Security Objects
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Security Things
Stun Batons
A melee weapon which delivers an incapacitating shock to the target, putting them down on the ground so you can arrest them. It has an On/Off function, and is on by default - a switched off baton will not stun or harm anyone unless you use the Harm intent. Some prefer these to tasers for their greater accuracy and capacity, having a maximum of ten shocks per recharge. Used on any intent other than harm, they will do no damage and stun the target - when set to harm you will deliver a beating with them alongside the stun.
- Professionals know never to hit someone with with an active stun baton set to Harm intent. Nine times out of ten, you "held it wrong" and stunned yourself, delivering a full stun to you, dropping yourself and your baton to the ground, and delivering you right into the waiting hands of the perp you were chasing, unless you happened to be participating in a multiple-security-officer beating of a target.
Not the same thing as real world Tazers, these are energy weapons which fire shocking, incapacitating bolts of energy. A target struck by a bolt will be stunned momentarily and drop their items, but not fall down. Using a tazer in melee will completely knock out the target for a longer duration than Stun Batons, allowing you more time to incarcerate. Taser guns only have four charges per recharge, however. These require security/nt/freedom implants, otherwise using them will cause them to shock you.
These can be used in one of two ways. Using the flash on someone by clicking on them will stun them and obscure their screen with a white flash for a moment, unless they are wearing sunglasses. It stuns for roughly the same amount of time a Baton does. The second use is to click the flash while it is in your hand, which will obscure the screens of players within two tiles of you with a white flash, but not stun them. Using the flash in this way will not reveal nearby cloakers, as was once true.
Flashes will also not affect anyone wearing sunglasses. The Captain and all security officers start with access to sunglasses, and there are a few booting around the station that other crewmembers might avail themselves of, but security officers and the Captain usually like to get themselves thermal goggles at their earliest convenience, which actually magnify the duration of the Flash stun.
Revolution leaders start with a flash, and can use any flash to convert non-security or non-head crew members into revolutionaries. Each time you use the flash there is a chance the bulb will burn out - once it does, the flash is rendered useless.
Flashes are also used in the construction of robots.
Coming from the Vendor, Flashbangs emit a loud bang and a bright flash with a three second timer. Unlike other security measures, these can permanently damage victims by their method of incapacitation - too many flashbangs will render the victim permanently blind and/or deaf. Do this without very good reason and you'll probably be banned. To use them, hold them in your hand and click on the tile you want to throw to, then run out of range. As long as the grenade is on your screen, you are in range of it. You can also activate them by clicking on them in your hand but this is a spectacularly bad idea most of the time. Flashbangs are also activated by hitting them off tables, remember this before you accidentally set one off and deafen the poor folk around you. WARNING: Excessive use of these babies will result in harm for you and your shithead friends, it turn out people do not like to be deaf and on their asses, so their friendly Security force can laugh at them.
Helmet and Armor
Worn on the Head and External slots, respectively. They will absorb damage dealt to the corresponding body part and occasionally completely protect you from blows. That's about all there is to them, apart from both of them are used in various constructions.
Used for detaining suspects. They disable use of your left and right hand, making you unable to interact with anything that involves a click of the mouse. They can also be combined with the Orange shoes found in the Prisoner Wardrobe to created Shackled Shoes, which greatly hinder the movement of the detained. The victim is able to remove handcuffs themselves, though this takes two minutes in BYOND time of standing still and a warning message. As a result, it's much more efficient for someone else to do it. To remove handcuffs from someone, access their items by click-dragging them onto yourself, then click the "Handcuffed" text.
Security implants
Similar to tracking implants, but they give access to security doors, and more importantly, security weapons. There is one in the brig, and a boxful in the nt office. Like the tracking implant, these can also be extracted in robotics.
Port-a-Brig and Remote
The Port-a-Brig is a rather useful tool for Security that most security officers forget to use. It comes with a remote, which is what you carry around on your person. When you arrest a subject you use the remote to summon the Port-a-Brig right to you, which comes in with a shower of sparks capable of igniting things. Then you grab the subject and place them into the Brig. Before you can teleport it back to the Brig, though, you need to lock it using your ID card. It's that easy.
Optical Thermal Scanner
These allow you to see people though walls, and see cloakers. They also make your screen red. Be careful you don't robust a loyal crewman who's making use of the prototype shield generator, as visually it looks identical to the cloaking device under thermals.
Sec Vendor
Dispenses flashbangs, flashes and handcuffs. They require a security ID, and if hacked can dispense helmets.
Sec computer
Mainly used to tell Officer Beepsky to arrest people, this is a standard ThinkDOS computer that comes preloaded with the SecMate suite. To use it for most of what it will be used for, login with your ID card, type secmate, type "Search (Criminal Name)", then type "field criminal_status arrest," and then Beepsky is on the case. It has all the other functions of a ThinkDOS computer as well.
Detective's Revolver
Nothin' short of the faithful old six-shooter employed by a run down private dick with nothing to lose, and nobody else. This is a station as dirty as they come. Full of men actin' like they own the place and all kinds of malcontents with their own agenda. It's said there ain't two criminals on this station you could say are alike, but I'll tell you this and this alone for free, mac - there ain't no criminal I ever met who didn't drop dead after two bullets from the slim hand. It's dirty business, that's for sure, but it comes with the job. And in this job, you can't go pullin' punches unless you want to die in some dirty maintenance corridor in a pool of your own blood.
Despite the way the detective may wax film noir style about his .38, it takes much more than two direct hits from this to kill someone, or even put them in critical condition, and forget about pistol-whipping, it's useless. Even more unfortunately, counting the six normal rounds that come pre-loaded into the weapon, there are only eighteen bullets for '38 available at all, and six of those are "stun" rounds with reduced - though still extant - damage, and a very short-duration stun effect. Added to this, one must be wearing the detective's coat and hat to fire the weapon, or else you "won't feel cool enough."
Consequently, many detectives leave their .38 revolver on the desk where it is and go to bum a security implant off Security and arm themselves just like security. Despite its seeming uselessness, the detective's '38 isn't a waste of space. In a fight, few traitors will have access to ranged weaponry, and if you can goad them into chasing you, you can aim behind you and nail them on the run, and the damage will aid up. The detective can use his '38 to safely deservice emagged robots with multiple shots, which will lead to him being hailed as a hero when Beepsky is on a rampage. And the '38 bullets won't go through grilles, but will damage them, allowing the detective to shoot down an electrified grille and gain access to the area behind without insulated gloves. Furthermore, unlike every other ranged weapon in the game, the '38 is small enough to carry in a pocket, so the detective can keep something more useful, like an emergency oxygen tank, on his belt.
Forensic Scanner
Whodunnit. That's always the question at the end of the day, ain't it mac? You get a call to go out to Atmos, and you find some poor blue collar schmuck all roughed up with the life choked right out of him. For a backwater PI like me, that's how every day goes - some joe turns up dead and the brass want me to find the sneakin' creep who put his dirty fingers in the pie they want for themselves. Well I ain't got no loyalty to those wise guys, I tell ya, but this is my job and it's what I do. I don't got nothin' else on this dark and grimy ol' town to look forward to, so I occupy myself with nothin but my six shooter, my wits and these weird blue devices some eggheads in a lab cooked up somewhere. Just wave it around the body like a magic wand and it spits out some gibberish from the old data libraries they keep on the creeps runinng around this place. Works on other things too, they say. It's the unskilled tool of an amateur, and in my line of work, there's the skilled detective and the dead detective.
Leave the Forensic Scanner in your office closet. Nobody wastes time with evidence anymore, and everything the forensic scanner can do, your PDA's forensic scan program can do.
Fingerprint Cards
It's amazing what you can do with a piece of paper if you got the right mind for it. Judges send men down to fry in death row with with it. Eggheads with their labcoats and tape reels cook up all sorts of new hair-brained idealist nonsense on it. We both know how much the green means to us both. And me? Well hell, mac, I didn't learn to write till I was seventeen. Growing up with nothin' but the mean streets of Newark to educate you teaches you to be a man, not to enjoy the finer points of civilised culture. Now I've got my files on some of the dirtier rats in this backwater. George "that hiney-chasin' doublecrosser" Melons. Dick "the ripper" Nipples. I've got other uses for the stuff too, mostly for gettin' the grubby prints of whatever hotshot decided he didn't cover his tracks. I don't know what he was thinkin', but he sure wasn't countin' on me...
As with the forensic scanner, so with the fingerprint cards. You get fingerprint hashes from your PDA as well, and the fingerprint hash of all crewmembers will be on file. Leave these in your office.
Laser gun
Pretty simple things, found in the armory or QMs can order them. Captain also has one. Click at something to shoot, plug into recharger to recharge. DO NOT USE AGAINST PERSONNEL, unless you are the traitor or something. Of course if you have one from the armory, you should know that. These are used to kill critters(hostile npcs like Martians or zombies), and syndicates hiding behind windows. They don't have point blank shots.
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