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Syndicate people get access to these cool items during Spy, Traitor, and Nuke!
Syndicate people get access to these cool items during Spy, Traitor, and Nuke!

Revision as of 15:19, 20 October 2012

Syndicate people get access to these cool items during Spy, Traitor, and Nuke!

Syndicate Uplink


Ever wonder how the traitors and syndicate get all those fancy items magically delivered to them? Well its through this and telecrystals. It might be disguised as a PDA or a radio if the mode is nuclear emergency. If it's a PDA, you will need to enter the code given into the ringtone selection in the messenger menu. From there, you can click on it and pick whatever item you want/need/don't fucking care for. However you only receive a grand total of 10 telecrystals to use. In nuclear emergency you will receive 28, but these are to be shared between all operatives. The radio uplink can also be set to self-destruct.

  • If you exit the uplink menu (On a PDA) without locking it, the uplink menu can be accessed at any time through the notes program.
  • If you forget your access code, use the 'Notes' command to bring it up.

Item Image Telecrystal Cost Usage Description Job Specific Notes
Trick Cigarettes
1 Eight cigarettes that explode. The traitor can throw them at things once lit to use them as mini grenades, creating a small hull breach. Does 55 burn and 45 brute if smoked, but being on a space tile will quickly finish them off. All Looks like a normal cigarette packet but is labelled "Syndicool Lights."
Fake Mustache
1 A mustache that hides your identity. No one will ever know who you are, NO ONE. All Only really used by traitors with one telecrystal left to use or people who find an unlocked syndicate pda.
Detomatrix Cartridge
1 Load it in your PDA. Blow other PDAs. A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, it will allow you to use the missile program to attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a moderately lethal explosion. Your target PDA will need the messenger function turned on in order to attempt this, and you need to scan for other PDAs, then import the list. In addition, there is a chance the cartridge will not work or will feedback and blow up your own PDA. Despite this it is a decent way of sowing panic aboard the station, or softening up a target for an assassination attempt. Comes with 4 charges. It also has a bomb program that when ran causes the PDA to self destruct. Don't use the bomb on your own PDA as the countdown is very short. All Functionality is also built into the military PDA that starts on the Syndicate Shuttle.
Chameleon Suit
2 Can disguise itself to any other jumpsuit. This is a Fashion model's dream. You can change your jumpsuit to any other by right clicking on it and hitting 'change.' All An EMP blast will make this temporarily turn into a psychedelic suit, which is good for parties, but completely awful for stealth.
Syndicate Donk Pocket
1 Heals syndicates to full. It heals syndicates to full but has unknown and mysterious properties on those who do not work under the syndicate. Administers 15 units each of Tricordrazine, Leporazine, Synaptizine, Kelotane, Dexalin Plus, Hyperzine, and Bicardine. Must be heated in a microwave for best effect, and stays heated for about 7 minutes. Chef During nuclear rounds, they are on the Syndicate shuttle.
Stealth Container
2 Hides shit. Starts out appearing like an internals box. Use an item on it and it will shapeshift into the appearance of that item. Upon close examination, however, it will give away its identity. All
Strange Seed
1 Grows into a Man Eater Plant. This seed will grow into a sentient mobile man eater. But it has special dietary requirements. Besides water it must be fed meat, first dead pieces of meat; you will most likely want to make a synthmeat plant and use that. Then it will get fucking greedy and want living creatures. After eating enough it will pop out of it's pot and run around eating anyone who didn't take care of it (hopefully you did take care of it.) Welders, flamethrowers, and weedkiller are all very strong against these critters. Botanist The Strange Seeds can also be found elsewhere in space.
Ammo .357
4 3 boxes of ammo. A revolver is that loud gun you carry around with you and when you get the ammo for it it will allow you to shoot a whopping seven more shots per box. It can be used by holding an empty revolver in one hand and holding the ammo in the other, clicking the revolver with the ammo hand will refill the revolver. All Fits into pocket slots.
Ammo .357 AP
4 3 boxes of ammo. Ammunition that is slightly more effective against armored targets (Security, the Captain), but less so against unarmored targets. All
Freedom Implant
3 Frees you from handcuffs a couple of times. And has other uses. Injecting yourself with this will get you out of handcuffs a limited number of times, usually one or two times; on occasion three. This can be quite useful for the traitor, but it's nigh useless for the syndicate during nuke because most people just kill them on first sight. All You must use a certain emote assigned to you in order to escape handcuffs.
Syndicate Card
1 Makes you untraceable by the AI. This is a special ID card that makes you untraceable by the AI. Until set, it appears simply as "Agent Card." Using it will give you a prompt to set the name and job assignment on it, but this can only be done once. It starts with maintenance access only but can be upgraded at an ID computer. While you are wearing it, the AI cannot use its tracking functions to follow you on camera. All Remember to wear it on your ID slot or it won't work.
Electromagnetic Card (Cryptographic Sequencer) (E-MAG)
5 Opens, hacks, and unlocks everything imaginable. Also called an E-Mag (electromagnetic card), it allows you to quite literally open anything. It will open any door, locker, crate, and can short out weapon locks. The issue is that once used on something, that something breaks permanently, doors stay stuck open, locker don't lock, weapons can be used by anyone. While this can have the desired effect, it also leaves a trail for people to follow (mostly doors), it also has a fairly noticeable visual when you use it (generally sparks shooting out of whatever it was used on). But besides gaining access through mundane locks, there are a number of other uses that E-mags have. You can use it on robots, to erase their law set (see Robotics), they can be used to turn Officer Beepsky haywire, and they can be used on certain computers to gain unusual effects, the most useful of which being allowing you drop the emergency shuttle countdown to 10 seconds if you use it on the shuttle computer. All. Experiment! Who knows what else it could work on.
Chemistry Grenade Kit
3 A box that contains grenade components. Each Grenade kit contains enough components for three grenades. Scientist Used to be standard chemistry equipment, was removed because chemists are horrible people.
Prototype Cloaking Device
4 Variable range invisibility. Must be dragged. It makes a curtain of invisibility that can extend 1-5 tiles in every direction. Hides items and players. All Items in the cloak field are not detected by those wearing thermals!
Sleepy Pen
4 Puts your target to sleep. This is a very devious little item. It's a pen that puts someone to sleep in about 30 seconds when you use it on them. It's extremely inconspicuous and gives no indication when it has been used. The target will be out for awhile, though many players can recognize that they have been penned when their vision gets blurry and they begin yawning. It starts with two uses. All It can be refilled with any substance you like. The perfect tool for a creative chemist.
Voice Changer
3 A gasmask that transforms your voice to match your ID. This is a fun item. It's a gasmask that makes you sound like other people. And it still works as a gasmask! All you have to do with it is wear it. It will make you sound like whoever's ID you're wearing. If you're wearing John's ID, you sound like him! You sound like that person when you talk normally and they also work over radio/intercoms! All Use in conjunction with an Agent Card and you can appear to be anything you like.
Cloaking Device
4 Makes you invisible. When this item is activated, it makes you invisible to all but two things: AIs and people wearing thermal goggles. If you've eliminated all those things, congrats! You are now nigh unstoppable. Just keep in mind that people can still know you're about even if they can't see you. It's best not to take items or open doors when people are standing about; they might notice. Also, flashes and flashbangs will turn your cloak off if you're nearby when they're used. An active t-ray scanner will cause your cloak to "flicker." The cloak has to be held in your active hand to work as it is too big to fit in your pocket. All It isn't obtainable from the syndicate radio in nuke.
Syndicate Pipe Bomb
5 A devasting pipe bomb. Dents the hull of the station quite well. It has a three seconds timer so make sure to throw it before it explodes in your face. All
EMP Grenade
2 A box of grenades that disable electronics. This is a weapon used for disabling electronics like the AI's cameras. They can also cause Securitrons and Guardbuddies to go haywire as if emagged. They come in packs of 5. Click on the Grenade to activate it and then throw it like normal grenades. All
Chameleon Projector
3 Lets you disguise as any inanimate object. Looks like a cloaker, but allows you to scan any item that can be picked up and then disguise yourself as that item. While disguised you move at walk speed and if someone tries to interact with you the disguise fails and you change back to normal. All More useful than you think, if you get creative.
Jug of Moonshine
4 Gets people fucked up. Heals the barman. White lightning, hooch, mountain dew, whatever you call it, it gets people fucked up. Unless you're the barman, who was raised on brew twice as strong, it gives him a good heal (and makes him a little tipsy). Barkeeper
5 Immunity from stun, heals a little over time. Ah that's the stuff. Stimpacks, a tool of many great virtual heroes, they make you immune to stun and being knocked down for about 5 minutes after injected. Includes several healing chemicals to keep you going as well. Geneticist & Scientist
Mini-radiation Crossbow
4 Ranged mid-power weapon. Each bolt deals a significant amount of radiation damage. When this weapon is used on a person, the victim falls down constantly and takes a small amount of damage over time, eventually enough to kill. While it is a useful weapon, it is another one of those weapons that once the Security force find you with one on you, they'll beat you to death with their off stun batons. There is no "rev head shot captain" message, but the dart can be seen depending on shitty your BYOND client feels today, and there is a distinct 'twang' sound. Your target may quickly realize what is up by the sudden influx of radiation damage. All This weapon recharges.

Power Sink
4 Draws power from all station APCs. This bad boy is a station engineers and AI's worst enemy. When bought, this thing is useless, but when the power sink comes in contact with exposed wires, out in space, or on the station, it starts to drain the power from every APC at a RAPID rate. The AI may quickly realize what is up by the million power alarms going off simultaneously. You must screw it into place on a wire with a screwdriver, then turn it on, at which point it will emit a bright light. But as easy as it was set down, any one can pick it right back up. Additionally, if you try to scan it for fingerprints, you're in for a nice surprise. All Too large to fit into a backpack. Station-wide power failures will permit you to access many areas with only a crowbar.
Butcher Knife
5 It's a knife, for stabbing people, lots of blood. A nasty melee weapon that does around 50 brute damage per hit, with the possibility of a stun, and causes the victim to continue bleeding damage if they get away. Can also be thrown. Hitting a dead body with the knife will gib it into uncloneable meat, which can be eaten to hide the evidence. Chef Meat (and many cooked dishes from that meat) will still bear the name of your victim.
Amplified Vuvuzela
5 Vuvuzela with stun damage. Sonic weaponry, the poor man's wavegun, stun and damages your target, and most importantly annoys the hell out of them. Assistant Has about 5 shots before it needs to be recharged.
Signal Jammer
3 Disables radios within it's range. When active, it will disable all radios within a 6 tile range. This includes ingoing and outgoing communications, so you won't be able to hear if the AI is alerting people to whatever nefarious deeds you are up to. Note that machine talk is not effected. All Due to the general shittiness of radio headsets, many people may not realize a jammer is in range until it is too late.
5 A box containing a gun and 14 spare bullets. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 32.5 brute damage per shot. If you set your intent to harm and use it from a neighboring tile, you will shoot them point-blank for extra style (but no extra damage). Holds 7 shots at a time. Recent updates now cause anyone struck by a revolver bullet to suffer additional 'bleeding' damaage. Neat! All Depending on lag your targets may find it easy to dodge your bullets.
2 A tiny gun with 2 bullets. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 20 damage if shot from far away 40 point blank and will stun someone with either type of shot. These are so small you can hide them in jumpsuits, gloves, exosuits, hats (yes, this includes worn butts), shoes, masks and eyepieces. All This is a pretty fun item.
Cyalume Saber
7 A melee weapon that can do a lot of brute damage (60 per hit) Also known as an 'e-sword.' It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket. When it is on, it glows brightly in your hands and is very obvious. Can often stun on its first hit, making it a devastating weapon, though leaves a lot of blood and is not very useful for stealth. All Also, it's totally not a lightsaber, ok?
Red Chainsaw
7 A gas-powered chainsaw. A stronger version of the green electric chainsaws found in Hydroponics equipment lockers, this chainsaw is strong enough to cut through human flesh and is roughly equal in damage to an energy sword - 50 brute to the e-sword's 60. Due to its size, you can't fit it in a backpack, but to compensate it has a less obvious sprite (the same as a normal chainsaw) and can gib corpses. Botanist Much like the butcher's knife, you can use the chainsaw to butcher corpses, which leaves behind 3 pieces of meat.
Syndicate Robot
9 A robot suit with hacked laws. This appears to be a normal robot suit, but when a brain is inserted the resulting cyborg will have it's 1st and 2nd laws refer to syndicate operatives. A fourth law is also added to keep secrecy (Overridden by all other laws). Syndicate cyborgs can see traitors! Roboticist
Singularity Bomb
9 Spawns a Gravitational Singularity. It can't be picked up, only pulled, so spawn it where you want to detonate it. It needs to be anchored before it can be armed (wrench, weld). Has a timer like any other bomb. It costs 90% of your crystals, but it can sure be worth it. Engineer
Artistic Toolbox (His Grace)
10 A powerful and complicated weapon that will eventually kill you if you're not careful. The Artistic Toolbox is not what it appears to be. When held, it serves as an extremely deadly melee weapon. Then, by grabbing your victim and clicking the box, you'll feed them to the box! Keep in mind, take too long to feed His Grace, and you'll be the next snack. The wielder gains ridiculous stun resistance, but the time to feed Him again gets shorter and shorter... Anyone examining you catches Memetic Kill Disorder, which kills them if they don't stay near you. Whether this makes them your servants is debatable. Chaplain Looks like a normal toolbox but bright green. You have to examine it first to awaken its powers.
6 Makes fog from whatever reagent is poured into it. The FogMachine-3000 will emit smoke if it is turned on and there is reagent inside it. Fill it with polytrinic acid (or maybe initropidril) and leave it in a busy hallway for maximum effect! Scientist
Syndicate Device Scanner
3 Scans ANYTHING. Looks and functions exactly like the Electrician's regular device scanner except it can scan things you normally couldn't, such as the Crusher and certain other syndicate items. Electrician
Mind-Slave Implant
3 Makes the implantee your slave. Use this handy one-use implant to force someone to fulfill your every request! It lasts up to 20-25 minutes, and requires the cooperation of the implantee, as you don't actually take control of them. All If they don't cooperate, simply adminhelp it.
Syndicate Sauce
2 A sauce with unknown components. Whomever eats food coated with Syndicate Sauce takes 100 tox damage over time, with 5 units of cryptobiolin for flavor. Chef
Bowling Kit
7 A somewhat silly stun weapon. Who's the kingpin now, baby? Kit includes a bowling shirt and 3 bowling balls. If the ball hits someone they are immediately knocked unconscious. You have to wear the shirt to make it work! All
Syndicate Cleaner Grenades
3 Makes a nasty chemical mess. A box of 3 grenades that look just like the Janitor's regular cleaning grenades, but include polytrinic acid and space lube as well. The lube will slip up and do brute damage to anyone who attempts to move on that area, while the acid will do horrible burn damage to people and melt items. Janitor
Trash Compactor
5 Horribly gibs your victims. It looks like the Janitor's regular trash cart, but anyone unfortunate enough to be put inside will be squished into a small cube of meat. The meatcube will have a few moments to squirm about and scream hopelessly before exploding into a shower of gibs. Devastating! Janitor
DNA Scrambler
3 Changes your appearance. One-use injector that gives you a random appearance and name. Does not change your clothes or ID. All Gives slight radiation damage to the user.
Target ID Tracker
2 Finds your targets. Looks like a pinpointer, but lets you track the ID of any of your assassination targets. Can be kept in your pocket while active and still showing you the right direction. The device tracks the target's ID, not the target themself-- if they have changed or destroyed their ID, it will not be useful. All
Floor Closet
1 Hides shit. This is a closet that is disguised as a regular floor tile, when closed. Can be used to conceal gear, bodies, etc. It looks like the standard light gray floor tile, so it will be noticeable on plating or colored floor tiles. Folks who walk into it will also bump it around. All
Sonic Grenades
3 Box of 3 grenades. Each one packs enough power to shatter reinforced windows and pop eardrums. No more being cornered by an angry mob! Includes earplugs. Scientist
Syringe Gun
6 Shoots syringes. Syringes can be loaded with the chemical of your choice then fired one at a time. Medical Doctor
Low-Yield Traitor Mining Explosive
3 Goes boom. Looks like a regular mining charge, but the blast is explosive instead of concussive, and it can stick to any surface-- not just asteroids. The explosive is underwhelming but it could be used as a breaching charge. Miner
High-Yield Traitor Mining Explosive
6 Goes BOOM! Has a higher blast than its low-yield cousin. Basically a pipe bomb that sticks to things. Miner
Item Image Telecrystal Cost Usage Description Job Specific Notes

Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs