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This page is apart to a revision that splits the food and drinks page into their own separate pages for easier browsing. If you find yourself here, please go to the correct page, food and drinks

Snacks! More like, food found around the station that didn't have a chef cook it. Some of these items can be cooked by chefs however, but this list will only list food items that can be found without actually cooking it (for example a vending machine or botany).


Icon Name Available from Info CollapseEffects
DonutV2.png FrostedDonutV2.png
Donut Vendor, kitchen, Hacked SecTechs All donuts give double the HP recovery to Security personnel, namely the Head of Security, the Nanotrasen Security Operative, the Detective, Security Officers, and Security Assistants. Security even starts with a couple of full boxes around, that can be picked up for on-the-go donut carrying by click-dragging the box to your sprite. <Insert Joke> Energized
Robust donut Sec weapons vendor In addition to doubled healing for Sec personnel like regular donuts, contains 12 units of sugar, 12u of epinephrine, and 12u of synaptizine. You can also take more bites out of it. Energized
Robusted donut Sec weapons vendor In addition to doubled healing for Sec personnel like regular donuts, contains 12u of epinephrine, 12u of salbutamol and 16u of saline-glucose. You can also take more bites out of it. Energized
Chips Vendor The bag adds to the crunch! With 60% more air! Sturdy
Chocolate Bar Vendor, kitchen Nondescript chocolate from an equally nondescript company. Comes with no razor inside usually... Don't take candy from strange barbers. None
Fries Vendor, kitchen French fries from a vending machine! Delicious! None
Popsicle-wrapper.png Popsicle-unwrapped.gif
Popsicle Vendor, kitchen Comes in 7 amazing flavors! Eating one yields a popsicle stick, naturally. Cold
Popcorn Kitchen Unsalted with no butter. Night Vision
Onion chips Kitchen Chips made from onions. Don't judge. Bad Breath
Nougat bar Kitchen, snack machine Chock full of nougat. You can make your own or buy 'em from snack machines. None
Granola bar Kitchen A honey and oat based snack. Refreshed+
Cookie tin Kitchen Contains 7x butter cookies. Sadly, the tin itself is inedible. N/A
Popsicle Box Refrigerator Contains 7x popsicles! N/A
Hetz' Cup Kitchen Must be unwrapped before being eaten. None
CandyAppleV3.png DeliciousCandyAppleV3.png
Candy apple Kitchen A delectable and possibly spooky treat. Energized
Candy cane Kitchen Festive! Energized
Yoghurt Kitchen Requires spoon. A frozen variant can be spawned by a certain jolly man. None
Pickle Kitchen A reminder of all the pickle jars that the crew smashed. Don't trust pickles you find in the trash. None.
Swedish Fisk Kitchen Contains swedium. Bork Bork Bork! None
Gateau new.png
Extravagant Chocolate Gateau Kitchen A very fancy cake that the chef couldn't have cooked. Energized and Cold
Chinese takeout carton Quartermaster A carton full of delicious Space Chinese food. The character depicted is half the expression for "China". 没有
Candy heart Quartermaster Flavored chalk with inscriptions such as "Robust Me" and "Love Transfer Valve". 10 in every box! None
PeachRingBagV3.png PeachRingV3.png
Peach ring Quartermaster, GTM Contains a tiny bit of peach juice. None
GummyWormBag.png GummyWorm.gif
Gummy Worm Quartermaster Each bag contains 6 worms, and each worm has 5 units of sugar and 10 units of one of the following random chems (flavors, if you will): apple juice, banana juice, blue raspberry juice, blueberry juice, cherry juice, lemonade, orange juice, peach juice, strawberry juice, triple citrus, and watermelon juice. None
Delectable Dan's Scrumptious Strudel GTMs Combines a traditional Austrian snack with modern industrial waste. Contains 15 units of strawberry juice, 6 units of vanilla, and 3 units each of three randomly-chosen chems, chosen from: apple juice, banana juice, beff, cherry juice, chocolate, compost, egg, egg nog, guacamole, lemon juice, lime juice, luminol, mint, nicotine, sewage, space cleaner, sugar, tea, and uranium. Energized
Cinnamon donut GTMs Loaded with 12 units of cinnamon. Energized
Little Danny's Snack Cake Hacked FoodTech Comes in many colors and with bad grease, VHFCS, "flavoring", and occasionally just poison. Sweaty
Little Danny's Legally-Distinct Creme-Filled Snack Loaf Most Listening Posts A regular snack cake that's most definitely not trying to be a Twinkie. Sweaty
Descuento Danito's Burritos Snacks Vendor Available in many different flavors. Comes with an integral heating mechanism. May contain a golden ticket. Sweaty
Discount Dan's Quik-Noodles Snacks Vendor Literally poison. Also equipped with a heater. N/A
Hungry Dan's TV Dinners Snacks Vendor Yum. Also equipped with a heater. Max Health Increased+
Lollipop Medbay A healthy snack containing a small amount of medicine, such as charcoal or saline. None
'Hole Zone Layer' Caramel Creme Goodybags 'Hole Zone Layer' caramel cremes are surprisingly delicious! (And very sugary.) Energized
Candy corn Goodybags Disappointing. Gives you loads of sugar and bad oil to rub it in. Sweaty
Butterscotch Goodybags Buttery and not very scotch-y. Energized
Saltwater Taffy Goodybags Must be unwrapped before being eaten. Comes in 3 delectable flavors/colors: cherry/red (10 units of psilocybin, 10u cherry juice), watermelon/pink (10u of love, 10u of watermelon juice), and blue raspberry/blue (10u of LSD, 10u of blue raspberry juice). Each piece also has 10 units of sugar...and may also contain razor blades. None
-1 Bar Food synthesizers, Goodybags Possibly healthy. Sweaty
EveryFlavourBeansV2.png JellyBeanV2-32x32.png
Farty Snott's Every Flavour Beans Wizard's Den, Trench, Goodybags Contains random reagents that cannot be extracted. More at Wizard. None
Yellow cake RD Office Contains uranium. Safe and delicious! None
Roach Puffs Oshan Kitchen maint Can also be directly eaten or mixed with milk in a bowl. But there's no chocolate in it... None
Shredded Syndies GTM, Ocean Listening Post Eat directly from the box or in a bowl. Fortified with atropine & space drugs. None
Telecrystal Mining Surprisingly edible! Has a variety of effects. None?
Viscerite Mining Also surprisingly edible! Contains a good chunk of synthflesh, but watch out for the other stuff in there... None?
Flockburger Debris Field/Oshan station level merchant Turns out that a glass sandwich is made of silicon, radium, and limeade. Max Health Increased+ and Warm
Weird cheese Mining Outpost, chemistry Too rotten to be used in food and chockful of weird decay products. Sweaty and Bad Breath
Funny-looking can Admins, Centcom kitchen Is surströmming. For Swedes, makes a delightful dish. For non-Swedes, induces a wide range of gross-out effects, most of which involve stuns and vomiting, with a very rare chance to puke out a heart or become extra stinky. Bad Breath
Apple Hydroponics The Medical department's most hated fruit. Cold and Refreshed
Banana Hydroponics Peel it first! Cold and Refreshed
Orange Hydroponics A bitter citrus based fruit. Cold and Refreshed
Lemon Hydroponics A sour citrus based fruit. Perfect for decorating drinks. Cold and Refreshed
Lime Hydroponics An extra sour citrus based fruit. Perfect for decorating drinks. Cold and Refreshed
Strawberry Hydroponics Neither straw nor berry. Cold and Refreshed
Avocado Hydroponics Still good since 8000 B.C.E. Cold and Refreshed
Grapes Hydroponics Comes in two colors: Green and not green. Cold and Refreshed
Raspberry Hydroponics Tart and summery. Cold and Refreshed
Blackberry Hydroponics Tart, summery, and would stain your teeth if you could see them. Cold and Refreshed
Blue Raspberry Hydroponics Tart, summery, and very unnaturally blue. Cold and Refreshed
Melon slice Hydroponics Slice a watermelon with something sharp to get six of these. Cold and Refreshed
Honey Hydroponics Produced by space bees. Taste may vary, depending on the plant that provided the nectar. None
Carrot Hydroponics Good for your eyes. Night Vision and Refreshed
Slurryfruit Hydroponics Poisonous! None
Eggplant Hydroponics Has a chance to be censored. None
Coconut meat Hydroponics Break open a coconut for a few of these and a handy cup. Cold and Refreshed
Pineapple slice Hydroponics No salt needed. Cut a pineapple to get one of these. Must be kept away from pizza at all costs. Cold and Refreshed
Bamboo shoot Hydroponics Slice a bamboo stalk to get one of these. Cold and Cleanse
????? Incompetent chef Contains ???? (reagent). The result of a bad recipe, probably shouldn't eat this... None
Smoldering Mess Incompetent chef Also contains ????. The result of overcooking something. None
Physical Manifestation of the Very Concept of Fried Foods Incompetent(?) chef Contains ???? as well. Result of leaving something in the fryer for too long. Warm
Orange Goop Leaker plant Contains 20 units of ???? (aka "yuck") and 10 units of oil. Sweaty, Bad Breath
Recipes Cocktail shaker.png Drink Recipes · MeatcleaverV2.png Food Recipes
Pre-made items ChipsV2.png Snacks · RandomColas.png Drinks