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==June 2015==
==June 2015==
===Monday, June 8th, 2015===
;I Said No updated:
*Meteor Shield Generators now use far less power. Due to some other unlisted changes, I strongly recommend taking advantage of this buff.
===Sunday, June 7th, 2015===
===Sunday, June 7th, 2015===
;Infinite Monkeys updated:
;Infinite Monkeys updated:

Revision as of 09:06, 9 June 2015

2015 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2014 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2013 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2012 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2011 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2010 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2009 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

June 2015

Monday, June 8th, 2015

I Said No updated
  • Meteor Shield Generators now use far less power. Due to some other unlisted changes, I strongly recommend taking advantage of this buff.

Sunday, June 7th, 2015

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • The power transmission laser can now instantly detonate people at high enough energies.
  • Improved the controls for input and output of the laser.

Friday, June 5th, 2015

Haine updated
  • New and improved escape shuttle! It now spends a bit of time in transit to centcom before arriving. Buckle up!
SpyGuy updated
  • Changes to how human icons are handled. Please report any bugs or strange behaviour you find.
I Said No updated
  • Traitor objectives have been messed with. There are now many more combinations of objectives available, in addition to some all-new objectives:
  • Damage Area: Cause a significant amount of damage to a chosen room.
  • Destroy Equipment: Destroy all instances of a chosen piece of equipment on the station.
  • Job Genocide: Kill all crewmembers of a particular job.
  • Off the Heads: Kill all the head personnel.
  • No Clones: Make sure no cloned crew survive.
  • Supremacy: Be the last antagonist standing.
  • Gimmick and Miscreant objective lists have also been tweaked a bit.

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

I Said No updated
  • Pod changes: You can click-drag yourself onto a pod to board it. There is now also a Leave Pod button in the bottom-right corner when inside a pod.
  • Pod Cargo Hold change: You can click-drag the pod to a nearby tile to unload stuff there.
  • New pod secondary system: Ore Scoop. Drive over ore to pick it up, clickdrag the pod to a nearby tile to unload it.
  • New pod comms system part: Magnet Link Array. Allows you to control the mining magnet from within 7 tiles from inside a pod.
  • The mining department now starts with a Mineral Accumulator.

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Tweaked critter backend, should significantly reduce lag.
  • Critters might be lazier as a result. Please report any issues.
I Said No updated
  • Pod communication systems are now used to interface with dock controls. If you don't have a comms system or you have the wrong one, you'll be denied access.
  • Syndicate pods start with a different communications system to station pods. You can't just go in through the pod bays anymore.
Haine updated
  • There's now a civilian radio channel, for chefs/botanists/etc.

May 2015

Sunday, May 31th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • New stock market event type.
  • Also adjusted the effects events have. Overall, they should leave a larger dent. Or a larger profit in your hands.
Convair updated
  • Gun components have finally been updated for the new projectile code.
Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Engineers can now sell power with a giant laser. Thanks to Gannets for the awesome sprites! It'll definitely need adjusting so please leave feedback on the forums.

Saturday, May 30th, 2015

I Said No updated
  • Cytines have been replaced with a variety of different gemstones.
  • You can now load mined Viscerite into enzymatic reclaimers.
Haine updated
  • Ehh nevermind about the cloning for money thing.
  • Clowns have functional bank accounts again.

Friday, May 29th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Due to budget cuts, cloning is no longer provided for free from Nanotrasen.
Keelin updated
  • Adding, removing and changing various traits. As per usual, nothing is final.

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • Dump out any storage objects by taking them in a hand and click-dragging it onto the ground (or a table).
Convair updated
  • Light bulb fixture parts can now be crafted from metal sheets. Also fixed the bug that made it impossible to attach them to reinforced walls.
Keelin updated
  • Fixed the fat trait swallowing your PDA and ID and such. They can now be found in your backpack.
  • Short-sighted trait now spawns you with glasses.
  • Toned down kleptomaniac slightly and made sure it only fires when you're alive.
  • Career alcoholic will now only somewhat slur your speech.
  • Traits are now visible in the medical records.
  • New traits: Deaf, Adamantium skeleton, Cat eyes, Infravision, Spacephobia, Robust genetics, Good genes, Bad genes.
  • Removed Trait: Overly soggy
  • Mutations gained through traits will now show up in your notes.
Haine updated
  • Fixed not being able to unlock APCs with a PDA that has an ID in it. Made swapping IDs quicker, just click with the new one and the old one will automatically be ejected.

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • The pray verb returns. Use it to in an attempt to gain the attention of whatever god happens to be listening.
  • Note that divine attention may not be something you want and it might not end well for you. Use at your own peril.
  • Also there's a high chance that nobody is listening, but you never know...
Keelin updated
  • First batch of traits.
  • All traits are subject to change. Especially ones that change damage, health or stamina. They are controversial and we're just gonna test this for a bit.

Monday, May 25th, 2015

I Said No updated
  • The nuke should no longer repeatedly detonate when the timer counts down.
  • Examining the nuke now shows whether or not it is unsecured, and how much time is left on the bomb if it is armed. It also shows roughly how much damage the bomb has taken.
Keelin updated
  • Putting down the framework for selectable traits in your player options. The stuff that's in there is all silly placeholders (but they do work).
  • It might be a bit unresponsive & look like ass until im done.

Sunday, May 24th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • Adding events to the stock exchange. Good analysts may be able to predict the outcome. Bad analysts will lose a lot of money.
SpyGuy updated
  • Refactoring crates into a new standard. Report bugs with crates and crate-like things if you see any.
I Said No updated
  • Nuclear Emergency mode has been substantially changed. The operatives must now take the bomb to a specific location on the station, arm it, and then make sure it detonates.
  • The crew ideally must prevent the bomb from being armed, but if it is it can either be destroyed by various means or unanchored by using a screwdriver and taken off the station map to avoid the station's destruction.
  • The nuclear bomb can be loaded into pods. Also, the nuclear disk no longer exists. Good riddance.
  • More changes to come. This stuff is WIP for now.

Thursday, May 21th, 2015

Haine updated

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Convair updated
  • The teleport gun should no longer be unreliable and temperamental.
SpyGuy updated
  • Being invisible will no longer make you deaf because the soundwaves can't see you (what)
  • Cloakers shouldn't turn off in your pocket any more.
Wire updated
  • Having the chat area focused and pressing arrow keys will now correctly switch focus.
  • Screenshot and reconnect commands now send a notification to the chat area.
  • Added error message for a chat output load-failure (very rare case).

Saturday, May 16th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Solars are no longer hotwired by default.

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Convair updated
  • The wizard's spellshield now protects against projectiles as advertised. More of a bug fix, really.

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Fixed a shitload of html encoding issues (or lack thereof) affecting newchat.
  • Fixed a bunch of exploits reported by Somepotato.
  • Please note I am a terrible coder so I'm not 100% sure that I didn't just break everything. Let me know if the following start screwing up:
  • Fabricators, vending machines, the HoP ATM computer thing, the PDA Ticketmaster module, pod "Create Wormhole" action, adding power cells to a recharging dock, removing a cyborg's brain and basically every mechanic tool that spits text to chat.
  • Good luck!

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • Changeling acid spit now functions as a splash of fluorosulfuric acid rather than that illogical knockout biz it did before.

Monday, May 11th, 2015

Convair updated
  • Tweaked electric chairs a little. You can either...
  • 1) Deploy them in a powered area as usual (lethal does around 80 BURN).
  • 2) Wire them directly into the power grid. Don't bother if the engine's output isn't half-decent, though.
Wire updated
  • Clickable links in the chat area will now open in your default browser (rather than all IE all the time).

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Greatly reduced the spam of "Connection may be closed..." messages.
  • Now you can choose up to 5 strings to highlight. Also the strings and the color persist through rounds now (they save themselves).

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Improved an annoying bit of the chat output with regards to focus stealing. Now, if your focus happens to be on the chat output and you start typing, it will send the first character to the input box (whereas before it skipped the first character you pressed).
  • Also fixed a mildly rare occurring error for the chat output in cases on blank messages being sent to it. If your output tended to break entirely at random points, this will probably fix that.
  • New option: Clear all messages. Pretty much what it sounds like.
Marquesas updated
  • It's-a me, Marquesas doing more changes which:
  • - Best case scenario, go completely unnoticed
  • - Worst case scenario, break people attacking eachother (a p insignificant feature)
  • All I'm saying is if something is off, please write it down on a paper, go to your nearest DongLabs Customer Support Window, get in line with the 50 other outraged players and hand it to the nice lady with the butt hat.
  • On the plus side I no longer need a plastic bag while looking at mob attack code so there's a plus.

Monday, May 4th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Fixed ctrl + c on highlighted text in the chat output not actually copying text.
  • New chat feature: highlight string. Will put a yellow background on a defined string for all future messages. Probably mostly useful to highlight your own name.
Marquesas updated
  • Fixed numerous issues with the new changeling ability system.
  • Everything finally seems to be using this new system. This may have introduced several regressions, however. Keep me posted.

Sunday, May 3rd, 2015

Keelin updated
  • Rewriting large parts of the material system. Expect wonky behaviour until I'm done.
  • Quality of asteroids now affects quality of the resulting material. Material quality now changes the maximum of property values (toughness etc.).

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

Conor12 updated
  • Strawberries!
  • Strawberry plants, strawberry pies and other strawberry stuff.
  • Sprites provided by a strawberry clown.
Marquesas updated
  • Moved changelings to the ability system that wizards and other very able stuff are using.
  • Naturally, this might mean a myriad of bugs. As usual, you know where to find me.

Friday, May 1st, 2015

Wire updated
  • Fixed new chat output for those who had issues loading it.
  • Implemented a new ping meter that displays in the chat area. Updates every 60 seconds and displays visually. We'll see how well this works live.
  • A bunch of other minor improvements and fixes related to the chat panel.
  • Added option to disable the ping display. Revamped the options menu UI.
Haine updated
  • A few new hairs.
  • Monkeys behave slightly differently.

April 2015

Thursday, April 30th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Presents containing dead guys are no longer invisible and named "spresent".
  • Voice changers are now an item that can be put into masks, rather than a mask itself.
  • IV drips/blood packs/etc now hold up to 250u, rather than 100u.

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Some UI improvements to the chat output. Also changed the font. I expect this to fuck with all of you appropriately.
Keelin updated
  • Ouija boards are now observable. The cooldown period on ouija boards is now per-person - so you can still use them when there's a bunch of other ghosts.

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Chat output now has an options dropdown menu that contains the text zoom buttons as well as a new "Save Chat Log" button.
  • The chat log thing opens an IE window containing the css and html of everything in your current chat output. You then have to copy and paste this to save it. No it's not ideal, but it's the best I can do for now.
Keelin updated
  • The chapel now has 3 ouija boards to allow the crew to speak to spirits. Kinda. Sorta. Uhhh excuse me.

Sunday, April 25th, 2015

Conor12 updated
  • Added a new vehicle to the warehouse. Feel free to tell me what you think of it.

Thursday, April 23th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Blob players now get an alert if any of their nuclei are under attack.

Wednesday, April 22th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Added options in the chat window for changing your font size. Increased default font size from 12px to 13px;
  • Changing the size should save it automatically. Let me know if it doesn't.
  • Re-added a form of the 'Connection closed.' message back. It isn't perfect and will occur during heavy lag. Further work will be done on it.
  • Fixed a caching issue momentarily preventing new functionality (and in some cases breaking existing functionality).
  • Improved 'click tolerance' with regards to the chat window stealing focus. Should help with cases of clicking on the chat window and not being able to input byond commands.

Tuesday, April 21th, 2015

Wire updated
  • The chat area of your interface has been changed to what is known in shitty byond coding circles as a browser output window.
  • Initially you won't see much of a change at all, but it allows us to do a lot more things with output in general. I have also tried my best to keep the functionality as identical as possible to the old output.
  • However! This involved changing code in roughly 800+ files so there is bound to be something fucked up that I missed! Please report it here: http://forum.ss13.co/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5022

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Convair updated
  • Made a number of backend changes regarding kinetic firearms and ammo handling. Better user feedback, fewer bugs. What this means for you:
  • Automatic updates (descriptions and icons where applicable) for all ammo boxes. Guns can be examined to check the current ammo type, and also be unloaded at will. The .357 Mag revolver can chamber .38 Spc rounds like in RL.
  • Spent casings are now a thing. Some guns eject them automatically (shotguns, .22 pistol), others on reload (revolvers, zip gun). And yes, the forensic profile of the gun is taken into account.
Marquesas updated
  • Happy 420!
  • Slightly reorganized how spells are attached to the wizard. This might result in some unexpected behaviour. As usual, you know where to find me.

Sunday, April 19th, 2015

Convair updated
  • Fixed the bullet schematics of the general manufacturer, which were set up improperly for like 6 months. Zip gun users rejoice.

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

Convair updated
  • The bomb VR shouldn't be broken anymore. If the bomb doesn't trigger after ~10 seconds, chances are it's a dud.
Haine updated
  • Half of the rewrite of crates/closets is now done - all closets and lockers are now using the new system. Please let me know if you see weirdness going on with them or if something's broken.
  • Health monitor implants (the ones from the cloner and medbay/robotics manufacturers) will now alert medical staff when the person implanted drops into crit or dies.
  • DNA scramblers now make people look kinda sorta a bit more normal and are likely more useful as a result.

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Daeren updated
  • Wraiths are now hopefully less ridiculously unstoppable in experienced hands due to a slight nerf of Absorb Corpse's scaling.
  • Additionally, the chaplain has enrolled in a mail-order ghostbuster training program, and can resist many (but not all) of a wraith's powers. Clever wraiths still have several options to fight back.
  • Bibles now hurt wraiths and revenants.
  • This update totally didn't disappear for most of a day due to a drive-by imcodering

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Daeren updated
  • Chaplains are now actually immune to (most) vampire shenanigans a la immunity to (most) wizard shenanigans. There may be Surprises for vampires who try anyway.
  • This update brought to you by me trying to make the chaplain anything but a permanently enrolled gimmick job, so more changes are in the works.

Monday, April 13th, 2015

Daeren updated
  • Blobs and wraiths now have their own preference buttons that work in theory.
  • Alert us if this screws up the selection process or objectives somehow so I can immediately blame Mport.

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Blobs can now talk to each other via a special 'channel'
  • They can also now hear people within range of the blob overmind
  • (aaand fixed the bug that allowed everyone to hear the blobchat)

Saturday, April 11th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Bringing some of the limb stuff up to the new standard (mostly robolimb stuff).
  • Getting augmented should now be a lot more attractive.
  • Changed ~something~ about item pies and the fryer.

Friday, April 10th, 2015

Convair updated
  • We're still tweaking vampires, don't panic. Rejuvenate fully replenishes stamina, for instance.
  • There's been some backend changes regarding eye and ear protection checks. All in all, things should be fairly consistent across the board now.
  • Can't flash somebody who's blindfolded, a deaf person isn't affected by sonic grenades, sunglasses and welding masks do the same etc. You get the idea.

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Finally made vampires drain actual blood from people rather than just doing 10 points of damage and then saying "welp they have no more blood" when they hit 200 total brute
  • This will probably change the balance of vampires a bit, I guess. eh.

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

Convair updated
  • AP ammo for the .38 revolver now comes in a box of three. 1 speedloader for 2 TC was poor value compared to other traitor items.
  • Added one of those fancy self-charging power cells to the surplus crate pool.

Monday, April 6th, 2015

Keelin updated
  • You can now switch out the energy cells used by guns. The recipe for this is on the workbench.

Sunday, April 5th, 2015

Convair updated
  • Gibs can now be analyzed for forensic evidence.

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Strawberry the clown thought she'd help the heads by washing their fancy hats. Unfortunately she used too hot water and they shrank! Oh no!
  • 'laugh track'
Marquesas updated
  • Disabled motives temporarily as they underwent some fine-tuning.
  • All-in-all you should be experiencing a richer RP experience from the revised rates of affection.

March 2015

Tuesday, March 31th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • In an effort to give more utility to some unique jobs, we are introducing a motive system. Keeping your motives high is rewarding on your long run!
  • Remember, this is a system in beta testing. You know where to find a coder if you find any weird issues.

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Fixed the light given from being on fire from sticking around after the fire is gone.
  • Those with good memories will know that this is my third attempt at fixing this. :hngh:
Haine updated
  • The default-to-WASD thing is back again since it now actually works! Check your preferences.

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Haine updated
  • You can put your ID in your PDA now. Some shit probably be broken from this, yell at me if so.

Sunday, March 22th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Yet another batch of chemistry backend tweaks.
  • Let me know if I broke everything.

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

Convair updated
  • Somewhat extensive update of forensics:
  • Every pair of gloves has an unique ID, so detecting "insulative fibers" on a door isn't as useless anymore.
  • Gunshot residue has been added for kinetic firearms. If you found those on a greyshirt, chances are they were up to something.
  • Reminder: forensic profiles for guns and projectiles were already a thing.
  • The fingerprint system should be more robust in general now. Melee attacks, pulling, accessing somebody's inventory etc. all leave prints on the victim.
  • Forensic scanners have also been updated. Detectives will be pleased to learn that the non-PDA version (new sprite courtesy of Gannets) can search the security records on the go.
  • How to get rid of implicating evidence? Take a shower or wash the item in question with space cleaner (a sink does the trick as well).
  • Other misc changes: added user feedback for silenced guns (.22 pistol, crossbow), stungloves are charged by using a power cell on them.

Monday, March 16th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Throw a thing at disposal outlets. (please note that jerks count as things for the purposes of this exercise)

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Okay the auto wasd thing is going away again for now because it's creating hella runtimes.

Saturday, March 14th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Check your preferences window: you now have the option to have WASD mode turn itself on by default when you open the game.
  • It should work.
  • Maybe.
  • It worked in testing.

Monday, March 9th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • In case you're wondering, it's 12:01 AM so it's the 9th in the significant places of the world.
  • Update ft. Pacra: Total telecrystal cost reorganization.
  • Further extending the module research stuff in Robotics. Phasing out powerful modules in favour of future research and assembly.

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Haine updated
  • Mousetrap + borg arm + pie. Have fun.
  • Blood packs are now reagent containers, like beakers or syringes. There are also now IV stands you can hang them on, which can attach to beds or chairs by click-dragging them.

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Haine updated
  • Click on a die with another die to bunch them together, or click-drag a die onto another die to gather any die around you into a bunch. There can be up to 20 dice in a handful of them.

February 2015

Saturday, February 28th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Chemistry reactions instant again. Some other chem related tweaks.
Haine updated
  • Some emote changes, mostly backend stuff.
  • THE ALT EMOTE FOR BIRDWELL IS NO LONGER *flex. It's now *burp. This may or may not have anything to do with the hotkey for *burp being CTRL+B.
  • New hotkeys for pointing: CTRL+P to toggle point mode on or off, P in WASD mode. Hold down B in WASD to quickly point.
  • If you manage to open a crate/locker inside of something else (say, a pod), it'll now throw all its contents out on the ground, rather than implanting them into the pod's very being, never to be seen again.

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Expendable borg upgrades will no longer break upgrade slots. Safe to use now.

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Haine feat. Convair updated
  • Vendor Borg Memorial Update.

Sunday, February 22th, 2015

Hull updated
  • Changed how the blob random event works.
Haine updated
  • Changes to surgery: a greater base chance to fuck up a cut, anesthesia/analgetics will reduce this, as well as the over-all damage the patient takes during surgery. If you fuck up, you gotta redo the cut. You need to be way more drunk to do self-surgery now. Glasses no longer get in the way of surgeries that target the head.
  • Body bags.

Saturday, February 21th, 2015

Wire updated
  • Added the "Reconnect" command to the menu under File
Hull updated
  • Changing light bulbs and tubes is easier, just smack a fixture with a bulb or tube in your hand and you'll swap them, including broken ones.

Friday, February 20th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Changed AI camera behaviour so that cameras match NORTH-SOUTH connections.
  • What this means in practice is that if you head south from one camera, then north it will lead you back to where you started (in most cases).
  • There will still be cases where this does not work 100%

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • AI Camera backend optimizations. AI play should be a lot smoother now.
  • Cut cameras will no longer be a confusing jump. They will show static.
  • Tweaked the camera pathfinding, it should behave a lot more like you would expect now.
  • If you find bugs please report them.
Haine updated
  • Moving rollerbeds. Also moving office chairs (unscrew them from the floor). Also you can tuck sheets into beds and then they move with the bed.
  • Bugtesting this code last night is the reason I'm exhausted today so you BETTER ENJOY IT (it's still probably buggy and weird)

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Security jobs now start with two new verbs: "Say Miranda Rights" and "Set Miranda Rights". There's also an emote for those with the verbs, *miranda

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Telekinesis works by click-dragging items from one tile to another now, sending them flying.

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • You can now create announcements using the computer in the communications room.
  • Here's to the faint hope that it will not get ran into the ground.
Haine updated
  • Finally added in some stuff that I've had the sprites for for a while (bucket helmets, skull chalices, surgical shields, wrestling masks, bald caps)
  • Thanks to SLthePyro, Gannets and Hempuli for the sprites!
  • Some other stuff.

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

Haine updated
  • CTRL+X now does a thing for borgs.
  • And AIs and AI shells too, whoops.

Sunday, February 1st, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • Increased damage to blob done by sarin, cyanide, fluorosulfuric acid, polonium and radium.
  • Poison now does double damage. In addition to its initial damage, it does the same amount of damage over time as well.
  • Poison damage now propagates. If a blob tile dies, the remaining poison DoT is split evenly between all surrounding blob tiles.
  • QUITE POSSIBLY fixed the ripping out of your body brain bug. Hopefully. IDK. I think I did.
  • This might cause some oddities or deviations from old behaviour. Please note these on the bug reports forums.

January 2015

Friday, January 30th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • Blobs are now vulnerable to quite a few poisons. You'll want to spray these, preferably without friendly fire!
  • Further fiddled with the way fires work.
SpyGuy updated
  • Something we've missed for a long time is finally brought back.
  • It's the O2 indicator.

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Clowns now have a new traitor item available. Happy pranking!
  • New under your Commands tab: Stop the Music! Does what it says: if one of us admin jerks has played something, this'll make it stop.

Saturday, January 24th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • By cutting someone to Bald in barber shop, you can now retain their hair as a wig. Wow!
  • The singularity generator should do stuff now.

Friday, January 23th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Turns out the cloner was running slow because all your healthy organs were MOOCHING on that sweet, sweet healing provided by the machine.
  • This will probably also boost a lot of healing stuff.

Thursday, January 22th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • This update is not an essay.
  • Blobs should have a new tool for fighting fire. MAYBE SOMETIME SOON WE MIGHT REACH AN EQUILIBRUM.

Wednesday, January 21th, 2015

Daeren updated
  • After the barrage of genetics nerfs it's time to tweak one that was probably too punishing in retrospect.
  • This wasn't in the changelog before now (I think) but the feature is this: Powers give you genetic instability. The lower it is, the more Terrible Things happen to you.
  • The change: BAD mutations now give you MORE stability, and low stability doesn't make you mutate like you gargled with the Ooze from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • Yes, this means that if you want to activate a bunch of superpowers at once, you will either deal with the Bad Shit that happens with low stability or you need to layer Bad Shit on yourself with bad mutations. IMO this is way more entertaining than just having an arbitrary "fuck you" limit.
  • The actual stability increases and decreases for certain genes have been tweaked a bit, and may require further balancing after "playtesting" (watching people run shit into the ground), so please give your input on the forums/to admins/whatever if you've got a bone to pick about the new system.

Sunday, January 18th, 2015

Daeren updated
  • You may notice that medbay has been remodeled. We noticed that genetics wasn't really using half of its floor space so they don't get to have it anymore.
  • We also noticed that genetics would ignore corpses in favor of fetching more monkeys from the monkey pen, so now their access to it goes through the surgical bay so the antisocial fuckers are forced to at least acknowledge the rest of the station.
  • We took away the Port-A-Genes too while we were at it because wow, THAT experiment backfired!
  • Nearly forgot, we put safety inhibitors in the enzymatic reclaimer so you can't just stuff living people that have mildly annoyed you inside without emagging it first.
  • As part of the remodeling to encourage geneticists to do their goddamned jobs, surgery and cryo share their space now to give a more natural flow to treating the critically injured.
  • This update was brought to you by Roboticists.

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • Here's a list of things I committed the past few days, because I forgot to update this I guess?
  • Pod artillery platform now works with 40mm HE grenades. That means you have to resupply. Insert the ammo while the panel is open.
  • You only have yourself to blame for this change if this bothers you.
  • Ingesting phlogiston and chlorine trifluoride now should be a much worse idea. Why was this literally harmless in the first place?
  • Smoke size now scales with the amount of reagents it is composed of. You'll find that your 1-unit smokes are now barely a puff of dust.
  • Finally, but most importantly: Blob has been released. I'm still working on the balance but it shouldn't be far too biased in favour of one side.

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

Haine updated
  • Okay 3,267 parrots is a bit excessive. Flaptonium now works like Life, lest we nearly crash a server with an excess of birds again.

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

Marquesas updated
  • RIP Cyborg phantom health.
  • In theory this means everything should work in a sane way now.
  • In practice this means I'll be still sifting through your bug reports in two weeks.

Friday, January 9th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • The cyborg teleport upgrade suddenly remembered it needs a telecrystal to work. Oh dear.
Haine updated
  • The code for hearts and heart surgery has changed a bit - you shouldn't notice any changes, but if you do, let me know.
  • Cards can now be tapped and untapped, see the playing card tips & tricks page in the card vendor for more info.
  • Shuffling a tarot deck will reverse some of the cards now. Spooky.

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • No more mystery reagents in pills.
  • Fuck you, horrendously obscure bastard bug. I win.

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Updated the materials counter on the genetics modifier to show the current generation rate.
  • The cloning pod now comes with the ability to disable the granting of this bonus for a slight increase in cloning speed.
  • In practice this will mean that geneticists should be interested in ensuring they're the ones operating the cloner.

Monday, January 5th, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Genetics now gets a bonus to material generation and equipment cooldown speeds when the cloner is running nominally.

Sunday, January 4th, 2015

Daeren updated
  • im coder
  • My first order of business: screwing with Poltergeist PDA messages because obviously that's critically important.
  • Oh yeah, the medal code had a few weird bits that I smoothed out. Four medals are now actually obtainable!
  • Three of them are crew objectives that now get handed out, the fourth involves poor decisions involving mulebots, alcohol, and innocent bystanders.
SpyGuy updated
  • Due to recent scientific breakthroughs the MD has ordered a new kind of dart for their rifle.

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

SpyGuy updated
  • Rebiggified foam. Also made chem machinery update itself properly during extended reactions.
  • Back to raising hell now, chemists.
  • An assistant, a chaplain and a clown walked into a bar... they found a dodgy item.

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Keelin updated
  • Added a new actions system. This will eventually replace all those "wait X seconds with no visible indicator" actions with ones that provide more feedback and options.
  • Handcuff removal has been ported to this new system. More to follow.
Marquesas updated
  • Security has a new toy. All hail the big brother.

December 2014

Wednesday, December 31th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Chemical reactions are no longer instantaneous (except for reactions such as smoke).
  • You can affect the reaction speed through heating or cooling.
  • Pyrosium and cryostylane need to be mixed with oxygen to do anything.

Monday, December 29th, 2014

volundr updated
  • Added stationary chemicompiler to chemlab. Try not to blow yourselves up.

Saturday, December 27th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Added some cancel buttons to stuff in the chem machines; making pills/patches, the borg chem menu, etc.

Wednesday, December 24th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • Jenny Antonsson hits the pen with the large beaker!
  • Fuck that shit. Merry Christmas.
Haine updated
  • You now have to wear a labcoat in order to claim the Alchemist Robes or the two department labcoats. Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 23th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • Fixed a bug with secure safes causing mechanics to infinitely duplicate their loot.
  • To make up for this the Captain and Detective now get their own secure safes.
  • How does this compensate the mechanics? Not at all. RIP your free gold, nerds.
Marquesas updated
  • Something is very tasty now. Sure hope it doesn't break on the way down, cause that would be a disaster. Oh, the humanity.

Sunday, December 21th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • Here's your pod verbs back proper. Enjoy I guess.
  • Due to popular request, the secondary system and wormhole hotkeys were removed, and the fire hotkey is now Space.
  • Wormhole HUD button is coming up. Later.
  • I'm pretty sure I did something else too but I can't remember for the life of me so that's all.

Saturday, December 20th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • Genetics backend optimizations. You may not notice a difference. You may notice it's smoother than before.
  • It also may introduce bugs. It's been tested extensively, but I hope you'll help me hunt down any stragglers.
Haine updated
  • Bees can now wear hats.

Friday, December 19th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • Krampus returns. Better than ever. Make sure to BE NICE!
  • Miniputts get their phasers back.

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Facial Hair slot and Detail slot have been changed to Detail 1 and Detail 2 respectivley, as the Beard and Detail lists have been merged. Now the ladies among you have more customization options. Or for the men among you, you can finally realize your dream of having two beards.

Sunday, December 14th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Cosmetic choice backend has been reworked. This may affect your current hair, facial hair and detail preferences; just set them back up and save to avoid any further fuss.

Saturday, December 13th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Fixed a bug in the beaker application code, applying directly from the reserve tanks may be a lot less effective.
I Said No updated
  • You may notice a little tab in the bottom left corner - this can be used to switch between hotbars at the top of the screen.
  • Genetics powers are now buttons that appear at the top of the screen. In addition, some of them have been changed so you can click the button and then your target, similar to Wizard spells.
  • Late changelog entry: Genetics has been messed with. There's a bunch of new powers, and the rarity ratios have been re-adjusted.
  • There is now a tier 3 research item that allows you to store mutations in the genetics scanner, whereupon they can be inserted back into a different subject, have injectors made of them, or be combined with other mutations to create new ones.
  • An example recipe for you: combining the Immolate and Glowy mutations gets you Fire Resistance.
  • You can also view a list of mutations you've researched and make injectors of them.

Friday, December 12th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Get ready for the best news ever: you can now build and deconstruct operating computers!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!
  • Please try to not be too excited
  • Health analyzers won't detect implants now - only bullets and shrapnel and other stuff you should actually be cutting out.

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • Hello. I completely reorganized projectiles being shot. This might mean things are broken.
  • If things do turn out to be broken, yell at me in an unaggravated, yet confident, but still relatively quiet manner.
  • In other news, miniputts no longer start with a weapon, however, normal pod weapons now go into both miniputts and pods.
  • The Strelka is an exception, it still has its shiny russian laser thing.
  • Tasers are now a bit more dangerous to pods. Yes. Tasers.
SpyGuy updated
  • Changed ling.
  • No longer immortal. Made of sterner stuff than humans, though.
  • Horrorform quite strong now, but it costs DNA to maintain it.
  • Horrorform no longer a picky eater. Will eat things wearing hats and masks now.
Haine updated
  • Beepsky no longer gets confused and can finally make his way to the southern end of the station again. You can't outrun a radio! Unless the next beacon is too far away. Then the radio'll just hang out in the pool instead.
  • Some medal rewards are now claimable more than once, notably the NT-SO Commander Uniform, since you need specific things to get it anyway.
  • Cloaking generator: no longer useless due to layer issues.
  • Stamina icon on your HUD will now report details of your stamina if you click on any part of it, not just the stamina bar itself.
  • The Robotics operating computer will no longer tie itself to an operating table on Mars.
  • Implants weren't properly being cut out of people; the implant itself wasn't being relocated, so cutting one out from someone just sorta made an empty case and never actually removed the thing - except from the list of implants in the person, so then you could never get it out.

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Aphtonites updated
Haine updated
  • Snowballs!

Monday, December 8th, 2014

volundr updated
  • Rebuilt main loop controller. Enjoy (maybe) less lag.
SpyGuy updated
  • Punch a borg. May or may not be a bad idea.
Marquesas updated
  • New secondary systems in the colosseum: Force wall (tier 1), Mines (tier 1).
  • Shield boosts now restore 25 shields instead of 10.
  • Comms systems have been added to Colosseum Putts. Communicate with each other simply by talking.
  • Fixed iron curtain being permanent.
  • 4 new drone types have been added for more variety.
  • Unrelated: Fire hotspots just became far more dangerous.

Sunday, December 7th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • The Pod Colosseum is now officially released for public beta testing.
  • 1-4 players, located north of the gauntlet (accessible via the CRITTER GAUNTLET chutes in the VR lobby)
  • It also is a preview of the new pod controls which will soon be applied to all pods.

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Haine updated
  • Both HeadSurgeon the box and HeadSurgeon the medibot count for the staff assistant objective.
  • The Botanist objective to get rid of all cannabis stuff on the station level is now to get rid of it from just hydroponics

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

Haine updated
  • Medibots updated to the new perspective.
  • I messed with the organization and inheritance of a bunch of boxes. If something's gone weird with them, lemme know.

Monday, December 1th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • Added the canned drama sound as requested.
  • In the form of a dramatic bike horn. Sue me.
  • It is scannable, and the chef holds the only one.
  • It also has a secret use similar to that of the bike horn.
Tobba updated
  • Observers can now see their targets HUD.

November 2014

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Touched up the character randomizer a bit, it's not perfect but you wont like complete gibberish anymore.
  • Ported the human HUD over to the new HUD backend, this required a lot of modifications to the equipping code.
  • Please yell at me if you wind up equipping a PDA on your head or something.
Haine updated
  • Patches now can repair bleeding as well.
SpyGuy updated
  • Some QM bugfixes. Like the belts heading into the warehouse. They go the right way now. Hooray!
  • View shopping cart straight from the trader order screen!
  • NPC trader interface optimizations and improvements.

Saturday, November 29th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • More chem optimizations. The dispenser should feel a lot smoother to use now.
  • Let me know if anything seems broken.
Haine updated
  • Staples will no longer drain all your blood like some kind of horrific tiny metal vampire living in your body.
  • Fixed broken bottles so when you stab someone with them, it doesn't make, uh, YOU bleed and take damage. Whoops!!
  • The butcher's knife now does more brute damage (any at all vs none) because whoops when I was converting things to the bleeding system I accidentally forgot to return the brute damage stuff to it. Whoops!!

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Added a bunch of supply carts.
  • They're just resprited crates but they look distinctive!
Haine updated
  • BLOOD SYSTEM NOW ON BY DEFAULT! Please go to the forums to give me yours thoughts on it.
  • Centralized AI laws so they're no longer owned by the AI core itself.
  • What This Means 4 U: You can upload laws regardless of whether or not there's an AI core, and now all present AI cores will have the same set of laws, if there's somehow more than one.

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • The telesci perm portal now takes quite a fair bit of power to keep going.
  • Engineering no longer irrelevant as a result.

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Rearranged the mining office
  • Mining magnet gets a barcode printer and launcher
  • Barcode printer in warehouse smelter
SpyGuy updated
  • The highly experimental technology employed by some is now even higher and... experimentaler?
Haine updated
  • Non-PDA reagent scanners.

Monday, November 24th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • I did a chemistry backend rewrite and may have broken everything. Let me know if I broke everything.
  • Turns out I've been killing traitors while I was sleeping. Oops. I'm fix.
I Said No updated
  • A new thing for genetics - the Port-A-Gene. It's the genetics computer and scanner rolled into one object. Hopefully the Geneticists will get out a bit more with this. There's still a regular console in there if you want to use that though.
Haine updated
  • Clowns can now make balloon animals. Use a balloon in-hand (only clowns need apply.) Thanks to monty for the sprites.

Sunday, November 23th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • The entrance to the Critter Gauntlet is in the VR lobby. It's four disposal units, leading to the same place.
  • Your high scores are now logged to goonhub and should soon be viewable.
Haine updated
  • I'm starting to port things to the new blood/bleeding system. It's not enabled by default yet, but if you see something related to blood acting weirdly, let me know.

Saturday, November 22th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • New toy for chemists.
  • New item for treasonous clowns.
Haine updated
  • I fussed with all of the surgery code, you shouldn't notice much of a change, but if something broke, lemme know.
  • Relatedly, you'll no longer start heart surgery on someone while just trying to remove an implant from them.
  • Butts can be put back on now.
  • I.Sett and Apo123 added to mentors. The way we set this has changed a little, so please let me know if you guys see this but don't have mentor status, alright?

Friday, November 21th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Shuffled the order of the Port-A-NanoMed's inventory a bit and fixed that awful bug where it'd appear above the things on the floor below it for a frame.
  • Atropine Auto-Injectors now dropped to 5u.
Marquesas updated
  • The Critter Gauntlet is now available in VR.
  • No high score recording _yet_.

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

Hull updated
  • The Emergency shuttle console has been coaxed out of hiding from the shuttle wall and should be visible again.
Tobba updated
  • Changed the timings on doors so they you can pass through them a whole lot faster.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • Ghost inside containers! #wow #whoa
  • Cyborgs now see their upgrades in the HUD as they should.
Haine updated
  • Fussed with the contents of the Port-A-NanoMed to make it more on-the-spot, emergency medicine kinda stuff. Tell me what you think of the change.

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Hull updated
  • Camera viewers and computers should work again.
Haine updated
  • Epinephrine syringes in medkits are now emergency auto-injectors.
  • Cut paper and then add some cable to make a mask. Color it in with a pen. Thanks to Gannets for the sprites.

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • Key a pod.
Haine updated
  • Cable on bedsheet to make a cape. Thanks to Gannets for the sprites.

Monday, November 10th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • A new reagent: Nitrogen Triiodide
  • The worrying amalgamation of black powder and chlorine azide.

Saturday, November 8th, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • You can now use AI modules in-hand to modify them, instead of dropping and picking them back up etc.

Friday, November 7th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • You have the right to bear arms.
  • Quite literally.

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Cyborgs now have a command to lock or unlock their interfaces.
  • Emagged cyborgs will now show up in the end-of-round info.
I Said No updated
  • The work time of looms has been sped up drastically. You can also now load shoes into them to get leather.

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Clown cars now come with a clown costume. This should make them more useful when they show up in surplus crates.
SpyGuy updated
  • Houka, Xavieri, Dylanhall34 and ClassyD are now mentors.

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Added some randomly-available gimmick jobs. Try to play them up interestingly if you get them.
  • Added a whistle item. HALT!

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

Tobba updated
  • One ingot/block of material counts as 10 within manufacturers now, should bring the balance back to what it was before.
SpyGuy updated
  • The emag rewrite is now complete, tested and functional. Probably.
  • The first steps of an emag backend rewrite. You won't and shouldn't notice anything new.
  • If you do, please gimme a shout and a van will pick you up shortly.
Marquesas updated
  • Dear god I haven't touched this in weeks. WEEKS.
  • Right, so, some of you may have noticed that #1 is running construction continuously now.
  • Build your own station! PvE only!
  • Power shouldn't arbitrarily fuck up anymore. If it does, it is likely to unfuck itself in 90 seconds. If it STILL doesn't work, we have a bigger problem and you should assault our code directly with a flamethrower.
  • Wired power -- only available in construction. Machines must be powered by leading wire knots to under them. Light fixtures on the walls require a full wire which ends on the border with the wall.
  • Fast cable laying. Use a cable coil in your active hand and run around. WOO.

Saturday, November 1st, 2014

SpyGuy updated
  • Redid some backend stuff. If you suddenly can't steal shoes / IDs / clothes / whatever yell at me
  • Turns out forcibly ripping a stapled thing off of someone's face hurts them. Go figure.
  • Staple once. Staple twice. Empty the staple gun.
Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Thermals no longer see through walls. This may be temporary, pending rework if possible.
  • Kinda sucks for players to get spotted through walls by someone most of a screen away in the hallway.
  • At least cameras can be snipped to prevent that!

October 2014

Friday, October 31th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Rebalanced the reclaimer so that 10 sheets becomes one bar and 30 pieces of cable becomes one bar (and changed the recipe for manufacturing cables accordingly). No more infinite materials.
  • You can now fuel furnaces with dead critters.
SpyGuy updated
  • Staple. Head. Help. Butt.

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Adminhelp text is now bigger and more obvious.

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Hobnob updated
  • Re-enabled a separate overlay for head damage to humans.

Sunday, October 26th, 2014

edad updated
  • OOC has been re-disabled during rounds because it was a pretty pointless change.

Thursday, October 23th, 2014

Haine updated
  • You can now make miniputts. Wow! Woah! Huge thanks to Hempuli for help with the sprites.
  • They use the same armor and paintkits as large pods.
  • Right now they spawn with weapons. Coming soon: changing miniputt components??
  • Note to self: actually add things to the manufacturers when adding a new feature that requires manufactured things.

Wednesday, October 22th, 2014

edad updated
  • Added an option in Character Setup to toggle your default OOC visibility. It can also be toggled at any time during a round using the (Un)Mute OOC verb.
Haine updated
  • You can now make any backpack into a satchel via medal rewards. Everyone should have the option since it's from 'Fish'.
  • There are a couple special admin-spawn-only backpacks that I didn't bother making satchel versions of, so if you happen to get one of those, too bad!
Hobnob updated
  • Gave foods with intrinsic reagents some room for extra stuff to be injected.
  • Changed behaviour of chem_extractor so reagents are extracted in proportion.

Tuesday, October 21th, 2014

edad updated
  • Reenabled OOC during rounds. Rules about OOC conduct brought back from the dead, don't conflate IC in OOC and vice versa.
  • Fixed an issue where OOC was always visible from mentors/admins.

Monday, October 20th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Two new medal rewards.

Sunday, October 19th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Detective revolver starts loaded with stunners
  • Nobody ever cared about room-temperature nitrogen gas, so...
  • Nitrogen canisters now default to a frosty 80 degrees Kelvin.
  • This makes it significantly more dangerous but should give it some new uses.
  • Might give nitrogen tanks a cold storage room like the meat locker later.
  • Flipping inside closets and lockers can now damage them and eventually break them open.

Saturday, October 18th, 2014

Haine updated
  • One new medal reward.

Thursday, October 16th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • PDA Forensics Scan will now return the contraband level of illegal items.
  • That's the same value that makes beepsky yell about infraction levels.
  • PLAYER SUGGESTION: It would be rad if you folks could punish criminals based on these criteria:
  • How dangerous is their contraband?
  • How dangerous or destructive was their behavior?
  • This would be a lot more interesting than the usual "he's got traitor gear, legit kill time! he has nothing, let him go" stuff.
  • Changelingchat: I quietly changed health code a few weeks ago. Changelings will only die if their bodies are destroyed. Have fun.

Tuesday, October 15th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • New revision of the modular manufacturers as workbenches.
  • This is VERY much under construction. Expect more items and blueprints soon.
  • This will allow us to make proper custom items and objects. This can (in part) be seen in the flash and flashlight you can make right now.

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Silver sulfadiazine's recipe has been changed so that it no longer requires oil.
  • The recipe is now: silver, sulfur, oxygen, chlorine and ammonia.

Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Write on walls and the floor and whatever with pens.

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Rename vehicles by hitting them with a champagne bottle on harm intent

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Clown is back.
  • Any and all complaints regarding this change should be directed at Wonk.

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Haine updated
  • YJHGHTFH has started to re-resprite all the vending machines, and here's the first wave of 'em.
  • One new medal reward.
  • Reagent extractor storage tank size increased.

Monday, October 6th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Fiddled with the detective's office a bit more - there's now an entrance into the jazz lounge as well.
  • Interrogation room is back.

Sunday, October 5th, 2014

Haine updated
  • The detective's office has been moved to a more appropriate location.
  • The brig now has a visitor's area. Come say hello to all those dirty criminal scum!
  • As always, hit up my feedback thread in Ideas & Suggestions to tell me what you think, and how to improve things.

Saturday, October 4th, 2014

Haine updated
  • You can now properly shake salt and pepper onto food with the shakers. Wow!!

Friday, October 3th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • Added two new reagents.
  • One of them is liquid electricity, which has 4 primary components. Think about stuff that could be used to produce power.
  • The other one is an energy drink. This contains three components and should be mostly self-explanators.
  • Pathology is coming along nicely. You may have noticed that in the past few weeks. More information coming soon.
  • And by that I mean if you behave yourselves nicely you might get some toys to play with as soon as possible.
Haine updated
  • I didn't notice what the power was for the microbombs you could buy from PDAs and as a result macrobombs were only half the power they shoulda been WHOOPS!! Fixed now.
  • Two(!!) reward skins added for one medal.

Thursday, October 2th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Changed airtanks, canisters, and freezers to have an input prompt for what you wanna set them to. Hit up my feedback thread to suggest other things that should work like this.
  • Added a little button to the Pharmacy desk and the MD's office that opens the front doors to medbay. Wee.
  • I've been replacing the old computer sprites with the new style, and I think I've finally gotten all of the ones that are currently in-use on the map. Let me know if you find one that's still the old kind.
I Said No updated
  • Added an Automatic Mode for the Mining Magnet. It will activate the magnet when the cooldown has finished, if the mining area is clear of anything it couldn't normally transport.

Wednesday, October 1th, 2014

Hull updated
  • Unicorn manufacturers should be working now
  • Did something about flashers behind shrubs
  • Skull + circular saw = skull mask

September 2014

Monday, September 29th, 2014

volundr updated
  • fixed chairflipping, flipping, throwing, and anything else that should not have left you sideways
  • fixed some sources of extreme lag

Sunday, September 28th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Reworked Medbay's layout a bit. Let me know how this works out.
  • Port-A-Medbay is now a Port-A-NanoMed.
  • New kind of medkit, get all excited!! WOO NEW MEDKIT!!!
  • Other misc bits and bobs. Nothing super exciting (other than the medkit, YESS NEW MEDKIT TYPE YES SO AWESOME)
  • Thanks to YJHGHTFH and Convair880 for some replacement sprites.

Saturday, September 27th, 2014

volundr updated
  • added some nifty lag-prevention stuff for sounds. sounds may be horribly broken as a result. please report any new sound issues.

Friday, September 26th, 2014

volundr updated
  • i "fixed" a lot of "lag", but i may or may not have "broken" "everything" "horribly". Please report any new problems on the forums or something.

Thursday, September 25th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Health analyzers can no longer scan reagents on default. Instead, there's now an upgrade for them that enables that function.
  • Synth limbs and organs are now much more plant-y than before. Thanks to AffableGiraffe and YJHGHTFH for the sprites.

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

volundr updated
  • added a new chemistry device maybe probably

Tuesday, September 23th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • A comprehensive documentation of pathology is available at http://wiki.ss13.co/Pathology_Research
  • You should probably read it for the upcoming release.
  • Electric shocks were refactored a bit. Let me know if anything doesn't work or kills you far worse or far less than before.
Haine updated
  • A bunch of the new drink recipes were totally broken, but should now all be working. Maybe? Hopefully?
  • Cyberhearts now available for creation at robotics fabricators.
  • Cyberheart item sprite courtesy of AffableGiraffe, mob sprite courtesy of YJHGHTFH.

Monday, September 22th, 2014

Haine updated
  • I should be asleep but instead I gave the MD a secure locker.
  • Oculine now a touch-based chem.
  • zzz
  • Big ol' cocktail update thanks to Daeren. Go out and get drunk, friends.
  • Health 100% indicator is now a cheerful green rather than grey.

Sunday, September 21th, 2014

Haine updated
  • I'm half asleep still cause I jut woke up and I've reached the required amount of convincing needed in order to remove the RD's medbay access
  • rip
  • Borgs are now affected by sonic and flash powder.
  • also rip
Hull updated
  • Changeling regens will now remove implanted bullets upon completion.

Saturday, September 20th, 2014

AngriestIBM updated
  • Fixed light fixture assemblies requiring you to click a wall with your hand simultaneously empty and holding the parts.

Friday, September 19th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Equip hotkey changed to V, toggle throw is back on X.

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

Haine updated
  • WASD users have a new hotkey: X for 'equip', which will equip the item in your active hand, if possible.
  • Couple new cocktail doodads.
  • Some pod paint jobs can now be bought from the regular guy for podstuff. Bot. Whatever.
  • Keep it on the DL, you hear? Don't ask where he got that stuff from. You don't need to know. You don't wanna know. Aight? Aight.

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

AngriestIBM updated
  • Beakers don't explode into gouts of death fire every time you look at them funny.
  • I'm not sure what that was even meant to achieve.

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Barmen will want to check out the new boxes in their booze stores: you now have the tools to fancy up drinks quite a bit more!
AngriestIBM updated

You can PDA message departments now. Wow!! Whoa!!!

Sunday, September 14th, 2014

Haine updated
  • ChemMasters are now more masterful re: chems as they can now isolate and remove them.

Saturday, September 13th, 2014

Haine updated
  • You can now smash bottles on any table. They also break faster.
  • Uh, okay, NOW you can smash bottles on any table.
  • Macrobombs for macrofun!
  • Hairs.

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Fancy beer! Ask the barman to look in his booze closet for some of it!
  • Harm intent with a bottle in your hand on the bar table. Have fun!
  • Fixed up some of the kinds of booze so their bottles can be smashed, too. Unfortunately, this wiped the map of all of those items, and I had to re-add them. Also unfortunately, I'm not sure I got them all where they were supposed to go. If there's hobo wine or some other alcohol missing from some place it ought to be, let me know!

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Expandng the *dance emote with some animations. Context-sensitive dances are planned. Wizards' inability to dance has been removed.
Haine updated
  • What do you mean, "filling a beaker with helium and then transferring that helium to a balloon makes no sense, why can't you just fill the balloon from the helium tank?"? Shut up, jerk. That's why not.
  • I fixed that anyway, even though the very concept of sensible physics makes me angry. Haine mad. Haine smash. Haine need sleep.
  • Fuck there was some other thing that got cleared out of the changelog accidentally earlier today, what the fuck was it? Oh, right, fliptonium animates nicer now. Flip flip flip.
  • Holy fuck I need more sleep.

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Update to health analyzers: colors fiddled with more. Standard, non-PDA scanners now scan for reagents in mobs as well. This functionality can be toggled by clicking on the analyzer in your hand.
  • A couple slight updates to specific traitor objectives. You probably won't notice this change very much.
  • Few more hairstyles. Nothing huge.
Keelin updated
  • Infused mops work now
  • Plates and all atmos objects use more of the materials system
  • On-attack effects of infusions deplete by using them now - they will be buffed to compensate for that.
  • Walls and turfs use the materials properly now and can be damaged by attacks (provided they are powerful enough).
  • Many critters can be skinned for materials now. (Most sharp items will work for this. It even works on skeletons OKAY)
  • Because people seem to miss this: There is definitely cotton in hydroponics. You can use that as cheap cloth material.

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

Haine updated
  • You can now make more AI shells.

Monday, September 8th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Very important update: HoP and MD now have bedsheets. I know you're all just giddy with joy about this.
  • New chair sprites courtesy of ClockworkCupcake. I totally meant to commit them, anyone who tells you otherwise is a dirty liar.
  • Be a sneaky doctor. Sneaky sneaky. Make sure to clean your surgical tools.
  • My brain has slowly melted out of my skull as I try to figure out just what code is. I don't know anymore. Letters and numbers or something. Point is, misc fixes. My head hurts.

Sunday, September 7th, 2014

Haine updated
  • New medal reward for AIs.
  • Drag-drop transfer for beakers works like you'd expect now, instead of the opposite.
  • hatstomp or *stomphat for those with HoS headwear.

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

Haine updated
  • I swear to fucking god this better fix the drag-drop issues with hydroponics stuff
  • (endless screaming)
  • Skullbots now can be more special if you find a special skull to make them out of
  • scalpel-saw-scalpel-saw-scalpel-saw

Friday, September 5th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Okay I broke some stuff with my port of Razage's seed-hydro tray drag-drop code. Should be fixed now.

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

Haine and SARazage updated
  • Click-drag beakers and other such things onto other other such things to transfer reagents.
  • Fixed click-drag messages for planting seeds in hydro trays, so you actually get feedback if you're doing something wrong now.

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • Nothing happened in the diagonal movement department. Carry on.
Haine updated
  • Updates to balloons: if you can get some helium, you can blow 'em up now!
  • beep bop, ai is rouge, haine is a good coder while drunk, bep boop
Haine and YJHGHTFH updated
  • Vending machine sprites in the new perspective. All fifty gajillion of them. An immense thank you to YJHGHTFH for all the work he put into them!

Monday, September 1st, 2014

Wire and YJHGHTFH updated
  • Salt now makes piles when dumped out of a beaker. You can also connect piles of salt when dumping to an adjacent tile. I fully expect salt lines all over the place.
  • Special credit to YJHGHTFH for the salt spriting work
Haine updated
  • Water balloons!
  • Clown starts with a couple new things (one of the things is ballons)
  • Huge thanks to YJHGHTFH for all his help with sprites lately!

August 2014

Sunday, August 31th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • Hello, mediborgs. You'll find that your patches no longer do anything other than their intended purpose.
  • Added a hypospray anyway.
Haine updated
  • You can now drag & drop seeds into hydroponics trays to plant them. Thanks to SARazage for the code snippet!

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

Haine updated
  • OR tables now scannable with device analyzers, I'm sure this is a good idea and nothing bad will happen to anyone because of this.

Friday, August 29th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Updated the HoS and mentor lists. Congrats guys!
  • Reverted the animation change I made yesterday cause it caused Extreme Server Grump and the fix will take a bit to get working right.
  • Tourists now start with fanny packs instead of backpacks.
Marquesas updated
  • Updated the new critter arm a bit.
  • By popular demand, the canister bomb now has another noisy attachment.
Infinite Monkeys updated
  • You can now perform surgery on yourself while drunk.
  • Some objects (like glass shards and botany saws) can be used to perform ghetto surgery.
Hull updated
  • Low pop servers will automatically initiate a shuttle call if a player dies after the round has been going for a while.
  • The current settings are 20+ minutes and less than 5 or less living players after the death, feedback is encouraged if this is an issue though.
  • Chaplains have finally admitted that corruption doesn't exist, and will stop trying to sense it.

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Fixed it so synthlimbs can be stored in produce satchels.
  • Revolutionary costume is now a set of two pieces of clothing, thank you to AffableGiraffe for the sprites!
  • One of the new chems now works more like I wanted it to, animation-wise. Progress!
Marquesas updated
  • Ice creams no longer quadruple the input reagent.
  • Most disease reagents now require a minimum of 5 units to infect someone. Relaxed this requirement on some less incurable diseases.
  • Decomposing corpse sprites now work. Also added a new disease related to this.
  • Added a recipe for the rotting reagent. It contains some weird disgusting things. Also some formerly living organisms.
  • Added a new type of arm. It comes off a humanoid critter with the usual scalpel-saw-scalpel process.

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

Wonk updated
  • To help clarify, we have simplified what used to be the "creepiness" rule. Please check Rules for more information.
Marquesas updated
  • Bunch of sprite update fixes!
  • Cloaking field generators are no longer bad and broken.
Haine updated
  • ALT+C for OOC in WASD.
  • raisehand is now Ctrl+H, and *flip is Ctrl+R for both WASD and arrow key modes.
  • Added a 'Hotkeys' verb in the Commands tab that'll list all the various keys you can press to do things.
  • Fixed a bug where removing a heart didn't cure people of cardiac arrest/cardiac failure WHOOPS MY BAD
  • Toggling WASD mode on now brings focus away from the input bar. No more trying to move only to end up with dddddddddsss in the input bar, yay!!!
  • Mailman is now available as a daily job again on wednesdays.
  • Traitor clowns can get clown cars through their PDAs once again.

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

Haine updated
  • Port-a-Med remote moved to the MD's office, Port-a-Sci remote moved to the RD's.
  • Added a couple goofy new chems.
I Said No updated
  • You can now put sheets, rods and tiles into portable reclaimers.
  • You can drag and drop ore or bars onto the floor to sort them into piles now.
  • Sheet, rod and tile stacking should be fixed.

Monday, August 25th, 2014

Haine updated
  • You can roll joints with money instead of paper now. Go ahead and literally smoke the budget or whatever.
  • PDA health scanner program now fancified as well.
  • Removed the blood monitor implant from manufacturers and stuff for now since it literally does nothing.
  • Added a new emote hotkey, CTRL+Q for *wave
  • Fixed a couple wiring errors: pathology and the starboard solars should both be working properly, power-wise, now
  • There's a new thingy in Research. Said thingy will go away very quickly if people are dumb with it. So don't be dumb!!
Marquesas updated
  • Burning stuff should actually turn into ash now.

Sunday, August 24th, 2014

Marquesas updated
  • Thermite breaching charges no longer arbitrarily fail to take down walls.
  • Changeling mimic voice no longer reveals the dude through intercoms.
Haine updated
  • Fancified the health analyzer's results a bit.
  • Removed the scimaster cart from the MD's office since they start with one now.
  • Gave chemistry some large beakers so they can stop breaking into medbay and dumping out the reseerve tanks, okay you guys can stop that now you have all the large beakers you could ever want so STOP
I Said No updated
  • Replaced Recycling Units with new Portable Reclaimers. They turn ore into bars as well as scrap and shards. You can drag them around too.
  • Fabricator units only accept processed materials now. With the reclaimers it's not as bad as it sounds, trust me.
  • The miners now have their own refinery out by the magnet area.
  • Process some Miracle Matter and watch what you get. You'll like it guaranteed or you have no soul.
  • Shoving a jumpsuit in an auto-loom yields some cotton. Cotton grown in Hydro can also be used in looms now too.

Saturday, August 23th, 2014

Spoogemonster updated
  • Unfucked lights
Haine updated
  • The MD now starts with their own PDA and a scimaster cart IN said PDA
  • Satchels now available in Personal Closets
  • Couple costumes added
  • Thanks to YJHGHTFH for the sprites!
  • Heart surgery! Scalpel-saw-scalpel-saw on chest. Not having a heart is bad. More heart-related features to be added once I'm not half asleep.
  • Hearts were temporarily inedible but that is fixed now too so please go and eat all the hearts you can stuff in your faces.
  • Thanks to AffableGiraffe for the heart sprite!
Marquesas updated
  • Headspiders can finally be removed via surgery.
  • Cutting out parasites can go horribly wrong, make sure only qualified personnel do it!
  • Synthlimb and synthorgan plants are now in. Surplus organs are important.

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Pixel bullets are now IN.
  • You can shoot wherever the fuck you want now.
  • This was coded almost entirely by Marquesas (I helped port it in to gooncode). Seriously, give him a pat on the back for this (or a fart on the face, whichever).

Saturday, August 16th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Modified the lighting system slightly, lets see how this turns out.
  • Adjusted explosions, again. This should theoretically be a lot better.
  • Adjusted artillery and AEX ammo.

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Reinforcing sheet metal has been changed. You just hit a sheet with rods now.

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

Wire updated
  • New attachment for canister bombs. Write something on some paper, stick it to your detonator, slap the detonator on a canister, whoa your note is like, *right there*.
  • Truly we live in the modern age.
  • (As per usual with any canister bomb related code change, Marquesas coded this and I ported it in)

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Fixed the new mob burning lighting from eventually making you into a human sun.
  • Cakehats emit light again w h o a.

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Removed the hands, feet, eyes, mouth and groin targeting zones. They are now considered part of the arms, legs, head and chest respectively.
  • Smoother targeting UI icon, with text feedback.
  • Butt removals have been changed slightly. You now target the torso and use harm intent.

July 2014

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Fixed vampire mist form for real this time. It was counting the vampire as viewing themselves (lol).
  • You can longer use the new 'me' verb to use emotes from your corpse when dead, despite how hilarious that was.
Keelin updated
  • Powernet-networking component will now literally just dump every packet it sees onto the component side.
AngriestIBM updated
  • Um I guess I replaced sigcraft with SigPal, which is kinda like sigcraft but less bad.
  • Like you can send the signals directly from it? That's a thing.
  • The number of people who care can probably be counted on one hand.

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • More undocumented components that were requested. What fun!

Sunday, July 27th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Added a 'me' verb for doing emotes. Syntax is just 'me (emote)'. No silly asterix or whatever.
  • People on fire now light up. There is a quirk with byond related to this if you can figure it out.
  • Canister bomb explosions tweaked. Now it is much harder to get very large explosions (although the 'small' size explosion is still easy to get and still bigger than tank transfer bombs).
  • 'Attachments' concept implemented to detonators. They now add wires to the resulting bomb for each attachment that control their actions and confuse the defuser.
  • Three new detonator attachments added to commemorate this new system. Can you find them all??
  • Oh and vampire mist form should work properly now (and not count every mob in the entire game as in your view)

Sunday, July 27th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • A few new mechanics components that were requested on the forums. Ideas and sprites by BadClown.
  • They don't have a manual entry yet. WELP.

Saturday, July 26th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Ghosts will hear nearby conversations in ATTENTION GRABBING BOLD (not caps, this was a trick, you fell for it).
  • Also I fixed the Toggle Deadchat Range thing which was apparently broken??
  • Wizards/Ghosts will no longer be able to teleport into the VR bomb testing area by selecting the "Research Sector".
  • Also that whole "I crashed every server" thing earlier today never happened. You saw nothing. Carry on.

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • More updates to the materials backend. Some more materials.
  • Most of the work today went into material bullets. Yeah you can make LSD bullets or telecrystal bullets or WHATEVER.
  • Currently only available as .22 cal! You gotta be smart about what you use to fire them.
  • Don't be shit with this or it's gonna be removed faster than you can say "NO KEELIN DON'T".
  • Material handcuffs now also apply effects from their materials. Quality and such influence how long it takes to get out of them.
  • Additive effects have been revised. Go find out what that means. It's nuts, i promise you.

Thursday, July 18th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Large-ish materials system update. Stay tuned for more details and more updates.

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Canister bombs now have a configurable detonation timer. The minimum time has however been raised to 90 seconds.
  • The timer is reliable and real-time (for those who remember the bad timers of yore).
  • The detonator assembly will now update its sprite correctly when done in-hand.
  • Added a bunch of flashy lights and noises to the detonation process.
  • Also there is a new ~thing~ you can attach to detonators now. Have fun finding it.

Monday, July 14th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Moved the mining magnet further from the station a bit.
  • This change would make space OSHA very unhappy

Saturday, July 12th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Messed with taser bolt behaviors again. Player feedback would be useful.
  • Reminder: armor and distance both reduce up-front stun effects
  • Drugs reduce duration, but won't counter the confusion effect.

Friday, July 11th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Canister bombs are now in. Have fun figuring out how to make them!
  • Marquesas coded them by the way I just ported them in finally.
  • Spruced up the canister bomb detonator display panel.
Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • rest in peace mining level
  • World size has been changed from 200x200x5 to 300x300x3
  • Telesci level (z2) now has room for probably six more lavamoon-sized things
  • Station level has some asteroids and hidey-holes floating around near the edges now
  • Mining station is more or less abandoned but shares shuttle-access with the Diner
  • Solar panels on-station are now direct-wired instead of running through SMES cells
  • Not sure yet if this is a good or a bad idea, welp

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Added a pair of paramedic suits to medbay.
  • Their protective stats are kinda halfway between biosuits and firesuits

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Added a Set-DNR verb (found under the commands tab). It's one-use only per round and it prevents you from being revived in any way.

Monday, July 7th, 2014

Hull updated
  • Messed around with explosions to try and address concerns about them being very weak. Please report any weirdness related to explosions in the bug report forum or yell at me on IRC.

Friday, July 4th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • New tool for miners: The Ore Scoop. Put a satchel in it and then walk over ore to collect it automatically. Click on a tile to eject all the ore out when it gets full.
  • A conveyor belt for the magnet control room.
  • Updated the graphics on asteroids a bit; now featuring new ore sprites by Clockwork Cupcake!
  • Mining charges were nerfed a bit.
  • Reduced the volume of digging sounds.
  • Removed extractor rigs as there is no real need for them anymore.

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Hull updated
  • Major random events will no longer occur on low population servers. This is set to below 15 players for the moment.
  • No more TK over cameras bullshit.
  • Canada Day is now over.

June 2014

Monday, June 30th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Weakening rock now halves its hardness rather than decreasing it by 1.
  • You now have a small chance to attract some odd stuff with the magnet. More to come.
  • Added two new ores. Go find em!
  • Changed the backend for how explosions, concussion blasts and mining pod equipment damages asteroids. Please report bugs.

Sunday, June 29th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • The Mining Magnet is now mostly complete. More content will be added to it soon enough.
  • Miners now start in the Magnet Control Room, and the job cap has been reduced to 3. The mining outpost is still there if you want to go to it.

Friday, June 27th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Most critters now have a chance to random quality-derived names
  • An awful wendigo or a fancy bee won't do anything different yet, but SOON
  • Crew backpacks will now have some goofy personalized trinkets

Saturday, June 21th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • New asteroid shapes, more ore available in general in the mining field. Two new ores to dig up. Ore is now named differently depending on the quality.
  • Got rid of the delay time when digging asteroids manually. Now it's a chance based thing, starting at 100% and decreasing the greater the difference between tool strength and rock hardness. (shut up)
  • Hulks are now able to punch asteroids to destroy them. People with the Strong or Hulk genetic effects also get extra strength

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Cleared a few default lanes through the random mining field.
  • Smelter is a bit more rugged now.
  • Mining has its own smelter now back near the furnaces, might redo the central fabrication area later to accomodate it.

Sunday, June 15th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • The asteroid field is now randomized.
  • Major mining backend changes. Please report any bugs.

Saturday, June 14th, 2014

LLJK-Mosheninkov updated
  • Fiddled with explosions some more. Now they shouldn't be super weak but also shouldn't have a stupidly wide radius.

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Vampire changes:
  • Shapeshift removed.
  • Blood gain halved.
  • Mist form only works when nobody can see you.
  • Chiropteran Screech confuses rather than stuns.
  • Cooldown changes: Rejuvenate (20 to 30), Glare (30 to 60).
  • Blood cost changes: Enthrall (300 to 200), Call Bats (75 to 100), Hypnotise (10 to 0).

May 2014

Monday, May 26th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Punching should now ACTUALLY trigger on-hit effects.
  • Getting hit by thrown effects will now trigger on-hit effects.
  • Radiation protection should now work properly.
  • Being exposed to high temperatures will no longer trigger on-temperature procs several times.
  • Support for on-entered trigger for materials. Think radioactive floor.
  • Added some better feedback to the smelter and barrel.

Sunday, May 25th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • A whole bunch more additive/flux effects for reagents in the smelter.
  • You can make gloves using the fabricator now.
  • Gloves now count as weapons in empty-handed attacks (punches etc)
  • Erebite materials now have a chance to explode when struck. YOU people wanted this. Always remember that.
  • Clarks contributed new sprites for the additive barrel. Woop!

Sunday, May 25th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • A whole bunch more additive/flux effects for reagents in the smelter.

Saturday, May 24th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • You can now put reagents into the barrel next to the smelter to use them as additives for you material.
  • One bar uses the entire contents of the barrel. The barrel can only hold one reagent. You can only use additives once on a material.
  • This is subject to change.
  • The rarer / more exotic the reagent, the more dramatic the effect on the material.
  • Not all reagents have an effect on the materials yet and the ones that do aren't final. This is still very rough.
  • Reagent name should now influence the name of the material.

Friday, May 23th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Added explosion protection and damage properties to materials.
  • Put a very rough manual on material properties in the smelter room.

Tuesday, May 22th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Added material support for more objects. Most notably windows and grilles as well explosion resistance on clothes on humans.
  • Some internal fixes and changes, nothing interesting.
  • Do try the custom pod armor and let me know about any problems. It's got the most complex material interactions so far.

Wednesday, May 21th, 2014

AngriestIBM updated
  • Treads are back for surgery!! The whole single leg dealy didn't play well with the changed limb system and that's why they were gone from surgery.
  • Treads are now two piece. They're manufactured together for the same price as before (Unless I FUCKED UP) and you can mix and match them with normal legs I guess.
Keelin updated
  • Material scanner near the smelter. This is a very basic thing to allow you to get a basic idea of what materials do.
  • Diversified materials a bit. Added more special and unique effects. Gold and stuff made from gold sparkles now. Just because.

Monday, May 20th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Preliminary support for material traits (like erebite explosions) for the arc smelter / sheet press stuff.
  • Material transparency now influences opacity of resulting obj. Go make some see-through molitz walls.
  • Whole bunch of fixes and internal upgrades.
  • Uhm. There's also another machine near the smelter now that produces a different item. Yep.
  • Chemicals and drugs should no longer randomly permanently buff your stamina.
  • Igniter combos might or might not work properly with chemicals again.

Monday, May 19th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Sheets produced by the sheet press using the arc smelter should now correctly work in constructing things.
  • Many objects now support material properties. Uqill armor would be pretty tough. Too bad you can't actually make that right now. But i guess you can make some fancy/tough walls?!

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • The Arc smelter above the central warehouse can now be used (with ores and bars - try 2 different ones).
  • And uhhh ... i guess you can make a crowbar with the thing next to it.

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • This should fix cardiac arrest being a consistent piece of shit.

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Added speech bubbles over people when they talk.
Keelin updated
  • Trying out some changes to stamina based on feedback.
  • One example would be being unable to speak on less than a third of max stamina. Numbers always subject to change.
  • Adjusted the point at which attacks become free. Might or might not drop costs entirely. We'll see.

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Now new but important to know: Armor has varying amounts if stamina damage protection. Numbers are not final and need balancing.
  • Items also have varying amounts of crit chance and stamina damage / cost.
  • In general, pointy or sharp objects will have a higher crit chance and heavy or large objects more stamina damage. Numbers not final.
  • Expect to see some items have stupid values that make no sense, probably because i missed them.
  • Attacks on borgs have been adjusted. Numbers not final.
  • Kicking someone on the ground will no longer endlessly stun them.

Saturday, May 3th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Attacking only costs stamina up to a certain level of stamina - after that it is free.
  • Getting a crit on someone who is low on stamina will always knock them out.
  • Blocking works better against grabs.
  • Can't block with an active weapon in-hand (Turned disarm into harm on steroids).
  • Fixed an issue where kicking someone on the ground would not do stamina damage to them.
  • Fixed some circumstances that could lead to mysterious stamina loss.
  • Various number tweaks.
  • Farts are free once again. Joke is over. Too many people thought it was gonna stay like this.
  • Things that will be adjusted: Cyborgs, guns.
  • Thanks to all the people who helped test things and gave usable feedback.
Supernorn updated
  • Added a bunch of Clarks' kitchen sprites to the game. The gibber is now animated!
  • Added Triggerhappypilot (Sigmund Droid) to HOS, and SpyGuy (Jenny Antonsson) to Mentor. Welcome them!

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Cloaker will turn off if you attack anything outside of where you are standing, price reduced to 5 TC to compensate.
  • Hopefully this makes uses actually creative and not consistent bullshit murder sprees.
  • Teleporter will no longer randomly decide it wants to kill you.
Keelin updated
  • After gathering some feedback we're gonna try some new stuff for stamina:
  • Hitting 0 stamina will no longer knock you out instantly - instead you will become increasingly more vulnerable to stuns as your stamina goes into the negative. This is highly experimental..
  • However, hitting the negative stamina cap (indicated by a full, blinking stamina bar) will still knock you out.
  • Melee attacks now have a chance to cause critical stamina damage.
  • Disarm mode now gives you a chance to block attacks.
  • Not new but important: The chance of knocking someone down with disarm depends on how much stamina they have. (actual disarming is unaffected)
  • Increased the stamina cost of farting based on feedback to 50.
  • If you don't like these changes complain to your fellow players and then post on the forums about it.

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Stamina system. Yes this will definitely upset some people and make others happy.
  • Nothing is set in stone - things can and will change and if you have worries or complaints feel free to put them on the forums.
  • It's a bit too much to explain in the changelog but this is meant to get rid of some of the RNG in combat as well as provide a new resource to work with.
  • Yes that means that most objects don't have a random knockout chance anymore - instead things damage stamina and you get knocked out when you run out of it.
  • Farting costs 6 stamina. I just wanted to say that here.

April 2014

Monday, April 28th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Microphone component for mechanic's lab.
  • RegEx Find components should work as intended now.

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Took microbombs down a notch, I should have done this a long time ago. Dont worry, they still make quite a mess.

Wednesday, April 23th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • This should fix the issues with AI camera tracking breaking.

Friday, April 18th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Entirely rewrote AI shells, they currently suffer from a handful of problems I'll be working to fix, but they should be more pleasant to use than the older shells.
  • If you have issues returning to core, hit cancel camera view, this is due to a BYOND bug.

Wednesday, April 17th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Replaced the borg HUD entirely, sprites courtesy of clarks.
  • Added the ProDoc borg upgrade to the robotics manufacturer.
  • Chainsaw arms work again.

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Even more explosion tuning, these values should be pretty good

Monday, April 7th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Tuning the explosions a bit, for the better or worse

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Some new explosion code, walls will block off explosions with different effectiveness.
  • This will also probably alter the effective explosive power of many items, yell at me in IRC if you think any adjustments should be made.

March 2014

Tuesday, March 26th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Selection Component now has various randomization Options.
  • Selection Component now has Inputs for adding, removing and direct selection of Items.
  • Descriptions and Information on Components has been moved into the Manual.
  • Examining a Component now shows you detailed Information about that Component.
AngriestIBM updated
  • Are we adding nerd request items to mechanics now? Um okay well here is a WIP super nerd object I guess.

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Goonhub v2.0 is live today! Come check out all your favorite bees and more! http://goonhub.com
Tobba updated
  • This should fix debraining/cloning after using the observe verb, I'm not sure how that remained broken for so long (yell at me about this shit next time okay).
Keelin updated
  • Wifi Signal Splitter for mechanics Lab.
  • Signal Check Component can now trigger when it does NOT find the specified String.
  • AND Components should no longer mysteriously break.
AngriestIBM updated
  • Apparently soulguard is broken? Probably because of Hitler? Anyway it's not buyable until this is fixed sorry SORRY
Tobba updated
  • Put Soul Guard back in, function is mostly identical to the shield of souls, except that its single use and respawns you on the shuttle like usual, also works against gibbings. Oh and you'll be naked, I might change that later.

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Signal Builder Component for the mechanics Lab.
  • 2 RegEx Components for the mechanics Lab.
  • Wifi Component now has a few more toggles to adjust its Behaviour.
  • Various Bugfixes
  • If your Component Connection Indicators look wrong, update to the Beta Version of BYOND. The current Stable one is bugged.

Monday, March 24th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Experiment: CheMasters, reagent heaters and dispensers are now scannable through mechanics. Lets see how long it takes before I realize this was a bad idea.
  • RCD now holds 50 ammo, wall construction is cheaper, airlock cost cut in half. Deconstruction costs raised to compensate, this may take some tweaking. Also cut down the time the cartridges take to manufacture slightly.
  • Cut the manual construction time of walls and grilles to be less godawful.
Keelin updated
  • Signal-checking Component for the mechanics Lab. Allows you to check if a Signal has a given String within it somewhere.
  • Wifi Component for the mechanics Lab. Allows you to make use of the Radio Network the Station uses. Wanna control your contraptions with your PDA? Now you can.
  • Relay Components can now change the Signal before forwarding it.
  • LED Components now have an Input that allows you to change their Color.
  • Possibly other small changes I've forgotten about.

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Mousetraps in boxes/backpacks should work again.

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Improved Visibility for the Connection Indicators of Mechanic Components.
  • Telepads can now be set to "Send only". In this mode they can not recieve incoming teleports - only send things to other pads. Useful if you want a bunch of pads to lead to a single exit Location.

Monday, March 17th, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Telepads for Mechanics Lab. You also need to have a Multitool to change most Components and their Connections now.
  • Added Toggle and Selection Components.
  • LED Components now change their own Color to the set Color when activated. This should make it easier to tell if they are on or not.
  • Various other fixes and Changes.

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • This is why we cant have nice things.

Sunday, March 9th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Attacking pods with melee weapons now behaves the way you'd expect

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Cogwerks updated
  • Removed the AWOL round-ending condition from nuke mode
  • If it drags on forever, just call the shuttle, or don't, whatever

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Intended to re-work some HUD code, turns out the whole thing was the worlds worst jenga possible, reworked the code for all storage items (+ their HUD) and grabs.
  • As usual bug me in IRC/adminhelp if anything behaves unusually, with the code managable I'm hoping to be able to land a few feature goodies however.

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Wire updated
  • Made the Who list a little different. No more red highlighting for goons.
  • This continues my Goon Special Treatment Purge (tm).

February 2014

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • The WASD mode hotkeys 1-4 (selects intents) should work much better for humans.
  • Soldering irons are now in the general manefacturers instead of being in the mechanics fab (you no longer need a soldering iron to make soldering irons)

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Borgs can load blueprints into manufacturers via drag-drop now, this should help engineering borgs do mechanics

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Gave engineering borgs a device analyzer and soldering iron
  • Replaced a lot of old eye code, this should solve all issues where your camera gets stuck on something, if there are any camera related problems, bitch at me in adminhelp/IRC

Monday, February 24th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Tore out the remaining click code with my bare hands, expect bugs.
  • Number keys 0-3 will now select module for borgs in WASD mode (swapping module with E has also been fixed), 4 will deselect, for humans, number keys 1-4 select intents
  • Touched up the wizard mode a bit, targeting is now non-awful, fireball can also now target arbitary objects.

Sunday, February 23th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • More fancy (crappy) cursors to help newer players to figure out certain hotkeys.
  • Shift+clicking will now throw, holding shift also works for catching.

Saturday, February 22th, 2014

Tobba updated
  • Applying a machete to some nastier parts of the game internals. If anything ineveitably breaks, please yell at me in adminhelp/IRC.
  • Also; try using alt+left click to examine things

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Turned goonsay off by default. Deal with it.
  • Also some pie science updates. Put a beaker of something horrible in a pie, sounds like a great idea!

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Swapped the RD's special traitor weapon from adv. laser to the telegun
  • Added a new gasmask/injector-belt hybrid mask that you can buy from Thrifty B.O.B.

Sunday, February 16th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • You can now drag-and-drop someone onto an operating table.

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • You can now examine artifacts to get a small hint as to how you're supposed to use them, if you can activate them.

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Added a button to recyclers that will automatically process any metal sheets, glass sheets and cable coil in the recycler's contents.

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Various changes made over the past few days:
  • Mechanics and the Chief Engineer now get a Deconstruction Device that can deconstruct anything a mechanic has deployed.
  • Mechanics have been switched over to using manufacturers rather than circuitry pieces for construction.
  • Cargo Pads for Mechanic's Lab and Robotics.
  • The Artifact Lab heater pad now gives a little more useful information.
  • Artifacts now display small hints when you touch them. This mostly determines their origin, but can sometimes give hints as to their function.
  • A bunch of new artifacts. What do they do? Find out for yourself!
  • Radiation Storm random event redone. You now have to dodge radioactive pulses rather than getting unavoidably irradiated.
  • Black Hole event tweaked a bit. There will be a few seconds warning in the vincinity when a black hole is about to spawn.
  • Computer consoles now give feedback if you're doing something wrong when trying to construct them.
  • The old teleporter (the one in a closet near the owlery) is now a bit more modular and doesn't need to be built in a specific order or layout, as long as all pieces are within two tiles of each other.
  • One portal generator and computer can also support multiple portal rings at once.

January 2014

Tuesday, January 21th, 2014

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Security locker room now has some lockers with alternate uniforms
  • Slight changes to the room behind disposals to encourage more petty crime there

Friday, January 17th, 2014

Wire updated
  • Now you can make pies with any item! Egg + Sweet Dough + Item on high for 2 seconds.
  • I fully expect this to end badly.

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

AngriestIBM with special guest Clarks updated
  • You can now attach an empty pipe bomb frame to a mousetrap/grenade assembly to make a little cart. Use it in hand and it will scoot off in whichever direction you're facing. Then it will hit things and blow up.

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Messed around with Meteor Shield Generators a bit. They have snazzy new icons, can have their shield range set by using the right click menu, and will tell you about their power consumption rates when examined.
  • Recycling units can be set to retain any resources they output internally. This should be very convenient when combined with communal pooling.
  • You can drag and drop any manufacturing unit onto a floor, table, rack, openable crate, or functioning manufacturing unit to make it output anything manufactured or ejected there.
  • A recycling unit for the Mechanic's Workshop.

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Sped up drag-loading items into a manufacturing unit. Note: Doing it from a closed crate is instant and always has been.
  • Manufacturers that start the round in the same room now pool their resources communally between each other. This can be toggled on or off per unit.
  • Robotics Manufacturers now have two new recipes that essentially combine all the robot part recipes into one, for convenience. There's one for Standard and Light model cyborgs.

Sunday, January 5th, 2014

I Said No updated
  • The repeat function in manufacturing units will now go onto the next queue item rather than stopping once it runs out of resources.
  • Click-drag the manufacturer onto a nearby crate or turf, and it will output any ejected or manufactured items there until it no longer can, at which point it reverts to its own tile.

Saturday, January 4th, 2014

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Made the initropidril recipe a bit easier so that it's a viable alternative to sarin.

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Keelin updated
  • Mechanics have a limited selection of new Toys to play with.
  • They and a book containing Instructions have been dumped right next to the door.
  • Again, this is highly experimental - try not to be idiots with it or you won't get new toys.
I Said No updated
  • Added the ability to print Blueprints from scanned Ruckingenur Kit entries. These blueprints can be used in new Reverse-Engineering *Fabricators as an alternate method to the old circuit board stuff in Mechanics.

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

I Said No updated
  • Manufacturing Units can now be damaged and destroyed by beating, shooting or generally just abusing them.
  • They can also be repaired or deconstructed. To repair, open the panel and use wiring for severe damage, or welding for light damage.
  • To deconstruct, start by using a wrench on the unit. Examining the unit each step will tell you what to do from there.

December 2013

Tuesday, December 31th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • The mob sprites are by Iamgoofball, thanks!
Keelin updated
  • Boxes of fireworks in the crew quarters. For new years'. It's also still christmas, i don't know what that is about.
I Said No updated
  • Tweaked around with the Manufacturing Units a whole bunch. Most important change: Metal sheets, wire and so forth can't be stuffed *into any old unit, you have to use the Recycling Unit for that now. Same with Miracle Matter.

Monday, December 30th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Forensics scanners can now match dug-out bullets to specific guns. Will this ever matter? Up to you.

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

I Said No updated
  • Using an empty hand on the AI upload console will show the AI's current laws.
  • Added a new verb for AIs that opens the nearest door to someone, so you can do that without interrupting your current camera feed.

Wednesday, December 25th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Added some goofy new freeform traitor objectives
  • Removed the station nuke again, rip
  • It's back in space again, should any nefarious jerks feel the need to rebuild it on the station.

Monday, December 23th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • Some of the Janitor's equipment now have fancy new icons!

Friday, December 20th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The Passive Gate and other various atmos equipment now have new icons.
  • The Escape Arm has been redesigned!

Monday, December 16th, 2013

stuntwaffle updated
  • New robust chair options: Set intent to grab and climb a chair.
  • Flip on a chair with folks around for interesting results.
Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Medical Director has a new unique traitor kit, aw gosh
  • Staplers can now shoot staples into people if you hit them on harm intent
  • Robotics manufacturers can make more staplers
  • Most belts can now hold a wire variety of tiny/small-sized items instead of super-specific boring lists
  • See some jerk standing on a chair? Try folding it under them.
  • Hard counter added for meth/stim-addled wrestler rampages:
  • MD and Armory now have tranq rifles. Welp.
  • Haloperdol was always meant to be the tool of choice against drug-fueled rampages, but it was too hard to dose them
  • These darts contain that stuff, 10u per shot divided by target's armor class.
  • It's less obnoxious than the old sleeptox syringe gun vigilantes, I hope - shorter naptime.
  • Try not to make me regret adding these.
  • Also the guards have a smoke launcher now, use it for mildly-hazardous area denial against crowds I guess? w/e
  • That's pretty much the role pepperfoam was meant for, as a step towards this thing.

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Added a new traitor item: WRESTLING BELT
  • It may have a few things left to iron out, but it should be mostly functional now.
  • Slam and Throw actions with the wrestling belt require an active grab on someone
  • Action cooldown delays for the wrestling actions can be reduced by coffee, sugar, nicotine, meth, crank, bathsalts, etc.
  • Zipguns can now be assembled
  • Pipebombs can be packed with: fuel, black powder, plasmastone, or erebite

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

HullCrushDepth updated
  • Clicking on a reagent container (beakers, buckets, medicine bottles, etc.) in the active hand will switch between a firm and loose grip on them.
  • Switching to firm grip will cause you to pour out the container's transfer volume when you click on something while loose grip will splash the entire contents.
  • There is now a confirmation for emptying out plant pots with viable plants in them.
  • Clicking on equipped stacks of metal, glass, and rods with an empty hand will now allow you to specify the number to take from the existing stack, instead of grabbing one at a time.
stuntwaffle updated
  • Flipmode.
  • Equippable chairs.

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • There are now a couple of closets with fire fighting equipment on the station.

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Rearranged some borg module stuff
  • Cyborgs can use a PDA module now
  • The blob can actually be hurt by fire now, whoa
  • Shot glasses in the bar now hold 15u instead of 10, and transfer 15u in one big gulp instead of lame little baby sips

Monday, December 9th, 2013

AngriestIBM updated
  • I guess that luggable computer has a wired card now that should link to whatever data terminal you deploy over.
  • I'm only changelogging this because people were talking about it, ok.

Sunday, December 8th, 2013

I Said No updated
  • Manufacturer Unit production can now be paused manually. It will also show the time left until completion in the queue page.

Saturday, December 7th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • Ho ho ho! Merry Spacemas!
BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Redid a bunch of area definitions. Please report any rooms that might be behaving oddly.

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • All PDAs now have a cargo request utility on their storage drive.

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • ChemMaster machines can now dispense medical patches.
  • Added a handful of new botany mutations.
  • Syndicate floor closets will now match the turf under them.
  • Detective has a few new PDA programs now- reagent scan, health scan, medical records
  • Mechanic PDAs now have all the network diagnostic apps
  • The comments field in QM crate ordering now works as a destination barcode, but ONLY IF you write the proper destination format.
  • Derringer bullets now pierce armor.
  • Speaking of armor, I changed a lot of armor stuff a couple weeks ago to use variable armor class multipliers instead of hardcoded amounts
  • Some things in the suit slot will do slightly different amounts of projectile protection now. Industrial armor is better than ever.
  • Syndicate space suits, captain's space suit, captain's armor, and some other stuff like that are now a little better than before.
  • Some suits that aren't armor will soak up a little bit of projectile damage now, even if they aren't bullet-stoppers.
BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Experimenting with Creative EAX 3D sound and environment functionality!
  • This means that you all should hook up surround sound systems for the ultimate highly visceral 2D spaceman multimedia experience!
  • Some areas may sound strange as we are tweaking the environments.
  • Positional audio not fully implemented, so expect longer sounds to not update their position as they are playing.
  • Sound ranges may be higher or lower than expected, we are tweaking that, too.

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Randomly-generated goofy cyberpunk drug cocktails can be found scattered around in those ??? pill bottles.
  • Die a Glorious Death objective returns.
  • Nuclear self-destruct objective returns. Nuke charge is in the mainframe core below the AI.
  • Setting off the self-destruct erases the mainframe room, AI core, most of engineering, and wrecks a fairly wide area.
  • Derringers will fit into a pocket now if you want a quieter way to retrieve them, although *wink is still cooler.
  • Ctrl-A: Salute | Ctrl-W: Wink
  • Ctrl-E: Eyebrow | Ctrl-N: Nod
  • Ctrl-S: Scream | Ctrl-L: Laugh
  • Ctrl-D: Dance | Ctrl-R: Raisehand
  • Ctrl-X: Flex, | Crtl-G: Gasp
  • A bunch of other ctrl-letter combinations too, you'll probably stumble onto them. More coming soon probably.

November 2013

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

HullCrushDepth updated
  • All types of artifacts should now be able to be activated.
  • Fixed the container type of artifact (the large one, not the handheld watering can).
AngriestIBM updated
  • In an effort to make people sorta care when expensive computer equipment is exploded, telesci now needs the mainframe to work
  • The interface is about the same though okay!! No command line, I'm not some sort of turbo hitler, jeez.
  • Some nerd could totally hack it with command line stuff if they wanted to, I guess.

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Flamethrowers now have a nifty particle effect and sound to accompany the already awesome hellmixes you all have been making.
  • Changeling heal rate restored to 1 per tick fire, 10 per tick all else. Being on fire still disables healing.
  • Abominations only take 20% of damage from brute.

Sunday, November 24th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Welding fuel tank ruptures are significantly more violent now
  • Major explosions on the station level now have some screenshake and a few new sounds
  • No need to yell "was that mining?!!!" now. Oh well.
  • Raised the output amounts of a bunch of chem recipes.
  • Blank papers now have a blank sprite, anything with text will show a sprite that looks like it has writing.
  • Some departments have cool pens and markers now! #wow #whoa
  • Congrats to the NERD CREW on finding the Solarium's first ending (the bad one)
BurntCornMuffin updated
  • New item: fuel tank. Contains 200 units of welding fuel by default.
  • Now compatible with standard NT fuel dispensing tanks.
  • Reworked flamethrowers:
  • Plasma tanks are no longer part of the recipe.
  • Instead, large air tanks and fuel tanks need to be attached to the flamethrower assembly.
  • Try using different reagents in the flamethrower!
  • UPDATE: Touch reactions now work properly with flamethrowers. This fixes a number of issues with chemicals that 'are fire' rather than 'catch fire'.
  • Changeling heal rate increased by factor of 3, but is now disabled if the changeling is on fire.
Wire updated
  • Did literally nothing

Friday, November 22th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • All pods start with a cargo hold installed now
  • All minipods have a smaller cargo hold

Thursday, November 21th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Reworked some ammo infrastructure code - guns now have calibers instead of hardcoded lists of ammo.
  • Flare guns hold one bullet at a time now, but in exchange, they can take any 12ga shells
  • 12ga shotguns can now load flares too. Improvised weapons coming soon.
  • The bartender now has a set of chemistry machines. HEH. (for how long? as long as it's fun)
  • Food can now heal damage above 0 health (crit) instead of 60.
  • Higher quality foods have a multiplier to their healing factor, up to 4x currently. More planned soon.
  • Some adjustments to traitor gear prices, regarding this stuff Wire recorded: http://i.imgur.com/Bht8FTS.png
  • EMPs, Disruptors, and Tasers (handheld or pod-based) can now disable pod electrical systems
  • Disabled systems can be turned right back on through the ship tab's computer, so for now, this is mostly just annoying
Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Cloaking field generators come with remotes now and their settings can't be changed without the remote. Hopefully this will stop people from just strolling up and turning them off, and make them a bit more useful.

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

Dr. Singh updated
  • WASD mode now has two new keys! Press Q to drop and press G to set the focus to the input box to start entering a command without having to click in that narrow box or turn off WASD mode.
  • The keyboard focus will stay there until you click the main screen again.

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Hitting a valve with a wrench will now turn the valve
  • Engineering cyborgs will hopefully be a bit more worthwhile now

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Smoke now causes a touch reaction on contact with things like it should.
  • Touch reactions now transfer chemicals to the body properly if they are able to pass through skin. More protective gear will reduce the volume transferred.
BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Changeling Horror Scream no longer knocks you down. Instead, it slows you down, with a chance of causing you to drop held items.
  • Changeling Horror Form move speed reduced slightly.
  • Changeling Horror Form disarm has a greater chance of severing limbs.

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Moved Arrivals above the bar to encourage more traffic up there. Enjoy your crappy new crew dock.
  • Raised a bunch of salaries, raised the shipping and research budgets, made lotteries happen more frequently
  • Trader shuttles will arrive in Old Arrivals now. Due to shady business dealings and bribery, they get the nice dock.
  • Security lobby now looks directly out into a main corridor. The EJECTION chute can be used to safely throw jerks out.

Monday, November 4th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Miscreant objectives are now freeform and don't have set conditions. Did you succeed? Maybe!
Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • BELT HELL now has an outer ring that can deliver to and from Security, Catering (north bay between kitchen and botany) and MedSci (between Chem and Pharmacy.)
  • The old inner ring catering dock is named "Cafeteria" and the old medsci dock is named "Airbridge" now.

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Added miscreant objectives, which are like crew objectives but rude.
  • Miscreants ARE NOT TRAITORS for the purposes of the rules, so no murdering etc. but feel free to hack doors, steal stuff and generally be a nuisance.
AngriestIBM updated
  • There's a folder in /mnt on the mainframe that will send files you stuff into it to your terminal. I'm sure some turbonerd will *figure out a way to use this for illicit purposes.
  • This was a turbonerd request, ok.

Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The pool has finally been remodelled!
Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Most masks that ought to disguise you now do, instead of only gas masks doing that
  • Gave more access to security and detective IDs: medbay, research corridors, morgue, crematorium
  • New janitor access areas: morgue, crematorium, medbay
BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Changeling Headspiders infect faster.
  • Changeling Horror Form lost the Stun Resist and Speed Regenerate powers...
  • ...but are now immune to stun and constantly regenerate now.
  • Speed Regenerate and Horror Form regeneration heal fire damage much more slowly than before.
  • Staying in horror form uses up DNA at a much faster and steadier rate.
  • Abominations may break through airlocks and glass similar to werewolves.
  • Cyborgs able to be knocked around by abominations.
  • Abomination disarmament is now a bit more...literal.

October 2013

Thursday, October 31th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Reversed the headset experiment for now.
  • EXPERIMENT #2: Removed xray vision from the AI. All security cameras now function via line-of-sight.
  • This will probably necessitate moving cameras around a bit over the next few days. Player feedback is requested on this.
  • OPTIONAL CHALLENGE FOR COOL PEOPLE: http://mibpaste.com/I8Ccx2
AngriestIBM updated
  • Oh um here's some initial testing of a PDAsay verb. You can type pdasay (and mash space a bit for autocomplete) and end up quick messaging folks. You'll still need to scan for other PDAs first, though.

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Completely redid dismemberment to be less weirdly coded and hopefully allow for more cool shit.
  • Robot limbs on humans will be temporarily broken. Sorry!
  • Please let me know of any other bugs.

Sunday, October 27th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Removed the botany-specific nutrient tonics that nobody mixes ever
  • Rolled their effects into Unstable Mutagen, Ammonia, Potash, Saltpetre, and Mutadone
  • Space cleaner is now ammonia+ethanol+water to avoid a conflict with water in the botany trays
  • This should also make botany supplies more useful for mischief and crime and hobo chemistry
  • Gave the bartender a riot shotgun because WHY NOT

Wednesday, October 23th, 2013

AngriestIBM updated
  • There is a Dynamic Sandwich System being tested out. Try cooking some bread slices and peanut butter or whatever in the oven for 6 on high.
  • Hempuli sprited the sandwich gubbins. Gubbins is a valid word, ok.
Dr. Singh aka Magic Mountain aka Not A Real Doctor aka B-Rob aka The White Flight updated
  • Paint cans don't lag anymore. Neat! Thanks byond v500!
  • Yes, I had to wait for IBM to code something and copy what he did to figure it out. What of it? Wanna fight about it?

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Random Merchant Event now implemented! Merchants may periodically dock with the station and sell various items to the station.
  • The merchant shuttles dock at the construction area north of the bar.

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • A new system is being implemented to smooth out the lag caused by things being deleted
  • Thanks to Spoogemonster and MagicMountain, explosions should be much more responsive
    • HOWEVER: There will likely be some really odd behaviors from some stuff for awhile
  • Deletion bugs will be swept up and ironed out over the next couple days.

Monday, October 14th, 2013

erotic dad updated
  • Bowling balls and strangle holds no longer instantly black out your screen unless you go into critical.

Sunday, October 13th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Adjusted a bunch of stuff that was kinda broken with QM shipping and market prices
  • Messed with market values of stuff again
  • Expanded the range of random values for the goods that a bunch of QM traders buy and sell
  • QMs can now see inbound loading lane pileups from the ordering desk
  • Splitting profits via barcodes should work with QM traders now
  • Added a dialog box to buy up to ten items at a time from NPC traders
  • Sketchy-D in the Diner sells more stuff now

Friday, October 11th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Moved the THUNDERDOME into VR so anyone can use it now
  • Thunderdome is now rolled together with the basketball court for EXTREME BBALL
  • Thunderdome gear has been swapped for stimpacks, spears, and advanced lasers
  • This ought to encourage longer awful fights instead of 'welp, first ko wins'
  • The little red televisions that are scattered around the station can now watch more stuff
  • Added channels: Thunderdome fights, boxing ring fights, chapel services

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Updated the slot machines a couple days ago to be more fun
  • Revised the bar layout and boxing rings slightly
  • Dice in the jazz lounge if anyone wants to play Craps??
  • In honor of all the slot machine winners, Thrifty B.O.B. now sells a new set of pod armor
AngriestIBM updated
  • If you put another food in with the ingredients of a cream pie (cream, sugar dough) it becomes a ~custom cream pie~.

Saturday, October 6th, 2013

BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Mediborgs now come with healthgoggles instead of thermals

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

BurntCornMuffin updated
  • Added a defibrillator to medbay. It can be used on patients with < 0 health or heart attack victims.
  • NT advises you that exposing the defibrillator to electromagnetic fields will void your warranty.

September 2013

Monday, September 30th, 2013

AngriestIBM with special guest Daeren!! updated
  • Daeren made a bunch of new cocktails for the barman. Oh boy!!

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • Added a new telescience area

Monday, September 9th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Fixed the missing home destination tag for the MULEbot
  • Mulebots can now haul just about anything, hopefully this isn't a terrible idea
  • Gave the nuke shuttle a box of syndicate donk pockets, hopefully this is a terrible idea

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • Black holes have been resprited and now actually look somewhat threatening!

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Pod cargo autoloaders can now accept the following along with crates:
  • Closets, canisters, air pumps, scrubbers, space heaters, large artifacts, ore accumulators, ore extractors, bots

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Dr. Singh updated
  • By request you can disable the Tab keyboard shortcut with "Toggle Tab WASD" in the toggles panel. Will do a preferences thing for it when I finish some other related preferences related stuff.

Monday, September 2th, 2013

Dr. Singh updated
  • WASD MODE, gosh! Press Tab to toggle. E is switch hands, C is use item, X is toggle throw, Z is end run. T to talk.
  • As a reminder you can also ctrl+click to pull, alt+click to examine and middle click to switch hands.

August 2013

Friday, August 30th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Nuke team headsets will usually not default to the main station frequency (145.9) anymore
  • Headsets can no longer be overheard by people on an adjacent tile
  • No more getting outed as a stealthy nuke op by some passerby hearing your headset chatter
  • Unless you're on the same tile somehow!!

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Wonkmin updated
  • A small update to the who command; it now tells players that even if admins aren't on, all messages go to IRC. There is now no excuse for people abusing mentorhelp because "no admins are on". Hooray!

Friday, August 23th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Uniform manufacturer starts with fabric in it now, has some more basic stuff
  • Surgery table and surgery tools for the nuke shuttle
  • Nuke agent PDA has access to the crew manifest now
  • Updated the mining cyborg docks to take clothes now
  • Medical belts can now hold custom patches, beakers, pill bottles, pills, and bottles
  • Medkits and boxes can now hold pill bottles

Monday, August 19th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys / Wire updated
  • You can now find a hilarious repository of security issued tickets at http://craftools.com/goonstationhub
  • Please do not abuse or spam this; we will be forced to ban players that cause issues with this neat thing kindly provided by non-admin staff. - Wonk

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Gang mode now gives points for guns, drugs and cash in your base. Also fixed the weird bug where you got points for 300 or so areas.
  • Gang members now count as normal crew members except that they can kill other gang members and in self defence. Gang members killing for fun will be banned!

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

AngriestIBM updated
  • Locks for pods. Stick a lock on a pod. Lock all of the pods.

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • You can now save recipes to the chem dispenser and dispense all reagents in the recipe with one click.
Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Return of the revenge of the son of the boss of the medbay
  • Added a bunch of sketchy new rooms scattered around the station in the past couple days
  • Miners have a chance of spawning a bit shorter than usual

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The following objects now have new icons:
  • Gaming Kits
  • Pod Doors
  • Linen Bins
  • Paper Bins
I Said No updated
  • Research Budget now starts the round with 15k in it.

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Added one man escape pods to the station.

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The grilles, atmospherics volume pumps and solar panels now have new sprites!

Saturday, August 3th, 2013

I Said No updated
  • Re-added Injectors to Genetics. They cost 40 materials to build and have to be researched first.
  • Added some other unlockable research things to genetics.

Friday, August 2th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Fiddled with flash and sonic powder (and so flashbangs) to make them less of a pain in the ass. Might adjust them more.

Thursday, August 1th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The vending machines near the Warehouse now have new icons, whoa!
  • Rack parts now have a nice new icon! The old one was at least six years old.
I Said No updated
  • Added a CodeBreaker cart to the CartyParty vendor. It's the genetics decryption game, ported to your PDA!
  • DNA Scramblers are back for traitors and syndicate operatives.

July 2013

Thursday, July 31th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The mining shuttle has been given the same makeover as the escape and arrival shuttles.

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Dr. Singh updated
  • Due to complaints of unexpected behavior the click buffer has been disabled. If you liked it you can re-enable it for yourself in your preferences.
I Said No updated
  • The decryption game in genetics now gives full mastermind-style feedback rather than partial. It will now tell you the amount of correct characters in the wrong position as well as correct characters in the correct position.

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

I Said No updated
  • Certain kinds of genes will now have Encrypted base pairs. These must be decrypted by clicking the lock and solving the code before they can be activated. It's basically a game of Mastermind.
  • Rearranged the genetics console UI a bit. It will now show cooldowns on any unlocked equipment, as well as the scanner occupant and current research materials at all times.
  • Research can now be tracked on the UI. Go to the research in progress screen, hit track, and an icon will appear showing you when the research will finish. It disappears when the research completes.
  • The DNA Reclaimer can now reclaim materials up to x1.5 times the material cap.
  • The Stability Checker now shows you which base pairs are correct or incorrect.
  • Equipment cooldowns lowered across the board.
  • Cleaned up the Appearance Changer menu.

Thursday, July 24th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The fitness room has been expanded and now contains more stuff!
  • Added a Clown bop bag to the fitness room.
  • Added a couple of weight machines to the fitness room.
  • Added a couple of punching bags to the fitness room.

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • There are now some comfy office chairs in Medbay and the Research department!
  • The sign that used to be in front of the bar on Mushroom Station is back!

Tuesday, July 23th, 2013

Dr. Singh feat Mybluecorners updated
  • A click buffer. Clicking during the click delay will now set your next action instead of ignoring it! #wow #whoa

Sunday, July 21th, 2013

I Said No updated
  • Couple of new appearance options in Facial Hair, Detail, and Underwear slots.

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Added a program to head and security PDAs allowing them to issue tickets and fines.
  • Only the Captain, Head of Security and Head of Personnel can approve fines - others with access to Ticket Master can create fine requests which must be approved.

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

LLJK-Mosheninkov updated
  • Added emergency lighting to the main hallway loop and a few designated emergency gathering areas. These lights will kick on automatically when the power goes out.

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Updated the pharmacopia books with basic recipes and hints
  • The cloner requires an upgrade to scan rotted people! Whoa!
  • But not unrotted dead people. I guess you can scan them.
  • Airlocks now use the same electrocution code as grilles and cables.
    • I'll let you think about the implications of that.
  • Chemistry has been slightly rearranged and has a starting supply of some widely used things.
    • The reagent locker can be resupplied with a crate of the same bottles from QM.

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

LLJK-Mosheninkov updated
  • Added footballs so you can toss the ol' pigskin around with a bud. Find 'em in crew quarters or around.
Dr. Singh updated
  • Found some causes of lag. A couple of spots have been fixed but there's a long way to go.
  • Lots of code changes soon, things may act strangely or break. If you notice anything bad start to happen please report it to an admin or the bug reports forum.
  • Don't panic.

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

LLJK-Mosheninkov updated
  • Items thrown by a player can now be caught by another! To catch items, you must have the "Help" intent selected and click the same button used to activate throwing mode.

Thursday, July 6th, 2013

Aphtonites updated
  • The shuttles now actually look like shuttles! WOAH!
I Said No updated
  • If the engine is not set up by the ten minute mark, an automatic warning will now be posted to the crew to encourage them to do so.

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Added leg dismemberment.
I Said No
  • The AI now has an internal battery, and will attempt to re-establish local power whenever it is moved instead of just blacking out for a minute. If it can't get local power, it will just run off battery until it can.
  • You can now debrain the AI. Doing so will yield a unique AI brain (neural net processor). To do this, unlock it with a head-level access card, crowbar it open, undo the bolts with a wrench, then take the brain out with a free hand. You can also rebrain the AI if you feel like it.
  • The AI now visibly shows damage.
  • Damage to the AI can be repaired. Brute damage with a welder, burn damage by opening the cover and using wires.
  • The traitor objective "Destroy or shut down the AI" has been replaced with "Steal the AI's neural net processor".

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks / AngriestIBM updated
  • All PDAs now have a panic alarm function
  • Look in your file browser.
  • Added a new trader NPC in space

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Most of the job-specific mailchutes will now send a PDA alert when they receive a delivery
  • The morgue outlet will ping the geneticists, roboticists and security
  • The crematorium outlet will ping the chaplain and security
  • Added books with descriptions of most medicines to medbay and research
  • Buffed the hell out of the derringer and readjusted some other projectiles

June 2013

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Consolidated three of the space zlevels into two
I Said No
  • The AI now has a cool new look, and an internal PDA and three internal radios to go with it. The AI can access them through new commands.
  • You can use a screwdriver on the AI to unbolt it from the floor and bring it with you. If you're into that kind of thing. Freak.

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks


  • Critical health doesn't paralyze until -100
  • You can walk around in crit up to that point
  • Your health will rapidly deteriorate.
  • MEDICS: use your health analyzers!
  • Death is now a probability based on damage
  • Brain damage severely increases that chance

Other updates
  • Replaced the energy guns in the armory with stun-round shotguns. kablammmmm
  • Made the flashes of vision while in crit or KO happen much more often.
  • Rearranged the bar.
  • Gave Botany a pill machine and gave Chemistry another chem dispenser.
  • Moved the barber shop slightly so it faces a major corridor.
I Said No
  • The genetics scanner can be locked again. Stand next to it, right click it and use Scanner Lock.
  • New researches for genetics:
  • Emitter Coolant and Emitter Dampeners: Reduce the recharge time and irradiation amount of the radiation emitters, respectively.
  • Gene Sequence Checker: Tells you how many blocks in a gene's sequence are set correctly.
  • DNA Reclaimer: Removes genes from a subject and turns them into research materials.
  • Precision Radiation Emitters: Reroll a single gene in the pool rather than the entire pool.

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys updated
  • Hopefully made inertia a bit less weird. Let me know if there are any problems with it.
Dr. Cogwerks updated
  • Gave Genetics a second scanner, moved one door down to the cryo area
  • Swapped the back door of genetics to a glass airlock
  • Anyone with maint access can now go hang out in the creepy little doorway below the morgue to sign up for genetics testing
  • Continuing to fine-tune, tweak, and/or fix chemistry/med stuff
  • Raised the job limits for scientists, medics, and security guards
  • Significantly improved the usefulness of riot armor hopefully
  • Changed lasers to use energy/burn damage now instead of piercing/brute - lasers will now take armor into account
  • Standard bullets are weakest against armor, lasers are in between, piercing bullets are best
  • Made single bullets no longer bleed you to death, just close to it. Lowered bleed duration quite a bit.
  • Adjusted the changeling sting somewhat.

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Changed the star trek drugs to things that are a bit more intuitive to figure out from their names
  • Taking some liberties with real-world analogues, so please don't go writing any page-long diatribes about how reagent X doesn't behave that way
  • Things with no real-world analogues will probably involve plasma or mutagen somehow because fuckin' magic whatever
  • Upgraded the medbay vending machines to have more medications in them
  • The pharmacy room has a pillmaker and extractor now
  • Added a whole bunch of new medicines and poisons and rolled some redundant ones together
  • Chem dispensers have several new elements
  • A lot of organic chemistry reactions will use common building blocks
  • Diethylamine, acetone, ammonia, phenol, ethanol, sugar and weldfuel (used as a stand-in for benzene, toulene, ethene, etc.) are good things to stockpile for experiments
  • Expect some tweaking and bugfixes over the next couple days

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

I Said No
  • Geneticists can now get a DNA sample from people using their PDA. Just whack someone with your PDA while the genetics scan is active and messaging is on and it'll send a researchable sample to any DNA scanners. Access the samples from the research menu.

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

  • Attention, Elect Mechanics: hit a thing with your PDA. A thing you want to analyze. Yep.
  • oh and I guess gptio takes names like gas_bottom instead of just numerical IDs. You know, if you want to use those instead.

  • Genetics UI: You can now click on the little green lines between base pair letters to change their color. Useful as a marker for blocks you're trying to figure out.

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Adjusted the traitor counts downwards slightly
  • Changed some of the traitor item counts around a bit
  • Split some of the QM crates into more specific things
  • Food Supplies are now split across Dry Goods, Produce, Meat/Cheese/Dairy, and Condiments
  • Medical supplies are now split into a crate full of First Aid kits and a crate full of chemicals/hyposprays
  • Hydroponic supplies are now split into a starter crate full of basic gear and a nutrient crate full of formulas
  • Removed most of the annoyingly job-specific items from the surplus crate
  • Removed most of the rampage items from surplus crates too! HAHAHAH
  • Added a bunch of strange things to the surplus crate pool to make up for that.

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

I Said No
  • Hear Admin Sound option was inverted to Block Admin Sounds due to some annoying glitches. Update your preferences accordingly.
  • Fiddled with the genetics computer UI a bit.

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Cigs can now be lit by hitting them with actively burning items (including money)
  • You can put cigs out on people now if you want to be a real jerk
  • Holding a burning item, welder, zippo or ignitor and clicking on something flammable will now set the target on fire.
  • This means you can set your own jumpsuit on fire with a zippo while wearing it. Welp.
  • Added a couple of existing poisons to the traitor poison bottle possibilities and added two new poison reagents.
  • Redesigned the Telesci lab so it now has a public-access door. There are two toggles in the control room for the blast shields.
AngriestIBM featuring special guest Pistoleer!!
  • Syringe gun is now loaded just by pouring crap into it. Every 15 units lets you fire a syringe. Up to 6 syringefuls at a time.
  • The syndicate stealth storage no longer prints a big DOOFUS LOADS X message (Though it still rustles) and can be reset after assuming a form, so you can turn it into another thing. (Why wasn't that the original behavior??)

Friday, June 14th, 2013

  • Fixed some bugs with George (rub that belly) and now he's quite talkative especially if you play music for him!!

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

  • Added pushing others into space or fires to the combat log because turds figured that was a sweet way to get around logs when we investigate adminhelps.
Dr. Cogwerks
  • Changed the layout of the morgue and crematorium a bit
  • Roboticists, doctors, detective and geneticists all have their own doors to the morgue
  • There are now corpse delivery chutes in the medbay lobby and in disposals
  • Reminder: there is also a chute between the morgue and the crematorium, and the chaplain can now see if he gets deliveries from his office
  • I expect some mischief with this system.

Monday, June 10th, 2013

I Said No
  • Re-added the ability to toggle whether you want to hear music played by admins. Note that high-level admins can choose to override this.
  • Also added a toggle to block the score panel from appearing at the end of the round.
  • Added three new mutations for geneticists to discover.
  • Added ID card coloration depending on what department the job is in.
  • Gave more control over what underwear you want your character to wear.
  • Changelings can no longer mimic voice while dead.
  • Trying to use the leap mutation while inside something will now have rather unpleasant consequences for the jumper.
  • Changed "X slurs something completley unintelligable" to still actually speak rather than just showing a local emote. Don't expect to be able to say anything coherent though.
  • Same deal as above only with advanced cases of Berserker.

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

  • Added 22 medals.

Saturday, June 8th, 2013

  • Added 17 medals.

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Dismemberment of arms is in. It can be caused by bombs, extreme brute damage and surgery. Be sure to cauterise the stump before you bleed to death!
  • Arms can be reattached using the medical stapler or replaced with robot arms.
  • Any surgery requiring an operation table can also be performed on an ordinary table if the subject is unconscious or dead.
  • Rathen's Secret has a small chance of tearing off people's arms. Why not?
  • Replace people's arms with other people's arms! Whoa!

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

I Said No
  • Rolled Antagonist Choices into the job choices panel. Also allowed specific choosing of Traitor, Vampire, Spy and Gang Leader.
  • Added a new appearance customisation slot - Detail.
  • An option for whether or not you want to automatically view the changelog when you log in.

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

I Said No
  • Job Preferences have been changed. You now order jobs into priority brackets rather than just pick three roles you want.
  • The late join screen has been changed up a bit too, at least visually.

May 2013

Monday, May 27th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Due to Nanotrasen cuts, many reinforced windows in low security areas of the station have been replaced with normal ones. If any window sections look weird, let a coder know!

Thursday, May 23th, 2013

  • The delete key is now toggle throw!

Tuesday, May 21th, 2013

  • Genetics is gone for the moment while the code behind it is being redone.

Monday, May 20th, 2013

  • Multiple save files!!!
  • Some more verbs on closets, like toggling them. Or climbing inside I guess. Blame MyBlueCorners again.

Friday, May 17th, 2013

AngriestIBM with special guest Mybluecorners!!
  • Mybluecorners thought of a cool new way for the table parts menu to not be shit!!
  • dooty spod
Dr. Cogwerks
  • Main hangar is set for mechanic access now
  • Bullets cause bleeding damage for much, much longer duration now
  • REMINDER: put someone onto a surgery table and use scalpel on their chest to remove bullets

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

  • You can bonk the syndicate card with other IDs to copy over their access. Collect all of the accesses, be the card game champ fifth-grade you wanted to be!

Monday, May 13th, 2013

  • *customv and *customh emotes to quickly custom emote visible or hearable things. say "*customv does something that you are seeing now."
  • Also emote parameters use a space instead of - to add a parameter.
  • And emotes aren't case sensitive anymore, what the fuck.

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • oh i guess we never put this in the changelog
  • sunglasses no longer reveal other traitors
  • pro strategy for identifying other traitors: ask them
  • Cyborg docking stations now support drag and drop for items. That way cyborgs can put clothes (and upgrades) in there without help.
  • I guess you can just examine your headset to see the other channels? I guess???
  • Happy Mothers Day
I Said No
  • The buy and sell lists of generic traders, Gragg, Pianzi Hundan and Vurdalak have been expanded.
  • Made mining overalls fit the black/yellow color scheme miners have going on.
  • Electrician is now known as Mechanic. Nothing about the job has actually changed though.
  • New trader: Buford Tenin. He buys drugs and sells stuff that helps Hydroponics out. He is also a frog man. #wow #whoa

Saturday, May 11th, 2013

I Said No
  • Traders tied in with Quartermasters/Shipping Market have been drastically overhauled. There are now multiple traders who can be dealt with at once rather than one, and they both buy and sell using a system similar to the NPC traders. More content to come on that front.

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

  • Pod Bay door controls can now be clicked while inside a pod to open or close the connected doors.
  • Cyborg docking stations now accept some types of clothes. Borgs can wear these by equipping them inside the stations.

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Added a Gas Extractor unit in the engine's cold loop.
  • Raised the values of most of the ores again.

Monday, May 6th, 2013

  • I guess the heads have some more headset channels? Just activate the headsets in hand to see what channels you have and what letter you need to * put after the colon to use.
  • :h is command frequency for all of them, though.
  • This is still a work in progress, okay.
Dr. Singh
  • Removed mining ores from colored light recipes to promote fun.

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • No more solitary permabrig prison cell
  • Replaced it with a regular guard-access timer/flusher cell
  • Put some crate/ore relay launchers in Mining level

Thursday, May 2th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Due to protests from the Postal Workers Union, mail chutes return.
  • I expect significant mischief and workplace accidents from these.
  • Put some MiniPutt shuttles on the map, expanded the primary podbay.
  • Made the end of Nuke Mode more exciting.

April 2013

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

I Said No
  • Cyalume Sabers and Toy Swords now come in five different colors. Collect them all! (without being killed by security five times)
  • Hey I guess wizwrite can print to networked printers now? I mean it's still a little rough around the edges but it works.
  • Oh and this is unrelated but there is a secret way to make your emag a ~*~gold emag~*~. Besides paint, I mean. Stop bringing up the paint there is a way besides paint.

Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Dr. Singh feat. Mozi
  • Cash is now stackable. Go ahead, stack some.
  • Use an empty hand on cash you're holding to take some out.
  • Crew members now start with their first paycheck in their pocket.

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Made pipebombs and RPGs do a little less hull damage in exchange for very mean shrapnel
  • Syndicate pipebombs, area cloak and donk pockets are cheaper
  • Beepsky will report arrests over PDA
  • General manufacturer, toolboxes and some other supplies for mining
  • Gave toxlab a heat exchange coil under the two primary combustion chambers
  • Due to budget cuts, roundstart/nanite cyborgs are now terrible

Tuesday, April 23th, 2013

  • You could say there's a rather plsing new hat and set of clothes. Dolan't forget about this - I may put them on the station at one point! Pls.

Sunday, April 21th, 2013

I Said No
  • New Light cyborg pieces are available from Robotics Manufacturers. They can take less damage but are cheaper to make.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Made cyborgs significantly more vulnerable to projectile damage
  • Transfer-valve sized bombs seem like kinda big bulky things, right? Well, now they officially are.
  • Added a little news desk / office at arrivals. If people actually use it, it might get more stuff.

Tuesday, April 15th, 2013

Dr. Singh
  • I spent the station's entire tax return on colored light bulb schematics for the general manufacturer.
  • Fixed that thing where you get set on fire but it doesn't draw right so you burn half to death before you realize it.

Monday, April 14th, 2013

I Said No
  • There is now a delay between harvests of a plant. I know it sucks, but it was neccessary to avoid lag. Sorry folks!
  • Max harvest amount in one go is now capped at 10. It was 30 before, but the text didn't reflect the actual harvest amount.

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Adjusted most of the projectiles in the game to actually properly use power dissipation rates over distance
  • New drillbit for mining pods

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Moved most of the Z3 stuff around to make room for a new wreckage field area
  • Explore at your own risk, salvage exploration is both lucrative and dangerous
  • All pods now start with a sensor system and a verb in the ship tab for it
  • The better Conclave sensor now functions both as mesons and as a geological report scanner

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Several new manufacturable pod items
  • Try the Conclave sensor system, seriously. I rewrote it to provide a list of some stuff around you when you run a scan.
  • More manufacturing units for QM office, maybe bored QMs could become used car salesmen or something
  • Several new NPC traders out in deep space
  • Clickdragging a crate of items onto an NPC trader now works for bulk sales
  • Horribly mean things are lurking around in deep space now
  • Redesigned the QM office a bunch
  • PDA alerts from sold crates, request console orders and request console payments
  • Maybe people should use those things more often????
  • Engineering headsets for QMs
  • I guess mining can have an armored pod until the industrial pod is ready

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Smokepowder reactions now consume the source reagents, deal with it

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Got rid of some redundant crates from QM
  • Added request consoles to all the router docks
  • Request consols now tell the QMs where you placed the order from
  • Improved medical, hydro, and chef supply crates hopefully
Infinite Monkeys
  • Added a PIN preference so you can set your PIN to 69 and 420 related things or whatever.

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Pods can remotely open any hangar doors that have a remote control panel near them
  • Examine the panel to get the access code
  • A bunch of things now sell for a lot more money

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Adjusted the base sell prices of ore and sheets
  • Dear QM scammers: say goodbye to your dumb metal selling cheats
  • Raised all paychecks by 500-1000%, they seemed too low for people to ever buy anything worthwhile
  • Backup generator price dropped by half
  • The shipping budget now skims 30% profit off of all vending machine sales on station, whoa
  • QMs get a free cargo pod for deliveries or whatever
  • Martian NPC trader should work properly now, buys some junk and sells rare ores
  • Mining starts with a free plasma cutter pod system now, have fun arguing over it
  • Chameleon projector can now scan critters, bots and shrubs - shrubs are a bit wonky still, fyi
Dr. Singh
  • Drag and drop crate loading for pods. Like furnaces! Whoa!
  • The furnace autoloader now expects you to be alive and standing next to the furnace. Sorry ghosts, you can't help set up the engine anymore.

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Most podbays now have door controls outside
  • Three new traitor weapons, two for everyone and one for the RD
  • Removed the ammo boxes from the traitor buylist, made revolver cheaper and start with more ammo
  • Nuke shuttle additions: security camera viewer, utility belts, hypospray and basic drugs
  • All nuke agents now start with their own ten-crystal radios
  • Crowded nuke rounds can now have six instead of five agents
  • Fancy command space armor for the boss
  • Power Gloves now actually on the syndicate buy-list for Engineers and Chief Engineers.

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Easter is over, or is it ?????
  • Riot storage now starts with a laser array pod weapon in it
  • Syndicate teams now have their own pod and a gun system
  • Reminder: to install pod parts, use a crowbar on the pod to open the maint hatch. Click the pod with the item you want to add, crowbar shut, enter pod and use the ship computer to activate the new system
  • Nuke agents: enjoy your new rocket launcher, HEH

Monday, April 1st, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • In an effort to improve roleplaying, added manual breathing and blinking. Emote *inhale and *exhale to breathe, and *closeeyes and *openeyes to blink.
  • Unfortunately, your RP was just so ABYSMALLY POOR that we have been forced to revert this change. Great job, SCRUBS!!

March 2013

Sunday, March 31th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Chaplain has immunity to wizard spells again.
  • Cyborgs created at the beginning of the round may now choose their name, like the AI can.

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

  • Oh I guess those gas sensors in toxins show up on the GPTIO list now. Give them a sense and then a read command to check them
  • You could probably even make it one line like "gptio sense 0200whatever ^ gptio read 0200whatever"

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Even more chemicals. Clues for all the new ones:
  • The components of life plus something special.
  • Based on chloral hydrate, affects brain function.
  • The above plus two stimulants.
  • Medicine cocktail.
  • The above plus even more medicine.
  • Fortified wine.
  • Recipe for hairgrownium.
  • Hairgrownium but stronger and faster.
  • Apparently some traders had names that were too long to tag a crate with! So, now you just need to label the crates with "trader" to trade them. It's not like there can be multiple simultaneous traders, anyway.

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Chemical reactions can now take place inside mobs. What could go wrong?

Sunday, March 24th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • New chemicals.
  • Two new traitor items: A modified cargo teleporter that transports containers to space and welds them shut, and a crate filled with whatever the Syndicate suppliers had lying around.

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Chaplains are no longer immune to spells.

Saturday, March 21st, 2013

I Said No
  • New hairstyles and facial hair styles! Check em out!
  • Some previous hairstyles were renamed. For example, long hair is now "mullet" and short hair is now "trimmed."

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Mixed mode should respect your 'Be Changeling/Wizard/etc' choices now, previously it just checked Be Syndicate and used that to assign all roles.
  • 'Be Gang Leader' changed to 'Be Other Enemy'. Controls rare enemy types like Vampires and Gang Leaders.
  • Having Head of Security somewhere in your preferences shouldn't override all other choices now.

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Significantly buffed the radbow, it should be a lot more sneaky now. No more twang sound or green bolt, faster recharge. Maybe too fast? idk
  • Removed the word Syndicate from the syndicate pipe bomb. what did it have a giant flashing red logo or something? dumb.
  • Thanks to a group of players making it their goal to hand out stacks full of instakill murdersoup extinguishers every round, soup now clogs extinguishers
  • Way to go, idiots! Spray bottle capacity has also been lowered from 1000 to 100 and hot cooking oil now does less damage.
  • Big piles of weed can now be dragloaded into the engine furnaces.

Monday, March 11th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Added a new traitor item for bartenders and doctors. What is it? I guess you'll have to find out.

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Rewrote the engineering startup guide in-game because the old one was hilariously inaccurate for this engine
  • Color-coded the supply hookups a bit to help newbie engineers get an idea of what is going on
  • Engine code tweaks are ongoing.

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Added the ability to make a two-way portal in telescience, uses a huge amount of power so yell at the engineers I guess.
  • MOPDATE: examine mops to see if they're wet, examine mop buckets to see what reagents are in them, wet mops in kitchen sinks (wtf), look at mops with your friends and have a good time!
  • Earmuffs will save you from the changeling screech or something.
  • Reagents will no longer splash on racks, so put all your beakers on them. Go ahead! I dare you!!
  • People shouldn't scream while they're dead but I didn't test this and I don't care oh my god I don't care oh my godddd
Infinite Monkeys
  • Why was the 'soundscape' even a thing? RIP constant annoying background hum I guess.
  • Fiddled with mentor messages a bit, let me know if I broke anything.
  • Added an engine-related suicide!

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • With the lower pressure reservoirs removed it was trivially easy to hit the max effects tier for Pro Burnz engineering (800kW+)
  • Engine output tiers have been rebalanced with a sweet spot around one megawatt, tiered effects cap raised to 2MW - more planned up here soon
  • This will make lower output a bit less satisfying maybe but try experimenting with plasma and pump settings
  • In some configurations you will want slow feeds of certain gases and maybe a rapid OR slow steady release of excessive pressure from the purge line

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • GRAFT UPDATE: added cash registers to a lot more places, including HoP desk and the brig if you wanna charge bail or something
  • Charging for services is entirely up to you, it may cause you to get beat up but it might be fun too idk
  • Ongoing content expansion for the expedition areas, rewards and lore and hazards will keep growing out there
  • Modified the SMES and APCs out in the expedition areas and prison station so they'll behave better with furnaces hopefully
  • Check out the new Helmet Cam in Telescience! You can view it from the telesci cam viewer or the televisions in RD, Crew Quarters and Bar.
  • Gave the detective a standard portable camera viewer like the HoS has, maybe it'll be useful for spying on jerks or something
  • Removed the lower set of engine pressure reservoir tanks for now to see what happens. Expect the engine to behave more erratically, oh boy
  • It should be less likely to get those awful pressure inversion problems, and it'll be easier to purge the gas lines when needed
  • Restricted the pod hangar to engine/miner access only because too many people were being mean, deal with it
  • Added more air pumps and heaters around the station, more cable coils and diskette boxes, etc. etc.
  • More updates and fixes and stuff will keep happening for awhile, thanks for all the bug reports and comments so far
  • Toggle Deadchat Range is a verb that makes you not hear the living if they aren't, you know, actually nearby.
  • Apparently some folks don't like having the chat window spammed by every doofus in the game blathering about nonsense??

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

I Said No
  • You can now use a multitool or t-ray scanner on a grille to see if it's electrified or not without zapping yourself.
  • Changelings can now tear down a grille in one hit if they have harm intent enabled. This is kind of a dead giveaway though.

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Welcome to the new station!
  • A very helpful robot named Murray would just love to show you around, he may be waiting in arrivals? unless he is already giving a tour
   Aphtonites, MagicMountain, Keelin, and AngriestIBM ! 

and also all the other admins and players who have helped with beta testing and map design feedback over the last six months! you guys rule

February 2013

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Way to go, team! Thanks to everyone being awful, enjoy not having omega slurrypod zombies anymore.
  • Why on earth was that even possible in the first place, zombies are dumb as hell and everyone is terrible
  • Why are zombies even still in the code at all
  • oh uh I also changed syndicate sauce awhile ago hoping people would quietly find out but nobody did
  • so give that a try next time you're a traitor chef maybe, it should be a lot better now

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

  • Changed the Wizard spellbook a bit - you can now hit the ? symbol next to spells to view what they do before you buy them. You can also no longer waste points by buying a spell you already have.

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

  • When changelings use stings, spit or scream, they will now get a placeholder like wizard spells do so their abilities menu doesn't shift around.
  • Couple of new mutations for hydro plants. Also, radweeds will now visibly pulse when emitting radiation.

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

  • Satchels can now be used directly on harvest-ready plants to harvest them directly into the satchel. Any overflow will end up on the floor like usual.
  • Satchels can now be used on the PlantMaster and Reagent Extractor to load items from the satchel into the machine.

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

  • The Helpful Hydroponics Handbook has been completed. Hopefully that'll make the new hydrostuff a bit clearer.

Monday, February 11th, 2013

  • Added confirm dialogs/cancel options to some changeling powers (Regen/Speed Regen/Transform/Lesser Transfer), because sometimes you DON'T want to explode into a writhing mass of tentacles in a crowd armed with laser guns.

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

  • Added a new machine to Hydroponics - the PlantMaster, used for seed extracting, splicing and infusing.
  • The Seed Extractor and Plant Gene Manipulator went to hell and died forever.
  • Hydroponics equipment comes from a vending machine rather than lockers now.
  • The starting health of new plants is now affected by a few different things. Bad endurance will cause the plant to have less health, and single-harvest plants gain or lose bonus health from the harvests gene. Damaged seeds also take health from a new plant. Plants will never start with less than 1 health and die instantly though.
  • Made a whole shitload of changes to the hydroponics under-the-hood stuff. Report bugs, as always.

Monday, February 4th, 2013

  • The RD sold his bomb to impulse buy a new pet.
  • Also !!Clarks!! made versions of prox-radio and prox-igniter assembly sprites that don't look like they're from 2004.

January 2013

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Replaced the Quartermasters' shuttles with crates being launched through space via mass driver.

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

  • Those little cash register things in the marketplace use your bank account instead of cash now.
  • If you still want to use cash...just toss some space cash over the table, you goof.
I Said No
  • Improved the Reagent Extractors. They now get two internal storage tanks and a better interface.

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Individual body parts don't have damage limits any more because it was Really Dumb.
Dr. Cogwerks
  • Set up some new handling for electrocution re: grilles and cables.
  • Shocks better take into account the available power now. The more power the station has, the more dangerous it becomes.
  • BEWARE OF ARC FLASH. Safety first!

Friday, January 18th, 2013

Infinite Monkeys
  • Rewrote mentorhelps, hopefully they should be less buggy and awful now. If they are broken or buggy let me know.
  • Added proxy/igniter/beaker and radio/igniter/beaker assemblies.
  • Chemical smoke now carries 3 reagents.

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

  • The station IT drones have now updated the medical console (We have one of those) to Medtrak 5.1.
  • Included with the disks was a really nice set of pens carved from the bones of Medtrak 4's development team.

Monday, January 14th, 2013

  • AI/cyborg door shortcuts. Ctrl-click opens/closes an airlock, shift-click bolts/unbolts it. Considering a change to make all keys and mouse buttons electrify doors indefinitely.
  • A large number of small changes and bugfixes over four years, considering I haven't personally updated this before.

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

  • The station IT department has upgraded security consoles to Secmate 7, primarily because the back of the box promised that everyone responsible for Secmate 6 had been fired into a star.

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Trick cigs (syndicools) can now be ignited by fire, sparks and explosions
  • Actually all cigs can spontaneously ignite now. You can probably use this for mischief?
  • Also I don't think cigs were properly causing fires when thrown into flammable stuff, so that should work now.

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Changed the available traitor weapons for spymode significantly. No more emags for spies.
  • The remaining gear they can order is all stuff that feels spy-ish.
  • Botanist traitors can now order the traitor fog machine. ~420 every day~
Dr. Singh
  • AIs can edit the arrival alert message. Roleplay it!

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

I Said No
  • Seed Fabricators can be set to filter available products by category.
  • The Reagent Extractor now works instantly.
  • Added an option when using a satchel on a disposal chute to empty the contents into the chute rather than put the satchel itself in.

Friday, January 4th, 2013

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Added a short little GETTING STARTED guide to ThinkDos, use the Help command on a computer to see it.
  • Also added a new software disk vending machine near Tech Storage (that dingy room below QM).
  • edit: oh no two updates collided, check out AngriestIBM's new "help basics1" "help basics2" and "help basics3" commands on DWAINE

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

I Said No
  • Slurrypods will now give a warning before they burst. They also take a bit longer to burst.
  • Made it more obvious on the Hydroponics trays when you're out of water or have too much.

December 2012

Sunday, December 30th, 2012

I Said No
  • Hydroponics backend tweaked again. Man what is with me tweaking all these back ends! *giggle
  • Seed Vendor may work a bit differently but function the same as usual. Report bugs of course.
  • Added a new guidebook in Hydroponics on how to do good at Hydroponics. It isn't finished yet though since i'm not done messing with Hydro.
  • Added some new types of nutrient formulas for plants that do various things. What they do is covered in the aforementioned book. Hydro starts with two bottles of each and can mix more if they figure out the recipes.
  • Added some new mutant gene strains for Hydro crops. These are "general" mutations that affect certain things and can be passed between plant species when splicing seeds.
  • The Seed Extractor now works instantly rather than making you wait.
  • Lemons no longer produce Lime seeds. Not that anyone noticed. Or cared.

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

I Said No
  • Hydroponics backend tweaked slightly. Plants with mutations now use only Endurance and Potency genes for their requirements.
  • Took the requirements completley off certain mutations. It's back to the old 8% chance rule for one mutation type per plant.

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

  • Sadly, the shuttle containing this shift's technical and medical assistants crashed. Into the moon. Forever.
  • To compensate, staff assistants have been granted the same access as their fallen technical comrades.
I Said No
  • Artifacts have been updated and now work much, much differently. Artifact Lab is totally different. The old Artifact Lab got turned into more space for Tox Lab.
  • Handheld artifacts now exist in addition to large object artifacts.
  • Wizards now corrupt terrain faster. The Staff of Cthulhu's corruption time reducing factor has also been significantly increased.

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

I Said No
  • Mutation variants in Hydroponics now work differently - genes have to be in a paticular configuration for the mutation to have a chance of appearing. The requirements and appearance chance for each mutation are all different, too. Happy hunting!
  • Hydroponics trays now start the game movable, and may be locked/unlocked with a screwdriver.
  • Hydroponics backend code has been tweaked around significantly. Please report bugs to I Said No.

Monday, December 17th, 2012

I Said No, with sprites from Clarks
  • Hydroponics now features.... actual hydroponics!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

MyBlueCorners via Dr. Singh
  • Random appearances for player preferences, brought to you by jolly cooperation.

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

I Said No
  • Added a ton of new emotes. Use the help emote to get lists of all usable emotes.
  • The deathgasp emote now has a chance to fail and give you away. This will never happen on genuine deaths.

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

Dr. Singh
  • The telescience computer has a circuitboard in tech storage and the pad can be scanned by electricians.
  • Light fixtures can be removed from the wall with a screwdriver if they're unpowered and there's no lamp or bulb. Or, make a new fixture from a stack of metal. Then you can use the fixture parts to build a light somewhere else, whoa!
  • Late traitor rate reduced, HoS and security are no longer able to be late traitors.

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Dr. Singh
  • Made the interrogation room larger and added a small back room for to security to safely transport inmates for questioning.
  • Changelings can no longer absorb a corpse multiple times.

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Blink teleports you forwards instead of randomly now. Cooldown increased a bit.

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

Dr. Cogwerks
  • Added a bunch of new chems, oh no
  • Antihistamine: stoxin + diethylamine + ethanol * heat
  • Itching Powder - pretty simple recipe
  • Histamine - cannot be mixed
  • Crank - 4 things + fuel * heat
  • Krokodil - 2 medical drugs + 3 other things * heat
  • Bath Salts - 7 reagents * heat
  • CAT DRUGS - 2 botany things, 1 other thing + fuel * heat
  • gross thing: urine + water * heat = ammonia (precursor to most of the others here)

Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

  • Energy swords now have sound effects, thanks to MollyMillions.
  • So do toy swords, wow!

November 2012

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

  • The new plant seeds weren't showing up because I accidentally added them to the wrong seed vendor in the code.
  • Because there are two functionally identical but separate seed vendors defined.
  • Maybe by hitler.
  • Maybe I'm going to kill myself.

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

  • Updated ABCU markers. You can now create blueprints for exact copies of rooms at a slightly higher cost. These can not be saved."

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

  • I added some new plants, like avocados.
  • Also you can use empty taco shells to crumble them into chips. You can dip chips into bowls. w h o a
  • Guacamole!!

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

  • The return of VR!
  • A racing game has been added to the VR arcade!

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

  • Halloween died.
  • It's a shame that Thanksgiving isn't very conductive to game ideas.

October 2012

Monday, October 29th, 2012

  • Halloween fun time!
  • Halloween...fun time!!

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

  • Okay so MollyMillions made this ogg that plays when you cease being knocked out.
  • That's kinda neat I guess.
  • It's all "beep beep boop" and EKG-y and stuff.
  • I'm padding this out to try to draw attention away from us forgetting to update the changelog for a month.

September 2012

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

  • Added virtual wizard & syndicate kits to VR Gun Sim. Practice traitoring safely!

Friday, September 28th, 2012

  • Added tough competition for the station chefs.

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

  • Added Cogwerks' new janitor traitor item idea: A compactor trash cart. Looks identical to the regular one, but may cause people placed inside to become rather small and angular.
  • Reminder on how to put people inside a cart/bin/crate: Move cart over lying person. Close cart.

Monday, September 17th, 2012


Sunday, September 16th, 2012

  • The kitchen/bar is now south of botany and west of crew quarters. The old bar is now a storage warehouse.

Sunday, September 9th, 2012


August 2012

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

  • Quartermasters can buy paint cans. I hope this alleviates your paint-related concerns.
  • Please don't paint everything in the game and make the client choke rendering a million pink toolboxes or I will be VERY SAD.

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

  • I should probably clarify that spies can: implant anybody since security implants are no longer A Thing (Even other leaders! whoa!) and that these are super mindslaves that do not wear off after time passes.
  • Implantees should be able to refer to their notes (Not the PDA one, the verb one) to see who their boss is. I guess.
  • Also plant pots are secured/unsecured with a wrench now. What a crucial change!

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

  • There is a conspiracy/spy mode in beta. Competing syndicate infiltrators with mindslaves are fighting a shadow war for a promotion.
  • Wonton wrappers! Put an egg and some flour in the mixer and stuff the resulting wrappers with small foods. And then fry them.

Saturday, August 11th, 2012

  • Derringer Pistol traitor item. Can be hidden in clothes.

Monday, August 6th, 2012

  • Sponges for the janitor. idk
  • Light other people's cigarettes using a zippo!
  • Headgear should show up on examine!!
  • The Dark Knight Rises was kinda good, but not really!!!

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

  • Replaced the legitamately useless heavy armor in the armory locker with an EOD suit/helmet.

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

  • While gloves don't leave fingerprints, they DO leave other signs for the detective to scan :O (Well actually you get distorted prints from latex gloves)
  • Chef has a sous-chef uniform available in the kitchen dispenser I guess. Recruit an assistant?

July 2012

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

  • Nuclear engines added. (BETA)
  • Airbridge added

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Added a timer/igniter/beaker assembly. Prox and radio assemblies to come but they are a pain to code.

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Chemistry stuff:
  • Stabilising agent that can make some previously instant reactions produce a stable-ish product.
  • Thalmerite has two chemicals that affect its heating speed.
  • Foaming agent removed - reactions that formerly used it now use fluorosurfactant.

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

  • Giving the chef a deep fryer cannot possibly backfire. CANNOT POSSIBLY BACKFIRE.
  • Oh and I guess botany wanted one of those crate telepad gizmos.

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Late join traitors attempt two.

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

  • Syndicate Shuttle is no longer on same Z-level as the station.
  • The syndicate teleporter can be activated with a syndicate teleporter remote in order to exit and go back to the syndicate shuttle.

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

I Said No
  • Dropped manufacturing costs of mining equipment a bit.
  • Engineering Spacesuits no longer make you go any slower than a regular space suit does.

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

I Said No
  • The Mining Outpost now has an APC and light switch for each of its seperate areas. There are also rods and hand labellers available.
  • The Mining Manufacturer now makes rods and metal sheets.
  • Extractor Rigs now drill much faster, and show the correct amount of ore in the hopper. (It was always off by 2 until now.)
  • There are now display screens on the Mining Outpost that show how much ore has been dug up.
  • Replicants have been disabled for the time being. They'll be back later.

June 2012

Friday, June 29th, 2012

I Said No
  • Rotating a window will now prompt you which direction you want to rotate it in. Examining the window will also tell you it's current fastened status.
  • Tidied up the job selection menu a little.

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Added a 'mentorhelp' command for asking gameplay-related questions - round spoiling questions and things like that are fine. Currently admins and dead HOSes can read/reply to the channel.

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

I Said No
  • Sturdy and Heavy cyborg Heads and Arms are now available. Use two metal on a regular part to make it sturdy, and two reinforced metal on a sturdy part to make it heavy. These parts can take more damage, but are heavy and will slow the Cyborg down a bit. Heavy moreso than Sturdy.
  • Cyborgs should now be able to suicide.
  • The bug that let you share reagents with yourself is fixed. Come on, that doesn't even make sense. =I

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

I Said No
  • You can now pour your reagent container (beakers, bottles, etc) into someone else's while they are holding it. They need to hold it in their active hand, and both parties need to have Help intent selected.
  • This also works for cyborgs - the Cyborg needs to have Help intent selected, and has the beaker equipped in a slot and selected. (The square it's in needs to be highlighted in green, basically.)

Monday, June 25th, 2012

I Said No
  • Cyborgs now have their old appearance sets back. What's more, they can be customised at Docking Stations! (But no self-customisation. You need someone to help you!)
  • Construction Cyborgs now have floor tiles instead of metal sheets.
  • Engineering Cyborgs now have the Atmospherics Transporter that Atmos Cyborgs used to have.
  • Chemistry Cyborgs have their own internal ChemMaster unit now, and cannot use the regular ChemMaster. In addition, using the Chemistry Dispenser is slightly different for them and doesn't involve inserting the beaker.

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

I Said No
  • Enabled the new-type cyborgs as a test. Some stuff may be substantially different!
  • Cyborg construction for new-type cyborgs is a bit different. The brain goes in the head piece before attaching, you use a wrench on the frame once it's complete to activate the new cyborg.
  • After you've opened a Cyborg (crowbar) and exposed it's wires (screwdriver), use robot parts on it to attach new parts, or a wrench to remove existing ones.
  • Treads are now available as a cyborg component. They occupy both leg slots - they boost speed a bit but drain power from the cyborg's cell.
  • New type Cyborgs may get a free upgrade depending on which module they pick at the start. Mining Borgs also have the option to teleport to the mining station.
  • Cyborgs may be repainted and redecorated from docking stations. They look a bit plainer than they used to for the moment but that'll be fixed if this all pans out.

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012

I Said No
  • Cyborg construction process is now slightly different. Heads no longer need flashes, and parts already on the frame can be wrenched off if needed. Cells and wires in the chest piece can also be removed with wrenches and wirecutters, respectively.
  • Atmos and Vendor borg modules were discontinued due to being borderline useless.
  • Substantial background changes to a whole ton of cyborg shit. Report any bugs, please!

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

  • You can make cakes with virtually any food item now, and you can use icing tubes to decorate them with icing.

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

I Said No
  • Added the Motor Oil reagent. Splashed on cyborgs, it will make them move faster and use less power for a short while. Roboticists start with an oil can - more can be mixed if you know the recipe. Experiment and find it!
  • A new oil can sprite courtesy of Clarks! Splashed oil now also stains the floor. Technically this was put in on tuesday and not sunday but eh sod it.

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

I Said No
  • Plasma Cutter has been replaced by Concussive Gloves. They allow you to mine asteroids by punching them with your bare hands.
  • Power Hammer was buffed a bit. It now shatters nearby weak tiles in addition to digging.
  • Mining Charges have become Concussive Charges. They work only slightly differently to what they did before.

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

I Said No
  • Cyborg Recharging Stations are now Cyborg Docking Stations. In addition to recharging cells, they can perform repairs, rename cyborgs, and handle the installation/swapping of various cyborg components.
  • Docking Stations accept power cells, upgrades, modules, cable coil and welding fuel. You can also help Cyborgs climb in by click-dragging them onto the station.
  • Robotics Research is gone. It'll be back later in some form. For now, Roboticists can make all robotics items right off the bat. Resources is the only limitation.
  • Cyborgs now start in Robotics rather than AI Upload.
  • Updated a bunch of backend stuff for Cyborgs. Report any bugs, please!
  • Gave miners their miner bots and drill rigs back. Sorry about that!

Monday, June 11th, 2012

  • Added a box of latex gloves to medbay. Made fingerprints left by latex gloves a little more confusing. I'm still working on detective stuff I promise!!!
  • Click on a door with a T-ray scanner to see if it's powered, unpowered or electrified!
  • The T-ray scanner can also be used to measure how much power is being sent through a cable. This was actually a thing multitools did before, but scanners don't get enough love. :(

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

  • Virtually any food can be a topping for pizza now
  • Added Amusing Duck and a dog named George. RIP george you were a good dog. (big thanks to Cogwerks for the sprites)

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

I Said No
  • Redesigned the mining outpost to be a bit more spacious and functional. Also redesigned something else, see if you can find out what.
  • There are now a max of six miners and four botanists.

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

  • Added a cookbook and new appliance to the kitchen

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

I Said No
  • Sheets of Metal and Glass as well as Metal Rods now all stack to 50. Floor tiles now stack to 80.
  • All of the items mentioned above can now be drag-dropped onto each other to quickly gather nearby items into one stack.
  • Welding rods to get metal and using metal to build tiles and rods now prompt how many you want to make a stack of.

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

  • Mouseover people to see their assignments on their id cards.
  • Redid how voice changers were handled in the code making them more robust.

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Dr. Singh
  • Starlight removed, it looked cool but caused too many problems behind the scenes that I haven't been able to fix.

May 2012

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

I Said No
  • Particular random events now occur based on how long the round has been running. Spatial Tears, Kudzu, Solar Flares and Ion Storms can occur right from the start. Wormholes, blobs, radiation, viruses and meteors will only occur after 40 minutes have passed. Black Holes and Blowouts occur only after 80 minutes have passed.
  • Blowouts are back in the rotation, as you might have guessed. They no longer blow up all the lights on the station, too.
  • Meteor random events will now strike from one direction rather than swarming in from all sides. You also get three minutes to prepare before the meteors arrive. Meteor Storms after the 80 minute mark will be far worse than those before it.
  • Meteor Shield Generators are now available in emergency storage. You can also turn lattices into anti-meteor barricades by using rods on them. Weld barricades to dissassemble them,

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

  • So um, you know how the mulebot didn't actually have any delivery locations set up? That's fixed now. I FORGOT OKAY THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS TO PUT IN A MAP

Monday, May 28th, 2012

  • Beds now have a "sleep in" verb. If you lay down and use it...you sleep in them! And you can press the laying/standing toggle button to..wake up! Whoa!

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

I Said No
  • Miners now start with three extractor rigs and two extra crates of furnace fuel.
  • Metal, Glass and Rods stacks will now give messages when adding to or otherwise manipulating them.

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • You can now click the inventory button with an equippable item in your active hand to equip it. If you have an item equipped in that slot it'll be put in your active hand.

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

AngriestIBM & Supernorn
  • Implemented Supernorn's cool new hud!! whoa!!
  • Primer: Intents selection is now done by clicking the appropriate square of the intent panel.
  • Drop is the half-tile below throw (To the right of hands)
  • Active hand selected by clicking the appropriate hand slot.
  • Most alerts, like extreme cold, now only show up when there actually is an alert.
  • Also the inventory can now be hidden. Belt, pockets, and backpack are always visible, however.
  • Nonhuman mob HUDS are probably broken as fuck right now.

Monday, May 21st, 2012

  • Thanks to a generous donation from the Change the Brig Slightly Foundation, the brig has been changed. Slightly.
  • Also implant locks are just gone in general now.
  • Cyborgs can use the goofy PageUp switchhands hotkey now too! Switch through your active modules!!

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • More suicide methods.

Friday, May 11th, 2012

  • Made emergency suits less shitty (but still quite shitty!) and made them more orange instead of salmon. Also changed their in-world icons so the suit and helmet don't look like a mob standing there

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Added a bunch more crew objectives and enabled the system. AngriestIBM did all the hard work coding the framework so thank him!

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

  • Unfortunately, the recent oxygen garden renovation attracted a family of bears. As the resulting enactment of NanoTrasen bear-elimination protocols resulted in the garden's complete atomization, the bar and kitchen have been relocated to the new space. A new crew area has been installed in their former location.

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

  • Okay, let's try this again! Now scientists have access to chemistry and chemistry has been returned to the research sector.
I Said No
  • Touching foam no longer puts the reagent into your body, and neither does splashing. If you want it in your system, you have to inject or consume it.
  • NanoTrasen Medical reminds all personnel not to overdose on medicine and stimulants.
  • Crew quarters has been replaced with a much more eco-friendly oxygen garden.

Monday, May 7th, 2012

  • Made the Medical Doctor uniform slightly more red
  • Killed Chemists and moved Chemistry into Medbay for doctors to use

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Dr. Singh
  • Health shouldn't jump around wildly anymore. Please let me know on the forums or in IRC if you still get weird health behaviors.

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Vampires can now create thralls for 300 blood.
I Said No
  • Mixed Mode: Chaplains should no longer be selected to be a Vampire. They should be assigned Traitor or Changeling instead if this occurs. Report any instances of Vampire Chaplains, thanks.

Friday, May 4th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Lots of vampire changes, still a work in progress, feedback would be appreciated in the suggestions thread. Changes:
  • Disease Touch is back to being deadly, but is non-contagious. Use it to kill important personnel I guess?
  • Blood count now displayed in the Status menu.
  • Cloak of Darkness and Mist Form should work properly now.
  • Blood draining requires one click and continues until interrupted. It also has a chance to stun/KO.
  • Other misc changes to cooldowns, blood costs, etc.
I Said No
  • New item: Mechanised Boots. Industrial Armor no longer confers a speed boost - the boots do that now.
  • Geological Scanners now show different decals for different things. Some things share decals, so it is still wise to check before you dig.
  • Abandoned Loot Crates can sometimes be dug up via mining. Don't ask how they got buried in solid rock.
  • Changed the Power Hammer. It can be now used mostly like a regular mining tool (pick, etc), took out that stupid "useless collapse" thing.
  • Fabricator Item Lists can now be filtered by category. The option is down the bottom. Also you can now eject ore even while it's busy building something.
  • Ore Extractor Upgrades now fit on mining belts.
  • Fibrilith and Miracle Matter are now properly loaded from using a satchel on the Fabricator by hand.
  • You can now click-drag ore and produce into crates to load them in rapidly, provided the crate isn't locked.
  • Jumpsuits and shoes from Fabricators. Woah.
  • Electricians can no longer have a suit of industrial armor as a traitor item.

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

  • Latex gloves now obfuscate fingerprints instead of completely hiding them.
  • The maximum number of fingerprints on any given object has been increased from 3 to 6.
  • Added an experimental 64x64 icon mode, check under the Icons tab near File.
I Said No
  • Satchels now come with visible meters to show how full they are.
  • Large Ore Satchels can be built at Mining Fabricators, from 25 fabric and 3 Bohrum. They hold 75 ore each.
  • Power Hammers will shatter weak rock formations within a small range of the tile you strike.
  • Mining and Robotics Fabricators start with 20 of each basic ore pre-loaded. No more scavenging for cables and such.
  • Fibrilith and Miracle Matter can now be loaded into a fabricator via click-dragging, same as normal ores.
  • Diseased Touch/Grave Fever no longer stuns, and does less toxic damage.

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

  • Apparently flash powder's recipe was critically immersion breaking, and as such it now also uses chlorine.
  • Also avoid purple beams. Trust me on this.

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

I Said No
  • Extractor rigs now come with an inbuilt GPS for locating them.
  • Miners now start with three satchels and three light mining charges each.
  • Explosions will now weaken and crack most asteroid tiles that they didn't destroy outright.
  • Mining belts should now be able to store mining PDAs, as intended. Rock worms are no longer on a diet.
  • The beds in the brig can no longer be used for buckling.
  • Added a furnace room on the main station for an emergency power supply.

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

I Said No
  • Mineral Accumulators and Ore Extraction Rigs start with a fully charged 7500 capacity power cell already loaded.
  • Made cell chargers charge up power cells much faster.

April 2012

Saturday, April 28th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • New arrivals can spawn as traitors in certain situations.
  • Non-antagonists with security implants can no longer use cloaks. Traitors who manage to obtain a sec implant can.
I Said No
  • Reworked a bunch of background stuff for mining. Report bugs if any come up.
  • Small asteroids now have a chance to be made of solid mineral, containing hundreds of units of ore. You can't dig them with regular tools.
  • Miners can now create and set up extractor rigs near said asteroids. They will gradually extract ore from them over time.
  • Upgrades can be made for said rigs that expand their capacity, increase their drilling speed, and give them a teleporter.
  • You can click-drag a crate onto the rig to empty all ore from it into the crate, or you can smack the rig with a satchel to fill the satchel up.
  • Rigs will also send messages to miner PDAs if something occurs. PDAs can be put on mining belts now, too.
  • Moved the cargo pad in Mining closer to the fabricator.
  • Miners now ACTUALLY have their double mining speed and weird tile warnings perk. It wasn't in effect before because apparently the Chaplain had it instead.
  • Plasmastone is actually useful for something now. Holy SHIT
Dr. Singh
  • Changed the middle click shortcut to just swap hands. Apologies to anyone who liked it but it breaks too many things that were built around the whole active/offhand idea and just feels awkward and wrong.

Friday, April 27th, 2012

I Said No
  • The Request Console at QM and commercial vending machines now accept ID cards. They use money straight from your bank account so now you don't have to screw around with cash and ATMs.
  • Grones Soda now has the flavor in the description rather than the name. The gigantic entry on the vending machine page was bugging me.

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

I Said No
  • Three new traders for QMs to interact with. One of them is a randomised generic trader.
  • You can now haggle with traders. Hit haggle, type in the new price you think you should pay per unit, and the trader will meet you somewhere halfway. Don't try to rip them off or push it too far, though!
  • Rolled all the fruit/veg/herb commodities in the Shipping Market into a single category rather than having them all be individually priced.
  • Couple of new commodities. Meat, Robot Parts, Glass, Metal. Maybe some others I forgot.
  • You can now select the amount of items you want when a trader is selling to the station.
Dr. Singh
  • Middle click now uses your offhand. Thanks MyBlueCorners for putting in the effort on this one. Cue complaints from people with laptops and cheap mice in 3... 2...
  • Control click is now pull. Yep. It's finally the future.
  • Added one of those top left corner action buttons to turn your tank valve on and off. You'll still have to adjust the pressure the old fashioned way.

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

I Said No
  • Automatic Mining Bots are now craftable. Hard Hat > Prox Sensor > Robot Arm > Pickaxe or Drill. Mining station starts with two of them.

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

  • You can now examine stuff by holding down alt and clicking on it. For real this time though.
  • Local Air Monitors have taken a vow of silence, forever
I Said No
  • Mucked around with a ton of background shit. Be sure to report bugs.
  • New gamemode: Mixed. It's not in the rotation yet because it still needs some live testing.
  • Predators can now force unbolted doors open with their bare hands.
  • Added a cell charger to the mining outpost, since they can make cells now.
  • Furnace fuel now lasts longer.
  • Traders will now periodically contact the station with offers. It is the responsibility of the Quartermasters to accept or decline, and work out the other various logistics of trading!
  • Thus far there is only one trader. More will be added soon.
  • You can now repair APCs with the amazing power of screwdrivers, cabling, multitools, and wrenches. A real toolbox teamup.

Friday, April 20th, 2012

  • Welding masks can be moved out of your eyes so you can see stuff.
  • Replaced the Holy Water bottle sprite with one that's significantly more cooler. (Hempuli you are a boss sorry I didn't do this sooner)
  • Changed the revolver/generic gunshot sound to something meatier and less compressed.
  • Local Air Monitors now produce annoying beeping sounds when there's an atmosphere problem in compliance with Space OSHA standards! Place your bets on when this will be removed!
I Said No
  • Geological Scanners and Power Hammers now work instantly rather than after a delay.
  • Any given tile of ore has a rare chance to carry twice as much ore, and a very rare chance to carry four times as much.
  • Power Hammer cost was changed, and both it and Powered Picks now have more charges.
  • Power Hammers now have a 50% chance to uselessly collapse a seam on multiple weakenings, rather than 95% as before.
  • Mining Manufacturer can now produce power cells and flashlights.
  • New high-end equipment for miners: Mineral Accumulator. Works like a combination between a black hole and a cargo teleporter - will drag all nearby ore to it and teleport it to a cargo pad. Needs a power cell to run.
  • Two new gems! One is Fibrilith - redeemable for 40 fabric at a manufacturer, or sellable. The other one is best left discovered for itself.
  • All Manufacturing Units now have an adjustable speed setting. Can be set to run at double or triple speed. Beware! Doing so consumes a LOT of power from the local APC!
  • Cyborg farts have new text to distinguish them from human farts.

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

I Said No
  • Did some background work on new jumpsuits you may see one day soon!

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Fuck stungloves.
I Said No
  • That stupid RIG Armor is no more. Now there is Industrial Space Armor, with a nice new look. It also protects you from explosions now, too.
  • Cost was reduced for the armor. You also manufacture both pieces at once, rather than individually.
  • Space suits are also now manufactured as a helmet/suit set, too.

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Dr. Singh
  • Fixed that explosion bug I caused. Sorry about that. About fixing it, I mean.
  • The stars now produce light as intended. Ambient lighting from exterior windows and/or gaping holes. No more sticky darkness (hopefully).
  • Changed explosion processing to guarantee that nobody can outrun the blast radius due to lag.
  • Improved the chance for an electric chair's non-lethal setting to de-rev.
  • You can now quick-stack some items by holding one in your hand and dragging another onto it from the floor. Currently works for sheets of glass and metal, rods, floor tiles and wire coils.

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

I Said No
  • Mining speed cut in half universally. On top of this, miners dig twice as fast as everyone else.
  • As an added bonus, Miners start with powered picks instead of regular ones.
  • Plant Pots in Hydroponics now consume half as much water as before.
Dr. Singh
  • Why could electricians build Syndicate gear anyway? If Nanotrasen could just make that stuff security would have cloaks in their lockers.
  • Electricians can no longer scan traitor gear. They can scan a few more things around the station to make up for the lack. Please let me know if you notice anything electricians can't scan that they should.
  • New traitor item added for electricians: A fancy Syndicate scanner that can scan traitor gear.
  • E-mag cost upped from 3 to 5 since they do everything and are really really good. Radio jammers reduced from 5 to 3 because they should be used more, especially now th--BLARGH
  • E-magging a cyborg no longer unlocks the interface, instead it fries the cyborg's connection to the Laws database. It doesn't compel the borg to help you or anyone. It just removes all laws.
  • Added confirmation popup to 'State All Laws' so AIs will be less inclined to reveal things they shouldn't.

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

  • Three words: Easter. Egg. Hunt.

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

I Said No
  • Added Zombie and Alien modes to standard round rotation.
  • Added several powerful guns to abandoned loot crates that may only be used if your character is named "Iji".
  • Fixed the Flamethrower.
Dr. Melon
  • Re-added the Clown job in all its entirety.
  • The clown can now breathe in space.
  • The clown can now fly.
  • The clown can shoot lasers from his nose.

March 2012

Friday, March 30th, 2012

  • The new electronics update requires 2x buzzers, 4x diodes, and 5x fuck mport's awful code.
  • Also I renamed the electronics data disks to modules so they don't get confused with actual data disks. Do they have any utility beyond plugging into scanners to give you a list? Maybe I should just replace them with a printout of the parts needed or something.
Dr. Singh
  • Thanks to Tobba for the updated lighting code. Lighting is now calculated differently, allowing for some neat new tricks.
  • Fixed the party alarm.

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

  • New Thing: Shard Recycler in the bar! It can turn glass shards into cups and plates!!!
  • Sorta New Things: Shot and wine glasses, can be made with the Shard Recycler (see it's not useless)
  • Bar stools! They do nothing oh well
  • Changed the firesuit sprite so it's less neon green and Denis Leary approved
  • Fixed emergency suits so they protect you from space a lil bit instead of making you more vulnerable (what the fuck mport)

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Dr. Melon
  • Gone are the days of unstable medical practice: bruise packs and ointment tubes have been replaced with chemical patches!
  • Empty patches have been added to chemistry - use a syringe to fill them.
  • Nicotine patches are available in the cigarette vendors.
  • You can make new patches with the general manufactuer.

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Proximity sensors, and assemblies that use them, should now work.

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

I Said No
  • More wizard mode changes:
  • Wizards start without their robes. They can now retrieve them from the wardrobes - they have a choice of three different styles now.
  • New selectable Wizard thing: Staff of Cthulhu. Makes corruption ritual faster, hits harder than a normal staff and will horribly shock anyone trying to steal it.
  • Arrival, Escape and Supply Shuttles, as well as the Solar Panels, no longer count towards the total percentage of corruption.
  • Corruption percentage count should be more accurate now.

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

I Said No
  • Wizard mode changes again:
  • The Chaplain is now the Wizard's natural enemy. He has immunity to all magic and the ability to remove corruption.
  • Wizards are immune to each other's spells as long as they have their outfit and staff equipped.
  • The Chapel is a safe haven - Wizards cannot teleport directly into it or use spells inside. This protection stops at 40% corruption, however.
  • The Corruption now has various effects that get worse as more of the station is corrupted. Wiz and Chaplain are immune to these.
  • At 30% or more corruption, the Wizard will slowly regenerate health while inside.

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

I Said No
  • You can now select whether you want to hear admin played sounds or not. Look under the Soundscape option.
  • Admins can now optionally announce that they're playing sounds and what the sound filename is, like a DJ or something.

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

I Said No
  • Erebite and Cerenkite power cells can now be manufactured. They regenerate power on their own. Erebite Cells will explode on contact with heat or fire, however.
  • Shaving off a Wizard's beard will cause them to become too ashamed to cast offensive magic for a short while.
  • Couple of new facial hairstyles.

Friday, March 9th, 2012

Dr. Singh
  • Added peanuts and peanut butter. There's also a few secret recipes, uh huh.
  • Fixed a ton of runtime errors and weird bugs and the main background loop slows itself if the server load gets really bad.
  • The bosses found out about that sweet hidden VR room the CE built and made us remove it, OSHA or something I don't know. Supposedly some assistant still has the combat program somewhere.
  • Due to your diligent research and development Nanotrasen is now able to interfere with the science teleporter. It's expensive so they only bothered to jam security.
  • There's a cool trick for robusting you can do thanks to a certain bug fix. What is it? That would be telling.
  • Exploding machinery sprays shrapnel around when it explodes.

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

  • Fucked with the plasma generator so now it's basically just a portable cell charger
  • Fixed critter jumping issue
  • Changed the singularity icon from a shitty photoshop brush to a shitty photoshop circle with edge glow
  • Modified the Head Surgeon

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

  • You know how the AI couldn't see visual text things like "bob picks his nose" or whatever before? Now it can!!

Monday, March 5th, 2012

I Said No
  • Bugfix: Corruption should now be applied to a whole area rather than patches.
  • Bugfix: Corruption should no longer be affected by light levels.
  • Bugfix: Wizards should no longer temporarily spawn naked on the Arrival Shuttle.
  • Bugfix: The end of the round should now correctly state whether the ritual was a failiure or success.
  • Change: Corruption Ritual now completes more quickly.
  • Change: The Corruption objective now needs 40% of the station corrupted, down from 50%.
  • Change: Clairovoyance's cooldown was lengthened from 10 seconds to one minute.
  • Addition: A Magic Mirror in the Wizard's Station. Wizards that examine it will be told all objectives that need to be completed.
  • Please report any persisting or new bugs! Thank you!

Sunday, March 4th, 2012

I Said No
  • Wizard rounds now work differently. The wizards will win immediatley if they complete all their objectives - which always consist of killing three specific targets and corrupting 50% of the station.
  • Wizards now start with the spells Clairvoyance and Corruption Ritual. A few more effects were added to Pandemonium.
Infinite Monkeys
  • Revolvers now come with two spare clips, and ordering revolver ammo gives you three AP clips.

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

I Said No
  • Cloaking devices now periodically flash instead of flickering or doing nothing. They were reverted to their original cost also.
  • Wizards now spawn with large, luxurious beards properly befitting their magical station, and their hats actually look like hats now.
  • Added new effects for some spells.

February 2012

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

I Said No
  • Cloaking devices no longer betray their presence by flickering. They are a bit more expensive to compensate for this.
  • Keep your eye out for hunters. Yes this is some cryptic bullshit, what of it?

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Added a teleporter thing for scientists! Needs feedback and will be worked on more when I have time. The coordinates you input are modified to get the actual value, and the modifications made are randomised each round.

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Added a new traitor item, only purchasable if you have an assassinate objective, which allows you to track IDs registered to your target(s).
  • Buffed the rad crossbow a few days ago but I forgot to update the changelog. Give it a try sometime!

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

  • Rejoice, DWAINE users! There's a book to teach you all about the new DWAINE in the artifact lab.

Friday, February 10th, 2012

  • Re-added the personnel that we had all missed so dearly, who would always bring a smile to the collective faces of the crew with their lighthearted antics and wonderful jokes.
  • And by that I mean Medical and Technical Assistants! Normal vanilla assistant is now "Staff Assistant."

Monday, February 6th, 2012

Dr. Singh
  • The AI can de-electrify all the airlocks it controls.
  • AI and Cyborgs get an extra popup to confirm shocking doors and turning off engine components.

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

  • Hey you can research artifacts on the mainframe. As opposed to that backup console.
  • Default location for the research program is /mnt/artlab. There's a readme. You could maybe read it. That would be neat.

January 2012

Friday, January 27th, 2012

  • You should be able to configure Guardbuddies again. Try "cd /mnt/control" (This is the default mount for the tape holding the buddy interface) and then "cat readme"

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

  • It's a new map holy goddamn. I guess report bugs on the forums?
  • No the new research stuff isn't finished, we're all very sorry ok. The RD has recieved a cookie from the computer company as a token of apology.
  • You can just suicide to leave VR. If you die in the game, you DON'T die irl.

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Fixed electric chairs.
  • Electric chairs and electropacks can now derev!
  • Made the changeling DNA points system more transparent yesterday.

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

  • The "help I can't die" bug where everyone's health stops updating should never happen again.
  • Large swarms of admin created creatures, giant fires, blobs, etc no longer lag horribly. Neither does the unban panel. It's still slow the first time but after that it's smooth.
  • Game ticks now happen at a consistent rate until things start lagging really really bad.

Monday, January 16th, 2012

  • Sikh siropa and turban in the chaplain's closet. Dr. Singh is still not a real sikh, or a real doctor.
  • Bunch of errors fixed and performance work, lots more to go. If anything unusual happens or just breaks please leave a query with details to drsingh in IRC.

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Infinite Monkeys
  • Horror form isn’t harmed by stepping on glass and can consume with an Agressive grip.
  • AI can now make an intercom (VOX) announcement once every two minutes!

Friday, January 13th, 2012

  • Added a neat feature where if someone is kn--NNGH.

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

  • Reduced syndicate cyborg suit cost by an entire telecrystal!
  • Oh and pathology is still gone. It will be back eventually. Just felt I should note that somewhere official.

December 2011

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

  • Added an "about" button to the traitor uplink menu. Not everything has an entry yet, though.

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

  • Removed implant locks from ALL airlocks and lockers. Guns retain their locks, however.
  • Please report if your job suddenly cannot access a vital locker or if suddenly every jerk can, etc.

November 2011

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

  • Added a centcom report to nuclear mode.
  • Injectors are back.

October 2011

Tuesday, October 26th, 2011

  • Fixed a TON of shit that was breaking the health system, a lot of it is definitely still broken but it's a start!

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

  • Changeling reports the number of DNA absorbed at round end
  • Revolution ends with nobody winning after ~50 minutes (please don't metagame with this :[)
  • AI turrets now fire every 1.5 seconds instead of 3 so maybe now they're useful
  • Cleaning a floor/stain with a mop will now clean every stain on that turf
  • Added cameras/viewers to the Solitary Chamber in Security
  • Moved the solitary gas chamber controls to the room south of the brig
  • HoS office reworked a bit, fixed basically everyone having access to his shit
  • try grabbing someone and clicking on a window :V

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

  • Electricians can now load all components on a given tile onto a frame by clicking and dragging one onto said frame.
  • You know, like how you load a satchel. Pretty much exactly like that.

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

  • Mind Slave implants cost only a little more than a pipe bomb now, and last longer. Let's see how this works out.
  • Engineering space suits don't slow you down nearly as much anymore, but still more than originally.
  • Mining fabricators now produce engineering space suits and engineering space helmets instead of regular ones.
  • Various typo fixes to go along with your re-rebalancing. Delicious.

September 2011

Friday, September 30th, 2011

  • QM shipping list altered: More choices, more descriptions, some old crate contents have been changed.
  • The worth of Mauxite, Molitz, and Pharosium as a shipping commodity has been lowered to curb exploits. This will be more meaningful later.
  • Emagging mining explosives now sabotages them so that they blow up in the user's face, rather than unlocking the targets they're usable on.
  • Traitor Miners now get special job-based syndicate items: hacked low and high yield mining explosives. These behave as old emagged mining explosives.
  • Both hacked and emagged mining explosives now have their own added descriptions upon examine, to vaguely reveal that something is different about them.
  • Mind Slave traitor item telecrystal cost has been increased threefold.
  • RIG suits now actually protect against radiation, as in the blowout random event, and nuclear reactors, etc.
  • Engineering space suits are now twice as slow to move around in when walking, and are immensely slower when traveling through space. Examine desc updated to reflect this.

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

  • Traitor roles are now chosen before job roles instead of vice versa. If you are chosen as changeling or traitor, you cannot then be chosen as AI, Cyborg, HoS, or Security, and revheads cannot become those or any head of staff position. However, if you are not chosen as a traitor type, you can now still become one of those jobs. If you want to reliably be chosen for those jobs, simply turn off your "be traitor?" option in preferences for the relevant mode.
  • Clarified some random event AI laws, cleaned up some logical contradictions, fallacies, and loopholes in them as well. Added an excessively wordy new one.
  • Doubled the chance that mining a (?) block will yield uqill or telecrystal as opposed to cytine.
  • Fixed even more game mode checks that weren't accounting for the Head Surgeon position as a head of staff.
  • Fixed teleport beacon exploit that was still allowing players easy entry into syndicate and wizard stations. Thanks to nice, honest players for admitting to this bug after being carefully and politely threatened.
  • Mind implant use is a lot more obvious to admins in logs now.
  • A bunch of additional admin options added for easily spawning human mobs of every job type, both genders.
  • Moving inside of the DNA scanner in genetics will now close the console window if you have it open. You should require a partner in Science if you want to alter your own DNA.
  • Attempting to Mind Slave implant someone who already has a security implant will fail, giving both target and user a failure message.

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

  • The emergency shuttle in wizard mode will now fail to arrive the first time if called before the 20 minute mark, but will always succeed the second time. This should give the wizard more time to complete his objectives if dealing with a crew of pansy little girly coward spaceboys.
  • Preliminary human NPC class expansion with fairly convincing combat and arrest behavior.
  • Tripping on foam will be slightly less stunning now, in accordance with sanity.
  • Firing a gun from point blank will no longer use up double the ammo/charge.
  • You will now attempt a point blank shot on any intent other than 'help', rather than only on 'harm'.
  • A point blank shot's extra stunning time has been cut in half, since it was previously excessive.
  • Reloading a gun with ammunition will give a success message now.
  • Even more cases of crates trapping buckled-in folks, bugging them out, have been eliminated.

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

  • A message is now displayed when someone is successfully hit by gunshot or other projectile weapons, unless the weapon is silenced.
  • Disability blocks in genetics should be a bit more difficult to isolate now. Why? Who knows.
  • Fixed some random event AI laws for spelling errors, ambiguous wording, and conflicts with default laws.
  • Fixed Flash not displaying blind message properly on its final use upon burning out.
  • Added some warning messages when various items are used if they are empty of necessary reagents.
  • Fixed crates scooping up people who are buckled to beds and chairs, causing buggy problems.
  • Added warning messages when fire damage is applied to people with fire immunity superpower.
  • Cloakers were not properly being decloaked when shot with projectile weapons. Now they are, and there's a visible message too.
  • Even more new and improved logs, warnings, and options to aid Admins in dealing with rule breakers.

Monday, September 5th, 2011

  • Cyborgs/Eyebots can now use ";" to use the radio, like everyone else!
  • Also if your radio mysteriously stops working as an eyebot, try opening the radio panel. That should fix it. I hope.

Sunday, September 4th, 2011

  • Slipping on wet surfaces probably shouldn't stun for half an hour. So now it doesn't.
  • Aliens no longer receive starting message that part of their goal is to kill the AI, since it isn't.
  • Wizards no longer receive objectives to kill other wizards.
  • Nuke mode syndicate radio headsets should always be visible now.
  • Random event AI laws no longer refer to "The Mailroom".
  • Admin-spawned syndicate attack forces come properly equipped, and clothed now.
  • Various continuing additions to admin tools for monitoring and busting potential griefers.

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

  • Nuke mode syndicates now get their own default radio channel accessible with :h. Organized.
  • Revhead sorting wasn't checking if a candidate had already been chosen, resulting in one person filling multiple revhead slots. Fixed.
  • Several checks still weren't taking the newish Head Surgeon position into account as a head of staff. Rectified.
  • Communication intercepts were reporting disabled game modes as possibilities, often 100% confirming the current mode. Remedied.
  • Admin-appointed wizards now work properly in wizard mode for determining round status. Wizardized.

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

  • Monkeys reagent-holding units decreased. No more supermonkeys, CHEMISTS.
  • Human reagent-holding units slightly increased.
  • Ethanol effects tweaked to reflect changes. Feedback appreciated.
  • Pro Puffs now much more useful to the average crewmember!
  • Fingerprints are added whenever you deactivate/reactivate security cameras.
  • Stop whining about the rad-crossbow 'nerf,' the crossbow owns now ok

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

  • Brig timers can now be examined to show time remaining, if any.
  • Wizards lost their goofy little radios, gained actual spellbooks.
  • Rad poison crossbow shot cost and recharge rate tweaked. Might be slightly more sane now.

Monday, August 29th, 2011

  • New Character Setup options: "Be Alien?", "Be Changeling?", "Be Revolution Leader?", "Be Wizard?". The previous choice of "Be Syndicate?" is replaced by these for their appropriate modes, but "Be Syndicate?" is still used for Nuke and Traitor modes.
  • Wizards no longer take up job slots, and don't start with job-specific items anymore.
  • Valid wizards are now selected regardless of the player's job preferences.
  • Wizards now start with a Spellbook Uplink instead of a PDA, which only works for the wizard it spawns for.
  • Wizard mode info picture and Wizardry 101 texts have been updatedwhere necessary.
  • Revolution leaders should ALWAYS spawn with a flash now, or so help me #$!&.
  • Flashes now have a different name and look when they burn out, and give a more noticeable message when it happens.
  • Even more useful tools for admins to monitor rulebreakers with. You cannot hide.

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

  • Nuke mode shouldn't spaz out and cause everything to stop working anymore.
  • Neutered unstoppable every-superpower-in-10-minutes geneticist griefers.
  • Robotics bay gets its own cargo transporter. Send those piles of crates back to the QM! Send mining the gift of borgbuddy!
  • Examining cyborgs now shows you if they have a power cell inserted, and what the charge is at. Don't leave your robofriends without power!
  • Cyborg burn damage is fixed by replacing exposed wires, which now show their damage in examine.
  • Fixed a bunch of items not showing up in your hand properly when plucked out of things.
  • Added several additional layers of anti-grief notices for admins to bust you with. We're watching you, jerks.
  • Fixed cloaking device exploit.
  • Several Wizard movement spells now put the caster out if they are on fire.

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

  • Robotics manufacturers now produce high capacity power cells. YOU STILL HAVE TO CHARGE THEM BEFORE USE.
  • Cyborg teleport upgrade functions via teleporter beacons now, only costs 250 charge per use, and has a much cheaper material cost to manufacture in Robotics.
  • The progress bar for charging a power cell in the Cell Charger wasn't displaying properly. Fixed.
  • Teleportation no longer works while you're unconscious/dead.
  • Wizard teleportation scroll requires wizardliness to read.
  • Wizards can now magically resist being forcibly transformed.
  • Wizard mode victory and loss messages fixed.
  • Hand teleporters cannot easily get you into the wizard and syndicate stations anymore.
  • Cyborg teleport upgrade mineral cost fixed, and upgrade moved down to tier 2.

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

  • Greatly improved the fart/poo sound.
  • Also I'm the one that originally put in (and took out) religions/fatties, lmao f*ckin owned u stupid nerds - xoxo, sniper

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

  • Exciting, new, streamlined Job Ban options for administrators!
  • Empty wizard objectives almost certainly fixed.
  • Wizards now start with Magic Missile as well as Phase Shift, and learn 4 additional spells of their choice.
  • Wizard spells Magic Missile and Ice Burst no longer spam spell chants when there are no valid targets.
  • Wizards now start with the Teleportation Scroll, Wizardry 101, and SPACE GRIMOIRE papers in their inventories.
  • Wizard spell Doppelganger now has a spell chant.
  • Wizard Shuttle revamped a little bit.
  • New Wizard spell: Spell Shield.

Monday, August 15th, 2011

  • Wizard spells Ice Burst and Magic Missile should no longer hit or target ghosts.
  • Wizard spell Clown's Revenge can no longer target cyborgs, which it didn't affect anyway.
  • Wizard staff must be held in hand to cast at full power, rather than simply carried.
  • Wizard spell Soulguard shouldn't stick you in a wall or outside of the wizard shuttle anymore.
  • Wizard spells Teleport, Soulguard, and teleport scroll effects work off Z level now.
  • Wizard's summoned golem only attacks people now. Future wizard minions will generally follow suit.
  • Blind spell adjusted down, slightly. Should be just right.
  • New Wizard spell: Animate Dead.

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

  • Wizard-summoned golems won't attack each other anymore.
  • Weakened wizard spell effects without the staff tweaked up very slightly, all around.
  • Wizard spell "Enchantment: Soulguard" now puts you out if you're on fire.
  • Blind and Blink wizard spells tweaked up a bit.

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

  • Cyborgs now get a message when their interfaces are locked/unlocked.
  • Wizard staff check wasn't working at all. Fixed, and the staff is vital now.
  • Clown's Revenge wizard spell had its range reduced to adjacent tile.
  • Warp wizard spell had its range increased to any visible target.
  • Knock wizard spell now opens closets and crates too, and causes cyborg head compartments to blow open, damaging them and exposing their brains.
  • Blind wizard spell now briefly stuns the target, lasts twice as long, gives a visual effect, and displays a success message.
  • Casting a spell without the wizard staff will give you a message about how it was weakened, and why.
  • SPACE GRIMOIRE located in the wizard's shuttle updatedwith new spell descriptions.
  • Head of Security and Security can no longer be chosen as wizards.
  • Wizards no longer start with any ID card. Deal with it.

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

  • Wizard mode info picture updated. Read it.
  • Wizard spell cooldown lists updated. They were very, very outdated and wrong.
  • Fireball spell causes fire now, cools down a bit slower.
  • Blind spell cools down much faster.
  • Teleport spell now displays its number of uses left in the destination choice window.
  • Spell descriptions improved all around.
  • Wizard shuttle's Magix System IV computer can teleport you to the station. No more getting stuck on the shuttle.
  • Wizard shuttle now comes with 2 papers you can examine for vital info: Wizardry 101, and the SPACE GRIMOIRE.
  • Wizard sandals now magically protect against the awful power of Segway Impacts.

July 2011

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

  • Fixed t-ray scanners not showing cables
  • Increased cloaker "reveal time" on t-rays
  • Added more space to the Head Surgeon's office
  • Linked Robotics and Head Surgeon's office
  • Decreased cost of Electrician and Chemist traitor items
  • Fixed a lot of broken round start wiring

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

  • 45-minute evacuation traitor objective has been removed. New replacement objectives soon.

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

  • Finally ported the disposal pipe dispenser. It's only about a year and a half late!

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

  • New Job: Head Surgeon, King of Medbay
  • You can hide in crates if you're lying down, good luck getting out though!
  • Floor tiles nerfed a bit
  • Buttbots will now adopt the original butt's skin color. apologies to those offended

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

  • Zombie disease is dumb pathology is dumb you're dumb if you make a "Procitizen removes YET ANOTHER THING" comment in OOC
  • Fixed a bunch of reagents not calling updatehealth

Friday, July 1st, 2011

  • Reverted my previous update. Though bear in mind if you give out all access ids just to be a dick then you'll be jobbanned from all head roles.

June 2011

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

  • With the card access computer, you can no longer give people access to whatever your ID doesn't have. So if you're HoP you can no longer give people all access IDs, but only whatever your ID has.
  • Holy shit, I'm back. Also, I did a thing.
  • The PDA medical scanner automatically updates the medical records (Does anyone ever use those?).

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

  • Owns Syndrome now less obnoxious in ingame chat
  • Removed the ability to shove a harmonica up your ass

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

  • You know what isn't broken any more? Alien!
  • If you initially observe you will no longer be eligible for alien selection
  • Fixed a few bugs with alien mode
  • Added in a menu to the admin panel which allows you to track aliens and heads

Friday, June 24th, 2011

  • You know what isn't broken any more? Nuke!
  • Note: If nuke somehow still breaks please report it immediately.

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

  • Decreased the speed at which weeds spread
  • Added alien weakness to fire, they take double the damage humans take
  • Alien weeds now only try to spread once and then don't run through their life proc again.
  • Decreased the amount of aliens possible to spawn at the beginning of a round
  • Fixed a few of the win conditions for this mode and revolution
  • Alien's plasma decreases when they're not standing on weeds.
  • If the queen dies another queen can be made, though this will cost 1000 plasma and .

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

  • Made the aliens be able to see pipes hidden in turfs when crawling through them.
  • Added the alien game mode as an admin only game mode.
  • Fixed a problem where the icons were messed up when pipe crawling
  • Increased the amount of damage aliens do to humans
  • The shuttle can't be called during alien mode

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

  • Hunter aliens can now climb through the disposal pipes.
  • Tweaked the alien game mode slight.
  • Reintroduced the alien queen mob subtype and removed it from the class selection

Monday, June 20th, 2011

  • Added placeholder items for fuel rods, control rods and neutrons
  • Fixed a problem where when you open a bombs valve it would wait for a while until it blew up.
  • Reactivated four medals: Black And Blue, Expendable, Manhattan Project, Mission Complete

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

I Said No
  • New chef recipe: Swedish Meatballs.

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

  • Increased the amount of damage toxins, co2 and exposure to space does to you.
  • You can no longer talk if there is no oxygen
  • You can now use analyzers on pipes to see their contents/temperature.
  • Made changes to alien weeds, meaning they can be destroyed and how they spread making their spreading more efficient. They also break open doors which are not bolted
  • Increase the amount of plasma that aliens get from weeds
  • There can only ever be one alien queen at a time
  • updatedthe spawning system that picks from dead players to include dead players which are not only ghosts, but people still in their bodies
  • Decreased the amount of time it takes for you to get up after resting
  • Added a test room which allows new features to be tested on the server without disrupting the game currently in progress
  • Added in the Barmans ability to taste what he drinks, meaning he'll get a message about what the drink contains
  • Added a bunch of new alien critters so that if there are no dead people to pick from, an alien critter will be created instead. This will go through the same larva -> humanoid process.
  • Decreased the amount of time it takes for a larva alien to evolve into a larger alien
  • Disable an admin toggle on aliens being in game in preparation for a new game mode
  • Modified the layers of the alien items so that they don't look out of place so much.
  • Added a few more information options to the admin banning panel showing peoples computer address and ips
  • Other miscellaneous fixes

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

  • Couple of new traitor items for scientists. Metalfoam will now fill in holes in the floor.

Monday, June 13th, 2011

  • AI can now click firedoors to open/close.

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

  • Added a new effect for blowouts
  • Tweaked radiation so it doesn't always stunlock you at some point
  • Fixed brig cells not opening for security
  • Removed Detective's security access
  • The HoP is the HoP and not security with better access
  • Fixed boxing ropes

Monday, June 6th, 2011

  • Made initropidril harder to obtain by making the precursors metabolize faster in the body. Moved an ingredient to a safer place.

Friday, May 27th, 2011

  • Added a work-around for a bug where some players using the latest byond version (482.1091) could not successfully enter text into a computer terminal. If you are running this version, there should be a manual enter button by the input bar.
  • Please contact a coder (Read: Adminhelp it) if this still does not work for you!

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

  • Made it so the SMES cells aren't automatically set up at the start of a round. Hopefully the engineers know what they're doing!

Thursday, May 6th, 2011

  • New traitor objectives: Unleash the singularity, destroy the captain's bonsai tree. If you get them, make sure they work correctly, tia

Tuesday, May 4th, 2011

  • Detective .38 rounds available at QM manufacturer. How? HMMMM
  • Engineeers can no longer zip around the station in their ungainly spacesuits like they are some kind of pro space ballerinas

Monday, May 3rd, 2011

  • Due to overcrowding and budget constraints, CentCom has mandated that solitary confinement cells be limited only to the most dangerous of prisoners. All other crew members should be detained in the general population cell.
  • Two new traitor items, a stronger pipebomb and "syndicate sauce." "Low-Yield Syndicate bomb" deleted.
  • Traitor crystal costs changed, try it out, see what you think, give feedback.
  • You can now ash out Pro Puffs in things like beer bottles to retain some reagents!
  • other stuff, i forget

Sunday, May 2nd, 2011

  • Module storage redone, new AI modules: MakeCaptain, notHuman, ConservePower.
  • Two heating implements can now light cigarettes.
  • New type of cigarette packet available at the dispenser.
  • Magic missle reverted to unlimited targets.
  • Traitor donk pockets now quite useful.
  • Captain's space suit no longer useless.
  • bonsai tree.

Saturday, May 1st, 2011

  • Greatly reduced the chance to get kuru. Type consume over a corpse, expect your reputation to fall with all factions across the wastes (of space).
  • The teleport spell now has limited uses (try guessing how many).

April 2011

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

  • maint access
  • a soul
  • ??????

Friday, April 29th, 2011

  • Ice bolt's max targets now limited to 4.
  • Magic Missle's max targets now limited to 5.
  • Wizard is now hopefully less insanely powerful.
  • Detective's lit cigs now face all four directions. YEEEAAAHHHH

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

  • Fire resistance mutation now protects you from welders, napalm, and fire! wow!
  • Electrician's traitor item no longer a joke/nigh-useless.
  • AI satellite is now actually defensible! You will no longer be murdered as AI by an assistant with a pair of shoes without repercussion!

Monday, April 25th, 2011

  • Port-a-Brig can no longer be escaped from within.
  • Syringe Gun is only obtainable as a Medical Doctor traitor-item.
  • Electricians have lost Singularity (space suit) access, gained a traitor item.
  • Certain traitor item costs and objectives have been tweaked.
  • Miners now have access to their APC.
  • Chef now has access to his Culinary Maintenance airlock.
  • I spelled my name right this time.

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

  • You can swipe your ID cards on vending machines now! THANK GOD
  • New things that you can transfer money from card to card with

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

  • Added a new thing in the metal sheet menu. What does it do?? What can you do with it??? I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

  • Syndicates and rev leaders count as dead if they are turned into cyborgs, preventing rounds from lasting forever.
  • Clowning spell works at touch range only.

Sunday, April 11th, 2011

  • The AI's second law is now "You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law." Fuck everyone for making me have to do this.
  • Corpses will stop decomposing if they're in the kitchen's freezer. will maybe extend this to the morgue later

March 2011

Tuesday, March 30th, 2011

  • Wow nobody uses the changelog!!! what the hell
  • Fucked with security so maybe it's less stupid? I don't know!

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

I Said No
  • The station is now assigned a rating depending on the score earned.
  • In Nuke Mode, any operatives who are in the brig and are restrained/stunned count as arrested. Arresting all operatives ends the game with a crew victory.
  • Added a bottle of that "glowy blue shit they spray on blood from CSI" to the detective's office.

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

I Said No
  • Chemical mixtures can now be visibly (and audibly) told apart by their descriptions.

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

  • New hairstyles in Character Setup (Afro, Bieber, Bowl Cut, Parted, Ponytail)!! Holy shit!!!!

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

I Said No
  • The Seed Splicer in Hydroponics now works differently. It'll try to combine the best genes from both seeds. It isn't flawless, though!
  • Mucked with the Be Captain/Be AI options a bit. Report any further/new bugs with them.

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

  • Use a glass/rglass sheet on a grille to put a window on top of it, oh boy!
I Said No
  • Solar Flare random event. Knocks out communications for a while.

Sunday, March 13th, 2011

  • Security got redesigned!!!! whine on the unban forums if you hate it

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

  • You now have the chance to spawn with a pen, a bottle of water, or nothing at all in your right pocket!!!!! WOW
  • Chaplain gets a command to choose his religion now instead of the buggy ass popup menu at spawn

Friday, March 11th, 2011

  • Added a bunch of lights outside of maint tunnel doors leading into workplaces.
  • Plates in the kitchen to increase your immersion or whatever, break them over people's heads realistically!
  • Fixed some map bugs who cares
  • some more space gps stuff nobody will use lol

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

I Said No
  • Hydroponics:
  • Plant pots now visibly show the water level. The coloured bar flashing is bad, otherwise it should be easy enough to figure out.
  • Harvest time indicators are now two small flashing green lights either side of the water bar.
  • A compost tank/mulcher you can stick unwanted produce in to make more fertiliser. Features drag/drop loading.
  • Desaturated the grass in Hydro a bit to make the plants easier to see.
  • A fun new type of weed (the pest sort of weed) and two new plant mutations.

Friday, March 4th, 2011

I Said No
  • New Traitor Item: Signal Jammer. Radios within a 6 tile range of an active radio jammer will not function properly.
  • Fish no longer do damage or stunning when used to slap someone.
  • Cable coil can now be loaded into manufacturing units to get Pharosium.
  • Meatballs are now much more socially tolerant.
  • Fish fillet + dough now = Fishburger instead of a bread loaf.
  • You can now pee and crap in drinking glasses again. God save us all.
  • Hopefully fixed Nuclear mode not ending with the shuttle's departure.

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

  • You can now not only toolbox a random person to death, you can also eat them after the murder. Type consume over a dead body to commit space cannibalism but beware of Space Kuru!

February 2011

Monday, February 28th, 2011

I Said No
  • Couple of new speech description verbs for say. Low Health = "gasps", ... = "mutters", !! = shouts.
  • The odds of hearing the dead have been greatly reduced. Don't bother trying to spam at the Chaplain from deadchat.
  • Drinking alcohol now causes you to get gradually drunk over time, rather than being instant.
  • An advanced state of drunkenness now causes you to sometimes shrug off melee hits and throw stronger punches.
  • Plants will now show their sprouting state much sooner.
  • Enhancing the production and maturation genes (into the negatives) should no longer have the opposite effect.
  • Weeds should no longer arbitrarily stop growing.
  • Dice and coins should fit in pockets now.
  • You can now snip a grille twice with wirecutters to completley remove it.
  • The sleep button should work now.
  • Traitors should no longer be assigned to kill the same target multiple times.

Friday, February 25th, 2011

  • Added a public market room so you can stop walling off the autolathe to sell your stolen security equipment or whatever.

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

Dr. Melon
  • Brig doors now cannot be closed without starting the cell timer.

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

I Said No
  • Hydro Satchels (now named Produce Satchels) can now carry all types of food. Chef gets one too.
  • Click/drag/drop a satchel onto a table to dump out its contents onto the table.
  • Chef's Processor can now be quickloaded with click/drag/drop.
  • Cafe back doors are restricted to Barman (north) and Chef (south) access.
  • The Lawyer has been disbarred for pounding his fist on desks and screaming at the top of his voice while court is in session.

Monday, February 21st, 2011

  • The Mining Shuttle uses the new propulsion thrusters now! Yay???
  • Lobby music!

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

  • Buttbot is no longer eternally visible :(
  • Propulsion thrusters on the research shuttle are now more robust, you can take them apart with a screwdriver and a wrench!
  • Fixed r-metal not stacking, make reinforced tables all up in dis
  • The Syndicate Shuttle now has an outer outer door, only accessible by their agent cards (which they now spawn with). Fuck you, miners!

Friday, February 18th, 2011

I Said No
  • Explosive/Killer Tomatoes are no longer growable.
  • Spinach and Cabbage are gone. Lettuce is in.
  • Thrown tomatoes no longer splat into blood. Eggs now splat if thrown.
  • Chef can now rake through gibs to get more meat.
  • Pizzas can now be cut into slices.
  • A few hot new chef oven recipes.

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

  • Space GPS (still don't know how they work) tweak, they now have a toggleable tracking feature to locate other GPSes! Neato!

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

  • Security has been generously granted a prototype VR-prison containment unit.
Dr. Melon
  • Security has been fitted with an automatic physical prisoner release system in the normal cells. Say goodbye to having to hopelessly wander around the inside of security while you wait to be released! Just wait until your cell timer is up, and then take the fast lane to rehabilitation!

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Dr. Melon
  • Refillable Sleepypens!? My God!

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

  • The HoS has been rehired, he's promised to be better this time.
  • No more "stealth" Wizardry. Wizards require a robe and wizard hat at minimum to cast spells. The staff and sandals will boost your magic power.
  • The NT station's floor based power generator proved ineffective. As a result it fell out of orbit, crashed into an asteriod, and blew up. Send compliants to [email protected]
  • The virtual fitness room has been shut down due to server fees and lack of funding. Those of you who bought a lifetime subscription to vfitness are fucked!
  • Boxing arena returned to the fitness room

Friday, February 4th, 2011

  • PMs from admins will now DEFINATELY appear in a large broswer window. The lame excuse you didn't notice you were PMed is no longer valid.

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

  • The research shuttle's propulsion engines can now be destroyed from explosions and meteor impacts. The damage needs to be repaired before it can
  • Cargo/Research shuttles now have destroyable walls, again from explosions and meteor impacts, meaning shuttles aren't unbreakable doom fortresses in meteor anymore :(

January 2011

Saturday, January 29th, 2011

  • Shocking grasp is no longer instant. Blame Elminster.

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

I Said No
  • Stills for the barman. Load apples, grapes, potatoes and mushrooms into them. Max capacity of 1000, you can also use the drag/drop like the Fabricator to load it quickly.
  • Tanks (water, foam, welder fuel, etc) will now try to fill your item completley in one click rather than transferring 10 units a time.

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

I Said No
  • Hydroponics equipment tweaked a bunch:
  • Seed Fabricator now works more similarly to the vending machine. It is also now hacked in the same manner.
  • Reagent Extractor can now contain multiple ingredients at once, and gives more information than it used to.
  • Gene Manipulator (which has been added to Hydroponics) now allows you to splice two seeds together to average out their genes.
  • Seed Extractor is now much faster.
  • Bunch of Hydro bugs fixed. Continue reporting any that occur though!
  • "Hello I am dumb and long past being funny please remove me" - a living wall

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

  • Congratulations chemists, you did it! Chemistry grenades are now traitor only. Now who's gonna kill the entire station and whine about being killed in adminhelp? :(

Friday, January 21st, 2011

I Said No
  • Be Captain/Be AI should work properly now. Report any further bugs on the forum.
  • Vice Officers have been removed from the station security force and shipped off to Space Miami. Dang.

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

I Said No
  • Shipping via the QM shuttle now has a whole market system attached to it. QMs should check the new option on the ordering console.
  • This also means it's worth shipping plant produce and ores again. hooray
  • Cola, snack, coffee and cigarette vending machines now require money in the form of credit bills to be inserted before purchasing their wares.
  • Not new, but a reminder: You can get said bills by going to an ATM and withdrawing cash.
  • Added new items to vending machines.

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

I Said No
  • Switched the places of Hydroponics and Electronics for ease of access to the Chef.
  • The budgets now start as 90,000 in the payroll and 10,000 in shipping.
  • The Research Budget will no longer completley drain itself on the first thing that gets researched.

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

  • Janitor gets a new toy!! - A ridable floor buffer that you can load with different chemicals.
I Said No
  • The station budget is now much more important!
  • The Banking Control terminal in the bridge now does much more stuff than it used to.
  • Quartermasters now run off a money-based Shipping Budget instead of supply points.
  • Research speed is doubled if a Research Budget is set. This costs 5,000 credits per research.
  • ATMs and the public Quartermaster console only require you to swipe your card now, instead of inserting it.
  • Replaced water tank in Hydroponics with a high-capacity version.
  • PDA Plant Scanner should work again.
  • The station's barbers were fired due to an incident involving 32 pounds of pork and a NanoTrasen Rabbi.
  • ; THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS: Merculite removed. You're on very fucking thin ice, chemists! :)

Monday, January 17th, 2011

I Said No
  • Fixed some bugs with recipes giving the wrong item. Keep reporting these.
  • Added a Cancel command to research consoles.
  • When initiating research, the computer will now show you how long the research is predicted to take.
  • Examining a Cyborg will now show you what module it has installed.
  • Thank you for trying out the NanoTrasen SUV suits! They were a complete success and as such have been removed from the game pretty much completely.
  • Some radiation suits in the off-site areas and a few around the station.
  • Engineering gets their space suits back, except now they're the engineering variant. woahhhhh

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

  • The Singularity Core is now full of terrible radiation, use the SUV suits to not die in it!
  • Also some other stuff(??)
I Said No
  • Backend overhaul of Oven Cooking. One pertinent change: recipie ingredients no longer have to be loaded in a set order.
  • Watering cans now hold 120 units, pour 60 units at a time, and refill 60 units at a time from water tanks.
  • Not new but I should have mentioned it before: Plant pots now hold a total of 320 reagents. The max water before a plant is considered stunted is now 200, up from 120.

Saturday, January 15th, 2011

I Said No
  • Massive backend overhaul of Hydroponics. This should hopefully mean very little, but there may be bugs. Kindly report them tia

Friday, January 14th, 2011

I Said No
  • You may now elect to not be the Captain or AI in your Character Setup Menu. Be sure to set your preferences accordingly!
  • Some changes to Nuke mode. The game should now detect when operatives are captured in the v-brig and count them as dead.
  • Nuke teams should now also scale to server population. One operative for every four players, to a maximum of five.
  • Fixed Cyborgs being able to generate an infinite amount of modules.
  • Fixed the Module Rewriter sometimes dipping below zero on the available modules count.
  • Whole bunch of changes to the score system. Check the linked topic in the score panel for more detail.
  • South solar panels should work properly now.
  • Added some bits and pieces around the station that were requested. Mostly power cells.
  • Ore Satchels now work slightly differently - on drag and drop, they'll only collect up the type of ore you drag/dropped instead of everything but rock.
  • Added Hydroponics Satchels, and put all the Hydro Gear in lockers to neaten the place up a little.
  • Added Multitool, Welding Mask, Lightbulb and Light Tube schematics to the generic Manufacturing Unit.
  • Storage items (backpack, box, toolbox, belt, etc) in your inventory will now display their contents at the side of the screen rather than the middle.

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

  • Fixed beakers losing their contents on storage items fo realz.
  • Welders no longer blow up when you drop them.

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

I Said No
  • Reverted Wizard back to the old format of ending when the Wizard dies.
  • Allowed for multiple Wizards. (Note that this is what I said last time also. Pinch of salt.)
  • ; FUCK YOU: Prayers have been limited to the Generic chaplain only. The other ones get their shit. Fuck yall.

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

I Said No
  • Fixed beakers losing their contents when used on reagent extractors, disposal units, and blood/poo/etc.

Friday, January 7th, 2011

  • The AI can project itself as a hologram EYEBOT, forfeiting the ability to track people and change cameras until it changes back.
I Said No
  • Added a light switch to mining station. It's by the south airlock.
  • Replaced Cursed Girdles of Slavish Digging with 100% real stoat leather mining belts which can infact be taken off.
  • Emagged Mining Charges no longer hate you and everything involving actually exploding.
  • You can now debrain/rebrain cyborgs. After you unlock the panel with your ID, use a screwdriver instead of a crowbar.
  • A SECRET!!! It's cyborg-related.

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

I Said No
  • Miners now start with a Miner's Belt and Optical Meson Scanners.
  • Pickaxes, Powered Pickaxes, Power Hammers and Drills can be put on your belt slot. The Miner's belt also holds all of these things. Welp, that was pointless!!!
  • The Plasma Cutter is now far more useful.
  • Couple of new Manufacturing schematics that use Fabric. Load a jumpsuit/most oversuits into the manufacturer to make fabric.
  • Mining score bonus reduced from x3 per ore to x2.
  • Couple of new miscellaneous score criteria.
  • Medical Cyborgs have some new tools to make them more useful.

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

  • Chem Grenades can now be attached to Timer/Proximity/Radio and Igniter assemblies to make Chemical Bombs.
  • Chem Grenades now require a grenade fuse to be assembled, instead of the old way.

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

I Said No
  • New upgrades for Cyborgs: Optical Meson, Optical Thermal, and Charge Expansion.
  • Recharging Stations now recharge Cyborgs significantly faster. In addition, a specific research can also double the charge speed.
  • Fire Alarms no longer look like starry gibberish to Cyborgs.
  • Mining Cyborgs now have a single high-capacity Ore Satchel rather than two.
  • Fixed modules and upgrades appearing in the corner of the cyborg's screen.
  • Ore Satchels can now be used on crates (whether open or closed) to dump the contents inside.
  • Added Blood Monitor implant to Robotics Research. It will alert the host to any disease infections.

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

  • The chef can now bake cakes!
I Said No
  • New Cyborg types: Atmospherics, Chemistry, and Vendor.
  • New Cyborg upgrade: Repair Pack.
  • Robotics Research changed around slightly.
  • Cyborgs can now open/close crates and lockers, and can no longer lose their items on tables, racks, or disposal units.
  • They also no longer need to charge batons, tasers, RCDs and Cargo Transporters. Using these items now consumes the cyborg's cell charge.

December 2010

Friday, December 31st, 2010

  • The boxing ring has been replaced by VR fitness simulations. Kill each other without actually dying!
  • Also in VR fitness is a b-ball arena, to go alongside Sniperchance's amazing basketball shit. hi5 dude!!!

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

I Said No
  • Mining Outpost has been changed around a bit. It has a conveyor belt now.
  • Cerenkite will now give you radiation poisoning if handled without protection.
  • Erebite will now explode if exposed to explosions or fire.
  • Mauxite and Pharosium can now come in rare Dense Veins. They are harder to mine but give more ore.
  • You can now eject ores from Manufacturing Units.
  • Two new score criteria: Ore Mined and Cyborgs Constructed.

Monday, December 27th, 2010

Dr. Melon
  • The Chemical Dispenser doesn't scroll back to the top anymore.
  • The Chemmaster now allows you to make multiple pills at once.
I Said No
  • Miners now start on the Mining Outpost. There are also three of them now as opposed to two.
  • The extra miner has been taken out of the Cargo Bay's budget. There are only two QMs now.
  • It turns out Solar Panels don't work in a large field full of light-blocking asteroids. Outpost now runs on furnaces and starts with some Char.
  • The Asteroid Field is much edgier now.
  • Cytines now come in many different colours, and don't change name anymore.
  • Miners can now manufacture Power Hammers as a step between Powerpicks and Drills. They weaken rock tiles. Don't hit explosives with them!
  • Char and Molitz have been softened. They can now be mined with the regular pick again.

Sunday, December 26th, 2010

I Said No
  • Cyborg Recharger for the mining station.
  • Cargo Teleporter Pad for Robotics.
  • Geological Scanners now mark the presence of gems for one minute after use.
  • Cytines are now much more colourful. Cosmetic change only, but hey. Gems are meant to be pretty, right?

Friday, December 24th, 2010

I Said No
  • Are those stockings in the bar and cafe? Why yes, I believe they are.

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

  • Devstation fell down some stairs and became a sad sack of tears.
  • As such, it has been replaced. Forever. Merry Xmas!!
I Said No
  • Geological Analysers now mark out unusual tiles with a ? when taking a reading. The marks last for one minute and can only be seen by the user.
  • Geological Analysers can now be used on rock tiles to see what they contain.
  • Fixed Ore Satchels.

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

I Said No
  • Robotics Research is now available from Robotics (obviously). Four tiers, more stuff to come.
  • Janitor Cyborgs should no longer be invisible.
  • Geological Scanners now also detect "Sedimentary".
  • You will now recieve a visible message whenever jobbans are placed or lifted.
  • Dead Rock Worms no longer turn invisible.
  • The Volatile Rock mining event now works a bit differently. Better run away!
  • Miners can now examine asteroid tiles to see what is in them.
  • Pharosium more common, Char less common, Syreline now visibly distinct from Pharosium.
  • Ores now have different strengths. Upgrade your tools if you can't mine something.
  • Ore Satchels now work a bunch of ways (and now hold 20 ore total). Click ore on the satchel, click the satchel on the ore, or drag+drop an ore onto the satchel.
  • Mining Cyborgs now get two Ore Satchels.
  • Satchel.
  • Russian revolver now has a spinning cylinder, doesn't blow apart when you use it, and can be reloaded. Fun for the whole family!

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

I Said No
  • Mining Fabricators no longer dispense Powered Picks for cheap.
  • Powered Picks now make a much wussier noise when unpowered.
  • Laser Drills should now correctly extract more exotic ores.
  • Cyborgs now visibly show damage, and will give a noticeable cue and self-destruct on death.

Monday, December 20th, 2010

  • Russian roulette is now more like its exciting real life counterpart.
ProcitizenSA (kinda)
  • ATTENTION STATION SECURITY: The following is a message from SecuTech security. Thank you for trying SecuTech Virtual-Reality (VSPACE) Prisoner Containment Unit™. We hope you enjoyed your trial, but your evaluation copy has expired. Please register and purchase SecuTech Virtual-Reality (VSPACE) Prisoner Containment Unit™ to continue. Thank you and have a secure day. (NT vbrig will keep on keepin on)

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

I Said No
  • Manufacturing Units (the autolathe replacements) are now hackable.
  • Miners now have a bunch of new gear.
  • Miners start with worse gear than they used to have, but can get better stuff by mining.
  • Furnaces added to Engineering and Miner's Station. They consume char, plasmastone, most clothing, and people.

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

I Said No
  • Removed "Wrongful Arrests" score criteria due to unpopularity.
  • Hopefully fixed bug of score panel not popping up for ghosts.
  • Added ingame links to the wiki and forum. Look at your commands panel.

Friday, December 17th, 2010

I Said No
  • Changes to the Cyborg Panel. It now shows your status as well as your items.
  • Changed the equipment of several cyborgs to fit their roles better.
  • Added Cell Cables item to Standard and Engineer cyborgs. Use them on APCs to give them your power.
  • Fixed the Captain's Quarters not being properly powered.
  • Did no other stuff to nothing for absolutely no reason at all.

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

  • NT Weapons are fixed again.
  • Pistolwhipping and revolvers are fixed again.
  • NT Armoury area expanded.
I Said No
  • The asteroid belt's ore composition was shifted around somewhat.
  • New autolathe/robotic fabricator replacements. They use ores/metal/glass.
  • NT Armoury area expanded.

Monday, December 13th, 2010

I Said No
  • A couple of new asteroid ores.
  • The Mining Outpost has been renovated somewhat.

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

I Said No

February 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

  • OH NO STRANGLING GOT NERFED: Insta-strangling (hopefully) removed. Victim no longer instantly loses consciousness.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

  • Cloning Machine: The Geneticist spilled coffee on the Genetics Machine's revival module and it was too costly to replace!
  • Clones may or may not have horrible genetic defects.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

  • New feature: Obesity from overeating in a short period of time.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

  • New feature: Station destruction cinematic if the crew loses in AI Malfunction or Nuclear Emergency.
  • New Position: Tourist
  • Centcom has entered the lucrative business of space tourism! Enjoy an event-filled vacation on the station, and try not to get killed.
  • Guest accounts are now restricted to selecting Tourist in Character Setup.

Friday, February 5, 2010

  • AI: Added 30 second cooldown to prevent spamming lockdowns.

Wednesday, February 2, 2010

  • Feature: Character preview in Character Setup!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

  • New item: Drinking glasses that you can fill with water.
  • Feature: Sounds now pan in stereo depending on your position from the source.

December 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

  • Traitor tweak: Agent cards can now be forged into a fake ID.

Friday, December 4, 2009

  • Supply Dock 2.0: The Supply Dock has been redesigned and now features conveyer belts! Amazing!
  • New uniforms: The Research Director, Chief Engineer, and the research jobs have new uniforms. The Head of Security has a cool new hat which happens to be his most prized possession.
  • Merged research: The first act of the Research Director is to merge Toxins and Chemistry into a single Chemical Lab. Hooray!
  • Robot tweak: You can now observe robots using the observe command.
  • Stamps: The heads now have stamps to stamp papers with, for whatever reason.

November 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

  • Supply Shuttle 1.0: Now you can order new supplies using Cargo Bay north of the autolathe.
  • New containers: The game now features a variety of crates to hold all sorts of imaginary space supplies.
  • New position: Quartermaster
  • A master of supplies. Manages the cargo bay by taking shipments and distributing them to the crew.
  • New position: Research Director
  • The head of the SS13 research department. He directs research and makes sure that the research crew are working.
  • New position: Chief Engineer
  • Boss of all the engineers. Makes sure the engine is loaded and that the station has the necessary amount of power to run.
  • New robot: Securibot
  • Automatically stuns and handcuffs criminals listed in the security records. It's also really goddamn slow.
  • New jumpsuits: Engineers and Atmos Techs have new jumpsuits to distinguish between them easier.

Friday, November 27, 2009

  • Monkey AI 2.0: Monkeys will now get angry, going after random human targets with the ability to wield weapons, throw random objects, open doors, and break through glass/grilles. They're basically terminators.
  • New gamemode: Monkey Survival
  • Survive a horde of angry monkeys busting through the station's airvents and rampaging through the station for 25 minutes.
  • New robots: Cleanbot and Floorbot
  • Cleanbots automatically clean up messes and Floorbots repair floors.
  • New spell: Mindblast
  • Causes brain damage, progressively causing other players to become even more retarded.
  • Alien Races
  • Wizards may randomly spawn as illithids, who gain Mind Blast for free, and nuke agents may randomly spawn as lizardmen.
  • Station shields: The station now has a toggleable forcefield that can only be destroyed by meteors or bombs. Takes a lot of station power to use.
  • Traitor scaling: Number of traitors/wizards/agents now scales to number of players.
  • New food item: Donk pockets
  • Delicious and microwavable, gives a bigger health boost for traitors.
  • Cigarettes: Now you can fulfill your horrible nicotine cravings. The detective starts with a zippo lighter and pack of cigarettes. Other packs can be be obtained via vending machines.
  • Warning signs: The station is now filled with various warning signs and such.
  • Updated graphics: Many, many objects have had their graphics updated including pipes, windows, tables, and closets. HUD graphics have been updated to be easier to understand.
  • Lighting fixes: New turf is now correctly lit instead of being completely dark.
  • Meteor fixes: The code and graphics for meteors has been fixed so the meteor gametype is more playable, sort of.
  • Escape shuttle fix: The shuttle can now be called in Revolution and Malfunction, but the shuttle will be recalled before it arrives. This way players can no longer call the shuttle to figure out the game mode during secret.
  • Changelog updated: New changelog entry for Thanksgiving thanks to Haruhi who will probably update the changelog from now on after almost a month of neglect.

Monday, November 3, 2009

  • Bug fix: Made most pop-up windows respect the close button.

October 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

  • Randomized naming: Names for Central Command and Syndicate are now randomized.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

  • Bug fix: PDAs had their code cleaned up. Notice any problems? Report them.
  • New syndicate item: Detomatix Cartridge, allows remote detonation of PDAs (rather weak explosion)!
  • Feature: Remotely detonating PDAs has a chance of failure depending on the PDA target, a critical failure will result in the detonation of your own PDA.

Monday, October 19, 2009

  • Gibbing update: Gibbing stuff has been rewritten, robots now gib nicer.
  • LIGHTING!!!: The station now has dynamic lighting and associated items.

Friday, October 16, 2009

  • Poo v1.0~: This has caused many ragequits.
  • Flushable toilets: You can now use toilets to place your vile, disgusting and irreprehensible excretions (you disgusting children). Just be careful what you flush!

Monday, October 12, 2009

  • Feature: Emergency oxygen bottles can be clipped to your belt now.
  • Clothing update: Bedsheets are now wearable.
  • Updated HUD: A few minor tweaks to the inventory panel. Things might not be exactly where you're used to them being.

September 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

  • New position: Chef
  • Maintains the Cafeteria, has access to Kitchen and Freezer, Food creation will be in shortly.
  • Food update: Food items now heal Brute/Burn damage. The amount recovered varies between items.

August 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

  • AI laws update: Nanotrasen has updated its AI laws to better reflect how they wish AIs to operate their stations.
  • Traitor item change: E-mag renamed to Cryptographic Sequencer.

July 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

  • I'm really sorry everyone I just HAD to add a gib all verb.
  • Decided to add the creation of bombs to bombers list
  • Made the new bombing list EVEN BETTER!!!
  • Fixed a bug with admin jumping AND the traitor death message
  • Oops, fixed a bug that returned the right click pm thing thinking the admin was muted.
  • Made a new improved way of tracking who bombs shit.
  • More formatting shit.
  • Fixed up some mute code and made it so that if a player is muted they cannot PM us.
  • Adminhelps now logged in the admin file not ooc
  • Changed the way admin reviving is dealt with. (It was coded kind of weirdly before)
  • Added a few areas to the observe teleport. Fixed some adminjump things. Modified the paths of some areas.
  • You can now ban people who have logged out and admins can now jump to people using the player panel.
  • Added in jump to key coded in a much better way than showtime originally did it.
  • Fixed magical wind when laying pipes. They start out empty!!
  • Made blink safer. Fixed the crew-quarters to ai sattelite teleport problem.
  • Forgot the message again. Added an emp spell. thanks copy&paste.
  • Added electronic items to the pipe dispenser
  • fixed a formatting error with the changelog (I didn't break it, it was showtime)
  • Fixed a formatting error
  • Cleaned up sandbox object spawn code
  • New and improved admin log so we can keep an eye on these fuckers
  • Fixed adminjump because I realise most people use it for the right click option
  • Mushed together jump to mob and jump to key
  • Fixed a compilation error and made my test room more secure!

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

These are a collection of the updates from the last 6 days. I promise to update the changelog once a week. Note that this does not include all the changes in the past 6 days.

  • Multitools can now be used to measure the power in cables.
  • Fixed a bug where the canister message would repeat and spam the user when attackby analyzer. Fixed an admin formatting error.
  • Replaced all range checks with a in_range proc. pretty good chance I broke something or everything.
  • Mutations use bitfields
  • Fixed a bug with my traitor panel.
  • Fixed the turrets, ruined Pantaloons map (test map). Did some things with turrets and added a few areas.
  • Some stuff in here you know the usual shit. Bugfixes, formatting etc.
  • Stunbaton nerf.
  • Tempban longer than 1 year -> permaban.
  • Turfs > spawnable.
  • Shaking someone now slowly removes paralysis, stuns and the 'weakened' stuff.
  • CTF flags now check if someone has them equipped every 20 seconds, if they are not then they delete themselves and respawn.
  • Fixed the r-wall-welder-message-thing.
  • Change to the CTF code, flag captures can now only happen if your team has their flag in the starting position.
  • Pruning my test room.
  • Instead of the red and green team its now the American and Irish teams!
  • BACKUP BACKUP TELL ME WHAT YOU GONNA DO NOW Changed the monkey name code. Re-did my antimatter engine code so it actually puts out power now
  • dumb as fuck change, whoever did that, it already spawn ()'s inside the proc code, whoever did that, you are a faggot and should read code before you modify it
  • Fixed a bug that gave everyone modify ticker variables you silly sausage.
  • Sorted the AIs track list.
  • Constructable filter inlets and filter controls.
  • Added in admin messages for when someone is banned.
  • Bannana and honk honk.

June 2009

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

  • Pipe construction now works completely. //Nannek
  • Many many other things that never gets recorded in the changelog!!
  • The Michael Jackson Memorial Changelog Update
  • Pipe filters adjusted for more ideal environmentals //Pantaloons
  • Added in job tracking //Showtime
  • Crew Manifest and Security Records now automagically update when someone joins //Nannek
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes you get a screwdriver stuck in your hand //Pantaloons
  • Flamethrowers can now be disassembled //Pantaloons
  • OBJECTION! Added suits and briefcases //stuntwaffle
  • Added automatic brig lockers //Nannek
  • Added brig door control authorization and redid brig layout //Nannek
  • Emergency toolboxes now have radios and flashlights, and mechanical toolboxes now have crowbars //Pantaloons
  • New whisper system //lallander
  • Some more gay fixes //everybody
  • Some really cool fixes //everybody
  • Really boring code cleanup //Pantaloons
  • ~~In Loving Memory of MJ~~ Sham on!

Friday, June 12th, 2009

  • Looking back through the SVN commit log, I spy...
  • Keelin doing some more performance enhancements
  • Fixed one person being all 3 revs at once (hopefully)
  • Some gay fixes
  • New admin system installed
  • Fixed a bug where mass drivers could be used to crash the server
  • Various pipe changes and fixes

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

  • Death commando deathmatch mode added.

Monday, June 1st, 2009

  • Ghosts can no longer wander from space into the dread blackness that lies beyond.
  • Those other losers probably did a bunch of other stuff since May 6th but they don't comment their revisions so fuck 'em.

May 2009

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

  • Crematorium
  • Goon? button makes all your dreams come true.
  • Restructured medbay

Monday, May 4th, 2009

  • Does anyone update this anymore?
  • New atmos computer promises to make atmos easier
  • Autolathe
  • Couple of map changes
  • Some computer code reorganised.
  • I'm pretty sure theres a couple things

April 2009

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

  • Weld an open closet (only the normal kind), gayes.
  • Chaplin has a higher chance of hearing the dead.
  • New traitor objective
  • Power traitor objective removed
  • New job system implemented for latecomers.
  • Head of Research quits forever and ever, is replaced by Head of Security (who gets his own office)

Fri, April 10, 2009

  • Admins are now notified when the traitor is dead.
  • Unprison verb (again, for admins).

Wed&Thu, April 8&9, 2009

  • Medical redone, doctors do your jobs! (Tell me what you think of this compared to the old one)
  • Clickable tracking for the AI
  • Only the heads can launch the shuttle early now. Or an emag.

Mon&Tue, April 6&7, 2009

  • Sounds. Turn on your speakers & sound downloads.
  • Scan something with blood on it detective.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

  • A large icon for the headset, no reason it should be so small.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

  • Emergency closets now spawn an 'emergency gas mask' which are just recolored gas masks, no other difference other than making it obvious where the gas mask came from.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

  • Constructable rocket launchers: 10 rods, 10 metal, 5 thermite and heated plasma from the prototype.
  • Emergency closets have randomized contents now.
  • Fixed a bug where someone who was jobbaned from being Captain could still be picked randomly

March 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

  • Fixed a bug where monkeys couldn't be stunned.
  • Change mode votes before game starts delays the game.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

  • The brig is now pimped out with special new gadgets.
  • Upgraded the admin traitor menu.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

  • A certain item will now protect you from stun batons, tasers and stungloves when worn.

Monday, March 23, 2009 (EXPERIMENTAL)

  • Say / radio / death talk systems recoded, hopefully improving it.
  • Announcements of late joiners are now done by the AI if it's alive :-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

  • Random station names.
  • Changes to the message stylesheet.
  • Admin messages in OOC will now be colored red.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

  • Added a command to list your medals.
  • ETA no longer shows when it doesn't matter.
  • Nerfed the ability to spam shuttle restabalization.
  • Fixed the 'Ow My Balls!' medal to only apply from brute damage rather than both brute and burn damage.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

  • Job banning.
  • Genetic Researcher renamed to Geneticist.
  • Toxins Researcher renamed to Scientist.
  • Help reformatted.
  • Fixed a bug where combining bruise packs or ointments resulted in an incorrectly combined amount.
  • Renamed memory and add memory commands to Notes and Add Note.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

  • Medals! MEDALS!
  • Trimmed the excessively long changelog.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

  • Janitor job complete! Report any bugs to adminhelp

Saturday, March 7, 2009

  • Wizard now needs his staff for spells
  • Be careful with APCs now okay?!
  • Fixed Memory and made it more efficient in the code
  • Crowbars now open apcs, not screwdrivers. They do something else entirely
  • Hackable APCs
  • When APCs are emagged they now stay unlocked
  • Re-did a shit tonne of admin stuff
  • New admin system is pretty much finished
  • FINALLY backpacks can now be looked in while on the ground.

Februaray 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

  • Ghosts no longer able to open secret doors
  • Suicide vests now work as armor
  • Blood no longer comes out of the guy if you pull him due to lag
  • Admin panel has been touched up to include html tables
  • Mines now added, only spawnable right now however
  • Fixed the syndicate nuclear victory bug
  • Wizard now spawns with wizard outfit which he must wear to cast spells
  • Blood bug fixes
  • Fixed a retarded bug that meant I didn't have the power to kick admins
  • Several new facial hair options and a bitchin' mohawk
  • Blood by Culka
  • Nuke disk now spawns in ALL game modes so that during secret rounds the syndicate now have the element of surprise!

Saturday, February 22, 2009

  • Implemented unstable's "observer" mode
  • Halerina's wizard mode
  • Non-interesting stuff
  • Began addition to the new admin system - right now only available to coders for testing
  • Admins can now click on the multikeying offenders name to pm them, instead of hunting for them in the pm list
  • Halerina's chemistry system
  • You can now deathgasp without being dead, hopefully so people can fake their own deaths.
  • Redid Medlab
  • New chemist job

Thursday, February 19, 2009

  • New DNA system. 200th Revision special.
  • Various bugfixes
  • Maze

Monday, February 17, 2009

  • Added a new game mode into rotation.
  • Added an AI satellite
  • Lockdowns can be disabled with the communications console
  • Prison shuttle can be called on the comm console, but only if its enabled by admins first
  • When you slip into space you'll have a 50% chance of going to z=4 instead of z=3

Friday, February 13, 2009

  • Fixed Cakehat
  • Dead people can now see all turfs, mobs and objs not in their line of sight.
  • Modified the map slightly
  • Stungloves can now be "made"
  • Flashes can now have their bulbs burning out.
  • Batons can now be turned on and off for different effects. They also now have 10 uses before they need to be recharged.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

  • Fixed all the autoclose bugs
  • Due to it being myself and Keelin's 100th revision we have added a super-secret special item. Don't ask because we won't tell! Figure it out!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

  • Modified doors in engineering so that they do not autoclose - Autoclose now handled by a variable
  • Fixed toxin researcher spawn bug
  • Changed the "You hear a faint voice" message.
  • Gave the host new commands to disable admin jumping, admin reviving and admin item spawning
  • Fixed some airlock autoclose bugs
  • Changed some doors to not autoclose.
  • Nerfed the toolbox down.

Friday, February 6, 2009

  • Doors now close after 15 seconds
  • Fixed some p cool bugs
  • Cakehat
  • Added another suit
  • Walls now take 5 seconds to build
  • Added sam0rz, thesoldierlljk and kelson's revolution gamemode. Thanks guys!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

  • Fixed a couple of bugs
  • Improved bar ;)
  • Beer acts like pills and syringes

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

  • Added 'Make AI' Option for Admins
  • Added dissolving pills in beer (cyanide and sleeping pills)
  • Modified engine AGAIN, but personally I love it now

Monday, February 2, 2009

  • Moved bar due to popular demand
  • Captains room is now a security checkpoint
  • Assistants now have access to maint tunnels again
  • Courtroom
  • Engine has been redone slightly to make it easier to load
  • Nerfed beer a lot more

January 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

  • Added a bartender job + Bar
  • Captains panic room
  • Voice changer traitor item
  • Bartender suit
  • Made taking a table apart take longer
  • Balanced beer a bit more.
  • Assistants can no longer open external air locks and maint tunnels, sorry guys. Get a job you bums.
  • Engineers CAN access external air locks and maint tunnels.
  • Fixed traitor AI bug

Thursday, January 29, 2009

  • Added traitor menu for admins - The ability to turn people into "traitors" as well as keep track of their objectives.
  • Implemented Keelins revive system - Primary Admins can now revive people.
  • Moved and redid security to prevent clusterfucks and everyone just crowding around security.
  • Redid the brig to make it bigger and so that people can break others more easily out since it isn't right in security.
  • Moved and redid captains quarters/heads quarters. Captains made much smaller and heads is now more of a meeting room.
  • Added Stungloves and an axe - right now only admin spawnable.
  • Implemented Persh's adminjump back in - admins can now jump to set locations.
  • Added a feature that if someone logs off their character moves around and says things - Change what they say from the config/names/loggedsay.txt file.
  • Added in adminwho verb - tells the user if there are any admins on and who they are.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

  • Freedom implant has been changed so that it will have a random emote associated with it to activate it rather than always chuckle.
  • There is now a pinpointer tool for use in Nuclear Emergency. It works similar to the existing locator, in that it will detect the presence of nuclear disks and in what direction it is.
  • The nuke being detonated in Nuclear Emergency should now properly end the game.
  • Spacesuits now cause you to move slower when not in space.
  • Syndicate in Nuclear Emergency now have syndicate-themed spacesuits.
  • Blob mode should properly end now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

  • Syndicate Uplink has been changed up, allowing traitor more freedom in his ability to be... traitorus.
  • Syndicate Uplink can now spawn a ammo-357, syndicate card, energy sword, or timer bomb.
  • Fixed an issue where Syndicate Uplink looked different than a normal radio.

Monday, January 5, 2009

  • You can choose to be a nudist now.
  • Facial hair!
  • Added constructable flamethrowers.
  • Redid internal naming scheme for human/uniform sprites.
  • Helmet visors are now translucent.
  • Held item graphics corrected for basically everything, internally only uses one dmi file instead of two.
  • Config settings reorganized for.. organization.
  • Seperated male and female names.
  • Females have pink underwear.
  • Guests can no longer save/load profiles, as this just created useless profiles that weren't used again.
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