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21 November 2024

     07:42  Changelog diffhist +308 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎November 2024: November 20's changelogs
     07:41  Medical Doctor‎‎ 2 changes history +339 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
07:41 (cur | prev) +14 Studenterhue talk contribs Hold up, Manta, what are you doing here? I thought I commented you out years ago...well, time to make sure...
07:38 (cur | prev) +325 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎The Cloner: Discuss cloner defects somewhat. Definitely something to expand upon later, but it's good to at least mention it.
N    07:08  Medical Sleeper diffhist +37 Studenterhue talk contribs Redirected page to Medical Objects#Sleeper Tag: New redirect
     07:04  Sleeper diffhist +162 Studenterhue talk contribs Make into a disambiguation, because there are two common uses for "sleeper" Tag: Removed redirect
N    06:48  Sleeper Unit diffhist +37 Studenterhue talk contribs Redirected page to Medical Objects#Sleeper Tag: New redirect
     06:45  Clothing‎‎ 3 changes history +893 [Studenterhue‎ (3×)]
06:45 (cur | prev) +78 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Masks: Note that the sheet welded mask can hide your face
06:35 (cur | prev) 0 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Masks: Damnit, keep mixing up the word order on this
06:24 (cur | prev) +815 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Masks: Add sheet welded mask, added when PR #20131 was merged
     06:40  Being A Better Traitor diffhist +51 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Hiding Your Identity: Add sheet welded masks to list of things that hide one's face. These masks were added when PR #20131 was merged.
     06:36  Construction diffhist +829 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Clothing: Add instructions on making sheet welded masks, an item introduced when PR #20131 was merged.
     05:04 User creation log User account Tinykartonka talk contribs was created automatically ‎(MyBB Wiki Auto-Create)

20 November 2024

     18:52 User creation log User account Mike2222 talk contribs was created automatically ‎(MyBB Wiki Auto-Create)
     08:12  Changelog‎‎ 2 changes history +730 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
08:12 (cur | prev) +341 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Current Testmerged PRs: Now we have something in testmerge again: PR #21006
08:10 (cur | prev) +389 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎November 2024: Updates of November 19
     07:49  Traitor diffhist −2,453 Studenterhue talk contribs Move this information to its own page
N    07:49  Sleeper Agent‎‎ 2 changes history +2,566 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
07:49 (cur | prev) +123 Studenterhue talk contribs Rewrite some information that frames sleepers as a type of Traitor
07:39 (cur | prev) +2,443 Studenterhue talk contribs Move info from Traitor to give Sleeper Agents their own page, to pave the way for a more thorough discussion of dead drops
     07:33  Ore Processing diffhist +56 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎So fucking metal!: Make it more explicit the sheet extruder only accept metal and crystal
     07:28  Construction‎‎ 2 changes history −64 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
07:28 (cur | prev) −32 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Sheet Extruder: ...and sometimes not. Update summary of sheet extruder to match this change.
07:26 (cur | prev) −32 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Material Processor: Change instances of "material processor" into "sheet extruder", to reflect the former being replaced by the latter when PR #18838 was merged. Construction/deconstruction is still the same, so in many ways, it's a find and replace...
     07:20  Quartermaster diffhist +73 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎You're Gonna Need to Sign For That: Figure out what this sentence was attempting to say
     07:14  Honey diffhist −15 Studenterhue talk contribs Fix reference to material processor. That was replaced by a different machine as a result of PR #18838 getting merged, leaving the reclaimer as the sole ore refining machine.
     07:12  Mining Department diffhist +297 Studenterhue talk contribs Remove/fix references to the material processor in tabs for maps that are in rotation. As a result of PR #18838, the material processor has been replaced by a sheet extruder, which is not used for refining ore, to say the least.

19 November 2024

     08:36  User:MedicInDisquise/Sandbox diffhist +38 MedicInDisquise talk contribs
     07:43  Changelog diffhist +361 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎November 2024: November 18's changelog update
     07:33  Ore Processing‎‎ 2 changes history +4 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
07:33 (cur | prev) −71 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎So fucking metal!: Speaking of...replace material processor with sheet extruder
06:42 (cur | prev) +75 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎So where do I get all the stuff I need?: Replace/remove mentions of the processor with mentions of the portable reclaimer, because when PR #18838 was merged, the processor was replaced with a different machine that doesn't refine things. I'm suddenly wondering if the reclaimer fits better on this page, but eh, for another time.
     07:04  Chemistry diffhist −13 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Machines & Storage: Remove a mention of the material processor, because when PR #18838 was merged, it was replaced with a machine that definitely does not output glass blocks
     06:36  Tool Storage diffhist −13 Studenterhue talk contribs Remove a nod to using a material processor to turn sheets into blocks of material. As a result of PR #18838 getting merged, the material processor has been replaced by a machine that does the exact opposite.
     06:31  Reclaimer diffhist +62 Studenterhue talk contribs Correct description of reclaimer
     06:27  Guide to Botany‎‎ 2 changes history +50 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
06:27 (cur | prev) +7 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Available Crops: On a similar note, fix a sentence mentioning the material processor
06:25 (cur | prev) +43 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Crop Mutations: Rework a joke involving the material processor, because it was replaced by machine that only accepts refined materials as a result of PR #18838 being merged
     06:20  Cyborg diffhist −10 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Module Types: Fix some mentions of refining ore at a material processor. Those basically don't exist anymore, as a result of PR #18838 being merged.
     06:15  Making and Breaking‎‎ 2 changes history −420 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
06:15 (cur | prev) −52 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Automated: Cut a mention of said processor and update the links to info on reclaimers
06:12 (cur | prev) −368 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Reclaimers & Material Processors: Update this entire section to reflect the material processor being removed and replaced with a sheet-making machine, as a result of PR #18838. This does include renaming the header

18 November 2024

     08:06  Miner diffhist −24 Studenterhue talk contribs Remove/correct mentions of the material processor, as that machine was replaced by the sheet extruder when PR #18838 was merged, leaving the reclaimer as the main refining machine
     08:03  Guide to Mining diffhist −64 Studenterhue talk contribs Cut various mentions of the material processor, as it was replaced by the sheet extruder (which does not do ore processing) when PR #18838 was merged
     07:57  (Upload log) [Studenterhue‎ (3×)]
07:57 Studenterhue talk contribs uploaded File:BedsheetOrangeV2.png(This is the item/inventory sprite for a bedsheet that's orange (it's just called "bedsheet" in-game.) Very few words rhyme with "orange", but all sorts of words rhyme with "orange bedsheet". [ New sprite by TemThrush]. The quilting are gone, but there's higher contrast between the colors, enhancing the sense of depth. And it still looks pretty cozy! Category:Object Sprites)
07:55 Studenterhue talk contribs uploaded File:BedsheetOrangeV1.png(This is the original item/inventory sprite for a bedsheet that's orange (it's just called "bedsheet" in-game.) This sprite is no longer used. The one that replaced it is at File:BedsheetRedV2.png. Who made this sprite? That is yet to be determined. Category:Historical Item Sprites)
07:50 Studenterhue talk contribs uploaded File:ChocolateEgg.png(The item/inventory sprite for the chocolate egg. There's always a prize inside: either a toy or your death. [ Sprite by LeahTheTech]. Category:Object Sprites)
     07:39  Traits diffhist +398 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Character Setup Traits: Add Spontaneous Combustion, introduced by commit 4fca17b (and tweaked by commit 31442ad)

17 November 2024

     07:44  Changelog diffhist +310 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎November 2024: November 16's changelog update
     07:41  Artifact Research diffhist +386 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Bulky Artifacts: Talk about pretty heat surge artifact colors, introduced when PR #21339 was merged
     07:33  Salvager‎‎ 2 changes history −7 [Studenterhue‎ (2×)]
07:33 (cur | prev) −1 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎The Makeshift Teleporter File:Salvager_hand_teleporter.gif: Correction: the chance to disintegrate comes after teleporting. My bad!
07:04 (cur | prev) −6 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Items the M4GP13 Salvage and Barter System sells: Change "Did your makeshift handheld teleporter blow up on you?" to "Did you lose your makeshift handheld teleporter?" because it's more general
     07:26  File:IndustrialCryogenicSleepUnitClosedV1.png diffhist +82 Studenterhue talk contribs →‎Summary: Add a little historical note about the name
     07:25  (Upload log) [Studenterhue‎ (3×)]
07:25 Studenterhue talk contribs uploaded File:IndustrialCryogenicSleepUnitOpenV2.png(The sprite for the local human popsicle dispenser, the industrial cryogenic sleep unit, with its door open. That means it's just dispensed a popsicle--yummy! [ New sprite by TemThrush]. The color palette is much brighter, and the POV is closer to our version of 3/4 view. There are a couple more details: an additional vent, a display, more tubes, and, most importantly, a little platform for people coming in/out. Category:Sprites)
07:17 Studenterhue talk contribs uploaded File:IndustrialCryogenicSleepUnitClosedV1.png(The original sprite for the industrial cryogenic sleep unit, with its door closed (which is basically its default state). Gotta keep that human popsicle dispenser door closed, or you'll get some annoying ice on the other side. This sprite is no longer used. It has been replaced by File:IndustrialCryogenicSleepUnitClosedV2.png. Who made this sprite? That is yet to be determined. Category:Historical Images)
07:12 Studenterhue talk contribs uploaded File:SheetWeldedMaskBase.png(This is the base inventory/item sprite for the sheet welded mask. It has different colors depending on the material used for the masks, but this is what it looks like before the coloring is applied. [ Sprite by Colossus]. Category:Object Sprites)