Wearing a uniform is necessary to keep on your ID, anything in your pockets, and anything on your belt slot. Removing your uniform will dump all that to the ground in a pile. You can quickly and safely change uniforms by clicking the new uniform on the "INV" button.
Comes in many different colors and styles depending on your job.
Chameleon Suit
Can change to a variety of outfits. Available only to Traitors.
Chief Engineer's Jumpsuit
Found on the Chief Engineer and in their locker in Engineering.
Head of Personnel's Suit
Only one of these spawns on the station, and it is on the Head of Personnel themself. An occasional traitor objective.
Research Director's Suit
In addition to the one the RD wears, a spare can be found in their office. An occasional traitor objective.
Captain's Jumpsuit
In addition to the one worn by the Captain, a spare can be found in their quarters. An occasional traitor objective.
Head of Security's Uniform
In addition to the one worn by the Head of Security, a spare can be found in their office. On rounds with no HoS, there is no way to access this item short of emagging the HoS' locker. An occasional traitor objective.
Clown Suit
Cursed Clown Suit
Cannot be removed by its wearer.
Owl Suit
Mailman's Uniform
Available in the Routing Depot.
Barber's Uniform
Available in Crew Quarters.
Cosby Sweater
Icon of a beloved 80's T.V. dad.
Athletic Shorts
Available in the Gym, and starting equipment for the Wizard.
Swim Trunks
Available in the Gym.
Tactical Turtleneck
The garment of choice of infiltrators. Available in black and slightly darker black.
Body Armor
Provides some protection to the torso and against gunshots. Standard equipment for security and the Barman.
Captain's Armor
Though fancier than regular body armor, it isn't any more effective.
Offer some protection against diseases and viral hazards. Found in the Research Director's office, Custodial closet, and the research sector entrance vestibule.
A sheet for a bed. Can be worn over your body so you can act like a ghost. Be sure to cut some eyeholes first.
Armored Biosuit
A biosuit with a piece of body armor attached.
Bomb Disposal Suit
A buffed up version of the body armor, available in the Armory.
Protects the wearer from extreme heat/cold and from catching fire. The suit can deteriorate from prolonged exposure to extreme conditions, so don't go wading into that scorching plasma fire. The suit also is not effective against hard vacuum. The suit will also slow down your running speed while you wear it. Available in Engineering storage.
Space Suit
Available in EVA. Protect from the vacuum of space and offer minor protection from heat and cold. Will slow down your running speed indoors.
Engineering Space Suit
As above, but yellow! Found on the Mining Outpost, and next to the external airlock in north Engineering.
Captain's Space Suit
As above, but green! Found in the Captain's Quarters.
Red Space Suit

As above, but red! Also does not slow down your running speed indoors. While there is one freely accessible set to those in the know, red suits are standard equipment of the dreaded Nuclear Operatives, and being spotted early in the round will result in frenzied cries of "SYNDIES!" and "REDSUITS!"
Emergency Suit
Provides a minimal amount of protection from the cold, but will slow you to a crawl. Use only if nothing better is available and don't jump into space with it. Generally found in emergency closets.
Available in Medbay and the Brig, these function similar to handcuffs and also slow their wearer to a crawl. Unlike cuffs, the person wearing this cannot take it off themselves.
Lab Coat
Functionally useless, but how else will you demonstrate your knowledge of science?
Hard Worn Coat
Required outfit of the Detective.
Faded Trenchcoat
Essential for rugged chain-smoking vigilantes.
Wizard's Robe
The Wizard has to be wearing this to cast any spells.
Available in formal clothing closets.
Despite the presence of spacesuit helmets, any headgear is enough to protect you in the vacuum of space. Any changeling or vampire who wishes to consume you must first remove your headgear and mask.
Head protection. Can also be turned into electric chairs.
Bio Hood
May or may not complete the protection offered by the Bio Suit. Wear it if you think there's virii about.
Space Helmet
Available in EVA. Protects one's eyes while welding.
Engineering Space Helmet
Same as above, but with a built-in flashlight. Available on Mining Outpost and next to the external airlock in north Engineering.
Welding Helmet
Can be toggled from up or down. While down, your vision is significantly darkened, but you are able to weld without hurting your eyes and are immune to flashes. Some are available in Engineering storage.
oh my god its full of hats
May or may not be your own. Available from the Roboticist.
If you are having trouble seeing after wearing this, try carving a hole in it.
Wizard's Hat
Required for the Wizard to operate at full power.

Links with an air supply to provide internals. Can also obscure your identity if you are not wearing your usual ID card. Scientists all begin with these, and there are others available in various spots around the station. Comes in two varieties, regular and emergency, but both are functionally the same. Some are available in Engineering storage.
Voice Changer
Functions like a gas mask with the added benefit of disguising your voice to whichever ID you are wearing. Available to traitors.
Breath Mask
Links with an air supply to provide internals. All crewmembers begin with a box containing a breath mask, and they are readily available in lockers throughout the station.
Medical Mask
Same as breath mask. Starts in Medbay in the anesthetics locker.
Surgical Mask
Does not link to internals. Theoretically protects you from diseases.
Clown Mask
Cursed Clown Mask
Mostly found on cluwnes, this horrible thing cannot be dropped or removed. Another person can attempt to remove it from you but will end up stuck with it himself.
Anyone wearing this will be unable to communicate except in muffled grunts. Available in Medbay.
Owl Mask
Horse Mask
Imbues its wearer with the power of bad puns.
It's a skimask with a fancy name.
Put the cigarette in your mask slot, then use a lighter/igniter/welder to heat it up. Purchasable in packs from some vending machines. Comes as regular, nicotine free and pro-puff variants. All are very bad for you except the ones that aren't.
Fake Mustache
A mustache-twirlingly good disguise. Distributed by traitors.
Insulated Gloves
Protect from electrical shocks. Highly coveted for their ability to allow door hacking. Found in Engineering and Electronics and can be ordered by the Quartermaster.
Stun Gloves
Insulated gloves armed with a single powerful shock to briefly stun whomever they touch. A variant with multiple charges is available in an experimental weapons crate.
Black Gloves
Standard equipment for the Detective, quartermasters, botanists, and miners.
SWAT Gloves
Pretty much identical to black gloves. Nuclear Operatives start with these.
Latex Gloves
Available in Medbay. Partially obscure the fingerprints of those who wear them.
Boxing Gloves
Protects you from flashes and offers minor protection when welding. A traitor who wears sunglasses can identify other traitors. Found in various places around the station and in Security lockers.
Optical Thermal Scanner
Also known as "thermals." Permits the wearer to see people through walls. Makes the wearer extra susceptible to flashes and eye injury from welding. Standard equipment for the Detective, and is also found in the Head of Security's locker.
Optical Meson Scanner
Allows the wearer to see floors and tiles through walls, and to look at the gravitational singularity without ill effect. Can spot changes in light and fires. Standard equipment for engineers, Mechanics and miners.
ProDoc Health Goggles
Displays the health status of everyone in view as a colored heart. Available at Medbay.
Gives some vision to those who are blind. Available at Medbay.
Prescription Glasses
Improves your vision if you have suffered eye damage. Available at Medbay.
Medical Eyepatch
Blinds whomever is wearing it while it is on. Available on the Bridge.
VR Goggles
Transmits you to a VR simulations. The public set loads the combat training simulation. The Detective's set loads up a private office (à la Heavy Rain). The Scientist's set loads up the bomb testing simulator.
Walking barefoot will slow you slightly and hurt you if you walk over glass shards.
Black, white, brown, orange, all functionally the same.
Prevent the wearer from slipping on wet floors. Starting equipment for the Janitor.
Magnetic Boots
Protects the wearer from the effects of space wind, allowing them to safely repair hull breaches without being swept out into hard vacuum. The wearer of these boots can also not be pushed or pulled, even if they lie dead on the ground-- the boots must be removed before dragging them anywhere. A pair starts in the Chief Engineer's locker, and there are some next to the external airlock in north Engineering.
Magic Sandals
Keeps the wearer from slipping on ice and from falling down after being hit by a runaway Segway. Available in the Chaplain's closet and is starting equipment for Wizards.
Made by combining handcuffs with orange shoes. Anyone wearing these will be unable to run, only walk at a slow hobbling pace.
Clown Shoes
Mock the poor soul who tries clowning without these.
In addition to belts, this slot can hold your PDA, stolen weapons and an emergency oxygen tank.
Radio Headset
Standard equipment for many crewmembers. To speak into it, merely put a semicolon (;) before your words. One can also set its microphone on to automatically transmit anything you say or said near you. Its speaker can be turned off to shut out the world. You can change the frequency, the default station frequency is [145.9].
Security Headset
In addition to the regular headset's function, its wearers can speak on the secure red security channel by putting a :h before their words. People standing next to someone wearing one of these headsets can hear over it as well. Starting equipment for Security Officers and the Detective.
Research Headset
Can also operate on the secure Research frequency, [135.4]. Starting equipment for Scientists.
Medical Headset
Can also operate on the secure Medical frequency, [135.6]. Worn by Roboticists, Medical Doctors, Medical Assistants, and Geneticists.
Engineering Headset
Can also operate on the secure yellow Engineering frequency, [135.7]. Starting equipment for Engineers, Mechanics and Miners.
Command Headset
Starting equipment for the Head of Personnel, the Captain, the Head of Security, the Chief Engineer and the Research Director. Starting a message with :h addresses the command channel. :g goes to Security for the Captain, HoP and HoS, while it goes to engineering for the CE and research for the RD.
Multifrequency Headset
Available in the Research Wing. Works like a regular headset that can be manually tuned into channels other than 145.9. It's mainly used to have a private communication channel while doing Telescience.
Auditory Headset
Acts as a regular headset but also restores hearing to the deaf. Can be manufactured at Robotics.
Found in the Chief Engineer's locker. Wearing these makes you unable to hear anything, though you are still susceptible to auditory attacks (flashbangs, changeling screams, etc.)
Found inside a Sonic Grenade kit, protects the wearer from its effects.
Can only carry one type of item, ID cards.
Holds your backpack, but can also hold large gas tanks and jetpacks.