Medical Objects
You'll generally find these objects in Medbay, used by the medical staff. Some of them aren't, however! Check Doctoring to find out how to use this stuff.
- Regular Medkit: x3 Healing Patches, x2 Burn Patches, x2 Inaprovaline Syringe
- Fire Medkit: x2 Burn Patches, x1 Kelotane Syringe, x1 Inaprovaline Syringe, 2x Kelotane Pill
- Toxin Medkit: x3 Dylovene Syringe, x3 Dylovene Pill
- Oxygen Medkit: x4 Dexalin Pill
- Neurological Medkit: x4 Alkysine Pill
All medkits also contain one Health Analyser.
As containers go they're kind of crap, only storing fairly small items. They are also poor places to store traitor items, as Medkits are generally a desirable item that will be picked up.
Hypospray is a device used in administering chemicals. Unlike a syringe, the Hypospray injects chemicals instantly and can be used at a bit of a range.
Syringe and Dropper
The syringe has two modes: Inject and Draw, which can be switched between by clicking the words that appear when one is in your hand. The dropper will draw if nothing is in it and drip if it is full. They are used to contain and transfer reagents from various containers, and inject/drop people with said chemicals. Injecting/dropping someone other than yourself takes a moment, during which both you and the target must remain still and not do anything. Droppers are roughly twice as fast as syringes.
Syringes draw and inject 5 units at a time to a maximum of 15, and Droppers transfer five units at a time, to a maximum of 5.
Bruise Pack/Ointment
Both do essentially the same thing: when you target a part of the body, you will apply these to the target and they will heal a lot of the damage from that part. Bruise packs work on physical injury and ointment works on burns.
Medical Cyborgs have the Tissue Mender and Burn Salve Dispenser, which are identical to these items except they can be used infinitley.
Since medical patches were introduced, these two items don't exist on the station, though they may be found in other structures in space.
Pills are taken orally, but do not require that you remove your mask. You may also force a pill down someone else's throat. Taking pills yourself is instant, but forcing someone else to take them requires you to both be still for a moment, the same as injecting/food. They can also be dropped into drinks to roofie them with whatever's in the pill.
Pills come in two kinds - preset pills already filled with something, and custom pills manufactured by the Chemist. There is essentially no way to tell the two apart, since the chemist can label any pills they make - so use caution when taking pills!
Medicine Bottle
These contain some chemicals, and are intended for use with a syrings or dropper. They usually come pre-filled with something, but can be refilled with other chemicals - so use the same level of caution you would with pills.
Health Analyzer
Click on someone next to you (or on yourself) to see what damage they/you have taken. Doctoring has a lot of good info on how to use this! As well as showing the health levels of any patient you might have, it will also detect and display Viruses, the cause of the virus, what stage of development the virus has reached, and how to cure it.
It's also a component in suicide vests and Medibots.
DNA Injector
Works like a regular Syringe, except it can't draw chemicals, and is one-use. These come in two-types; sandbox or admin spawned ones, and injectors created from the DNA Machine. If you're not a Geneticist who created a syringe from the DNA Machine, there's no real way to tell beyond the label (which could be a lie!) what the injector will do.
Injectors created from the DNA Machine are creatable on a timer (roughly about 5 minutes per syringe) and contain a paticular strand of someone's DNA. If it contains SE DNA then it deals with superpowers, disabilities and species. If it contains UI DNA, it will change your appearance and identity. Both of these can be used for both benevolent and nefarious purposes, though chances are if someone comes up and tries to stab you with one, you should probably run away.
Injectors spawned either by admins or from the sandbox panel in sandbox mode aren't what they say they are. They change specific blocks of DNA - since the DNA system has been changed to a randomiser since it was introduced but these injectors haven't, that Hulk injector you just spawned may not give you hulk powers at all but may infact blind you or do other nasty things. Another odd side effect of these injectors is that they will give you a fairly heavy amount of toxic damage over time, so if you're going to experiment with them then have some antitoxins on hand.
Scalpel and Circular Saw
Tools used for surgery. A pair of these are available in Robotics, but extras can be created with the autolathe as you will lose them A LOT. Rabbis can use a Scalpel to circumcise crewmen by targeting the groin.
Cryo Chamber and Freezer
Loading someone into a functioning Cryo Chamber will rapidly heal all of their damage from nearly any condition except death. To function properly however, the Cryo Chamber must first be filled with chilled gas using the Freezer unit. Note that the pipes between the two must also be intact for the Cryo to recieve any of the gas. Insert a beaker of Cryoxadone into the chamber to speed up recovery.
These are essentially safe storage units for living people. Climb into one or put someone into one and they'll effectively be safe from outside harm until taken out. Using the console, you can see a summary of the occupant's health, as well as eject them from the sleeper or inject Inaprovaline to speed up paralysis recovery.
Medical Dispenser
These work like a normal vending machine, accessible by anyone with Medbay access. They contain:
- x4 Bottle of Dylovene
- x4 Bottle of Inaprovaline
- x4 Bottle of Sleep Toxins
- x4 Bottle of Toxins
- x8 Spaceacillin Syringes
- x12 Empty Syringes
Genetic Scanner
Found in Medical Research, a subject can be loaded into this machine and then have their genes scanned and manipulated by the Geneticist. The process of using this device is complex, so check the Genetics Guide for information on how to use it.
Cloning Pod
This is a small pod found in Medical Research used to grow living clones of dead people. This equipment is computer controlled - for a guide on how to use it, see the Genetics Guide.
Operating Table
A surgery table found in Robotics, people dead or alive can be laid on this and have surgery performed on them by the Roboticist. For information on how to do this, check the Robotics article.
Morgue Unit
If you're really good at Doctoring you probably won't have to use this*! The Morgue unit extends a tray when used, which the dead (or unconcious, if you're paticularly sadistic) can be placed upon to store them inside the morgue unit. These don't often see very much use, as dead bodies are often taken to Medical Research, Robotics, the Kitchen (if you're REALLY sadistic) or the Chapel instead.
* = blatant fucking lies
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