Foods and Drinks

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Food is what you eat. Drinks are what you drink. Here is a comprehensive (but still incomplete) list of items and recipes for the chef to utilize and the crew to enjoy. Just remember that side-effects are by no means unknown or uncommon.


Icon Name Available from Info
Donut.png Donut Vendor, Kitchen Frosted donuts give double the HP recovery to security officers. <Insert Joke>
Chips.png Chips Vendor
Candy.png Candy Vendor
Fries.png Fries Vendor, Kitchen
FoodPopcorn.png Popcorn Kitchen
FoodNougatBar.png Nougat bar Kitchen
FoodGranolaBar.png Granola bar Kitchen
Yoghurt.png Yoghurt Kitchen Requires spoon.
FoodBurrito.png Descuento Danito's Burritos Vendor Available in many different flavours. Comes with an integral heating mechanism.
FoodDanNoddles.png Discount Dan's Quik-Noodles Vendor Literally poison. Also equipped with a heater.
FoodPopeCrunch.png Pope Crunch Crew quarters Extremely crunchy! Can be eaten directly from the box, or mixed with milk in a bowl.
Foodapple.png Apple Hydroponics
Foodbanana.png Banana Hydroponics Peel it first!
Foodorange.png Orange Hydroponics
Foodlemon.png Lemon Hydroponics
Foodlime.png Lime Hydroponics
FoodAvocado.png Avocado Hydroponics
Foodgrape.png Grapes Hydroponics
Foodmelonslice.png Melon slice Hydroponics Slice a watermelon with something sharp to get six of these.
FoodHoney.png Honey Hydroponics Produced by space bees. Taste may vary, depending on the plant that provided the nectar.
Foodcarrot.png Carrot Hydroponics
Foodslurry.png Slurryfruit Hydroponics Poisonous!
FoodEggplant.png Eggplant Hydroponics
Foodyuck.png ????? Incompetent chef The result of a bad recipe, probably shouldn't eat this...
Foodburnt.png Smoldering Mess Incompetent chef The result of overcooking or -frying something.


Icon Name Type Available from Info
BeerKeg.png SpaceBeerNew.png Space beer Alcohol Bar
File:BeerInABox.png HoboBeer.png Fancy beer Alcohol Bar Contains beer plus a number of random chemicals.
DrinkCider.png Cider Alcohol Bar
DrinkMead.png Mead Alcohol Bar
DrinkWine.png Wine Alcohol Bar
File:HoboWine.png Hobo wine Alcohol ??? Contains wine plus a number of random chemicals.
DrinkVodka.png Vodka Alcohol Bar
Tequila.png Tequila Alcohol Bar
DrinkRum.png Rum Alcohol Bar Spaced rum bottles also contain yobihodazine.
Bo Jack Daniel's.png Bo Jack Daniel's Alcohol Bar A real man's drink!
DrinkStink.png Stinkeye's Special Reserve Alcohol ??? A favourite of captains everywhere.
EggNogCarton.png Egg nog Other Bar
DrinkMilk.png Milk Other Kitchen
DrinkCola.png Space cola Soda Vendor, Kitchen
DrinkDecirprevo.png Decirprevo Bottled Water Soda Vendor
DrinkRobusteez.png Robust-Eez Soda Vendor Contains methamphetamine.
DrinkGrifeo.png Grife-O Soda Vendor
DrinkPubber.png Dr. Pubber Soda Vendor
DrinkGrones.png Grones Soda Soda Vendor Comes in random flavours.
DrinkSpooky.png Spooky Dan's Soda Vendor Two flavours on offer. Neither are industrial runoff, nope!
DrinkOrangeaid.png Orange-Aid Soda Vendor Contains oculine.
DrinkLimeaid.png Lime-Aid Other Vendor Contains antihol.
DrinkCoffee.png Robust Coffee Other Vendor
Happy Elf Hot Chocolate.png Happy Elf Hot Chocolate Other Vendor
Weight-Loss Shake.png Chicken Soup Other Vendor Can cure minor diseases.
Weight-Loss Shake.png Weight-Loss Shake Other Vendor Contains lipolicide.
FoodTea.png Tea Other Vendor


Dispenser.png FancyCocktails.png

The alcohol and soda dispensers offer a convenient way to prepare alcoholic and non-alcoholic refreshments. They have an essentially infinite supply of various drinks and operate like the machines in chemistry. That comes in handy, because many commercial products contain more than one reagent and it would otherwise be difficult to isolate specifically what you want for e. g. cake icing. And of course, they will also be useful if you decide to turn the kitchen/bar into a makeshift laboratory. A barman's job also isn't complete unless you know how to make people drunk off fancy recipes and how to present your creations properly. To that end, umbrellas, wedges and other doodads can be added to every drinking glass.

Produced item Recipe
FruitWedges.png Fruit wedges Foodorange.png / Foodlime.png / Foodlemon.png + Knife.png
GlassOfCola.png Cola Water + Sugar + Carbon + Oxygen
Lemonade.png Lemonade Lemon juice + Sugar
EggNog.png Egg nog Egg + Sugar + Milk
SweetTea.png Sweet tea Tea + Sugar
TeawithHoney.png Tea with honey Tea + Honey
HalfAndHalf.png Half and Half Tea + Lemonade
TripleJuice.png Triple juice Lemon j. + Lime j. + Orange juice
DrinkScrewdriver.png Screwdriver Vodka + Orange juice
VodkaGimlet.png Vodka Gimlet Vodka + Lime juice
BloodyMary.png Bloody Mary Vodka + Tomato juice
BloodyScary.png Bloody Scary Vodka + Changeling blood
Martini.png Vodka Martini Vodka + Vermouth
GinAndTonic.png Vodka Tonic Vodka + Tonic water
MindEraser.png Mind Eraser Vodka + Tonic water + Coffee
File:WhiteRussian.png White Russian Vodka + Coffee + Milk
Cosmopolitan.png Cosmopolitan Vodka + Cranberry juice + Lime juice
SexOnTheBeach.png Sex on the Beach Vodka + Cranberry juice + Orange juice
Suicider.png Suicider Vodka + Cider + Epinephrine + Welding fuel
Port.png Port Vodka + Wine + Sugar + Iron
Bilk.png Bilk Beer + Milk
Beepskybräu.png Beepskybräu Beer + Nanomachines
BOOrbon.png BOOrbon Bourbon + Ectoplasm
File:WhiskeySour.png Whiskey Sour Bourbon + Lemonade
Gimlet.png Manhattan Bourbon + Vermouth + Bitters
Hunchback.png Hunchback Bourbon + Cola + Tomato juice
IrishCoffee.png Irish Coffee Bourbon + Coffee + Sugar + Milk
OldFashioned.png Old Fashioned Bourbon + Bitters + Sugar + Water
JeanHarlow.png Jean Harlow Rum + Vermouth
PlantersPunch.png Planter's Punch Rum + Lemonade
MaiTai.png Mai Tai Rum + Lime juice + Orange juice
Space-CubaLibre.png Space-Cuba Libre Rum + Lime juice + Cola
Daiquiri.png Daiquiri Rum + Lime juice + Sugar
PinaColada.png Piña Colada Rum + Coconut milk + Pineapple juice
GinAndTonic.png Gin and Tonic Gin + Tonic water
GinFizz.png Gin Fizz Gin + Lemon juice + Water
PinkGinAndTonic.png Pink Gin and Tonic Gin and Tonic + Bitters
GinandChronic.png Gin and Chronic Gin and Tonic + Tetrahydrocannabinol
GinAndSonic.png Gin and Sonic Gin and Tonic + Methamphetamine
Tequini.png Tequini Tequila + Vermouth
BraveBull.png Brave Bull Tequila + Coffee
PrairieFire.png Prairie Fire Tequila + Capsaicin
Margarita.png Margarita Tequila + Lime juice + Orange juice
LongBeachIcedTea.png Long Beach Iced Tea Tequila + Sex on the Beach +
Rum + Gin + Lemon j.
LongIslandIcedTea.png Long Island Iced Tea Tequila + Screwdriver + Rum +
Gin + Lemon j. + Cola
Gimlet.png Gimlet Gin + Lime juice
Martini.png Martini Gin + Vermouth
EctoCooler.png Ecto Cooler Ectoplasm + Uranium + Orange juice
Squeeze.png Squeeze Bread (reagent) + Welding fuel



Since the introduction of said dispensers, the still has fallen a bit out of favour - but that should not discourage a creative barman, as the apparatus is a decent option to move large amount of booze and get people horribly drunk elsewhere. Opening a counter in the market for example usually attracts more customers than the bar itself, thanks to its central location. Just don't forget to bring plenty of spare glasses and bottles with you!

Produced item Recipe
SpaceBeerNew.png Space beer Foodwheat.png
DrinkCider.png Cider Foodapple.png
DrinkMead.png Mead FoodHoney.png
DrinkWine.png Wine Foodgrape.png
DrinkVodka.png Vodka Potato.png
DrinkEmptyBottle.png Bourbon FoodCornCob.png

Other Food-Related Items

Icon Name Info
FoodVendingMachine.png Kitchen vendor Offers a wide selection of basic ingredients and other catering supplies. Doesn't have any ID restrictions.
Hotdogcart.png Hotdog cart Used to easily take large amounts of food out of the kitchen and hand it to people. Can only be opened by people with kitchen access.
SaltPepperShakers.png Shakers Add salt or pepper for the perfect flavour.
Spoon.png Spoon Needed to eat certain dishes.
Fork.png Fork Needed to eat certain dishes.
Knife.png Knife Used for slaughtering animals and cutting certain items.
Rolling Pin.png Rolling pin Required to prepare pizza bases.
File:IcingTube.png Icing tube Used for, you guessed it, adding icing to a cake. Accepts 50 units of any liquid.
ProduceSatchelEmptyV2.png Produce satchel This spacious satchel makes the life of every chef or botanist much easier. Almost any type of food-related item (dishes, bottles, seeds etc.) can be stored in them, and they also interact nicely with tables (drag & drop), crates, the food processor, mail chutes and other objects.
Bananapeel.png Banana peel Slippery. Created from peeling a banana, obviously!
Fish.png Fish Can be used to slap people around.

Chef's Cookbook

Here's where the real fun starts. While most of the ingredients needed by the chef should either be available in your kitchen or can grown for you in hydroponics, some recipes may require items from elsewhere on the station. A fair number of recipes also have downsides, so be wary of food poisoning and other nasty occurrences.


Short list of items that will be your basic ingredients, many of which can also be ordered in a crate from quartermasters.

Icon Name Available from
IngFlour.png Flour Kitchen or process from wheat.
IngSugar.png Sugar Kitchen or process from sugarcane.
IngOatmeal.png Oatmeal Kitchen
File:FoodDonkPocketBox.png Donk pockets Kitchen. Contains 6x Fooddpocket.png (cold)
FoodBaconBox.png Bacon strips Kitchen. Contains 7x Rawbacon.png
IngMeat.png Human meat Kitchen
IngMeat.png Monkey meat Kitchen
IngMeat.png Synthetic meat Hydroponics
IngFMeat.png Fish Fillet Comes in different kinds.
IngMMeat.png Mystery meat Raking through gibs - dubious nutritional value!
ChickenNugget.png Chicken nugget Kitchen. May be used in place of mystery meat in most specific recipes.
BrainNew.png Brain Robotics
Synthbrain.png Synthbrain Hydroponics
Heart.png Heart Robotics
Cyberheart.png Cyberheart Robotics
Synthheart.png Synthheart Hydroponics
Butt.png Butt Hydroponics, Robotics
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Hydroponics
Watermelon.png Watermelon Hydroponics
Potato.png Potato Hydroponics
Mushroom.png Mushroom Hydroponics
Foodtomato.png Tomato Hydroponics
Foodchili.png Chili pepper Hydroponics
Foodspinach.png Lettuce leaf Hydroponics
FoodCornCob.png Corn cob Hydroponics
FoodGarlic.png Garlic Hydroponics
FoodOnion.png Onion Hydroponics
IngEgg.png Egg Kitchen
DrinkMilk.png Milk Kitchen or process from soybean pods.
IngCheese.png Cheese Kitchen
SpaghettiBoxV2.png Spaghetti Kitchen
Pb.png Peanut butter Kitchen or process from peanuts.
CondMapleSirup.png Maple syrup Kitchen
Rice.png Rice Quartermasters

Ingredient Processing

The food processor is important too! With it, you can turn items into different forms, which may be more useful, or usable in recipes.

Produced item Recipe Creation method Info
File:Ectoplasm.png Ectoplasm FireExtinguisher2.png + DrinkSpooky.png Dispenser.png + InHand.png Isolate ectoplasm (min: 10 units) from a Spooky Dan's Horrortastic bottle, pour it (min: 10 units) into a fire extinguisher and then use the HUD icon to spray all around you.
IngCheese.png Cheese FireExtinguisher2.png + DrinkMilk.png + PoolOfVomit.png InHand.png See above. Required minimum is 10 units.
IngMeat.png Monkey meat Monkey32.png MeatSpike.png
IngMeat.png Human meat JobTourist.png Gibber.png
IngFlour.png Flour Foodwheat.png FoodProcessor.png
IronFillings.png Iron fillings SteelWheat.png FoodProcessor.png Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more.
FoodChocolateChips.png Chocolate chips Candy.png FoodProcessor.png Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more.
IngSugar.png Sugar Sugarcane.png FoodProcessor.png
DrinkMilk.png Milk FoodSoybeanPod.png FoodProcessor.png
Pb.png Peanut butter FoodPeanuts.png FoodProcessor.png
Yoghurt.png Yoghurt DrinkMilk.png (rancid) FoodProcessor.png Must use a bottle of rancid milk specifically. Requires spoon.
IngDough.png Dough IngFlour.png KitchenSink.png
IngSDoughNew.png Sweet dough IngDough.png + IngSugar.png InHand.png
IngCDough.png 4x Cookie doughs IngSDoughNew.png + Knife.png InHand.png Probably shouldn't be eaten raw!
Ice cream cone.png Ice cream cone IngSDoughNew.png + IngSugar.png OvenNew.png 1 second, low
Cake batter.png Cake batter IngSDoughNew.png + 2x IngEgg.png MixerNew.png
File:PancakeBatter.png Pancake batter IngSDoughNew.png + 2x IngEgg.png + DrinkMilk.png MixerNew.png
Loaf of Bread.png Loaf of bread IngDough.png OvenNew.png 1 second, low
Slice of bread.png Slice of bread Loaf of Bread.png + Knife.png InHand.png
Bananabread.png Loaf of banana bread IngDough.png + IngSugar.png + Foodbanana.png OvenNew.png Peel the banana first! 1 second, low
Bananaslice.png Slice of banana bread Bananabread.png + Knife.png InHand.png
ElvisBread.png Loaf of Elvis bread IngDough.png + Pb.png + Foodbanana.png OvenNew.png Peel the banana first! 6 seconds, low
ElvisBreadSlice.png Slice of Elvis bread ElvisBread.png + Knife.png InHand.png Who is Elvis?
File:DreadLoaf.png Loaf of dread IngDough.png + File:Ectoplasm.png OvenNew.png Spooky! 6 seconds, low
File:DreadSlice.png Slice of dread File:DreadLoaf.png + Knife.png InHand.png
PumpkinBreadLoaf.png Loaf of pumpkin bread IngDough.png + Pumpkin.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
PumpkinBreadSlice.png Slice of pumpkin bread PumpkinBreadLoaf.png + Knife.png InHand.png
CornbreadLoaf.png Loaf of northern-style cornbread IngDough.png + IngSugar.png + FoodCornCob.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
CornbreadSlice.png Slice of N-style cornbread CornbreadLoaf.png + Knife.png InHand.png
CornbreadLoaf.png Loaf of southern-style cornbread IngDough.png + FoodCornCob.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
CornbreadSlice.png Slice of S-style cornbread CornbreadLoaf.png + Knife.png InHand.png
Meatball.png Meatball IngMeat.png FoodProcessor.png Works with any kind of meat.
Meatball.png Brain meatball BrainNew.png FoodProcessor.png Doesn't work with synthbrains.
Meatball.png Butt meatball Butt.png FoodProcessor.png
Meatpaste.png Meat paste IngMeat.png / IngFMeat.png MixerNew.png Works with any kind of meat or fish.
WontonWrapper.png 4x Wonton wrappers IngFlour.png + IngEgg.png MixerNew.png
CondKtch.png Tomato sauce Foodtomato.png FoodProcessor.png Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more.
CondHot.png / ColdSauce.png / IncrediblyHotSauce.png Hot sauce Foodchili.png / ChillyPepper.png / File:GhostlierChili.png FoodProcessor.png Condiment - can be applied to any food, is as spicy as the chili it came from.
CondMayo.png Mayonnaise IngEgg.png FoodProcessor.png Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more.
Cream.png Cream DrinkMilk.png FoodProcessor.png Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more.
Custard.png Custard DrinkMilk.png + IngEgg.png MixerNew.png Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more.
Unfinished Pizza base.png Unfinished pizza base IngDough.png + Rolling Pin.png InHand.png
Half-finished pizza base.png Half-finished pizza base Unfinished Pizza base.png + CondKtch.png InHand.png
Pizza base.png Pizza base Half-finished pizza base.png + IngCheese.png InHand.png
Tortilla.png 3x Tortillas Unfinished Pizza base.png + Knife.png InHand.png
Foodmelonslice.png 6x Melon slices Watermelon.png + Knife.png InHand.png
IngFMeat.png Fish fillet Fish.png + Knife.png InHand.png Different kinds of fish exist.
Potatochips.png Chips Potato.png + Knife.png InHand.png Once to peel, twice to chop into chips.
FoodOnionRing.png 4x Onion rings FoodOnion.png + Knife.png InHand.png

Main course

This is a list of probably not remotely all of chef's dishes. Enjoy - Bork Bork Bork.

Some dishes can accept "any item" or "any food item". "Any item" does mean any item, so you can for example bake something that obviously isn't edible into a pie. Be warned that trying to put a non-food item into a dish that only accepts "a food item" will destroy the non-food item as well as ruining the recipe. Frying anything makes it a food item.

Produced item Creation method Time & temperature Info
Toast.png / BananaToast.png / ElvisToast.png / File:TerrorToast.png Toast Slice of bread.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low Most of the these recipes work with every kind of bread.
Cheese on Toast.png / CheeseElvisToast.png Cheese on toast Slice of bread.png + IngCheese.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
BaconToast.png / BaconElvisToast.png Bacon on toast Slice of bread.png + Rawbacon.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
CheeseElviswich.png / File:KilledCheeseSandwich.png Cheese sandwich Slice of bread.png + IngCheese.png + Slice of bread.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
MeatElviswich.png / File:Murderwich.png Meat sandwich Slice of bread.png + IngMeat.png + Slice of bread.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
PeanutButterElviswich.png / File:PeanutButterBreadula.png Peanut butter sandwich Slice of bread.png + Pb.png + Slice of bread.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
XSandwich.png / BananaXSandwich.png / CrazyBananaXSandwich.png X sandwich Slice of bread.png + X + Slice of bread.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Try various fillings (up to six food items) to create the ultimate sandwich! You can even mix two different types of bread for the slices.
Hotdog1.png Hotdog Meatball.png + Meatball.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
HerbalSausage.png Herbal sausage Hotdog1.png + ContusineLeaf.png InHand.png N/A You may use any other herb, including cannabis or catnip.
Hotdog0.png / Bananadog.png / Hounddog.png / File:BeefFrank.png Hotdog in a bun Hotdog1.png / HerbalSausage.png + Slice of bread.png InHand.png N/A Appearance and taste depend on the type of sausage and bread.
Corndog.png / BananaCorndog.png / HounddogOnAStick.png / File:DamnedCorndog.png Corndog Hotdog0.png + Rods.png InHand.png N/A
AppleOnAStick.png Apple on a stick Foodapple.png + Rods.png InHand.png N/A
Fooddpocket.png Warm donk pocket IngDough.png + Meatball.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high
Fooddpocket.png Warm donk pocket Fooddpocket.png (cold) OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high
Cookedbacon.png Bacon Rawbacon.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high
Burger.png Burger IngDough.png + IngMeat.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high
Burger.png Cheeseburger IngDough.png + IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png OvenNew.png 7 Seconds, high
Burger.png Monkey cheeseburger IngDough.png + IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png OvenNew.png 7 Seconds, high Must use monkey meat specifically.
The Coronator.png Coronator IngDough.png + IngMeat.png + IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png OvenNew.png 9 Seconds, high
File:THE MONSTER.png THE MONSTER The Coronator.png + The Coronator.png + The Coronator.png + The Coronator.png OvenNew.png 9 Seconds, low Crazy-huge burger that will probably make you sick. And by sick, we mean dead. Slowly.
Foodbrainburger.png Brainburger IngDough.png + BrainNew.png / Synthbrain.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high
Foodassburger.png Assburger IngDough.png + Butt.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Now that's awkward!
Foodroburger.png Roburger IngDough.png + RobotHead.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Also works with a light cyborg head.
Foodbrainburger.png Dubious burger IngDough.png + IngMMeat.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high
Foodfishburger.png Fishburger IngDough.png + IngFMeat.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high Type of fish used doesn't matter.
Sloppy Joe.png Sloppy Joe IngDough.png + Meatpaste.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high
Foodbaconburger.png Baconatrix IngDough.png + Rawbacon.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high
Heartburger.png Heartburger IngDough.png + Heart.png / Synthheart.png / Cyberheart.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Works with human, monkey or synthetic hearts. Cyberhearts are also compatible.
Steak.png Steak IngMeat.png OvenNew.png 9 seconds, low You may use synth-, monkey- or human meat.
File:Omelette.png Omelette IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png + 2x IngEgg.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high Requires fork.
File:Deep-SpaceHellOmelette.png Deep-space hell omelette IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png + 2x SpaceBeeEgg.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high The space bees are not going to like this! Requires fork.
Fish fingers.png Fish fingers IngFMeat.png OvenNew.png 9 seconds, low The type of fish used is irrelevant.
Baked potato.png Baked potato Potato.png OvenNew.png 9 seconds, high
FoodMashedPotatoes.png Mashed potatoes 3x Potato.png MixerNew.png N/A Requires fork.
Fries.png Fries Potatochips.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, low
Bacon and eggs.png Bacon and eggs 2x Rawbacon.png + 2x IngEgg.png OvenNew.png 8 seconds, high Requires fork.
SpagP.png Plain spaghetti SpaghettiBoxV2.png OvenNew.png 8 seconds, high Requires fork.
SpagT.png Spaghetti in sauce SpaghettiBoxV2.png + CondKtch.png OvenNew.png 8 seconds, high Requires fork.
SpagS.png Spaghetti arrabiata SpaghettiBoxV2.png + CondHot.png OvenNew.png 8 seconds, high Spicy! Requires fork.
SpagM.png Spaghetti with meatballs SpaghettiBoxV2.png + Meatball.png OvenNew.png 8 seconds, high Requires fork.
FoodSwedishMeatballs.png Swedish meatballs IngFlour.png + IngEgg.png + 2x Meatball.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Bork Bork Bork! Requires fork.
Plain pizza.png X pizza Pizza base.png + X InHand.png N/A The toppings may consist of any food item. Doesn't need to be baked.
FoodXPizzaSlices.png 6x X pizza slices Plain pizza.png + Knife.png InHand.png N/A
Foodcookies.gif Sugar cookie IngCDough.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
OatmealCookie.png Oatmeal cookie IngCDough.png + IngOatmeal.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
ChocolateCookie.png Chocolate-chip cookie IngCDough.png + FoodChocolateChips.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
IronCookie.png Iron cookie IngCDough.png + IronFillings.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
BaconCookie.png Bacon cookie IngCDough.png + Rawbacon.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
File:Spookie.png Spookie IngCDough.png + File:Ectoplasm.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
SugarMoonPie.png Sugar moon pie 2x Foodcookies.gif + IngSugar.png + IngOatmeal.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
OatmealMoonPie.png Oatmeal moon pie 2x OatmealCookie.png + IngSugar.png + IngOatmeal.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
Chocolate-chipMoonPie.png Chocolate moon pie 2x ChocolateCookie.png + IngSugar.png + IngOatmeal.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
IronMoonPie.png Iron moon pie 2x IronCookie.png + IngSugar.png + IngOatmeal.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
BaconMoonPie.png Bacon moon pie 2x BaconCookie.png + IngSugar.png + IngOatmeal.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
File:FullMoonPie.png Full moon pie 2x File:Spookie.png + IngSugar.png + IngOatmeal.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high
WhoopiePie.png Whoopie pie 2x ChocolateCookie.png + Candy.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires chocolate-chip cookies specifically.
FoodNougatBar.png Nougat bar FoodHoney.png + IngSugar.png OvenNew.png 5 seconds, low
FoodGranolaBar.png Granola bar FoodHoney.png + IngOatmeal.png OvenNew.png 5 seconds, low
FoodHoneyWonks.png Honey Wonks FoodHoney.png + FoodPopeCrunch.png OvenNew.png 5 seconds, low Can be eaten directly from the box, or mixed with milk in a bowl.
Foodwaffles.png Waffles IngSDoughNew.png + IngDough.png OvenNew.png 10 seconds, low
Creamy Pie.png Cream pie IngSDoughNew.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
XCreamPie.png X cream pie IngSDoughNew.png + Cream.png + X OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Accepts any food item. Requires spoon.
Pie.png Custard pie IngSDoughNew.png + Custard.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
Apple Pie.png Apple pie IngSDoughNew.png + Foodapple.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
Pumpkin pie.png Pumpkin pie IngSDoughNew.png + Pumpkin.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
Lemon pie.png Lemon meringue pie IngSDoughNew.png + Foodlemon.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
Lime pie.png Key lime pie IngSDoughNew.png + Foodlime.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
FoodSlurryPie.png Slurry pie IngSDoughNew.png + Foodslurry.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
FoodBaconPie.png Bacon pie IngSDoughNew.png + Rawbacon.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Requires spoon.
Asspie.png Asspie IngSDoughNew.png + Butt.png OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high Yikes! Requires spoon.
XPie.png X pie IngSDoughNew.png + IngEgg.png + X OvenNew.png 2 seconds, high You may add one or two items (food or otherwise). Requires spoon.
Creamy sponge cake.png Creamy sponge cake Cake batter.png + Cream.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high
Chocolate Sponge Cake.png Chocolate sponge cake Cake batter.png + Candy.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high
Meat Cake.png Meat cake Cake batter.png + IngMeat.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high
BaconCake.png Bacon cake Cake batter.png + 3x Rawbacon.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high
DroopyCake.png Droopy cake Cake batter.png + BrainNew.png / Synthbrain.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high
FoodDryPancakes.png / FoodPancakes.png Pancakes File:PancakeBatter.png (p. batter) + CondMapleSirup.png OvenNew.png + InHand.png 6 seconds, high Don't forget to add the maple syrup after cooking the pancakes!
XCake.png X cake Cake batter.png + X + File:IcingTube.png MixerNew.png + OvenNew.png + InHand.png 6 seconds, high Mix the cake batter and food item of your choice, then cook the unfinished batter in the oven. Add icing to finish the product.
XCakeSlices.png 10x X cake slices XCake.png + Knife.png InHand.png N/A
MeatRangoon.png X rangoon WontonWrapper.png + X DeepFryer.png N/A Combine the wrapper with a food item of your choice, then put the rangoon into the deep fryer.
FoodFriedOnionRing.png Fried onion ring FoodOnionRing.png DeepFryer.png N/A
FoodPopcorn.png Popcorn FoodCornCob.png +Welder.gif InHand.png N/A Heat the cob with a welding tool or other heat source until it pops.
FoodPopcorn.png Popcorn FoodCornCob.png FoodProcessor.png N/A
XIceCream.png X-flavoured ice cream Ice cream cone.png IceCreamMachineNew.png N/A The machine offers three basic flavours. Alternatively, you can use a container (beaker, drinking glass, bottle etc.) with reagents of your choice.
Mashed brains.png Mashed brains BrainNew.png / Synthbrain.png MixerNew.png N/A Good brain food! Requires fork.
Meatloaf.png Meatloaf Meatpaste.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Requires fork.
Taco.png Taco shell Tortilla.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, low
MeatTaco.png Meat taco Taco.png + IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png + CondHot.png InHand.png N/A Most types of meat can be used, including bacon.
FoodTortillaChip.png 4x Tortilla chips Taco.png InHand.png N/A Crush an empty cooked taco shell to get four of these.
FoodGuacamole.png Guacamole FoodAvocado.png FoodProcessor.png N/A Can be eaten alone (requires spoon) or used as a dip for tortilla chips.
Mapleoatmeal.png Oatmeal (random flavour) IngOatmeal.png OvenNew.png 7 seconds, high Requires spoon.
FoodSalad.png Salad 2x Foodspinach.png OvenNew.png 5 seconds, low Requires fork.
TomatoSoup.png Tomato soup 2x Foodtomato.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Requires spoon.
Gruel.png Gruel 3x Foodyuck.png MixerNew.png N/A Requires spoon.
ChiliConQueso.png Chili con queso Foodchili.png + IngCheese.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Can be eaten alone (requires spoon) or used as a dip for tortilla chips.
FoodChiliBowl.png Chili con carne IngMeat.png + Foodchili.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Can be eaten alone (requires spoon) or used as a dip for tortilla chips.
FoodChiliBowl.png Chili con flagration IngMeat.png + Foodchili.png + 2x CondHot.png OvenNew.png 6 seconds, high Can be eaten alone (requires spoon) or used as a dip for tortilla chips.
File:FoodElDiablo.png El Diablo FoodChiliBowl.png + FoodChiliBowl.png + Foodchili.png + CondHot.png OvenNew.png 10 seconds, high Warning: not for the faint of heart! Combine the con carne and flagration along with the rest of the listed ingredients. Can be eaten alone (requires spoon) or used as a dip for tortilla chips.
CreamOfMushroom.png Cream of mushroom Mushroom.png + DrinkMilk.png MixerNew.png N/A Requires spoon.

Deep Fryer

DeepFryer.png FriedConor.png

Every food can be deep-fried, and the same applies to many other objects. In fact, pretty much anything you can think of besides containers and bulky items - experiment!



Though rarely (if ever) used for anything, the microwave still has its place in the bar. Most people are aware of warm donk pockets, but there are also several other legacy recipes which might be of use to a barman or hungry assistants - a second unit can be found in crew quarters, and more may be deployed with the help of a mechanic.

Produced item Recipe Info
Donut.png Donut IngFlour.png + IngEgg.png
Foodwaffles.png Waffles 2x IngFlour.png + 2x IngEgg.png
Pie.png Custard pie 2x IngFlour.png + Foodbanana.png Peel the banana first! Requires spoon.
Burger.png Burger IngFlour.png + IngMeat.png Possible types of meat: synth, monkey, human.
Foodbrainburger.png Brainburger IngFlour.png + BrainNew.png Only a monkey or human brain will work, not synthbrains!
Foodroburger.png Roburger IngFlour.png + RobotHead.png Recipe is limited to the standard cyborg head.
Heartburger.png Heartburger IngFlour.png + Heart.png Works with human and monkey hearts. Synthetic or cyberhearts are not compatible.
Meatball.png Meatball IngMeat.png + IngMeat.png Valid combination: 1x monkey + 1x human.
Fooddpocket.png Warm donk pocket IngFlour.png + Meatball.png
Fooddpocket.png Warm donk pocket Fooddpocket.png (cold) A box of them can be found in the kitchen refrigerator. Once heated, they will stay warm for about seven minutes.

In case of an invalid or unrecognized recipe, the microwave is less forgiving than its successor. However, it's not the end of the world and both failure states can be addressed rather easily.

The microwave gets covered in muck! - Get some space cleaner. Ask the janitor or simply steal one of his spray bottles.

The microwave breaks! - Use a screwdriver on the unit, then a wrench.

Prison Loaf Processor


Certain customers may not even be able to visit the bar and enjoy your culinary delicacies. Fortunately, there is still a convenient way to deliver food to the inmates: the Lay-Z Chef Prison Food Chute. Many items (food or otherwise) are suitable components for the processor, which sends the fresh loaf directly to the brig. While you have limited control over the taste or appearance of said loaf, there is actually more to it than meets the eye. It might be worthwhile to experiment with the amount and composition of the ingredients!

If a loaf is simply too much to eat, using a welder on the processor toggles it into nugget mode! Freshly made nuggets of food will be extruded and portioned out to the prisoners, perfect for some fast grub.

Icon Level Name Comments Notes
Prisionloaf base.png 1 Prison loaf A rather slapdash loaf designed to feed prisoners. Technically nutritionally complete and edible in the same sense that potted meat product is edible.
Prisionloaf base.png 2 Dense prison loaf The chef must be really packing a lot of junk into these things today.
Prisionloaf base.png 3 Extra-dense prison loaf Good lord, this thing feels almost like a brick. A brick made of kitchen scraps and god knows what else.
Prisonloaf supercompressed.gif 4 Super-compressed prison loaf Hard enough to scratch a diamond, yet still somehow edible, this loaf seems to be emitting decay heat. Dear god.
Prisionloaf fissile.gif 5 Fissile loaf There's so much junk packed into this loaf, the flavor atoms are starting to go fissile. This might make a decent engine fuel, but it definitely wouldn't be good for you to eat. Throw it and watch what happens.
JPfru.gif 6 Fusion loaf Forget fission, the flavor atoms in this loaf are so densely packed now that they are undergoing atomic fusion. What terrifying new flavor atoms might lurk within?
File:Prisonloaf neutron.gif 7 Neutron loaf Oh good, the flavor atoms in this prison loaf have collapsed down to a solid lump of neutrons.
Prisonloaf quark.gif 8 Quark loaf This nutritional loaf is collapsing into subatomic flavor particles. It is unfathmomably heavy. You can bash through reinforced walls with this.
Prisonloaf degenerate.gif 9 Degenerate loaf You should probably call a physicist.
Prisonloaf strangelet.gif 10 Strangelet loaf You should probably call a priest.

Animal Slaughter


Knives can be used on dead critters to slaughter their bodies. This will in most cases instantly produce several pieces of meat bearing the creature's name, which you can use for cooking. Monkeys are an exception, they still have to be put on spikes.

Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs