Guide to Mining

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Mining can be dangerous, tedious, and boring. However no reward is without its risks. This guide provides the information you need to work as quickly and effectively as possible.


Ore is your main objective. You can send any unprocessed ore to the quartermaster to sell, and certain ores will also be useful to the [[Roboticist|roboticist], to the mechanics, and to yourself to upgrade your equipment. The arc smelter also requires a steady stream of raw materials. Each ore carries a basic toughness that corresponds to the tool needed to mine it. Certain ores are dangerous and require special care. If you plan to sell them, remember that raw ore (i.e. not a block or ingot) is often more valuable than processed alloys.

Note: The majority of ore and gems won't be usable in the mining fabricator unless you process them with the material processor or its portable version first.

Name Image Classification Toughness Description
Space silver! Decent money maker, but no real practical use. If you're a straggler stuck with nothing but a pick and barren fabricators, this is your breadwinner. Hand it to Cargo for some decent cash.
Space platinum! Very difficult to mine without explosives and practically useless, but worth a king's ransom on the market. Give it to the Quartermaster!
Metal, Conductor
Space copper! Very useful for roboticists and mechanics and makes up half of a mining charge. If you like bombing rocks, this will be the first mineral to run out.
Sturdy Metal
Space steel! The roboticist makes his friends and the mechanics their box frames out of this stuff, so they'll go through a lot. Makes up one quarter of a mining charge.
Space glass! Another useful material for the roboticist and mechanic. Makes up the last quarter of a mining charge.
Dense Metal, Dense Matter
Space adamantium! The backbone of higher tier mining equipment, you'll want a lot of this in your fabricator to make anything worthwhile.
Metal, Power Source
Space uranium! Horribly radioactive, digging in without a heavy hazard suit is a slow suicide. Occupies the same fabricator niche as plasmastone, but specializes in very desirable cyborg power cells instead of high-yield bombs.
Crystal, Power Source
Space fuel! Explodes violently if shocked by mining charge, so stick to drills. A few top-shelf mining goodies want this, but it's most useful refined into extra fuel in the engineering gas extractor or stuffed inside pipebombs.
High Energy Conductor
Space MgB²! Required in bulk for all high-performance digging gear and industrial armor, the two most desirable things on a miner's wish list.
High Density Matter
Space gold! As you'd imagine, the QMs would love to get their hands on a shipment. Curiously, unlike other ores, gold is sold to the market as ingots, not its raw ore form.
Metal, High Density Matter
Eldritch granite! A magical substitute for uqill, and a very sturdy one at that.
Not construction-grade material
Martian meat! Can be used as raw material for the cloning apparatus, an Organic substance in the Nano-Fab, or as cloth material for fabricators, once processed.
Not construction-grade material
Space coal! Prime furnace fuel and secondary trade good for the quartermaster.
Not construction-grade material
Space water ice! Also completely worthless. Will melt when you are holding it in your hand for too long.
Not construction-grade material
Space dirt! Completely worthless unless you're a rock worm. However, rock worms are known to frequent the trading circles, so the QM probably won't mind if a few lumps end up in your latest cobryl dispatch.


Gems are rare and valuable. A mined rock may contain only 1 gem at a time. Use your geological scanner to find gems quickly. If you plan to sell them, remember that raw gems are often more valuable than processed alloys.

Name Image Classification Description
Crystal Space jewels that come in three tiers (level 1 being the hardest and most valuable). Regardless of type, they're primarily good for money only. Slip them inside cash ore shipments.

Tier 1: diamond, ruby, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst
Tier 2: jasper, garnet, peridot, malachite, lapis lazuli, alexandrite
Tier 3: onyx, rose quartz, citrine, jade, aquamarine, iolite
Crystal, High Energy Power Source Shiny cones that let you break the laws of physics. Can be used in some machinery, for cyborg upgrades and be sold off for a good sum. No, you can't use them to get more Syndicate gear.
Not construction-grade material Space asbestos. Can be processed into fabric with a material processor or used in the arc smelter. Raw lumps of the stuff fetch a good price on the open market, though.
High Density Matter Crystallized scifi magic. Required for high-end mining gear, certain upgrades at robotics, always sells well at the cargo bay, and can be used to make replacement ammo for the RCD.
Miracle Matter
Anomalous Mineral wild card. Can be used as a stand-in for certain other materials, e.g. uqill, mauxite or claretine. Can morph into different substances at welder-level temperatures. Makes excellent decor.

Special Rocks

Certain rocks may have special conditions on them. Using your geological scanner will give specific information and spit out symbols denoting these conditions.

Type Symbol Description
Always contains chunks of water ice in addition to other materials.
Super Dense
Has a hardness rating of 10 and is extremely difficult to break through. Super-dense asteroids tend to have a significant quantity of gems at their core, so the effort can be justified.
Rock has -1 toughness.
Rock has +1 toughness.
Rock contains either radioactive or volatile ore. Radioactive rock will glow blueish once exposed. Volatile ore will glow red when struck, giving you only a few moments to escape.
Foreign Object
Contains a smuggler stash, an artifact or a sleeping rock worm. Poke it with the scanner to find out what.
Rock contains a gem. No reason not to crack it open.

Other materials

These materials can't be found in asteroids, but you may encounter them when working with the arc smelter or a material processor.

Name Image Classification Description
Power Source The Devil's plasmastone. As dangerous as it is rare, it makes a menacing pipebomb or an extremely fast-charging cyborg cell. Only available in very rare asteroids located through the Quantum Telescope and through the QM shipping market. Will cause a violent explosion when it is hit or it hits something. (Eg. Thrown at someone)
Crystal Extremely valuable, but can only be found in certain highly-dangerous Z5 asteroids, extremely rare starstone asteroids located by the quantum telescope, and the remains of meteor showers. Sell them to certain merchants to become an instant millionaire! Can also be used to infuse certain chemicals into metals and alloys.
SlagLump.png SlagBar.png
Metal, Sturdy Metal By-product of smelting and a low-quality substitute for mauxite.
Metal, Sturdy Metal The processed equivalent of mauxite, made with char and mauxite.
Crystal The processed equivalent of molitz.
Metal, Conductor, High Energy Conductor A gold-cobryl alloy excellent at conducting electricity.
Metal, Conductor, Energy Source Steel infused with Discount Dan's secret ingredient: human souls! Or at least, a more malleable, easier-to-process form of it. Objects made solely from soulsteel can be piloted by Ghosts.
Gnesis/Translucent Gnesis
Metal, Conductor, High Energy Conductor Flockmind metal. As good a conductor as electrum, with a neat teal color too. Can be, obviously, obtained from smashing converted tiles, as well as somewhere in deep space.
Metal, Dense Metal, Sturdy Metal The Syndicate's pride and joy. Ridiculously strong (80 hardness and density); can be dropped from Nanite swarms in their respective asteroids, and a certain secret source.
Carbon Nanofiber
Conductor Jack of all stats, and nearly a master of all. Not only is it super dense and super hard, yet surprisingly permeable, but it's also excellent at conducting electricity and heat alike. One of its only shortcomings is rarity; only nanite swarms can drop it, and the nanite asteroids that house them are super-rare Quantum Telescope finds.


Most equipment can be manufactured at the mining fabricator. This includes your basic beginning gear if you lose it or show up late and all of it is gone.

Note: The majority of ore and gems won't be usable in the mining fabricator unless you process them with the material processor or its portable version first.

Starting Equipment

Item Image Description Cost
Engineering Space Suit Set
SnekEngineeringHelmet.png Miningspacesuit.png
See Engineering Objects. 3 Fabric, 3 Metal, 2 Crystal
See Engineering Objects. 2 Dense Metal, 10 Conductive Material
Mining Belt
Holds most of the gear and equipment you will need to mine. N/A
Geological Scanner
Use the scanner in your active hand to scan all rocks in view. The scanner will spit out a report and put symbols on rocks with something out of the ordinary in them. Using it on a piece of asteroid will tell you specifically what ore is present, its toughness, any danger conditions, and the presence of any foreign items. 1 Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 1 Crystal
Ore Satchel
Holds up to 30 units of ore. To quickly pick up ore, click and drag one piece onto the satchel and you will automatically begin grabbing all ore of that type in every space surrounding you. Clicking the satchel in your active hand will dump its contents onto the ground. Use it on a fabricator or crate to empty it into that container. 5 Fabric
Ore Scoop
This very useful utensil allows you to collect ore by merely walking over it. Simply insert an ore satchel, hold the scoop in your active hand and you're good to go. Click on the scoop to unload the satchel, or anywhere else to dump the ore on the floor. N/A
Meson Goggles
See Engineering Objects. Also allows you to see the composition of asteroids. 3 Crystal, 2 Conductive Material
Breath Mask
See Clothing. Required for full spacesuit gear. 1 Fabric

Advanced Equipment

Item Image Description Cost
Industrial Space Armor Set
IndustrialSpaceHelmetV2.png IndustrialSpaceSuitV2.png
Replaces the standard spacesuit and helmet. Mediocre melee and bullet resistance but provides excellent protection against radiation and explosions, as well zero movement slowdown. 15 Dense Metal, 7 High Energy Conductor, 3 High Density Matter
Mechanized Boots
Gives the wearer a permanent speed boost, both in space and indoors. Moving around quickly will also deplete the contents of your jetpack faster, so be careful. 15 Sturdy Metal, 7 High Energy Conductor, 3 Power Source
Large Ore Satchel
Like a regular satchel, but holds 75 ore instead of 30. 25 Fabric, 3 Dense Metal
Cargo Transporter
Sends stuff to a cargo pad. Use it in your active hand to pick a destination, then click on the target to teleport it. Has 10 uses before it must be recharged.

Compatible objects: crates, closets/lockers, gas canisters, large tanks and artifacts.
See General Objects. Provides additional light if you opt to go exploring derelicts and other foreboding parts of space, but useless for mining. 1 Metal, 1 Conductive Material, 1 Crystal
Material Analyzer
Shows the properties of raw as well as processed ore. N/A
Slag Shovel
Used to remove slag from the arc smelter. N/A


The greater the difference between tool strength and rock hardness, the more difficult it is to tunnel through the asteroid. Equipment with a strength at least equal to the rock's hardness rating is guaranteed to work on the first try.

Item Image Toughness Notes Cost
Mostly useless for anything beyond basic rock. Unlimited uses. You basically get this whenever your powered pickaxe or power hammer runs out of charge/is deactivated, since their unpowered versions both have 1 toughness. 1 Sturdy Metal
Powered Pickaxe
Starting equipment. Has 30 uses before it must be recharged. 2 Sturdy Metal, 5 Conductive Material
Laser Drill
Has infinite charge. 15 Sturdy Metal, 7 Dense Metal, 10 High Energy Conductor
Power Hammer
Holds 30 charges. Also available from the quartermaster. 1 High Density Matter, 8 Conductive Material
Concussive Gauntlets
Worn on your hands and allows you to simply punch rocks with an empty hand. Infinite charges. Also increase your basic punching damage a bit. 15 Dense Metal, 15 High Energy Conductor, 2 Power Source
Low-Yield Mining Explosives
Plant on an asteroid to produce a small concussive blast. Will break nearby rocks and weaken rocks at the edge of its blast. Has a 5 second countdown. Starting equipment and can be made in the fabricator in sets of 5. 3 Metal, 3 Crystal, 7 Conductive Material
Mining Explosive
A stronger variant of the mining explosive, also in packs of 5. 7 Metal, 7 Crystal, 15 Conductive Material

In addition to these tools, you also design your own mining equipment using parts from the Mining Nanofabricator. These custom-made tools never run out of charge and most will hit multiple rocks at a time, but, depending on the material used in the tool head, will require a few hits to break rocks.

Item Notes Cost
Mining Tool A tool for mining asteroids. Type of tool depends on components used. Optional modifier slot. (10) Metal, (1) Mining Tool Head, (1) Optional Tool Mod
Tool head (Drill) A Drill head. Goes 3 tiles forward and can break down rock in a couple of hits, depending on the material used. (5) Material
Tool head (Hammer) A Hammer head. Goes 3 tiles wide and can break down rock in a couple of hits, depending on the material used. (5) Material
Tool head (Blaster) A Blaster head. Goes 2 tiles forward in a T-shape, but takes a lot of hits to break a rock. (5) Material
Tool head (Pick) A Pick head. Hits only one tile, but can break rock in just one or two hits, even with softer materials. (5) Material
Tool mod (Concussive) A mod for mining tools that increases Area of Effect. Concussive drills will hit a 3x4 tile area forward, concussive hammers will hit 5x4 area roughly centered on the wielder, and concussive blasters will hit in a 5x5 orb. (45) Radioactive Material, (1) Explosive Charge


Large mining machines can be used to harvest or process great deals of ore.

Item Image Description Cost
Mining Magnet
This large, immobile magnet pulls in asteroid you can mine. For further information, see Miner. N/A
Mining Magnet Replacement Parts
Required to repair the mineral magnet in case of catastrophic damage. Use it on the chassis. 5 High Density Matter, 30 Dense Metal, 30 High Energy Conductor
Arc Smelter
Ore can also be processed into alloys with various properties. For more information, refer to Ore Processing. N/A
Mining Pod
Provided they've been upgraded with the right gear, pods can be a great asset for the miners. Please see Space Pod for more information. N/A
Conclave A-1984 Sensor System
Like standard pod sensors, but with optical mason scanners and geological scanner for mining asteroids. 1 Power Source, 5 Crystal, 2 High Energy Conductor
Ore Scoop/Hold
Heavy-duty version of the ore scroop for pods, with a maximum capacity of 300 pieces of ore. Install and activate the system, fly over ore to collect it, drag & drop the pod onto an adjacent tile to empty out the hold when necessary. This component spawns near the mining pods. N/A
Plasma Cutter System
Shoots bolts of plasma that dig up asteroids. 10 Power Source, 10 Dense Metal
Mineral Accumulator
Allows you to send large quantities of ore to a cargo pad. To use, select a destination first, drag the accumulator to the desired location and then turn it on. Any loose ore within an eight-tile radius will be pulled to the device and teleported to the cargo pad. Must be turned off before it can be moved again. The accumulator cannot be picked up, only dragged around.

The miners get one accumulator for free at the start of the shift.
25 Sturdy Metal, 15 High Energy Conductor, 2 High Density Matter
Power Cell
See Engineering Objects. 4 Metal, 4 Conductive Material, 4 Any Material
Cerenkite Power Cell
A self-recharging power cell that any cyborg would be glad to have. Capacity is 15000. 4 Metal, 4 Any Material, 2 Cerenkite
Erebite Power Cell
Self-recharges more quickly than the cerenkite cell, but is also highly volatile. Capacity is 15000. 4 Metal, 4 Any Material, 2 Erebite

The Quantum Telescope


A marvelous computer, with a rather unassuming appearance, for finding especially mineral-rich asteroids. It's actually quite simple to use.

First, you do a preliminary Scan for celestial objects, using the appropriately labeled button on the lower left corner. After a while, you then select a Celestial body on the right side of the screen to look for, guess its location by clicking somewhere on the map, Scan it, and after a few seconds, you'll know how far off you are but not in what direction. With a few more attempts, you'll have a few points to triangulate from or at least be able to Marco Polo your way to the correct location.

Once you've homed in on the asteroid's right location, you can click the Track button, and it'll automatically add its coordinates for you into the mineral magnet controller. You can then pull it into the station's mineral magnet by going to the mineral magnet controller and picking the Activate telescope location option.

Interesting Finds

In addition to ore and gems, you may unearth a variety of interesting objects and critters.

Rock Worms

Harmless creatures that will move around, eating up rocks, ore, and gems. If you can manage to kill one, you might get a surprise.

Abandoned Crates


Abandoned crates contain a large variety of goodies not otherwise available on the station. There are two types of locking mechanisms and generally speaking, high-security crates (military supplies for instance) are more difficult to open. A failed attempt will usually reset the code and trigger the anti-theft system (if any), potentially injuring you. Be advised, however, that certain security measures will destroy the crate's contents instead.

  • Deca-Code Lock: Will prompt you to enter a number between 1 and 10, and you are allowed 3 guesses. To improve your odds of success, you can use a multitool on the crate and it will tell you whether the last code entered was too high or too low.
  • Password Lock: As the name implies, you'll have to find the password. Enter one letter at a time to attempt to reveal part of it. A multitool is essential here, as it allows you to see the exact length of the password and keep track of the known characters.

If you don't feel like opening the crate yourself, check to see if any departments back on the station will be willing to receive it.

Alien Artifacts

Large items of unknown origin and purpose. Can be sent to the research wing for artifact research or to the cargo bay for sale.


Easter eggs, combat drones, stockings, smuggler's caches... go around and explore!

Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs