Stun Baton
A melee weapon which delivers an incapacitating shock to humans and cyborgs alike, knocking them to the ground or at least disorientating them. The stun baton does different things when on and off. It is on by default, and you can click on it in-hand to turn it on-off.
- When on: Click someone adjacent to you with it on any intent besides Harm to drain a big chunk of their stamina; two hits or more hits is usually enough to knock someone unconscious from full stamina, barring any stamina boosts. Attempting to use it with the Harm intent will instead stun YOU, leaving you at the mercy of whoever you were pursuing. Its special attack (click on a tile at least two tiles away on Harm or Disarm intent) throws a spark that causes disorientation, resulting in slowed, erratic movement.
- When off: A switched-off baton is completely inert unless you use the Harm intent, which results in a good old beating, draining stamina and dealing brute damage.
Each batons starts with a 200 PU cell, and each use drains 25 PU, which is equivalent to 8 charges. Examine the baton to see the number of charges left. There's a baton in every loadout from the security weapons vendor, and extras can found in Weapons Crate - Security Equipment crates ordered from Cargo.
The VIP spawns with a compact baton known as the stun cane for personal protection. There's no functional difference aside from the smaller battery (five charges) and icon.
Extendable Stun Baton
Same as the standard stun baton, but with a self-charging battery that has only 150 PU (i.e. 6 uses at full charge) and cannot be swapped out, though it can still go into rechargers. It can be thrown to disorientate and/or stun people when on and has a special attack (click somewhere more than two tiles away while on Harm or Disarm intent) where you create a spark cloud that disorients, similar to the stun baton special. Activating it in-hand changes its mode in order of collapsed, able to fit in pocket->extended, on->extended, off->collapsed again. Every Nanotrasen Security Operative starts with one.
This weapon fires a bolt of incapacitating energy. A target who is struck by two projectiles in a row will usually be stunned, or at least slowed. Successive shots cause longer stuns. Can be toggled in-hand between a single-shot and burst-fire mode, which will fire off three shots in one go. Tasers can fire 8 shots on single-shot mode or 4 shots on burst-fire, before they must be recharged in a recharger or taser recharger rack. The Standard loadout from the security weapons vendor has one, and more can be ordered from Cargo through the Security Equipment crate.
Taser Shotgun
Combines the stunning energy bolts of a taser with the unwieldy size and slower fire rate of a shotgun. Requires two hands, but features a higher capacity cell and a toggle between regular fire and a spread shot that fires three simultaneous bolts at a wide angle. It's the center piece of the Control loadout from the security weapons vendor, and the equipment upgrade crates from cargo also has one.
Wave Gun
Situational non-lethal firepower, found in the security weapons vendor's Offense loadout option and Cargo's experimental weapons crates. On top of a 300 PU battery capacity, it comes with three modes:
List of Wave Gun modes:
Inversion Wave
Starts off with half the power of a taser bolt but becomes stronger with each tile it travels and has a long range. Matches the power of a taser bolt at about four tiles.
Transverse Wave
Pierces through people, walls, doors, windows, everything! It can even hit people resting on the ground. But it has max range of only 4 tiles. It also starts off half as strong as taser bolt, but becomes twice as powerful as a taser bolt at (and only at) maximum range.
Electromagnetic Disruption Wave
Hits the target with an EMP, damaging Cyborgs and Space Pods, hurting cyberorgans, and many other effects. Has a chance to cause a second EMP depending on distance traveled. Does less EMP damage against the nuclear bomb than other EMP sources. The farther it goes, the better the chance.
The flash has two applications:
- Clicking on a human, cyborg, or other mob with the flash will obscure their screen with a white flash and drain their stamina, disorientating them and possibly stunning them if it drains all their remaining stamina.
- The other use is area flash, activated by clicking on the weapon when it's in your active hand. This will briefly obscure the screen of everyone besides you in a 5x5 square with a white overlay and disorientate them as well. Area flashes also have a chance of disrupting active cloaking devices and holographic disguisers in a 3x3 radius.
Wearing adequate eye protection or being blind, whether clothing-related or biological in origin, blocks the effects of both applications. Every time the flash is used, the bulb has a chance of burning out, rendering it permanently useless. They can be found in security lockers, dispensed from the vending machines and manufactured in robotics.
The flashbang is a grenade that emits a loud bang and bright flash to everyone in its vicinity when it goes off. Point-blank, people will be stunned and deafened for a decent amount of time, but the effects are less pronounced further away and mostly consist of confused movement. Sunglasses don't offer full protection, so you should be careful to not end up in the blast radius yourself. Excessive use can permanently deafen or blind someone, making these a very loathed item - be sensible with them. Flashbangs are also useful for dealing with rogue cyborgs at range, since they are not immune to its effects. Flashbangs can be dispensed from the security vendors and boxes full of them are available in the armory.
Crowd Dispersal Grenade
These grenades release an smoke-powder cloud of capsaicin, which briefly stuns people and temporarily affects their motor coordination. Tthe effects of capsaicin are avoided by wearing a gas mask or having internals active. The Control loadout from the security weapons vendor has some of these. More can be found in the Armory and also ordered from the cargo bay.
Fires lethal projectiles. Preferably, officers should never need to use these, but they may be necessary in the event of a robot uprising, hostile critters or the presence of shambling abominations, vampires or wizards. Can be ordered from the cargo bay, and a security-level ID is required to unlock the crate.
Energy Gun
Combines the versatility of a taser and laser gun. Use the fire selector to toggle between both firing modes. Starting equipment for the captain and HoS.
A versatile energy weapon with many modes, obtained by using the Check Job Rewards command as HoS to convert an energy gun into this. The gun can only be toggled by the owner of the fingerprints of the first person who activates it, though anybody can fire it. (Naturally, stealing the owner's arm will let you switch modes, and an EMAG removes the fingerprint lock entirely.) Has a 300 PU capacity, but it cannot go into rechargers, and you cannot swap out its cell, though it does charge 10 PU every few seconds. You select the mode by saying the name of the mode aloud (including via the *miranda emote), causing a robotic voice to recite something similar but not quite to the mode name. Saying "I AM THE LAW" while holding a Lawbringer you don't own is a bad idea, unless you like triggering an explosion (that somehow usually leaves the gun intact).
List of Lawbringer modes:
An energy bolt that makes a 3x3 burst upon hitting a person/object or traveling about six tiles, causing slowdown and confused movement.
A .38 FMJ round, same as the ones the Detective uses.
A flare that causes fire wherever it hits and wherever it travels, like a flamethrower.
A smoke grenade, same as the kind used by the riot launcher.
A dart with 10 units of haloperidiol.
"Bigshot" or "High-Explosive" or "HE"
An explosive round that tears apart walls and people alike upon exploding, like an AEX shell with much less impact damage and explosion damage.
A silly minimal-damage projectile that throws Clowns so hard, it knocks their shoes off, honk! Also works on people wearing at least two pieces of clown gear, i.e. clown mask, clown suit, clown dress, and, of course, clown shoes.
Causes significant disorientation, briefly slows target down, and throws them back a fair distance. Vibe check.
Antique Lawbringer
A reskin of the Lawbringer, for those that enjoyed the original sprite. Also obtained by using Check Job Rewards as Head of Security.
List of Antique Lawbringer modes:
An energy bolt that makes a 3x3 burst upon hitting a person/object or traveling about six tiles, causing slowdown and confused movement.
A .38 FMJ round, same as the ones the Detective uses.
A flare that causes fire wherever it hits and wherever it travels, like a flamethrower.
A smoke grenade, same as the kind used by the riot launcher.
A dart with 10 units of haloperidiol.
"Bigshot" or "High-Explosive" or "HE"
An explosive round that tears apart walls and people alike upon exploding, like an AEX shell with much less impact damage and explosion damage.
A silly minimal-damage projectile that throws Clowns so hard, it knocks their shoes off, honk! Also works on people wearing at least two pieces of clown gear, i.e. clown mask, clown suit, clown dress, and, of course, clown shoes.
Causes significant disorientation, briefly slows target down, and throws them back a fair distance. Vibe check.
Pulse Rifle
This two-handed energy rifle fires energy pulses that cause Disorient, slows people down briefly, and can knock a target across an entire screen length--and more--causing damage upon impact that scales with distance travelled. Each shot costs 35 PU, and the gun starts with a 300 PU battery, which translates into 8 shots. Good for keeping away c-saber wielders and other people you want out as far from your face as possible. The Armory has three of them on a special pulse rifle rack that's locked to those with access to the Security department; the lock can be disabled with hacking.
Riot Shotgun
Your average pump-action shotgun loaded with rubber slugs for less-lethal takedowns. It has a larger magazine capacity than tasers and stuns with the first shot, but, naturally, ammunition is limited, and it takes up both your hands, so you only wield one of them (you can reload it just by clicking on a box of shells/slugs). They are available from a rack in Armory that's locked to those with access to the Security department; the lock can be disabled with hacking.
N.A.R.C.S. Deployer
This "Nanotrasen Automatic Riot Control System" is found in the Armory's Special Equipment Locker and is often called "riot turret" or "good boy". When deployed, this turret shoots less-than-lethal rubber slugs at the closest person in its 60 degree, 5-tile viewing range, if that person does not have a red-striped, green-striped, or golden ID card (i.e. not Security or Command). Doesn't fire at those at less than 0 health, never runs out of ammo, and can be repaired with a welder. It also barks.
To deploy, click on the deployer while it's in your hand, click on the turret with a welder to secure it, then a screwdriver to turn it on. Set angle using a wrench. To take it apart, use screwdriver, welder, then wrench.
CPA Detective Special
The Detective's sidearm, variously also known as .38 revolver, Det gun, and Detective's Revolver, among other things. In an emergency, it's often one of the few ranged lethal weapons on hand and causes bleeding damage to anyone who is hit by the bullets. When loaded with stunner rounds, the .38 turns into a seven-shot taser and is entirely safe to use in that capacity (no damage or bleeding).
An alternative sidearm for the detective, acquired by using the "Claim Job Rewards" command. It functions a lot like the typical .38 revolver, except that you need to use it inhand before every shot to cock it. Mostly useful to slow down people who might manage to steal your gun - while they just have your slow-to-fire gun, you'll ideally have backup weapons or security officers.
Clock 188
The Nanotrasen Security Operative's sidearm, an antique pistol that fires faster than most other guns. It's loaded with up to 18 9mm rounds that do a bit of brute damage and a little less stamina drain, travel faster than most other projectiles, have a high chance of hitting targets on the ground, and slow down targets, on top of the usual slight slowdown due to stagger associated with kinetic bullets. Can be toggled between a single fire mode that fires one bullet and a burst fire mode that shoots three with slight spread. Extra magazines can be found in the SecTech and AmmoTech.
Riot Launcher
A single-shot grenade launcher for riot control. Typically loaded with smoke shells, but it will accept other 40mm grenades, as well as hand grenades of any type (flashbangs are especially fun.) Found in the security office.
Tranquilizer Rifle
This is security's answer to drug-fueled rampages. A lot of illicit substances and other stimulants grant the user some degree of stun resistance, rendering most of the non-lethal arsenal useless. The darts contain a dose of haloperidol, which will rapidly flush said drugs out of their bloodstream. One rifle each is available to the HoS and medical director. There are also mutadone darts for dealing with unruly geneticists. Like the riot shotgun, this is also two-handed, so you reload it by clicking on a magazine of darts or dragging and dropping the magazine onto your gun.
Stinger grenade
Crowd disperal grenade's nastier cousin. When primed, these grenades will send out a burst of debilitating rubber balls that can take out limbs, cause horrific brute damage, and lodge into people's chests as shrapnel, inflicting further brute damage.
A mostly-defensive, one-handed energy shield found in Sec equipment lockers. If you click on it while holding it, it generates a forcefield that grants a fair amount of bullet and melee resistance, and if you click on a tile far away from you while on Harm or Disarm intent, you also create another energy barrier in front of you that can reflect bullets, energy shots, rockets, and fireballs. Any kind of melee attack can break the energy shield, even if just does minimal stamina damage. Also, attacking someone with the shield will push them back a tile, with a chance to knock them down on the floor. Fun against Nuke Ops.
Fog Grenade
Click on it while it's in your hand to prime it and create an up to 12-tile wide, diamond-shaped fog cloud. The fog blocks off line of sight, and unlike smoke from smoke shells and such, it doesn't make people drop items. X-Ray Vision lets you see everything inside and beyond the clouds. You can also look beyond the fog with mesons, but you'll only still see the walls and floors and can't actually see the size of the cloud. Can be used to break up fights or make an escape. Every SecTech gets five of these.