Your Player Piano and You

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WizardSpellbookV2-32x32.gif This page contains a transcript of ingame content.
The following information supplements the rest of the wiki. It is kept for documentation purposes.

Everything You Need To Know About The Player Piano

This book is meant to give you an idea of how to work the player piano.


Your player piano takes raw text that you input through the interface and turns it into notes!

A note will play approximately every half second.

You can enable looping on the piano by using the piano key!

The piano key will also let you reset everything on the piano (like a factory reset) if something goes really crazy.

There are three event types:

  • Note
    • Plays a music note
  • Rest
    • Like Note, but doesn't play any sound
  • Timing
    • Sets the timing for the piano
    • Must be the first event, it's not allowed anywhere else

Format Details

Each event needs to be separated by a vertical pipe, like so: A,B,F,3|B,B,F,3.


Has four parts, each separated by a comma.



  • Note Name
    • A, B, C, D, E, F, or G
  • Accidentals
    • B for flat
    • S for sharp
    • N for natural
  • Dynamics
    • P for piano (quietest)
    • MP for mezzo piano
    • N for neutral
    • MF for mezzo forte
    • F for forte (loudest)
  • Octave
    • Goes from 1 to 7
    • A0, B0, & C8 are exceptions
  • Delay
    • Optional
    • How long the note should rest for after playing
    • This is NOT the same as note length/duration
    • 0 to play a concurrent note
    • Defaults to 1
    • Value goes from 0 to 100




  • R
    • Must be R, can't be another character
  • Delay
    • Optional
    • How long to rest for
    • Goes from 1 to 1000
    • Defaults to 1




  • timing
    • Must be the literal word timing
  • Timing
    • The new timing
    • Measured in centiseconds
    • Must be between 10 and 50


  • You cannot change the duration of a note.
  • If you want to play notes at the same time, you will need to link multiple pianos together. Input notes, make one piano play, and electronics will handle the rest.
  • You can only enter up to 1920 notes.


  • You can use your piano's key to:
    • Activate a built in factory reset.
    • Enable or disable the looping circuit.
    • Set the interval of notes from 0.1 to 0.5 seconds. The default timing is 0.5 seconds.
  • You can access your piano's internal workings by prying off the front panel.
  • You can use a multitool to reset the piano's memory once you have access to its insides.
  • You can use a multitool to link player pianos together like you would a mechcomp component.
  • If your linked pianos sound weird, you may have linked a set of pianos together multiple times. Use a multitool or key to reset and relink carefully.
  • You can use a wirecutter to disable looping. (WARNING, THIS IS PERMANENT, DON'T LOSE YOUR DAMN KEY)
  • You can use a screwdriver to raise and lower the wheel bolts, making the piano moveable.

Automatic Player Piano Linking


  1. Use a multitool on a player piano with the cover removed to start storing pianos.
  2. Then use it on pianos without covers that you want to link.
  3. Use the multitool in your hand to start linking, each link takes 0.1 seconds.

4 pianos have 7 links, so it takes 0.7 seconds.

Understanding Your Piano's Language

Your piano will often make noises. But don't worry! It's just communicating with you. And if you can't speak piano, you have this handy little book to help.

  • An angry sounding beep means that the piano is busy and you can't interface with it.
  • Whirring followed by a complete shutdown means that your note input was too long for the piano.
  • A lot of horrible mechanical noise followed by a complete shutdown means that the tempo you tried to input was too fast or slow.
  • Ratcheting followed by a complete shutdown means that you forgot to input a piece of a note cluster somewhere.
  • A lot of noise followed by a count of beeps means that a note you tried to play doesn't exist. The number of beeps is the position of the note.
  • A loud grinding noise, followed by a boop means your Timing event's value was too high or too low.
  • If the song ends earlier than expected, make sure that you don't have any double vertical bars in your input.
  • And remember, if things are funky and not working, use your piano reset key!

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