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==Incendiary Grenade==
==Incendiary Grenade==
Creates a big fukken fireball! Available in a [[Syndicate_Items#Tactical_Grenades|Tactical Grenade]] box, and in [[Quartermaster#Items you can order|Experimental Weapons Crates]].  
Creates a big fukken fireball! Available in a [[Syndicate_Items#Tactical_Grenades|Tactical Grenade]] box, and in [[Quartermaster#Items you can order|Experimental Weapons Crates]].  
==Cryo Grenade==
This grenade contains [[Chemistry#Miscellanea|cryostylane]], which will temporarily form a layer of very slippery ice on the floor. Can be useful for devious purposes or as an area denial weapon. They are also available from the experimental weapons crate.

==Pipe Bomb==
==Pipe Bomb==

Revision as of 07:34, 13 May 2014

Grenades all work functionally the same. Equip them in an active hand, then click them once to arm them. Then, throw them and get the hell away. Different grenades will have different effects.

Banana Grenade

Explodes into a small circle of slippery banana peels. Found in a few places.

Chemistry Grenade

Combines the chemicals of the two beakers loaded into it. Once was standard equipment, is now only available to traitors and brave explorers because Chemists were horrible people.

Cleaner Grenade

Covers a large area in water and space cleaner foam. While the water is present, the floor is wet and anyone running over it will slip. You should walk to avoid slipping.

Syndicate Cleaner Grenade

Covers a large area in space cleaner, fluorosulfuric acid and space lube foam. As if people didn't hate the Janitor enough already.

EMP Grenade

Disables nearby cameras, cyborgs, and electronics, and has various effects on machinery. The EMP turns Securitrons insane. Can shut off or fry your headset. If you are wearing thermals in the blast radius of an EMP, you will be blinded for some time. Otherwise harmless to humans.


Flashes and stuns everyone in its radius, causing temporary hearing loss. Repeated use can cause permanent deafness. Available to Security Officers and in Tactical Grenades for traitors.

Graviton Grenade

Creates a gravity distortion field, shifting the location of everything in its radius-- and everything includes otherwise immovable objects like doors, computers, firelocks, windows, etc. More of a troublemaker than legitimately destructive. Available only in secret places!

Incendiary Grenade

Creates a big fukken fireball! Available in a Tactical Grenade box, and in Experimental Weapons Crates.

Cryo Grenade

This grenade contains cryostylane, which will temporarily form a layer of very slippery ice on the floor. Can be useful for devious purposes or as an area denial weapon. They are also available from the experimental weapons crate.

Pipe Bomb

Knocks a hole in the hull, depending on what you make it with. Can be home-made.

Syndicate Pipe Bomb

Knocks a rather impressive hole in the hull. No longer has "Syndicate" in its name so they are identical to regular Pipe Bombs on inspection.

Sonic Grenade

Emits a blast of ultrasonic sound, knocking over people and breaking windows. Available to syndicate Scientists.

Moustache Grenade

Violently and permanently attaches fake moustaches to the faces of anyone caught in the blast. Prevents the use of internals

Firefighting Foam

Grenade that sprays fire-fighting foam on detonation. No other effects.

Metal Foam

Grenade that spreads a huge mass of metal foam, which solidifies into brittle floors and walls. You'll ideally want to use these at the center of a hull breach. The walls and floors break easily from being struck.


Sprays smoke on detonation, which can not be seen through. Available in Tactical Grenades.

CollapseObjects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs