Foods and Drinks

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Food is what you eat. Drinks are what you drink. Here is a list of food/drink items and recipes for the Chef to utilize and the crew to enjoy. All heal amounts listed are the total amount the item will heal you if you eat it completely. Food will not heal if someone is injured past moderate (yellow) health. This list is by no means complete so keep experimenting.

Some of this shit has side-effects, so make sure you know what you're force feeding that assistant eating.


Icon Food Name Food Type Healing Info
Donut.png Donut Snack +3 2x recovery for Security, can also be frosted for x2 heal
Chips.png Crisps Snack +3 Extremely crunchy
Candy.png Candy Bar Snack +3 Nooget Bar
Meatball.png Meatball Snack +2 It's a meatball! This description didn't sound nearly as dumb back when it wasn't named that ingame.
Foodapple.png Apple Plant +3 Good at healing
Foodbanana.png Banana Plant +4 Peel it first!
Foodorange.png Orange Plant +3
Foodlemon.png Lemon Plant +4
Foodlime.png Lime Plant +4
Foodgrape.png Grapes Plant +5
Foodmelonslice.png Melon Slice Plant +2 Slice a watermelon with something sharp to get six of these
Foodtomato.png Tomato Plant +1 Will splat if thrown
Foodchili.png Chili Pepper Plant +2 Warms you up when applied to food and eaten
Foodcarrot.png Carrot Plant +3
Foodspinach.png Lettuce Leaf Plant +1
Foodslurry.png Slurryfruit Plant Bad Poisonous
Foodyuck.png ????? Failed Dish Bad The result of a bad recipe
Foodburnt.png Smoldering Mess Failed Dish Bad The result of overcooking something


Icon Drink Name Type Available From Info
DrinkBeer.png Space Beer alcohol Bar Standard alcoholic drink
DrinkCider.png Cider alcohol Bar Slightly stronger than beer
DrinkWine.png Wine alcohol Bar Fairly strong
DrinkVodka.png Vodka alcohol Bar Very strong
Bo Jack Daniel's.png Jack Daniel's Reserve alcohol Bar A real man's drink
DrinkStink.png Stinkeye's Special Reserve alcohol Bar Holy shit never drink this
DrinkCola.png Space Cola soda Cafe, Vendor
DrinkRobusteez.png Robust-Eez soda Robust-Eez Vendor Carbonated Robusting Tonic
DrinkGrifeo.png Grife-O soda Grife-O Vendor Contains ACTUAL space dust
DrinkPubber.png Dr. Pubber soda Robust-Eez Vendor Makes you sleepy
DrinkGrones.png Grones Soda soda Robust-Eez Vendor Comes in random flavors
DrinkSpooky.png Spooky Dan's soda Grife-O Vendor Not industrial runoff. Nope!
DrinkLimeaid.png Lime-Aid other Robust-Eez Vendor Contains Antihol, fights alcohol
DrinkOrangeaid.png Orange-Aid soda Grife-O Vendor Helps recover eye damage
DrinkDecirprevo.png Decirprevo Water soda Soda Vendors Just plain old water
DrinkCoffee.png Coffee other Vendor Makes you jittery
DrinkMilk.png Milk other Bar Good for you
Happy Elf Hot Chocolate.png Happy Elf Hot Chocolate Coffee Vendor Vendor Warms you up incredibly quick
Weight-Loss Shake.png Chicken Soup other Coffee Vendor Can cure minor diseases
Weight-Loss Shake.png Weight-Loss Shake other Coffee Vendor Can cure no diseases

Other Food-Related Items

Icon Name Info
Spoon.png Spoon Needed to eat certain dishes
Fork.png Fork Needed to eat certain dishes
Knife.png Knife Used for cutting certain items - not that good a melee weapon
Rolling Pin.png Rolling Pin Hits fairly hard
Bananapeel.png Banana Peel Slippery. Created from peeling a banana, obviously
Fish.png Fish Can be used to slap people around

Chef's Cookbook

Here's where the real fun starts. Most of the ingredients needed by the Chef should be in the Kitchen/Freezer lockers or can be grown for you in Hydroponics; however, some recipes may require items from elsewhere on the Station. Some of these recipes have benefits and downsides, so be wary.


Short list of items that will be your ingredients. This is everything a good Chef need to make even most crazy dish.

Icon Ingredient Name Available From
IngFlour.png Flour Foodtech Machine or process from Wheat
IngSugar.png Sugar Foodtech Machine or process from Sugarcane
IngOatmeal.png Oatmeal Foodtech Machine
IngMeat.png Human Meat Put people in gibber
IngMeat.png Monkey Meat Skewer monkeys on spike
IngMeat.png Synthetic Meat Hydroponics
IngFMeat.png Fish Fillet Comes in different kinds
IngMMeat.png Mystery Meat Raking through gibs - dubious nutritional value
Brain.png Brain Robotics
Butt.png Butt Robotics
Foodapple.png Apple Hydroponics
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Hydroponics
Watermelon.png Watermelon Hydroponics
Potato.png Potato Hydroponics
Mushroom.png Mushroom Hydroponics
Foodtomato.png Tomato Hydroponics
Foodchili.png Chili Pepper Hydroponics
IngEgg.png Egg Kitchen locker
DrinkMilk.png Milk Kitchen
IngCheese.png Cheese Kitchen refridgerator
SpaghettiBoxV2.png Spaghetti Kitchen refridgerator
Chocolate Bar.png Chocolate bar Pour some Happy Elf Hot Chocolate into a glass, beaker, spray bottle and throw, splash or spray.
Pb.png Peanut Butter Kitchen

Ingredient Processing

The Processor in kitchen storage is important too! With it, you can turn items into different forms, which may be more useful, or usable in recipes.

Produced Item Recepie Creation Method Info
IngFlour.png Flour Foodwheat.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor
IngSugar.png Sugar Sugarcane.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor
IngDough.png Dough IngFlour.png Kitchen Sink.pngKitchen sink
IngSDough.png Sweet dough IngDough.png+IngSugar.png In hand
IngCDough.png x4 Cookie dough IngSDough.png + Knife.png In Hand Can use any cutting object, probably shouldn't be eaten raw!
Ice cream cone.png Ice cream cone IngSDough.png + IngSugar.png Oven.png 1 second, low
Cake batter.png Cake batter IngSDough.png + IngEgg.png + IngEgg.png Mixer
Loaf of Bread.png Loaf of bread IngDough.png Oven.png Oven
Slice of bread.png Slice of bread Loaf of Bread.png+Knife.png In hand
Bananabread.png Loaf of banana bread IngDough.png + IngSugar.png + Foodbanana.png Oven.png Oven Should probably peel the banana first!
Bananaslice.png Slice of banana bread Bananabread.png+Knife.png In hand
Meatball.png Meatball IngMeat.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor Works with any kind of meat.
Meatball.png Brain Meatball Brain.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor
Meatball.png Butt Meatball Butt.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor May make you sick
Meatpaste.png Meat paste IngMeat.png / IngFMeat.png Mixer.pngMixer Works with any kind of meat or fish.
CondKtch.png Tomato sauce Foodtomato.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor Condiment - can be applied to any food
CondHot.png Hot Sauce Foodchili.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor Condiment - can be applied to any food, is as spicy as the chili it came from
CondMayo.png Mayonnaise IngEgg.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more
Cream.png Cream DrinkMilk.png Foor Processor.pngFood processor Condiment - can be applied to any food, making it heal more
Custard.png Custard DrinkMilk.png+IngEgg.png Oven.pngOven
Unfinished Pizza base.png Unfinished pizza base IngDough.png+ Rolling Pin.png In hand
Half-finished pizza base.png Half-finished pizza base Unfinished Pizza base.png+ CondKtch.png In hand
Pizza base.png Pizza base Half-finished pizza base.png+ IngCheese.png In hand
Tortilla.png x3 Tortilla Unfinished Pizza base.png + Knife.png In Hand Can use any cutting object
Foodmelonslice.png x6 Melon Slices Watermelon.png + Knife.png In Hand Can use any cutting object (knife, scalpel, axe, etc)
IngFMeat.png Fish Fillet Fish.png + Knife.png In Hand Different kinds of fish exist
Potatochips.png Chips Potato.png + Knife.png In Hand Once to peel, twice to chop into chips
WontonWrapper.png Wonton wrapper IngFlour.png + IngEgg.png Mixer.png Three wrappers for the price of one

Deep Frier

Every food can be deep fried, so can other items. Traitor items, fire extinguishers, ID Card's, pretty much anything you can think of besides containers.

Main course

This is a list of probably not remotely all of chef's dishes. Enjoy - Bork Bork Bork.

Produced Item Recipe Creation method Time & Temperature Info
Toast.png Toast Slice of bread.png Oven.png Oven 5 seconds, low
Cheese on Toast.png Cheese on toast Slice of bread.png + IngCheese.png Oven.png Oven 5 seconds, low
Cheese Sandwich.png Cheese sandwich Slice of bread.png + IngCheese.png + Slice of bread.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, low
Meat Sandwich.png Meat sandwich Slice of bread.png + IngMeat.png + Slice of bread.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, low
Pbsandwich.png Peanut Butter Sandwich Slice of bread.png + Pb.png + Slice of bread.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, low
Fooddpocket.png Donk pocket IngDough.png + Meatball.png Oven.png Oven 7 seconds, high
Cookedbacon.png Bacon Rawbacon.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high
Hotdog0.png/Hotdog1.png Hotdog Meatball.png + Meatball.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, low Use a slice of bread on it to apply the bun.
Corndog.png Corndog Hotdog1.png + Rods In Hand N/A More filling than a regular hotdog.
Taco.png Taco Tortilla.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, low Don't forget to add meat (Any kind), cheese, and sauce after cooking the shell!
Burger.png Burger IngDough.png + IngMeat.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high You can make normal, double or triple burger by adding one, two or three pieces of meat.
Burger.png Cheeseburger IngDough.png + IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png Oven.png Oven 7 Seconds, High A burger, with cheese.
Burger.png Monkey Cheese Burger IngDough.png + IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png Oven.png Oven 7 Seconds, High Must use Monkey Meat specifically
The Coronator.png Coronator IngDough.png + IngMeat.png + IngMeat.png + IngCheese.png Oven.png Oven 9 Seconds, Low/High Crazy huge burger that will probably make you sick.
File:THE MONSTER.png THE MONSTER The Coronator.png + The Coronator.png + The Coronator.png + The Coronator.png Oven.png Oven 9 Seconds, Low You'll get sick and die.
Foodbrainburger.png Brain burger IngDough.png + Brain.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high Almost like a regular burger. Except with kuru.
Foodassburger.png Ass burger IngDough.png + Butt.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high May cause sickness and/or kuru.
Foodroburger.png Roburger IngDough.png + RobotHead.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high May cause eruptive 'borging
Foodbrainburger.png Dubious burger IngDough.png + IngMMeat.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high Bit nastier than a regular burger
Foodfishburger.png Fish burger IngDough.png + IngFMeat.png Oven.png Oven 7 seconds, high Type of fish used doesn't matter
Steak.png Steak IngMeat.png Oven.png Oven 9 seconds, low MMHMM, THIS TASTE DELICIOUS
Fish fingers.png Fish fingers IngFMeat.png Oven.png Oven 9 seconds, low The type of fish used is irrelevant.
Baked potato.png Baked potato Potato.png Oven.png Oven 9 seconds, High
Fries.png Fries Potatochips.png Oven.png Oven 7 seconds, Low
Bacon and eggs.png Bacon and eggs Rawbacon.png + IngEgg.png Microwave.png Microwave N/A Requires fork
SpagP.png Plain Spaghetti SpaghettiBoxV2.png Oven.png Oven 8 seconds, high Requires fork
SpagT.png Spaghetti in sauce SpaghettiBoxV2.png+CondKtch.png Oven.png Oven 8 seconds, high Requires fork
SpagS.png Spaghetti arrabiata SpaghettiBoxV2.png+CondHot.png Oven.png Oven 8 seconds, high Requires fork, warms you up
SpagM.png Spaghetti with meatballs SpaghettiBoxV2.png+Meatball.png Oven.png Oven 8 seconds, high Requires fork
Plain pizza.png Plain pizza Pizza base.png Oven.png Oven 9 seconds, high
Meat pizza.png Meat pizza Pizza base.png+IngMeat.png Oven.png Oven 9 seconds, high
Mushroom pizza.png Space mushroom pizza Pizza base.png+Mushroom.png Oven.png Oven 9 seconds, high
Donut.png Donut IngDough.png + IngFlour.png Oven.png Oven 3 seconds, low
Foodcookies.gif Cookie IngCDough.png Oven.png Oven 2 seconds, high Can be baked with oatmeal or a candy bar for different flavors of cookie.
Foodwaffles.png Waffles IngSDough.png + IngDough.png Oven.png Oven 10 seconds, low
Creamy Pie.png Creamy pie IngSDough.png + Cream.png Oven.png Oven 2 seconds, high Requires spoon
Pie.png Custard pie IngSDough.png + Custard.png Oven.png Oven 2 seconds, high Requires spoon
Apple Pie.png Apple pie IngSDough.png + Foodapple.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high Requires spoon
Pumpkin pie.png Pumpkin pie IngSDough.png + Pumpkin.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high Requires spoon
Lemon pie.png Lemon meringue pie IngSDough.png + Foodlemon.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high Requires spoon
Lime pie.png Key lime pie IngSDough.png + Foodlime.png Oven.png Oven 6 seconds, high Requires spoon
Asspie.png Asspie IngSDough.png + Butt.png Oven.png Oven 8 seconds, high
Creamy sponge cake.png Creamy sponge cake Cake batter.png + Cream.png Oven.png Oven 7 seconds, high
Chocolate Sponge Cake.png Chocolate sponge cake Cake batter.png + Chocolate Bar.png Oven.png Oven 7 seconds, high
Meat Cake.png Meat cake Cake batter.png + IngMeat.png Oven.png Oven 7 seconds, high
Foodgmelon.pngGeorge Melon Watermelon.png + Meatball.png In Hand N/A Must be sliced before eating
Foodgmelonslice.png x6 George Melon Slices Foodgmelon.png + Knife.png In Hand N\A Slices have a random effect on the consumer
Mashed brains.png Mashed brains Brain.png + Mixer.png Oven.png 5 seconds, high Good brain food
Meatloaf.png Meatloaf Meatpaste.png Oven.png 6 seconds, high Requires fork
Mapleoatmeal.png Maple oatmeal IngOatmeal.png Oven.png 6 seconds, high Requires spoon
MeatRangoon.png X rangoon X + WontonWrapper.png Frier.png Use X on wrapper, then fry
Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs