | Hides shit. | A closet with camouflage, which dynamically assumes the appearance of the floor tile under it. Surprisingly useful. | All | |
Sonic Grenades | ![]() |
2 | A box containing sonic grenades. | Each one packs enough power to shatter reinforced windows and pop eardrums. No more being cornered by an angry mob! Includes earplugs. | Scientist | |
Syringe Gun | ![]() |
3 | Shoots syringes. | Works pretty much like a beaker - just transfer the reagents of your choice to the gun, up to 90 units at a time. Each shot subtracts 15 units from the internal reservoir, and unlike conventional chemical delivery methods, the target is hit with the full 15 units instantly. You don't have to worry about the syringes, as the miniature synthesizer will generate them automatically. | Medical Doctor, RD, MD | If required, the reservoir can be flushed by using the context menu or "drain contents" verb. |
Mining Charge Hacker | ![]() |
9 | Makes mining charges go boom everywhere. | Looks like a regular geological scanner, but allows mining charges to stick to any surface, not just asteroids. Just swipe it over the charge to disable the safety. | Miner | |
Surplus Crate | ![]() |
10 | Crate containing random stuff. | A crate of whatever the Syndicate had laying around. Contains 15-20 telecrystals worth of randomly selected traitor items. Some items can only be found in this. | All | The selection may range from absolutely amazing to totally useless and is quite likely to include job-specific items, duplicate items, or even another crate! Buyer beware! |
Shotgun Box | ![]() |
8 | A loaded Spacker-12 with spare ammunition. | Blow somebody across the room Italian style! This 12 gauge shotgun is more than capable of shredding anyone to bits in two shots or less, provided they aren't wearing body armour. Noisy as hell and obvious, but if you're packing this, you know what you're doing. (If you don't, try shooting more people.) | All | Buckshot isn't the only type of ammo which will work in this gun. |
Syndicate Cargo Transporter | ![]() |
3 | Weld a crate and send it to the middle of nowhere. Forever. | When used on a crate or closet, it will automatically weld the thing shut and send it as far away as possible. Good for getting rid of people when you have a glut of crates or lockers (or metal) on hand. | Quartermaster, Engineer, Miner | |
Power Gloves | ![]() |
6 | Shoot lightning from your hands. | When standing atop or directly adjacent to a live wire, you can shoot lightning at people or objects! Use the disarm intent to non-lethally stun, and harm to zap unsuspecting folks with a powerful electric arc. Insulated gloves offer some protection, but not against the stun. The damage depends on the power of the current, so overloading the engine will make power gloves more effective. | CE, Engineer | You may want to keep an active T-ray scanner in your pocket. |
Moustache Grenade | ![]() |
1 | Makes moustaches. | Anyone caught in the blast radius will have a fake moustache permanently affixed to them. Harmless, until they need to use internals. | Assistant | |
Microbomb Implant | ![]() |
1 | The ultimate revenge. | Whoever you injected with this implant will explode upon death, completely destroying the body and hurting anyone nearby. The final fuck you to vigilantes and security officers. Fun fact: these stack. Think of that what you will. | All | Syndicate operatives always come with one of these in their skulls at the start of the round, but they cannot order more. |
Poison Bottle | ![]() |
1 | A bottle of poison. | Exactly what it says on the tin. The game will randomly pick a poison (e.g. pancuronium) and provide you with 40 units of it. | Barman, Medical Doctor, RD, MD | Works nicely with the syringe gun, if you don't know how to make the poisons yourself! Some poisons can only be found through this item. |
DNA Scrambler | ![]() |
1 | Changes your appearance. | One-use injector that gives you a random appearance and name. Clothes and equipped ID cards will remain unaffected. | All | Useful for stealthy Syndicate operatives. |
Cyanide Pill | ![]() |
N/A | A deadly pill. | Think cyanide capsule and you wouldn't be wrong. While these usually end up littering the floor of the Syndicate shuttle, they are quite decent if you don't want to waste ammo on somebody. Or commit suicide, you wuss. | Syndicate operatives | Cannot be ordered, but every operative is provided with one for free. |
Thermite Breaching Charge | ![]() |
N/A | A charge designed to break through walls. | A mildly-lethal charge with a five second timer, which melts all walls (regular or reinforced) in a small radius. Be aware that you have to attach it to a regular wall regardless, or it won't go off. | Syndicate operatives | A few of these can be found on the Syndicate shuttle, but aren't available for purchase. |
.22 Pistol Box | ![]() ![]() |
4 | A loaded pistol with spare ammunition. | This .22 LR handgun features an integral sound suppressor, yet is still compact enough to fit in jumpsuit pockets. You won't have to worry about noticeable text messages when you fire it (unlike with most firearms), but the stopping power is less than average. Overall, the pistol is best suited for stealthy assassinations at close range. | All | More ammo can be made at hacked fabricators. |
Wrestling Belt | ![]() |
6 | Become Hulk Hogan...IN SPACE! | Ever wanted to participate in Space Championship Wrestling? This belt unlocks a number of wrestling moves, which can be accessed via a separate command tab similar to wizard spells. Keep in mind that Slam and Throw actions require an active grab on someone. What's more, you can jump onto tables by using the *flip emote! It also functions like a normal belt. | All | You can reduce the cooldown of the moves with coffee, sugar, meth or other stimulants in your bloodstream. |
Safari Kit | ![]() ![]() |
6 | A complementary package for your tranquilizer rifle. | This box contains a number of custom-loaded darts (but not the rifle itself) which will rapidly put your targets to sleep, a boomerang that stuns when thrown, and some assorted clothing for the proper safari look. | Medical Director | The boomerang will only knock people down if you're wearing the suit. |
.38 AP speedloader | 1 | Powerful ammo for your .38 sidearm. | This speedloader contains seven AP rounds, which are considerably more powerful than the NT-issue stuff. And as the name implies, they also pierce body armour easily. | Detective | Remember, you can keep the .38 in your pockets - unlike the larger revolver! | |
Teleport Gun | ![]() |
5 | A gun that teleports people. | Energy gun meets teleporter technology! It is however not ready-to-use and requires a bit of preparation. First, head to the teleporter room and lock onto a working beacon. Second, click on the gun to link it to said teleportation hub. After that, the telegun's effectiveness is up to you - try to think of interesting traps! You could, for example, place a beacon in the engine combustion chamber or send people straight to deep space. | Research Director |
Surplus crate items
Note: Some of these items are not necessarily Syndicate items. Many can be found outside of the surplus crate, such as the banana grenade. Use your common sense, so innocent players do not get killed for picking up something they found floating around in space.
Item | Image | Usage | Description | Notes |
Police Baton | ![]() |
A special stun baton. | Stuns people like a regular baton, but doesn't require power to function. | |
Syndicate Dagger | ![]() |
A tiny knife. | A weaker version of the butcher's knife, which can also stun people when thrown. Fits in pockets. | Does not gib corpses, however! Standard equipment of spies. |
Duct Tape | ![]() |
A roll of sticky tape. | Allows you to tie people up. Basically a glorified box of handcuffs without the bulk. | |
Banana Grenades | ![]() ![]() |
A box of banana grenades. | Each grenade explodes into slippery banana peels. | |
Flare Gun | ![]() |
A loaded flare gun. | Signal your intentions! The flare doesn't cause a lot of damage outright, but sets people on fire and may even force them to roll on the ground to extinguish the flames. Surprisingly effective. | Can be loaded with shotgun shells to boot! |
Hunting Rifle | ![]() |
For hunting the most dangerous game of all. | Massively powerful rifle. You only have four bullets, so don't waste them! | Can be loaded with tranquilizer darts. |
Breaching Charge | ![]() |
A charge designed to break through walls. | Similar to hacked mining charges, but the radius of the blast is somewhat larger. It has five second timer. | |
Flash/Cell Assembly | ![]() |
An overcharged flash. | A flash with a power cell attached. Despite the flamy result, it's an one-use item thanks to the bulb burning out immediately. | These can be made, if you know how. |
Syndicate Mailman Suit | ![]() |
Go postal. | Its-a me, Mario! Use mail chutes and the pipe system to get into several key areas (security, bridge, etc.) easily. | Remember to set a destination on the chute before flushing yourself. |
Syndicate Command Armor | ![]() |
An armored space suit. | Combines the advantages of a space suit with body armor, hence will offer good protection in combat. It's also quite stylish. | Basically a red version of industrial armor, allowing you to laugh off explosions. One of these can be found on the Syndicate shuttle. |
Advanced Laser Gun | ![]() |
Upgraded laser gun. | This powerful energy gun steadily regenerates its own battery, so has potentially infinite ammo. However, the process is quite slow and cannot be relied on in a firefight. | Can be found outside of being ordered by a traitor! |
Objects and Items | |
Equipment by Department |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Machinery | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Clothing | ![]() |
Catering | ![]() ![]() |
Weapons | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |